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Topics - Lek

Crew Quarters / Lek - Personal Log
August 17, 2023, 10:51:49 AM

[Chief Engineer's Quarters - USS Discovery]

Lek sat on his bed and looked decidedly unhappy. It was difficult to tell by his expression what he was feeling as his face didn't relay anger or sadness, disgust probably came closest to the emotions he was feeling. Abruptly, he began to speak.

"Computer, open personal log and begin recording. Stardate 78253.9. We left Katra station a few hours ago to head to Earth for the big Frontier Day celebration. I am so conflicted that I have to put my words and concerns on record so when things go the way they are going to go, I will have proof of what I was trying to warn those in command about.

"We have just received the most poorly conceived upgrade in Starfleet history. In theory, it allows unprecedented communication and coordination between ships. However, those benefits come with a glaring flaw that dumbfounds me that no one at Starfleet Command seems to think is a problem. The ability to link starships to fight in a 'swarm' means those same ships are no longer under the control of their crews.

"This is bad enough, but what happens when, because it's not an if, it is a when some other entity seizes control of this program? In one move, this enemy doesn't even need a fleet to destroy the Federation, we will hand him one for us to destroy ourselves.

"Regardless of this gaping flaw, no one cares. 'The program is too secure' is all they say. I was made to be an intruder or a lackey in my own engine room. The fools from the Bureau of Ships just showed up and told me to either get out of the way or to hand them the spanner they needed to install the program.

"I raised objections and we were overruled at the highest levels of Starfleet Command. I am sincerely concerned about the level of incompetence at Headquarters. After all, the head of Starfleet Intelligence turned out to be a mole, so it's not like it's not a valid concern.

"Despite all that and fifteen years as an engineer, no one will hear me. So, I am making this recording. I am going to ensure there are multiple copies of this file hidden in the ship's computer and in portable form which I will secure off ship. My words will not be erased even if my concerns are dismissed. End log."

Lek stood, walked across his quarters to pour himself a drink of vodka.

"Computer. Encode that log entry and seal. Authorization Lek Lambda Seven Six Eight Epsilon. Store in the following six locations indicated on this PADD as well as on two storage crystals, execute."


Lek then sighed deeply and threw back his drink before pouring another.

"What is wrong with Command?"

He muttered and wished, for once, he'd actually get an answer.

Holodeck Archives / The Phantom Nebula (Closed)
July 01, 2021, 04:01:11 PM

Lek sat the controls of the Aerie-Class shuttle, a new design currently undergoing trials within Starfleet prior to it going into fleet wide deployment. The Mary Walker had been assigned to Discovery for field testing two weeks ago and while the new shuttle had performed well, this new mission was it's first long range mission. Along for the ride to evaluate the shuttle's performance, Lek was up front with Lieutenant Don Addams. Also aboard to round out the crew were Lieutenant jg M'rrow T'Charr, a Caitian male from the medical department and Ensign Kimiko Sugiyama from the science department.

The Walker had departed from the Discovery four hours ago, bound for a new discovered nebula at the edge of the Delta Quadrant. The nebula was initially thought to be just dark space, but on approaching sensor range was the nebula's nature detected. According to the legends of local sentients, who avoid the region, they warn against entering it, saying it is inhabited by ghosts and space-time anomalies. There name of the area translates as the Phantom Nebula.

As the Discovery had to be at a meeting with one of the local government, the side trip by the Walker provided a chance to explore the nebula and test the new shuttle at the same time. Lek wasn't exactly pleased to be on the excursion, but the Captain had used an infuriating amount of logic to convince, Lek would say trick, him into going, but the Captain had one valid point, he was the best person to evaluate the shuttle's systems. Lek only hoped that the shuttle lived up to the hype concerning the design...

Crew Quarters / Personal Log - Lek
December 25, 2017, 09:55:21 PM

[Officer's Quarters]

The camera view is a close up of the speaker with no discernible background to identify where image is being recorded.

"Computer, open personal log." There was the soft beep as the recording activated and the speaker continued. "It has been forever since my first entry as we've gone from disaster to disaster that the rest of the crew calls missions. I've sustained severe burns, been captured, trapped under water, and accused of treason.

"In this time, I have yet to make a single friend or even met anything that likes me. Counselor Maddux is a nice person, but she is just a therapist and colleague, no hope of friendship there.

"One of the security officers, Rhymus Cleroux has taken an active dislike to me, or at least actively goes out of his way to torment me whenever possible and was the one who shot me, twice, while I was trying to save the ship.

"All in all, this assignment has proven to be quite miserable and has made me actually question my decision to join Starfleet. As one of only two Ferengi in all of the fleet, I expected to be lonely and misunderstood, but I find the last few missions to be right at the edge of what I can take. On the positive side, I've been promoted twice, but I'm not sure if that's enough to offset the misery of being alone in a ship with over 800 crew.

"Even though this assignment has me questioning my career, it is not enough to make me leave, the work is simply too fascinating for that. If I continue to feel beset by my own crew, I will put in a transfer to see if a change of venue might not be what I need to restore my confidence. Only time will tell."

The speaker paused and looked thoughtful for a moment and added.

"Computer, end log."

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