S3-M9: Downtime

Started by Kirok, September 06, 2021, 09:22:50 AM

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Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 17, 2021, 02:49:25 AM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

"Skargarr," she murmured politely in greeting. "After I finish my tea, Balan, I should probably get some rest if I can. Especially, if New Bajor is going to be my destination tomorrow. I'll file for a few days off once I get back to my quarters. You are definitely welcome to join me, though, if you'd like to do that."

Skar didnt take offense at the doctor staring at him, he was used too it and became immune to the judgemental stares of others, though at the mention of the doctor inviting Balan to her quarters was a clear indication of what he just interrupted though unintentionally.  "I think that is my que.  Apologies, Doctor.  Didnt mean to intrude, just saw a fellow security officer off duty and felt inclined to break the boredom of walking with a bit of conversation with a subordinate.  Hope you can forgive me." Skar said nodding his head in her direction then looked back at Balan, making sure she couldnt see his face as his eye got bigger and pointed down as if saying 'Goodluck with that one!'.  Then turned and walked away.  "Good night you two." Skar said waving as he walked away slurping his gagh returning to patrol.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 17, 2021, 02:49:25 AM

[Katra Station - Promenade]

Popcorn. That definitely counted as comfort food, even if he had to stop eating it. And someone had shared old forms of entertainment with him as well, which was charming. Xiiv nodded and was about to respond when Skargarr interrupted. Ah. A quiet evening was not going to be possible with gagh slurping. She looked into her cup and let out a soft sigh before pouring more hot tea.

She'd been enjoying the quietness of the late hour until it had been interrupted not once but now twice. Xiiv sipped her tea as Skargarr talked to Balan and had the distinct impression Balan didn't really want to talk to the Gorn or at least talking with him was rather awkward. Or perhaps that was the gagh, which couldn't be eaten neatly anyway. She had her tea to keep her company for the meantime and it was hot and doing exactly what it should to her "" keeping her calm and collected, away from the raw fear of her sister's disappearance. Fear wasn't to be tolerated unless it was useful, fear for her sister when there was nothing she could do about it wasn't the least bit useful.

She flicked a look at the Gorn once more and shifted a little in her hair. Why were people so determined to butt into conversations that they hadn't been invited into in the first place? Curiosity? Complete lack of societal politeness? First Deej the casino owner hawking his wares, so to speak, and now Skargarr and his gagh. She wasn't upset, just mystified at how two people talking together at a table or walking could be misconstrued as an invitation to join that social unit. But here they were, constantly interrupted.

"Skargarr," she murmured politely in greeting. "After I finish my tea, Balan, I should probably get some rest if I can. Especially, if New Bajor is going to be my destination tomorrow. I'll file for a few days off once I get back to my quarters. You are definitely welcome to join me, though, if you'd like to do that."

Quote from: Skargarr on September 17, 2021, 05:51:16 PM

Skar didnt take offense at the doctor staring at him, he was used too it and became immune to the judgemental stares of others, though at the mention of the doctor inviting Balan to her quarters was a clear indication of what he just interrupted though unintentionally.  "I think that is my que.  Apologies, Doctor.  Didnt mean to intrude, just saw a fellow security officer off duty and felt inclined to break the boredom of walking with a bit of conversation with a subordinate.  Hope you can forgive me." Skar said nodding his head in her direction then looked back at Balan, making sure she couldnt see his face as his eye got bigger and pointed down as if saying 'Goodluck with that one!'.  Then turned and walked away.  "Good night you two." Skar said waving as he walked away slurping his gagh returning to patrol.

[Katra station - Promenade]

Balan had sat their allowed Xiiv speak what was on her mind. Then Balan had turned his attention to Skargarr. The man smile to the fellow Security officer. Not sure if the Gorn knew he was little rude by coming over. Sadly, he truly don't know Gorn culture. Perhaps another time he will talk to Skargarr on his culture too. It might be little uncomfortable at first. Which was why he was not going to rush to get to Skargarr. Balan just did not like how the fellow security work.

"œApology accepted, Skargarr," Balan said to the Gorn. As Skar was turning away from the doctor he gave Balan these wide eye look that could be possible a warning. A warning for what.

He watched as the Gorn walked away. "œI am guessing he meant no harm," he shared. He looked at his tea cup thinking Skar broke the rapport with the Doctor.

"œI am sorry that he came over to interrupt us," he told her. Then his eyebrows skewed a bit. "œI am enjoying this time with you. I am hoping we can continue onward or another time."

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on September 17, 2021, 04:55:44 PM

[Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

As people began to arrive, Kirok moved away from the gardenia bush.  No need ruin the party with his sad thoughts.  No, it was time to enjoy the company of others.

So he moved closer to the food.  There were 3 types of salads, fresh fruits, and a variety of desserts.  For drink, there was fresh squeezed lemonade as well as a few other choices.

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]


Serena would have waved, except she carried her own contribution. Wryly, she thought this ritual resembled the Lunar New Year celebrations when the whole extended family would gather, with each family bringing a dish to share, while everyone gossiped, caught up and otherwise did things a family should. Having thought long, she decided on a lightly spiced vegetarian biryani which was heaped like a small mountain. Although she would have gladly eaten the traditional versions, she recognized not everyone enjoyed meats (one uncle was vegan by choice as was his family, she had politely abstained during their meals together) and the carrots, peas, potatoes and corn mixed with the spiced rice was still quite good. Also trying to be open minded, this one was very mild. The last one she ordered for herself made hasperat seem tasteless.

For half a second, she wondered if this were any more similar to a Lunar New Year family gathering, she would have replicated a sic bo board and decided against it immediately. Apart from the fact that the Federation was a nominally moneyless society and that gambling was an even more confusing affair (even if for pocket change, a term which itself would have required a lengthy explanation itself). Though games of probability were taught in schools... Shaking her head to clear it, she set her contribution down on the table and nodded warmly.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Schatzi Jyur

[ Katra Station - Aboretum - Barbeque ]

Zero and Maluse strolled through the aboretum, chatting emphatically. Their arm were linked at the elbow, as they arrived at small party. Though not many people were there yet, rest assured they would slowly trickle in. The two stood together, off out of the immediate way until more people would arrive.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 18, 2021, 03:27:54 AM

[Katra station - Promenade]

Balan had sat their allowed Xiiv speak what was on her mind. Then Balan had turned his attention to Skargarr. The man smile to the fellow Security officer. Not sure if the Gorn knew he was little rude by coming over. Sadly, he truly don't know Gorn culture. Perhaps another time he will talk to Skargarr on his culture too. It might be little uncomfortable at first. Which was why he was not going to rush to get to Skargarr. Balan just did not like how the fellow security work.

"œApology accepted, Skargarr," Balan said to the Gorn. As Skar was turning away from the doctor he gave Balan these wide eye look that could be possible a warning. A warning for what.

He watched as the Gorn walked away. "œI am guessing he meant no harm," he shared. He looked at his tea cup thinking Skar broke the rapport with the Doctor.

"œI am sorry that he came over to interrupt us," he told her. Then his eyebrows skewed a bit. "œI am enjoying this time with you. I am hoping we can continue onward or another time."

[Katra - Promenade]

"Good night, Skargarr." She glanced after Skargarr and shook her head a little. Learning the finer points of social niceties was difficult and she didn't blame him for knowing his presence wasn't exactly welcome. It hadn't been unwelcome either just unexpected and, well, only a little rude. It wasn't his fault.

"It's alright, and yes, there was no harm done. It was just unexpected company when I wasn't feeling my best," she murmured, then let out a little sigh. "I do need to sleep a little if I'm going to New Bajor tomorrow. Did you want to come with me to the planet and learn about the Bajorans with me? They might have an Orb we can look at. I've never seen one before, only in holos. They say that the Prophets communicate with them through the orbs and can impart spiritual advice when in communion with one." She glanced down at her tea and took a sip, already preparing herself for the trip. No one was going to begrudge her a few days planetside.

"09:00 hours is probably a good time to start out," Xiiv mused. "I should have everything ready, then."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Kirok on September 17, 2021, 04:55:44 PM

[Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

As people began to arrive, Kirok moved away from the gardenia bush.  No need ruin the party with his sad thoughts.  No, it was time to enjoy the company of others.

So he moved closer to the food.  There were 3 types of salads, fresh fruits, and a variety of desserts.  For drink, there was fresh squeezed lemonade as well as a few other choices.

While Skar was on patrol, he finished his Gagh with a really loud slurp as the desert worm disappeared into his mouth.  He found his way into the Arboretum, he wasnt one for plants but it was a pleasant break from watching the cold metal of the stations walls as things got back to normal.  It was slow for some but a quick necessity for others.

He laid down and slept a bit, true he had his quarters but he felt more comfortable and peaceful here surrounded by the tranquility that was set up in the Arboretum.  As morning came he remembered their was a party going on and though he wasnt known to be the 'party guru', he moved sluggishly as he was just waking up from a peaceful nights sleep.  Saw the Captain and Serena, she seemed better from the last time he saw her.

But he also spied Kirok and decided to keep close to him incase someone tried to assassinate him again, so he moved out from cover, he closed his eyes at the same time as he nodded to them both acknowledging there presence.


Quote from: Serena King on September 18, 2021, 04:42:20 AM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]


Serena would have waved, except she carried her own contribution. Wryly, she thought this ritual resembled the Lunar New Year celebrations when the whole extended family would gather, with each family bringing a dish to share, while everyone gossiped, caught up and otherwise did things a family should. Having thought long, she decided on a lightly spiced vegetarian biryani which was heaped like a small mountain. Although she would have gladly eaten the traditional versions, she recognized not everyone enjoyed meats (one uncle was vegan by choice as was his family, she had politely abstained during their meals together) and the carrots, peas, potatoes and corn mixed with the spiced rice was still quite good. Also trying to be open minded, this one was very mild. The last one she ordered for herself made hasperat seem tasteless.

For half a second, she wondered if this were any more similar to a Lunar New Year family gathering, she would have replicated a sic bo board and decided against it immediately. Apart from the fact that the Federation was a nominally moneyless society and that gambling was an even more confusing affair (even if for pocket change, a term which itself would have required a lengthy explanation itself). Though games of probability were taught in schools... Shaking her head to clear it, she set her contribution down on the table and nodded warmly.

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

Kirok offered the Engineer a nod.  "Ms" he started to say, but corrected himself.  Apparently some of the younger officered did not wish to be called Ms or Mr, so the captain was trying to respect that wish, despite his preference for doing so with people didn't know very well.  It had been one of his, apparently failed, attempts to incorporate human customs into his otherwise Vulcan dominate but half Betazoid life.

"King.  What did you bring?  It does look interesting" Kirok corrected himself and managed to comment on the food she had brought.

He later offered Zero and his plus one a nod.   He did the same with Skargarr.  He had meant to speak to the Gorn prior to now, but was still puzzling out the best was to say 'thanks for saving my life, but" to the dog loving being.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Skar returned the nod.  "Captain, how are you doing? and your canine? is he recovering from his injuries?.  I hate those who harm canines and felines." Skar said quietly.

"You, How are you feeling Serena? I tried to stop by earlier to check on you before I went about my duties but you did not seem to be in your quarters at the time I stopped by." Skar said as he wanted to make sure the officers he served under were kept safe as possible.

Serena King

Quote from: Kirok on September 18, 2021, 05:12:31 PM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

Kirok offered the Engineer a nod.  "Ms" he started to say, but corrected himself.  Apparently some of the younger officered did not wish to be called Ms or Mr, so the captain was trying to respect that wish, despite his preference for doing so with people didn't know very well.  It had been one of his, apparently failed, attempts to incorporate human customs into his otherwise Vulcan dominate but half Betazoid life.

"King.  What did you bring?  It does look interesting" Kirok corrected himself and managed to comment on the food she had brought.

He later offered Zero and his plus one a nod.   He did the same with Skargarr.  He had meant to speak to the Gorn prior to now, but was still puzzling out the best was to say 'thanks for saving my life, but" to the dog loving being.

Quote from: Skargarr on September 18, 2021, 05:48:18 PM

Skar returned the nod.  "Captain, how are you doing? and your canine? is he recovering from his injuries?.  I hate those who harm canines and felines." Skar said quietly.

"You, How are you feeling Serena? I tried to stop by earlier to check on you before I went about my duties but you did not seem to be in your quarters at the time I stopped by." Skar said as he wanted to make sure the officers he served under were kept safe as possible.

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

"An old Earth dish, Biryani. It's vegetarian, anyone can enjoy it."

Serena half bowed at the Captain, but then her expression turned to one of extreme irritation as she faced a Gorn. Dimly, she remembered this was the same security guard from some time ago. She had mildly surprised herself at the response. Maybe all her life, her Hong Kong background had drummed into her a sense of knowing one's place a hierarchy and addressing someone by their title was the correct method.

She stood toe to toe with the Gorn, realizing she was much shorter, but that didn't make one shred of difference. "Kindly don't address me in the familiar. I am easygoing, but it is a right to be earned over time, it is not given. We are Starfleet professionals, after all." Her eyes were quite ablaze at this point and she was seeing red. She hadn't meant to dress him down exactly, but there was still protocol to be followed. Biting her lip, she resorted to wandering off to grab a drink.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Arboretum | Katra Station]

The moment he got the invitation from the Captain, Gideon told Serena to go on ahead and he went back quickly to change to his dress uniform before going to the Arboretum. There was a bloody good reason for it; he was going to be in the presence of the Captain and it just didn't seem right, his choice of attire at the Blue Belles.

When he arrived back in with his dress uniform, he was intrigued by what he saw. A gathering of the crew, he wondered what was up.

"What ho, Serena," he said. "Sorry, just needed to change into something better. So what's all this, I wonder?"

Amarande Xiiv

[Katra Station - Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

Xiiv wasn't going to stay all that long but food and company was always a yes when it came to her. She skirted around Skargarr and fixed herself something to eat with a soft smile to Kirok and King. Gideon got a nod.

"Good afternoon, all," she said quietly. Her white and brown hair was elaborately braided back away from her face giving her a more formal look than usual. "Everyone doing alright?"

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Serena King on September 19, 2021, 07:31:39 AM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

"An old Earth dish, Biryani. It's vegetarian, anyone can enjoy it."

Serena half bowed at the Captain, but then her expression turned to one of extreme irritation as she faced a Gorn. Dimly, she remembered this was the same security guard from some time ago. She had mildly surprised herself at the response. Maybe all her life, her Hong Kong background had drummed into her a sense of knowing one's place a hierarchy and addressing someone by their title was the correct method.

She stood toe to toe with the Gorn, realizing she was much shorter, but that didn't make one shred of difference. "Kindly don't address me in the familiar. I am easygoing, but it is a right to be earned over time, it is not given. We are Starfleet professionals, after all." Her eyes were quite ablaze at this point and she was seeing red. She hadn't meant to dress him down exactly, but there was still protocol to be followed. Biting her lip, she resorted to wandering off to grab a drink.

Skar mere sneered as he meant to smile but gave up on it realizing he doesnt have the muscle structure for it.  Skar was unsure why the woman was angry at him, and her request made little sense to the Gorn as experience taught him that using rank reveals who is the higher target in a command structure and that tends to be dangerous around all the wrong people.  Skar then watched her walk away, and he merely shook his head.  'Was this the custom of humans to not thank there savior?' he thought to himself, as he watched her walk away and Xiiv approached.

[Katra Station - Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

Xiiv wasn't going to stay all that long but food and company was always a yes when it came to her. She skirted around Skargarr and fixed herself something to eat with a soft smile to Kirok and King. Gideon got a nod.

"Good afternoon, all," she said quietly. Her white and brown hair was elaborately braided back away from her face giving her a more formal look than usual. "Everyone doing alright?"

"Very well, Doctor." Skar said keeping it simple as after last night he realized humans were so skittish and produced unprovoked hostilities in more ways than one when he was around.


Quote from: Skargarr on September 18, 2021, 05:48:18 PM

Skar returned the nod.  "Captain, how are you doing? and your canine? is he recovering from his injuries?.  I hate those who harm canines and felines." Skar said quietly.

"You, How are you feeling Serena? I tried to stop by earlier to check on you before I went about my duties but you did not seem to be in your quarters at the time I stopped by." Skar said as he wanted to make sure the officers he served under were kept safe as possible.

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

Kirok knew this question would arise at some point.  Likely more than once in all likelihood.  So he had prepared a reply.

"I am well, thank you for asking, Skargarr.  But Dillon, sadly not.  He passed 10 days ago" the stoic Captain replied.

"How about you.  Are you in good health?  How are you adjusting to life on the station" Kirok asked curiously.

Quote from: Serena King on September 19, 2021, 07:31:39 AM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

"An old Earth dish, Biryani. It's vegetarian, anyone can enjoy it."

Serena half bowed at the Captain, but then her expression turned to one of extreme irritation as she faced a Gorn. Dimly, she remembered this was the same security guard from some time ago. She had mildly surprised herself at the response. Maybe all her life, her Hong Kong background had drummed into her a sense of knowing one's place a hierarchy and addressing someone by their title was the correct method.

She stood toe to toe with the Gorn, realizing she was much shorter, but that didn't make one shred of difference. "Kindly don't address me in the familiar. I am easygoing, but it is a right to be earned over time, it is not given. We are Starfleet professionals, after all." Her eyes were quite ablaze at this point and she was seeing red. She hadn't meant to dress him down exactly, but there was still protocol to be followed. Biting her lip, she resorted to wandering off to grab a drink.

"Biryani.  I don' believe I have ever had that before.  Thank you for bringing it" Kirok replied after returning the small bow.

As others arrived, Kirok nodded or said hello.  "Please help yourselves to food and drink.  There are also games if anyone wishes to partake" he added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on September 19, 2021, 02:11:02 PM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

Kirok knew this question would arise at some point.  Likely more than once in all likelihood.  So he had prepared a reply.

"I am well, thank you for asking, Skargarr.  But Dillon, sadly not.  He passed 10 days ago" the stoic Captain replied.

"How about you.  Are you in good health?  How are you adjusting to life on the station" Kirok asked curiously.

Making sure Serena had left first before replying.  "I should have been quicker with rescuing you then perhaps Dillon would have been alive today.   Anyone who harms animals should never be allowed to live." Skar said as he thought for a moment on the Captains next question.

"Not well, I am afraid.  I seem to spark hostilities from King and an uncomfortable sense when I am around the Doctor and Balan.  Is it because I am a Gorn?.  In Gorn society you are pointed at.  This is all thats needed to acknowledge ones existence but here humans actually converse, talk, get to know each other to build a working relationship.  Usually when you save ones life or help another it skips a few steps forward but for some reason King wishes to take steps back and not forward.  Then with Balan that seems to be a whole different story there.  I have yet to figure him out, hes polite like a human but stand offish like a vulcan.  Normally in Gorn culture two or more people would fight each other in non lethal combat to get to know one another.  I know some human societies did this few hundred years ago, I also know that Vulcan do it as part of a mating practice, while Klingons did it for honorable combat to the death and everything is Death for them as they want a glorious one.  So yeah I know im enlisted and King is my superior but its quite confusing how to be around such chaotic personalities where the very culture itself makes 'Zero' sense." Skar said quite perplexed by the complexities of forming a relationship based off more then a nod or a grunt as he tried to keep his voice down to keep the conversation private between the Captain and the Gorn.


[Katra station- Promenade]

"œI understand that you need rest," he said as he stood up for her to leave. This was a very common practice by many species and in their culture. Please go and care for yourself. I will finish my tea and I will be glad to meet you tomorrow. And this Orb I would like to see it too. It should be a personal experience to witness."

[Katra station - Sept 14, 2399]

Balan had shown up with his formal uniform on. This was the occasion where he actually wore the clothing. He had not wanted to try shape change into some thing which was considered special for the Captain. He had not the time to try to perfect the look.

As he had entered he saw that Skar was here as Selena, Gideon, the Captain of course, and Xiiv. There was many other folk here too who he had not know of yet. Soon he will because he was security. The small Romulan child was not here. This could be only an adult occasion.

As he was going to say hello to the Captain he stopped going because he over heard Skar. He had heard the lizard species individual say he should had been thanked for himself to be a savior. That sounded like someone see themselves as a god.

Stun grenades story had gone around even Zek had not told nobody. But the clean up crew knew and that was how Balan put one to one equal two together.

Balan was sad for the Captain a little for the loss of his dog. But sadly that all life had an end. Life was fragile. There are some who don't respect lifevij general. They don't understand that bodies are one per person unless they are cloned. Still even clones had consider to be individual for they can think for themselves. Unless they were robbed by the Borg where all mind become one. That sound like a terrifying. Do they keep their dreams and dream for freedom when they are taken into the collective. This was one thing he would like to know. However he would never ever dare to ask anyone like EX Borg on Katra.

Then Balan had turned to look at Xiiv who was helping herself at the table with refreshments. For a solid she was pretty.  She was a by product of dna and molecules to be a solid. He had wondered if anyone had told she was beautiful. He had like how she had her hair tied together in the back like black and white together as one. He had wished his people would have that kind of mind set. However they had a good person who was working on peace. She was trained to be one and some day they will be there. That what he had hope to gain as he worked with Starfleet. To gain the knowledge and wisdom to share.

That was one of the things he was not good at. Giving compliments or trying to correct someone. That was he was trying to learn. The fact he knows a bit but he thinks he does not know.

So he had decided to go to the table with food. He was unsure what to have. Making choices was not one of his best things. But he will eventually join the others and socialize.

Hold on. Someone had hot cider. When he saw it. He was not all sure what it was. It was brown and it was warm. So he took a cup which was warm. Then he sipped it. It was sweeter then anything he had before.

Then he moved to where everyone was gathering and he was observing. "œHello everyone," he said behind his cup which was up to his lips. His eyes was looking over the cup.

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