S3-M9: Downtime

Started by Kirok, September 06, 2021, 09:22:50 AM

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Serena King

Quote from: Gideon Drake on September 19, 2021, 10:38:49 AM

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Arboretum | Katra Station]

The moment he got the invitation from the Captain, Gideon told Serena to go on ahead and he went back quickly to change to his dress uniform before going to the Arboretum. There was a bloody good reason for it; he was going to be in the presence of the Captain and it just didn't seem right, his choice of attire at the Blue Belles.

When he arrived back in with his dress uniform, he was intrigued by what he saw. A gathering of the crew, he wondered what was up.

"What ho, Serena," he said. "Sorry, just needed to change into something better. So what's all this, I wonder?"

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

"Life and soul of the party you are."

Serena quirked an eyebrow at him. "I'm just here for the food and drinks." She canted her head in the Captain's direction.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 19, 2021, 10:41:47 PM

[Katra station- Promenade]

"œI understand that you need rest," he said as he stood up for her to leave. This was a very common practice by many species and in their culture. Please go and care for yourself. I will finish my tea and I will be glad to meet you tomorrow. And this Orb I would like to see it too. It should be a personal experience to witness."

[Katra station - Sept 14, 2399]

Balan had shown up with his formal uniform on. This was the occasion where he actually wore the clothing. He had not wanted to try shape change into some thing which was considered special for the Captain. He had not the time to try to perfect the look.

As he had entered he saw that Skar was here as Selena, Gideon, the Captain of course, and Xiiv. There was many other folk here too who he had not know of yet. Soon he will because he was security. The small Romulan child was not here. This could be only an adult occasion.

As he was going to say hello to the Captain he stopped going because he over heard Skar. He had heard the lizard species individual say he should had been thanked for himself to be a savior. That sounded like someone see themselves as a god.

Stun grenades story had gone around even Zek had not told nobody. But the clean up crew knew and that was how Balan put one to one equal two together.

Balan was sad for the Captain a little for the loss of his dog. But sadly that all life had an end. Life was fragile. There are some who don't respect lifevij general. They don't understand that bodies are one per person unless they are cloned. Still even clones had consider to be individual for they can think for themselves. Unless they were robbed by the Borg where all mind become one. That sound like a terrifying. Do they keep their dreams and dream for freedom when they are taken into the collective. This was one thing he would like to know. However he would never ever dare to ask anyone like EX Borg on Katra.

Then Balan had turned to look at Xiiv who was helping herself at the table with refreshments. For a solid she was pretty.  She was a by product of dna and molecules to be a solid. He had wondered if anyone had told she was beautiful. He had like how she had her hair tied together in the back like black and white together as one. He had wished his people would have that kind of mind set. However they had a good person who was working on peace. She was trained to be one and some day they will be there. That what he had hope to gain as he worked with Starfleet. To gain the knowledge and wisdom to share.

That was one of the things he was not good at. Giving compliments or trying to correct someone. That was he was trying to learn. The fact he knows a bit but he thinks he does not know.

So he had decided to go to the table with food. He was unsure what to have. Making choices was not one of his best things. But he will eventually join the others and socialize.

Hold on. Someone had hot cider. When he saw it. He was not all sure what it was. It was brown and it was warm. So he took a cup which was warm. Then he sipped it. It was sweeter then anything he had before.

Then he moved to where everyone was gathering and he was observing. "œHello everyone," he said behind his cup which was up to his lips. His eyes was looking over the cup.

[Katra Station - Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

"Hello Balan," Xiiv said with a nod and a smile. "Looks like my vacation starts after we finish up here. I did a half shift in Medbay earlier. Did you find something good to drink? I was debating trying something new, myself, instead of getting a raktajino."

She'd finished her own plate of food moments ago and put it down where others had put theirs. This BBQ was good of the Captain to arrange as it brought everyone together for a little while. She found she was looking forward to New Bajor more and more as the moments passed, hoping it would help with L'Nel's situation, at least on the emotional front. When she applied for her vacation time, she'd done so under the premise of time off to deal with a personal matter, stating that her sister had been lost on an Away mission. Dealing with her feelings on New Bajor seemed the best option than just working straight through them. Right now, her shuttle was waiting for her in its bay, all neatly packed with things she thought she might need for her three-day vacation.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Skargarr on September 19, 2021, 02:45:16 PM

Making sure Serena had left first before replying.  "I should have been quicker with rescuing you then perhaps Dillon would have been alive today.   Anyone who harms animals should never be allowed to live." Skar said as he thought for a moment on the Captains next question.

"Not well, I am afraid.  I seem to spark hostilities from King and an uncomfortable sense when I am around the Doctor and Balan.  Is it because I am a Gorn?.  In Gorn society you are pointed at.  This is all thats needed to acknowledge ones existence but here humans actually converse, talk, get to know each other to build a working relationship.  Usually when you save ones life or help another it skips a few steps forward but for some reason King wishes to take steps back and not forward.  Then with Balan that seems to be a whole different story there.  I have yet to figure him out, hes polite like a human but stand offish like a vulcan.  Normally in Gorn culture two or more people would fight each other in non lethal combat to get to know one another.  I know some human societies did this few hundred years ago, I also know that Vulcan do it as part of a mating practice, while Klingons did it for honorable combat to the death and everything is Death for them as they want a glorious one.  So yeah I know im enlisted and King is my superior but its quite confusing how to be around such chaotic personalities where the very culture itself makes 'Zero' sense." Skar said quite perplexed by the complexities of forming a relationship based off more then a nod or a grunt as he tried to keep his voice down to keep the conversation private between the Captain and the Gorn.


"You must not blame yourself, Skargarr.  Dillon was quite old and had some pre-existing medical conditions that complicated things.   His outcome may have been no different had you gotten there earlier.  But I do agree with you about people who harm animals" the Captain replied.

When the Gorn started talking about his issues adjusting to the Katra, Kirok pulled him to the side.  To give them a bit of privacy.  At lease as much as they could have in a public place like this.

Still, Kirok spoke in soft tones.  "Human customs can be quite tricky to the outsider.   I know this from multiple mis-steps of my own.  Some have even occurred as recently as only a few months ago.

Saving another's life thought does something shorten the period for formality between the newly acquainted as you pointed out.  But not always.  So I would suggest continuing to be socialize with others and work threw the entire process of getting to know them in order to strengthen the bonds between you and others.

That said, though, Mr. Jyur is a counselor.   Have you considered working with him?  He might be able to give you some good ideas as how to 'make friends' with others."

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Kirok on September 20, 2021, 04:59:50 PM


"You must not blame yourself, Skargarr.  Dillon was quite old and had some pre-existing medical conditions that complicated things.   His outcome may have been no different had you gotten there earlier.  But I do agree with you about people who harm animals" the Captain replied.

When the Gorn started talking about his issues adjusting to the Katra, Kirok pulled him to the side.  To give them a bit of privacy.  At lease as much as they could have in a public place like this.

Still, Kirok spoke in soft tones.  "Human customs can be quite tricky to the outsider.   I know this from multiple mis-steps of my own.  Some have even occurred as recently as only a few months ago.

Saving another's life thought does something shorten the period for formality between the newly acquainted as you pointed out.  But not always.  So I would suggest continuing to be socialize with others and work threw the entire process of getting to know them in order to strengthen the bonds between you and others.

That said, though, Mr. Jyur is a counselor.   Have you considered working with him?  He might be able to give you some good ideas as how to 'make friends' with others."

"Hmm, I will try to take things slower." Skar said as he heard the mention of the Counselor.  "They talk to much." Skar said simply as he circled all counselors into the same bubble so to speak.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 20, 2021, 11:01:10 AM

[Katra Station - Arboretum - September 16, 2399 - 1200]

"Hello Balan," Xiiv said with a nod and a smile. "Looks like my vacation starts after we finish up here. I did a half shift in Medbay earlier. Did you find something good to drink? I was debating trying something new, myself, instead of getting a raktajino."

"œSalutations, Xiiv," he said to her holding his cup. "œI found this apple cider. It is good. You might want to try that. It is sweet."

She'd finished her own plate of food moments ago and put it down where others had put theirs. This BBQ was good of the Captain to arrange as it brought everyone together for a little while. She found she was looking forward to New Bajor more and more as the moments passed, hoping it would help with L'Nel's situation, at least on the emotional front. When she applied for her vacation time, she'd done so under the premise of time off to deal with a personal matter, stating that her sister had been lost on an Away mission. Dealing with her feelings on New Bajor seemed the best option than just working straight through them. Right now, her shuttle was waiting for her in its bay, all neatly packed with things she thought she might need for her three-day vacation.

While Balan was hanging out Xiiv and anyone who came across to them. There was a thought floating in his mind. The orbs on New Bajor. Xiiv had mentioned it had allowed you to reveal a prophecy of some sort. Was that going to be interesting. On his home world they had mention someone was going to bring unity to their people. There was much history with tales on how their planet was split from darkness and light.

While he had the chance he decided to try this compliment. "œI hope I can give you a compliment. Can I? I just was not sure if anyone told you, but your hair is beautiful," he did blush like  school boy. He tilted his head. "œIs that a trait in your family?"

Kyle Briggs


Kyle had finally made it to his destination. He had been stopped several times on his way to the Arboretum by either crew or station guests with either an issue that needed resolved or just to give a friendly hello. The doors parted and he walked in. It seemed like the majority of the crew was there and they seemed to be having a good time. He was glad to see it. They definitely deserved it after all the crap they had been through lately. He immediately spotted Kirok and walked his way.

"Looks like quite the turn out, Sir." he said upon his approach.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 20, 2021, 09:51:15 PM

"œSalutations, Xiiv," he said to her holding his cup. "œI found this apple cider. It is good. You might want to try that. It is sweet."

While Balan was hanging out Xiiv and anyone who came across to them. There was a thought floating in his mind. The orbs on New Bajor. Xiiv had mentioned it had allowed you to reveal a prophecy of some sort. Was that going to be interesting. On his home world they had mention someone was going to bring unity to their people. There was much history with tales on how their planet was split from darkness and light.

While he had the chance he decided to try this compliment. "œI hope I can give you a compliment. Can I? I just was not sure if anyone told you, but your hair is beautiful," he did blush like  school boy. He tilted his head. "œIs that a trait in your family?"

[Katra - BBQ]

"Thank you, Balan."

Cider did seem like a good choice, especially apple cider. She picked up a mug and smiled at the compliment, nodding. It was nice to be appreciated and she did like her hair. It had always been unique.

"Both my brother Skon and I have it," she said quietly, "so, yes, it's a familial trait. My mother must have had it, too."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

Eli Ferris

Lt. Eli Ferris|Personal Quarters| Katra Station.

Eli was content, at last. He was still thinking over the process, the emergency response. He had drafted a letter of commendation for Drake, though it sat on his personal computer as he was striving to be better at the "rest and relaxation" as ordered. It wasn't easy to do, which had led Eli to the self-reflective course, as it were. He finally pulled himself away from his self-induced isolation and reflection and headed out of his quarters towards the arboretum.


Quote from: Sirol on September 16, 2021, 07:45:23 PM

< Katra Station / XO's Office â†' Promenade â†' Arboretum >

After Sirol's conversation with Commander Briggs had been concluded and she had made sure that he was sufficiently informed but also - on a personal level - doing alright, she decided to move over to the next bullet point(s) of the day.
She had left his office with a calm, friendly bow, wishing him a good day, and hoping they would find more time to converse later.
[OOC: @ Kyle: Feel free to respond to our convo in my last post as a flashback if you like.]
Outside of the Commander's office, the Uropygi had already been waiting for the scientist, and Sirol lost no time to hunker down and give her companion a cheerful little hug, before both of them took the turbolift to arrange the next planned point for today:

Thanking Captain Eydis for both, saving her as well as putting trust into her cooperative capabilities. Technically speaking she had planned to thank both, Lonar and Eydis, but the former had - sadly - already left together with the other visiting officers, but she hoped the opportunity to personally thank him as well would arise at a later point.
With the Uropygi by her side, as well as her signature cobalt blue padd in one hand, the scientist had been browsing several stores and little shops on the promenade.
Accumulating the specialties she had had in mind was not as easy as she had hoped, and she had to replicate a few ingredients. Yet eventually she crossed out the last item on her list.
Surely she would hardly be able to provide an equally moving and meaningful experience to Eydis (at least she assumed so), yet she was after all capable of providing a few sensations that were entirely new to a Tholian, namingly the beauty that was smell and taste.

With a little smile on her face she hence tapped her comm badge while adjusting the little bag with goodies in her one arm.
=/\="œLieutenant Sirol to Captain Eydis, I hope my call does not come inconveniently. I wanted to sufficiently thank you for everything, and ask whether you would like to meet me in the Arboretum." =/\=
She smiled a little while speaking, then began to walk again, waiting for a response or call back.

After a while one more thought hit her mind. Maybe a second attempt to have Eydis and Emerald get to know one another.
Sirol was certain that the little one would love the Arboretum: The free space, the nature, the chance to freely play with the Uropygi, and Sirol, Sirol at last might have the chance to exchange a few words with Xasik too.
He was her direct subordinate, and yet, they had not yet had a chance to speak at all (aside from crisis management during their plentiful emergency situations in the past)"¦
So she once more tapped her comm badge.
=/\="œLieutenant Sirol to Specialist Freeman, I hope my call does not come inconveniently. I wanted to ask whether you and Emerald would be interested in meeting me in the Arboretum. I can imagine the little one would find it exciting. I also invited Captain Eydis. Perhaps we all could process the events of last weeks together, and just talk..." =/\=

She once more smiled, then took the next junction leading into the Arboretum...

Eydis had emerged from the molten bath of minerals she had been in. Hir crystalline shell was brighter and and a more deep blue. Shi would respond over the lattice to hir friend Sirol. A soft hum

Off course I would be honoured to meet with you Friend Sirol. It will take me a few minutes to get ready. I had molten mineral bath. My crystalline shell needed the care. I will head there shortly.

She would then pull hirself out of the bath fully. Heat visibly wafting off h bluish crystalline shell. Hir body had matured with hir new station. Shi had also been looking forward to showing hir friend Sirol around the mother swan.


Quote from: Skargarr on September 20, 2021, 06:01:15 PM

"Hmm, I will try to take things slower." Skar said as he heard the mention of the Counselor.  "They talk to much." Skar said simply as he circled all counselors into the same bubble so to speak.


Kirok nodded in regard to Skar's first comment.  "Relationships must develop organically and be nurtured over time" he commented.  At the Gorn's second comment, the Captain simply offered an arched eyebrow.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 20, 2021, 10:24:23 PM


Kyle had finally made it to his destination. He had been stopped several times on his way to the Arboretum by either crew or station guests with either an issue that needed resolved or just to give a friendly hello. The doors parted and he walked in. It seemed like the majority of the crew was there and they seemed to be having a good time. He was glad to see it. They definitely deserved it after all the crap they had been through lately. He immediately spotted Kirok and walked his way.

"Looks like quite the turn out, Sir." he said upon his approach.


As Skar walked away, Kirok saw Kyle coming his way.  "Agreed.  Attendance seems to be good.  Not 100%, but good" Kirok replied.

"In any case, a good change of pace from the last few months.  How was your visit with Dr. Belmont?  Did she make it back to the Challenger safely?" the Captain asked curiously.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / Arboretum >

Quote from: Xasik on September 16, 2021, 09:00:28 PM

=/\= "œFreeman to Lieutenant Sirol. I would be delighted to meet you in the Arboretum. I was just wandering the Promenade with Emerald, stimulating their visual senses and giving them a bit of enrichment."
He had to stop talking when Emerald's excited squeaking and chirping became too loud.

Sirol chuckled a little while listening to Xasik's response and him getting interrupted by an overly enthusiastic little squeaker in the background.
It was a shame that they did not bump into one another back on the promenade. She would have been interested to learn about Xasik's likes and dislikes when it came to food, and browsing the little nooks and shops had been enjoyable to her but would certainly have been even more so together.
=/\="œOh, I hear, someone's stimulated already!" =/\=
Sirol spoke in a cheerful tone, referring to Emerald's enthusiastic chirps.
Quote from: Xasik on September 16, 2021, 09:00:28 PM

"œEmerald heard your voice and got excited. I think they've been looking for you all morning. We'll meet you in the Arboretum. Talking sounds nice and relaxing. I look forward to it. Freeman out."  =/\=

Once more the scientist chuckled a little and - instinctively - did a calming hand gesture.
=/\="œWell, then we better not keep them waiting much longer, shall we? I am looking forward to meeting you two. Bring some appetite." =/\=
Quote from: Eydis on September 21, 2021, 04:13:48 AM

Off course I would be honoured to meet with you Friend Sirol. It will take me a few minutes to get ready. I had molten mineral bath. My crystalline shell needed the care. I will head there shortly.

Once again, a wide smile was to be seen on Sirol's face upon hearing Eydis' voice.
She had been just about to pick a nice place for them to sit when the Captain's call reached her, and Sirol instinctively did a polite bow, even though the Captain was not physically in the Arboretum with her.
=/\="œIt is alright, take your appropriate time - The honour will be all mine. I hope you enjoyed your bath.
Make sure to bring some curiosity."
She smiled again, then walked alongside some bushes and flower arrangements, giving each of them an inquisitive sniff.
Once she had found one she enjoyed above all others - an arrangement of Magnolias - she decided that this would be a good place to metaphorically settle.

Placing down her bags on a small bench, she stretched her back, which gave off an unpleasant cracking noise, before she looked around and - to her surprise - spotted a few others.
Among them she very ironically spotted Commander Briggas - once again for today - along with Serena, Doctor Xiiv, Lieutenant Drake, Captain Kirok and a few other crew members she was not yet familiar with.
Deciding to say hello she once more picked up her bags (yet occupied the bench with her lab coat), then slowly walked over to the small group.
She steered towards Serena and Lieutenant Drake first. She had not seen either of them in over three months. One thing she immediately noticed though were the new pips on the collars of their uniforms.

Reaching into one of her bags are searched and quickly found what she had in mind, then walked over to the Lieutenants and did a polite hailing bow to Serena, followed by her offering her friend a fresh apricot.
"œI see someone got promoted. Congratulations! More than deserved if I might say so. How have you been doing since we last met?"
She then once more reached into her bag, pulling out a dragon fruit and offered it to Lieutenant Drake with a bow as well.
"œIt is more than welcome to see you two stick together and rank up alongside one another, despite all of Katra's hardships."

After a while of chatting she then walked over to Doctor Xiiv, who was talking with a new crew member [Balan] she had not met yet. Since Xiiv was already occupied, Sirol decided to make it quick and just flew by, as to not intrude, or interrupt their conversation. She offered each of them a small bundle of fresh grapes.

Her next stop was Counsellor Jyur as well as his companion. Just as with Doctor Xiiv, Sirol did not wish to interrupt them, so instead she just passed them, bad both of them a friendly nod and offered each of them a handful of cherries from one of her bags.

She then did a curve towards Commander Briggs, Captain Kirok, and yet another crew member [Skargarr] she had only briefly met so far.
She remembered him from a short but memorable moment in the Captain's Mess in which he had done the room's name justice by throwing vegetables around and precisely landing an onion ring in her morning coffee. A brand new, unexpected taste she had grown to enjoy more than she cared to publicly admit...
Next to him was Captain Kirok whom - just like with many new people - Sirol still had not been able to get a proper understanding of. The last time she had seen him was over three months ago, and back then he had publicly humiliated her with sexist remarks of addressing her by her sex and marital status rather than by her proper rank. A behaviour that could have gotten a Romulan Commander demoted.
But then again, the Federation and it's cultures were far more laid back in many regards, and to Sirol's knowledge, a few assorted cultures seemed to find "˜casual sexism' charming. In either case, she could only hope that this had been an insular incident, and looked forward to - hopefully - get to know him properly after all.
Giving all three a polite hailing nod, she reached into her bag, she offered Lieutenant Briggs an orange, Captain Kirok a banana and the unknown crewman in yellow an apple.
"œGood afternoon everyone. I hope the day finds everyone well."
She gave them a friendly hailing bow, then looked over her shoulder to check whether any of her dates had already arrived.
"œA lovely gathering. It is good to see so many faces safe and in one place."
Once more she checked, then took a step backwards and smiled.
"œI will be around. Let me know if I can make myself useful."

She then retreated to the little bench.
It was no more than 10 metres away from the group, but Sirol was glad to take a seat again and take some pressure off her spine.
In the meantime, the Uropygi had been bravely guarding her lab coat, and - once Sirol had placed down her bags again - she hunkered down and gave her companion a loving little snuggle.

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix

Serena King

Quote from: Sirol on September 22, 2021, 12:35:02 AM

She steered towards Serena and Lieutenant Drake first. She had not seen either of them in over three months. One thing she immediately noticed though were the new pips on the collars of their uniforms.

Reaching into one of her bags are searched and quickly found what she had in mind, then walked over to the Lieutenants and did a polite hailing bow to Serena, followed by her offering her friend a fresh apricot.
"œI see someone got promoted. Congratulations! More than deserved if I might say so. How have you been doing since we last met?"
She then once more reached into her bag, pulling out a dragon fruit and offered it to Lieutenant Drake with a bow as well.
"œIt is more than welcome to see you two stick together and rank up alongside one another, despite all of Katra's hardships."

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]


Serena resisted the urge to reach out and give her friend a hug. The two of them hadn't spoken in... Some time. Though they had kept up some correspondence in between, their paths didn't seem to intersect all that often recently. She also looked down. Her gold utilities, beyond the thigh pocket with her book and the pockets full of tools and the Starfleet insignia, was unadorned. In fact, her pips were in a little box somewhere. With a quirk of her eyebrow, she remembered the 'Fleet news digests, which would be where the information came through.

Even as she processed the words, she smiled wryly: "Are you trying to tell me I'm soft on the outside, hard on the inside?" Patting herself down, she rummaged into her pockets. She knew Rihannsu treated symbolism and gifts. Which... Had symbolism. Finally, she pulled out what she was looking for: a sugar coated lemon, wrapped in a layer of keep-fresh plastic. It wasn't the same one she had originally, she had eaten them in turn before they could develop mold and bacteria. Still, the gesture would count, even if the meaning was lost.

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Gideon Drake

Quote from: Sirol on September 22, 2021, 12:35:02 AM

She steered towards Serena and Lieutenant Drake first. She had not seen either of them in over three months. One thing she immediately noticed though were the new pips on the collars of their uniforms.

Reaching into one of her bags are searched and quickly found what she had in mind, then walked over to the Lieutenants and did a polite hailing bow to Serena, followed by her offering her friend a fresh apricot.
"œI see someone got promoted. Congratulations! More than deserved if I might say so. How have you been doing since we last met?"
She then once more reached into her bag, pulling out a dragon fruit and offered it to Lieutenant Drake with a bow as well.
"œIt is more than welcome to see you two stick together and rank up alongside one another, despite all of Katra's hardships."

Quote from: Serena King on September 22, 2021, 07:19:36 AM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]


Serena resisted the urge to reach out and give her friend a hug. The two of them hadn't spoken in... Some time. Though they had kept up some correspondence in between, their paths didn't seem to intersect all that often recently. She also looked down. Her gold utilities, beyond the thigh pocket with her book and the pockets full of tools and the Starfleet insignia, was unadorned. In fact, her pips were in a little box somewhere. With a quirk of her eyebrow, she remembered the 'Fleet news digests, which would be where the information came through.

Even as she processed the words, she smiled wryly: "Are you trying to tell me I'm soft on the outside, hard on the inside?" Patting herself down, she rummaged into her pockets. She knew Rihannsu treated symbolism and gifts. Which... Had symbolism. Finally, she pulled out what she was looking for: a sugar coated lemon, wrapped in a layer of keep-fresh plastic. It wasn't the same one she had originally, she had eaten them in turn before they could develop mold and bacteria. Still, the gesture would count, even if the meaning was lost.

[Lieutenant JG Gideon Drake | Arboretum | Katra Station]

Gideon turned to see a familiar Romulan woman approaching...then he remembered where he saw her. He had saved her on his first few days on Katra, when a bomb went off destroying part of the station.

"Ahh," he said. "Good to meet you again...Sirol, was it? As Serena said?"

He turned to Serena to explain. "I saved her life in my first few days on Katra. There was a fire in the shuttlebay and I got her out. I feel bad I didn't see her again; been busy flying and all. And when I met you, the most beautiful woman in the quadrant."



Kirok offered nods to those who just joined the gathering.  He acknowledged their arrival as such.  He was was already in conversation with Kyle and didn't want to interrupt their talk.

[EQ Kimball]

EQ saw Skar split off from the group.  As an XB he knew more than most how hard it was to fit in with 'normal' folks.  "Wanna play corn hole?" he asked the Gorn.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 20, 2021, 10:41:24 PM

[Katra - BBQ]

"Thank you, Balan."

Cider did seem like a good choice, especially apple cider. She picked up a mug and smiled at the compliment, nodding. It was nice to be appreciated and she did like her hair. It had always been unique.

"Both my brother Skon and I have it," she said quietly, "so, yes, it's a familial trait. My mother must have had it, too."

[Katra station - BBQ]

While he was paying attention to Xiiv Balan had noticed he was wearing was to formal. He somehow messed up.

"œThat is interesting. As being a Allasomorph we have slight different appearance which a normal eye can't see. There is something of a creation which made us unique. I think we will never get the answer where it all started. I personally enjoy studying detail of life. And then try to understand it from it point of view," then he looked down at his Apple cider before he took a sip. "œI guess I could been a scientist asking questions but being poor finding answers." He chuckled.

Then he realized people had some Barbecue and he had noticed it was messy. "œWearing white was a bad choice," he said. Then he removed his jacket and walked over to chair and placed it on the back of the chair. That was when the Engineering Asian from Hong Kong came to say hello to him.

"œIt's a pleasure meeting you," he replied. Earth was an interesting planet. Earth seemed to have many different types of people. Which grew with difficult and peace in their history. One day he will dig into more Earth. Right now he was interested in Xiiv because she was being open and nice. Then he felt concern for her about her sister. Strange as it to him. He never thought he would have feelings for someone. It was weird. Strange. And the thoughts about her.

"œI will be looking forward to seeing you later," he told Lieutenant Serena King. He will have to ask her about her surname being king. He wanted to know how it evolve. Was she from a Royal family.

Then he return to Xiiv. "œI am going to attempt to try eat the barbecue"¦Looks good but very messy," he told Xiiv.

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