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Topics - Tekin Nevir

Archive / Eugenic Disease - CLAIMED
May 07, 2018, 01:12:15 AM

Mission Title: Eugenic Disease
Synopsis: En Route back to the Alpha Quadrant to drop off a prisoner and a stowaway, the Discovery comes across an abandoned space station surrounded by vacant ships, including the missing Vulcan ship the VSS Sarek.  As the Discovery investigates an automatic distress signal from the ship, the mystery of the station begins to unfold.

Starting Point: The USS Discovery is transporting a prisoner and their rescued pilot back to Starbase Columbus when their flight path takes them near an uncharted region of space near the border with the Alpha Quadrant.  As much as they would like to explore the region, their mission comes first... until the ship receives a distress signal from a missing Vulcan science ship.
End Goal: Ideally, we would want to rescue those who are left from the Vulcan ship, as well as the away team, including repairing the damage if possible.  One of two options would then take place... either the Discovery defeats and detains the fugitive, or both she and Johan escape to torment the Discovery at a later date.  Lastly, a final disabling of the lure and returning to Starbase Columbus with the Savek.
Story points that must be passed?: After investigating their logs, they discover that the Vulcan ship was on an investigation mission to fulfill missing information in the Vulcan star chart database.  After finding a derelict space station, they went to investigate and obtain a map of the region.  As a logical step to understanding this region of space, they decided the station would be a good start.  So this particular Vulcan ship decided to take a peek for themselves, and then simply vanished.

Arriving on the vessel after failed attempts to hail them, the away team discover that the ship is completely empty, and working on minimum power to conserve energy.  Finding the previous logs, it appeared that their first excursions to the space station was quiet and peculiar, and frankly inviting.  After a few days, however, an incident aboard the ship forced the crew to evacuate to the space station, leaving an automated distress signal.

With no further recourse, the away team follows the transporters to the station itself, only to find nothing but an abandoned facility.  Power is restored, and the team starts to investigate where over a hundred crewmen vanished to after leaving their ship.  There is jumbled information about the region, including a star system, but otherwise it is empty. For some reason, the entire crew vanished from their ship.. And then vanished from the space station.

Before too much longer, the away team found out exactly how this Vulcan crew vanished... as they become abducted in the very same way!  It turns out the crew, and now the Discovery's away team, had been abducted by an automated process and materialized to a planet of the star system in question.  For several years, this had been a lure for an alien race that seemed to have vanished themselves, and yet the processes are still working, and still luring people to the station.

The away team finds out that the purpose of this lure was simply to abduct and understand the different species and races of the region, and specifically to find ways of ensuring victory for the imperialistic race.  However, with no one to actually perform the studies, the automated system acts like a holding cell.

Meanwhile, science and engineering teams on the Discovery have been investigating Vulcan records of the station's computer core to find that little by little, this region had been slowly building system by system as this imperialistic species used their medical expertise to... biologically eliminate their enemies.  This process would end up being their downfall, and the station had been dormant for hundreds of years... until very recently.

The away team finds the Vulcan prisoners and finally discover why the lure was reactivated.  A fugitive scientist, one that was responsible for destroying both a Federation observation platform and the extermination of an entire species, had found her way to this region, and quickly took to the medical databases they had.  Holding the away team hostage, she has one request: release their prisoner and send him to her, or the away team will be her latest batch of experiments.  To prove her point, she takes her main target on the away team, and attacks him on a genetic level.

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Keep the ship on course toward Columbus, sight the distress signal and then direct the ship to the missing vessel and space station
- Engineering: Study the Vulcan database for anomalies surrounding the space station, and including any means to disable or destroy the space station.
- Operations: To keep an eye on the away team and report all actions by them. Study database for records.
- Security and tactical: Part will accompany the away team; part will remain on the Discovery to make sure the away team and Vulcan prisoners can be rescued, and how.  Personal hands-on experience with the prisoner
- Medical: Part will accompany the away team; part will stay on board as needed to recover the away team upon return, as well as the Vulcan captives.
- Science: Work with data sent from the away team to help determine the technology of the means of abduction, and how to retrieve their away team.

Old Topics / Discovery May Roll Call
May 03, 2018, 05:37:55 PM

I know this mission went longer than I hoped and I apologize (school and work).  To get ready for the next mission, please post here to say you're still with us and if there are any periods in May where you will not be available.

I will be out for Memorial Day weekend, but I may be able to still post. 


Welcome to the new mission!  Standard posting rules apply, and feel free to ask questions here.

Shuttle Crew: Tekin Nevir, Fala Awen, EQ Kimball, Alex Campbell, and LK Reede

At the moment, the Discovery is no where to be found for the Shuttle Crew.  T'Ra will handle the current ship-side situation.

Season Twelve Missions / S12 - M6: Allergic Reaction
January 02, 2018, 11:52:51 AM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 73011.9

I am returning from an away mission to one of our new contacts in the Gamma Quadrant, based on a call for assistance.  While the mission was a complete success, I cannot take full credit for it.  Indeed, it was the selected team that performed admirably.  In particular to me is Fala Awen, who I feel would probably make a good Chief Science Officer to replace Kinley Garrison, given some time and opportunity.  I have nothing against my acting CSO, but I feel more passion with that department than the others.

I am eager to return to the ship, and this boost of confidence is something I know Captain Jones has been hoping to see from me....

[Shuttle Everest - En Route to Rendezvous with Discovery]

Nevir was in the pilot seat, having just brought the shuttle out of warp.  To his right was Kimball, the liberated drone who Nevir was not only comfortable with at this point, but was starting to really trust him with his life.  Ensign Campbell was monitoring the shuttle behind Kimball, and behind Nevir was Ensign Fala.  Rounding out their 5 man team was Doctor Reede, the woman of the mission in the Bajoran's opinion.  However, despite her stunning performance handling the illness on Setee V, there wasn't much for the medical officer to do on the shuttle.  She was pretty much a passenger.

=/\= "Shuttle Everest to Discovery"  =/\=

This was the second time the First Officer had to activate the comms, and he needed their response.  All the crew could see out the transparent aluminium was the blackness of space.  No ship.  Nevir had made sure to double and triple check their coordinates, and they did match up.  But the ship was not there.

"Somehow I don't think Captain Jones is the type to forget punctuality.  They may have responded to a call.  Kimball, run a scan.  See if you can find the ship.. or even an ion trail to follow." he stated, unable to hide the frown on his face.  It wasn't often that one would find themselves stuck in space without a ship to dock with... and these shuttles weren't powerful enough to get to the Alpha Quadrant within less than a month. 

Holodeck Archives / Out of One, Many
September 12, 2017, 05:46:01 PM

First Officer's Log,

Putting the Discovery-B through her paces has been comforting to myself, and the crew.  A mission with an undetermined duration leave us with the time to fully prepare and become a part of our new vessel.  In addition, it also allows our new and old family to merge into one crew.  Its inspiring.  We are nearly ready to go underway into the unknown, but there is one last test that needs to be done.  One that I know for certain has been anticipated since we left dock.

He had spent the last day reading over this new feature that was the shining feature of their class.  And now it was time to go for it.  He had called for it's testing at 0900.. this morning.  A day to prepare, and now to enact their battle plan.

There were two types of modes associated with the MVA; one automated, and one manual.  The automated was the feature available with the prototype, but there were just some things that needed a more... personal touch.  The 0900 was going to be the automated test.  The manual would come later.

Nevir was on the bridge, ready to go, as he took the center seat.  Kirok had a lot of faith in him, allowing him to run the paces with the ship.  And now he would get to be one of the first to really use this new system.

=/\= "All hands, this is the XO. Prepare for our final testing.  Secure all stations.  Seniors officers to bridge stations.  Time for the show." =/\=

As soon as everyone was in their place, he turned toward Mr. Wu, who was at the controls for the MVA.  "Mr Wu, bring the MVA systems online.  Chief Reyes... let's go to yellow alert.  Garrison, prepare the tactical training probes."

Old Topics / More Than They Can Chew
August 01, 2017, 12:04:22 PM

Mission 02: More Than They Can Chew   24th July - Present

By Kyle Briggs, Edited by Tekin Nevir

A routine personnel change for an observation outpost is threatened by the crash of an out of date Starfleet probe on a pre-warp civilization.  To top it off, a public spectacle has been made of the technology, and incited aggression towards the Federation.  A delicate situation is made even more difficult with the departure of Captain Briggs, and the need of Admiral Kirok to come on board.  Can the Discovery hold off a frankly hilarious situation and resolve it peacefully?

Act 1: A routine mission is interrupted by communication from the pre-warp planet declaring war on the Federation.  Captain Briggs suddenly receives a communication and alerts Admiral Kirok of the potential breach of the Prime Directive.  Briggs's sudden departure leaves Commander Tekin in charge of the Discovery.

Act 2: Despite the ridiculousness of the mission, Nevir tries to take it seriously, and starts to get the team to find out what's going on.  Lt. Comm Garrison discover's that the probe never went through it's self destruct routine, and in fact sent a false signal to the station, leading to intentional sabotage.  Chief Reyes is dispatched with an away team to get fitted with alterations to resemble the inhabitants of Trallis, and try to retrieve the probe and any data gathered from it.  Admiral Kirok arrives with EQ Kimball, and is appraised of the situation, as well as Nevir's plan to go to the station and speak with the few personnel still on board.

Act 3: The away team will make it to the surface without issue, and to their surprise, getting around the city proves easy and uneventful.  For an imperialistic society, this government knows what they need to do to keep their people happy.  Finding out which facility their technology is proves simple, but they are informed that there is a new prototype set up to protect the building, something that the away team would recognize as inhibitors.  The only way to get their probe is to manually pull it out and get to a safe location.  They find that the scientists are trying to get the probe open.

Meanwhile, an initial interrogation of the station commander proves futile, and Nevir personally goes with a team to the station itself, to check their files and question the skeleton crew.  There is one person who has a record of disputes with the station personnel, someone who can be described as creepy and unsettling and states that maybe this is a good thing.  Station records will finally point to him as the one who sabotaged the probe, and for transmitting information from their scanning wave on how to develop certain technologies.  Nevir will place him under arrest as they work on wiping the facility and wiping the taint on the planet.

Act 4: After the station team is brought on board, it is discovered that there is one person missing from the current staff.  Nevir sends one of his people over to find him, but before they can reach the location of the missing crewman, the station has a cascade failure and they barely bring back their officer before the station blows.  Meanwhile, on the planet, the away team gets out of the building only to be caught by security forces.  Facing a public spectacle, their situation is interrupted by the probe suddenly activating following the station's destruction, and a gas is emitted.  Although passing through the away team with no effects, the inhabitants of Trallis begin dropping as the gas proves to contain an areal agent specifically designed to kill the Trallian physiology.

As the Discovery watches helplessly, a coded message comes through from an unknown source.  "You're welcome for the planet, we'll find you another one."


You know how it goes, lets make another great episode!

The Discovery is mapping out and studying a nebula, for the moment, not much for tactical and engineering except for monitoring the surroundings.

Tags to Helm, Kali, Kyle, and Kinley.


First Officer's Log,

The Discovery has been dispatched to Sector 154 to study the Rystian Nebula.  We are the first vessel to do so, and our task is to form a full database entry, as well as mapping the nebula for future travels.  Its a stark change from our previous missions, and I for one welcome the downright relaxing mission.

The majority of the crew has recovered from the interferences we received from the alien vessel... both vessels, really.  There has been one case however, that has disturbed myself as the rest of the command crew.  There was one victim who seemed to have an adverse reaction to the attempted abduction, and unfortunately was not discovered until after the fact.  It is with a heavy heart from both him and myself that we are expected to lose a good officer through no fault of his own.  While I gather up the will to do what must be done, I've been using this mission as a proxy.  Science has always kept me focused, and this is no different.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

The viewscreen was filled with warm colors as the ship moved through the thick clouds of interstellar gas.  The scans and information coming through was fascinating.  This was both typical and unusual of a nebula in its own special way.  As the Captain remained in his ready room, Nevir tried to keep his focus on the PADD in one hand, and the tapping of his other hand on the Captain's chair.  Sighing, he glanced at the time.  They couldn't wait any longer.

"Helm, change course to Mark 051.  I want to find the source of the heavy metals from our recent scan.  We could be looking at a dead star or planet.  Jyur, begin a metallurgical scan of the area."

At the sound of doors opening, he glanced at the Captain's ready room, and nodded.  Standing up, he made sure his previous order for Garrison to report to the ready room had been received, and turned to the back.

"Kali... you have the bridge.  Keep me updated." he said, walking over and entering the ready room where the Captain was.  They were mission just one person now... Kinley.

Crew Quarters / Personal Log - Tekin Nevir
June 16, 2016, 08:23:49 PM

Personal Log, Stardate 85443.8

I supposed I should consider myself lucky that Starfleet has reinstated me with probationary terms as a Science Officer.  If it wasn't for Captain Briggs, who these days seems like the only person who believes me, I would probably be in some detention facility on Earth by now.

I'm really not in the mood for a log, but I feel if I don't talk about this its going to explode.  I know for a fact that my logs are going to be read, and I apologize to the officer reading this.  But let me state this perfectly clear:

I am NOT a traitor to the Federation.

I don't remember what happened, but I know that much.  The last thing I remember was being called by Commander Dyson.... who apparently is dead according to Federation records.  She needed my expertise on planet dynamics.  But after that... I remember getting into a shuttle, the same one that they said I stole, and then... waking up in sickbay.

They told me that I was trying to destroy the evidence of sending sensitive information to enemies of the Federation, and that I attempted to kill myself with a phaser shot to the chest, but that it was on maximum stun. Apparently there was enough evidence on that shuttle to warrant an investigation.

Captain Briggs made me Chief Science Officer on his ship, but back down to Lieutenant.  My career is in ruins right now, and what's worse... what's worse than that is that Hrafn left me.  Apparently in my absence, she transferred to another ship and filed for divorce.  Of all the people I had hoped would believe me, she is the one that hurts the absolute most.  I haven't responded to the divorce proceedings... they are at least giving me time on that.  I don't want to, though.  I love her, always have, always will.  And I love my children, yet I can't even check on them or say hello.  (visual record shows Nevir crying)

I've been trying to get a message to her.. to talk to her.. ask her why she thinks I'm such a bad person... but so far its been no good.  I miss her, and I miss my family.  I just wish things would go back to normal.  Why is this happening to me?  What did I do to deserve this?  And why can't I remember doing any of these things I've been accused of?

I'll keep trying.  I need Hrafn now more than ever.

End Log

Repli-mat Archives / Recovery (Open)
May 24, 2016, 11:59:59 PM

[Sickbay - Starbase Columbus]

Barely a week ago, he was found.  Floating in a disabled shuttlecraft. Life support was less than a hour from failing.  The missing stolen shuttle and the missing former Chief Science Officer.  What was already suspicious turned downright alarming as a single damage data log was recovered, with a personal entry from the occupant.  All but confessing to acting as an agent to a terrorist group and finally trying to destroy all evidence along with his life.

With such recovered data, the Bajoran had been brought to the Starbase, and was left in his comatose state restrained.  Doctors were unsure if he would recover after a self inflicted phaser blast, and exposure from failed protective systems.  But a week later.. today, the body finally stirred, and his vitals began to normalize to be alert.

Nevir slowly woke up, unsure of what happened, and only saw the inside of a sickbay.  He tried to get up, but the restraints held him to the bed.  Restraints?  Why was he locked in?  He looked around, but there wasn't anyone else in here.

"Hello?  Hrafn?  Anyone?"


Character Details

Character Name: Tekin Nevir
Character Age: 29
Character DOB: June 7, 2362
Character Image:
Character Species: Bajoran
Gender: Male
Character Family:

  • Tekin Coardi (Mother)
  • Tekin Lamar (Father)
  • Hrafn Falleq (Wife)
  • Tekin Nerys (Daughter)
  • Tekin Tidu (Son)

Character Bio:
Nevir was born in the Kendra Province on Bajor towards the end of the Occupation, within a small camp near the Kendra Valley.  His parents, both members of the Resistance by that point in time, tried to keep their new child relatively safe and hidden within the camp.  That changed in 2357 when his camp was subject to an 'accident' that caused an explosion and resulting fire to burn down the camp.  His father was killed trying to save his small family, and to add insult to injury, he was arrested and later convicted as one of the perpetrators of sabotage in the camp.

The surviving family and the survivors of the camp found their way into the next local resistance cell, pledging themselves to the defeat of the Cardassians with renewed vigor.  Nevir was lucky enough that he was never old enough to fight alongside the more dangerous fighters, as by the time he was 7, the Occupation had ended, and the Cardassians retreated.  His emotions on the Federation was mixed.  His mother was resistant to the idea of bringing in another group from the galaxy, but at the same time, Nevir watched with curiosity as the Federation started helping the planet rebuild.

Once he turned 10, his world was put in a state of constant flux as the events aboard DS9 and then the appearance of the Dominion caused the powers to shift constantly.  At the war's end, 2375, Nevir was more than thoroughly convinced that of all the powers, the Federation was the most benign, and even dragged his mother to the official signing of Bajor to the Federation.

After spending time watching the Federation scientists, when he turned 15 he decided that he wanted to be in blue, and applied himself to get accepted into the Academy at Starfleet.  He graduated as a science officer with specializations in planetary constructions and systems, astrometrics, and a minor in engineering and warp theory.  He was then immediately assigned to Shadowfleet as a science officer, where his missions tended to be.. dangerous.

But on the other front, Nevir met someone who changed his life.. a Trill named Hrafn Falleq.  The two worked together as self-named "Dream Team" to the joy of their superior officers, until inevitably they had to make a choice between career and love.  At first it was career, and Nevir left the ship they were stationed on to become Chief Science Officer, and rose to the rank of Lieutenant.  Then, Hrafn decided to resign her post to move to his ship under them, and together they had two children.

Here is where it gets murky for Nevir.  His last memories were on the Challenger, and being approached by one of his superior officers.  Next thing he knew... he wasn't there anymore. (to be filled later)

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Here, about a dozen RP forums, including mod and admin work
Department Preference: Science
Secondary Department Preference: Engineering
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:

=/\="Shuttlepod to Bridge, I've entered the expanse, starting a sensor sweep"=/\= Nevir said, as he tapped on the controls.  He turned to the only person with him, a Federation officer he knew.. he trusted.  Someone who asked for him specifically.  He was still confused at the reasoning behind this temporary assignment, but he was promised it was quick, just an experiment that they needed his expertise for.

"Hopefully we can get in and out.. Hrafn will kill me if she finds out I went alone in a shuttlepod.  And that's on top of the fact that another ship took me." he said, shaking his head.  The person next to him shook her head.

"Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.  Just get the data."

Nevir sighed and nodded.  It took a few hours, but without warning his sensors went off.  "Wait.. I think we found it.  Bearing 208 mark 16.  Its spreading... why would it be..?"

The shuttle flew towards a planet.. or what was a planet, and was now a drifting debris field.  In the center was a large core of what appeared to be dilithlium.  Nevir stared in amazement at the spreading molten and solidifying rocks, and started to find out a cause.

"This is unbelievable!  Its like the core grew out of the planet itself.  That's gotta be enough dilithium to power a small fleet.  I don't see any natural cause... wait... I'm getting an ion trail that stops near the planet's location.  And then vanishes.  This may be something bigger than we thought.  I'm hailing the ship." he said, activating the comm.

"You have no idea, Nevir." the officer responded.  Causing him to freeze.  Only certainly people were allowed to use his given name.  The shuttle responded that communications were not responded.. too much interference.

"I can't get a hold of the ship.  There might be some interference.  I think we need to turn back to the Challen-"

"That's not gonna be possible."

"I'm sure Hrafn will be able to-"

"Don't count on it."

Nevir turned.  "What?"

"She's not gonna find us.  And I doubt she'll even look.  I made sure of that." she said, getting out of her chair and pulling out a phaser.  Nevir stood speechless.  Before he could speak, though, she fired at him, causing him to slump down.  The woman tapped her commbadge and reported that it was done, before asking the computer to run a program called "Tekin-One" and beaming out.

The shuttle's systems overloaded, including the computer core, leaving just the shuttle's life support systems online, but failing.  And so the shuttle drifted, closer to the planet, and whatever caused the planet to break.

Additional information:  I don't have to be brought back in immediately, working with Hrafn on how to reintroduce Nevir since her bio has... questionable... things about Nevir.

How did you find Shadow Fleet?  Always been here.

🡱 🡳

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