Gamma Quadrant Cartography

Started by Solluk, January 10, 2019, 03:23:43 PM

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The Trialus System - Our Home
The Trialus system is part of the Trialus sector, located approximately 20 light-years from the Gamma Quadrant end of the Bajoran wormhole.  It has a single F-class star with a single planet, Meridian, which was once trapped in a periodic trans-dimensional sympathetic instability that shifted the world between our universe and an alternate universe where everything exists as patterns of thought and energy.   It has since been stabilized in our reality, and Katra Station is currently situated in orbit of the planet.

Despite having only one planet, the Trialus system is a robust system with multiple objects contained within it.  The system's Kuiper Belt, which extends from 10 to 1000 AU, contains over 35,000 objects which measure over 100 kilometers in size.  The Oort cloud, which extends to 10,000 AU, contains trillions of objects larger than 1 kilometer in size.  Smaller objects are beyond counting.

Due to potential sensor interference caused by the numerous objects in the Oort cloud, Katra runabouts have towed six automated sensor platforms to the outer edge of the Oort cloud to act as an early warning system in the event of hostile approach.   They work by providing a sensor comparison to signals on the far end of the cloud, allowing Katra to resolve any sensor shadows created by obscuring objects.  These sensor platforms can also act as communications relays, granting high speed subspace communications throughout the sector.

In addition to these automated sensor platforms, Katra regularly sends small warp-capable craft to patrol the inner reaches of the system.  The goal is that these patrol craft are able to respond to any problem inside the Oort Cloud in a matter of 20 minutes or less.  To accomplish this, patrolling craft tend to circulate through an orbit half-way between the station and the Oort Cloud.

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The Trialus Sector and Surrounding Space

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