S3-M9: Downtime

Started by Kirok, September 06, 2021, 09:22:50 AM

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Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Gideon Drake on September 13, 2021, 08:52:53 AM

Cloten puffed his Deltan cigar for a moment, his long hairy Antican eyebrow raising. "Is that so?" he asked after he got the ciggie out of his mouth. "Bad luck on their part."

Of course, considering the rate people were losing latinum, and being cheap enough, given time, he might be able to buy his own moon. Snapping a finger at Baby Face's order, Cloten summoned a waiter, gave the order, and the waiter was back with the raktajino, as he requested, was back in an instant.

Kyan took the steaming mug and drank from it. The jolt hit him almost instantly, as it usually did. Putting it down onto the bartop, he turned back to Cloten. "Yup. It is that. But I seen grups get pretty mad when they lose alot of latinum. It's good that you've got the "Green Team" here tae keep people from acting stupid." Then he craned his neck to look up at the Orion. "And it's me that's tae keep you from acting stupid. So don't. And its happy we'll all be, and making money so."

Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on September 14, 2021, 08:13:52 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Gideon and Serena's Quarters | Katra Station]

Serena arose, and it felt too fast. Bugger. He wanted to keep on with the moment, but then again, perhaps further romantic stimulation at the Blue Belles and then...well, perhaps Gideon could take her for the holosuite for some more private snogging?

Gideon arose himself and took his time dressing, baring all for Serena to see, trying to be tantalizing for her. He was soon dressed in the most casual outfit he had yet, one made to keep his slightly handsome physique open, a buttoned shirt unbuttoned and only kept on because it was goodly tucked in. And of course, he had the vest on, even if his shoulders were baring. His "attraction" outfit, as it were, but in this case, it was for Serena when they went to the Blue Belles.

He wondered what her surprise will be, naturally.

[Katra Station | Blue Bells]

"Thank you."

Serena strolled into Blue Bells. It... Had been some time since their first date here with Gideon. The Andorian run night club had an icy music theme, with the temperature kept low and everyone having puffs of vapor whenever they breathed out. For her part, she continued to wear her gold Engineering utilities with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows, not only because they were comfortable, but also a sort of emotional security blanket, with the tools in the pockets.

The piano had still been tucked over and the staff and quite a few patrons looked about expectantly. They remembered her earlier performances from the same date night as previous. Going from classical to some later jazz pieces. Conversations slowly died down and she became the centre of attention.

"Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City-" Almost immediately, the entire bar started wincing. Though the piano accompaniment was incredible, the singing was... Normally, Serena had excellent diction, using a very slight Received Pronunciation accent and able to get explanations across. When she sang... Her accent alternated between Australian, Cockney, New Zealand and Yorkshire. Her pitch went from Barry White with a head cold up to Alvin and the Chipmunks on helium.

Although she was definitely singing with passion, at that moment a glass shattered. Whether it was from a high note or a patron dropping their glass in shock, no one knew. All the other people in the bar knew that they wanted to plug their ears and run away screaming.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)



[Arboretum - September 6, 2399 - 0900]

Kiork pulled a yellow tennis ball out of a pocket.  It was Dilon's favorite toy of all time.  And the dog's reaction was proof positive of that fact.

Dillon's eyes grew large with excitement.  He prepared to get up and run for the ball if thrown.  Just like he had done when he was more puppy-like all those years ago when they first met.

The half Betazoid could sense the dog's excitement.  Oh how Dillon wanted to play catch like they used to.  Warm fleeting memories of those days washed pleasantly over both Captain and canine.

But out of fear that the Boxer might trip and hurt himself, Kirok simply placed the ball on the grass and rolled it to Dillon.  The dog quickly grabbed the yellow tennis ball in his mouth.  And crewed on in.

When he was younger and better, Dillon could spend hours on the crew toy.  Breaking it into multiple pieces as it it had been run over with a lawn mower.  But today, Dillon grew tired very quickly and gave up on the tennis ball after just a few minutes.

With that done, the canine stretched out beside Kirok.  Ready for a treat and a belly rub.  In that order.

The Captain, of course, obliged with both.  He pulled some chicken jerky from another pocket.  Then rubbed Dillon's belly after the treat was gone.

Dillon looked up and turned his head to look at the Kirok.  The half Betazoid felt a momentary feeling of concern from the dog.  "It's ok, Buddy.  You have watched over me long enough.  You even saved my life.  So you have succeeded at your task of being my protector.  Now it is my turn to watch over you" Kirok said as soothingly as possible.

"Go ahead.  Rest your head.  Sleep and dream of chasing tennis balls and all the fun we used to have" the Captain whispered.

Finally Dillon put his head back down.  Soon he was sleeping and breathing comfortably.  But soon thereafter, Dillon's chest stopped moving and Kiork could no longer feel the presence of his canine companion anymore.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 13, 2021, 12:27:30 AM

[Katra - Promenade]

The quiet conversation was nice and she was enjoying it also as indicated by her more relaxed nature.

"Xiiv is my symbiont's name, X-i-i-v is pronounced Zeev," she said with a smile, at her nod the waiter brought her more fragrant tea, this time in a teapot. She poured more into her cup and enjoyed the scent of it before once more blowing across its surface. "When Joined, we take on the symbiont's name instead of our family name. I can see where it would be confusing since the Human use a Roman numeral system for some things."

[Katra station - Promenade]

"Now I want to change the topic to food. I had noticed food seems to be something everyone uses to break the ice. What food you use to comfort yourself when you are sad?" he asked Xiiv.


Quote from: Balan on September 15, 2021, 10:19:17 PM

[Katra station - Promenade]

"Now I want to change the topic to food. I had noticed food seems to be something everyone uses to break the ice. What food you use to comfort yourself when you are sad?" he asked Xiiv.

Skar wasnt intentionally eaves dropping as he gathered up some fresh Gagh from the nearby Klingon restaurant.  He saw Balan nearby talking to Xiiv and figured while he was on patrol would see if he could take part in a conversation.  So he walked over with his Gagh in.  "Doctor, Crewmen.  Your day going well?" Skar asked politely as he was attempting to get to know everyone else on the station in a non official manner.

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Serena King on September 15, 2021, 05:08:14 AM

[Katra Station | Blue Bells]

"Thank you."

Serena strolled into Blue Bells. It... Had been some time since their first date here with Gideon. The Andorian run night club had an icy music theme, with the temperature kept low and everyone having puffs of vapor whenever they breathed out. For her part, she continued to wear her gold Engineering utilities with the sleeves rolled up past her elbows, not only because they were comfortable, but also a sort of emotional security blanket, with the tools in the pockets.

The piano had still been tucked over and the staff and quite a few patrons looked about expectantly. They remembered her earlier performances from the same date night as previous. Going from classical to some later jazz pieces. Conversations slowly died down and she became the centre of attention.

"Hey there Delilah, what's it like in New York City-" Almost immediately, the entire bar started wincing. Though the piano accompaniment was incredible, the singing was... Normally, Serena had excellent diction, using a very slight Received Pronunciation accent and able to get explanations across. When she sang... Her accent alternated between Australian, Cockney, New Zealand and Yorkshire. Her pitch went from Barry White with a head cold up to Alvin and the Chipmunks on helium.

Although she was definitely singing with passion, at that moment a glass shattered. Whether it was from a high note or a patron dropping their glass in shock, no one knew. All the other people in the bar knew that they wanted to plug their ears and run away screaming.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Blue Belles | Promenade | Katra Station]

Gideon felt a little awkward, wearing what he's wearing compared to what Serena was wearing, but he realized that she was wearing it to be comfortable. And he wasn't expecting what she was going to do in piano-playing at the Blue Belles, the first place they had their date.

Gideon couldn't help it. Serena singing so badly and, at one point, high enough to cause glass to shatter, he just laughed. It was both an amused and astonished laugh. He came over to Serena and wrapped a shoulder around her.

"Blimey, Serena!" he said. "Was this your surprise?"

He was wondering, though, if they should get out of the Blue Belles. Maybe to Cloten's new place...then again, maybe not; he wanted to stay away from the little furball's new establishment, the only thing more filthy was a fat Ferengi's loo. And he had seen more than enough dodgy customers to know well enough to stay away from.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 15, 2021, 04:17:44 AM

Kyan took the steaming mug and drank from it. The jolt hit him almost instantly, as it usually did. Putting it down onto the bartop, he turned back to Cloten. "Yup. It is that. But I seen grups get pretty mad when they lose alot of latinum. It's good that you've got the "Green Team" here tae keep people from acting stupid." Then he craned his neck to look up at the Orion. "And it's me that's tae keep you from acting stupid. So don't. And its happy we'll all be, and making money so."

[Deej Cloten | Chez Cloten | Promenade | Katra Station]

Cloten nodded. He looked back around at his casino. His Dabo girls were especially revealing. Mostly it was cheaper that way, a full Dabo outfit was pricey enough, and they were dressed like Orion dancing girls. In fact, they really also double as dancing girls, especially the Orion ones, when it was time for them to perform between shifts. Of course, Cloten had a filter around his place to control Orion pheromones, male and female. The downside was that people kept losing because they were staring at the girls more than Dabo. A critical element to winning at Dabo: don't gawk at the girl.

"Definitely," he said, taking a puff of his cigar. "Especially if any one of my Dabo girls feel...uncomfortable by the clientele."


[Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

It was a bright sunny day in the Arboretum.  There was a slight, but artificially created, breeze to help keep everyone cool.  In other words, a perfect day for a picnic.

EQ Kimball was busy setting up the corn hole game.  Frisbee's were also available should anyone desire one.  As well as other traditional outdoor item used for entertainment.

A hologram was working the grill.  The pleasant scent of burgers, brats, and other meats filled the air.  The table next to the grill was laid out with toppings and condiments as well as sides.

Kirok had intentionally chosen this location for the gathering.  Attempting to fill it was some new, more pleasant, memories.  He stood near the gardenia bush, though, remembering the last time he had been there.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 15, 2021, 10:19:17 PM

[Katra station - Promenade]

"Now I want to change the topic to food. I had noticed food seems to be something everyone uses to break the ice. What food you use to comfort yourself when you are sad?" he asked Xiiv.

"Generally," she mused swirling her tea a little before taking a sip, "raktajino is my go-to comfort food, sometimes with caramel in it. It seems to lighten sadness for me in the perfect way, though when I'm missing home or feel as if I need to be reminded of it, there's a particular blend of Vulcan tea that my mother makes that helps me. Do you have anything that does that for you, Balan?"

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius



< Katra Station / XO's Office â†' Promenade â†' Arboretum >

After Sirol's conversation with Commander Briggs had been concluded and she had made sure that he was sufficiently informed but also - on a personal level - doing alright, she decided to move over to the next bullet point(s) of the day.
She had left his office with a calm, friendly bow, wishing him a good day, and hoping they would find more time to converse later.
[OOC: @ Kyle: Feel free to respond to our convo in my last post as a flashback if you like.]
Outside of the Commander's office, the Uropygi had already been waiting for the scientist, and Sirol lost no time to hunker down and give her companion a cheerful little hug, before both of them took the turbolift to arrange the next planned point for today:

Thanking Captain Eydis for both, saving her as well as putting trust into her cooperative capabilities. Technically speaking she had planned to thank both, Lonar and Eydis, but the former had - sadly - already left together with the other visiting officers, but she hoped the opportunity to personally thank him as well would arise at a later point.
With the Uropygi by her side, as well as her signature cobalt blue padd in one hand, the scientist had been browsing several stores and little shops on the promenade.
Accumulating the specialties she had had in mind was not as easy as she had hoped, and she had to replicate a few ingredients. Yet eventually she crossed out the last item on her list.
Surely she would hardly be able to provide an equally moving and meaningful experience to Eydis (at least she assumed so), yet she was after all capable of providing a few sensations that were entirely new to a Tholian, namingly the beauty that was smell and taste.

With a little smile on her face she hence tapped her comm badge while adjusting the little bag with goodies in her one arm.
=/\="œLieutenant Sirol to Captain Eydis, I hope my call does not come inconveniently. I wanted to sufficiently thank you for everything, and ask whether you would like to meet me in the Arboretum." =/\=
She smiled a little while speaking, then began to walk again, waiting for a response or call back.

After a while one more thought hit her mind. Maybe a second attempt to have Eydis and Emerald get to know one another.
Sirol was certain that the little one would love the Arboretum: The free space, the nature, the chance to freely play with the Uropygi, and Sirol, Sirol at last might have the chance to exchange a few words with Xasik too.
He was her direct subordinate, and yet, they had not yet had a chance to speak at all (aside from crisis management during their plentiful emergency situations in the past)"¦
So she once more tapped her comm badge.
=/\="œLieutenant Sirol to Specialist Freeman, I hope my call does not come inconveniently. I wanted to ask whether you and Emerald would be interested in meeting me in the Arboretum. I can imagine the little one would find it exciting. I also invited Captain Eydis. Perhaps we all could process the events of last weeks together, and just talk..." =/\=

She once more smiled, then took the next junction leading into the Arboretum...

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Sirol on September 16, 2021, 07:45:23 PM

< Katra Station / XO's Office â†' Promenade â†' Arboretum >

So she once more tapped her comm badge.
=/\="œLieutenant Sirol to Specialist Freeman, I hope my call does not come inconveniently. I wanted to ask whether you and Emerald would be interested in meeting me in the Arboretum. I can imagine the little one would find it exciting. I also invited Captain Eydis. Perhaps we all could process the events of last weeks together, and just talk..." =/\=

[Katra Station - Promenade]


Wandering the Promenade with Emerald had been an interesting experience. Every new sight had seemed to grab their attention and bring on a cascade of excited squeaking as they reached out to try and grab whatever brightly coloured object or person had caught their attention. It didn't occur to the hatchling that they would be unable to grab anything while in their ECS, but it was still so heckin' cute, it was melting Xasik's heart.

The chirping of his badge came as a slight surprise to Xasik, but not an unpleasant one when Sirol's voice came through. He listened to her question and smiled before tapping his badge to respond.

=/\= "œFreeman to Lieutenant Sirol. I would be delighted to meet you in the Arboretum. I was just wandering the Promenade with Emerald, stimulating their visual senses and giving them a bit of enrichment."
He had to stop talking when Emerald's excited squeaking and chirping became too loud.
"œEmerald please," Xasik begged. "œI'm trying to talk to Sirol. We'll see her in a few moments." He cleared his throat. "œSorry about that Sirol, Emerald heard your voice and got excited. I think they've been looking for you all morning. We'll meet you in the Arboretum. Talking sounds nice and relaxing. I look forward to it. Freeman out."  =/\=

He ended the call and started making his way to the Arboretum, his excited hatchling chirping and squeaking furiously.



The colours were so exciting to look at. So many different and bright ones to choose from. Emerald was lost in their own little world until they heard the chirping of The Sharp One's spot. When The Soft One's chirps came through, Emerald could not help but excitedly call to her. It had worked! Their humming for her had been heard and she was contacting them through The Sharp One.

"œPEEP! SQUEAK PEEEEEP!" They excitedly called to her while stretching out their hands to reach for her even though they couldn't see her.
They momentarily quietened down when The Sharp One scolded them, but once again began to call to The Soft One when the spot chirped again and The Soft One's squeaks could no longer be heard. When The Sharp One began to move in a new direction, Emerald got excited at the thought of seeing The Soft One again.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 16, 2021, 06:15:36 PM

"Generally," she mused swirling her tea a little before taking a sip, "raktajino is my go-to comfort food, sometimes with caramel in it. It seems to lighten sadness for me in the perfect way, though when I'm missing home or feel as if I need to be reminded of it, there's a particular blend of Vulcan tea that my mother makes that helps me. Do you have anything that does that for you, Balan?"

[Katra station - Promenade]

As Xiiv was sharing her story about raktajinon with Carmel. He was not all sure it was. It sounded like dessert he thinks. Then he saw the big Gorn who was some what barbaric skills in fighting. He had wished he had turned away when Skarr acted like a hungry shark eating. That image had still haunts him today or was it when he sees Skarr.

Then he blinked twice. That was his flaw as being a human. "œMy comfort food. I don't have one yet. I had one popcorn. It was plain. I was watching some tv show with crew members. There was like an old tv he had. He had fixed it. It was black and white. Then I learned it was from Earth 20th century something of a silver screen period," the fact was wrong. Silver screen was on the big screens and little before the tube in the living rooms. "œThen we all ate popcorn. It was salty and made you want to drink and eat more popcorn"¦and the kernels get stuck in your teeth. Which I did not like so I gave up on popcorn."

Then he smiled as he looked up to see Skaar. "œI am actually off duty and sitting with the Doctor," he told the other. Deep inside ne felt awkward near the Gorn because he can come off intimating. Plus Balan had a bad experience and he can't shake that thought off.

However, he had learned to be respectful to others by being open. That what Starfleet data information had taught him. Even on his home world the "œdark side" folk can be intimidating too. His side was the light side. They had many different cultures that had clashed heads on agreements on who had what property which had cause a civil war. They are slowing in developing a peace treaty.


Quote from: Balan on September 16, 2021, 10:10:39 PM

[Katra station - Promenade]

As Xiiv was sharing her story about raktajinon with Carmel. He was not all sure it was. It sounded like dessert he thinks. Then he saw the big Gorn who was some what barbaric skills in fighting. He had wished he had turned away when Skarr acted like a hungry shark eating. That image had still haunts him today or was it when he sees Skarr.

Then he blinked twice. That was his flaw as being a human. "œMy comfort food. I don't have one yet. I had one popcorn. It was plain. I was watching some tv show with crew members. There was like an old tv he had. He had fixed it. It was black and white. Then I learned it was from Earth 20th century something of a silver screen period," the fact was wrong. Silver screen was on the big screens and little before the tube in the living rooms. "œThen we all ate popcorn. It was salty and made you want to drink and eat more popcorn"¦and the kernels get stuck in your teeth. Which I did not like so I gave up on popcorn."

Then he smiled as he looked up to see Skaar. "œI am actually off duty and sitting with the Doctor," he told the other. Deep inside ne felt awkward near the Gorn because he can come off intimating. Plus Balan had a bad experience and he can't shake that thought off.

However, he had learned to be respectful to others by being open. That what Starfleet data information had taught him. Even on his home world the "œdark side" folk can be intimidating too. His side was the light side. They had many different cultures that had clashed heads on agreements on who had what property which had cause a civil war. They are slowing in developing a peace treaty.

"Hmmm, well, I am just patrolling, keeping a presence for the civilian population." Skar said slurping the Gagh down his muzzle and into his stomach.  I didnt get to tell you how well you did when the Tosk decided to attack and do some serious sabotage of the station.  You did very well.  Have you recovered? as I had the feeling that was your first real fight or was I mistaken in my sixth sense of this?" Skar said trying to make small talk with the young crewmen.

Kyle Briggs


[XO's Office â†' Arboretum]

Kyle looked at the time and saw that it was about time to join Kirok in the Arboretum. The captain had invited him along for a cook out so the least he could do was accept. Before he left, he thought back on his conversation with Sirol. He had made a point to assure the science officer that he would speak to the captain about the DH position in the department. Kyle also informed the officer that he would promptly be deleting Lieutenant Falleg's access codes if they weren't already. Once an officer left, that was procedure. Thinking about it, he decided to go ahead and handle it.

"Computer. Please delete all access and security codes affiliated with Lieutenant Hrafn Falleg-Tekin effective immediately."

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 16, 2021, 10:10:39 PM

[Katra station - Promenade]

As Xiiv was sharing her story about raktajinon with Carmel. He was not all sure it was. It sounded like dessert he thinks. Then he saw the big Gorn who was some what barbaric skills in fighting. He had wished he had turned away when Skarr acted like a hungry shark eating. That image had still haunts him today or was it when he sees Skarr.

Then he blinked twice. That was his flaw as being a human. "œMy comfort food. I don't have one yet. I had one popcorn. It was plain. I was watching some tv show with crew members. There was like an old tv he had. He had fixed it. It was black and white. Then I learned it was from Earth 20th century something of a silver screen period," the fact was wrong. Silver screen was on the big screens and little before the tube in the living rooms. "œThen we all ate popcorn. It was salty and made you want to drink and eat more popcorn"¦and the kernels get stuck in your teeth. Which I did not like so I gave up on popcorn."

Then he smiled as he looked up to see Skaar. "œI am actually off duty and sitting with the Doctor," he told the other. Deep inside ne felt awkward near the Gorn because he can come off intimating. Plus Balan had a bad experience and he can't shake that thought off.

However, he had learned to be respectful to others by being open. That what Starfleet data information had taught him. Even on his home world the "œdark side" folk can be intimidating too. His side was the light side. They had many different cultures that had clashed heads on agreements on who had what property which had cause a civil war. They are slowing in developing a peace treaty.

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Popcorn. That definitely counted as comfort food, even if he had to stop eating it. And someone had shared old forms of entertainment with him as well, which was charming. Xiiv nodded and was about to respond when Skargarr interrupted. Ah. A quiet evening was not going to be possible with gagh slurping. She looked into her cup and let out a soft sigh before pouring more hot tea.

Quote from: Skargarr on September 17, 2021, 01:00:44 AM

"Hmmm, well, I am just patrolling, keeping a presence for the civilian population." Skar said slurping the Gagh down his muzzle and into his stomach.  I didnt get to tell you how well you did when the Tosk decided to attack and do some serious sabotage of the station.  You did very well.  Have you recovered? as I had the feeling that was your first real fight or was I mistaken in my sixth sense of this?" Skar said trying to make small talk with the young crewmen.

She'd been enjoying the quietness of the late hour until it had been interrupted not once but now twice. Xiiv sipped her tea as Skargarr talked to Balan and had the distinct impression Balan didn't really want to talk to the Gorn or at least talking with him was rather awkward. Or perhaps that was the gagh, which couldn't be eaten neatly anyway. She had her tea to keep her company for the meantime and it was hot and doing exactly what it should to her "" keeping her calm and collected, away from the raw fear of her sister's disappearance. Fear wasn't to be tolerated unless it was useful, fear for her sister when there was nothing she could do about it wasn't the least bit useful.

She flicked a look at the Gorn once more and shifted a little in her hair. Why were people so determined to butt into conversations that they hadn't been invited into in the first place? Curiosity? Complete lack of societal politeness? First Deej the casino owner hawking his wares, so to speak, and now Skargarr and his gagh. She wasn't upset, just mystified at how two people talking together at a table or walking could be misconstrued as an invitation to join that social unit. But here they were, constantly interrupted.

"Skargarr," she murmured politely in greeting. "After I finish my tea, Balan, I should probably get some rest if I can. Especially, if New Bajor is going to be my destination tomorrow. I'll file for a few days off once I get back to my quarters. You are definitely welcome to join me, though, if you'd like to do that."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 17, 2021, 01:27:49 AM

[XO's Office â†' Arboretum]

Kyle looked at the time and saw that it was about time to join Kirok in the Arboretum. The captain had invited him along for a cook out so the least he could do was accept. Before he left, he thought back on his conversation with Sirol. He had made a point to assure the science officer that he would speak to the captain about the DH position in the department. Kyle also informed the officer that he would promptly be deleting Lieutenant Falleg's access codes if they weren't already. Once an officer left, that was procedure. Thinking about it, he decided to go ahead and handle it.

" Computer. Please delete all access and security codes affiliated with Lieutenant

[Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

As people began to arrive, Kirok moved away from the gardenia bush.  No need ruin the party with his sad thoughts.  No, it was time to enjoy the company of others.

So he moved closer to the food.  There were 3 types of salads, fresh fruits, and a variety of desserts.  For drink, there was fresh squeezed lemonade as well as a few other choices.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.

🡱 🡳

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