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Images of Katra Station

Started by Solluk, January 10, 2019, 12:08:22 PM

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Duty station locations in relation to the Command Chair (front and center - facing the viewscreen)
(Clockwise to the Right)
Operations main console
Auxiliary console (reconfigurable, faces the Station Commander's office door)
XO's console
Security/Tactical console (faces towards the wall between the turbolift and the door to the corridor, directly opposite the Command Chair)(re-enigineered to face inwards now towards the center console)
Science  (opposite the aux console)
Flight  (to the immediate left of the Command Chair)

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




The Medical Station Walk-In Clinics are abbreviated versions of the main medbay with the capacity to treat one patient at a time, and are generally intended for fully ambulatory patients with minor complaints.  The single bed in the Medical Station is equipped for surgery if necessary, primarily for instances of minor surgical procedures or emergency care during crisis scenarios when the main medbay is full or out of reach.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




Katra's Main Medbay has been upgraded into a full hospital facility in the wake of the Dosi incident.  This includes fourteen standard treatment beds, three medical labs, two surgical suites, three isolated treatment rooms, two private examination rooms, two private patient interview rooms, a full morgue with two forensic examination tables, a Chief Medical Office, and a sixteen seat reception area.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




The Arboretum is approximately 50 meters square, featuring 25 carefully manicured trees and numerous smaller plants and shrubbery.  There is an overlook on the deck above for those who prefer to enjoy the nature from a distance.  A false sky is projected on the ceiling of the arboretum, giving the sense of a sunny day on a temperate world.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:



Katra Reactor Core Room

Katra's Matter/Antimatter reactor was initially a surplus warp core from an Aerie Class starship.  This provided more than enough power for its initial defense suite.

In the wake of the Dosi incident, the station received major upgrades, including a massive matter-antimatter core taken from the Kolsara III research outpost, which was decommissioned three years previously.  The USS Mughi towed the core to the Trialus system and helped to install it over the course of a 30 day field refit.  This core provides five times more power than the previous Aerie Class core, and is expected to exceed Katra Station's power needs in perpetuity.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




The main and secondary armories are consistently manned by an armory officer whose security access code is required to open the inner door that accesses the weapons room.  The weapons room contains 24 phaser rifles in a condition ready to be used, as well as 8 large equipment lockers which contain 30 security tricorders, 30 Type I and 60 II hand phasers, 60 photon grenades, 240 spare energy powercells, and an additional 24 phaser rifles in a state of disassembly for storage.

In addition to the main armory, there are a number of small, secure weapons lockers disseminated throughout the station in key areas such as Operational Control, the Medbay, the Reactor Core Room, and various access corridors so that officers can arm themselves quickly in the event that intruders need to be repelled.  Only Security personnel and department shift leaders (including department heads, the XO, and CO) can access these smaller weapons lockers.  The lockers typically contain Type II hand phasers, tricorders preset for scanning threats, and survival knives.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




These fairly generous offices are reserved for the heads of each department, as well as the Executive Officer (by order of Captain Solluk, one is being constructed to accommodate Commander tr'Lhoell, whose accommodations were overlooked by the prior CO.)  An exception is the Chief Medical Officer, whose office is in the new enlarged Medbay facility.


These small offices are available for the second-in-charge within each department to use when completing reports or conducting other administrative duties.

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:




Katra has four publicly accessible security offices, one on each level of the promenade.  The offices are designed to present themselves as civilian-friendly complaint centers where an aggrieved individual can register a complaint with the officer on duty.  The Security offices are adjacent to security briefing rooms and brig facilities. 


Katra has security briefing rooms adjacent to the Security Offices on each level of the promenade.  Here, briefings are held each shift for the security personnel who will be securing the station.


Katra Station has four brig facilities attached to the Security Office on each level of the promenade.  Each Brig facility has four cells, giving Katra a total prisoner capacity of 16 persons, if one person is assigned to each cell.   

My Primary Shadowfleet Character:

Rayek trLhoell


Saucer Pod 1 - Support Hangar 1

Internal Docking Bay

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell



Welcome sign

- massive observation viewports give the residents and visitors of Katra station an excellent view of orbital space

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Exterior Views:

Trialus Starlifter

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell



Customs Security:

Ginger (canine Customs specialist)

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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