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Topics - Kyan Mackenzie

Crew Quarters / Personal Log - Kyan Mackenzie
June 05, 2022, 07:33:40 PM

[ Reconstituted Logs from Previous Assignments ]

:: Stardate 67977.0 | USS Gibson ::
I'm at the starbase waiting on the Gibson to show up. The bald commander told me that they ought to be here in a few days. So while I wait, I'm gonna go and use the holodeck. I used to have a good program on the Trinculo about some old Earth battles but I've made a new one the now about the Latinum Lady and Kirk the Grup's old ship. Him and his pointy eared first mate will be a challenging opponent sure, and I'm looking forward to it!

Also, there's a Klingon here! His name is G'orat. He's a security officer too and I think he's going to be on the Gibson. I hope he is. He seems like a pretty good guy but he liked those worms like the other Klingons eat.

:: Stardate 68785.2 | USS Gibson ::
So... From the Gibson, to a freighter, and now through the Grace of the Dagda and his big club the Starfleeters have seen fit to put me on this ship, named after a fat ole grup from Earth... That security guy from the Gibson's here too, but of course he got promoted to the officer ranks so I never see him. BUT... the Churchill is a much bigger ship and to hear the little grups with whom I share a bunk tell it, it's exciting. We'll see.

I hope so. Because sure and my trigger finger is itchy.

:: Stardate 71735.9| USS Discovery ::

[Begin Log]


Ahh.. I see the little light the now... so I shall begin.

So the great grup creatures of Starfleet's command have seen fit to make me an officer and allow me FINALLY to fly one of their ships, even though I was already a pilot, AND a gunner on the Latinum lady for nearly ten years, the which was great fun and very profitable. But since that boat got taken in by Starfleet Security, and isn't allowed to ship freight any more, I'm here now. Well, I've actually been in Starfleet for several years the now, all the way back to my time on the little Science Boat called Gibson. Why does Starfleet name their space ships after old people or things? I'm told that the Discovery is named after several old boats... even some actual water boats from Earth. I think that's silliness. They should name them after better people anyways. I think they ought to name on after the Latinum Lady. That ship saw many many glorious adventures and battles... mostly with Nausiccans and Federation ships... but still.

Also, I'm to be in quarters with another person. He's a young grup, and he has a funny accent...

Oh yeah... also, there aren't any great blue aliens on this ship, the sadness of it.

I will record another log later. Right now I'm going to the holodeck to practice flying the ship.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 71919.5| USS Discovery ::
[Begin Log]

Well, we've had a few adventures. Nothing really super crazy yet though. And a Vulcan is in command now so probably not going to be doing anything really exciting for some time, the black sadness of it. But this crew is a bit of all right. Some rough edges sure, but nothing too gruppish to endure.

And there's still no great blue aliens. Meh.

I don't have much else to report the now. See you later log!

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72029.1| USS Discovery ::
[Begin Log]

Things are beginning to get interesting around here computer! We have some fighters on the ship now, the joy of it, AND.. the old grup Admiral has seen fit to make me acting Chief of Security and Tactical Officer. So that means that I will be in charge of keeping the ship safe, AND all the weapons! It's certainly happy I am about that. Also, I'll be getting myself a new roommate soon. A Ferengi! I hope he's got good lobes on'im, though I've never met one who was in Starfleet before. So that we shall have to see.

That's it for now.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72119.5 | USS Discovery ::
[Begin Log]

Well they've gone and promoted me to Lieutenant they have, which is odd considering I skipped over the junior part and just went on to Lieutenant. It's good though because that ole grup doctor cannae boss me around the now. Of course the grups have certain rules where he can, but I try never to get sick so they can't use those rules.

I'm also the Chief of security and tactical, for real, not just acting anymore. We are on a mission to stop an asteroid from running into a planet now, only the asteroid is a Dyson sphere thing... AND there is an old Starfleet ship buried in there. The XO and some of the egg heads have gone over to look, leaving me and the Captain alone on the bridge. I think they should have taken me on that mission, or Ainsley. You never know when some random bad guys are going to pop in to make your acquaintance. It would be the blackest sadness if it happened and there was no one there to help those scientists.

OH! I also got to fly one of the fighters last mission. That was the best! Hopefully I will do so again soon.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72179.7 | USS Discovery ::
[Begin Personal Log]

Hello again Computer. So the last mission with the Dyson sphere thing ended up bonkers, as usual. Some aliens kidnapped myself, Solluk, and Atwood and put us on some holodeck. And apparently they sent clones here to duplicate us. I guess we stopped the Dyson thing. Dunno. Also, they are making me go an talk to the ship's counselor the now on account of the kidnapping thing.

Oh.. And we are mapping out some s'posedly benign area of space for some research. Hopefully it isn't too boring. I will tell you if it is.

OH... and some people have come to the ship. Riley Munro, the old captain of the Gibson, which was a fine little boat, and that long haired mega grup Soreka, with whom I had words previously. I hope he is less gruppish this go around, because I kinda still want to beat him. But as I am the Chief of Security it's not right that I ought to do that. So I'll not be giving him his due....yet.

Another thing is that since I am a Lieutenant the now, and head of a department, I have my own quarters and no room mate. I don't think I care for it. There's no one to talk to now.

Well, I have to go see the head shrinker now. So that's all I have to report.

[End Log]

:: Stardate 72829.1 | Starbase Columbus ::
Personal Log Stardate: Whatever... This place is WEIRD!

Ok computer, make sure you don screw the pooch on this thing the now on account of I need this for possible future court cases and the loik. So when I get here to this place, my new duty station, the roit farst thing they do, the grups in their infinite wisdom is tell me, Kyan Mackenzie ta go on and go down tae th' Landin Strip.

Well that's a naked dancing place if you dinae know it, which of course you did... but they had me dress up in some sorta outfit what was tight on me arse and left notta thing to the imagining. The eternal, disgusting, wretched, black sadness of it. An then the XO, who is quite gruppish even fer a grup, presents to me, in me tighty tight shorts and cowboy hat with the mortal remains of some stripper who got goosed up on drugs and flittered away to the Summerlands. Ancients Ones strike me dead if I'm lyin to ye.

But lemme get some proper clothes on before you kill me. Can't go out lookin like... whatever this is that I look like the now. So depressin.

I'll let you know how it shakes out. Canne end well though, hence why I made this log. Proof of my innocence in whatever crazy thing these grups got cookin now.


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Katra Station / June Roll Call
June 04, 2022, 04:03:27 AM

Katra folks, we're just about ready to get things started for a new mission but I want to do a roll call and see who's actually still with us. So please reply to this thread indicating your availability for this month. 

Katra Station / S4-M0 ~ OOC Discussion
May 20, 2022, 06:25:53 AM

Heya guys, this is a between missions bit of R&R. The party is starting in the arboretum, and everyone is invited. The date for this is around May 1st, which is when Beltane is. We're 4 months after "Battle Royale" give or take a week or so, and we'll get fully caught up timeline wise when we start the next mission in a week or two, depending how this one goes.

So with that, let's have fun!

Katra Station / S4-M0: Katra in Springtime...
May 20, 2022, 06:19:56 AM

Station Commander's Log Stardate...

"Computer. Just add the stardate yerself! Ye know I don't know it."

"Please restate the question."

"Computer... wait.. Did ye just talk when I'm trying tae do me log? Shut yer voicebox ye daft calculator with delusions of granduer! I'm the only one gets tae speak on the log. Just add the stardate to the log when I'm done.

"The current stardate is..."

"Shut it!"


Ok... good. That's better. Anyhow. It's been almost five months since Jettis was in charge and I wish he still was the now, and no mistake. Starfleet seen fit to make me Station Commander after he got poisoned and then they put Commander Falleg-Tekin back here tae be the XO. Our Chief of Flight Control, Mister Drake has departed, which is a good time to bring up why the station has a flight control person anyways? We don't move so... if you're an admiral listening to this log, I'd be after having explain that tae me.

Other than that, and our mission a few months ago on the Lirpa turning into an out of galaxy thing.. the station has been really quiet. Most people probably like that kinda thing, but not me. I'm after some action so I am. Quiet is boring and boredom leads to complacency. That must be why all the admirals have fat arses!

Umm.. delete that last line. Anyway, There's alot of things about being a commanding officer that I didn't know. For one, you're supposed tae have dinners with the senior staff sometimes. Hrafn told that, but she's always putting them on. I'd be after letting her carry on doing it too, but it wouldn't be a good thing. Captain Peers once time told me that "Ye canne ba askin yer crew tae do things that ye aren't after doing yerself." So that's why I had Petty Officer Yinar, who is the Yeoman... and a girl... AND a Betazoid, and by the way, (I see what you're after Admirals. Don't think I'm not working on getting an anti empath helmet. Cloten says he knows someone.. so your scheme is soon tae be thwarted!) So I had her do some research on how to do it. But then I remembered that it's almost Beltane! So I set up a Beltane celebration party for the whole crew. We're going to have a big bonfire in the Arboretum, and bannock cakes, and elderflower champagne.. the which I will drink only one glass probably since Xasik and Sirol will get their underwear twisted if I get properly pissed.

So that's what going on. It's Beltane on the station and we're going to have a proper party!

:: Arboretum | Katra Station ::

Kyan sat on one of the huge logs positioned in a circle around a bonfire which had yet to be lit. As he looked around the arboretum, Kyan was happy with what he saw. On one side, there was a group of people erecting a maypole, and on the other, several were making bannock bread, which would be used to make the bannock cakes later. To his surprise, several of the station's crew and a few of the civilians were actually practitioners of the "Old Faith" like him. So when he'd made it known that there was to be a Beltane celebration, they all volunteered to help set it up.

The logs that made up the bonfire were real nyawood from New Bajor, which had been easy enough to get. Most of it had gone to the bonfire, and the logs for seating. One had also been set aside for the Maypole, and a few others were going to be used by Chief Wible's husband, who did traditional woodcarving when he wasn't fixing things in engineering. Still another group was sitting in a circle making flower crowns, which would be given to all people attending the party.

As Kyan observed the preparations, Petty Officer Yinar made her way over from the flower circle. Kyan didn't need to be a telepath like her to know there was something on her mind.

"Yeoman Yinar." he offered as greeting. "Merry Met again."

"I did have a question sir." she began. "Since you decided to have this... celebration, I did some research and.. well, I was wondering if all of the customs were going to be followed?"

Kyan knew to which customs she was referring. And she knew that he knew. However, the little officer ignored that fact and pretended that he didn't. "Aye and which customs would ye be talking about the now?" he asked grinning.

She frowned and continued awkwardly. "Erhm..."

"The maypole?"




Kyan shrugged. "Dunno then."

Yinar's discomfort was almost palpable. It almost made Kyan giggle. She shifted her feet during a moment of uncomfortable silence before continuing. "So even though you know what I'm asking, you're going to make me say it?"

He nodded, grinning. "Aye."

Yinar sighed, resigned to playing the little commander's game. "Are people going to be going off behind the trees and having sex? Because Lieutenant Paulsen asked me, and it wasn't because he was concerned about the grass getting trampled."

Kyan feigned offense. "Eww! Yinar, it's gross ye are and a hethen!"

She rolled her eyes. "So?"

He did giggle then. "Nae. They can go to their quarters for that. Tell Mister Paulsen that his grass is safe the now, and no naked arses will be smashing it."

She heaved a sigh of relief and promptly went off in search of Lieutenant Paulsen.

When she was gone, Kyan looked down at his wrist chrono. It was almost 1800 hours. People would be arriving soon. "All right you lot, it's almost time tae be starting the party!" he called out, getting up off the log. "Who's got the fire lighter?"

LOA Archives / LOA- Amarande Xiiv [Indefinite}
May 19, 2022, 04:29:32 PM

Character(s) affected: Amarande Xiiv
Assigned ship(s): Katra Station
Period of time absent: Indefinite
Date of last period of activity: 1/2022
Date returning: unknown

Any relevant comments: I spoke with the player today and due to RL issues they want to go on LOA status until they can return.

Old Topics / February Roll Call
February 18, 2022, 05:24:25 AM

Hey guys, It's late in the month, but it's been a minute since we did a roll call so I just want to get everyone's status. So sound off below!  ;D

Katra Station / Katra Crew Choice Award 2021
February 06, 2022, 02:15:08 AM

My fellow Katraneeritians, it's time to vote for the Crew Choice award winner for 2021. Below you shall find the choices. Everyone gets 1 vote. I have only included current characters, since those who left are gone form the site. If you want to vote for someone who isn't listed, I've included an "Other" option. If you choose that, just send Hrafn and myself a PM letting us know your choice. The results will be hidden until the awards are given out. Happy Voting!

LOA Archives / Reserve Request - Giato Sperah
February 02, 2022, 03:36:30 PM

Character(s) affected: Giato Sperah
Assigned ship(s): Katra Station
Period of time absent: indefinitely
Date of last period of activity: 1/31/2022
Date returning: N/A

Any relevant comments: Player asked via PM to be reserved.

Old Topics / January Post of the Month!
January 31, 2022, 07:13:26 AM

It's that time again! So get them nominations in. I shall be nominating this post from Pev.

I've never seen a diplomatic situation handled quite like this. The S'tia'tch and the Romulan getting drunk and playing trivia is one of the highlights of our last mission for me.

Holodeck / Letters from the Apocalypse ~ Miri's Planet
January 25, 2022, 04:16:36 AM

:: Vidlin | Shetland Isles, Scotland | Miri's Planet ::

~ October 28th, 1963 ~

The sun was directly above him as the red haired boy sat with his back against the whitewashed stone under the sitting room window. He'd been there most of the morning, carving a spear with his father's bayonet. Normally he wouldn't have been allowed to touch the blade, which his da had brought home from big war back in '45. But his dad was off in the city, trying to get a doctor for his mom, who wasn't in a position to stop him. In addition to that, he'd reckoned that with his da gone off to the city, he was man of the house now. Which meant that he had to protect it against robbers the like. Not that there were any, but it was better to be prepared in any case.

That was how Kyan had rationalized it when he'd snuck into his father's office and nicked the blade from the old foot locker where it was kept. Besides the blade, he'd also grabbed the lensatic compass - not that he knew how to use it - and the old .45 revolver, which he did know how to use, but never had. It had taken almost an hour just to figure out how to put the cartridge in it, but he finally got it done. The gun sat beside him in the grass as he worked on his spear.

He could hear the news man on the television telling people about the virus, although his voice was a bit muffled by the mask he was wearing. He could also hear his mother laying on the sofa, in turns coughing and then moaning with the pain that it caused. She'd gotten the blue spots only a few days ago. As soon as the first one had shown up, his father had called the hospital down in Lerwick. They told him that they didn't have any beds for her, but that he could come and get some supplies. So that's what he'd done, along with his friend Dennis from down in the village.

Dennis didn't have a wife. She'd died when their son Artie was born. He was nearly seven now, and his older sister was going on twelve. Of course she was older than all the other neighbor kids, which made her think that she was in charge. Kyan almost laughed aloud remembering what Artie had told him when they'd last seen each other a few days ago. He'd said that Mairi had been trying on their aunt's makeup and had stuffed a bunch of socks into one of he bras. Then she'd gotten caught, and she'd told them that she was basically a grown up already, so that she ought to have a bra of her own, since she was the woman of the house and all. She was always prissy like that. But the funniest part had been when Artie told him what Dennis had said. Apparently, he told her that they could talk about it when she had something besides socks to put in there. Artie mentioned that he suggested some melons from the garden, which Kyan thought was smart... because you never knew when you might get hungry. Needless to say, Mairi wasn't impressed with either of them, and stormed off. They'd both had a long laugh at Artie's sister for that one.

Kyan hadn't seen Artie in a few days, since his mom got sick. He hadn't seen anyone else either, although he figured that they hadn't come around because they didn't want to catch the virus themselves. Of course that didn't explain why Artie was staying away. The man on the news had said that kids under ten years old weren't getting sick from the virus, but that they might be "carriers". The teacher at school had explained that one but Kyan didn't really understand how a person could get a virus, but then not get sick from it like everyone else.

Apparently neither did the doctors, because once it had become clear that kids up to a certain age weren't getting sick, the doctors had descended on them like vampires with their needles. Everyone he knew had been made to have their blood drawn so that the doctors could run tests on it. They'd even taken some from Maitho and his little brother and sister, who's moved to the village from somewhere in Africa. Until he met them, Kyan hadn't ever met a black person. They had a funny accent but they spoke well enough to be understood. Their grandma had come with them and she didn't speak any english or Scotts. Maitho had said that she only spoke Swahili. And whenever he talked to her, he spoke it too. Their teacher had asked Maitho to teach the class a few words in his native language. He'd taught the class to say "Ndovu wawili
wakisongana, ziumiazo ni nyika." which translated to, "Where two elephants argue, the grass is trampled."

"...In London today, the bells tolled for the death of King Charles. His Majesty was only eighteen years old and had only taken the throne just a few months ago when his mother succumbed to the virus. Her Highness, The Princess Ann succeeds him. Britain's death toll has now climbed past fifteen million. God save the Queen"

The news broke the boy's reverie and he hopped up to look through the open window at the television set. He could barely see it over the sofa where his mother lay. It was a grainy picture, but they never had gotten a good reception up here anyway. Da had mentioned once that the TV stations might be putting a tower somewhere close, and then they might get a good picture. The news man took a drink of water before continuing.

"According to the National Health Service, it's important that if you mus leave your home, you wear a face mask and stay away from people, especially those who are infected....." Kyan wondered if his da and Dennis were staying away from people.. or even wearing masks like the news man said. He hoped that they would be coming back soon. Just then his mother began coughing again and drowned out the news man. He'd have gone inside to see if she needed anything, but last time he had she'd been very cross with him and yelled that he ought to go back outside and not come in until it was getting dark.

Kyan turned away from the window and tucked the bayonet into it's sheath at his belt. He also picked up the revolver, but decided to put it in the shed. He'd get into trouble if one of the neighbors saw him lugging it around. Once that was finished he collected his spear and started down the hill. Perhaps he'd go down and see if Artie was about, or maybe he'd check in on Maitho.

He decided to do the latter first and started down the dirt road to the African boy's house.


So, as we all know, the Vorta are cloned. When one is killed, their consciousness is transferred into a new clone body. There is a limited number of them... yadda yadda. We KNOW this.

What we don't know, and what I want NEED to know is this. There are female Vorta and male Vorta. SO... can they procreate themselves? What are your thoughts?

Database / Katra Station Crew Manifest
January 17, 2022, 05:57:30 PM

Federation Space Station Katra

(Click on a player character's name to view their profile. For NPC characters, see the NPC bio thread in the Mess Hall forum.)

This is the crew roster of the Space Station Katra. Please refer to it frequently to check any changes in position or rank of your fellow crew member's as this may affect the chain of command. Remember, if you have a problem see your Head of Department and if they cannot solve it they will go to the First Officer, and if they cannot solve it the last stop will be the Commanding Officer.

APC Commanding Officer: Lieutenant Commander Kyan Mackenzie   (Miran male)
APC First Officer: Lieutenant Commander Hrafn Falleg-Tekin (Trill Female)
APC Second Officer: TBD
NPC Command Master Chief: Master Chief Petty Officer Donovan Dufresne (55 y/o Human Male)
NPC Strategic Operations Officer: Lieutenant J'Ness (17 y/o Pawhka-Thanh Female)
APC Commanding Officer's Yeoman: Ensign Mila Dietrich (Human Female)
NPC Executive Officer's Yeoman:

Fighter Squadron
NPC Commander of the Air Group (CAG): Lieutenant Kuzra Lanon (Unjoined Trill, Female)
NPC Strix Squadron Leader: Lieutenant Junior Grade Ecor Jyn (37 y/o Bajoran Male)
NPC Cobra Squadron Leader: Lieutenant Junior Grade Emory Takara (25 y/o Human Male)
NPCChief Security/Tactical Officer: Lieutenant C'Nirr (30 y/o Caitian Male)
NPC Chief Operations Officer: TBD
NPC Chief of Operations: Senior Chief Petty Officer Dana Wible (61 y/o Human Female)
APC  Operations Officer: Ensign T'Prith
APC Operations Officer: Ensign Pev
NPC Chief Engineer : Lieutenant R'Norish (29 y/o Caitian Female)
NPC Asst. Chief Engineer : Lieutenant Junior Grade Osha Lianda (40 y/o Elaysian Female)
NPC Flight Control Chief : Lieutenant Doreatha Till (31 y/o Human Female)
NPC Flight Deck Chief : Senior Chief Petty Officer Zenia Norlin (39 y/o Human Female)
NPC Docking Ring Manager : Senior Chief Petty Officer Zenia Norlin (39 y/o Human Female)
NPC Cargo Bay Manager : Petty Officer 1st Class Braq'si Zofar (31 y/o Bolian Male)
NPC Damage Control Chief : Chief Petty Officer Class Builder of Vensre (15 y/o Eeiauoan Male)
APC Chief Science Officer: Lieutenant Sirol (Romulan female)
PNPC Science Officer: Nysa Reisen (Romulan male; played by Edyis)
LOA Chief Medical Officer: Lieutenant Dr. Amarande Xiiv  (Trill female)

NPC Diplomatic Corps Chief: Lieutenant Kroko Roti (Grazerite Female)
APC Diplomatic Corps Officer: Ensign Pev

APC Eydis (Tholian) - Diplomatic Envoy
PNPC Peylix (Tholian) - Healer (Played by Sirol)
PNPC Kovnin (Romulan) - Ambassador (Played by Sirol)

APC Science Specialist: Xasik Freeman (Reman male)
PNPC Emerald  (Xasik's adopted child - Tholian)  (played by Xasik)
NPC Aeryn  (Uropygi)  (Created by Eydis, adopted by Sirol)

NPC - Non-Player Character
PNPC "" Protected Non-Player Character
APC - Active Player Character (posts daily or near daily)
IPC - Inactive Player Character (6 days or more without an in-mission post).
LOA - Leave of Absence
TBD - To Be Decided

If any of the information contained within this roster is incorrect, please contact the executive officer.

Any time the U.S.S. Lirpa has to deploy, this will be the main crew aboard.

Commanding Officer:
Flight Control Officer:

Security/Tactical Officer:

Operations Officer:

Engineering Officer:

Science Officer: Ensign Eleanor Kleiner (NPC played by Sirol)

Medical Officer:

Diplomatic Corps Officer:
Old Topics / S3-M12: OOC Discussion
January 13, 2022, 11:44:06 PM

Hey guys, new mission time!

To catch us all up...

~ The Romulan mission ended in a standoff, with Starfleet ships and Klingon ships arriving as the shooting was about to start. The Romulans tucked tail and ran.

~ Jettis was poisoned by the Romulan Free Stae mole and remains in a medically innduced coma back on the station,

~ All the main characters at least are on the Lirpa. If you want to bring a NPC along too (thinking of the Tholians, but Cloten might be fun to have along as well :-P) that's cool.

That brings me to the mission at hand.

While on patrol, the Lirpa will encounter an anomoly of some sort... I'll leave the details of that to the science types to figure out. The only stipulation is that it is not temporal, and the Lirpa is going to be hurled to parts unknown (Spoiler Alert: Outside the Milky Way Galaxy ) When we arrive, we will be transported to a space station in orbit of a small asteroid with a flat surface and a breathable atmosphere. (10-15 kilometers in diameter)

we can spend a few days (real time) getting there and do some character Development posting, or get there sooner, I'll leave that up to you guys.

Once there, we will be placed in a holding area with hundreds of other aliens, some of which might be familiar, but most who won't. Alot of the aliens will be one offs who we will never see again, so have fun with them. Use yer imaginations. Nothing is off the table. No worries about canon, because they aren't from our galaxy and we aren't likely to see them again. :-)

Our abductors will then show up and explain that we are participating in a "Battle Royale" with the others. We will be transported to the surface and we must gather resources and eliminate all the other alien crews in order to win. If we win, we will be allowed to go back to our own galaxy. More rules of the game will be supplied when we get to that point. But until then, we can just focus on posting and character development/ interactions.

Happy posting!

🡱 🡳

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