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Messages - Ch'e N'ok Savyn

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6 - E3 - Tripwire
June 23, 2024, 12:38:53 PM
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 22, 2024, 12:11:32 PM

[Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Sickbay, USS Challlenger]

Kyan barged into sickbay. Well, as much as someone could barge anywhere on a starship. It really didn't have the same effect when you couldn't throw open the door and have it slam against the wall behind it, heralding your entry. That part was pretty much the key to barging. But the diminutive First Officer did his best.

Honestly, Kyan figured he might talk to one of the engineers and see if they couldn't rig up something that gave the appropriate sound effect so that if someone wanted actually to barge in someplace, then the computer would simulate the slamming noise. Then everyone would the full effect. As it was, the Onlie had to rely on his voice to do most of the work.

"Ok ye pack of blue-shirted vampires!" he greeted the assembled doctors, nurses, and enlisted Medical technicians. "I got stuff ta be doing the now an cannae be coming down here fer check ups and the like!"

He actually needed to check all the departments to ensure that everyone was ready for their upcoming confrontation with the Kinshaya, but they didn't need to know that....and he had gotten a message from Rashar saying that he was due for a physical or some such. Come to think of it, that might have been an old message he forgot to delete. Either way, he was here now.

"Well, anyways... let's get this show going... the Kinshaya ain't gonna blast themselves inta space dust!"

[USS Challenger | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay]

Although the act of barging into a room on a Starship is indeed a redundant one, Savyn still managed to be slightly startled by the sudden intrusion by the first officer, his muscles going tense and his eyes widening slightly. His ears flicked back slightly, a feline-like trait that only some Vulcans possessed.

He turned around to look at Kyan, putting down the PADD in his hands on a nearby countertop. "I believe we are fully prepared for the upcoming possibility of conflict, Commander, though the act of... 'blasting the Kinshaya to space dust'... Is not our job. We are doctors, not tactical officers." Savyn said smoothly. Technically, he himself wasn't a doctor, was just a field medic... But that was an irrelevant specification. "However, it is still imperative that you receive frequent and consistent physical assessments, as is specified in the Starfleet Medical Regulations, Section four, paragraph twelve." He stepped closer. "It will not be a difficult procedure, sir."

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6 - E3 - Tripwire
May 18, 2024, 07:16:16 PM

[USS Challenger | Deck 11 | Main Sickbay | Medical Lab 02]

Savyn sat in silence, only half-paying attention to the crewman DNA sequences he was supposed to be inputting into the system. Watching the sequences load was akin to watching paint dry—an endless wait punctuated by brief moments of activity as the new data appeared on the monitor. Running medical data was a notoriously slow process, as the computer deliberately slowed itself to avoid errors—a task typical for lower-ranking officers. However, unlike he perhaps would on any other occasion, Savyn didn't mind the monotony today.

Setting aside the PADD he'd been reading, Savyn stood up and stretched his arms and his spine, a soft sigh escaping his lips as he checked his chemical monitor to ensure he hadn't missed any medical alerts on himself in his distracted state. He hadn't moved in some time, engrossed as he was in his newfound reading material: Dr. Alyssa Ogawa's Introduction to Pediatrics and Child Psychology.

It was peculiar, really. Savyn had always enjoyed his specialty in epidemiology, never showing much interest in pediatrics. But a lot had changed since his graduation from the Academy. Fvienn especially had been... Impactful. As a matter of fact, he'd almost tried to protest his transfer, just so that he wouldn't have to leave the boy, but that... That wasn't an option. Even if it had been, it wouldn't be professional. But still, he'd found in the past few days that he almost missed working with the little ones. They were... Intriguing.

In the past few days, Savyn found himself missing the interaction with the children, their innocence and curiosity presenting a unique challenge and intrigue. They seemed to gravitate towards him naturally, making him realize the importance of being prepared for such encounters, hence the decision to read Ogawa's book... and his quiet, unstated temptation to change his official specialty entirely.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 10, 2024, 03:48:29 PM

The fact was that they didn't have a plan. Neither lacked for wits, but Max and Leran were out of their depth. It was Max who spoke up, the punch still very much in effect as he shook his head. "No... we never broke anyone out of jail before... have you?"

"What?" Leran almost giggled. "He's a Vulcan! And he's in Starfleet..."

"So?" the smaller Onlie replied. "He might have. You shouldn't say he can't be a criminal because he's Vulcan Leran... that's racist!"

"I'm not a racist!" Leran defended himself. I was just saying that he's not a criminal... because umm.. well..."

Max shook his head. ".....cause he's a Vulcan! That's racist! Vulcans can be criminals too! It's not just Romulans and... and he might be part Romulan too... but it doesn't matter... he can be whatever he wants to!"

The Onlie turned to Savyn. "Don't worry Mister Savyn...You can be a criminal if you want... well.. you shouldn't... but you can. And you'd be great at it...probably... Uhh... but no.. we don't have a plan."

[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

Savyn stared at the two, seeming almost bewildered as his gaze jumped back and forth between them.

"I do not suspect I would make a good criminal," he said slowly. "However... I believe I can come up with some sort of plan that will... Hopefully not result in a discharge from Starfleet..." His face dropped slightly at the thought, but he did his best to push that thought to the side.

Savyn seemed to stand there for a long moment, his head aching slightly as he tried to formulate a plan. He'd never even met the people he was supposed to be looking for, but... He could figure this out, couldn't he...? Right...?

"I do have some experience in computer science... And I've broken into one locked starship door before this..." He sighed softly, thinking out loud. "Hypothetically speaking, I could at least attempt to break the code on the door to the interrogation room, assuming there aren't any security officers..." He grimaced slightly. This was... Not going to go well. He had a feeling.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 25, 2024, 08:17:31 AM

[Max and Lerian | Mayflower Function room]

(Just prior to the evacuation)

"This punch tastes weird. Also, Kyan told me once that Vulcans got hatch from logic eggs." Max laughed.

Lerian looked at him as though he'd grown a second head. "Ummm..."

The dark haired Onlie was about to expand on the "logic egg origin story" when his pocket chirped. "OH... hold on... its my... padd."

He's definitely acting weird. Lerian thought. Before he could question it, Max spoke up again.

"Kyan is in jail!" he said as he read the message. "With Maddie and Mo."

Then the room shook and people started for the exits. As they were swept up in the herd, Max thought he head Lerian say something about finding his dads. He couldn't hear over all the noise and shouting, and the fact that he felt funny. Luckily they'd been fairly close to the doors and had walked/been shoved out before the inevitable bottle neck of fleeing party goers. When Max saw Lerian and Savyn come out, he walked over. "Mister Savyn... can you come with us to the jail and help get Kyan and Maddie and Mo out?"

"We ought to wait for my dads." Lerian supplied. "They're not going to just hand them over to us."

Max shook his head. "They're stuck in there." he countered. "But Mister Savyn is an adult. He can take responsibility for em."

The Bajoran boy had to admit that there was some logic to that. "Ok." he nodded finally. Then he looked at Savyn. "Well, will you help us?"

[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

Savyn stared down at the children for a long while, silently contemplating how it was that in the span of less than six months, he'd managed to attract a total of three small children to come to him requesting help with their miscellaneous problems, most of whom were the children of other starfleet officers who were significantly higher in rank than he was. Why was it, that in the vastness of space and time, he had somehow managed to become some sort of intergalactic pied piper-- and against his own will at that? He had never had any personal vendetta against children as a concept, but apart from Fvienn he had little experience with them, and as a general rule he had just about as much interest as being around them. Yet, here he was. Again. Being asked to participate in... Whatever it was that these children wanted.

As his human academy roommate would've said, 'If he had a nickel...' (Savyn did not understand why he had insisted on measuring the 28th element on the periodic table as a singular item, nor why it would be accumulating upon repeated situations, but Savyn was somewhat certain the phrase applied.)

"... Very well," he sighed. "I will assist in your... Plan." He paused. "You do have a plan, do you not?"

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 11, 2024, 08:29:45 AM

Max looked curiously at Savyn first and then at Leran. The Bajoran boy simply shrugged as if to say "Vulcans amirite?"

"Umm... well... it was a virus." Max offered. Then figuring he ought to explain more..."Well, the scientists made a virus that could make people age super slow but it mutated and killed all the adults. And older kids... and uhh... then the Enterprise showed up... the first one... with Kirk and Spock... and Doctor McCoy did some stuff and now we're here." Truthfully, Max only knew the broad strokes. He wasn't a history buff like Kyan. Max was more into engineering.

"Yeah, you should ask Kyan about it. He knows the history." Leran added. "You'll meet him when he heals up from getting hurt on the Landser planet. He's the First Officer. Well... he will be...again. Zhuk is now... but Kyan was. Anyways... so you're gonna be on the Challenger? You'll get to work with my dad! He's a doctor."

[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

"Fascinating," the Vulcan seemed genuinely interested, his eyes a bit more expressive than would be typically anticipated from one of his species. "Epidemiology is my specialty. I will research this more at a later date..."
Savyn seemed to trail off slightly, lost in thought for a moment as he considered the implications of such a virus.

Savyn opened his mouth to add something else, but before he could speak again the station itself seemed to rattle as if impacted by a great force. He lost his balance easily and barely managed to grab onto a nearby chair to steady himself before he toppled to the floor completely. "What... Was that...?" He asked no one in particular, looking around with wide eyes as people seemed to panic. He heard the instructions given over the microphone, but the sensory overload was beginning to cloud Savyn's mind and he only barely managed to understand what his orders were.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 11, 2024, 09:21:20 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem glanced down to his readouts, while priming his phaser rifle. "œBetaikas team is on their way to bust you out. Once that is finished, all of you will go to engineering. It is our last foothold on the ship. The last thing that is stopping the ship from being taken over." Dem requested. Turning his attention towards the remaining bridge staff, he ordered them to take defensive positions, in the likely event that they would be breached.

Doctor Betaika

[Beta Bridge Outside Corridor | USS Discovery]

Acknowledging Dem's order, or suggestion considering that Betaika outranks him, they arrived at the battle bridge. "œThe weakest point of entry to the bridge is just beside the door. 10 centimetres away from the perimeter of the door is best placement. This is just past the force field projectors, at the seam were the bulkhead stars, which is unfortunately relatively impenetrable. Start firing." He lifted his weapon and started to fire. "œHansen, stay clear of the leftward entry point." He ordered, while hoping his fellow officers didn't question why he had so much knowledge on breaking into federation secured areas. That was Tal Shiar 101.

[USS Discovery-B | Corridor >> Bridge]

"I believe I may have the expertise to hack into the door system," Savyn offered somewhat awkwardly. "Computer science was an interest of mine at the academy, I suspect I can... Attempt at getting into the system."

Savyn reluctantly took a knee in front of the panel next to the door and started clicking into it. After a few minutes, the door suddenly opened and Savyn scrambled to his feet.

"I have successfully hacked into the door," he stated, mostly for himself, then, quieter. "I... Had not anticipated that would work."

The team cleared the bridge quickly, freeing Hansen and confirming everything was alright. Savyn remained toward the back of the group, not entirely trusting his own combat abilities if it were to come to that.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 08, 2024, 08:49:32 PM

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]

Tekin slipped out of the bay before Betaika could react. Noticing that the captain locked sickbay doors, he ran over to the door panel in pursuit.

Security Clearance Not Authorised

Computer science had never been his strong suit, so a swift phaser blast from his pocketed weapon removed the obstacle. Looking around outside, it was clear that the captain was long gone. Taking another look at the panel, he discovered that some emergency coms were still active despite the protocols that the captain had evidently put in place. Finding a way to patch into the ship, he cleared his throat. "œThis is Chief Medical Officer Betaika, I have taken command of the ship as I have relieved the captain of his duty. He is an imposter. Use any means necessary to incapacitate him immediately."

Terminating the communication, he looked towards his sickbay team. "œI request that you arm yourselves and follow me." Betaika ordered with a stoic confidence that he mustered after his warning to the ship.

USS Discovery-B | Sickbay]

Suddenly, Savyn let go of Fvienn looking back at the other doctors who were preparing to leave. He glanced back at the little boy for a brief moment, frowning slightly.

"I... I have to go, Fvienn," he sighed. "They need me. I will... I will return shortly."

He stood and quickly turned on his heel, not wanting to see the boys expression fall as he left to grab a phaser and join the others.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 05, 2024, 03:54:35 PM

Leran smiled up at the Vulcan who, on closer inspection seemed to be only just into adulthood. He glanced over at Max, who was probably thinking the same thing. Of course, he was scarfing a cookie, so he just gave a hampster-cheeked smile and a wave. Then again, Vulcans live twice as long as Humans or Bajorans, so it was hard to tell.

"Hi!" Leran greeted him. "You can sit with us if you want. I'm Kartos Leran, my dad is a medical officer on the Challenger, and my other dad is a Vedek. This is Max..." he pointed to his friend, who had managed to finish off the bite of the cookie. "He's an Onlie so he's super old even though he looks ten."

Max gave him a shove. "Hey! I'm not super old... your dad is twice as old as me and Kyan!"

Leran shrugged. "Yeah but he looks it. Anyways, what's your name?" he asked looking back up at Savyn.

[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

Savyn stared at Leran for a short moment, as if trying to process the information he was being given. Slowly, he turned his attention to Max. "... I am unfamiliar with your species," he said finally, hesitantly taking a seat next to Leran. "I am... Curious on the details of your physiology if it is true that you have such a slowed aging process. I will research your people at a later time." There was a brief pause, and Savyn suddenly seemed to realize that he was not, in fact, good at talking to people. At all. Not even a little bit.

"I am Savyn," he added suddenly. "Ch'e N'ok Savyn. I was recently transferred from the USS Discovery-B to the USS Challenger."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on April 02, 2024, 08:15:18 AM

After getting some food from the table, Max and Leran had spotted an empty table toward the back of the Mayflower room where there weren't so many people. When they reached it, Leran tapped the smaller boy to get his attention. When he had it, Leran nodded toward a stoic young Vulcan standing against the wall in his uniform. "Do you know him?"

Max, had just shoved a cookie of some sort in his mouth, most of which was still sticking out when he turned to look. He considered the lanky grup a moment before finally shaking his head.

"He looks lonely. I'm gonna see if he wants to sit with us."

"Well... Kyan says that Vulcans....

"Hey! Hey mister!" Leran waved to get the blue shirted Vulcan's attention. "Wanna sit at our table? We have food!"

"....don't really like kids." Max finished, mostly to himself."

Unphased, or simply not having heard him, Leran smiled at the Vulcan and continued waving him over.

[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

Savyn didn't notice as Leran tried to get his attention for a while, but eventually, he did, and simply... stared. He seemed almost bewildered, though his expression was still rather blank-- blinking slowly at the other officer the way a small child may look at a math problem they don't understand.

In time, he seemed to understand that they wanted to engage in... socialization... and though it made him a bit queasy, he made his way toward them.

"... Greetings," He said stiffly, his hands folded tightly behind his back as he glanced between the two of them.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 03, 2024, 04:37:36 AM

NPC Fvienn tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay - CMO's office]

Fvienn shook his head in answer at first, then used his words as best he could to explain. "I 'kay.  You sad.  I help - give hugs."

[USS Discovery-B | Sickbay]

Savyn was silent for a moment, his muscles growing stiff beneath the little boy's touch. Slowly, hesitantly, he wrapped his slightly lanky arms around Fvienn's small form, pulling him a bit closer. He'd never particularly enjoyed physical comfort, it had never appealed to him-- whether that was his Vulcan sensibilities or otherwise, he was unsure-- but this was... different. Fvienn seemed to make a lot of things seem different. Savyn wasn't sure what that meant.

"... Thank you..." He said finally, his voice barely above a whisper.


[Starbase 185 | Function Room Mayflower]

Savyn entered the party in an awkward shuffling motion, significantly slower than he usually walked. The sights and sounds of a packed gathering were weighing on his Vulcan sensibilities, but more than that, they were making it head pound. It was something he had grown used to since he joined Starfleet, as the constant transfer and restructuring of personnel meant such gatherings were a regular ritual. Though this was meant to be celebration of his new crews recent survival of... Something... Savyn's enthusiasm and willingness to socialize had been steadily drained away almost the instant he arrived. He felt rather silly, having agreed to attend a social gathering that he knew he would not enjoy, and then subsequently being upset he wasn't enjoying it, but... Still. These people... His new crewmates, he supposed-- something he wasn't entirely sure how to feel about-- were loud and foreign. Discovery hadn't always been peaceful, sure, but these people were... Different. Savyn could respect different, he could respect change, but that didn't mean he liked it by any means.

Awkwardly, he tucked himself against a wall and crossed his arms, observing with his best attempt at a neutral expression as his head pounded with a firm, unyielding ache.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on March 29, 2024, 12:13:58 PM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Starbase 185 - Sickbay]

At the Vulcan's distrustful look, Lahr gave the medic his best charming grin.  It must have done the job cause a moment later the Vulcan was agreeing to go.  "Alright!  Awesome!" He cheered, then when the medic claimed it would be for 'anthropological reasons' the Andorian nodded.  "Oh of course..  and don't worry.  There will likely be several of your species there, for the same reason."

Lahr looked to the growing blue stain on the adhesive bandage's pad and then reached out to grab his uniform tunic, to put it on.   "I take it we're all done here and that the doc will call if there's any problem with my stats?" the Andorian stated-asked as he then grabbed his uniform jacket.  He'd need to change into his civilian outfit for the set but until then regulation required a complete uniform.

"I go on in an hour.  Hope to see you there." Lahr advertised his gig once he was ready to leave.

[Starbase 185 | Sickbay]

Savyn nodded, putting away the rest of his supplies. "Understood," he replied, glancing at the ground momentarily. Suddenly, it hit him that going to a party with music and lights like this probably wouldn't be particularly pleasant for his irritable sensory issues-- but it seemed his fate was sealed. "You are free to go, crewman."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 28, 2024, 06:50:01 AM

NPC Fvienn tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay - CMO's office]

The arrival of Eneh's friend, in response to his crying had Fvienn comforted almost immediately.  Now it was Fvienn's turn to comfort him back by wrapping his arms about the Vulcan's neck and hugging him tight.    "Eneh's friend better?" he asked innocently.

[USS Discovery-B | Sickbay]

Savyn accepted the child's embrace easily, feeling himself relax for some unknown reason once the boy was back in his sights, his hand resting gingerly on Fvienn's back. He nodded awkwardly in response to what the toddler asked, not entirely processing what he'd said.

"I had sensed you were in distress..." He admitted after a moment, looking the boy over quickly. "Are you injured?"

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on March 27, 2024, 02:23:39 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Starbase 185 - Sickbay]

For a moment Lahr thought the Vulcan was actually gonna accept but then it seemed the man had a change of mind.  The Andorian winced at the needle poke but wasn't quite willing to give up just yet.

"Well, you don't have to party to come to the event. You could... just observe.  Take notes.  Learn how to loosen up a little.

[Starbase 185 | Sickbay]

Savyn gave Lahr a strange look, almost distrusting as he looked the other man up and down with an expression comparable to a sneer, but not exactly. He didn't seem to have any intention to look rude, and upon a bit of thought, one could suppose it was among the handful of Vulcan expressions they were willing to portray publically.

"... Very well," He said finally, not entirely sure why it was he was agreeing. "I shall attend this social gathering for... a short period of time. For anthropological reasons, of course..." 

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on March 27, 2024, 02:07:27 AM

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

NPC Fvienn tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay - CMO's office]

The frustrated wail of an unhappy three year old sounded from the CMO's office.
"No Evie! Want Eneh's friend!"

[USS Discovery-B | Sickbay]

Savyn could feel the attention in the room shifting away from him, and carefully, praying silently that the doctor and the captain wouldn't notice, he slipped away back to the office where he knew Fvienn had been awkwardly herded into the sensation of the boy's discomfort and upset making him feel... something. He didn't know what, exactly. He wasn't sure what it was and he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

"I... sensed you were in distress," Savyn said stiffly, crouching down to the toddler's level and paying no attention to the other crewmember in the room. "I should not be here at the moment, but... if you are in need of anything, I will gladly assist."

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