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Topics - Kyan Mackenzie

Holodeck / S3-M12: The Battle Royale
January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

Executive Officer's Log, Stardate... Whatever

It's been pretty quiet on the station these past two months. Commander Jyur was poisoned by the Romulan Free State operative and is laying the now in a coma, from which Doctor Xiiv doesn't know when he will wake up, the sadness of it. There was almost a huge battle with the Romulans, which would have been alot of fun, but Starfleet sent some ships out here and they tucked their green tails between their legs and ran off. Hopefully they'll come back and we can give them what they've got coming.
Command of the Station has been left tae me, which I don't care for at all. There's padds stacked up in me office like a great mountain of boring. I hate it so I do. Anyways, it's been a long time since I've been off the place, so I've left that new Security guy in charge and we're going for a patrol with the Lirpa. We'll be back in a week or so. I'm sure the padds will have made like Tribbles by then.

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

Bringing the Lirpa out on patrol had been one of Kyan's better ideas in recent memory. His memory anyway. The Security Chief, who was now tasked with running the station until they returned hadn't been too keen on the idea... but then he wasn't in charge, was he? Besides, what was the use of having a ship if it collected space dust moored to the station all the time? They'd been out for a day and a half now, and although the ship hadn't run into so much as a space amoeba, it was still better than being stuck on the station and visiting Jettis every day in the infirmary. Kyan didn't like the fact that his commander was laid up in there and him powerless to help. This trip, moreso than anything else was a chance to put that situation out of mind for a few days. And who was to know? By the time they got back, Jettis might be awake again.

On the other hand, It was good to change up the routine. He'd always preferred being on a moving ship to the station anyhow, able to plot a course and go somewhere rather than being in the same place all the time. In addition to which, the best adventures always seemed to happen when he found them, and not the other way around. Before they'd left the station, Kyan had gone to the Bajoran temple to ask their gods for a small bit of adventure on the mission. Nothing too serious. Maybe a run in with the Syndicate or a band of rogue Jem'Hadar. Something small.

As he looked around the bridge, Kyan spied Xasik and Sirol at the science stations monitoring... whatever science types monitored. He was happy that the Reman scientist had agreed to come along. Since getting promoted,, he hadn't been able to see as much of him as before, which was more irritating than he thought it would be. Of course Gideon Drake was at the helm, seemingly feeling better than he had after his girlfriend left, which was good. Kyan hoped the lovesick grup was actually better and not just following his lower brain after some girl again. He made a mental note to ask after that later.

Doctor Xiiv had come too, having decided that Jyur would be ok in the care of her staff back on the station. And their new Diplomatic Officer was along as well... in case there was a need for some diplomacy. Kyan hadn't had much opportunity outside of the normal routine to get to know the little blue St'ia'tch. But from his brief interactions with him, he figured that he would end up liking him. He wasn't a typical Starfleet diplomat, which was a relief.

And speaking of relief....

"Mister Drake." Kyan called out, rising from his chair. "I gotta go to the head. You have the bridge. Dinnae wreck the ship."


Players haven't signed onto the site since November, nor did they respond to Roll Call posts for this month.

Old Topics / January Role Call!
January 01, 2022, 07:39:31 AM

Hey guys, its the start of a new month...and year :) So fire off a reply to let us know that you're still around and posting.


Mission Title: A Mile in my Shoes (Intended for Katra)


Synopsis: The crew of Katra Station attends a party on New Bajor to celebrate the discovery of the 6th Orb of the Prophets, the Orb of Souls. When the Orb case is opened, those in the room are put to sleep. When everyone wakes up, they find themselves inhabiting someone else's body.

Starting Point: New Bajor. The crew is celebrating the Orb's discovery with the locals.

End Goal: Everyone is returned to their own bodies, and the Orb is shipped off to Bajor.

Story points that must be passed?:

1. Opening/Teaser: The crew is on New Bajor at a party for the Orb's discovery. When the case is opened, everyone in the room falls to the floor, unconscious. (Que opening credits)

2. Act 1: When everyone wakes up from their brief sleep, they find themselves inhabiting the bodies of someone else who was in the room. (This can be anyone, male to female, human to alien, etc.) The party goers are shocked and disoriented at first, and must learn to function in their new bodies. After this, they must set out to discover what happened, and how to reverse the changes.

  • [Something interesting for Dr. Xiiv] Xiiv is actually 2 individuals. So her consciousness AND her Symbiont's consciousness could be separated into two different bodies. She'll actually be able to converse with it in real time. Then whoever has Xiiv's body will have two new people inside them. That would be very interesting to write!
  • [OOC Mission Time] This part of the mission can stretch out a bit if everyone is into it. Let everyone play with having their character be someone else for a little while. Character interactions, and then what people do with their new bodies. Reach a high shelf? Shapeshift? Do some touch telepathy? If someone gets a Tholian, they can spin some silk lol. This part here is the meat and potatoes of the mission.
3. Act 2: The crew sets out to discover what happened and why. However, as the scientists set about their task, a pair of Pah Wraith worshipers abscond with the Kai, or rather"¦ who they thought was the Kai. The Lirpa is sent in pursuit of the terrorists.

4: Act 3: The scientists, working with Bajoran Vedeks, discover how to put everyone back where they belong. The catch is that everyone effected must be present for the plan to work.

  • [potential conflict point] someone might not want to switch back. Jetis and Kyan are long lived which is potentially appealing, Xasik is a touch telepath, Balan is a shape shifter, etc. There are some perky bodies here that someone might just want to keep!
    The crew on the Lirpa catches up to the terrorists and must recover the "œKai" in order to get back to New Bajor and reverse the orb's effects.
5. Finale: The Kai is recovered and the Lirpa warps back to New Bajor. Once everyone is assembled, the Kai opens the case and everyone once again falls to the floor. After a few suspenseful moments, they all wake back up"¦ returned to their bodies. The Orb is closed and the Bajorans take it away.

6. Total In Character mission time: 1-2 weeks. (OOC Time: 1-2 months, possibly a bit more or less as needed.)

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)

  • Flight: Aside from the body switching, they will have to fly the ship and catch the Pah Wraith cultists.
  • Science: You guys gotta figure out how to get everyone back where they belong!
  • Engineering: Keep the ship in one pieve and work with science.
  • Security and tactical: Once the Lirpa catches the cultists, they will need to subdue them and recover the Kai.
  • Medical: See above for Xiiv personally, but otherwise they might be injuries from getting the knack of a new body. I am imagining if Kyan were switched to an old body and still tried to be his usual "œspringy" self. I've fallen and I can't get up type situation.
  • Civilians: Xasik and maybe one or two Tholians might be along. What would a Tholian do in a carbon based body? And vice versa. What if Xasik can actually hug Emerald, or speak to her, and she to him?
Mission Notes: Ultimately, this mission centers around the characters interacting with their new bodies and one another. The orb is just a mechanism and isn't the star of the show. The Cultists are just an added plot point to add it bit of suspense, and something to do besides walk around. The real story is the characters and their personal journeys here.
Xiiv might be able to actually speak to her Symbiont in real time. Kyan will feel what it's like to be an adult. And someone is going to get some of that ten year old energy! Balan will have to grapple with being a "œmonoform" And someone gets to be a shape shifter! How would the characters react? What would they do? How would the feel about someone else taking their body out for a spin? Not to mention that whoever gets their body is going to know them after this in a much more intimate way.
Website & Forum Archive / Ship and Crew Generator
October 18, 2021, 02:34:10 AM

So I stumbled across this when I was looking for a space station/starbase crew breakdown and I think it might help people with coming up with filler NPCs for our sims. You guys can check it out here. Below is an example of the output.

It doesn't do ST races, but I figure that the majority of ST crews are generally Human, so a little manual tinkering would be all that was required if we were going for an entire manifest.

OTD Whiting
Orbital Transport Dock (LPD-158)

Rear Admiral Charlott Tomaski , Commanding Officer
Rear Admiral Tomaski is a subtle and outspoken but weak 56-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a tanned complexion, and thick strawberry blonde hair left uncut. She is a little tall and quite attractive. She is from the second moon of Antlia. Her executive officer is Lieutenant Commander Hermine Uscio .

Status:   Active service as of 2273
Commissioned:   February 12, 2250
Homeport:    Sorites II


Marcella Schiappa
Chief Petty Officer

This cute 30-year-old woman has blue eyes, a pale complexion, and straight brown hair neatly braided. She is a little less than average height and heavyset. She was born in a military base on Rievios III.   Female

Audra Schech
Chief Petty Officer

This trusting and stoiid but dishonest 27-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a pale complexion, and curly red hair neatly braided. She is a little less than average height and slender. She is from a farming town on Caelicola VIII.   Female

Ian Stayter
Petty Officer 1st Class

This charismatic and familial but excitable 27-year-old man has hazel eyes, a flawless complexion, and curly platinum blonde hair in a flattop. He is a little short and chubby. He is from the destroyed city of Swuiloios on Antlia VII.   Male

August Bartosh
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This undogmatic 24-year-old man has gray eyes, a pale complexion, and wavy auburn hair in a flattop. He is very tall and quite attractive. He is originally from the gas mines of Rynolia VIII.   Male

Omar Doster
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This pure 24-year-old man has blue eyes, a flawless complexion, and straight blonde hair in a military standard cut. He is tall and very good looking. He is originally from a military base on Sonoios II.   Male

Loren Buckner
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This secure and maternal but thoughtless 22-year-old man has green eyes, a rosy complexion, and thick auburn hair cut regular. He is of average height and well-built. He is originally from Essonia Starport. Petty Officer 3rd Class Buckner previously served aboard the USS Diamantina (SSG/AGSS-46).   Male

Christen Paruta
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This magnanimous and earthy 24-year-old woman has brown eyes, a pale complexion, and fine black hair in a mid-length ponytail. She is a little short and well-built. She was raised in the third moon of Leo.   Female

Jasper Schooling
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This eloquent and surprising but frightening 23-year-old man has green eyes, a dark complexion, and fine blonde hair cut regular. He is of average height and quite athletic. He was born in the peaceful city of Smuitios.   Male

Shawn Napoli
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This courteous and droll 22-year-old man has dark brown eyes, a tanned complexion, and thick light brown hair in a flattop. He is a little tall and skinny. He is from the gas mines of Angautia II.   Male

Devin Rummel
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This healthy but bizarre 24-year-old man has gray eyes, a flawless complexion, and curly golden-blonde hair in a crew cut. He is very short and heavyset. He was raised in The Nyania Terraform Complex.   Male

Bambi Swiech

This sentimental and circumspect 21-year-old woman has gray eyes, a fair complexion, and straight red hair worn loose about the shoulders. She is a little less than average height and quite athletic. She is from the borderlands of the Mofios outpost on Lynx VIII. Specialist Swiech previously served aboard the Katra Deux Amis (AR-117).   Female

Antonia Varnado

This brilliant 21-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a dark olive complexion, and curly blonde hair worn long. She is a little tall and quite thin. She was raised in the capital town of Iritia II.   Female

Carter Harrington

This incisive but nihilistic 19-year-old man has hazel eyes, a flawless complexion, and fine dark brown hair in a crew cut. He is a little short and quite thin. He was born in the industrial city of Cupressus on Orion Prime.   Male


Jeanetta Todesco

This complex 30-year-old woman has green eyes, a deep dark complexion, and curly strawberry blonde hair in a long braid. She is a little short and fit. She was raised in the largest moon of Vulpecula.   Female

Rashida Rouleau
Senior Chief Petty Officer

This profound and casual but unimpressive 34-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a rosy complexion, and fine strawberry blonde hair in a short ponytail. She is very tall and somewhat thin. She was born in The Echeatia Refinery Complex.   Female

Jeffie Kainz
Chief Petty Officer

This self-conscious 27-year-old woman has brown eyes, a dark complexion, and straight brown hair cut short. She is tall and quite athletic. She is originally from somewhere in the Dorado system.   Female

Corey Mcclymonds
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This contradictory 23-year-old man has brown eyes, a dark olive complexion, and fine auburn hair cut short. He is a little tall and fairly muscular. He is from The Auriga Refinery Complex.   Male

Leonardo Bogard
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This vivacious and determined 22-year-old man has green eyes, a pale complexion, and wavy light brown hair in a military regular cut. He is very short and quite athletic. He was born in Toraitia Spaceport.   Male

Dessie Trost

This enigmatic 19-year-old woman has blue eyes, a dark olive complexion, and straight golden-blonde hair worn loose about the shoulders. She is a little short and slender. She is from Livios Spaceport.   Female


Lesia Cacciatori
Petty Officer 1st Class

This exciting but cruel 26-year-old woman has brown eyes, a flawless complexion, and fine strawberry blonde hair worn loose about the shoulders. She is a little less than average height and heavyset. She was born in a military base on Aposplenos I.   Female

Louie Haymans
Petty Officer 1st Class

This firm but weak 27-year-old man has green eyes, a freckled complexion, and straight auburn hair in a military standard cut. He is short and attractive. He was born on Onotia Starport.   Male

Rex Mccloude
Petty Officer 1st Class

This moderate and noncompetitive 25-year-old man has hazel eyes, a deep dark complexion, and straight auburn hair cut regular. He is a little less than average height and heavyset. He is from the borderlands of the Ranaios outpost on Crux III.   Male

Yong Minniti
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This efficient and frugal 24-year-old man has dark brown eyes, a tanned complexion, and thick black hair left uncut. He is a little less than average height and quite athletic. He was raised in the old city of Daulios.   Male

Chae Yeats
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This allocentric and unaggressive 25-year-old woman has dark brown eyes, a tanned complexion, and fine auburn hair in a mid-length braid. She is a little less than average height and fit. She was raised in an outpost on Loreos IX.   Female

Sandy Esary
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This unreligious 25-year-old man has hazel eyes, a rosy complexion, and fine black hair in a military regular cut. He is of average height and fairly muscular. He is originally from Taiosia Colony on Canes.   Male


Del Meglio
Lieutenant Commander

This sweet and busy but loquacious 35-year-old man has gray eyes, a deep dark complexion, and fine red hair in a flattop. He is a little less than average height and slender. He is originally from the terraformed moon of Likyos in Aries.   Male

Deb Cariaga
Chief Petty Officer

This impressive 29-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a radiant complexion, and curly jet black hair left uncut. She is short and well-built. She was born in the third moon of Vela.   Female

Vikki Zacchini

This rational but crass 22-year-old woman has blue eyes, a pale complexion, and fine dark brown hair neatly braided. She is a little tall and quite heavy. She is from somewhere in the Gemini system.   Female


Pedro Virostko
Chief Petty Officer

This knowledgeble and skeptical but frightening 26-year-old man has brown eyes, a radiant complexion, and straight golden-blonde hair cut short. He is a little short and well-built. He is from the largest moon of Cetus.   Male

Clifford Zayicek
Petty Officer 1st Class

This hardworking but strong-willed 25-year-old man has brown eyes, a rosy complexion, and curly strawberry blonde hair cut short. He is very short and a bit pudgy. He is originally from an outpost on Ageenia IX.   Male

Abdul Lento
Petty Officer 1st Class

This obedient 24-year-old man has dark brown eyes, a pale complexion, and wavy auburn hair left uncut. He is short and quite athletic. He was raised in The Chausia Terraform Complex.   Male

Norris Cannizzaro
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This witty 25-year-old man has gray eyes, a olive complexion, and curly light brown hair in a military regular cut. He is of average height and chubby. He is from the gas mines of Ceracia VI.   Male


Danial Prentiss

This perceptive and questioning but plodding 44-year-old man has gray eyes, a freckled complexion, and thick light brown hair cut short. He is very tall and somewhat thin. He is from The Qualia Terraform Complex.   Male

Dirk Spille
Senior Chief Petty Officer

This loyal 33-year-old man has hazel eyes, a dark complexion, and thick brown hair in a military regular cut. He is short and angular. He is from a well established colony on Angilia.   Male

Fidel Autaubo
Petty Officer 1st Class

This liberal 24-year-old man has green eyes, a dark complexion, and straight brown hair cut short. He is a little less than average height and a bit pudgy. He was raised on Vappa Outpost.   Male

Mickey Pearce
Petty Officer 1st Class

This anticipative and noncompetitive but disturbing 25-year-old man has brown eyes, a freckled complexion, and wavy brown hair in a military regular cut. He is very short and attractive. He is from Aleania Spaceport.   Male

Corrine Siva
Petty Officer 1st Class

This restrained 28-year-old woman has gray eyes, a flawless complexion, and curly brown hair cut short. She is a little tall and somewhat thin. She is from a satellite relay station orbiting Kinocia V.   Female

Huey Hagey
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This well-rounded but arrogantt 24-year-old man has green eyes, a pale complexion, and thick jet black hair in a butch cut. He is short and quite thin. He was raised on a frontier colony on Minor VI.   Male

Aurea Ikkela

This protean and hypnotic 21-year-old woman has green eyes, a rosy complexion, and thick dull blonde hair pinned neatly back. She is tall and very good looking. She is originally from the second moon of Circinus.   Female

Joya Bawer

This sage and noncompetitive but self-indulgent 21-year-old woman has gray eyes, a dark complexion, and straight golden-blonde hair in a long ponytail. She is of average height and a bit pudgy. She was raised on a satellite relay station orbiting Serouos III.   Female
Tad Hail

This physical 22-year-old man has hazel eyes, a rosy complexion, and thick platinum blonde hair in a crew cut. He is a little tall and fit. He is from a listening station on Haucios.   Male


Daren Zak

This idealistic 34-year-old man has green eyes, a tanned complexion, and thick blonde hair in a military standard cut. He is very short and quite athletic. He is from a military base on Essonia I.   Male

Karole Finkle
Petty Officer 1st Class

This skillful 28-year-old woman has brown eyes, a fair complexion, and curly golden-blonde hair worn loose about the shoulders. She is short and somewhat thin. She was raised in an outpost on Ageootia VIII.   Female

Marquitta Alquicira
Petty Officer 1st Class

This firm and impersonal 28-year-old woman has blue eyes, a tanned complexion, and wavy black hair in a long braid. She is a little less than average height and a bit pudgy. She is from a communications relay station on Stoogios Prime.   Female

Buena Szostak
Petty Officer 3rd Class

This forthright and pure 23-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a radiant complexion, and curly light brown hair pinned neatly back. She is tall and somewhat thin. She is originally from an orbital relay station near Athylia I.   Female

Darryl Weinfurter
Petty Officer 2nd Class

This solitary 24-year-old man has hazel eyes, a dark olive complexion, and thick dull blonde hair in a butch cut. He is short and quite thin. He was born in a shipyard town on Estonia I. Petty Officer 2nd Class Weinfurter previously served aboard the Katra Bezan (MSO-106).   Male

Sue Cantara
Crewman Apprentice

This suave and modern 16-year-old woman has hazel eyes, a olive complexion, and straight brown hair neatly braided. She is of average height and attractive. She is from an outpost on Lesbos Prime.   Female


Recently, while working on my character's Starfleet Service Record, I noticed that Shadowfleet doesn't have a system for In character awards and decorations. While these aren't necessarily important insofar as the sim is concerned, they do provide opportunities for fleshing out stories, and characters, as well as possible plot points and writing prompts. And given the canon status of awards and decorations (See TOS: Court Martial, TNG: The Measure of a Man, DS9: Tears of the Prophets, and DSC: Will You Take My Hand) I am of the belief that our characters would have decorations of their own.

The questions are then, How do we facilitate this? and How do we prevent people from abusing it for Mary Sue God Modding purposes?. Below is a detailed proposal for a streamlined system below by which we can do in character awards and decorations in an equitable way and prevent unnecessary drama, headaches, and confusion.

[Proposed] In Character Awards and Decorations Manual
1.1 Introduction

It is important to note first that all awards, decorations, and other honors contained in this manual are entirely in character and do not reflect upon the Player in any way. This manual is a tool to be used in storytelling, nothing more or less. Shadow Fleet has an Out of Character Award system which recognizes players for their contributions to the site, their individual Sim, and their writing. The awards and decorations oulined here are purely for storytelling purposes and are earned not by the player/writer, but by the character that they portray. They exist only in the world that we write, like a phaser or a tricorder.

If that's the case, you might ask, Then why have a system in place for giving them out? The answer is that if there weren't a system, then some people would use them in an unrealistic manner, or god mod, or simply use them incorrectly. And since awards are a canon prop piece that everyone uses, like the phaser and the tricorder, we need to ensure that they are used in a manner consistent with canon. For example, Crewman Joe Snuffy probably didn't score a Federation Medal of Honor on his way to Shadowfleet from boot camp. And Ensign Soral the Vulcan engineer probably isn't rocking a Cochrane Medal fresh out of the Academy. But they realistically could have recieved a Citation for some cool thing that they did. Maybe Snuffy rescued a Bolian baby from a damaged shuttlecraft! That's worth a citation or a commendation... or maybe the government of Bolarus gave him an Achievement Medal of some sort. That's pretty beleivable, and a good piece of backstory! Or maybe Ensign Soral got a commendation for some innovative bit of engineering at the Academy. Or maybe her grades were really good, and she got cited for that. Or maybe your character is conspicuous by their lack of awards and achievements! It's all about that unique backstory baby!

Separating medals, awards, commendations, and citations and having a system in place for using them allows another device for telling our stories, and ensures that said device isn't misused. (Looking at you Trek writers who use the deflector to generate a polar gyro tachyon beam to get out of everything!) So with that said, lets get to the meat and potatoes!

1.2 Definitions

When dealing with awards and decorations and deciding how to give them out, it's important to know the difference(s) between them. This is accomplished by stating criteria for each award, but also by knowing the difference between a Citation, Commendation, Award, and Medal. Below are the definitions of each.

  • 1. Citation - This is the lowest in the hierarchy of awards and decorations. A citation is a formal, honorary mention by high authority of   specific and outstanding performance. This can be for performance in battle, or a non-combat related event where a character did something that is worth rewarding, but falls short of a higher award. This could also be for a single event, or sustained outstanding performance over a period of time. A Citation might take the form of a note in the characters record, acknowledgement in an official log, or a physical award like a Commander's Coin, a certificate, or a smiley face sticker. The approval authority for a Citation can be as low as a Department Head. A Citation could also be awarded to an entire crew.
  • 2. Commendation - A Commendation is a formal recognition of a single act, or sustained performance that goes above and beyond the call of duty. It can be combat related or not. The following is a definition of a current RL military commenation, the Army Comendation Medal


    The Army Commendation Medal is awarded to any member of the Armed Forces other than general officers.

    The medal is awarded to anyone who performs qualifying service in the United States Army. This may include meritorious achievement, service or performance of duty, an act of courage or heroism. The act justifying the award may entail aerial flight, and it may be made noncombatant-related acts of heroism which do not meet the requirements for an award of the Soldier's Medal.

    For example, Crewman Snuffy's episode where he saved the Bolian baby... but there was some risk involved. Or Soral's bigger better Vole trap, which let the crew defeat the Great Vole invasion of 2399 and save the colony's crops! As you may recall, one Cadet James Kirk got a Commendation for Original Thinking when he.. ahem... beat the Kobyashi Maru Test. A Commendation is usually a medal or something tangible. It's higher in precedence than a Citation, and as such is generally given out by Commanding Officers and above.
  • 3. Award - An award is higher in precedence than a Commendation and generally lower on the scale than a medal. It can be combat Related (Grankite Order of Tactics) or not (Daystrom Award). Awards are generally given for professional excellence on one's field either for a single event or for excellence sustained over a period of time. Awards are given by a group or organization in most cases, or a government.
  • 4. Medal - And now we arrive at the catnip for those Mary Sues! The Medals. Medal of Honor, Medal of Valor, Medal of (Insert Virtue Here). Medals are most often given out for a single act, or participation in a campaign or event. There are varying degrees of medals. Service Medals, given for a period of service in an organization, Heroism Medals, given for acts of gallantry, valor, or bravery, Achievment or Commendation Medals, given for a single act, achievment, or sustained excellence in performance of one's duties that warrant more than a Citation or Commendation. Approving Authorities vary depending on the medal. for instance, the Medal of Honor is approved by the Federation Council, whereas an Achievment Medal can be awarded by a Commanding Officer, or a group or organization. A Service or Campaign medal is earned automatically by fulfilling its requirements and does not require approval.
1.3 Federation, Starfleet, and Foreign Awards, Medals, Commendations, and other assorted Bling

So now that we know the categories of our In Character Honorifics, let's list them and their criteria. I'll not here that not all of these are mentioned in the shows and movies. Some are mentioned in kicensed written works, which makes them not exactly "canon". As such, the Administration should decide which that they want to keep, which to throw out, and whether or not to add new ones unique to Shadow Fleet.

* Credit for this list goes to Memory Alpha, Memory Beta, and the people who run the independent sim USS Theurgy.

Federation Decorations
Bentman Prize (Award)
The Bentman Prize was a prestigious medical honor for Federation physicians.

Betar Prize (Award)
The Betar Prize is a prestigious award given to authors of literature.

Carrington Award (Award)
The Carrington Award was a prestigious honor in the field of medicine, awarded annually by the Federation Medical Council. It was awarded to one of five nominees, and was generally regarded as a lifetime achievement award.

Cochrane Medal (Medal)
The Cochrane Medal was a prestigious honor that was awarded by members of the United Federation of Planets.

Created on Stardate 2/0001 by the Alpha Centauri Academy of Science and Technology, it was presented to a scientist who, in the spirit of Zefram Cochrane, had contributed to the Federation by their outstanding performance in the physical sciences or advanced engineering application or some other technological achievement. It appeared as a silver filigree with precious stones which detonated the atomic structure of a Dilithium nucleus. In addition to this, a parchment inscribed in gold ink described the individual's scientific accomplishment.

Daystrom Prize for Holography (Award)
The Daystrom Prize for Holography was an award presented by the Daystrom Institute.

Denebian Swan of Merit (Award)
The Denebian Swan of Merit is an award given to individuals who have displayed honor and valor in the service of the planet Deneb IV, by the Denebian government. As of 2364, 46 had been awarded.

Federation Peace Medal (Medal)
The Federation Peace Medal was an award that was given to members of the United Federation of Planets.

It was created originally by the Tellarite Planetary Government but was later adopted by the Federation on Stardate 2/2001 and officially made on 2/1005. The Peace Medal was given to an individual to commend their actions for setting a personal example of fostering peace, mutual respect as well as cooperation amongst divergent races. The design was later modified on Stardate 2/8801 and appeared as an elongated star set against a gold "Enterprise" arrowhead which was held in upraised hands.

Federation Star for Distinguished Service (Award)
The Federation Star for Distinguished Service was a prestigious award that was presented to any Federation citizen who had performed amazing efforts in promoting the Federation and its values.

One such award was rewarded to Lieutenant Commander Clark Terrell in recognition of the essential part he played in trade negotiations on Derus VI, after opening dialogue with the inhabitants, while being stranded on the planet for several years.

Gavlin (Award)
The Gavlin was an award given for outstanding reporting and journalism.

Grankite Order of Honor (Award/Medal)
The Grankite Order of Honor was a prestigious award given to members of the United Federation of Planets.

It was created on Stardate 1/9802 where its basis was proposed by the Confederation of Tellar and a special order was issued by the Commandant of Starfleet Academy of Starfleet Command. The Grankite Order of honor was a decoration which was awarded to cadets who during their tour of study at Starfleet Academy demonstrated a selfless heroism in support of the Federation and of Starfleet Command. The medal was named in honor of a Tellarite cadet named Grankess 'Lorr who was the first recipient of it. It took the appearance of a small red, blue and gold triangle that was surrounded by Tellarite white laurel leaves.

Jesse and Hilde Cochrane Fellowship (Award)
The Jesse and Hilde Cochrane Fellowship was an award established by Zefram Cochrane to honor his deceased parents.

Karagite Order of Heroism (Medal)
The Karagite Order of Heroism was a decoration that was awarded to members of the United Federation of Planets

It was created on Stardate 119603 by the Executive Council and was awarded individuals who showed conspicuous heroism in the defense of the Federation worlds and people during times of conflict. It was named in honor of a successful Starfleet Marines defense of the planet Karag against Klingon attackers during the Four Years War. The Karagite Order of Heroism appeared as a stylized humanoid female with outstretched arms which were grasping of an upraised sword that was attached to scarlet and white horizontal stripes.

Latinum honor medallion (Award)
A latinum honor medallion was an award which was given by the Hiinkans of Cerebus Prime, and was made of latinum.

Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery Cross (Award)
The Lewis and Clark Corps of Discovery Cross was an award granted to Federation citizens who had made great discoveries, or bold explorers.

Nobel Prize (Award)
The Nobel Prize was a prestigious honor established in 1895 by Alfred Nobel, awarded annually since 1901 in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, Literature, and Peace. The prizes were presented on Earth during their early history; by the mid 23rd century, the awards ceremony was moved to Memory Prime.

Peckman (Award)
The Peckman was a prestigious prize, an award given to honor people in archaeology, history, or related fields of science.

Prantares Ribbon (Medal)
The Prantares Ribbon was a prestigious medal that was awarded to members of the United Federation of Planets.

Created on Stardate 1/9704 by the Prantares Council of Elders, it was awarded to either civilians or military personnel who had saved the life of a Federation civilian through peaceful means. The decoration appeared as a stylised Prantarian lamb that was surrounded by green wreath with the inscription "High Protector" below. (FASA RPG module: Star Trek: The Next Generation Officer's Manual)

During the Earth-Romulan War, it was a special combat award. (FASA RPG module: The Romulan War)

It had at least two classes as well as a distinctions for peace and commendation.

The shuttlecraft Prentares Ribbon, in service to the Akira-class USS James T. Kirk, was likely named after this award.

Surakian Peace Prize (Award)
The Surakian Peace Prize was an award given to ambassadors and individuals who were able to prevent hostilities from breaking out between governments.

T'Relan Award for Excellence in Teaching (Award)
The T'Relan Award for Excellence in Teaching was an award given by the Vulcan race.

Te'ri O'ullhy Award for Valor (Medal)
The Te'ri O'ullhy Award for Valor is one of the highest honors bestowed by the government of the planet Damiano. Named for General Te'ri O'ullhy, who saved the planet from the dictatorial rule of Pad'gy D'ullh, the award is given to those who likewise go above and beyond the call of duty to preserve planetary stability.

The Dannon Prize (Award)
The Dannon Prize was a civilian decoration that was made by the Terrans.

Virtual Award (Award)
A Virtual Award was a prize given honoring holoprograms and holographic works.

Voltak (Award)
The Voltak was a prestigious prize, an award given to honor people in archaeology, history, or related fields of science.

Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor (Award/Medal)
The Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor was a highly prestigious award given on the planet Vulcan which recognized the scientific accomplishments of an individual.

Zankar-Bowles Prize (Award)
The Zankar-Bowles Prize was an award in or around the Federation, given honoring writers.

Zee-Magnees Prize (Award)
The Zee-Magnees Prize was a prestigious honor, originally created by Zalar Mag'nees, ruler of a powerful city-state on Alpha Centauri in the 17th century, to reward the greatest achievements in military science and engineering and to encourage scientific research among her citizens.

Starfleet Decorations
Anastas Medal of Achievement (Medal)
The Anastas Medal of Achievement was an award given to members of the United Federation of Planets.

Created on Stardate 2/5001 by Starfleet Command, it was named after the first female starship captain and was awarded to a female officer of executive command rank or higher to those who had demonstrated superior skill as well as expertise when facing extreme hazard. It took the appearance of a platinum disk which showed the principal representatives of the Federation with their hands joined. Written underneath the gold was the inscription "Achieve Together". It hanged from an aquamarine ribbon.

Andorian Battle Star (Medal)
The Andorian Battle Star is an award given to command-level Starfleet officers who have shown superior tactical abilities on the battlefield, either personal or command-oriented. The Battle Star is awarded by the Andorian government. As of the year 2364, 2,467 had been awarded; 12 of which were posthumously awarded.

The award itself is a four-pointed star made of titanium, with a sapphire in the center, that hangs from a blue and white ribbon.

Archer Ribbon for Conspicuous Bravery (Medal)
The Archer Ribbon for Conspicuous Bravery was an award that was awarded to Starfleet officers who had conducted acts of significant bravery.

Christopher Pike Medal of Valor (Medal)
The Christopher Pike Medal of Valor was a prestigious medal awarded to Starfleet officers in recognition of remarkable leadership, meritorious conduct and acts of personal bravery. The award was named in honor of former Starfleet Fleet Captain Christopher Pike. The award featured an image of Pike and the Latin phrase sic semper tyrannis.

Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry (Citation)
The Citation of Conspicuous Gallantry was an award given to members of the United Federation of Planets.

Created on Stardate 1/4010 by Starfleet Command, the Citation commended the acts of heroism in the defense of the Federation citizens as well as their property in which the recipient disregarded a clear risk for their personal safety. It took the appearance of a small emerald triangle with three diamonds in the middle and a silver semicircular bar above. Inscribed on it were the words "For Gallantry".

Drakon Cluster of Courage (Medal)
The Drakon Cluster of Courage is the most prestigious award given by Starfleet Academy to its most exceptional cadets.

Exceptional Performance of Duty Citation (Citation)
The Exceptional Performance of Duty Citation is an award given out by Starfleet to Starfleet personnel.

Federation Medal of Honor (Medal)
The Federation Medal of Honor was an award honoring an act of special heroism by a member of Starfleet.

Federation Medal of Valor (Medal)
The Federation Medal of Valor was an award given in the United Federation of Planets to members of Starfleet.

Four Palm Leaf (Medal)
The Four Palm Leaf was an award that was granted by Starfleet to personnel who had excelled and distinguished themselves on first contact missions.

Golden Nova Medal (Medal)
The Golden Nova Medal was an award presented by Starfleet for exemplary work performed during the course of duty.

Grankite Order of Tactics (Award)
The Grankite Order of Tactics was an award granted by the Grankite Totality for high ratings in battle tactics. It became a combat award that was given to members of Starfleet which commended an individuals role in battle. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War)

It was created during the time of the Four Years War following the Battle of Karag when the United Federation of Planets fought against the Klingon Empire. (FASA RPG module: The Four Years War) Among his many accomplishments, James T. Kirk's was awarded as a member of the Order's class of excellence and received the highest rating in tactics of all time. (TOS novel: Preserver)

Heart of S'em-loh (Medal)
The Heart of S'em-loh was one of the two combat decorations unique to the Starfleet Marines (FASA continuity). It was named after the Andorian who was the first Starfleet Marine to die in battle.

Kragite Order of Heroism (Medal)
The Kragite Order of Heroism was an award honoring an act of special heroism by a member of Starfleet.

Legion of Merit Medal)
The Legion of Merit was an award granted by the United States military in the 20th and 21st century. It was also awarded by the Starfleet Ground Attack Marines.

Palm Cluster (Medal)
The Palm Cluster was an award that was granted by Starfleet to any officers who had excelled themselves at first contact missions.

Palm Leaf of Axanar (Campaign Medal)
The Palm Leaf of Axanar was a Starfleet commendation awarded in the mid-23rd century to officers who participated in the successful Axanar Peace Mission to the planet Axanar.

Palm Leaf of Derus (Campaign Medal)
The Palm Leaf of Derus was a Starfleet commendation awarded in the mid-23rd century to officers who participated in the successful trade negotiations between the Federation and the planet Derus VI in the 2260s.

Ribbon for Meritorious Service (Medal)
The Ribbon for Meritorious Service is a Starfleet award.

Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition (Medal)
The Shuvalis Diamond of Recognition is an award given to Starfleet officers who have advanced a peaceful relationship with a recently discovered alien species, and is given by the Vulcan High Command. As of 2364, 67 had been awarded.

The award itself is a three-dimensional diamond, surrounded by a hollow ruby double-crescent.

Star of Arcturus (Medal)
The Star of Arcturus was a great medal which was awarded in the 23rd century.

Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry (Citation)
The Starfleet Citation for Conspicuous Gallantry was an award honoring an act of special heroism by a member of Starfleet.

Starfleet Cross for Distinguished Service (Medal)
The Starfleet Cross for Distinguished Service was an award that presented to Starfleet officers who had distinguished themselves from others in their service to the fleet and the Federation. This service could have been rendered in a single event or over a period of time.

Starfleet Medal of Honor (Medal)
The Starfleet Medal of Honor was an award that was given, by Starfleet, to recognize the valor and bravery in action of those officers who went "above and beyond the call of duty".

It was first created on stardate 0/9105 by the United Earth Alliance Parliament. The Medal of Honor was considered the highest decoration that could be bestowed by Starfleet Command and the United Federation of Planets and was given to individuals who showed self-sacrifice, heroism and courage despite extreme peril that they faced whilst serving the Federation. As the recipients of these decorations were considered the embodiment of the highest ideals of the Federation, their descendants were automatically considered as possible cadets for Starfleet Academy should they choose to pursue such a career. It was a stylized UFP symbol which was superimposed on a sold gold disk set against a silver, five pointed star. A decoration was attached to a red, white and blue vertical striped ribbon.

Starfleet Medal of Valor (Medal)
The Starfleet Medal of Valor was a prestigious decoration awarded to members of the United Federation of Planets.

It was created on reference stardate 1/9604 (circa 2254) by Starfleet Command and was awarded in peace or war time for actions beyond the call of duty. It was stylised set of stars with each representing one of the founding members of the Federations and were attached to a ribbon of diagonal blue and silver stripes.

Starfleet Silver Palm (Medal)
The Starfleet Silver Palm was a medal for valor presented to deserving Starfleet personnel. The medal was awarded "with cluster" on some occasions.

Tristar Cluster (Medal)
The Tristar Cluster was an award presented by Starfleet for great acts of courage during extreme circumstances. On the medal were three stars that represented honor, pride and courage.

Unit citation (Citation)
A unit citation is a formal, honorary mention of a Starfleet unit's specific and outstanding performance, usually in battle, which is granted by a higher authority.

In the 24th century, the Federation Starfleet granted unit citations to starships which had shown outstanding performance in a variety of missions, including battles.

Valiant commendation (Commendation)
The Valiant commendation is a service award presented by Starfleet Academy to cadets who show exceptional teamwork. It commemorated the sacrifice of the Red Squad cadets who died aboard the USS Valiant in 2374.

Watters Ribbon of Valor (Medal)
The Watters Ribbon of Valor is a service award presented by Starfleet Academy to cadets who show exceptional leadership. It was named for Tim Watters and commemorated Watters and the other Red Squad cadets who died aboard the USS Valiant in 2374.

In perusing the list, you will notice quite a bit of overlap. You will also notice a lack of service ribbons, qualification badges, and other honorifics that you might see in modern day militaries. An example of this would be the United States Army's "Combat Badges". Originally there was a single combat badge, awarded to Infantrymen who were enaged in direct combat with an enemy. This badge was exclusive to Infantrymen an could not be earned by the medics who were with them in these engagements, or other Soldiers like Artillerymen, Cavalry, Armor, or those in support roles. Eventually the Army created a Combat Medical Badge for medics, and a generic "Combat Action Badge" for everyone else. This is an example of a "decoration" which one earns simply by fulfilling the criteria. We could employ something like this (Starfleet Combat Ribbon?) to avoid having to award medals to everyone who gets into an engagement with some hostile alien or the like, but doesn't warrant a Citation, Commendation, or Medal.

A Qualification badge would be similarly useful for all departments. Crewman Snuffy got a rating of "Expert" at the phaser range, or Chief Ricky has the highest pilot rating on the ship! Bits of background like this can be used to explain why a player's character was chosen for that super quick promotion and all his peers weren't, or vice versa. "Ensign Ricky has been Cited three times for gallantry, and has 2 Commendations! But Ensign Joe Bob doesn't have any Citations. Say hello to Lieutenant JG Ricky, and jealous Ensign Joe Bob!"

All in all, it's important to maintain a level of realism and balance when deciding what your character has done, and how their achievements have been recognized, or not recognized. Maybe they are an under the radar type who was there, and contributed, but someone else got a medal. Or maybe they got recognized for something that they don't feel like they've earned. Maybe they're the only one who knows it... or maybe everyone knows it! Perhaps they have a certain medal or commendation that they don't like to think about because of the bad memories, but all of their peers know that they have it and constantly want to hear the story of how they got that medal.

Those are just some of the ways that using In Character medals and decorations can add to our stories. But remember, just like the rest of their bio, medals and awards can be useful when done thoughtfully, or can be a problem if used in the wrong way. For every James Kirk.. there are a thousand Barclays. Point being, not everyone breaks the computer when it is asked to read out their list of accomplishments!

2.0 The IC Awards Approval System

The following is a proposal on how we might govern In Character Awards. It is inspired by how it is done in the United States Army, and I assume the other branches as well... but they don't matter, so it's just the Army.  ;D (Disclaimer: Its just jokes. I'm an Army guy, but I loves all the branches!)

1. New Players

  • New players' In Character Awards will be approved/disapproved by the same process as the rest of their bio, and by the same people. They will be taken in the broader context of their bio. For example a new Crewman fresh from training will likely have a Starfleet Service Ribbon, maybe a qualification badge/rating, and a Citation for something that they did during training. Maybe they got a Commendation for being the best at something among in their traiinng class. But that's probably it. Any award or Medal that they wish to claim on their bio will need to be accompanied by a post detailing the event where they earned the award. If it's an Achievement Medal/Award, then the Achievment will have to be well written as a part of their Bio. The Admin can then approve or disapprove based on whether its realistic for that to have happens, follows canon, is believable, etc.
  • New Characters with previous experience - If a new character is older, and have served in Starfleet in the past and is returning, or previously served in another area (Civilian Merchant Service, Klingon Defense Force, etc.) then they might realistically have awards, medals, or achievements from that period of time. Those awards and decorations will be considered in the same way as those mentioned above. Realism, fidelity to established canon, and whether or not they make sense given the age and experience detailed in the bio.
2. Established Characters (Characters already on a sim)
  • For those players who have been here a while, and are looking to flesh out their character's bio with some awards and decorations, they need to write up an "Award Citation" for whatever award they want to add. For example:

    Karagite Order of Heroism
    Description of qualifying event: On Stardate 12345.6 Crewman Joseph P. Snuffy distinguished himself by displaying fearless devotion to his crewmates by holding off a platoon of Jem'Hadar soldiers so that his crewmates could evacuate approximately fifty Federation colonists from the engagement site. Armed with only a hand phaser, Crewman Snuffy mantained effective suppressing fire from his position in a crashed shuttlecraft for twenty minutes. Crewman Snuffy, while showing a valiant disregard for his own safety and under withering disruptor fire from the Jem'Hadar soldiers, was able to keep them from advancing on the colonists while his crewmates evacuated them to the transport site. Only when all the colonists were evacuated did Crewman Snuffy leave the shuttle and make his way to the transport site.

    Crewman Snuffy's selfless devotion to duty, and to the preservation of life resulted in the safe evacuation of fifty colonists and five Starfleet Security personnel. His actions are in keeping with the highest ideals of Starfleet and reflect great credit upon him, the USS Spaceship, and Starfleet.

    An award citation like the one above should be used for any award that a player wishes to add to their character's Starfleet Service Record. It will be approved/disapproved by their commanding Officer or by the approval Authority for that class of award/medal.

3. New Awards for Current Players
  • Recommending an Award - Anyone (in character) may recommend that someone recieve an award. If the award is for a single event, then the person making the recommendation must provide a copy or a link to the post(s) where the action(s) took place, and write an award Citation. They will then send the post and citation to the appropriate approving authority, detailed below. The approving authority may accept, dissaprove, or downgrade the award to a lesser award or category based on the award's stated criteria.
  • Approval Authorities - For Individual Citations, any character may recommend another character to recieve a Citation for a single act/achievement/event. The lowest approval authority for individual Citations is the character's department head.
    For Commendations, a Department Head may recommend a Commendation for another character, regardless of department. The lowest approving authority for Commendations is the ship/station Commanding Officer.
    For Awards, anyone with standing to do so may recommend another character for the award. For awards governed by an organization (Daystrom Award, etc.) there may be different nominating criteria. The lowest approval Authority is the CLO group/Admin(s).
    For Medals, any character can recommend another character, and the approving authority would vary depending on the stature of the Medal (Example: Commendation Medal: Commanding Officer, Medal of Honor: Federation Council)
3: Non Player Characters - Non Player Characters are generally one shots and minor players so if they were to have awards that bear mentioning in the mission, the Sim's commanding officer would be the approving authority for that, as they are for NPCs in general.


That's the proposal(1st Draft). I welcome some open discussion on this topic, as well as any ideas that anyone has for different ways to incorporate In character awards and decorations into the fleet.


:: Katra Station | Security Chief's Office ::

Every since Jyur had suggested a course of therapy for him, Kyan had been trying to catch Doctor Phil on Subspace. He knew it was him! That is, Doctor Dennis Phillips, pHD, and director of Behavioral Health at the Leonard H. McCoy Memorial Hospital on Miri's Planet. Kyan had known him for close to fifty years at this point. He'd conducted his entrance evaluation into Starfleet shortly after graduating from college. His doctoral thesis led to the advent of Immersion Roleplay Therapy, or "IRT" for Mirans who had taken up adult jobs and careers.

The premise was that a Miran suffering from stress related symptoms would have "positive behavioral outcomes" if they were taken out of their current, "stressful" environment, and placed with "parents" and allowed to live at their physiological "age" for a period of time while they underwent counseling for their issues. They lived with the "parents" during the therapy, went to school, and were encouraged to partake in any age appropriate activities that were available. As the therapy called for the patient to be completely immersed in their role as a normal child, there had to be a complete break with their regular life. Ideally, they would come to Miri's planet for the therapy, or at least live in a different area than the one where they usually lived.

At the conclusion of the therapy, if it was successful, the Miran would be able to return to whatever they were doing before. Apparently, IRT was very successful. Doctor Phil had won a medal for it, and he'd been invited to speak at lots of symposiums. He had even received a pat on the back from the Vulcan Science Academy.

Since just about every Miran had some sort of developmental issue, Post Traumatic Stress, or some other thing that would earn a diagnosis, there was never a shortage of participants for Doctor Phil's preferred treatment option. Kyan himself had undergone IRT four times in the past fifty years, mostly toward the beginning of his career. It was always the same thing. The people chosen to be his "parents" were holier than thou grups who either took the roleplay too seriously, or they found that they weren't actually interested in playing house with a centuries old pre-teen. Some of them ended up needing therapy of their own, or they quit before it got to that point. One of them had even attempted to spank him for some violation of the rules.

That was the last time Doctor Phil had suggested IRT for Kyan. It was also the last time the would be spanker walked without a limp.

Now here was Doctor Phil, his chubby face and bald head filling the monitor, and a placid look forced on his face. Kyan meanwhile, considered the good doctor with equal parts of incredulity and contempt.

"Sure and yer arse is hangin out the window Doctor Phil!" Kyan laughed. "There's nae way in fook..."

"Language" Came a calm, almost disinterested reply from the computer screen on Kyan's desk.

The Miran boy's brow wrinkled as his eyes narrowed. And who was this bald head grup now, telling him what was what and what to say... and him being in the Beta Quadrant, all the way back on Miri's Planet? Kyan suppressed an urge to get indignant. After a moment's consideration, he opted to appeal to logic. "You put me in this hamster cage before Doctor Phil, an it turned to shi....erhm.. crap. you remember what happened to ole Spanky McGee right? So why do you think it'll work this time?"

Doctor Phil smiled knowingly. "Well Kyan, you see we've have fifty years to get this right for you, and I think you're going to be surprised. He then launched into an unsolicited explanation.

"You see", he began "We've always placed you with Human parents, who had formal training and didn't have children of their own."

Kyan shrugged. "Yah so? Isn't that what you told the grups at the conference?" he asked. "You said that two parents and no kids was best so that the grups can focus on just the kid?

Doctor Phil's howls shook as he nodded. "Yes, in most cases that's true. But you aren't most cases are you?"

Even a ten year old can tell when he's being buttered up. Kyan had the advantage of also being a Starfleet trained interrogator himself. He was flattered of course. Who wouldn't enjoy being told that they were special? A cheeky confirmation died on his tongue as Doctor Phil continued.

"So we've already put calls out for two volunteers there on Katra Station. As soon as we hear back from them you'll be able to move in and begin your therapy."

"Ok but what if I'm after deciding not to do it?" Kyan replied. "What then?"

Doctor Phill shrugged. "Well, then you'd be on vacation, and I'd talk to the Chief of Behavioral Health for Starfleet Gamma Quadrant Operations. you'd be sent here to the the therapy. In any case, your commission is deactivated until you're cleared by Doctor Jyur."

Kyan sat back, resignation evident on his face. "Fine." he sighed. "But you better pick good grups this time, an no mistake. They better be interesting!"

Doctor Phil nodded. "Don't worry. I'll be back in touch tomorrow. Til the, pack your bags. Oh! And try not to be late for school tomorrow!"

Kyan was about to tell him where he could stick the school when the connection went black. "Stupid grup!" he muttered as he hopped off the chair to go and pack for the move.


See "AMile in My Shoes" for the updated version of this submission.

Database / Miran Species Profile
August 28, 2021, 03:21:23 AM

Official Starfleet Species Report

Homeworld: Miri's Planet, Earth II, or M-2553
Species Classification: Humanoid
Affiliation: United Federation of Planets
Language: Federation Standard, Other Terran Languages
Currency: None
Leadership: Federation Oversight Council
First Warp Flight: N/A; Post-Industrial Society
First Contact: 2266
Year Joined UFP: N/A; Federation Protectorate
Species Features: Slow Aging, Identical to Terrans, Juvenile Physiology
Canon Appearance: TOS Ep 8, "Miri"

The Onlies, known today as Mirans, were children native to the Beta Quadrant who were the sole survivors of a viral holocaust on their homeworld. They were discovered by the crew of the Constitution-class USS Enterprise NCC-1701 in 2266 when the Enterprise investigated a radio distress signal coming from an uncharted planet.

Physical Profile

In physical appearance and internal anatomy, the Miran race is identical to Terrans due to their planet's similar evolutionary history (see Notes, below). Nearly all surviving Onlies are prepubescent, with only a few having aged into adolescence, so the entire race is composed of children - all of whom are over 400 years old. Their inability to physically mature has left them imbued with juvenile energy, impulses, and shortfalls - such as the need for play and more hours of sleep for healthy development. As the active form of the virus which caused this de-aging mutation proved fatal to the sexually mature population of the time, there are no Miran adults and it is unlikely that any of the surviving Miran population will age into adulthood for centuries to come.

The product of their forebears attempts at prolonging life, the children of Miri's Planet had their RNA re-written by a virus which functioned in preadolescent beings to alter their metabolism so that they would age 1 month for every 100 years. The successful genetic manipulation gives the surviving Onlies a life expectancy of 80,000 years or more - barring disease, injury, or disaster. At the time that Captain Kirk discovered the Onlies, the children were already over 300 years old and had managed to survive on their planet alone while still playing like the young people they appeared to be.

Psychological Profile
While as varied as any group of children, Miran's exhibit the same developmental processes as is common in human children. The stereotype is that they are often hyperactive, mischievous, and prone to rapid shifts in their emotions. What makes Mirans unique is their demonstrated survival instinct, as evidenced by surviving alone on a planet for over 300 years, and the experience they have gathered in the last century with exposure to advanced education and the Federation. In terms of psychological maturity and bearing, no two Mirans are exactly alike and their individual differences are as widely spaced as in the humans they resemble so closely. Almost all are playful in some fashion and refer to their games as foolies


Located in the Beta Quadrant, beyond human colonial expansion as of the mid-23rd Century, the homeworld of the Onlies was first discovered by the USS Enterprise. The world is geographically exact in comparison to Earth, including planetary composition, density, atmosphere, geological development of continents and oceans, and evolution of the species. In 2266, Lieutenant Commander Leonard McCoy described Miri's Planet as being a textbook example of Hodgekin's Law of Parallel Planetary Development. That is, the requirements for life to form in the vastness of space requiring similar conditions be present, that there would exist worlds with no connection to one another that had undergone parallel evolutionary processes to identical result.

Prior to the arrival of Starfleet and the Federation, the level of technology on Miri's Planet was consistent with a post-industrial society equivalent to the mid-20th Century on Earth; however, the extinction of the planet's adult population had left the world to undergo centuries of decay as the children were unable to maintain the facilities and technology.

The Federation Council elected to make Miri's Planet a protectorate following first contact with the Federation in 2266 and the recommendation from Captain Kirk. A mission was established, staffed by teachers and doctors, in order to provide adequate educational and developmental support for the Onlies.


Almost nothing is known about the early history or development of Miri's Planet and its indigenous people. Given the similarity to Earth and humanity, it is supposed that the planet's development followed the same pattern as Earth's, and the evolution of the species similar patterns to Terrans.

Life Prolongation Project
"You know grups, you know what they do. The hurting. Killing... That's right, the way it was in the before time.
- Jahn (Star Trek: The Original Series, "Miri")

An example of the metabolic decay, rapid aging, and insanity associated with the active form of the Life Prolongation Virus that destroyed all adult lifeforms on the Miran homeworld.  Image copyright Paramount

At some point prior to 1960 CE, scientists on Miri's Planet began experimenting with viruses as a means by which to extend the mortal lifespan. Called the Life Prolongation Project, this genetic research ended with the disastrous release of a global pandemic sometime between 1959 and 1966. The virus worked as originally designed when it inhabited the bodies of prepubescent children; re-writing their metabolic processes to slow their aging, at which point the virus became inactive in their bodies; however, in adolescent and adult populations the virus became unstable and mutated into a deadly strain that accelerated the person's metabolism. Symptoms of the mutated virus included disfigurement, madness, and eventual death. As the pandemic decimated the world population, the children were made victims at the hands of their enraged and insane parents, guardians, and teachers... until the adults died. And all that remained were the children.

Gathering together for survival, the children came to identify themselves as the Onlies and sought shelter inside of the cities where they could scavenge for food stores and hide inside of the buildings. As centuries past, from time to time one of the children would age into adolescence, at which point they would become infected with the mutated form of the virus and die as their parents had.

First Contact

"But I remember the things you grups did. Burning. Yelling. Hurting people..."
- Miri (to Captain James T. Kirk), 2266

On stardate 2173.5, the USS Enterprise was on a mission of exploration through the Beta Quadrant when the ship detected an Earth-style radio signal transmitting what appeared to be an automated distress beacon. Arriving at the source of the transmission, the crew discovered a planet that seemed a duplicate of Earth. Beaming down to the surface, they found an antiquated ghost town. Tracing the source of the transmission, the landing party was first assaulted by a disease ravaged man - who suffered a fatal seizure shortly after - and then discovered a girl hiding in the ruins of a building. Identifying herself as Miri, the girl explained that there was no adult left alive on their planet; which was now populated solely by the Onlies. To Kirk's astonishment, Spock estimated Miri's age to be over 300 years.

The members of Kirk's landing party soon discovered they were now infected with the same mutated virus that had centuries ago decimated the planet, save for Science Officer Spock. Kirk quarantined the landing party until Doctor McCoy could find a treatment for the fruits of the Life Prolongation Project; something McCoy called a failure despite Miri being evidence to the contrary. Initially feared and despised by the Onlies because of their distrust of grown ups, Kirk struggled to get the children's cooperation as McCoy worked to cure their disease. Though neither Kirk or McCoy was successful at first, both would later achieve their individual goals. Kirk secured the cooperation of the Onlies, while McCoy used himself as a guinea pig in a gambit to see if his serum was a cure or poison.

The mutated form of the virus cured, the genetic manipulation done to the children's metabolism remained. Leaving members of his own crew behind to take charge of the children, Kirk requested that the Federation send teachers and caregivers to establish a formal mission on Miri's Planet, concluding Federation First Contact with the Onlies.

This first contact would appear to violate the Prime Directive.

Children of the Federation Family

Under the watchful eye of the Federation mission on Miri's Planet, the 'Mirans' - no longer thinking of themselves as the Onlies - have developed an eclectic and unique culture of their own. While governorship of Miri's Planet technically rests in their duly elected Council of Youngers, the legislative body more closely resembles a children's clubhouse than a planetary authority and the Mirans seem content to allow the Federation Institute to manage the day-to-day administration. Inquisitive and precocious, Mirans were serving in Starfleet as early as 2292, when Evangeline Erinth became the first Miran to serve aboard a Federation starship.

Today, with over a century of advanced education under their belt since that fateful first contact with the crew of the Enterprise, Mirans are a race of opposites; equally adept at navigating a playground as they are at advancing the professional fields they elect to explore; such as Miran engineers, who are known for their unconventional designs, or Miran scientists who look for new methods of candy making with the same imaginative approach they might apply to astrophysics.


So basically, we dropped into 1940. We don't know how, or who dun it, or if its real, but we're here. So if you wanna play, drop in and have fun. Land wherever you like, muck up history if you want. There's no end state to get to or story goals to meet. Everything is wide open. Have fun! :D


:: Location unknown | Close to midnight ::

The tiled granite floor making sudden contact with the back of his head brought Kyan from sound sleep to confused consciousness. As he landed with a thud a bright flash of pain shot from the back of his head to the front, accompanied by a white flash which subsided almost instantly. Total darkness surrounded him as he opened his eyes, except for the stars dancing in front of him. He was about to call for the computer to turn the lights on when his jarred, still waking brain was able to process the surface that he'd landed on. Namely, that it wasn't the floor in his quarters. That realization brought him to full alertness and years of training and experience began taking over. The cold floor triggered several possibilities in his mind, but the only one that mattered currently was that someone or something had brought him here and he definitely hadn't agreed to it. He lay unmoving on the cold stone, listening for sounds in the darkness that might tell him more about where he was.

There was the rustling of heavy cloth to his left which sounded like drapes"¦ indicating a window. Possible escape route. If the wind could get in, the window was open to some degree. Filing that tidbit away, he tried to make sense of things. This was either on a holodeck, or a planet. The wind didn't blow through open windows on a space station.

As he listened to the wind, the boy put his hands palm down on the floor. It was smooth and there was some sort of pattern cut into the stone that felt like squares. "œmarble or granite" he thought to himself. Then another sound, closer to where he'd heard the drapes. More rustling of cloth and what sounded like creaking metal springs. It was familiar but he couldn't immediately place it. It lasted for a few seconds before he was once again alone with the cold floor and the wind blown drapery.

Kyan was wearing clothes, but not the pajama pants that he'd worn to bed. He reached up slowly to feel the shirt he was wearing now. That too was familiar, although not something he'd worn since leaving his home planet. It was loose fitting and felt like some sort of linsey-woolsey cloth. There were buttons down the front, which felt like wood of some sort. The shirt was tucked into his pants, which were shorts, but shorter than any that he'd worn in a long time. He also felt a leather belt with a metal buckle. The belt had a circular emblem and the relief image of what felt like a bird on it.

His next discovery caused him some relief. On his left side there was a leather sheath which contained a blade. The handle was a wooden affair with a diamond shaped metal emblem inlaid and a metal pommel. It was held in the sheath by a leather strap with a metal snap, which he quietly unsecured. There was also another leather strap which ran from the left side of his belt over his right shoulder and under an epaulet. "œSome sort of uniform." He thought. "œSure and this must be some weird dream or a memory or something that I'm just now remembering. Those Head shrinking counselors shook something loose no doubt!"

Continuing, he discovered knee high socks and leather shoes with actual laces. Then another thought occurred to him. "œOh and if I'm wakin up and the last four hundred years have been some weird dream it's right pissed I'll be and no mistake!" he thought, bringing himself silently to a sitting position. Quietly turning himself to face the sounds of the drapery, Kyan brought his knees up and placed his feet on the floor, which made a very conspicuous staccato clacking noise. He froze. There was more rustling and the creaking of the metal springs from the direction that he was now facing.

A voice suddenly called out in the darkness. "œWer ist da?" it said in a mid tenor pitch. He didn't recognize the language, and there was no universal translator to let him understand it. He remained still as more creaking and the smack of bare feet hitting the stone floor reached his ears. His hand went quickly to the pommel of the blade on his hip. Then a realization hit him. "œIt was a bed." He thought. "œa mattress with springs. I'm in a bedroom." The voice called out again, a little louder and higher pitched this time.. more.. afraid "œWer ist da?!"

Kyan stayed silent and put his right hand on the floor to push himself up should the need arise.

More movement and the unmistakable click[/] of a switch being flicked. A light flared on near the bed and bathed the bed and surrounding area in a dim yellow glow. Kyan locked eyes with the man in the bed briefly before he groped for the nightstand beside the bed causing the boys' eyes to go there. What he saw caused training and primal instinct to take over. For most, the instinct was to put their hands up, as not to get shot. But Kyan had spent the better part of the past two centuries training with Klingons, Starfleet Security, SFI, and anyone else who came along with some combat knowledge to impart. He'd been an eager learner. Moreso, he wasn't one to overthink a situation like this. He was on his feet and lunging at the man just as his fingers closed around the pistol laying on the nightstand.

Time slowed for Kyan as the struggle played out. He'd been in countless engagements and combat actions, and many of them came down to a situation similar to this. The one who was able to use their weapon first would have advantage, or win outright. This one would be the later. Kyan saw the distance between the two of them evaporate as he covered the roughly ten feet that had separated them. He  leaped at him as the man grabbed the pistol and brought it up to shoot the boy. Had he been a hair quicker, he'd likely have done just that. But he wasn't. Before he got the gun up, Kyan was on him, and the pommel of the knife was sticking out of his torso right below the breastbone. It protruded at a downward angle, leaving no doubt as to where the rest of it was.

The wounded man fell back onto the bed with a grunt and Kyan on top of him. The gun fell from his hand, clattering to the floor.

And it went off. A loud "œbang" and the sound of a window shattering caused Kyan to turn briefly to look. A shrill, terrified scream caused him to whip his head back around. He'd missed her because she way laying in the bed next to the man, but there was a woman, now sitting upright and screaming her head off. "œAdolf! Du hast Adolf getÁ¶tet! AttentÁ¤ter!"œ

He didn't understand what she was saying, but he'd definitely knew the name Adolf[/]. Suddenly it dawned on him. Looking down at the now dead man beneath him confirmed it. Greasy hair, silly half mustache"¦ and a foul body odor that he'd heard rumors of.

"œHoly shite." He exclaimed aloud. "œI just fookin killed Hitler!"

Meanwhile, the woman in the bed was now screaming something else and pawing at him. "œWachen! Wachen! Hilf mir! Der Junge ist ein AttentÁ¤ter!

Kyan jumped off the bed, pulling his knife out of what used to be Hitler. His eyes went toward the drapes, which were still blowing. The woman was pawing at "œAdolf", who just laid on the bed limp, eyes staring at the ceiling.

"œOh It's a dream I hope this is"¦ Temporal Affairs is gonna be right pissed!" Kyan offered to no one in particular. That train of thought was interrupted by the staccato drumbeat of footfalls in the hallway outside. Several sets of footfalls by the sound of it.

"Welp, having saved the whole world, I'll be off the now." he said, wiping the knife on the blanket. He started for the window, stopping only to pick up the pistol off the floor. He ejected the magazine and cleared the chamber before shoving the magazine in his pocket and the gun in the back of his trousers. Opening the drapes Kyan noticed that not only was there an open window but a door. "Thanks!" he offered to the gods as he opened it onto the stone balcony. He then looked over his shoulder at the hysterical woman. "You prolly can do better." he deadpanned before walking out.

Luckily there was a long crimson banner hanging off the balcony. Looking down, he saw that it came only a few feet off the ground. The doors in the room burst open as he was crawling over the ledge. He made out a face looking over the top when he hit the ground. It would have been appropriate to have some cutting remark but as he'd soon be set upon by evil Nazi henchmen Kyan opted to take off running as fast as he could toward the gate.

Website & Forum Archive / new forum rankset?
May 14, 2021, 09:53:15 PM

Hey guys. Check it out. I found these where we got our current ones. I figured that if we were following Picard canon now... why not?


Hey all,

I am requesting reactivation for Kyan Mackenzie. I recently got a message from some Vulcan guy who I heard is putting together a crew! :D

General Archive / Fortnite
October 28, 2020, 01:32:07 PM

Anyone else play? My daughter and I do, and I have to say it's hooked me. If anyone else here is on PS network, or plays the game, my tag is JayBeezy79. :D

Applications Archive / Reporting In _ Elijah Aldin
November 14, 2017, 01:14:50 AM

Character Details

Character Name: Elijah James Aldin
Character Age: 20
Character DOB: 10 February 2374
Character Image:

Character Species: Human
Gender: Male
Character Family:

Father - Howard Aldin
Mother - Kellsey Aldin

Character Bio:

Elijah was born in early 2374, when the Dominion war was entering it's final phase. At that time, his father served as a corpsman for Starfleet ground forces, and was stationed in the Gamma Quadrant three months after his birth, leaving Kellsey Aldin alone to care for him on Cestus III. He returned a few months before the war's end and left Starfleet in 2377 when Elijah was diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder.

Given that not many children were still diagnosed, there were only places for the family to go that could provide care and services to Autistic children so the family had to go about raising Elijah as best they could. Howard finished his education and went into teaching, and Kellsey began working for the Starfleet Transport office on Cestus. They remain there.

Insofar as functionality, Elijah began with many social and communication limitations. He was non-verbal for the first few years of his life, but eventually learned to communicate, wherein another facet of his Autism surfaced in the form of echolalia, which caused him to communicate by repeating back the last words of a speaker, or to use familiar words and phrases, often out of context. This remains an obstacle for him and will surface from time to time, but is largely managed. Intellectually, Elijah is quite adept. He had no issues grasping materiel, but could not often be convinced to conform to normal testing procedures, especially when he was young. Age and training helped in this regard, but he maintains a penchant for disobeying commands that he considers wrong or ill conceived. His understanding of social graces, structures, and order are all lacking.

Howard and Kellsey Aldin were adamant that their son chart his own path however, and the path he chose was medicine. Elijah decided very early that he wanted to be a doctor, and never considered another profession, even with the inherent challenges that ASD placed in his path. While getting into medical school was difficult, he persisted and was accepted. And as expected, he was a star student when it came to medical diagnosis and procedures. His difficulties lie in interacting with other doctors, nurses, and most of all patients. Abstract concepts such as ethics are also very difficult for him to navigate. His bedside manner is robotic, and his brutal honesty is at time a hindrance when dealing with patients.

Elijah graduated from Starfleet medical in 2394 and is now awaiting assignment in the 10th fleet.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience:
Department Preference: Medical
Secondary Department Preference: Science
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Officer

Sample post: (See Kyan Mackenzie Posts)

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Already a member (Kyan Mackenzie)

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