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August POTM Nominations Please (Open 7 days)

Started by Kirok, September 01, 2021, 04:32:37 PM

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Please submit your August POTM nomination.
This tread will close in 7 days.

I would like to nominate Kyan's epic battle with Alpha:

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



Not going to lie, this month/mission had been particularly difficult to assess.
There are so many hundreds of amazing posts from so many talented and creative writers that I had enormous difficulties deciding for just a few.
Hence this selection featuring only active player characters as well as only Katra-originals.
I am sorry to all the amazing guest players, people who had to leave us in the meantime as well as our temporary NPC-reinforcements, but sadly I had to draw the line somewhere, and since the POTM pre-choices are station bound, I deemed this the best possible strategy.


My first nomination goes to Griff, for his introduction of Deej Cloten, a hilariously mischievous new character of a gorgeous new species.
I enjoy all of Deej's (And Gop Gop's)  posts and they have easily become one of my favourite story arcs to read along, but this one here is definitely a rib tickler and sets the scene for insanity.

Quote from: Gideon Drake on August 01, 2021, 07:15:01 PM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon "Griff" Drake, callsign "Gryphon" | Scoutship Squall | Traffic around Katra Station]

Griff couldn't believe he was handling a dispute like this. It was his job at the moment to monitor traffic around Katra Station that's risen lately, and he often had to take the Squall out to escort the docking ships safely in or to often use the Squall like a tugboat: tractor the ships in safely. It was better than having to sit monotonously at Ops watching them and warning, something Lieutenant Ferris would do.

Right now, however, he's having to deal with the skippers of two ships wanting to make a priority dock for loading and offloading, all while there's transporting of new personnel embarking and disembarking. One was a Chelon from Rigel, big old bloke, looked like a turtle that could make a Klingon wee himself. Besides, Griff recognized the Chelon; his name was Kayad, and he was the old family butler, who transferred to work cargo liners under his father's recommendation. The ship he was in charge of was a cargo ship from the family company, and clearly, he had been wanting to get to the priority dock. Whether to see him or not, or to be the company's representative on Katra, Griff couldn't tell.

The second was a newcomer, but a species Griff had heard tell. The little git was a Vulpian; just as how Caitians resemble cat people, Vulpians, originating from the Inari system, resemble dogs, particularly pointy-eared dogs, often wolves. Except they look like dogs that stood upright and aren't so much humanoid as they are more lupine. This one, however, he was quite a runt. Except he had a temper that could rival a Chelon's height.

"Can we get this over with?!?" snapped the Vulpian. "I'm anxious to get my goods in as fast as I can!"

"Your goods?" replied old Kayad in a stuffy voice typical of a butler. "I can assure you, my goods are more essential than yours. Besides, why should yours be higher priority? It doesn't take a Ferengi could tell your goods are more contraband, the way you look."

"Contraband my ass!" snapped the Vulpian. "The Gamma Quadrant's an opportunity too good to be true!"

"All right, shut your whingeing a mo', you two!" snapped Griff. He reminded himself he was only mediating because one of the parties was from his family's shipping company. The two skippers and their attendants...well, for the Vulpian, he looks more like a lackey, and a gormless idiot who looked like he could work for free...

"Okay, mister...?" He asked, turning to the Vulpian.

"Cloten!" he snapped. "Deej Cloten."

"First of all, what brings you to Katra?"

"Whaddya think?!?" snarled Cloten. "I'm wanting to open an establishment here. This side of the Wormhole, dealing direct with the yokels of the quadrant, it's a business opportunity!"

Griff blinked. Bloody hell, he thought to himself. We're about to get a Quark. A poor man's Quark at that.

"Well, we do have plenty of establishments here," said Griff, putting on his company face and tone, "and you're going to have to meet with somebody of higher authority to...what is your intended establishment?"

"Gaming joint and watering hole," Cloten replied, "the kinds of which people will pay big money to get their hands on. The rare kinds."

We are getting a poor man's Quark. "Mister Cloten," said Griff patiently but sternly, "we already have a casino, and what sort of rare goods are you intending?"

"Like I said, the rare of the rare."

"Nothing illegal, I hope?"

"Would it matter if I could be rolling in latinum?" Cloten replied, narrowing his eyes.

Griff narrowed his eyes back at him. The little git would make quite a Ferengi, maybe worse than Quark. Half his height as he is, this was one bugger not to muck with. His sympathetic angling would be more to help Kayad, let him pass first, but on the other hand, the little git who could shout and potentially curse out a blue streak could give him trouble...


My next nomination goes to Schatzi, who gives us yet another beautiful, sensitive post of him demonstrating his interpersonal- and counselling skills in the face of trauma and embarrassment.

Quote from: Schatzi Jyur on August 07, 2021, 09:41:28 AM

[ Katra Station - Counselor's Office ]

Zero nodded as EQ queried about his title. "It is, but you can call me Zero if it makes you more comfortable," he offered, smiling. As he detailed what had happened, he nodded along, occasionally jotting down some notes about his story. He glanced up, a look of concern softly etching his features.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, an experience like that is very traumatic, it's natural to react with extreme fear," He tried to reassure the man as he looked like he wanted the ground to swallow him whole.

"Coping skill are just actions you can do to calm yourself down." He chuckled. "Not hypnosis, unfortunately there's no quick fix for curing nightmares and bad memories. However improving coping skills can help you to react less violently when you do have those thoughts and memories." As the man took a sip of his tea, he took note of the Doctor he named. Perhaps he would shoot them a message at a later date, to coordinate treatment.

"Of course, this is a safe space. You can tell me anything in confidentiality."


My next nomination goes to Eydis who demonstrates a great grasp and portrayal of the peaks and chasms of Tholian society and their perception of outsider individuals.
Playing a member of a society that thinks and feels fundamentally different from humanoids can be quite the challenge, but I think Eydis rocks it with ease.

Quote from: Eydis on August 14, 2021, 11:53:57 AM

And so the rogue lonar is Kirok guest. Then the rogue is of the federation and not of his people. This has only happen a few times in all of my people's history and those who do it are terminated. The tholian people the assembly exists and have always held a narrative of unity and purpose.

It was the rogue who decided his own fate and to serve no purpose for his own people. I'm curious friend zex I have seen you stand up for individuals which is admirable to see  but it is a humaniod narrative and concept foreign to us. The unity and purpose provided by our collective Narrative had seen the tholian people live in galaxy hostile and filled with humaniod life. That unity is what made us strong, gave purpose to all. None where born without purpose or reason.

To reject his purpose and the caste system is to reject his people entirely . There is no incremental rejection. I'm sorry my decision or words have hurt your my friend zex. That was not my intention, but I do serve my people over all else. My purpose and reason for being is to serve my people and interests of the assembly. Individuality is a shallow thing to a tholian. In that way we shall more with the borg then the federation .  The collective is the reason and purpose for a tholian to be. Simply being because of self will is absurd.

I'm aware and acknowledge the distress this causes you my friend zex. If you wish to stay with the rogue Lonar. It will not harm our friendship  on my half for you to do so
Eydis would then look to Sirol and nod briefly in response to her asking if she should contact Kirok. Yes that would be appreciated.  Where is the hatchling and the healer now. Please invite them and hatchlings adoptive parent to meet with me whenever possible. The hatchling must visit tholia prime shortly to be included in the collective .

My next nomination goes to Xasik for his outstanding and heartwarming insights into the mind of his baby Tholian Emerald who has easily become an adored and beloved side character to many of us.
Just as with Eydis in the above post, the prospect of giving insights into a fundamentally different mindset and emotion - in this case those of a baby - is always particularly fascinating to me.

Quote from: Xasik on August 17, 2021, 01:17:05 AM

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]

Emerald chirped happily as they watched Peylix tap the sphere. They reached out their tiny arms and made grabbing motions as they tried to reach the one who hummed so soothingly. They loved this parent because they were the same. It was not something the hatchling understood or could even begin to decipher yet, but rather something on an instinctual level that drew them to the other Tholian for love and support. Emerald was always excited to see the Humming One (Peylix).

Emerald loved all of their parents, even if they didn't understand that yet. The one who made soft sounds (Sirol) always drew their attention and soothed them in a way that the other two could not. It was beyond Emerald's understanding why but whenever the soft one entered the room they felt happiest and safest. The Soft One also had green eyes the same colour as they were. They had first noticed this by stretching out their arms towards the Soft One and observing their arms compared to the vibrant eyes staring back at them. It drew Emerald to this parent even more and made them feel safe.

The sharp One (Xasik) was the one who Emerald saw most often. When the other two parents disappeared it was always the Sharp One that stayed with Emerald. The Sharp one gave off the vibes of a protector which allowed the hatchling to feel safe and secure. This parent was rougher than the other two in tone but every bit as gentle as the Soft One and the Humming One. Instinctually Emerald had picked up on the friction between the Sharp One and the Humming One. They didn't understand it but it unsettled them. It even caused them to squeak a distress call on occasion to get their attention and stop the tension. Around the Soft One the Sharp One was softer in his tones, but around the Humming One his tone once again was rough and defensive. Emerald loved the Sharp One and the time they spent together but enjoyed the times when all three parents were together most of all.

The Humming One was currently the centre of Emerald's focus as they tapped on the bubble around them.
"œSqueak! Chirp! Squeak squeak! Chirp!" Emerald happily reacted and reached out their hands. They had noticed the Sharp One reaching for the shiny covering and had gotten excited for that. When the Sharp One and the Soft One reached for their coverings it often meant that they would snuggle with Emerald outside of their nest (the EV Tank). It was the thing the hatchling loved the most. The bubble was a new experience but from their own limited experience, when the parents entered the humming place only good things happened.
Looking towards the doorway where the parents often came and disappeared though, Emerald tried to find any trace of the Soft One. They had heard her soft tones before but had not seen her and this somewhat distressed the hatchling. Their attention was again captured by a finger tapping on the bubble.

Xasik noticed Peylix's attention towards Emerald and smiled to himself. He pretended not to notice to avoid making the healer uncomfortable, but couldn't help but watch the pair from the corner of his eye as he secured his suit in place. It warmed his heart to see Emerald so happy and lively around the healer. Of course he understood that Emerald was still only a baby and didn't understand the complicated workings of the world around them, or the relationships of those closest to them, but the simple joy this hatchling had in simply seeing a familiar face was enough to make anyone forget their troubles for just a moment of innocent bliss.

It hadn't escaped Xasik's attention that He, Sirol and Peylix were the three consistent influences on Emerald since his hatching day and that they three were the ones Emerald got most excited to see. It also hadn't escaped his knowledge that a typical Tholian family unit consisted of three adults each contributing to raising the children together. It had crossed his mind that in Emerald's innocent baby mind they were his trio of parents. He wasn't sure exactly how he felt about that thought. He and Peylix were not really on the best of terms and often he thought he caught  glimpses of Peylix and Sirol cosying up to each other. Often when they were working together they would stand close to each other. Part of him wasn't surprised in the least bit, Sirol did come off as kinda Tholian in the way she conducted herself and she did get along very well with Peylix. He had never witnessed anything negative pass between them. Maybe Sirol really did have the soul of a Tholian"¦..a Soulian if you will. Xasik snorted at his thoughts as he finished securing his suit. He tried not to let any sour thoughts cloud his judgement. Now was not the time.
It was hard to contain his chuckle as he entered the quarantine room. He found it highly amusing that his hamster ball comment had been adapted by the two strangers. He found it even more amusing that Peylix had felt the need to correct them and not him earlier. He supposed that the Tholian was getting used to his sense of humour, or at least his manner of speaking. In any case, it almost seemed like Peylix tolerated his presence and that was good enough for now.
When the ECS was handed to him by Peylix, Xasik cradled it gently with both hands and looked inside at the excited little hatchling. He knew that Emerald more than likely was expecting to be snuggled and he felt guilty that this time he would be unable to comply. If they had to leave in a hurry then Emerald would be safest in his baby bubble.

Deciding to conserve energy, Xasik made himself comfortable on the floor, leaning back against the wall. He held the ECS protectively and mirrored the actions Peylix had been doing moments before, gently tapping the bubble to amuse the hatchling and enjoy the happy little squeaks he got in return. He was only half listening to the conversation going on around him.

Xasik looked up from the ECS and eyed Peylix curiously. His face was obscured by the tint of his visor so he was doubtful that the Tholian would catch his stare. The way they had phased their comment about Sirol relaying her thoughts had come off as odd to him. He wasn't sure why, but it just did.
"œShe relayed her thoughts?" He questioned from his position on the ground. He had heard Peylix refer to Tholians relaying their thoughts over the Lattice, but never had they used the term when referring to a verbal conversation. Maybe it was just in bis mind and he was looking too deeply into it.
His heart tightened as he thought of Lieutenant Sirol. She was out there somewhere in the middle of the chaos, not in the lab in the safety of the quarantine room with them. He had no doubt that she was smart enough to seek somewhere safe and look after herself, but he couldn't help the sting of worry that was now coursing through his veins.
Without thinking about it, he reached up and tapped his comm badge.
"œSpecialist Freeman to Lieutenant Sirol. Are you safe? With everything going on, I just wanted to make sure you were okay. Peylix, Little Pebble and I are safe inside the quarantine room with Ruthie and Meros. Emerald misses you. They keep looking towards the door for you."
Right on cue, Emerald started chirping, clicking and squeaking.


My last submission goes to Serena. Not just does her writer - once more - a masterful job at her profession, worldbuilding and literacy, but also her witty situational comedy make this post a true piece of brain candy.

Quote from: Serena King on August 25, 2021, 02:41:10 AM

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | Inner Citadel]


Serena looked at her PADD. Though she knew Zex was on her way (thank you, Spalding), she had started taking people off duty to give them some power naps. Gritting her teeth, she thought briefly. "Gardner! Take Higgins with you to the Outer Citadel! We got a Deltan Ensign who needs to be brought inside the Inner Citadel!" The two named Engineers charged off.

Serena brought up the feed that Zex was talking about and slapped her forehead hard, then said a string of high, nasal Cantonese which the Universal Translator didn't bother translating. "Katra's Main Engineering is made up of two Citadels. This is more extensive than a starship's because more physical security is needed due to the size and inability to secure such a large compartment. Both are made of strengthened materials, more exotic than Duranium and whatever else a station or ship hull is made from. It's a fabulously expensive and time consuming process. When the Snake was blocking transporters, it was founding anything inside a protected hull has no issues. They beamed through the Outer Citadel and now they're at the junction. They can't get through the Inner Citadel, that's even more secure and made of energy scattering materials. Transporter beams would dissipate." She paused, waving her arms in the air as she talked out loud.

"Make a hole!" Serena shouted, barging through Engineering, ending up at one of the small workbenches, from which she pulled out a breadboard and a cart full of spare parts. Hammering away at the Replicator, it produced a small mountain of components. By this point, those Engineers not on duty were crowding around. Pulling the Hyperspanner from her pocket, the other Engineers were trying, without much success to follow the movements, but they knew a maestro was at work. The eyes were darting about the components, moving fast enough to be a blur. The hands were twirling instruments and making connections with the skill of a surgeon (though respectfully to them, they had nanites and their subjects had larger blood vessels or parts... These components often measured in the picometre range), darting about, assembling, fusing. She couldn't even spare a moment to flick away the lock of sweat soaked hair, but instead pulled away long enough to shake the sweat away.

"Not bad. Should work." When she straightened up, it was about the size of a shoebox. There was componentry going in every single direction, with enough wires, chips, transtators and technology jammed in every which way. "Pull everyone into the inner core. Try and get OPS to send security down here." Tucking the box under one arm, she then went to an emergency locker and pulled out a few things, stuffing them into her pockets.

Serena led the small group back to Main Engineering. "If I'm not back in fifteen minutes, I expect all of you to comport yourselves in the finest traditions of the Engineer and sell your lives dearly." The assembled Engineers snapped to attention as she exited the Inner Citadel.

[Katra Station | Main Engineering | Outside Citadel near Hunter location]

"Serena King, Engineering. Ow, my knees!"

Serena had kicked the ceiling panel and dropped into the corridor, landing in a classic hero pose, one knee on the deck, the other stretched out behind her. One arm outstretched, almost touching the ground, the other still clutching the breadbox. However, she had promptly toppled over, having badly bruised her already fragile knees. One of the many occupational hazards of being an Engineer that had to kneel in Jeffries Tubes and her knees weren't in the best shape.

As expected, she ended up a few metres away from where the Hunters were wrecking the primary ODN junction. Startled (though their helmets hid any facial expressions), they stopped. All of them towered over the diminutive Engineer. "Where was I? Oh, yes, Serena King, Engineering." She set the breadbox down carefully, straightening up slowly, hands on her knees gently massaging them. "I'm unarmed, as you can see. You'll find Engineers, we're a lovely bunch. We have no idea what happens most times, just that we deal with technology and we fix things when they don't work. We hide ourselves away and we never really get outside of our Engine rooms, because we'd rather deal with machines than people. I'm going to put my hands in my pockets for a second. I'm still unarmed, by the way, but I need to get something." She reached into her pockets, pulled out some longish sticks. Chemical flares, ignited them, tossed a few around, giving the compartment an eerie glow.

Almost as one, the Hunters tilted their heads slightly as Serena stooped to pick up her breadbox. She pressed a control. There was an almighty ear whine that built up to a screech when suddenly all the electronics went out. The lights went dark, along with everything else in the corridor. Even the air recirculators stopped. So did the Hunter's illuminated helmets. The Hunters tried to use their energy crossbows, but all it did was make a satisfying click but nothing happened. Even their personal shields were inoperative. "If there's something you must also learn. You break it, you have to pay the price. Electromagnetic Pulse."

Serena turned slightly side on, left foot forward, lowering her right hand behind her. She raised her left hand and beckoned. "As the Ancient Greeks of Earth used to say: Molon Labe. Come and get me."

The first Hunter charged forward. Serena dodged backwards slightly, one hand wrapping around his punch, her leg darting out. She slapped him on the chest, causing him to flip over her leg and land on his tailbone. The second Hunter snarled and also charged. This time, Serena had to move a bit more. She wrapped her arm around his, leg also darting out and moving a bit more and slapped him on the back, sending the Hunter face first over her leg and onto the deck.

"Engineers." Serena grinned broadly, but then stepped back as the two Hunters got back to their feet, they formed a solid wall with the others and started to advance. "Now would be a really good time for Security to show up." She muttered as she started backing away.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Serena King

S3M8 Best Laid Plans, Post #39, Doctor Xiiv, some great beside care

S3M8 Best Laid Plans, Post #52, Sirol, very good character and world building

S3M8 Best Laid Plans, Post #53, Kyan, one of the funniest posts ever!

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


These are my POTM nominations. All are beautifully written, very descriptive and allowed me to perfectly envision the scene portrayed. I thoroughly enjoyed these.

Sirol - This was a very emotional post that made me tear up with happiness while reading it. Extremely well written. Very vivid imagery. It really touched my heart to see Sirol so happy and feeling whole again. LATTICE FOREVER

Kirok  (NPC3) - Vivid wordplay that really let me imagine I was there, really loved the use of onomatopoeia. Very dramatic!

Serena - Love the detail you always put into your posts. The little tidbits of information flesh out your characters and scenes so well


Quote from: Serena King on September 02, 2021, 07:24:57 AM

S3M8 Best Laid Plans, Post #53, Kyan, one of the funniest posts ever!

I'll 2nd this one.

Anyone want to 2nd any of the above.

If so, please do do in the next 2-3 of days

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie

I'll second this one from Xasik. His story with Emerald has been a lot of fun to read, and I love everything about it. The players, the contradictions (A Reman raising a Tholian baby!?), and the relationships being build. Fantastic!


Quote from: Xasik on September 04, 2021, 09:54:26 PM

Serena - Love the detail you always put into your posts. The little tidbits of information flesh out your characters and scenes so well

My vote second to this little piece of candy. ^.^

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Serena King

Quote from: Xasik on September 04, 2021, 09:54:26 PM

These are my POTM nominations. All are beautifully written, very descriptive and allowed me to perfectly envision the scene portrayed. I thoroughly enjoyed these.

Sirol - This was a very emotional post that made me tear up with happiness while reading it. Extremely well written. Very vivid imagery. It really touched my heart to see Sirol so happy and feeling whole again. LATTICE FOREVER

I'll second this one

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)


The polls is up.
It will close on 9/14 unless there is a clear winner before hand.

Go Vote!

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Kyan Mackenzie


Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Serena King

I am humbled. I would like to shout out to all the other candidates and the great writers we have in our group! ;D

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

🡱 🡳

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