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Topics - Michael Deus



I believe the only rule I'm breaking is the time-served rule, and I'm hoping that it can be waivered as waiting six months to post this would be detrimental to it.

I have literally just created this forum, as I couldn't find any other ones like it. It may just be my poor search skills, but I think it's an interesting premise and I'd like to give it a go.

However, I do need help. It shouldn't take up much of people's time, as it's obviously so new it'll take awhile to get it up and running properly. I'm gaging interest levels, and asking for anyones help who's willing to offer it.

So, it's a Game of Thrones Roleplay game that's based as the start of the formation of the Seven Kingdoms as we know them. No House has earned their current reputations, so their reputations are what the players make of them.

One of the hooks is that you do not choose your own House. You'll create a character, assign points to these characters (and gain levels) for things such as Charisma, Attack, Defence and the like and then you'll be randomly assigned a House. Depending on if it's a new House, depends on your position within the House.

It's with the stats you assign yourself that we'll see if you're successful in your endeavours. Once you make a move in a post, I'll use a random dice generator (based against your level in the area in question) and roll it against your opponent. As an Admin, I will then post stating if the character has been successful.

The forum and the idea itself is a rough work in progress. Like I said, any and all help would be appreciated.

Here is the link:

FYI (as you'll see if you take a look): I ended up as a Lannister. Not exactly what I wanted, but I'm the current King. So I'll deal.  >:(


Character Details

Character Name: Angelus Mikaelson.
Character Age: 27.
Character DOB: 01.06.2368.
Character Image:
Character Species: Human.
Gender: Male.
Character Family: William Mikaelson (Deceased), Esther Mikaelson (nee Saltzman) (Deceased).
Character Bio: Angelus' father, William, was a career Marine with a head for tactical analysis and strategy. His mother, Esther, was a noted professor in the field of Astrophysics and Quantum Theory. Due to his father's occupation, he was born and raised in San Francisco; off-site but right next to Starfleet Headquarters.

While Angelus showed a real knack for numbers and figures, he preferred the more physical activities taught to him by his father, rather than that of the academic teachings of his mother. Despite this however, he was accepted into Mensa at the age of 13, due to the urgings of his mother to have some sort of backup plan. She also tried to teach him the game of Chess, and while his mind grasped the concept easily enough, it couldn't hold his attention for long.

He claimed the reason he liked physical activity so much was that if he wore his body down, his mind would soon follow and enter a lull which allowed him to function 'normally', which is why he got into the habit early of going for a long run first thing in the morning.

When his parents were killed in an automobile accident when he was 17, Angelus shirked away from any further social contact and became a recluse. Due to his mother's profession, his family had been fairly wealthy so he could continue to get by without a job, however he did freelance as a cyber-security consultant to keep feeding his inquisitive mind.

That's where, or at least how, he met a woman that goes by the name of Graeda. He became her go-to-guy for all things security, as to the point where he even advised her on aspects of her company's human security forces. Seeing the wasted potential, Graeda encouraged him out of his shell and advised him that there was far more to discover out in the deep recesses of space than there is on Earth.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Five years playing Star Wars Combine, and infrequently a few Harry Potter websites' like World of Potter and HexRPG. On SWC, I was second-in-command of a team of Forum Administrators for the Imperial faction (the largest in the game), who's website hosted over 150 members, for two years.
Department Preference: Security/Tactical.
Secondary Department Preference: Engineering.
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned.

Sample post:

Angelus Mikaelson ran a finger absentmindedly around the rim of his half-full whiskey glass as he stared ahead blankly, a slight frown marring his face. He sat alone in his quarters, the lights set to dim, with only the soft clunks and whirs of the ship around him as company. A loud whistle sounded and echoed down the hallway outside, knocking him out of his state of melancholy just long enough for him to send a scowl toward the large metal door which stood locked at the other side of the room.

He then let out a slight huff of a sigh as he squinted at the room around him, taking in the organised and pristine living area, the grey and bare walls and then the neatly squared-away bed in the corner. The only messy part of the room was the section he now sat - a small table littered with Datapads and the aforementioned glass of Whiskey. He let out a yawn, his hand moving from the glass to run across the front of his face and across his unshaven jaw.

"Lights on full." He commanded of the base's AI, his voice coming out rough from hours of disuse. He leaned forward and arched his back to stretch the aching muscles as the lights brightened, and he squinted again as his pupils constricted to accommodate it. Looking down at the table beside him, he rapped his knuckles against the glass and watched the liquid inside slosh as he moved it away to the far side of the glass surface. He then grasped one of the several Datapads and raised it to view the contents currently on the screen;


It's nearing that time of the year again. I've heard that you're currently on shore-leave, and while I understand and approve of your decision, I also think it's wise that you're not alone. However, knowing you as I do; I know you will be.

Please feel free to comm me if you need anything...even if it's just to talk. ESPECIALLY if it's to talk.

- Graeda

Angelus let out another sigh as he placed the device back down. He knew he shouldn't be alone on the anniversary of his parents' death, but he also knew that being alone and drinking himself into oblivion tended to be easier than talking to somebody, anybody, about it. But this time was different. Unlike in the years before, where he didn't have any reasons not to drown himself in alcohol, he now did have one. A large one.

Starfleet, and more importantly...his position within it.

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Google.

🡱 🡳

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