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Topics - Tekin Nevir

Season Thirteen Missions / S13 - M5: Best Laid Plans
March 06, 2019, 11:56:00 AM

Captain's Personal Log - Stardate 87121.5

The hardest part about this whole endeavor is keeping quiet.  One would think that it would be easy to remain silent considering that I require a communication array to speak with my wife, but it has been surprisingly difficult.  At some points I had almost called her out of habit.  However, I am happy to report that I have thus been able to continue with Discovery's "comm silence."

I have yet to tell the majority of my crew where our final destination is; but I hear the planet of the Meridians has received a boom in tourism.  Of course, that information comes from the Ferengi, so take it with a grain of salt.  I have informed my first officer in order for him to fulfill the required role of accomplice, but I have thus far kept our destination away from the rest of the bridge crew.  As far as they know; we are at our destination.

It has been too long since I've visited the almost sacred Deep Space Nine.  It was a pleasant three days, but like all trips, it ended at too soon.  Its time for the big reveal.....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir had taken his seat in the big chair for over an hour already, making sure he was ready to go. He checked the VIP lists one more time, and verified that all refits and refuels had completed as the rest of the Bridge staff came onboard.

"Alright... we have one last stop ahead of us.  Mr. Galloway, you know what to do.  Let's get underway."

Old Topics / October Roll Call!
October 09, 2018, 01:39:51 PM

Please post below that you are indeed still here, and will be posting.  As well as post any times you expect to be out.

This thread will be closed in a week, and anyone not posted will be set to inactive, or reserved.


Eyes Are Everywhere

Written by DD Adams
Teleplay by Tekin Nevir

Okay, so, welcome to October!  As it has been asked and promised, this month's mission is kinda filler, but is our Halloween mission.

The first part with Nevir is his kids is for atmosphere, for the rest of you, the story starts with me on the Bridge.  The only rule I have is to clear things with me or Ian before you do them if they will affect the story.  Otherwise, have fun!

Also note: we will not be referencing what happened in the last mission as recent events.  This mission will be a standalone episode.  We will pick up where we left off in episode 3.


[Kendra Province, Bajor Homeworld - 5 years from now]

With nothing but a crackling fire to give off light, Nevir was lounging back in a sleeping back.  He had taken his youngest children camping, both for the bonding and a spectacular and rare sight.  A rare "black nebula" was moving through the system, and was close enough to Bajor that they would be able to see it passing through.  What made this an event was that as it passed through, the anomaly would absorb all the incoming light, and therefore the sky would darken as the stars seemed to vanish.

"I thought this was supposed to be scary!" Tidu complain, and his father turned around and propped his head up.

"Scary?  Darkness has always been the source of fear for all people.  But if you want scary...." he said, giving a grin. That got the attention of Nerys and Lamar, and both them were suddenly alert.

"You have a story?"

"Is it real?"

"Sure." Nevir said, sitting up.  "I think I have one somewhere.  It all began with your father's ship, the Discovery.  We were just a routine mapping survey, nothing special.  Just a standard mission.  Or so we though...."

[Present Day]
[Bridge - USS Discovery]

It was for once, calm and quiet on the bridge.  Nevir was taking his place at the center chair while he watched his team scanning, mapping, and updating star charts.  It wasn't the most dangerous of missions, but it was a nice break.

"Wow... look at this... this isn't a binary star system at all.  Looks like not only is the star fully in orbit around the other, but it also carries its own planetary system... this is amazing." he said, falling back to the days when he was just a science officer.


Welcome to a new season!  We aren't cancelled yet!

As the name implies, this is a continuation of the cliffhanger we had at the end of season 12.  I'm leaving that mission up to view for your next posts.

We are starting with both the Discovery and the away team trapped in their respective areas.  Our weapons and shields are disabled, and we have no contact with the away team.



Captain's Log, Supplemental

After following the energy surges coming from the planet to the station, we were surprised to find that the away team had vanished the same way as the Vulcans did on their ship.  A scan showed both the Runabout and the Vulcan ship were completely drained of power.  Before we could investigate further, however, an old face decided to make herself known....

"Hello Commander.... or should I say Captain?  Its been a while, hasn't it?"

A blanket of silence fell on the Bridge as Nevir mentally readjusted himself.  Lieutenant Commander Jessica Stamen.  Former science officer and current fujitive after the eradication of a pre-warp race, and destruction of Federation property.  The one who somehow ruined the Discovery, forcing her retirement and the commission of the vessel they were now on.


"You remember me... oh Captain, I'm glad to see you've been thinking of me.  Makes a girl feel loved to know people out there looking for her."

Nevir swung his head around.  "Scan for the source of the signal..."

"Oh, don't bother.  Its coming from the station, but rebounded from the forth planet.  Pretty high tech stuff.  I know you were already around the planet earlier.  Do you like that sensor net?  Would you believe this is a couple thousand years old?  And in such great shape."

"You have my attention Stamen.  What do you want?"

"Straight to the point then, I can accept that.  You've gotten yourself noticed, Captain.  You should have left well enough alone, but you didn't.  You and your crew.  Or at least some of them.  Well... some of us don't like that.  But, instead of outright killing you, we are willing to... negotiate.  You have something we need.  All I require is you."


"Or I kill your crew one by one..." she said, as the screen changed to show a cave where the away team was currently stationed.

"I'd make your choice soon, Captain... it looks like Reyes is already ahead of the party, I can't wait to see the look on her face.  I'll give you ten minutes to decide."  And with that, the channel closed.

There was a noticeable shaking of his arms.  Out of anger or fear, it was hard to tell.


Alright, same rules apply.  Ask about ideas you want to implement, keep in communication, and above all have fun.

The Disco is doing some surveying at the moment, Ian is in command, and everyone should be at standard stations.

Tags to Ian, Ardyn, and Ariste.


Captain's Log, Stardate 73596.7

The Discovery has just about reached it end of it's survey mission, and repairs are just about complete.  My crew has worked exceptionally well in the last few weeks, and I've started to meet with my senior staff about changes in the crew's ranks.  Of course, considering some of those are part of the senior staff, it has been interesting trying to gauge how ready some members are.  I'm compiling a list for the Admiralty board for when we return, but pending any serious disciplinary actions, I see nothing but greatness coming from this crew.

I believe Commander Galloway is fitting into his role as First Officer nicely.  His handling of the surface team while without contact with the ship proved to me that his recommendation was quite accurate.  I feel that I made a good choice.  There has been some friction between the crew and himself, but that is more of my failure for upholding discipline than due to issues between himself and the crew.  I have no doubt that this will be a bit of a transition, but Prophets willing, we will adapt.  There is balance in all things... so it makes sense that there is a balance between comfort and discipline.  We just need to reach it.

Our final stretch of the Delta Quadrant sectors we are surveying takes us through the Dravanos sector; a far enough sector from the Federation that this truly the unknown.  While the crew handles such a mundane task, I have to handle the negative side of my position; what to do with two officers who have always been good at their jobs... but made a costly mistake....

[Captain's Ready Room]

"Commander, you have the bridge.  Send Stark and Jaeger directly to my ready room." Nevir stated, leaving the center chair to Ian to command while they continued their survey.  He gave a small stretch before turning and heading to the private side door marked Ready Room, and entering through.

It still amazed him how big this room was.  The Discovery had such a slick, streamline design, that it hid the rather spacious interior that was essential for a deep space mission.  This was for intents and purposes a warship, but it felt more like the comfort of a Galaxy class than the utilitarian design of a Defiant class.  He instead walked around to his replicator, ordering a Bajoran java bean warm juice, and sitting at his chair, sipping the warm, almost hot chocolate/coffee like drink while he held the records for both Ariste and Ardyn.

Better to get this over with now.

LOA Archives / Reserve Request - Louisa Willow
August 06, 2018, 12:29:26 PM

Louisa apparently put up an LOA as an indefinite.  As this LOA has now exceeded a month, requesting Louisa be put in reserves.

Season Twelve Missions / S12 - M11: Awakening
July 05, 2018, 05:37:32 PM

Captain's Log, Stardate 73520.7

The Discovery is en route to the Federation's oldest outpost nearest the Delta Quadrant.  Starfleet has dispatched us to answer a distress call from the planet Zacrim V.  It seems the previously dormant world has suddenly become very much seismically active in the last month, with increasing frequency and intensity.  We have been tasked with evacuations, and to see if we can find out why it has suddenly destabilized.  We have been authroized to exceed Warp 5, so I have us at Warp 8 to get there as soon as possible.

The loss of my First Officer was sudden and unexpected, leaving a current vacancy.  I have sighted my candidate to fill the role, but it has to be fully approve through the brass before I can make it official.  Instead, Lt. Commander Ian Galloway is serving the role once held by Alex Wu, both as Flight Officer, and as Second Officer.  Adeyemi has refused the role in any capacity, stating he was happy serving his current role until it was time to return to Columbus.

On advice from some friends, I have been giving the holodeck some more time.  Currently I have been interested in Earth's 18th century, and the struggles of one of their former nations, the United States.  The parallels between their war and our Occupation are surprisingly, and I have found interest and enjoyment looking at those figures from the past....

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

"It's called a peruke... or a powdered wig.  For two centuries, humans wore these to hide their hygienic problems and as a status symbol.  Apparently the era I'm in they were going out of fashion, and some members of the Congress were back to what they naturally had." Nevir said, sitting in the Captain's chair with a recently replicated ancient hairpiece in his hands.  He was just about to head to the holodeck following his shift on the Bridge.

"The program puts you in as a middle-colony member of the upper d'jarra, so that I can get the full experience without the stigma of being poor.  It's... interesting... seeing humanity using a class system compared to the humans of today.  SO many old beliefs and ideals that frankly would have kept Earth out of the Federation for centuries had it remained that way." he said, before leaning back.

"It really does give you an appreciation for the advancements that we have today.  Its like... watching the human race before it awakens.  You can see the potential, but you can also see the sleep still there."

The turbolift doors swept open and the next shift was coming onto the Bridge.  "Excellent." he said, standing up.  He watched as the other stations filled, except for one.  Engineering.  She must have been lost in her project again.

"Ardyn, let Stark know what time it is.. she should be on bridge duty. Oh, and Miss Jaeger.. since I know it was you, warn me before you let Steve get into the holodeck program with me.  History is confusing enough as is without a raptor in a powdered wig."


New thread, same rules apply.

This will take place some time after the end of the last mission, and for anyone following fleet continuity, this mission is after the Tempest's Sojourn mission.  Ian will have arrived with me.

Any and all questions and idea please message me either here or on discord and I'll see about fitting it in.

Lastly the credits of this mission:


Directed and Edited by Tekin Nevir
Story by Ardyn Jaeger and Ariste Stark

Guest Starring: Malcolm Adeyemi

Introducing: Ian Galloway


Okay, same rules apply.  If you have ideas you want to contribute that can change the mission, please contact the command crew prior to posting.

Tag to Malcolm.


First Officer's Log,

After a bit of a detour, the Discovery has finally made it to Starbase Columbus after an extended mission into the edges of the Delta Quadrant.  While we missed out on a persistent pain in my side, we have brought the civilian Dan Damian Adams and the criminal Johan to the Starbase for... hopefully completely separate paths ahead.  Our science Chief is having second thoughts, and may have to recuse herself as a witness to the court-martial of her former superior.

And to top the cherry, Captain T'Ra Jones has decided that she too wishes to relinquish her post, leaving the Disco without a Captain, and a medical officer when she takes her husband with her.  I wish T'Ra the best, and I am glad to call her friend.  Of course the expression 'don't thank me yet' is really coming to mind....

With the ship on shore leave, Nevir's destination was to the administration offices within the operations section of Columbus.  While the Discovery went through some vastly needed refits and security upgrades, the ship was left with a starbase skeleton crew. There were whispers of a crew shake up, and it seemed like no one on board would be safe from transfer.  Well... almost no one.

Nevir entered the office with a PADD in hand, holding his new transfer orders.  Sort of... Apparently T'Ra's secret mission paid off, and Nevir was offered what he never thought he would get... command.

With the secretary waving him through, Nevir walked through and stood at attention with the PADD behind him, in front of Admiral Adeyemi.  Here is where he would find out if these were real, or a joke.

"Admiral, Commander Tekin Nevir, reporting as ordered, sir."


New mission is up!  Same rules apply, always message about potential story points before posting.

Tag currently to Jaeger.  Discovery is meanwhile en route back home.


First Officer's Log, Stardate 73348.02

The Discovery is back en route to Starbase Columbus after our latest detour.  This time, however, we have a more pressing matter than just a rescue, as former Chief Science Officer Johan Speilenburg is facing more than just a court-martial back home.  To be honest, after Mr Adams's quick actions taking helm control for Gamma Hull, I personally don't want to give him up so easily.  I took the liberty into looking into his records, and he was a Starfleet officer for a time.  There has to be a reason why he decided to leave, and I'm not one to try and change that.

Captain Jones has been quieter than usual, and appears to have a lot on her mind.  I've been taking on more and more of the command responsibilities, but I don't mind.  What I do mind, however, is the situation brewing in the Science Department.  The Department needs a leader, but I am very hesitant to appoint a new person.  The only officer I see potential is Inzjana, but considering her last... interaction... with Johan, I am not sure if she would even want the position. She is the most qualified, but will there be another issue against her?  I've spent the last couple of days weighing the pros and cons of all the science officers, and each time I keep going back to her.

There are other matters, however, that need to be addressed, and I have the peculiar task this morning to talk on a subject I did not expect to address, though in hindsight I should have expected. 

[XO's Ready Room]

There were a half dozen PADDs on the desk, each one with a different personnel record, and each one displaying a medical report.  The same medical report.  For the same issue.  And Nevir just happened to have the highest ranked officer with this medical report.  He looked up at his flight officer, a look of compassion instead of judgement.  It was too unique a situation.

"The timeline does fit up perfectly.... I have no doubts," he said, sighing.  "Have you told him yet?" he said, his eyes on Jaeger.

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