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Messages - myne

LOA Archives / Re: LoA Buehler - 4 July to 18 July
July 17, 2023, 03:24:36 PM

Please do not forget about us and return when you can hun.

Hello and welcome all to the USS Challenger July 2023 bi-annual awards!
Authorized to Post by Captain in Role of Ships Rep.
Chief Petty Officer ShranLahr ch'Verret
Rib Tickler Award
Ensign Aarwendil Cheizex
Academy Training Course Ribbon
Best Newcomer Award
Ensign Lina Knight
Academy Training Course Ribbon
Ensign M'nia
Academy Training Course Ribbon
Ensign Melly Pwllgwyngyll
Academy Training Course Ribbon
Recruitment Ribbon
Contribution Award
Ensign Rin Amaya
Academy Training Course Ribbon
Lieutenant JG Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas
Posting Excellence Award
Lieutenant Evan Buehler
Most Engaging Member Award
Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie
Descriptive Combat Award
Lieutenant Ruth Sigurdsdottir
Technical Precision Award
Commander Nira Said
Lizzie Vaughan Outstanding Contribution Award
More to come, these will be updated on the site when admins have time.

OOC: I sincerily apologize for this quick post, but I feel I need to say what is said in the last section.


[The Elder - Promenade - Melek Nor]
The Elder came over to "H'Riss" and said, "The Nurit girl is yours, if you wish. Gul Sherem would even be welcome to provide the services of his private harem; this, I'm afraid, is the public brothel."

[Nirut Nori - Promenade - Melek Nor]
Nori's eyes widened as she shook. 'Oh no He gave me away for calling him Father', she thought as she looked up in dread. But something about the Catian made her feel at peace. "I'll be a good slave. I will comb your fur and bring You yours meals. Until You sell me off or dispose of me like Mother." She looked genuinely at peace around him for some reason.

[Glinn Luram - Promenade - Melek Nor]
Meanwhile, Glinn Luram slipped over to Zhuk and whispered, a whisper so low that Zhuk could hear with his sharp hearing, in his ear, "Don't worry, Mister Mrekrerhas. Help is on the way."

Noticing that Nurit Nori was with him, Luram then said louder to her, "Oh yes, I'm just telling him how everybody seems to be anticipating the event."

[Nirut Nori - Promenade - Melek Nor]
Looking with fear to Glinn Luram she took a lead from her belt, that all the slaves had and she attached it to her collar and offered the end to H'Riss. "So others know i'm yours and keep there hands off me."

Looking down to the actions below she turned to H'Riss with a pleading look. "Master, I know whats going to happen.. I know more about bad things then some of the people down there going to be doing them." Tears began to well in her eyes, "Please? I don't want to see this. I have lived threw so much of this that I should be numb but it hurts me when I see this. Please. I'm begging you. I don't want to see this. I am not numb like the other girls to it, seeing this.. the afters.. it upsets me. Truly upsets me. Please Master H'Riss. I don't want to see this. Please take me away from here. I don't want to see this. Please?"


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"MELLY!" Ruth shrieked forgetting herself in her concern for the young Ensign.

In one swift movement she was out of her seat going to check on her, looking at the girl concerned.

She grinned as the girl just sat up and rubbed her shoulder then announce that her trick was working.

The CSO sighed.  "Sooner we get you something sorted for being more secure in that seat the better.  And promise soon as this is over you go and get checked out by Medical.  I think you're ok for now.  But if you need medical assistance then tell me now and I'll arrange relief."

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

"Yeah sucks to be small. I'll live just hit and am sore, nothing broken. I'll live, had worse during my time as a slave." She tried to not think of that time as the telepath was here, nothing wantng to flood him with bad things.

Shaking her head, "No need to have me checked, maybe a hand back up?". She offered a smile.


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]
"I think someone likes you!" Ruth whispered and grinned "Mr. Cute Ops Officer!"  She gave Aarwendil a grateful smile for being concerned about the girl.

She offered a hand to help the Ensign up and gingerly made her way back to her seat.


[Ensign Aarwendil - USS Challenger-A - Bridge]

Aarwendil gripped the console in front of him with a vice grip, while the entire Challenger was shaken. He felt relieved for having tightened the belt, because even holding onto something he was sure that it wasn't going to be  enough for not being thrown out of his seat and end rolling around the floor.

Like how Myne was doing right now.

"œAre you fine?" he asked the Only with wide eyes, while she returned to her seat. It was at this moment that the young Betazoid noticed that Myne wasn't wearing the belt. It was a bit obvious that she wasn't, since with it the girl would not be able to reach the console. She was too small, with her working station not having been built for some with her height.

The Federation really needed to think about the accessibility of smaller species when projecting these stations.

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]
Ensign Myne blushed ear to ear then all the way back around to her ear again! Her thought of him being cute were flowing out as she hoped he would not pick up on them. He was too young for her anyway.

Carefully with Ruths help the girl rose and was back in her chair to get strapped in again. Looking to the ops with a smile and blush, "Yes I am fine, thank You Sir, thank You."

Then back to scanning, yes scanning.


[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]

Nira was surprised at the redheaded Cardassian girl who appeared to offer drinks. She couldn't tell what disturbed her more, the fact that the old man kept a slave and Allah knows how many more, the fact that she was barely prepubescent, or just how normal it was. The reactions weren't lost especially to the old man.

"Yes, Nori, a drink will suffice for our guest, H'riss, here," he said. "But I'm afraid not for the girls. Especially her," he added, indicating to Nira. "But I suppose this requires a bit more...interest. Guards, bring the prisoners to my office. Join us,  Nori, continue serving us refreshment. Meantime, see if you can get our friend to reform faster."

He gestured to the liquid mess that was Belvedere. The Jem'Hadar brought Nira down and took her and Doctor Fellows to the office. A little more privacy...seems like a little more fun. Nira could see the envious looks around the officers in Ops...with exception to Malat, who had, at the news of his brothers' death, would've ripped the console and flung it upside-down if the console wasn't pinned to the floor...though he could easily if he made the effort; Nira was definitely sure he was part Gorn, having passed close to him on her way to the office. His teeth were still grit, and Nira could see the sharp teeth. They could've been filed so he could be more savage, but they looked too jagged to look filed, unless he was extremely specific...

The burning hatred was certainly rivaled by Zhuk's. Nira could feel the rage from him despite his expressions. Oh, he was a great actor; Nira hoped to give him a commendation if and when they got out of this.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

Nori smiled as he had remembered her name. Lifting the bucket to empty the water and obediently taking the cup offered to Dr Fellows she helped coax Belvedere into the bucket. Carrying him along she walked behind her Father/Master, behind the Caitian Mercanary and the Jem'Hadar, but before the prisoners. A distinctively pecking order was observed, not that she thought herself above the Prisoners as each were infimitely more valuable then her. But High Protocol must be followed, for she knew her place. The Cat however was a interesting creature and she hoped she would get to spend time asking him questions. But if not she would just put the memory with others and try to not have regrets. Slaves were not allowed regrets.


[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]
In the office, Doctor Fellows were seated in front of the old man, and Nira had her bound hands brought onto a hook on the ceiling, one the guards attached before she was hung up. Nori served...and Nira was shocked further to find, up close, she was Bajoran. Part Bajoran, anyhow, she could tell from the extra ridges.

"You clearly haven't released your Bajoran slaves, old man," Nira sneered.

The old man responded with a brief press of a button, resulting in Nira wriggling midair in pain for a brief moment, before he stopped and retorted, "Of course. But Nori's mother wasn't from their so-called Occupation. She was captured during the war of defiance against the Dominion."

Nira took note of the old man's choice of words, the way he described the Occupation from the Bajoran (and everybody else's) point of view not in his view, and how he described the Dominion War as "a war of defiance." His megalomania must be why he fit right in with the Dominion.

"You can never keep your hands off Bajoran women, can you?" hissed Nira. "No Cardassian officer ever had, even Dukat."

"Dukat ever felt particular close to that Tora woman that begot that Ziyal girl," the old man sneered. "He certainly never saw a big picture to clearly. Whereas me, of course I never stopped. From birth, I assess and judge before I sort my offspring into categories: Agents or slaves."

"So...Nori's your...?"

"That's right," he said with a sneer. "And she's not the only one. Half the harem kept in the Promenade are offspring, though some make good revenue with the Orion Syndicate."

"Ibn al Khab!" snarled Nira momentarily in Arabic. "I can see why your wife left you!"

Another jab of pain with the press of a button. And then the old man narrowed his eyes.

"Oh, Rahab was well aware of what I was doing," he said. "She always had a soft heart for Bajorans."

"Hasn't it occurred to you why? Maybe because of what you do to Bajorans is why she follows the Bajoran faith!"

Another jab of pain before he responded. "Believe me, my progeny are better than Rahab and her children. Either to serve me with loyalty or pleasure. And maybe either of you would enjoy your stay with them as well."

Nira stared in shock. This was one sick old man.

"I won't be a slave to you! Never!" she snarled.

"Oh, but look at Nori," he said soothingly. "She serves me excellently. She is quite happy and content here. Perhaps you will be, too. With enough time, your tongue could be loosed as to your real intentions. Perhaps before my Changeling friend re-forms and gives you the Dominion treatment. Obey me and live enjoyably. Defy me, and this will occur..."

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]
The girl had followed as ordered and placed the bucket beside her Father's desk, hopefully the shade and confinement of the bucket would aid in reforming. At this point she quickly hurried about busily to not be dawdling. She took the bottle of kanar and poured two glasses, one for Him and one for the Mercenary. Offering the first glass up to Sherem she then offered the next when he took it to the Caitian mercenary.

Her face lit up however when she heard her Father. Taking a bold move which might cause a slap she said happily. "Girl is happy to serve Master. He feeds us, clothes us, and gives us purpose. He expects loyalty and we give it because we are good girls."

She smiled then looked to Nira with a genuine concerned frown, "Mistress? Father taught us that pain is the result of being bad, good girl's don't hurt. So be a good girl and you won't hurt?" She said looking confused but then suddenly put a hand over her own mouth, "Master I mean Master, not Father. Master." She looked to him in terror hoping not to be beaten but accepting it if he did.


[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]
And another jab of pain with the press of a button.

"I must say, I enjoy the prospect of keeping a Betazoid again," he added with venomous charm.

"Oh, you tried to get a harem during the war when the Dominion occupied Betazed?" snarled Nira.

"Unfortunately, the ones I acquired escaped too easily, especially since what they did to the Jem'Hadar," he said with disappointment. Nira thought he knew what he was talking about: that Betazed was liberated when it was discovered that the Jem'Hadar were sensitive to telepathy. Maybe that was why the Jem'Hadar looked to be afraid of her.

"I got a good idea," she said. "They were too scared of Betazoids, or they got themselves out."

"That depends," he shrugged. "And if a group I had chosen to join my harem would've made it if some fool didn't sneak aboard Sentok Nor before transfer and sacrificed himself to get them away...what was his name, Elder?"

He asked this to a Jem'Hadar standing next to him...and Nira was in for a new surprise. The Jem'Hadar was old, like a wrinkled cartoon dinosaur, though he'd look like that if it weren't for the horns. This must be a rare Jem'Hadar Elder, a Jem'Hadar that lived to the old age of thirty, in regards to Jem'Hadar, since they never lived past their thirties if they didn't die in battle. And now that she looked at him, she could see he was studying her intently.

"If I recall," the Elder said, "his name was Usul Atruk."

Nira now stared long and hard at the Elder. He...he was there. And that group about to be sent to Melek Nor for the old man's harem...was it possible he took interest in the women in that group and had them diverted from Crell Moset's lab, and that the momentary transfer gave advantage for somebody to surprise them guards and give time for them to escape? He must've been there. When Usul Atruk, her father, her biological father, gave his life to save her mother...and herself when she was still in the womb. And if it wasn't for Usul, now that it occurred to Nira, her mother, Muri Tenid-Atruk, would've ended up at Melek Nor and Nira would've grown up a slave.

"Well, stop gawking at the girl," he said. "It's a little unusual, I wasn't aware Jem'Hadar were interested in girls. Perhaps you can escort them to the Promenade for them time where they can get accustomed to their surroundings. You can show H'Riss our harem for his choice in pleasure before he stays in our suites. Nori can guide the way to the slave accommodations."

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]
Nori offered a small hand up to Zhuk, "I have many charming and pleasing sisters you may find fair. As well as other girls if you do not wish my sisters. The choice is yours, just tell me as I will relay to the First Mistress who runs the harem that Master has given you choice?" She smiled sweetly and happily up to him as she waited for him to take her hand or not.

[Commander Nira Said | Ops >- Prefect's Office | Melek Nor]
The Elder nodded and the Jem'Hadar took Zhuk and the prisoners to the turbolift, as the Elder continued to stare intently at her.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" snapped Nira.

"I've seen you before," the Elder said.

"Oh, I'm sure the Dominion keep tabs on Starfleet officers to get information about them," retorted Nira defiantly.

"No. I've seen you on Sentok Nor."

Nira blinked in surprise. "Sentok Nor was destroyed when Betazed was liberated. And it was a long time ago."

"I wasn't even an elder, then. I was a Third."

Nira sniffed dirisively and turned away. However, she had an inkling from his words, and she wondered...wondered about her mother...

The Arcade Board / Re: Count to a million!!!
July 14, 2023, 02:50:28 PM


2264   Book   The Captain's Oath
2264   Book   Enterprise: The First Adventure
2264   Comic   Mirror Images #1
2264   Comic   Mirror Images #2
2264   Comic   Mirror Images #4
2264   Comic   Mirror Images #5
2264   Short Story   The Greater Good
2264   Comic   Alien Spotlight: Orions
2264   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #9
2264   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #11
2264   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #10
2265   Short Story   Sins of the Mother
2265   Short Story   Almost Tomorrow
2265   Book   Distant Early Warning
2265   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #76
2265   Book   Things Fall Apart
2265   TV Show   Where No Man Has Gone Before
2265   Book   Republic
2265   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #64
2265   Book   Constitution
2265   Book   Harbinger
2265   Book   Enterprise
2265   Book   Summon the Thunder
2265   Comic   Alien Spotlight: Tribbles
2265   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #13
2266   Comic   Alien Spotlight: Romulans (2009)
2266   Book   Reap the Whirlwind
2266   Short Story   Hard News
2266   Short Story   The Landing Party
2266   TV Show   The Corbomite Maneuver
2266   TV Show   Mudd's Women
2266   TV Show   The Enemy Within
2266   TV Show   The Man Trap
2266   TV Show   The Naked Time
2266   Book   Present Tense
2266   Book   Future Imperfect
2266   Book   Past Prologue
2266   TV Show   Charlie X
2266   Short Story   Elegy for Charlie
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #33
2266   Comic   Alien Spotlight: Romulans (2008)
2266   TV Show   Balance of Terror
2266   Short Story   The First Artifact
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #23
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #39
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #1
2266   Comic   Life Form Non-Existant, Part I
2266   Comic   Life Form Non-Existant, Part II
2266   Comic   Life Form Non-Existant, Part III
2266   Comic   Life Form Non-Existant, Part IV
2266   Comic   Life Form Non-Existant, Part V
2266   Comic   Life Form Non-Existant, Part VI
2266   Book   Shadow Lord
2266   Comic   The Crucial Element, Part I
2266   Comic   The Crucial Element, Part II
2266   Comic   The Crucial Element, Part III
2266   Comic   The Crucial Element, Part IV
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #14
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #2
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #17
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #25
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #36
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #40
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #43
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #44
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #32
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #24
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #41
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #34
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #42
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #38
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #57
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #31
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #3
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #27
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #4
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #6
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #60
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #7
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #46
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #19
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #15
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #51
2262   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #5
2266   Comic   New Visions #14
2266   Comic   Beware the Beast, Part I
2262   Comic   Beware the Beast, Part II
2262   Comic   Beware the Beast, Part III
2262   Comic   Beware the Beast, Part IV
2266   Comic   The Third Party, Part I
2266   Comic   The Third Party, Part II
2266   Comic   The Third Party, Part III
2266   Comic   The Third Party, Part IV
2266   TV Show   What are Little Girls Made Of?
2266   Book   The Edge of the Sword
2266   Book   Killing Blow
2266   Book   River of Blood
2266   TV Show   Dagger of the Mind
2266   TV Show   Miri
2266   Comic   The Children of Stai, Part I
2266   Comic   The Children of Stai, Part II
2266   Comic   The Children of Stai, Part III
2266   Comic   The Children of Stai, Part IV
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part I
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part II
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part III
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part IV
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part V
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part VI
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part VII
2266   Comic   Skin Deep, Part VIII
2266   Short Story   Yeoman Figgs
2266   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #52
2266   Comic   The Eagles Have Landed, Part I
2266   Comic   The Eagles Have Landed, Part II
2266   Comic   The Eagles Have Landed, Part III
2266   Comic   The Eagles Have Landed, Part IV
2266   Comic   Target: Zargot
2266   TV Show   The Conscience of the King
2267   TV Show   The Galileo Seven
2267   Comic   Anything But Alone
2267   Comic   New Visions #10
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #53
2267   TV Show   Court Martial
2267   Short Story   Official Record
2267   Comic   Spectre of the Zond, Part I
2267   Comic   Spectre of the Zond, Part II
2267   Comic   Spectre of the Zond, Part III
2267   Comic   Spectre of the Zond, Part IV
2267   Comic   Spectre of the Zond, Part V
2267   Comic   Spectre of the Zond, Part VI
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #54
2267   TV Show   The Menagerie, Part I
2267   TV Show   The Menagerie, Part II
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #26
2267   TV Show   Shore Leave
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #21
2267   Book   Heart of the Sun
2267   TV Show   The Squire of Gothos
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #16
2267   TV Show   Arena
2267   Comic   More of the Serpent Than the Dove
2267   TV Show   The Alternative Factor
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #8
2267   TV Show   Tomorrow is Yesterday
2267   Book   Web of the Romulans
2267   TV Show   The Return of the Archons
2267   Short Story   The Avenger
2267   TV Show   A Taste of Armageddon
2267   TV Show   Space Seed
2267   Book   The Joy Machine
2267   Comic   Hell's Mirror
2267   TV Show   This Side of Paradise
2267   Comic   New Visions #15
2267   Short Story   Sonnet from the Vulcan: Omicron Ceti Three
2267   TV Show   The Devil in the Dark
2267   Book   Seeds of Rage
2267   Book   Demands of Honor
2267   Book   Sacrifices of War
2267   TV Show   Errand of Mercy
2267   Video Game   Star Trek: Encounters - The Original Series: Ep 1-3
2267   Book   Open Secrets
2267   TV Show   The City on the Edge of Forever
2267   Short Story   Disappearance on 21st Street
2267   Short Story   Triptych
2267   Short Story   Marking Time
2267   Comic   The Enemy of My Enemy
2267   Book   Final Frontier
2267   TV Show   Operation: Annihilate!
2267   Short Story   The Winged Dreamers
2267   Short Story   The Leader
2267   Short Story   Indomitable
2267   Book   Gemini
2267   Book   Ishmael
2267   Comic   The Modala Imperative #1
2267   Comic   The Modala Imperative #2
2267   Comic   The Modala Imperative #3
2267   Comic   The Modala Imperative #4
2267   Book   The Disinherited
2267   TV Show   Catspaw
2267   Short Story   Ambition
2267   Comic   New Visions #19
2267   TV Show   Metamorphosis
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #20
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #18
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #56
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #58
2267   Comic   Come Away, Child
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #30
2267   Comic   Til Death
2267   Book   Crisis of Consciousness
2267   Comic   Hearts & Bones
2267   TV Show   Friday's Child
2267   TV Show   Who Mourns for Adonais?
2267   Comic   New Visions #11
2267   TV Show   Amok Time
2267   Short Story   Soliloquy
2267   Comic   New Visions #9
2267   Book   The Centre Cannot Hold
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #28
2267   Comic   New Visions #6
2267   TV Show   The Doomsday Machine
2267   Comic   Cry Vengeance
2267   Short Story   The Doomsday Gambit
2267   TV Show   Wolf in the Fold
2267   Book   Across The Universe
2267   TV Show   The Changeling
2267   Comic   Communications Breakdown
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #61
2267   Comic   Star-Spangled War Stories #170
2267   Comic   Star-Spangled War Stories #180
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #22
2267   Short Story   See No Evil
2267   TV Show   The Apple
2267   TV Show   Mirror, Mirror
2267   Comic   Fragile Glass
2267   Book   First Strike
2267   Book   The Folded World
2267   Comic   New Visions #1
2267   TV Show   The Deadly Years
2267   Comic   Romulans: The Hollow Crown #1
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1984) #56
2267   Comic   Star Trek (1984) #38
2267   Short Story   The First Peer
2267   Book   The Galactic Whirlpool
2268   TV Show   I, Mudd
2267   Book   The Case of the Colonist's Corpse
2268   Book   The Shocks of Adversity
2268   TV Show   The Trouble with Tribbles
2368   TV Show   Trials and Tribble-ations
2268   Short Story   The Trouble with Tribals
2268   Short Story   A Bad Day for Koloth
2268   Short Story   Missed
2268   TV Show   Bread and Circuses
2267   Book   Mission to Horatius
2267   Book   Twilight's End
2267   Short Story   First Star I See Tonight
2268   Short Story   Cave-In
2268   TV Show   Journey to Babel
2267   Book   The Vulcan Academy Murders
2267   Book   The IDIC Epidemic
2267   Short Story   First, Do No Harm
2268   TV Show   A Private Little War
2268   Short Story   The Ruins of Noble Men
2268   Comic   Nor Any Drop to Drink, Part I
2268   Comic   Nor Any Drop to Drink, Part II
2268   Comic   Nor Any Drop to Drink, Part III
2268   Comic   Nor Any Drop to Drink, Part IV
2268   Comic   Nor Any Drop to Drink, Part V
2268   Short Story   Ni Var
2268   Short Story   The Trouble with Borg Tribbles
2268   Book   Precipice
2267   Book   Captain to Captain
2268   TV Show   The Gamesters of Triskelion
2268   Short Story   The Stars Look Down
2268   TV Show   Obsession
2268   Book   Best Defense
2268   Book   Purgatory's Key
2268   Book   The Rings of Tautee
2268   Comic   Romulans: The Hollow Crown #2
2268   Comic   Art of War
2268   Book   Faces of Fire
2268   TV Show   The Immunity Syndrome
2268   Comic   Forging Alliances
2268   Comic   Menace of the Moloth, Part I
2268   Comic   Menace of the Moloth, Part II
2268   Comic   Menace of the Moloth, Part III
2268   Comic   Menace of the Moloth, Part IV
2268   Comic   Menace of the Moloth, Part V
2268   Comic   Menace of the Moloth, Part VI
2268   Short Story   The Enchanted Pool
2268   Short Story   Marginal Existence
2269   Comic   New Visions #13
2268   TV Show   A Piece of the Action
2268   Comic   Oban
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #16
2268   Comic   The Klingon Ultimatum, Part I
2268   Comic   The Klingon Ultimatum, Part II
2268   Comic   The Klingon Ultimatum, Part III
2268   Comic   The Klingon Ultimatum, Part IV
2268   Comic   The Klingon Ultimatum, Part V
2268   Comic   The Klingon Ultimatum, Part VI
2268   Comic   Strange New Worlds
2268   TV Show   By Any Other Name
2268   Comic   Legacy
2267   Comic   Side Effects
2268   Comic   Star Trek/X-Men: First Contact
2268   Book   The Klingon Gambit
2268   Book   Mutiny on the Enterprise
2268   TV Show   Return to Tomorrow
2268   Book   A Choice of Catastrophes
2268   Comic   New Visions #12
2268   TV Show   Patterns of Force
2268   Book   Uhura's Song
2268   Comic   The Rebound Effect
2268   TV Show   The Ultimate Computer
2268   Short Story   Visit to a Weird Planet Revisited
2268   TV Show   The Omega Glory
2268   TV Show   Assignment: Earth
2268   Book   From History's Shadow
2268   TV Show   Spectre of the Gun
2268   Comic   Scaean Gate
2268   TV Show   Elaan of Troyius
2268   Comic   Made Out of Mudd
2268   Comic   New Visions #2
2267   Comic   New Visions #22
2268   Comic   The Trial
2268   TV Show   The Paradise Syndrome
2268   Comic   New Visions #7
2268   Comic   New Visions #8
2268   Book   Double, Double
2268   Comic   The Great Tribble Hunt
2268   Comic   Robot
2268   TV Show   The Enterprise Incident
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #12
2268   Comic   Bandi
2268   TV Show   And the Children Shall Lead
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1989) Special 1995
2268   Comic   The Humanitarian
2268   Comic   Orphans
2268   Comic   Cura Te Ipsum
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1989) Annual #5
2268   Comic   Inalienable Rights
2268   Book   Dreams of the Raven
2268   TV Show   Spock's Brain
2268   Book   How Much for Just the Planet?
2268   TV Show   Is There in Truth No Beauty?
2268   Book   Ghost Walker
2268   TV Show   The Empath
2268   Book   Legacy
2268   TV Show   The Tholian Web
2268   Short Story   Devices and Desires
2268   Book   The Starship Trap
2268   Book   Windows on a Lost World
2268   Book   Cloak
2268   TV Show   For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky
2268   Short Story   The Badlands, Part I
2268   Short Story   The Unhappy Ones
2268   TV Show   Day of the Dove
2268   TV Show   Plato's Stepchildren
2268   Book   First Frontier
2268   TV Show   Wink of an Eye
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #48
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #49
2268   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #50
2268   Short Story   The Hunting
2268   TV Show   That Which Survives
2268   Book   One Small Step
2268   Short Story   One Giant Leap
2268   Book   Mudd in Your Eye
2268   Short Story   A Sucker Born
2268   TV Show   Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
2268   TV Show   Whom Gods Destroy
2268   Book   Sanctuary
2268   TV Show   The Mark of Gideon
2269   TV Show   The Lights of Zetar
2269   TV Show   The Cloud Minders
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part I
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part II
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part III
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part V
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part VI
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part VII
2269   Comic   The Marshal Plan, Part VIII
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: Demon World
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: Hijacked
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: Love's Labor Jeopardized
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: Another Fine Mess
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: The Feathered Serpent
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: That Old Devil Moon
2269   Video Game   Star Trek 25th Anniversary: Vengeance
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: Federation
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: Sentinel
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: No Man's Land
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: The Light And The Darkness
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: Voids
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: Museum Piece
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: Though This Be Madness...
2269   Video Game   Judgment Rites: ...Yet There Is Method In It
2269   Video Game   The Promethean Prophecy
2269   Video Game   The Rebel Universe
2269   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #77
2269   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #78
2269   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #79
2269   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #80
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part I
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part II
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part III
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part IV
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part V
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part VI
2269   Comic   Mutiny on the Dorado, Part VII
2269   Book   Devil's Bargain
2269   Comic   All of Me
2269   Comic   New Visions #19
2269   Comic   New Visions #20
2269   Comic   The Ageless One, Part I
2269   Comic   The Ageless One, Part II
2269   Comic   The Ageless One, Part III
2269   Comic   The Ageless One, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Ageless One, Part V
2269   Comic   The Ageless One, Part VI
2269   Book   Crisis on Centaurus
2269   Short Story   The Sleeping God
2269   TV Show   The Way to Eden
2269   Short Story   The Quick and the Dead
2269   TV Show   Requiem for Methuselah
2269   TV Show   The Savage Curtain
2269   TV Show   All Our Yesterdays
2269   Short Story   Surprise!
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part I
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part II
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part III
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part IV
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part V
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part VI
2269   Comic   Thorpex, Part VII
2269   RPG   An Imbalance of Power
2269   Short Story   In the Maze
2269   TV Show   Turnabout Intruder
2270   Comic   Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #1
2270   Comic   Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #2
2270   Comic   Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #3
2270   Comic   Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #4
2270   Comic   Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #5
2270   Comic   Star Trek/Legion of Super-Heroes #6
2269   Short Story   Empty
2269   Book   The Weight of Worlds
2269   Short Story   As Others See Us
2269   Short Story   Mind-Sifter
2269   Short Story   If I Lose Thee
2269   Short Story   The Face on the Barroom Floor
2269   Short Story   Snake Pit!
2269   Comic   Under the Sea, Part I
2269   Comic   Under the Sea, Part II
2269   Comic   Under the Sea, Part III
2269   Comic   Under the Sea, Part IV
2269   Comic   Under the Sea, Part V
2269   Comic   Under the Sea, Part VI
2269   Book   Spock Must Die!
2269   Book   Spock, Messiah!
2269   Book   Planet of Judgment
2269   Book   Vulcan!
2269   Comic   Time Out of Joint
2269   Book   The Starless World
2269   Book   Trek to Madworld
2269   Book   World Without End
2269   Book   Devil World
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part I
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part II
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part III
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part IV
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part V
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part VI
2269   Comic   Revolt on Dak-Alpha, Part VII
2269   Book   The Antares Maelstrom
2269   Book   What Judgments Come
2269   Book   Storming Heaven
2269   Book   In Tempest's Wake
2269   Book   That Which Divides
2269   Book   Memory Prime
2269   Book   Prime Directive
2269   Book   The Face of the Unknown
2269   Book   The Latter Fire
2269   Comic   Those Who Play With Cats...
2269   Book   Harm's Way
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part I
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part II
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part III
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part IV
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part V
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part VI
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part VII
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part VIII
2269   Comic   Where Giants Tread, Part IX
2269   Cartoon   Beyond the Farthest Star
2269   Cartoon   Yesteryear
2269   Cartoon   One of Our Planets is Missing
2269   Cartoon   The Survivor
2269   Cartoon   The Lorelei Signal
2269   Cartoon   Once Upon a Planet
2269   Cartoon   Mudd's Passion
2269   Cartoon   The Magicks of Megas-tu
2269   Cartoon   The Terratin Incident
2269   Cartoon   The Time Trap
2269   Comic   I, Emperor, Part I
2269   Comic   I, Emperor, Part II
2269   Comic   I, Emperor, Part III
2269   Comic   I, Emperor, Part IV
2269   Comic   Star Trek: Year Four #1
2269   Comic   Star Trek: Year Four #2
2269   Comic   Star Trek: Year Four #3
2269   Comic   Star Trek: Year Four #4
2269   Comic   Star Trek: Year Four #5
2269   Comic   Star Trek: Year Four #6
2269   Comic   Slaves of the Frogmen, Part I
2269   Comic   Slaves of the Frogmen, Part II
2269   Comic   Slaves of the Frogmen, Part III
2269   Comic   Slaves of the Frogmen, Part IV
2269   Cartoon   More Tribbles, More Troubles
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part I
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part II
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part III
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part IV
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part V
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part VI
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part VII
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part VIII
2269   Comic   Key Witness, Part IX
2269   Comic   Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment #1
2269   Comic   Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment #2
2269   Comic   Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment #3
2269   Comic   Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment #4
2269   Comic   Year Four: The Enterprise Experiment #5
2269   Comic   Nova-Thirteen, Part I
2269   Comic   Nova-Thirteen, Part II
2269   Comic   Nova-Thirteen, Part III
2269   Comic   Nova-Thirteen, Part IV
2269   Cartoon   The Ambergris Element
2269   Comic   Star Trek vs. Transformers #1
2269   Comic   Star Trek vs. Transformers #2
2269   Comic   Star Trek vs. Transformers #3
2269   Comic   Star Trek vs. Transformers #4
2269   Comic   Star Trek vs. Transformers #5
2269   Comic   Prison Break, Part I
2269   Comic   Prison Break, Part II
2269   Comic   Prison Break, Part III
2269   Comic   Prison Break, Part IV
2269   Comic   Prison Break, Part V
2269   Comic   Prison Break, Part VI
2269   Comic   Vibrations in Time, Part I
2269   Comic   Vibrations in Time, Part II
2269   Comic   Vibrations in Time, Part III
2269   Comic   Vibrations in Time, Part IV
2269   Comic   Vibrations in Time, Part V
2269   Book   Perry's Planet
2269   Book   Death's Angel
2269   Comic   Captives in Space
2269   Comic   Planet of Rejects
2269   Comic   Gateway to the Future
2269   Book   The Trellisane Confrontation
2269   Book   Killing Time
2269   Book   The Three-Minute Universe
2269   Comic   The Aging World, Part I
2269   Comic   The Aging World, Part II
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part I
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part II
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part III
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part IV
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part V
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part VI
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part VII
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part VIII
2269   Comic   By Order of the Empire, Part IX
2269   Book   Second Nature
2269   Book   Point of Divergence
2269   Audio   Passage to Moauv
2269   Audio   In Vino Veritas
2269   Audio   The Crier in Emptiness
2269   Comic   Creeping Death, Part I
2269   Comic   Creeping Death, Part II
2269   Comic   Creeping Death, Part III
2269   Comic   Creeping Death, Part IV
2269   Comic   Creeping Death, Part V
2269   Comic   Creeping Death, Part VI
2269   Comic   Ground Zero, Part I
2269   Comic   Ground Zero, Part II
2269   Comic   Ground Zero, Part III
2269   Comic   Ground Zero, Part IV
2269   Comic   Ground Zero, Part V
2269   RPG   The Vanished
2269   Book   The Cry of the Onlies
2269   Book   Renegade
2269   Book   The Great Starship Race
2269   Short Story   Fracture
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part I
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part II
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part III
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part V
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part VI
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part VII
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part VIII
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part IX
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part X
2269   Comic   The Collector, Part XI
2269   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #47
2269   Comic   Daylily
2269   Book   The Patrian Transgression
2269   RPG   Witness for the Defense
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part I
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part II
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part III
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part IV
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part V
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part VI
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part VII
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part VIII
2269   Comic   To Swiftly Go, Part IX
2269   Comic   The Menace of the Mechanitrons
2269   Comic   The Zodian Sacrifice
2269   Comic   Smoke and Mirrors
2269   Comic   The Mindless Ones, Part I
2269   Comic   The Mindless Ones, Part II
2269   Comic   The Mindless Ones, Part III
2269   Comic   The Mindless Ones, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Mindless Ones, Part V
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part I
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part II
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part III
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part V
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part VI
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part VII
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part VIII
2269   Comic   The Perithees Alliance, Part IX
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part I
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part II
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part III
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part V
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part VI
2269   Comic   The Saboteur Within, Part VII
2269   Comic   Planet of the Dead
2269   Comic   What is This Thing Called Spok?
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part I
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part II
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part III
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part IV
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part V
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part VI
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part VII
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part VII
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part IX
2269   Comic   The Void of Storms, Part X
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part I
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part II
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part III
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part IV
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part V
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part VI
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part VII
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part VIII
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part IX
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part X
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XI
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XIII
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XIII
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XIV
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XV
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XVI
2269   Comic   Spheres of War, Part XVII
2369   Comic   New Visions #18
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part I
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part II
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part III
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part IV
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part V
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part VI
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part VII
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part VIII
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part IX
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part X
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part XI
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part XII
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part XIII
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part XIV
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part XV
2269   Comic   Shell Game, Part XVI
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part I
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part II
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part III
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part IV
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part V
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part VI
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part VII
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part VII
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part IX
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part X
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part XI
2269   Comic   To Rule Them All, Part XII
2269   Comic   The Gods Have Come!
2269   Comic   Eleventh UK Annual Story (No Real Title)
2369   Comic   Home
2369   Comic   New Visions #17
2270   Cartoon   The Pirates of Orion
2270   Comic   Burden of Knowledge #1
2270   Comic   Burden of Knowledge #2
2270   Comic   Burden of Knowledge #3
2270   Comic   Burden of Knowledge #4
2270   Book   Agents of Influence
2270   Book   The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 1
2270   Book   The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh, Volume 2
2270   Cartoon   The Infinite Vulcan
2270   Cartoon   The Jihad
2270   Cartoon   Albatross
2270   Cartoon   The Practical Joker
2270   Cartoon   How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth
2270   Cartoon   The Counter-Clock Incident
2270   Cartoon   The Eye of the Beholder
2270   Cartoon   Bem
2270   Cartoon   The Slaver Weapon
2270   Short Story   The Patient Parasites
2270   Short Story   Intersection Point
2270   Short Story   The Procrustean Petard
2270   Comic   New Visions #5
2270   Book   Long Shot
2270   Book   All That's Left
2270   Comic   Romulans: Schism #1
2270   Comic   Romulans: Schism #2
2270   Comic   Romulans: Schism #3
2270   Audio   The Time Stealer
2270   Audio   To Starve a Fleaver
2270   Audio   A Mirror for Futility
2270   Audio   The Logistics of Stampede
2270   Comic   Dying of the Light
2270   Comic   Action of the Tiger
2270   Comic   Message in a Bottle
2270   Comic   None but the Brave
2270   Comic   As Flies to Wanton Boys
2270   Comic   Star Trek Unlimited #7
2270   Comic   Star Trek Unlimited #9
2270   Short Story   The Business, as Usual, During Altercations
2270   Book   The Tears of the Singers
2270   Book   From the Depths
2270   Short Story   The Girl Who Controlled Gene Kelly's Fleet
2270   Book   Savage Trade
2270   Book   Crossroad
2270   Book   Yesterday's Son
2270   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #55
2270   Comic   Star Trek (1967) #59
2270   Book   The Price of the Phoenix
2270   Book   The Fate of the Phoenix
2270   Book   The Abode of Life
2270   RPG   Margin of Profit
2270   Short Story   Demon
2273   Comic   Star Trek Adventure
2273   Comic   The Black Hole
2270   Book   Corona
2270   Book   Mindshadow
2270   Book   Demons
2270   Book   Chain of Attack
2270   Book   Bloodthirst
2270   Book   The Final Nexus
2270   Book   The Entropy Effect
2270   Book   The Final Reflection
2270   Book   Garth of Izar
2270   Gamebook   Voyage to Adventure
2270   Gamebook   Phaser Fight
2270   Book   Dreadnought!
2270   Book   Battlestations!
2270   Short Story   Where Everybody Knows Your Name
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #1
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #2
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #3
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #4
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #5
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #6
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #7
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #8
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #9
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #10
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #11
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #12
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five Valentine's Day Special
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #13
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #14
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #15
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #16
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #17
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #18
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #19
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #20
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #21
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #22
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #23
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #24
2270   Comic   Star Trek: Year Five #25
2270   Video Game   Star Trek: Legacy
2270   Book   The Rings of Time
2270   Book   Troublesome Minds
2270   Comic   Star Trek (1984) Annual #2
2270   Comic   Star Trek (1989) #75


[Captain Galloway - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

As the Challenger accelerated to chase the Jem'Hadar, T'Kel began firing the phasers in what seemed like a random pattern at the pockets of combustible gas, which exploded in varying sizes, which forced Rin to dodge and weave madly through the chaos of the Badlands, Ian smiled.

He would never admit it, but he thrived in these moments when the ship danced through fire with weapons blazing. There simply wasn't anything in the universe that made him feel more alive than he felt in these moments.

When Mel asked to attempt to fool the Jem'Hadar with false gravity projections, it was worth the try. The Valiant needed help and anything that increased their odds of survival was on the table.

"Permission granted Mr. Pwllgwyngyll. Ops, send Scotland the Brave out over every known subspace channel. I want the bloody Jem'Hadar ta ken full well help is on the way."


[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth grinned while being thrown this way and that in her seat.  "...and scare the living daylights out of our opponents!"

[Ensign Myne - Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had been preparing this for slowing the transwarp exit of the Melek Nor station. Transwarp happens by opening a tunnel to enter such as a single entry and use wormhole. If a ships sensors detect a large planetary mass in the way the failsafes would delay entry while recalibrating to determine a false positive. By using the deflector dish to make a false positive projection it would fool the sensors for about thirty seconds, long enough to blast and overheat more energy transfer tubes. In normal space against another vessel this would be immediately detected as false. But transwarp is different as is the Badlands. Using only passive sensors which is the only way in the badlands there is a chance less someone looks out a window.

Initiating the program to align and pulse the deflector dish she knew the threat this could cause. It would give the ship a split second of the deflector not fully protecting but it needed to be done. Hitting each button she tried to lean up and hit the last but could not reach. She would not be able to with her belt, so ignoring personal safety she unlatched the belt and leaned up hitting the last button.

"Brace please!", she said as the ship shuddered hard causing her to tumble from her chair and roll across the floor. With a whimper she shook her head and looked up watching the program as it worked.

In front of the two Jem'Haddar attack ships there collective sensors viewed in the cloudy pockets something that registered as a moon. The ships quickly veered and went around the mass, however this gave the Valiant at least an additional thirty to forty seconds of escape time.

Rubbing her sore shoulder from where she landed a smile formed, "There buying it Captain! There diverting around the gravity well. I hope Captain Vaughn uses the time wisely!"


I will be listing a index of advertisement and nexus groups tomorrow that bridge to other Trek groups. Is there anything we can do to make your stay here more comfortable?


e took the drink offered gracefully in his fingers, chugging it in one go before returning it to the girl. He offered a pleased expression, taking a moment to swallow with his cheeks full before finally responding. He did made sure to look pretty appreciative about it, however.

"Ah... yeah, I was plenty thirsty," He glanced down at her for a moment, squinting his eye,"Dunno why are you so nice to them prisoners..." He commented on, casually, as he got an idea, "They're weak... you shouldn't worry your pretty, lil' head none 'bout 'em."

He let out a chuckle, while he awaited her response.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

Nori looked up in worry at the 'guest' until she saw his appreciative look. She knew to read people more then she knew to 'hear' them. Taking a deep breath the slave kept her eyes glued to the Caitians booted feet all the while wondering if he had toebeans?

Pushing this out she quickly answered, "I am weak too Master. It is not a slaves place to choose whom to serve. I am to serve all weak or strong until told otherwise. That is my place, and I know my place. I will do as told and then I will go and have a bowl of rice in milk. I will sleep on the floor and when it is time to be up I will be up and smiling and doing as told. If I do not do as told I will be given pain. Pain is the result of being bad, good girls don't hurt. So I will be good and live another day and get another bowl of rice with floating in milk. If I am bad I will be thrown into space like Fath... like Master did to Mother. I will be good. I promise to be good."


Ruth almost chuckled when Melly also cringed from the sound of the pipes.  "You girls will have to get used to that, it's our battle cry so to speak.  Mine is Ride of the Valkyries." she shrugged.  "Anyhow didn't you know the bagpipes are officially proclaimed a weapon of war?  Scared the living daylights out of people hearing a full contingent coming over a hill, and then seeing 100 or more ginger madmen in plaid skirts, known of course as kilts.  Be very sure you are going to win if you want to pick a fight with a Scot!"  she thumbed over her shoulder "Point in case..never get on his bad side.  Outside of battle, loveliest person you could know, if somewhat gruff... that comes with being a Highlander!"

[ Ensign Myne | Bridge | USS Challenger-A ]

Myne gulped as she nodded to her Department Head. "Yes Ma'am, on the version of Earth that Planet Miri is.. i'm from a region called 'Wales'. We've heard of the highlanders but there not within walking distance so we never interacted till the Federation started scooping us all up. So I am not accustom to there music."

Listening about the Methane clouds. "Captain permission to try the gravity well trick I wanted to use on the transwarp tunnel? In the bad lands it may work better do to the limited passive sensors, trick the Jem'Hadar attack ships into thinking theres a solid mass of planetoid or moon infront of them and they have to go around. Might only give the Valiant a dozen extra seconds but distance is distance?"


'H'Riss' approached the girl as she gave the cup to Dr. Fellows, standing behind her, though giving her enough space to maneuver if she suddenly was to turn over to him.

"Ey! I also wanna drink, you hear?!" He spoke up, hoping that she would turn, and he could gauge her better. And perhaps, determine if she could be trusted.

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

The girl eeeped hearing the command and immediately sat the cup within reach of the woman. "Please drink Mistress, You seem most distressed."

She then turned and knelt before the man calling out behind her. She did not know his voice, did not know his smell, the sound of his feet so he must be new. He was, and a Cat species. She had seen such in books her mother showed her but never petted a cat nor met a cat person.

Turning to a kneel on her knees before him she shifted to make sure the carved brand was in sight, she took a spare cup and dipped out some cool clear water and held it up for him. Her eyes looked up only long enough to show where to offer before she lowered them. She knew to meet eye contact with a better could warrant a slap, a kick, or something worse.

"Your water Master at once!", she said holding it up to him. "I hope the water refreshes and pleases you.", a tremble in her voice shown her fear of displeasing. She had no malice, only fear.

Holodeck / Re: Out of Proportion - Buehler/Myne
July 09, 2023, 01:00:34 PM

Kina smiled and answered all the questions that Melly asked. She gave some more tips and opinions about strategy and some moves to make. "œI think you're ready for a game now. Let's get your pieces set up on the board." Kina first set up her side of the board and then helped Melly with her side. Once all the pieces ere set and they were both happy, she handed the dice to her patient so that she could make the first move.

"œIf you like, I have a holo-program from one of my friends at the academy. It's"¦.a make believe fantasy program where we would be adventurers in the fantasy land fighting monsters. If you'd like, you are more than welcome to join me. It has been a while since I used the program."

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

The ideas and concepts of the board game was complex but didn't phase her as she put to memory the core rules. Once her pieces were in place she nodded. She would make a mistake now and then but she would learn as this was fun. She rolled the dice and moved her piece with a smile.

"I would love to join you, I don't know how well I would be fighting but hey it's worth a try! Always up to new experiences.", Myne said happily as she spotted Ruth approaching.


Ruth walked back to the bed, smiling widely from ear to ear then apologised to both Lahr and Kina.

"Would it be ok if I spoke privately to Melly?  It's ok if Dr. Buehler wants to remain since it's medically related and that's why I had to drag him off... I'm no medic so I needed to talk practicalities!"

[ Ensign Myne | Sickbay | USS Challenger-A ]

"Ms Kina is in medical? Do you want to stay Ms Kina?", Myne asked.


[Prefect's Office - Melek Nor] [Dr. Jessica Fellows]

Throughout the ordeal of discovering Belvedere was a Changling and their capture, Jess remained silent. It was a sort of delusion she was holding onto in a vain attempt to pretend if she didn't say anything, somehow she'd disappear and not actually be a prisoner. It was a forlorn hope, but it was keeping her from screaming or curling up in a fetal position.

As Nira's ordeal began, Jess clinched her fists and trembled as she returned to her mantra.

"In through the nose for a count of two, out through the mouth for a count of four. In through the nose for a count of two, out through the mouth for a count of four. In through the nose for a count of two, out through the mouth for a count of four..."

[Nirut Nori - Prefects Office - Melek Nor]

Nirut Nori was making her rounds on the station when there were potential new 'guests' both good and bad. That meant more people to bring food to in the cells and more people to dart around in the barracks and stay out of arms reach. She had been born in captivity to a servant of Sherem and well she was pretty sure her father was him. Not that would make any difference ofcourse but she was afforded no priveldge other then to know that she was Sired by a strong and powerful man. Her mother was a Bajoran taken during the Dominion War so she had never got to see her Mothers homeworld. But her Mother was gone and halfbreeds were not welcome often.

Bowing to each Jem'Hadar and Breen she passed the young girl on the edge of puberty brought the water bucket and cups to the room. She knew deep inside how much pain someone was having as the simple slave smock she wore was open on the side to display the brand her 'father' gave her. Prophets forbid she ever say 'father' he would likely beat her till she could not walk.

The guards knew her, lifted her red ponytail, and checked the obedience collar she wore before the door opened and she tip toed in. She was five foot even if not a inch shorter. The Cardassian Bajoran mix carefully stepped over to the woman trying hard to keep it together and offered a cup of cool clean water as she smiled sweetly.

"A drink Mistress?", she offered to Doctor Fellows.

LOA Archives / LOA Ruth Sigurdsdottir July 9-11th
July 09, 2023, 10:05:29 AM

Character(s) affected: Ruth Sigurdsdottir
Assigned ship(s): USS Challenger
Period of time absent: 3 days
Date of last period of activity: July 7, 2023
Date returning: July 11, 2023

Any relevant comments:
On Sunday, July 9, 2023 at 09:01:03 AM CDT, Paula Milburn wrote:

Vulcan 🖖  mode enabled LOL

Having to try to laugh rather than cry as had a fall in my kitchen (slate floor, very hard) and have had an emergency paramedics out to check me over.  They're confident I'm out cuz didn't hit head or lose conscious just left knee buckled.

Bit shaken, will have bruises in unusual places.

Can you pop in emergency LOA for me for couple of days and apologise to Michael for me.  Thanks, I'm trying not to move much as even with painkillers I'm rather hurty.

🡱 🡳

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.