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S3-M9: Downtime

Started by Kirok, September 06, 2021, 09:22:50 AM

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Serena King

Quote from: Sirol on September 25, 2021, 10:02:54 PM

< Katra Station / Arboretum >
Sirol's smile widened as Serena came closer and began to recite a piece of (Earth-?) poetry to the little one.
She carefully held their ECS closer to Serena, so the child would be able to hear it. Although they were yet too young to understand complex speech, they were undoubtedly perceptive and empathic, and would certainly understand that Serena sought to interact.

She musingly listened and maintained her smile, although the poem made her oddly thoughtful.
The piece reminded her of her own situation in life and the "˜contact' she and her brother had managed to maintain to their mother back before the destruction of their home worlds.
Musingly she stood there for some more seconds before she looked at Serena again and gave her a friendly nod.
"œThat was very beautiful and profound, is there a backstory to this piece?"

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

"Oh, it is from ancient Earth."

Serena looked mildly at Sirol, the edges of her mouth creeping up. "Three great tenors with amazing voices and harmony. Domingo, Carreras and Pavarotti, I believe."

alt character of T'Vas (plus also 2nd alt Madison Kennedy)

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 26, 2021, 12:29:52 AM

[Katra - aboreteum]

Balan too placed his hands behind his back, but leaned in like Xiiv.  He was mirroring her without his own knowledge. The two of them going to see a religious monastery with a tour and staying there.

Funny he had not thought about staying. There was no way they just going to pop and visit and go back. There was much more to see.

He saw Kyan stroll in with food, and he saw someone else bring food too. He frowned. "œI did not bring food like the others," he shared. He scratch the back of his neck with his right hand.   He felt silly and he truly did not know. "œWhat does one do in this situation?" He asked the doctor.

[Katra Station - Barbecue]

"Sometimes people bring food," she said softly. "They call that a pot luck but I think that may be more of a Human thing to do. I wasn't sure if this was that type of event, so I didn't replicate or make anything myself. It's alright. If you want to try the food that was brought, you may. I'm too full, myself."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Skargarr on September 25, 2021, 11:44:17 PM

"Metal detector for sure however, their are minerals out there that can be used to construct devices out of that actually prevents sensors from detecting the contents of an item.  I plan on making sure the sensors can detect these minerals to ensure explosives cant be snuck onto the station.  The real problem is their masking technology.  They were able to get a hunter past our sensors without tripping off any sensors, bypass our security fields to place the explosives and then managed to get a assassin into place to try to take out the Captain.  These are holes that need to be plugged."

Perhaps going a bit low tech and use triggered traps or motion sensors that are so finite in their detection that a fluctuation sets off the trap.  Even a cloaked being needs to move and though we cant see them with our naked eye a sensor so finely tuned could be made to detect those fluctuations.  Make the traps activate and beam the object or person into the brig.  I would also like to have additional forcefield emitters around key locations and air vents along with jefferies tubes that we can activate the next time we have dignitaries around.  This way the forcefields would slow pursuit and the traps would nullify their numbers.  Also set up sensor traps in the docking ring that detects anything non federation and deactivates them to be inoperable.  Blades would be a problem as they dont suffer from such firing mechanisms like phaser and disruptors do." Skar said as he thought on other security measures to implement to make peoples days worse if they tried to attack Katra again.

Skar wasnt much for socializing so he chose to talk about work instead to get past such difficulties as 'small talk' wasnt his strongest trait.

[Katra Station - Barbeque]

EQ listened to the Gorn.  Really listened.  And found himself nodding along.

"Those are some really good idea, Skargarr.   Well thought out.  And all do-able" the XB replied.

"I would be happy to help you with those things.  If I have the extra time that is.  I'll definitely put a rush on getting our part done faster though" Kimball said.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.



< Katra Station / Arboretum >

Quote from: Serena King on September 26, 2021, 05:27:30 AM

[Katra Station | Aboretum | BBQ Day]

"Oh, it is from ancient Earth."

Serena looked mildly at Sirol, the edges of her mouth creeping up. "Three great tenors with amazing voices and harmony. Domingo, Carreras and Pavarotti, I believe."

Sirol smirked at Serena's reply and the mention of the three great tenors of ancient Earth - so far still oblivious to the fact that this had actually been a joke.
Holding up the baby bubble a little she looked at Emerald and softly laid her face onto its surface like a parent booping their child's forehead with theirs.
"œDo you hear this, little dearie? - Domingo, Carreras and Pavarotti. We might like to read more of their musings later, how about that?"
She cheerfully smiled at the hatchling, then tightly wrapped her arms around the bubble again in the manner of a hug, before looking up to Serena, Lieutenant Gideon and Lieutenant Mackenzie again.
"œDuring my studies of Federation cultures I started to work myself through its worlds alphabetically, hence me originally not knowing around the Mirans until I gave them preference.
Maybe I should consider the same for Humanity. Many of their customs and motivations are still alien to me.
However, I find that art and music are a fantastic way to gain insight into societies and their cultures. Expression, thought, feelings that have no actual names"¦ Most species do not have the privilege of sharing impressions via the Lattice after all...
My main focus usually lies within music. I have a particular liking for Klingon Shanties, but I also found that music and poetry more often than not overlap in both, execution and purpose"¦"

< Every point of view is useful, even those that are wrong - if we can judge why a wrong view was accepted. >
Sirol's Browser History
NPCs: Kovnin | Peylix


Quote from: Kirok on September 26, 2021, 05:27:01 PM

[Katra Station - Barbeque]

EQ listened to the Gorn.  Really listened.  And found himself nodding along.

"Those are some really good idea, Skargarr.   Well thought out.  And all do-able" the XB replied.

"I would be happy to help you with those things.  If I have the extra time that is.  I'll definitely put a rush on getting our part done faster though" Kimball said.

"I am sure I am forgetting a few other things we could do, but it would require operations to overhaul the power conduits to permit these modifications, then Engineering to do the actual placement, while security draws up a design of where we can plug potential holes.  So Engineering and Operations can get to work.  To bad we cant make this station truly impenetrable but sadly we have a civilian population and opportunists that will take advantage of anything we possess, so maybe a complete overhaul of ship functions and new security protocols and firewalls for the station computer could be in order."

"Perhaps take a page out of the Borg handbook and put in maybe like an adaptive program that reads the persons, Gait, retinal, handprint and maybe even a DNA scanner.  Some of these can be hacked, im sure but if we do enough overhaul of security measures, then getting close to hack the system is that much harder and putting in a wrong code sends a silent alarm to the closest security officers in the area.  Just a thought." Skar said as he probably revealed a bit much of what he thinks about on a daily basis.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 26, 2021, 11:20:08 AM

[Katra Station - Barbecue]

"Sometimes people bring food," she said softly. "They call that a pot luck but I think that may be more of a Human thing to do. I wasn't sure if this was that type of event, so I didn't replicate or make anything myself. It's alright. If you want to try the food that was brought, you may. I'm too full, myself."

[Katra station - the outting]

"œThen that opens more doors with more curiosity"¦as do Vulcans have gatherings? And Trills? Do they have celebrations like these?" He asked her as he looked around to the others. He held his arms out the room as he reaching out to them all. It was odd he had a cup of apple cider in one hand. The drink did not spill one drop from the cup.

His brown sparkled to wonder how they celebrate. Then each has their own world with more different people.

"œI wonder is Earth the planet with more different varsity of difference of cultures. It's very complex there," he added.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 27, 2021, 01:50:02 AM

[Katra station - the outting]

"œThen that opens more doors with more curiosity"¦as do Vulcans have gatherings? And Trills? Do they have celebrations like these?" He asked her as he looked around to the others. He held his arms out the room as he reaching out to them all. It was odd he had a cup of apple cider in one hand. The drink did not spill one drop from the cup.

His brown sparkled to wonder how they celebrate. Then each has their own world with more different people.

"œI wonder is Earth the planet with more different varsity of difference of cultures. It's very complex there," he added.

[Katra Station - Barbeque]

"The Vulcan people have their own kinds of celebrations, yes," Xiiv said with a nod, "as do my people. I think most cultures have them for different reasons. Sometimes you celebrate life just to celebrate it. Earth is very complex, I agree, and has many different cultures among them. I would suppose they'd have all sorts of festivities in the name of many different people's traditions. I have seldom run into a more complex planet's people."

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius


Quote from: Skargarr on September 26, 2021, 09:59:51 PM

"I am sure I am forgetting a few other things we could do, but it would require operations to overhaul the power conduits to permit these modifications, then Engineering to do the actual placement, while security draws up a design of where we can plug potential holes.  So Engineering and Operations can get to work.  To bad we cant make this station truly impenetrable but sadly we have a civilian population and opportunists that will take advantage of anything we possess, so maybe a complete overhaul of ship functions and new security protocols and firewalls for the station computer could be in order."

"Perhaps take a page out of the Borg handbook and put in maybe like an adaptive program that reads the persons, Gait, retinal, handprint and maybe even a DNA scanner.  Some of these can be hacked, im sure but if we do enough overhaul of security measures, then getting close to hack the system is that much harder and putting in a wrong code sends a silent alarm to the closest security officers in the area.  Just a thought." Skar said as he probably revealed a bit much of what he thinks about on a daily basis.

[Katra Station - Barbeque - EQ Kimball]

"Wow.  You really know what your talking about" the XB said.  Then he fell into listing what else the Gorn had to say.

"As you might guess, I have some first hand knowledge of how to integrate borg adaptive programs.  But a complete overhaul of all systems is way above my pay grade.  But Kiork would probably love the idea and if more than your department is going to be involved either he or Commander Briggs would need to sign off on it" Kimball added.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


Quote from: Amarande Xiiv on September 27, 2021, 01:00:58 PM

[Katra Station - Barbeque]

"The Vulcan people have their own kinds of celebrations, yes," Xiiv said with a nod, "as do my people. I think most cultures have them for different reasons. Sometimes you celebrate life just to celebrate it. Earth is very complex, I agree, and has many different cultures among them. I would suppose they'd have all sorts of festivities in the name of many different people's traditions. I have seldom run into a more complex planet's people."

[Katra -barbecue party]

"œWell when I do a Holodeck of Earth I will invite you to join me. I might have to question some of the crew for an idea time, and where on Earth," he said to her. Then he looked around the room.

"œI Starfleet is beautiful organization. The seed was earth where Vulcans first made contact with Earth, Cochane was the first to launch in space," he had a dreamy boy looking in his face. "œThen all this had happened. It makes you wonder what space will be like without them. I would definitely not be standing here talking to you. And I do enjoy the time and the future."

Then he took a last sip of his cool apple cider. Then placed it on a table. "œI will have to try the barbecue. Will I have time?" He then paused, "œDo you want to join me eating before we go?" He asked her as he went to the table to to get a plate, and then he used the big tweezer things to pick up one barbecue chicken. Then he had turned his head as witness a human male to pick up a cheese stick that was warm. The cheese was stretching and Balan watched the male use his hand to break it.

Then he turned to see if Xiiv would take the plate he made. He wanted to be sure she was happy.

Kyle Briggs

[Katra -barbecue party]

Kyle grabbed himself a drink and began wondering around the room. He was glad to see the crew together and having some relaxing fun. They had been through a lot lately and this was definitely a good thing for them. He returned the occasional nod and salutation as he walked. With drink in hand, he found a corner and leaned against the wall. He allowed a grin to spread across his lips. He was genuinely happy to see his crew like this. He just wish he could share this time with Lisa.


Quote from: Kirok on September 27, 2021, 05:13:42 PM

[Katra Station - Barbeque - EQ Kimball]

"Wow.  You really know what your talking about" the XB said.  Then he fell into listing what else the Gorn had to say.

"As you might guess, I have some first hand knowledge of how to integrate borg adaptive programs.  But a complete overhaul of all systems is way above my pay grade.  But Kiork would probably love the idea and if more than your department is going to be involved either he or Commander Briggs would need to sign off on it" Kimball added.

"Well I doubt the Captain or Briggs would listen if I suggested it.  Though, someone would need to suggest it and I doubt the Captain or Briggs would want there nice time interrupted by talk of work.  But then if security fails to protect us next time, a BBQ here in the Arboretum might be a BBQ on Command Deck instead.  Because the Arboretum would be inhabitable due to the next crazy attempt to blow up the station." Skar sneered out in disgust that he didnt think to mention these things before.


Quote from: Skargarr on September 28, 2021, 01:16:01 AM

"Well I doubt the Captain or Briggs would listen if I suggested it.  Though, someone would need to suggest it and I doubt the Captain or Briggs would want there nice time interrupted by talk of work.  But then if security fails to protect us next time, a BBQ here in the Arboretum might be a BBQ on Command Deck instead.  Because the Arboretum would be inhabitable due to the next crazy attempt to blow up the station." Skar sneered out in disgust that he didnt think to mention these things before.

[Katra Station - Barbeque - EQ Kimball]

EQ tilted his head and frowned.  As someone how had spent a great deal of time with Kirok over the years, EQ knew this to not be true.  Kirok didn't care about the social rules regarding lower ranked people speaking directly to him, especially if they had a good idea.

"Now might not be the best time to approach either of them.   But the next time you are in Ops together, you might consider doing so.  But run it by your Chief first.  Plus, Kyan can help you iron the details" the XB suggested.

Species:  Betazoid/Vulcan.
Being kind to others costs nothing & builds a stronger community.


[Katra - Barbeque]

"When are we planning to depart. I am truly looking forward to see New Bajor. I was told the planet is beautiful," he said. The truth was about everything was beautiful which was not made by replicators. The simple things like a snow flake will fascinate Balan.

He had to admit he Xiiv was growing on him. He still have to learn more about her. See what she likes and what she does not like?


Quote from: Kirok on September 28, 2021, 05:25:35 PM

[Katra Station - Barbeque - EQ Kimball]

EQ tilted his head and frowned.  As someone how had spent a great deal of time with Kirok over the years, EQ knew this to not be true.  Kirok didn't care about the social rules regarding lower ranked people speaking directly to him, especially if they had a good idea.

"Now might not be the best time to approach either of them.   But the next time you are in Ops together, you might consider doing so.  But run it by your Chief first.  Plus, Kyan can help you iron the details" the XB suggested.

"I suppose I should, but at the same time.  Have you met, Kyan?.  He allowed his own personal vendetta get in the way of his starfleet duty and it nearly killed him and refused help when it was offered.  How do you ask someone like that to help convince your direct superiors to do a complete station overhaul to prevent what happened 80+ days ago to prevent it from happening again?" Skar asked EQ as he was looking for more advice on how to handle the situation as he didnt wish to go over his department heads head.  Initiative or not there is a protocol to follow.

Amarande Xiiv

Quote from: Balan on September 28, 2021, 09:40:03 PM

[Katra - Barbeque]

"When are we planning to depart. I am truly looking forward to see New Bajor. I was told the planet is beautiful," he said. The truth was about everything was beautiful which was not made by replicators. The simple things like a snow flake will fascinate Balan.

He had to admit he Xiiv was growing on him. He still have to learn more about her. See what she likes and what she does not like?

[Katra Station - Barbeque]

"The shuttle's all ready to go, we just need to finish up here and we can go." Xiiv was very much looking forward to the trip but also wanted to make sure they had ample time at this little event Kirok had put together. "Knowing the Bajoran culture, I'm sure they've made progress in making the planet even more beautiful than it was when they arrived. I've seen holos. It really is stunning."

She was ready to leave right now, if she really thought about it.

What we do now echoes in eternity. â€" Marcus Aurelius

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