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Messages - M'Nia

Quote from: Lorut Vila on February 19, 2025, 10:50:26 PM

{USS Momentary|Bridge}

Vila sighed loudly and put her helmet back on as the systems began to fail.

Vila's brain took the pains to translate the words from Standard to Bajoran and back again. Bloody hell, the implications... quickly, she stood up. "Kalem, get your Bajoran ass to medical. NOW," she said. "There's no time. Just go. I'll tap into your systems," she said. "Hold on," she said. She could reroute just enough power to beam him She watched as he disappeared. She turned back to Ramort.

"Whatever is...out there or in here or...whatever is sucking the power dry. And some of the crew's very life essences. I have the computers running but I don't know how long they'll hold," she said.

Suddenly, her own suit gave a low power warning. She rolled her eyes. "I'll go plug in," she grumbled, returning to the Con and placing the closed circuit battery into the power unit of her suit. She was less concerned about the possibility of her own dehydration; she'd been through that and starvation at the Camps, and was used to it.

She cursed in Bajoran, raining the ire of the Prophet's onto the Captain's family name, but she did understand, even if this left them as sitting ducks. Quickly, she tried to maintain a line.

=/\= Sir? Get down to Engineering and whomever is there can set up a closed circuit energy unit. It'll give you enough power to run life support. An old trick from the Militia. Be careful. =/\=

The computer shut down, and she hit the keyboard in frustration. She reached under the console seat and was surprised to find the phaser still there.

"Ramort. I am going to head back to Engineering. Maybe M'Nia has something new. Or I can blow a hole in the wires and MAKE them work," she said. Either way, she didn't see a downside. It wasn't HER ship. The Turbolifts and transporters would no longer work, so she'd have to walk through the ship alone. She was going to be armed if that was the case.

"Yes villa. I heard.  I have been working on it. I think I can renergize the systems. It's tricky and could blow us to smithereens if it goes bad but it might work. I managed to get the circuits connected but they still need power. I can force it but that doesn't always go to well! However, it seems we're out of options." she tapped her combadge, "M'nia to ramort. it seems we're ut of options. I'll have to force the re-energizing. It probably will work but there is a risk if could blow the whole ship to well bits and pieces. If it works, I'd say maybe 5 minutes until power is restored."
Quote from: Lorut Vila on February 09, 2025, 06:31:38 PM

{USS Momentary|Main Engineering}

Vila's Comms badge picked up Ramort's question.

Vila took a moment to think before she answered, because what she wanted to say was "you get as much power as you have. I am good but I am not a magician." Instead, she answered him cautiously.

=/\=My apologies, sir, this is the best we have for the moment, but Lt. M'Nia is working hard down here. I can come to you, though, and set up a secondary closed circuit, however. =/\=

Actually, it wasn't a bad idea, and under normal circumstances, she would just do it, but she remembered the last ghost ship and so, she was staying put.

"With due respect commander, we're doing everything we can. It's going to take time. Looks like this one did use dilithium. Crystals are drained but I think I can reenergize them. However it will take time and not sure about the circuitry .I want to check that out and make sure it can hold it ok. I might be able to rig up something from auxilary power. won't give us warp drive but life support and maybe some other stuff. Like maybe food replicators." M'nia said.
Quote from: Lucien Dupont on February 03, 2025, 02:30:29 PM

[U.S.S. Momentary | Deck 8 | Main Corridor]

Lucien gave a nod to the Lieutenant - he hated dealing with computer systems anyway, giving a quiet sigh of relief that an expert was with them.

[U.S.S. Momentary | Deck 20 | Engineering Corridor]

Junction after junction, corridor after corridor. In normal operations, it should only take about twenty minutes to rush down to Main Engineering. However, without power the party had to force open every single access hatch by hand, which slowed down movement considerably. They'd managed to only make it to just under half that in the same amount of time.

Each walk through through a corridor to the next junction felt eerie, as the dead computer screens reflected their flashlights like creepy mirrors. Every conduit they opened up was completely dead - isolinear spanners seemed to not react at all, while tricorder readings simply saw clumps of metal.

Lucien grunted in frustration as he forced open his way into the next ladder that lead down to deck 21.

"Lieutenant, what's your plan for refiring the ship's power? I don't understand how even the ship's battery backups seem to be completely inoperable. Surely the Momentary hasn't been adrift for that long?" Lucien looks at both of ladies with him, unable to continue his line of thinking - it just felt completely absurd to everything he knew about starships.

M'nia gave the ok for lorut to check the computer systems. She understood that engineering wasn't loruts forte by any means. As they journeyed on to the engineering section proper, M'nia answered lucians question. "Trial and error. We do our best to figure out why things aren't working. Start with the obvious and see if everything is hooked up, all the circuits intact, etc. If all is in order there, well, after all the obvious stuff is checked and hooked up, we have to start thinking outside the box."

Quote from: James Ramort on February 01, 2025, 08:23:35 PM

[USS Momentary | Deck 8 | Outer Airlock]

The total absence of any kind of activity was disturbing. All the system that should have taken care of their docking and syncing their computers to the ships main computer were offline. The control pads were dark, doors only opened by emergency measures. His instruments were hinting at a very low atmospheric pressure, indicative of the failure of life support.

His team was moving into the dead ship perfectly he noticed. Keeping themselves covered. Taking first readings while maintaining watch for any potential dangers. But they would not be able to cover much ground if they stayed in this configuration for long.

Responding to Lt. Loruts proposal, he issued new orders:
"We will split up. Lieutenant Soreka, Officer T'Rea, you will make your way towards the nearest hull fracture to retrieve a sample of the webbing we detected. Make sure your boots stay magnetised the entire time and establish a secondary com link with Discovery. As soon as you have a sufficient sample you will rejoin us.
Lieutenants Lorut, M'Nia and Ensign Dupont, please head to main engineering and try to see if you can get us back some power and functioning emergency force fields and life support back online.

"Commander, if it can be done, I'll do it! C'mon you two. Lets see what can be done in engineering. I'd like to get her functional again!" M'nia said. Her tail was twitching in anticipation. Granted she was in an environmental suit but it was twitching nonetheless. Engineering was her specialty after all.

M'nia was finally finished. It never failed. as soon as she was ready to leave , something happened that demanded her attention. Always something that had to be handled right away. She was all set now.  She had her engineering kit ready and was almost to the shuttle bay. An away team was always interesting.  Finally the doors opened to the shuttle bay. She breathed a sigh of relief. Finally she was there. Bring on the away mission.

Quote from: James Ramort on December 21, 2024, 08:59:22 PM

[USS Discovery | Deck 3 | First Officer's Quarter]

Logging in with his new credentials he was able to access most of Discoviers status information on his PADD directly. Flight speeds, warp intermix rations, all sensors and even some intensified memory access to classified material.

On top of the current mission docket there were several items still needing handeling. Opening a new Interface he drew up two quick inquiries:

Lt. Commander Ramort to Main Engineering:
Please report on the status of the Communication Systems. While in the Typhon Expanse we will be a long way from the next Federation Outpost and I don't want us loosing contact.
"Engineering, lt. m'nia here. I have been giving her the once over and so far, so good. Everything looks to be in top shape. She'll be fine! We should be able to keep in touch. Oh and congrats on the promotion!"

I am in at relaxed.

Quote from: Lucien Dupont on December 11, 2024, 12:46:21 AM

[Erewhon | Reception | Casualty Collection Point]

Lucien watched as his handshake was denied as the flight officer darted towards the Lieutenant in the middle of the room.

"Right." Lucien said, straightening his jacket. It was time to get to work! Lucien took a quick breath, mentally preparing himself. With this he immediately turned around and began moving...

...only to immediately collide with a small packet of officers who were weaving their way through the triage center.

"Agh! Sorry! Sorry!" Lucien called out in embarassment as he backed off the poor soul he slammed in to.

Wait, he actually knew some of these people! Ensign Devereaux and Lieutenant M'Nia he had met when he was introduced to the Engineering staff upon arriving.

"Oh! Lieutenant M'Nia...!" Lucien exclaimed, immediately jumping into his train of thought.

"Do any of you know where some of the senior officers are? Commander Lek? Y'know because it's so chaotic someone's gotta take charge right?" Lucien spoke fast, almost to the point of being difficult to understand.

"Easy Ensign. Not sure where everyone is! Things have been a little hectic! I'd try sick bay first and then maybe what functions as the bridge of command central for this place. Or you can even try asking the computer where they are. Computer, where is Lt. cmdr Lek?" she said tapping her combadge.

"Devereaux." she replied to his prompting, giving him an appreciative nod and a small smile. "Absolutely, ensign, I'll help with those readings. If we're missing anything about how the station is dealing with the radiation, we'll find it. And I promise," she added with another look to M'nia, "I'll stop the first medical personnel we pass and ask for some treatment."

"Good because the last thing I need is my people passing out from radiation sickness!" M'nia said.
Quote from: T'Rea on December 08, 2024, 04:40:21 PM

[Ensign Rajagopalan]
[Erewhon Station | Reception Area]

Rajagopalan his agreement at the the question and they started to snake their way through the crowd. "I don't know how much inspection of alien environments or tech you've gotten to do before Ensign Devereaux, but I can recommend to try and keep an open mind. I guess the most useful readings will come from close proximity to a shield emitter--the trick is figuring out what their emitters might look like. Better to rely on the tricorder than your eyes," he suggested even as they started to make their way along the Discovery towards her aft (and the station's edge). They were coming up on a group of medics clearly trying their best to reorganize triage without traditional facilities, and he deliberately didn't steer them around the group. He left it to Devereaux to actually seek care, but he did scan the gathering of patients in search of an unused tricorder--he hadn't exactly had one to hand on the bridge that he could take with during evacuation....

"Ensign, one thing you learn in engineering, a lot of times you don't have all the info you need! You do the best you can with what you've got and hope it's enough! Get as much info as you can and then do your best!" M'nia said.

Quote from: T'Rea on December 01, 2024, 03:39:52 PM

[Erewhon Station | Reception Area]

At the question about T'Rea's data, Rajagopalan turned back to her with a raised eyebrow that the Vulcan could recognize as a prompt to answer Ensign Kedan's last question herself. She blinked, "I believe so, sir, but we will likely need to propose those specific particles and frequencies and run simulations about the resulting interference effects and energy draw to know with any degree of certainty." That would have to be a combined effort, including Ensign Kedan's physics knowledge, Lt. M'Nia's engineering knowledge of shield modifications and capabilities, and Lt. McNair's knowledge of ship's specific interplay between systems to maximize available power.

Rajagopalan nodded, "Then I'd suggest the main group of you stay here to start working out the details of a proposal for T'Rea to simulate. Kedan, your earlier proposal about trying to get additional tricorder readings of the shield emitters around the station is probably still valid. The less we learn about what they're doing to block radiation here, the less we have to guess or work out for ourselves. Still, shield emitters aren't exactly my strong suit. Why don't I borrow Ensign..." he paused to prompt the fresh-faced, young engineering office for her name, "and the two of us will see what we can learn together." That way he could also keep an eye on her health--and if they just so happened to pass by any medical personnel on the way to collecting their tricorder readings, well, it would be silly to pass up such a convenient opportunity for treatment, wouldn't it?

"I like that plan ensign. Kedan what you said makes sense. Multi layered may be the way to go. The more we know the better off we are so gather all the info you have, if you haven't already. I do like what I'm hearing from all of you! We are making progress! I think if we all put our heads together, like we are doing, we will have a solution. However, again I want to stress to get medical treatment for radiation sickness if you haven't already! So let's get to work and see what we can do!" M'nia said.
Quote from: James Ramort on November 27, 2024, 09:51:11 PM

[Ensign Kedan]
[Erewhon | Reception Area]

The sea of people around them had formed a bubble. Clusters were forming around the department's respective Officers. The doctors were organising a make shift triage area, setting up devices that looked like portable medical scanners and replicators, a group of engineers and scientists was gathering around platforms that looked like alien transporter pads, some security Officers were busy organising search parties for the captain (that one pretty sounded serious), but he had no time to pay any second thought to his surroundings.

The small portable terminal set up by Devereaux was beginning to run through all the data. Even while the device was spitting out errors, they had to keep using it to crunch the needed data.

Attempting to bring some order into the chaos, he ran some sorting algorithms to integrate the results of their simulations into the data brought over from the main science databanks station. The model proved to be quite dynamic. The output of the central star still not fully predictable by the control algorithms that would guide the shield harmonics.

"Crewman T'Rea, I believe you have a degree in Stochastic Simulation, any chance you can find a patterin this stars output I have missed so far?"

Making space at the console for he, he turned to Rajagopalan and Devereaux.

"Do you really think the emitters could bear such a load. Also we had some problems in the simulations with the high energy energons all around us weakening the molecular bounds of the hull and emitters, is there any way we can shields the emitters themselves against the effects. No sense in rebuilding the shield array if it simply will be blown away from the ships hull in seconds again."

"Vinod, could you gather some Tricorder Scans of the shields around this station for me, might just help us perfect our own versions. With so many of our people around, maybe the holograms do not notice if we take a closer look at their tech."

Devereaux did not look to great. Maybe the radiation was still affecting her. He made a mental note to pay close attention to her and call for the medics over, if she looked any worse.

M'nia, having seen all of her people evacuate had arrived where her crew had set up. "Alright. Nice to see everyone already hard at work. So we have the pattern of the radiation. The frequencies as well. So, ensign, you're on the right track. We have to set up the shields to block the right frequencies at the right time!" she said to devereaux. "So this program looks like ti's going to take some time. That leaves time for you to report to the sick bay and get checked out because it looks like the radiation is getting to you! I need all my people healthy! Got it? Your program will run without you but you're looking a little off. In fact a lot off so go to sickbay!" Devereaux was smart but like most engineers, they could get caught up in work and not take care of themselves. It was up to her to take care of them.
"We also need to be ready if the pattern shifts, we need to shift with it. The shields can block the radiation but has to be the right frequency at the right time"

Quote from: Lauren Devereaux on November 19, 2024, 01:22:08 AM

[USS Discovery | Deck 5 | Auxiliary Engineering]

Devereaux wiped the sweat off her forehead has she continued working on the EPS conduit before her. This radiation was taking its toll on pretty much every system on the ship, and Auxiliary Engineering was abuzz with activity as she and her fellow engineers did their best to keep critical systems running. The young Ensign had only just joined the crew, her first after graduation, and this was the first real emergency she had been involved with in her career. As intimidating as it was, she quickly found that keeping all her focus on the task at hand helped at least a bit.

She gritted her teeth and paused her work for a moment as she fought off a wave of nausea. It hadn't gotten bad enough to incapacitate her yet, but she wasn't sure how much more she could take. Therefore, she was almost relieved when she heard the captain's call for evacuation. She wasn't really sure what the situation would be off of the Discovery, but at least she would be out of this bloody radiation. Devereaux quickly stowed her hyperspanner in the toolkit she was carrying and prepared to follow the rest of her crew towards evacuation.

Just as she joined the throng of engineers on their way off the ship, she heard someone grab her attention. "Absolutely. I'll grab one and meet you there!" she replied, raising her voice so the science Ensign could hear her as he was swept off with the crowd. His name was... Kedan. At least, she thought that was his name. She had barely come aboard and she was still rather unfamiliar with most faces outside Engineering. Devereaux wasn't sure exactly what they had been working on, but it must have been important with priority orders like that. She was happy to have something to focus on still. Fighting perpendicularly to the direction of flow, she made her way to a nearby storage unit and hefted the portable terminal it contained, and rejoined the crowd as she moved towards Docking Port 5.

"Alright people! Take the data and evacuate! We'll continue the work onboard the station. "Compute, transfer all date relating to the shield modulation we've been working on and transfer it to the stations engineering. Ok let's move people. I want us all out of this radiation as soon as possible!" M'nia said. She watched her team move to evacuate. She would make sure noone was left behind! They were her responsibility. Even though she wasn't feeling that hot either but she would be ok.

Quote from: James Ramort on October 21, 2024, 06:20:40 PM

[Ensign Kedan]
[USS Discovery | Deck 5 | Auxiliary Engineering]

"Sorry Sir, I haven't seen her in a while. I think she got called to another section of the Ship. I can't be sure however and even if, it would have been some time ago. She should have been back by now. We really need her down here. Until she returns, you can use the back-up stations at the far wall."

Nodding in appreciation to signal his thanks for the engineer taking his time to answer his questions, he went to one of the free stations indicated and began reconfiguring it. By standard, it was meant to mainly interface directly with the secondary systems and back up power reserves. He input instructions to change the link to tie into the power and shield systems instead, opening the science systems direct access to the Ships sensors and databanks in a secondary datastream.

Thus having his station prepared he called out for the rest of the Team.

=/\= "Kedan to M'Nia and McNair, I set up a work station for us in Auxiliary Engineering. Please report to Deck 5 for shield reconfiguration." =/\=

"Excellent Kedan. I'm on my way" with that M'nia hurried to auxilary engineering. "Ok Kedan show me what you got!" she said as she entered the room.
Quote from: James Ramort on October 08, 2024, 04:29:10 PM

[Dr. Phlome]
[USS Discovery | Deck 11 | Access Corridor 14]

Getting back into the lift she opened the panel with one hand and pressed two of the hidden buttons underneath. The one for emergency overrides and the one for Medical. The Lift door closed behind the two Officers carrying Kane between them. His tortured form have stopped its occasional spasms as the pain medication settled in.

As most secondary systems on this Deck were offline, Phlome had to push the start button manually, the overwrite working and the lift accelerating back to the Primary Sickbay on temporarily diverted power.

As they arrived in Sickbay, she got two other nurses to help them put Kane on a Biobed, his pain soon hopefully quashed with the wonders of modern medicine.

"Thank you Lieutenant for your help, I don't know what I would have done without your help. You probably saved his life."

"Ahh, thanks doc. Well glad i could help. Engineering is my life and something like this, well definitely need a combined effort. I'm glad I could get him out in one piece. That's a nasty situation. Hope there are no more like that!" M'nia said. "So tell me what you need me to do and I'll do it to the best of my ability."
Quote from: James Ramort on September 24, 2024, 07:48:12 PM

[Dr. Phlome]
[USS Discovery | Deck 11 | Access Corridor 14]

Kanes beaten up form, now released from its fusion with the ship's bones, fell into the Doctors arms. Not a sound escaping from his lips, not a good sign in her book.

Giving him a set of various antiseptics to prevent further infection to the wound on his hands before he would reach sickbay, Dr. Phlome tapped her combadge to initiate a site to site transport. It would be a much safer way than taking the Lift back.

Just as she was about to initiate the transport, the surrounding lights dimmed, and the computer echoed only an error noise. A second later, the captain's voice came from the speaker in the wall, announcing an order to evacuate the lower decks and informing them of the power being cut.

"I guess I could use another hand. We need to bring him to Sickbay and with transports offline here I don't think I can keep him stable until we get power back."

"Gotcha. Let's do this. Where do you want me to grab?" M'nia asked. She wanted to do it right and not injure kanes further. Although the power outage was a problem. One they would be working on. Right now though, this was the priority.
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