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Personal Log - Dr. Levinia Black - Qellar

Started by Levinia Black, August 18, 2016, 05:35:18 PM

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Levinia Black

Stardate: 70628.69

"Well, back to Starfleet and back to work.  I've got Alanoth with me, so I don't feel too lonely but I still miss Tani."  Levinia chewed on her bottom lip which was a habit of hers and one she didn't realize she was doing until it was pointed out.  Not that Tanibak cared, he probably found it endearing.  Her eyes fell upon their child, three years old and already broody and dubious about the universe.  That was the Romulan part of him.  Without duty it seemed like the child was afloat, so being back to Starfleet gave him a sense of duty.  It made her happy to know this and see him wearing his child combadge with pride.

Levinia reached out and gently caressed the softened ridges on his forehead which made the boy look older than he was.  He was already tall for his age, but that was to be expected and she was glad he wasn't short like her.  She turned back to the recording device and continued her log entry, "The lead we had on Douglas was too good to pass up but it was too dangerous for me to go in with Alanoth.  I hate the separation but I understand the need for it.  If I hadn't figured out that my brother was still alive who knows what would have happened to him.  As it is, we fear telling my family in case Tanibak gets too him too late.  Of course I'm saying all this because the truth is, it has nothing to do with espionage or the Federation just some bad deals and my brother's stupid decisions."

She shook her head, "Once father hears about this, Douglas is going to be in REAL trouble.  I just want him home safe and I know if anyone can get him out it'll be Tanibak.  So, I'm glad to be back, I feel safe with Alanoth and I think we're all going to be just fine."   Levinia smiled and turned off the recorder.

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Levinia Black


Stardate: 71683.29

Time to put up some family pictures:  From top - clockwise;  Father, mother and baby Ambrose, My oldest brother Junior and me, my sister Tabitha and me

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Levinia Black


Top picture Ambrose Junior and me, and Ambrose Senior my father

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Levinia Black


My youngest brother Douglas and me on a beach on Earth, being Lunar born children we got terribly sunburned that day.

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

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