Proposed Mission - Imminent Domain (Played Feb-March of 2019)

Started by Mondo'li Nari, December 13, 2018, 05:00:51 PM

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Mondo'li Nari

Mission Title:Imminent Domain

Synopsis: The Gamma Quadrant nation called the Dosi Confederation sends a heavy cruiser to Katra Station with an envoy who demands that the station be removed and Meridian be handed over to their possession.  Now Katra faces the first major opposition to their presence in the Gamma Quadrant.  Can the disagreement be ended without bloodshed?

Starting Point:The Gamma Quadrant nation called the Dosi Confederation sends a heavy cruiser to Katra Station with an envoy who demands that the station be removed and Meridian be handed over to their possession.

End Goal: Katra successfully defends itself and the Meridian world, but was all of this just a ruse to test Katra's defenses?

Story points that must be passed?:
1) The Dosi envoy arrives aboard a heavy cruiser.  They signal the station and state that the Federation is violating Dosi sovereign territory.  They further indicate the Meridians are also squatting in a Dosi solar system.

2) When the CO of the station naturally challenges these claims, the Dosi will become belligerant.  If offered to come aboard to discuss it with the CO and the Meridian leader, they will do so.

2a) Information - The Dosi are negotiators who believe that aggression is appropriate during negotiations, and an aggressive stance enhances their position.

2b) The Dosi technology is comparable to the Federation of the 23rd century (The Motion Picture Refit Era of the late 2200's.)  However, they have a fleet of several dozen cruisers, and could potentially threaten the station in a serious way if they elected to attack in force.

2c) The Ferengi have historically held trade agreements with the Dosi, something used as an initial inroads into the Gamma Quadrant in the early 2370's.

2d) The Ferengi have a currently disputed interest in the Meridian homeworld, as they hold a contract for stewardship and land management in several large districts of the planet.  Daimon Sorq will demand to be at the proceedings to 'represent his client's interests.'  Whether or not the Station CO allows this is up to them.

3) The Dosi position is that the Meridians abandoned their claim to the solar system by transitioning into another plane of existence.  At that time, the Dosi officially annexed the territory as an element of their imminent domain law allowing their Confederation to seize unoccupied territories adjacent to their own.   The Dosi are aggressive and rude during diplomatic talks, which quickly deteriorate over a period of two days.

4) The Dosi withdraw from negotiations, and Long Range Sensors show three additional Dosi cruisers enroute to the station, accompanied by a Dosi science vessel much further out.  It is possible the Dosi were using the negotiations to give their reinforcement cruisers more time to arrive.  The last thing the Dosi says before withdrawing from the negotiation is, "This talking is pointless.  Matters of territory are always resolved in favor of the party able to use force to secure that territory.  We shall soon know who that party is."

5) The Dosi attack in force, though their science ship stays far out of range.  The attack manages to take down the station shields, and the Dosi board the station.  The Dosi make use of interference devices that cause phasers and disruptors to stop working aboard station, so the station fighting enters melee.  The Dosi attack with heavy bladed weapons resembling oversized, long-handled butcher's cleavers.   The Dosi are clearly practiced warriors, and are relentless combatants who take a severe toll on station personnel.  The Dosi attack indiscriminately, including pursuing any unprotected civilians and children.  The attack becomes almost a terror attack as it progresses.

5a) If the CO of Katra did not eject the Ferengi from these negotiations, then Daimon Sorq will offer to use his Marauder to aid in the defense of the station.  Not out of any altruism, but to 'protect his investment' in the Meridian homeworld.

6) The Dosi are repelled.  As soon as it becomes clear that the Dosi are losing the fight, the Dosi science ship retreats from the area.  Long range sensors show that the science ship has made a transmission in the direction of the New Dominion.  This suggests that the entire claim and attack may have been nothing more than a test of the station's defenses on behalf of the Dominion, and that the Dosi are members of the New Dominion.

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)

- Flight: Recommend that Flight Control officers take charge of shuttle squadrons to defend the station, or take the helm on the starship assigned to the station in its defense.

- Engineering: There will be damage to repair on the station and on any embarked/assigned craft or starships.

- Operations: There will be many dispatches of damage control teams, transfers of power, initiation of forcefields to segment off station sections from the attackers, and other associated duties.

- Security and tactical:  Not only will there be tactical duties, but the station will be boarded by savage warriors.

- Medical:  Injuries shall abound.  And perhaps even some chances to physically defend their own patients from attack.

- Science: Not only monitoring sensors for activity (and discerning the actions of the out-of-range science ships) but also trying to find a scientific workaround to the Dosi phaser-interference technology, which is preventing security from using energy weapons in defense of the station.  It may be that the station is being overwhelmed until the Science personnel figure out how to get the phasers working again, allowing security teams to regain the upper-hand.

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