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Messages - James Booth

Quote from: Safi Larson on June 26, 2014, 05:01:04 AM

[Ready Room]

Safi hair was a mess she was coughing though the smoke that filled the Ready Room she looked up seeing everyone was alright but one person was'nt it was the Commanding Officer she ran to his side and felt the Pluse it was weak

~Computer Site to Site Transport Captian Grix to Sickbay~

"Crap......" Finished Safi looking at James Booth her face of one of confustion she for the first time in her life did'nt know what to do " Okay......Guess I got to do somthing....." Safi stated at she took a seat in the Chair as he pressed the Terminal

"Starbase Horzion, this is Commander Larson from the Churchill I need to Speak to Fleet Admiral Brown==^==

As Safi Spoke she got flustered as she gotten more confused when she was dealing with the Sterner Man and after closing the channel she looked up her mouth was dry

"Jam.......I  mean Mr.Booth prepare the Crew......" Finished Larson then she pressed the Intercomm ==^== Commander McConnell report to the Ready Room==^==

Jimmy ran back out onto the bridge and took the tactical station. The alert klaxons were screaming away, the acrid smoke on the bridge was tickling the back of the Chief's throat. A quick review of the sensor logs revealed one ship had appeared, but it'd been taken care of by the other vessels present. Though not before the damage was done to the Churchill.

=/\=All hands this is the COB, all hands report to battle stations=/\=

Booth's console chimed, he looked down to see what had come up. "Shields are at seventy eight percent, weapons are good." Jimmy shot a glance to Safi. "What the hell is going on Commander?, we get visited by Iconians, then we get attacked by more Iconians."

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 26, 2014, 01:06:46 PM


"Everytime.." He said under his breath. "Chira, we will continue this conversation in a moment, get back to Sickbay; you should be safe there." He ran down the corridor stopping at the security console picking up a better weapon. =/\= Computer; Status report =/\= the computer responded with what had happened. =/\= Thompson to Booth, Larson, and Grix; what do you need from me? =/\= He started towards the ready room knowing they were there.

Acknowledging Crewman Thompson's signal. =/\= Thompson this is Booth, we were just attacked. I need you in Sick Bay the Captain has been injured I want a Guard in there until further notice, Booth out =/\=
Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 05:05:04 PM

"They are regulation, my parents worked for Starfleet when they were murdered. I don't want your phaser by the way, if I wanted a new one I'd have gotten my own. But if you'd like to check these to make sure they are up to regulation standards be my guest, but when you figure out they are I want at least one back." He handed Booth his parents phasers and grabbed the mans side arm that was offered. "I'll give this back when you give me one of mine back."

Booth arched an eyebrow at the Crewmans brash answer, it was his second answer in as many minutes. The first response had been borderline insubordination, but his latest had crossed the border. He took the two weapons and observered them for a moment. "I can tell you now they will not be of regulation standard and...." Booth was cut off by the Captain.
Quote from: Christian Grix on June 23, 2014, 05:07:07 PM

"Mister Booth when you are done there, can you please escort the Queen and our guests to the ready room, I will join you shortly" he made his way to the Captain's seat and opened a comms channel

In all that was going on with Thompson, Booth had missed what was going with Safi. "Queen?" He asked with surprise, he looked to Safi and the Intruder. He shook his head and looked back to the Captain. "Aye Sir." He replied. Turning to Crewman Thompson, he gave a stern look. "This is not over Crewman, I'll see you in my office, after I have finished with my duties here. You are dismissed Crewman."

As Booth turned back to face Safi, he was reminded of his Alpha Six days. If he'd talked to John Anderson or even John Brown, the way Thompson had just done, he would have been picking his teeth up off the floor. With a smile, he nodded to the Guest and The Queen. "If you'd both like to follow me, I'll escort you to the ready room. This way please." He finished by holding his hand towards the ready room.

Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 23, 2014, 02:53:19 PM

He sighed. "They are my parents phasers. It's all that's left of them. Besides; I've been trained to dual-weild if necessary and given the two guards I thought it was." He pulled down his weapons. "I was doing my job, people appear on the bridge, you can bet I take action."

"So they're none regulation too." His eyes flicked across to Grix and Larson for a brief moment. Removing his sidearm, Booth applied the safety and held it out for the Crewman. "Take mine Crewman and hand those two to me, right now." Waiting for Thompson to make the exchange, Booth dropped a nod to the man behind Tactical. On que the Tactical Crewman moved his hand into a position, where he could take action should the Intruder turn hostile. Judging by the mans psoture, hostility didn't seem to be his intent. Looking back to Crewman Thompson, Booth spoke again. "Crewman, the phasers please."
Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on June 23, 2014, 03:54:28 PM

Heh, true that.  I guess I had the New Frontier series on my mind.  :P

No sweat, it's answered now, no need to dwell on it wouldn't you say ;)

A question was asked, it was answered twice.

As for the Gibson, I don't believe there are any plans bring that SIMM back. So I would consider the Gibson decommissioned. The station will be back, as soon as possible, but it will not be rushed back.

Quote from: Gabriel Arthur on June 23, 2014, 03:46:34 PM

Gibson was destroyed by a computer virus in-story, and replaced by the Chin'toka.

Wasn't destroyed, but you are half right Gabe. It might come back one day, who knows.


Booth entered the bridge, in light of all that was going on and Thompson's call. His phaser was holstered to his left hip, his right hand was hovering over it and ready to pull it if needed. He had to admit he was dumbfounded by what he was seeing, whoever the Intruder was was on a knee in front of Safi. Good luck there Pal The Chief thought to himself.

Jimmy's eyes flicked across to Thompson, duel wielding phasers on the man before Commander Larson. What the hell is it with the kids these days, they they're all aggressive Stepping to the Crewman's side, the Chief put on a firm voice. "Stand down Crewman and when we have a moment, you can explain why you have two phasers." Booth held out on hand, as a request for Thompson to hand over one of the weapons.

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 18, 2014, 05:17:53 AM



Christian strode back onto the bridge and up to the command chair and opening a comm channel =/\= All Hands this is the Captain, report to duty stations we are in final preparation for departure and will be on our way shortly =/\=  Captain thats still going to take some getting used to

He glanced at each person on the bridge as they set about getting things ready, he had no doubt in any one of them but he was looking forward to leaving space dock with his senior staff around him.

"Helm plot a course for the Beta-499 System and prepare for departure using the Hikaru method".   The feeling of pride in his chest was not just one for himself but for all this crew they had had everything thrown at them over the last few months but had stuck together and become stronger, the members who had moved on would be missed and he was more than happy to have Cayden and Booth back on board, Commander Larson and him seemed to have come to an agreement and he looked forward to working with her.

=/\= Grix to Spacedock this is the USS Churchill formally requesting permission to depart =/\=.

Bridge - Tactical

Booth had been on the bridge for the last hour, he'd been ensuring all security protocols were set and in place. The security crew were efficient and had got everything ready, upon hearing a set of turbo doors opening, Jimmy's eyes flicked up and noted Captain Grix entering. Wanting no reason for anyone to doubt him, as he was hoping to come back with a clean slate. Standing from his seated position, at the starboard aft part of the bridge, Jimmy announced. "Captain on the bridge."

It was an old naval tradition, for the Captain or higher to be announced on arrival. The correct protocol was for the rest of the crew present to stand, until invited to sit back down by the Captain.

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 17, 2014, 12:14:27 AM

[Station - Mess Hall]

"Sounds great," Henriks remarked. "I'm sure the  Chief will be glad to see my shooting improve." He gave a weak smile. He didn't like the thought of shooting much, but what Booth had said awhile back was true. Besides, he wanted to be able to defend Chira if the time came to it. Pushing his chair back, he rose slowly. "If you'll excuse me for just a moment, I need a refill." He raised his glass, swirling the imaginary drink around.

Booth had also finished his beverage, he didn't reply to Henriks verbally, he gave the man a wink and nodded with approval. It wasn't approval to get a drink, it was the fact that the young man was taking his shooting a little more seriously. On that he looked to Thompson and Chira as he spoke. "If you'll excuse me Gentlemen." With a special nod to Chira he added. "Lady, I have some things I need to take care of and I will see you all on board."
Quote from: Matthew Thompson on June 14, 2014, 05:02:39 PM

He thinks to himself: "James Booth..sounds oddly familiar, maybe he passed through the academy while my parents were instructors." He finally speaks. "How are you sir?"

Booth dropped a single nod to the Crewman. "I'm good, but..." Before Jimmy could continue.
Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 15, 2014, 12:49:49 AM

[Station - Mess Hall]

Henriks didn't really care if anyone was watching. With this many people in one area, there was always someone watching, people staring at various areas of the room for a few seconds at a time. But he sat anyway, as he had been told to. "My apologies, sir," Henriks said as he took his seat. "I guess I'm just a little jumpy today. Changing ships tends to do that, I guess." He chuckled nervously, running a hand through his hair. He downed the rest of his ginger beer before asking, "So, Chief, what do you think of the new ship they're moving us all to?"

"Well, so so, you know how it is." Jimmy had gotten to the point in his career, that he just went with the flow. In other words, he went wherever Starfleet needed him. As he took another swig of his coffee, his eyes switched between the three enlisted, the three young enlisted. Perhaps they didn't know how it was, at the age of 46 Booth judged that he had 15 - 20 years on the three of them. Perhaps an explanation was in order, placing his cup down and letting out a sigh, Jimmy told them how it was. "For me and I guess people who have served for a good deal of time, you get to a point where things such as service, transfers and the like become routine." He sat back in his chair and smiled to them all in a slow motion of his head. "You'll see what I mean one day, one assignment becomes like another."

Fleet Captain Anderson, What a guy ;)

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on June 14, 2014, 12:49:30 PM

No sooner had Henriks uttered the Chief's name than the man himself appeared. It was almost a little eery. Henriks pushed his chair back to rigidly stand at attention before asking, "Er, thank you sir. Would you care to join us, sir?" Henriks still didn't like the man, though his respect for him had grown. Still, he knew how scary Chief Booth could be. After a brief moment passed, he added, "This is security crewman Matt Thompson, sir, a recent addition to the crew."

Station - Mess Hall

Booth frowned slightly when Henriks stood to attention, he wasn't angry with the younger man, it was more the fact that he didn't want too much attention drawn to them in a relaxed environment. Holding up his hand he gestured, for the rest at the table to stay seated. With a nod Booth replied. "Thank you very much, I would be honored." Taking an empty chair, Booth placed his cup down and observed the Crewman indicated by Henriks. He nodded to the man, who was identified as Thompson. "Pleasure to meet you Crewman, I guess we'll be working together."

Jimmy's attention was drawn back to Henriks, who was still stood up. "Sit down Henriks, people are watching."


Station - Mess Hall

Booth felt a little angered at Safi's refusal to speak to him, deciding it was better to bot get into it in front of the Captain, Jimmy left for the Mess Hall. He grabbed the bridge of his nose and stopped for a moment. Taking a look around the Mess Hall, he saw a few faces he recognized. The main one being Henriks, who'd been promoted a couple of grades since their last meeting. Henriks was a good man and Booth had no doubt he could go far if the man chose to.

The Master Chief vaguely recognized the blue shirted woman, who sat with Henriks, Chira Arthur from the Medical Staff. Booth hadn't had anything to do with her, he wasn't sure if she'd made it a policy to avoid him or a meeting simply never happened. The gold shirt was a complete mystery to Booth, him he didn't know from Adam. Taking a cup of coffee, Jimmy walked towards the table. The Chief had an inkling that Henriks didn't like him so much, or that he was scared of Booth for some reason. After a brief pause, Jimmy decided he was going to right some of the wrongs and try and develop a working relationship with the crew, especially the enlisted side.

Coming to a stand beside PO1 Á,,â,¬bols, Jimmy extended his right hand. "Henriks, may I congratulate you on your promotion to Petty Officer One?"

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 05:34:14 AM

Christian placed his hand on Booth's shoulder and smiled "Thanks Chief I lost the Flagship and that hurts but I got this to keep me quiet, now go talk to her I can see the way you look at her" Christian then signalled the bar man for another drink before he could pour it Christian took the bottle by the neck and took up a seat on one of the stools, pouring him self a shot that soon turned into a double, a treble and then a glass.

As Grix mentioned Safi, Booths eyes traced and locked on to her. He nodded to Grix and casually made his way across to the mother of his latest child. He was at a slight loss for words, the best he could do was smile and say "Hi."
Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 03:52:25 AM

"Chief I want you back as my COB and head of security on the INTREPID class i've been assigned to, will the fact Commander Larson is my XO be an issue?" he asked Booth directly the two of them had too much experience to dance around the subject with small talk and neither man was famous for it.

Booth looked across the room to Safi, he gave her a smile, not one of his seductive ones. Looking to Grix, who'd surprisingly had been given a fourth pip, Jimmy tried not to look so obvious that he'd noticed the addition. "It won't be a problem to me Comm....Captain and I would be honoured to come back to the Churchill. Let's just say HQ life doesn't suit me."

His eyes trailed back to Safi, he hoped that he would get the chance to talk to her soon. Things had been left to fester for too long and it needed to be sorted.

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

"Yes Sir" Christian took the PADD and then stepped back "If you don't mind sir i'd like to inform my crew, they will be concerned as to what is happening" he turned on his heels and walked out the door.

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

=/\= Grix to Lieutenant Jiseth, Lieutenant I hope you heard the news please tranfer your belongings to the new ship and I look forward to seeing you flying us out of spacedock tomorrow =/\=

He walked with purpose and the spring coming back to his step as he did until he reached the lounge, stepping inside he saw both Commanders sat in different places in the lounge, he walked to the bar and ordered a double Sour Mash Whiskey before walking over to Safi and taking a seat, knowing Cayden would join them when he finished talking to his team. "Miss Larson we got off on the wrong foot, as we have a new ship can we try again? Hello Lieutenant Commander Larson, I am Captain Christian Grix, Christian or Chris to my friends" he sipped the Whiskey and then added "You and me need to work together and a stubborn, pig headed Xo is no good to anyone even if he has been promoted to Captain, so you keep doing what you are doing and I won't promise i will always follow your advice but i will listen, do we have a deal?"

Booth had waited outside the Admirals office, his intent was to have a word with Grix when he exited the room. He had a morbid curiousity, as to Christian's fate. He looked like he had a little spring in his step when he left, so whatever had happened couldn't have been all bad. Pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on, Jimmy followed the Commander to the lounge.

He took a couple of breaths before entering, once inside he stopped in his tracks as he saw her. Safi Larson was in the lounge, she was wearing a red shirt that really suited her beauty. He was lost for words and just stood a little gobsmacked.

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