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Messages - TMautlan Syrika

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 21, 2014, 06:54:24 AM

=/\= D'ana to Syrika, I have something for you that you might find interesting , is it ok to pop down? =/\=

As Donna waited for Tams reply she picked up the Archeology book she had found amongst her belongings when she had unpacked and thought her friend might appreciate it.

T'Mautlan was about to sit back down at the workstation when she heard her friend's voice on the comm.

=^=Syrika to D'ana, Yes my friend, come see me. I can not wait to visit with you.=^=

Donna and I have  much to catch up on. I can not wait for my friend to arrive.  she thought to herself as she retook her seat.

Quote from: Donna D'ana on June 20, 2014, 08:31:38 AM

Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography

After Jiseth had left for the bridge Donna had completed the rest of the diagnostics on the new churchills system as she wanted to make sure everything was running as efficiently as possible before the ship launched. Once this was done she decided to check in with T'Mautlan on Deck 2 before heading to the mess hall to grab a quick bite to eat.

Before leaving the lab she thought she would hail Tam first
=/\= D'ana to Syrika are you in your lab =/\=

T'Mautlan looked up from her workstation when she heard her comm badge chirp and tapped it.

=^=Syrika to D'ana, yes I am. Are you in need of something?"

As she waited for her to reply, T'Mautlan stood, raised her arms over her head and stretched then walked a few times around her lab.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 17, 2014, 07:53:01 PM

McConnell rose from the table as he watched the Science Crewman depart. Sitting back down, he continued to sip his tea, lost in his thoughts as he stared out the viewport.

She had only taken a few steps when she had a thought.  Turning she walked back to the table. Standing with her hands clasped behind her back, she spoke. A bit of nervousness tinged her voice.

"Sir, after my shift is over, may I come and speak with you? You are right, there is something bothering me and I would like to talk it over with you. Away from prying ears."

As she stood waiting for his response, she thought to herself.
I like Commander McConnell. He is a very nice man and a gentleman. I feel, without reservation, that I can trust him.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 16, 2014, 09:11:50 PM

McConnell watched as Syrika looked down at the table.

"You sure there isn't something you want to talk about?" He asked, looking around to make sure that they were somewhat alone.

"I may not be the XO of this ship any longer but you can still talk to me. If there is something bothering you,  let me know."

She looked up at the Commander.  "I am sure. There is nothing I wish to talk about. You are a kind man and I will remember to find you if I need someone to talk to."

She took another drink of her water.

"Please excuse me Sir, my shift is starting soon and I need to go to the lab."


Tag Commander McConnell.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 15, 2014, 08:44:39 AM

McConnell listened to her talk about her department. He smiled at her and lifter his teacher cuo, sipping it. Setting the cup back on the saucer, he continued.

"So, what's new on the ship? I mean aside from the new ship, what's new with the crew? Trying to catch up on the ship gossip." He said with a slight chuckle.

She looked down at the table as she thought about what she was  going to tell him.

Tell him the truth!!! she  yelled at herself in her mind.

Still looking down at the table, she clasped her hands in front of her.

Softly she spoke. "Sir, I do not know anything about the happenings onboard. I am sorry."

She could not bring herself to tell him the truth. That her t'hy'la and Donna were the only two onboard who would speak to her. For the most part, she kept to herself.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 14, 2014, 10:23:15 AM

McConnell nodded to the crewman.

"I believe we met at a ball, prior to my departure."

That ball seemed a lifetime ago, he thought as he stared out the viewport.

"How are things in astrometrics?"

"You are right Sir. I had forgotten, please forgive me."  She then  watched as he stared out the viewport.

He seems so sad, so lost. I wish there was something I could do to help him. But alas, I know there is not.

"Astrometrics is coming along fine Sir. Lieutenants Reynolds, Daniels and the others assigned to Astrometrics have things well in hand. The Lab will be fully operational soon."


Tag Commander McConnell.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 13, 2014, 11:20:00 AM

McConnell gave the question some thought.

"Things aren't how they used to be. I feel like I've been gone too long. Like everything has passed me by. It is good to be back though."

"I served on the Churchill for a brief time before she became a Sternbach class vessel. I agree things have changed considerably. There is a lot to become familiar with again."

She looked at the young officer sat across from her.  He seemed so sad, as if something had been lost to him. Her heart went out to him.  Then it occurred to her.

Mother and father would be so upset with me for forgetting my manners. I have yet to introduce myself.

"Please forgive me Sir, I have been terribly remiss. I have yet to introduce myself. My name is T'Mautlan Syrika. My current assignment is as a Science Crewman in the Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab."

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 12, 2014, 10:37:56 PM

McConnell looked up at the newcomer to the Mess hall.

"Absolutely,  have a seat." He said gesturing to the chair across from him.

"How are you settling in?"

She took a seat in the chair Commander McConnell had gestured to.

"I am settling in well Sir. It is good to be back on an Intrepid class vessel."

As she took a drink, a rumbling sound was heard.

bath'pa! kroykah! she thought to herself as she sat the glass down.

"May I ask Sir, how are you settling in?"


Tag Commander McConnell.

Quote from: Cayden McConnell on June 12, 2014, 09:20:56 AM

McConnell finished unpacking his gear and setting up his quarters, when he decided to head to the ship's mess hall. It should be relatively empty, he thought.

Entering the corridor, he noticed a few crew members as he passed. They were busy stowing their personal gear and settling in also. Most of the doors to their quarters were open, so as he walked by he glanced in.

[10 minutes later]

Reaching the mess hall, he ordered a hot tea and sat down near a viewport. Looking at his tea cup, he noticed the ship's name had not been reprogrammed in the replicator database. His tea cup had "USS Bellerophon" on it.

Smiling to himself, he slowly sipped his tea and watched the starbase traffic pass by.

She was on her way to the Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography Lab on Deck Seven when her stomach rumbled loudly. She stopped, placed her hands over her stomach then looked around, hoping no one had heard.

She went on her way to the Mess Hall. Standing in the entrance, she looked around then walked over to the replicator. She ordered only a glass of water though her stomach continued rumbling loudly.

She stood for a moment by the replicator looking for a place to sit. She saw Commander McConnell sitting alone and went over to him.

"Good Evening, Sir. May I join you?"

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 11, 2014, 07:29:35 AM

Grix turned and smiled to Syrika "Is that a good idea?" he pointed to the seat next to him "We will need to get ready to change ships soon, how's the lab?" he swung round on his stool so T'Mautlan could see his collar.

Grix drained off his drink and pushed the bottle away from him "We need to pack and then get over to the Churchill are you moving in with me when we get there?" It was something he had meant to ask her for months now and everyone knew she spent more time in his anyway.

T'Mautlan kissed Chris on his cheek then sat in the seat next to him.  Memories of the last time she had drank came to mind. "You are right, I should not. The lab is good. Lieutenant Reynolds has taken charge of getting the lab ready for the transfer. "  Then she leaned in close and whispered. "Sometime I would like to try an old Earth drink I only recently heard of. But only when we are alone."

As she leaned back, Chris' collar caught her eye. She reached up and rubbed her fingers over the gold pips.

"You have been promoted to Captain! Congratulations t'hy'la! When did this happen?!"

She stopped speaking for a moment, watching her love as he finished off his drink, imagining the liquor looked as it slid slowly and seductively between his lips and down his throat.

Suddenly the lounge felt very warm to her as she sat watching his lips as he spoke.

Jumping up , she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her. "ah t'hy'la ah! I am moving in with you!"


T'Mautlan was at working at one of the Tertiary Workstations  going over data gathered on the Haroz Nebula by herself, Lieutenant Daniels and Ensign Mantooth.  She was about to go over the senor logs once again when her comm badge chirped.

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 10, 2014, 06:02:23 AM

=/\= Grix to all Churchill Crew, we have all been reassigned to the Intrepid class currently docked at bay 37, We need to be ready to depart in 24 hours, Commanders Larson and McConnell meet me in the lounge in 10 minutes =/\=

She tapped her comm badge, opening a channel. =^=Syrika to Grix, Astrometrics will be ready=^=

An Intrepid class ship. We are finally going home. she thought to herself.

After logging off her station, T'Mautlan walked over to Lieutenant Reynolds.

"Kathryn, I am going to the Lounge for a bit. I will be back to help ready things for the transfer to the new ship."

Kathryn smiled that smile. She had heard the comm and knew why T'Mautlan was going to the Lounge. She knew of T'Mautlan and Grix's relationship and was very happy for them.

Taking her hands in hers, Kathryn patted them gently. "You go be with Chris, we will handle things here."

[Earthdock Lounge Near Docking Port]

T'Mautlan walked into the lounge and found Chris instantly. He was at the bar, a bottle of Jack Daniels on the bar in front of him. She made her way over to him. Laying her hand gently on his shoulder, she leaned down and whispered in his ear. "May I join the sexiest man in Star Fleet for a drink?"

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