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Messages - Levinia Black

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:26:30 PM

Tagging Engineering please don't clap her in irons

depends how crazy she sounds, maybe a straight jacket...heh joking maybe XD

I didn't quote anyone the amount is insane!

Main Tag Kali, tag Cottle, Tekin, Kyle and Alex sounds like a fun Saturday night to me..XD


[Engineering apparently?? Security Officer Lt (JG) Black]

Levinia followed Kali instead of tackling her and dragging her to the brig.  She gave her boss the benefit of the doubt but things escaladed real quick and before she knew it phasers were drawn out and people were screaming at each other.  Added to that Cottle's grumpy old voice blared through for a report on Kali's detention.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!!!" Levinia screamed and stood in the center of them all, small but formidable.  She frowned at Tekin and shook her head.  Of all the crazy.  Why is he carrying a phaser anyway?  "No one is shooting anyone."  She placed a hand on the phaser and lowered it, "Sir."

Levinia then tapped her combadge and responded to the bridge.

=^= This is Lt. Black, situation is contained and Reyes is in MY custody. =^=

That taken care off she looked around at the faces of her friends.  Alex and Kyle went back a long time and she knew them well, Tekin was new to her but he seemed like a reasonable if not very intelligent guy.  "I have allowed Kali to come down here."  She half lied and half told the truth, she could have stunned her at any time.  "She says she has evidence to prove her theory and as her friends we could at least hear it?"

Vinnie took out a couple of restraints and showed them to Kali, "Besides, she's not going anywhere, so explain, ma' have five minutes."

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 17, 2016, 10:19:29 PM

Tag to Vinnie.
Soft tag to Reyes if you wanna yell back over your

Tag Reyes and tag to Kyle if you want to join...^.^
Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 16, 2016, 08:38:36 PM

Levinia Black blocked the way out. Damn.

"Well," she said distractedly. "That remains to be seen." This could be an arrest, but she could bank on Levinia's trust in her superior if her dossier meant anything. She Á¢â,¬Ëœkind of' owed her after this version of Kali pulled her out of a mosh pit of angry Gorn gladiators.

That was when her combadge beeped.

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 17, 2016, 10:18:24 PM


Kyle tried to suppress his smile but it was no use. He had thought Commander Reyes to very beautiful from the moment he had joined the Discovery. But as his superior officer, she was way out of league. He was just about to approach her when her PADD beeped and she was suddenly out of bed and headed for the doors.

"Commander. Wait." he called as the doors parted. Luckily, she was stopped by Vinnie. He couldn't hear their exchange but he walked toward them with the intend of getting Reyes back into bed. "Commander. I need you in bed." he quickly realized his words and spoke again. "The biobed, Ma'am." he said with a gulp. It was too late. She walked past Vinnie and was headed for the lift. "Where does she think she's going?" he asked Vinnie.

[ Security Officer Lt (JG) Black]

Levinia was too shocked to react right away.  "Wait, Kali..."  She managed to squeak out before Kyle joined her.  They both seemed shocked by Reyes' odd behavior.   She shook her head and took out her phaser which was set to stun and aimed it at her boss' retreating back.  "I'm not sure...I could stun her?"  Vinnie was a good shot and could hit Reyes easily from where she was standing and thought better.

She sighed and put the phaser away, it wouldn't be nice to shoot a friend in the back, no matter how much they deserved it.  Instead, Levinia looked at Kyle and frowned, "I guess I better go find out?"  With that she took off after Kali, who fortunately for Levinia, had short legs as well and was easy to catch up too.

"Now hold on one minute, ma'am."  Levinia used her best annoyed tone, "I'm here to arrest you, you're in deep trouble, the CO, XO and all the high rankers are out for your blood!  Give me a good reason why I shouldn't drop you right now?"  She placed a hand on her phaser and waited for a response.  Vinnie only hoped it would be a good one...


I hope I got everyone, if not shoot me a PM please:

Strong tag Kali & Kyan, soft tag Cottle, passing smile to Kyle ;) 

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 15, 2016, 03:38:09 PM


Klabax stalked over to a terminal, now visibly fuming at Reyes. He looked over the data and nodded, now slightly appeased. "Thank you, Lieutenant. All appears to be in order." he said, his voice tight. "On to the next crisis now..." he said, his voice low and his tone sarcastic. He looked over the files once himself, to be sure and almost snorted when he saw the email correspondence between the ambassador and the mistress.

"Figures." he said, but kept it at that. He then waited to see what reaction this latest news would bring over the bridge.

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 15, 2016, 10:26:41 PM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


"Acknowledged, i'll take 7.0. I would hate for engineering to have to do something that made them uncomfortable." Leela scoffed slightly, begrudgingly accepting their recommendations.

Leela shifted her seat slightly as reports of Reyes attempts to circumvent the system flew through the bridge. "Lock her out now! By all means, take her into custody. Lock her up! Provide me confirmation when she is secured... I'll lead her questioning." Leela added with a slight sigh. She wasn't entirely certain what was happening but she had full intention of getting to the bottom of it. She was willing to court martial her, if it became necessary.

[ Security Officer Lt (JG) Levinia Black]

Levinia nodded at the Commander and cringed as the tension just rose higher than it already was.  The captain seemed stressed out about the situation and Kali was indeed in big trouble.  The petite security officer was about to acknowledge the order when Grumpy Cottle chimed in again.

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 15, 2016, 10:44:02 PM


"Aye Captain." he said. He then tapped his commbadge. =/\= Bridge to security.=/\= he said, then paused to make sure he made contact. =/\= Your orders are to arrest and detain Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, no computer access is authorized.=/\= he said, his voice level, and at the same time intimidating enough to make others know he was not in a joking or jovial mood.

"Right here, Commander."  Levinia acknowledged and cancelled the security alert he has just requested using her Tactical station.  "I'll see to Reyes personally."  She addressed not only Cottle but the captain as well.  Now the only thing she was waiting for was her replacement.
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 15, 2016, 11:49:32 PM

Still imagining the space battle that would no doubt remain a fantasy, the diminutive Only stepped into the lift. "Main bridge" he called out absently. Seconds later, the doors whisked open and he emerged, trotting over to the tactical/security station.

"Mackenzie here he announced looking up at the Security Chief. "What can I do for you?"

Levinia jumped slightly and looked down at the meniscal security ensign.  It was strange looking down at another officer but she did well to hide her slight shock.  "You're manning Tactical Station."  Vinnie adviced him with a nod and excused herself.

Shorter than usual legs made their way into the turbolift as Levinia went to Á¢â,¬Ëœarrest' Kali Reyes.  It felt odd to be doing that.  She still had no idea what was going on and even though the Captain had said that she would lead the interrogations there were a lot of things left hanging in the air.

[ Security Officer Lt (jg) Black]

The sickbay was exactly how she had left it a few moments ago.  Levinia could not help smile at Kyle as she entered, but it was Kali she had gone down there to see.  She looked around nervously then proceeded to address her former chief now person of interest.  "Ma'am."  Levinia began finding her voice sounded tinny to her own ears.  "How are you doing?"


Sorry to throw monkey wrenches into people's plans but since I haven't gotten a head's up :P~~

tag Kyan and Cottle and responded to Tekin  XD


[ Security Officer Lt. (JG) Black]

Levinia frowned at the tension on the bridge.  It seemed the bridge officers were annoyed and things were going bumpy but she said nothing.

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 14, 2016, 02:44:00 PM


"Oh for..." he called out, his fingers working quick, but it was too late. She'd already worked her way past his files and onto Engineering. He called over to the CO. "Captain, Reyes is wreaking havoc on our files and computers! She's already hacked and made classified data public access, on the diplomats." he said, his voice even still but he knew the Captain could tell inside he was very annoyed, angry even.

He tapped his commbadge. =/\= Computer, revoke computer access for Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, and remove her from active duty rosters. Authorization Cottle-7-08-Epsilon-Chi=/\= he said. He essentially put her under arrest, but only the Captain had the final authority to send in security.

"Captain, I must formally request that Commander Reyes is detained. She has broken at least five Starfleet and Federation regulations right off the top of my head." he said, walking down to stand on the same level of the Bridge as the Captain.

She sighed and knuckled her forehead as her boss got, once again, into trouble.  Vinnie had absolutely no idea what had gotten into Kali's head but she wanted to find out.  She respected the level headed Security Chief and if there was indeed a conspiracy that was driving her a bit mad, Levinia wanted to investigate it.  She needed to get it from the horse's mouth.  It was obvious that none of the higher ranking officers believed her thus far.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 14, 2016, 07:18:13 PM


=/\= "Tekin to Bridge.  I need a security sweep on all systems.  The ambassadors are saying that their private files just became public on the ship's computer.  And I bet they are goin to blame the other parties and then us.  Find out what happened.  I'll be there shortly." =/\=  he said, still unaware that it was Reyes.

With a sigh Levinia responded.

=^= Acknowledged, sir =^=

Then proceeded to run the scans.  The data was just as Grumpy Cottle had said and just as the visitors had complained about.  Levinia then proceeded to re-install all the firewalls and increased the security levels so that only the Captain and two highest ranking officers could access.  This would keep any itch fingers from getting in without their codes.

And keep Kali busy for now.

Levinia thought as she began to put things back in place she called to Op's, "I've brought the walls up, Commander."  She informed Cottle, "...could you see if all the information has been restored, sir?  Besides the fact that one of the ambassador's has a mistress, I'm not sure what relevant information has been downloaded that could endanger the mission."

After that Levinia called up a replacement so that she could see to Reyes' personally.

=^= Ensign Mackenzie to bridge =^=

"I'm going to go to the Sickbay."  She advised as she waited for Kyan to join her on the bridge.  Levinia's eyes shifted around the bridge and tried to take another reading of the comfort level there.  She chewed on her lower lip as she pondered what in the world was going on.

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 14, 2016, 03:11:13 AM

Kali's up to no good! You might have an old fashioned brawl between pencil-pushers on your hands!

Soft tags to anyone in Sickbay and Levinia

Not sure what you want her to do..XD  so I just put Vinnie on the bridge for now.  ^.^  My kingdom for a medical tricorder >.<

[Heading to the Security Officer Lt. (JG) Black]

After handling things in Security, the scheduling was all messed up but fixed, Levinia headed to the bridge to man Tactical.  It wasn't her favorite place to be, but with the chief out that was where she needed to be for now.  Her mind whirled with confusion as to what could have possibly be wrong with Chief Reyes. Kali had always been so level headed, tough but fair and Levinia preferred her that way.  The flighty confused creature in sickbay was worrisome but she couldn't concern herself with that for now.


Levinia entered the bridge and walked up to the tactical station.  She relieved the ensign there and activated the console under her direction.  Her eyes did a quick investigation of the status of the ship, her people and basically all she could then they did a once over across the bridge.  The tension on the bridge was very noticeable.   Levinia's attention fell on the captain who did not seem very happy, but she did not interrupt and instead listened to what was being said.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 11, 2016, 08:44:04 PM

Tag to my peeps, and shoutout to my homies in Sickbay

rolling with the homies?  ^.^ tag back and soft tag to Kali

[Sickbay - as Lt (JG) Security Officer Black]

Levinia frowned as she quietly observed the higher ranking officer talk.  Commander Tekin seemed baffled and upset but that was just how she felt as well.  She felt a bit disconcerned that the object of all of their confusion was no one else but her stable and reliable leader Chief Reyes.  The woman was as solid as stone and now she sounded like a lunatic.  Levinia was no expert on head trauma but perhaps the chief had hit herself soundly somewhere?  She wasn't about to voice her opinion, again she was no expert on the medical problems of the other officers.

Her eyes briefly flickered over to her friend Kyle who, upon instructions from the CMO, began to attend to Chief Reyes.   She stepped back and allowed medical to work on her boss and although the two detained brawlers were not forgotten, Chief Reyes' condition took precedence.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 11, 2016, 08:41:47 PM

"Kali... I think maybe you need some rest.. if Dr. Sukal agrees.  I'm gonna relieve you for now.  Go into your quarters, or the holodeck, and give yourself some relaxation to clear your head.  You've been working the hardest of all of us this past week, you deserve a break.  Lt. Black, can I can count on you to take over for Reyes?"  he said, waiting for her answer and then turning to Kachina.

Levinia turned to the Bajoran officer and nodded, "Aye sir, I'm on it."  She then turned to Reyes and gave her a comforting but nervous little smile.  Keeping an eye on Chief Reyes, Levinia called for backup for someone else to see to the two brawlers while she followed Tekin's orders to take charge of Security.

She then turned to Reyes and confirmed, "Don't worry about Security, ma'am, just..."  Levinia furrowed her brow as she tried to find the right words, "...get better."  She nodded and left Sickbay in order to get to Security and start making arrangements with the current shift of officers and crewmen. 


tag Kyle and Kali .... feel like continuing with 'sittin under a tree...'  XP

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 09, 2016, 01:27:05 AM

[Sickbay.....Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle smiled at the thought of Vinnie taking on the two brawlers from the night before. The idea of her tiny body moving around and beating the crap out of them provoked a chuckle. He couldn't help it. "I would have paid to have seen you whoop up on'em." he told her.

They moved the conversation on to Alanoth. Kyle had been able to spend a little time with him but not as much as he would have liked. Vinnie was one of Kyle's best friends and he and Tanibak had had a few good times together. Enough for Kyle to have considered him a friend. So he found that he had wanted to help Vinnie as much as he could, any way he could. "Just give him some time." he suggested. "I'm sure he'll talk about it when he's ready. Maybe he needs some recreation time. Speaking of holodecks, why don't we plan a picnic or something?" he asked. "And I can wear the outfit if you'd like." he teased with a wink. "The girls love that thing. I'm never getting rid of it." he added.

[Sickbay...Lt. (JG) Security Officer]

Levinia nodded and sighed while trying not to lose her expression to sorrow.  "Yeah, we'll work on that."  Her smile returned as Kyle went on about how good he looked as a fighter pilot.  She had to admit that he just about looked good in anything but wouldn't say so out loud.  Instead she crossed her arms defensively and lifted her chin, "A picnic, huh?  Why does everyone want to picnic?"  She gave him a chuckle but didn't actually say no to the idea when some commotion broke out.

Instinctively, Levinia went on alert her hand hovering over her phaser for a moment before deciding the threat was non existent.  Instead she saw the Bajoran named Tekin bringing in her boss and this worried Levinia.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 09, 2016, 01:40:59 AM


The trip entered right into Sickbay with Nevir practically leading Kali.  His eyes traveled, and he smirked as he spotted an old friend.

"Mr. Briggs.  A little help over here.  Get Dr. Sukal." he said, leading Kali to a bed, and helping her if she accepted it onto the bed.

He took a step back to let the medical doctors take a look, his face changing from stern to caring.  As they did their work, he turned and went over to a computer, to bring up the Starfleet records.  Maybe if she saw that it was real, she would calm down.  He uploaded it to a PADD and stood up.

"Lieutenant" he said, going to Kachina first.  "While we take care of this, start looking into what they asked for.  See how much was can actually offer." he said, nodding to her and walking around next to Kyle.

"I'm glad to see you weren't involved in that fight last night.  Starfleet still hasn't forgiven me or Kaz for protecting you." he said, as he handed a PADD over.

"Here, Kali, take a look.  Its all there.  Your rank, your assignments, promotional stardates.  I even have the picture we had taken when we promoted you.  Hopefully this will help." he said.  Being hopeful.

Levinia made her way over to Kali and frowned, "Ma'am..."  She addressed her boss, " everything alright?" 
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