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Messages - Charles Stratton

LOA Archives / Please Reserve Charles Stratton
May 05, 2020, 07:40:52 AM

Timing is such with work and phase 1 of returning to normal, I do not have the time devote that it deserves.

Thank you and best wishes for continued success.


Love this! Thank  you

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
April 29, 2020, 07:06:28 AM

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
April 27, 2020, 06:08:26 PM
The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
April 26, 2020, 07:08:48 PM
Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 20, 2020, 10:19:02 PM


NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

M'rrow listened to the ops crewman make excuses and fixed him with an unblinking stares waiting on his reply.

Finally he answered.  Her ears perked.   "Wonderful. One moment." She turned to the medical console tapped out the sickbay discharges notice.

"There you go. You may return to your duties."

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]

Stratton inwardly gave a sigh of relief, the Doctor hadn't taken offence. This was his third assignment in less than 3 months of active duty. He certainly did not want to screw up here. Not that he had been put on report or even reprimanded on his other duty assignments. He had been told, 'sometimes it just happens that way, don't take it to heart'. But deep down he was taking it to heart.

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Operations Console ]

He gave the Doctor a curt nod before hastily, though not running, from Sickbay. As soon as he was outside of sickbay he headed for the closest Operations console he could find. Stratton fully intended on going back to his duty stations, but he wanted to know what he was going back to. The sooner he knew the current ship situation, the faster he could start formulating his priorities.

He found a console and quickly tapped in to see the general status of the ship, and more importantly, their status with the Borg. He checked the chronometer. He had been unconscious longer than he had realized. Several hours had gone by. The Borg were no longer the issue. There had been a spacial rift it had been pulled through. Stratton relaxed somewhat. The ship, however, was still at red alert, and there were other issues at play he wasn't privy to. But there was ship damage that needed to be repaired. His priority was set. Get back to his duty station, help with repairs.

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
April 21, 2020, 09:14:35 AM
Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 19, 2020, 10:55:04 PM

NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

Dr. T'Charr listened to the crewman's responses.  She didn't like that there was a clear memory lapse but such things were not uncommon with blows to the head.  It was possible any missing memories might come back with time.  Yet despite the lapse, the crewman seemed to have good recall of long term memories.

At the request for a status update, T'Charr offered what she knew. "Currently the ship remains at Red Alert.  The ship sustained some damage but repairs are underway.". M'rrow knew this not because of any update but because while they had been on emergency power at first, Sickbay now had main power back on.

When the crewman asked to have access to Sickbay's console to get the ship's status, T'Charr's ears laid back against her head in a clear show of disapproval.

"I'm sorry, crewman, medical computers are not for general use.  I'll have a PADD brought to you if you feel like you aren't 100% or if you feel well enough - as I have done all I can medically other than insisting on a few hours of bed rest but I can forego this if you feel up to it - I can simply discharge you now and you can return to your duties."

T'Charr looked to Stratton expectant of his answer.

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]

Stratton paused as the Caitian Doctor's ears pinned back. He held up his hands. "No disrespect meant .." Was the Doc a Ma'am or a Sir? He didn't want to make matters worse, "Doctor.." He sat back down. His voice non confrontational,  "I only wanted to check the ship status." He gave the Doctor an earnest look, "You can tell quite a bit about the ship status by viewing the power grid. Where power have been rerouted, where it has been shunted..." His voice died off.

The Doctor was unimpressed.

The two of them looked at each other for a long moment, Stratton broke first. "Discharge please, Sir,.. Ma;am.. I mean Doctor.."

Old Topics / Re: Roll Call/Welcome New Members!
April 19, 2020, 06:46:22 PM


I play Crewman Charles Stratton, in Operations. I am new to Shadowfleet. There are still things I am trying to sort out. I have rp'd for decades, but first character here, so bear with me if I ask a lot of questions.

I am on discord. Still learning that too. Roth is my discord account name, but I did figure out how to change it on Shadowfleet channels to Stratton.

I am not an expert on Star Trek. TOS and TNG are ones I am most familiar with. I was going for a red shirt character, which is why I picked ops.. only to find out.. Ops is now gold. >.< Live and learn, roll with it. Not really sure what else to say, except.. I do like torture my characters. So if you need that guy thats going to get beat up for the good of the mission.. just let me know.

Quote from: Danjar-Torra on April 18, 2020, 08:00:36 PM


NPC Lt jg T'Charr
[USS Discovery - Deck 10 - Sickbay]

The Caitian doctor who was discussing treatment of another patient with the duty nurse looked over at the groan and sent off the nurse, before moving to the waking patients bedside.  M'rrow looked over to the overhead display which listed the patients name and current medical stats.  Stratton, Charles.  Blood pressure 120 on 80...  pulse of 80.  Not overly alarming results.

"Mr. Stratton.  I am Doctor T'Charr.  You are in Sickbay.  You were found unconscious at your station earlier.  Can you tell me what happened?"

The Caitian doctor purposefully avoided discussing the ships security status.  She wasn't privy to any of that... the fact however that there were Security posted outside Sickbay however wasn't a good sign... and hearing from the Crewman that the invaders might be Borg was even more so... but she couldn't focus on that.  She was a doctor her focus had to remain on her patients.

"It seems that when the ship was jostled about you struck your head and sustained a concussion.  I've since treated you but would like you to answer a few standard questions to be sure there is no hidden damage.   Can you tell me your full name and rank?   What year is it?"

[ USS Discovery - Deck 10 Sickbay ]
Stratton looked at the Doctor, he had a bemused look on his face. His Doctor was a Caitian. If the circumstances weren't so dire he would be extremely excited. He brought himself back to the present with some difficulty, he blamed the concussion.

"What happened?" His voice was absent as he repeated the question, and tried to focus on the answer. "I was at my station. Notification came across a Borg cube was sighted. I was locking down my station. There are protocols that must be followed." He stopped. The Doctor didn't need to know that. He tried again. "I'm sorry.. that's all I remember."

He subconsciously straightened as the Doctor then asked his name and rank. He looked about Sickbay before replying. "Crewman Charles Stratton. The year is 2398."

His voice was getting stronger. He even felt better, but.. For how long? "Doctor.." He hadn't seen any signs of panic, he couldn't hear a red alert claxton, but that didn't mean there wasn't one. "What is the ship status?" He spied a console. "Can I use your console for a status update?" He was already trying to stand up to move toward the console.

Fleet Applications - Join Here! / Re: Face Claims
April 18, 2020, 12:38:12 PM

Charles Stratton face Claim is Michael Fassbender. thanks!


[ USS Discovery - Medical / Sickbay ]

Crewman Stratton couldn't hear. No. That wasn't quite right. He could hear, he just could not hear distinctly. There were vague sounds of hushed harried voices and perhaps running. He wanted to see what was going on, but his eyes refused to open. Refused? Or maybe the exertion from opening just seemed too great. Everything seemed muffled and distorted. What had he been doing? He tried to focus but his thoughts were refusing to stay marshalled in a semblance of order. He sensed movement near him and then there was blackness once more.

It was some time later when the first cohesive thought that Stratton recognized happened. He was lying down. He shouldn't be lying down. He should be at his station. He groaned as he tried to move to a seated position, eyes barely opening. He recognized he was in Sickbay. What had happened? He struggled to remember what he had been doing before.. Before what? The exertion of memories and movement at the same time hurt and made him nauseous.

He took a few slow deep breaths and decided to get his thoughts in order first. He wouldn't do anyone any good, if he didn't know or remember what the hell had happened. His mind went over his known routines, he had gotten up, gone on duty, he was at his station .. doing what? Then a memory hit. The Borg!

Stratton sucked in a great gulp of air as he remembered the Borg. He had been locking down systems, enabling a series of redundant security protocols on the different systems in his sector when everything went black. He forced himself to sit up against the pain that screamed throughout his body. Unconsciously he held up his hands to look at them, as if to make sure they weren't Borg hands. Relief swept through him.

"Have we been boarded?" He called out, in what he thought was a strong voice. But in actuality, it was more of a hoarse raspy whisper.


Thank you! Third time is the charm, yea?

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
April 17, 2020, 12:03:21 PM
🡱 🡳

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