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Topics - Kyan Mackenzie


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Hey guys, to keep everyone up to speed with the goings on in mission, we're going to use this. I'll post a rundown of updates as they happen so we can stay coordinated. First, a quick recap of the last mission.

Majel Barrett voice...

Last time... on Star Trek: Challenger

The Prime Recommendation

The Challnger detected space time anomalies around a class M planet with a pre-warp civilization. When they arrived, the crew learned that these people, the Landsers, were in the testing stages of developing a Faster than Light engine. Rather than the Matter/Anti-matter reaction engines employed by most space faring races, the Landsers had a developed a Space Fold Drive. Unbeknownst to them, their "Great Work" as it was known on the planet, was responsible for all the damage being done to space time in their vicinity.

Captain Galloway sent an away team consisting of Lt. Cmdr Mackenzie, Lt. Jyur, Lt. Mrerakhas (Zhuk), and the new Chief Engineer, Lt.jg Cordon. When the away team entered the atmosphere they were seen and engaged by the air force of one of the planet's nation states, Magana. The away team decided to beam to the surface and send the shuttle back to Challenger. Unfortunately the transporter malfunctioned and they materialized in different locations. Mackenzie materialized in the air and landed in a tree, destroying his Isolation suit. He was found by a Landser boy and his sister and brought into their house. Jyur and Cordon landed relatively close to one another. Zhuk was the only one who's suit still worked, and he landed close to the town where Mackenzie landed.

Back on the ship, the Landsers test of the engine knocked the crew unconscious disabled Challenger's shields, leaving the ship visible to the Landsers. When communications were restored, Captain Galloway sent a message to the Landsers but it wasn't understood. Chaos ensued on the planet.

The away team attempted to complete their mission. After seeing Galloway's message and learning that the Landsers couldn't understand that they were peaceful, Mackenzie asked the Lansder kids to take him to the Capitol of Magana to speak to their President. Along the way, they ran into Jyur, Zhuk, and Cordon, but Jyur was captured by a group called the "An-Shok". The rest of the team made it to the capitol. Mackenzie sent out a video on a Landser social media app stating the crew's peaceful intentions that could be understood, which went "viral" in Magana and elsewhere.

On the ship, systems were restored and because they couldn't contact the away team, Galloway decided to take a second team to the Land Moot, the "United Nations" of the Landsers. He also sent a shuttle to Magana to recover the away team after Lt. Cordon was able to get an emergency message through to the ship. They met with the Moot Master and others, but the An-Shok forced them to withdraw after recovering Lt. Jyur.

In Magana, the President didn't believe Mackenzie and attempted to detain the away team after the second shuttle arrived, flown by Lt. Jaeger. Mackenzie ordered them all to leave and remained to be a prisoner of the Magana government. He was then captured by the An-Shok and tortured via an illegal telepathic procedure known as a "Mind Ripping." Unknown to Presidet K'ren, one of the Landser children who brought the away team to the capitol recorded K'ren ordering Mackenzie tortured and her confirming the existence of the An-Shok, who had been thought disbanded decades prior. Once K'ren learned of this she fled in disgrace. The Landser Military Chief of Staff legally assumed the office of President and saved Mackenzie's life. He contacted Challenger where Lt. Wu sent another shuttle to pick up Kyan and a Landser delegation from Magana to come to the ship and see the truth about their Space Fold drive.

Captain Galloway's team was rescued by Lt. Jaeger and returned to the ship with minor injuries sustained in a shootout with the An-Shok. Once there, Galloway invited representatives from all the Landser nation states to come to the ship and see what their engine was doing to the area around their planet. They did without further incident, but did not fully commit to stopping the work on their engine.

And Now....
Truth and Consequences

-Main plot points

  • The Challenger is docked at Starbase 185 for repairs and an inquiry into the events of their previous mission.
  • The crew has been moved off the ship and is temporarily staying in guest quarters on the starbase.
  • Admirals James Carter (played by Anna) and Hamish Gillespie (played by Nira) have been tasked with running the investigation, possibly with a third flag officer to form the courts martial.
  • The crew is mostly on leave, and being questioned by the Admirals and their staffs about the Landser mission.
And there we are. If I missed anything let me know! And if you're having trouble getting into the mission, also let me or someone else know and we can get you going. Like I said, it's pretty much a free for all right now with just the questioning going on. It's all free form at the moment, so go nuts! Have an adventure on the Starbase. Visit the shops. Start a barfight.  ;D This is a good chance for som spontaneous fun or character development.
USS Challenger-A / S6: E2 - Truth and Consequences
March 19, 2024, 05:30:28 AM

[Lt. Commander Regular Civilian Kyan Mackenzie | In a Jeffries Tube, USS Challenger]


First Officer's Personal Log, Stardate"¦ I don't know"¦ fill it in later. Stardates are stupid anyway.

Ok computer, I dinnae got much time. Jalen's probably out looking for me the now. It's like a Ferengi chasing latinum he is! But I know his giant self is nae gonna come crawling in here.

Ok. So it's been four weeks since we went to Land. I just woke up about a week ago from me coma, thanks tae that great blue bawbag and his brain torture. They told me about how everything went after he knocked me out. Read Galloway's log fer them bits. Anyways, we're docked at Starbase 185 the now, and the admirals are in a proper tizzy. They've been investigatin the whole thing and asking everyone questions about what happened. They cannae ask me though, thank the Powers on account of because I'm on medical leave and doing Immersion Roleplay Therapy again. Me an Max are staying with Jalen and Lorian and Leran in their quarters, and I'm doin me recovery. Jalen told me that me heart stopped three times and he had tae pound on me chest so it would start again. Broke three of me ribs doin it too the lumbering giant! It still hurts some, but not too much. But I'm still alive so I am, and happy tae be so. Since me commission is deactivated the now, I cannae do any work, the which is why I'm hidin in this Jeffries tube tae do this log. Zhuk has been fillin in for me but if the fat admirals get their way, he might hafta end up bein the Captain of the ship. Bet he'd like that"¦.. Computer Pause.

Kyan looked up from the padd and listened. He heard a pair of Jeffries tube doors whisk open and closed again and voices. Putting the padd down he began looking through his clothes. "œI know ye put one of them trackers on me!" he muttered as he searched. Finding nothing he doffed his shoes and shirt. The shoes were empty but there on the back of his shirt was a small circular patch no bigger than an old Earth dime. Kyan peeled it off and stuck it to the bulkhead beside him before putting his shirt and shoes back on. "œIt's a sly old devil ye are Jalen." He laughed. The voices were getting closer now. Kyan considered taking off right then, but picked up the padd again.

Computer Resume log.

Ok, where was I"¦ Oh yeah. Like I said, the ship is docked here at the station the now and most of the crew is on leave. It's a big station with lots tae do. I dunno what's gonna happen with the investigation, so this might be me last log. If it is, I want it tae be known that Galloway dinnae do nothing wrong and the Admirals what sent him off tae New Zealand are all jobby wankers who could nae find their own arse with two hands and three tries. And if they DO put us in prison"¦ well"¦ I been tae New Zealand. It's nice there so it is.. Shite"¦ I gotta go computer. [Indiscernible chatter in the background.]

Kyan hurriedly put the padd back in his backpack before shrugging it on and scampering down the Jeffries tube.

[A short time later, in Jalen and Lorian's quarters]

The doors to the Kartos' quarters whisked shut behind him as Kyan walked into his temporary accommodations. It wasn't as spacious as his own quarters, although since it was designed for a family it wasn't too far off so as to feel cramped. "œDas"¦Max"¦Leran.. I'm home!" Kyan called out, hanging his backpack up. When he turned around Max and Leran were standing in the doorway.

"œYou're in trouble." Max grinned. "œJalen was looking for you."

"œI had tae get something from our quarters." Kyan replied evenly.

The other two looked at each other knowingly. Neither of them bought it. It wasn't the first time Challenger's erstwhile First Officer had snuck off to do something work related. Last time it had been the Security office to see Blackfeather. The non-com had all but frog-marched him back home. This time it was Leran that spoke. "œI bet you tried to sneak into your closet on the bridge again."

"œI dinnae! Besides, ye know they won't let me even on the bridge." Kyan shot back. "œI was just getting something! Relax."

"œWhat was it?" Max giggled. "œAll your action figures are here"¦ Jo-Jo's here. And Toby."

Kyan's face began to match his hair at the mention of the stuffed Targ. "œDinnae worry on it. I dinnae find it anyways so"¦"

Leran chuckled as he turned to go back into the next room. "œYou'd better have a better excuse when dad gets back."

Max came over and grabbed his friend by the arm. "œC'mon. We're playing Bat'leths & BiHnuchs. We got the Tribble Campaign expansion pack!"

Kyan brightened at that. The three of them had been pestering Jalen and Lorian about it for days. "œBully! I'm gonna be a Smooth head this time!"

"Here's to the Moosers" - Feature mission

Setting: It is 2350, a full decade before the Spandex revolution of the 2360s. Picard is still tooling around on the Stargazer, and all of the heroes you know are either still in grade school, the Academy, or just starting their careers. It's a time of relative peace and prosperity. Our story follows a very unique group of Starfleet Cadets on their Summer Cruise.

You've likely heard of Nova Squadron, Red Squad, or one of the other elite groups of Starfleet cadets. But there is another exclusive group of cadets walking the hallowed halls in San Fransisco that you might not know about. That's probably because while their group is exclusive, they're anything but "elite." Known derisively as "Moo Squad" by other cadets, these cadets are the misfits, the malcontents, the dregs of the Academy. Most of them are close to washing out. This summer cruise is their last chance to show the faculty as the Academy that they belong.

The "Moo Squad" nickname comes from the location of the Camp where they spend their summer cruise each year, Camp Aranyo. It is a facility run by a Grazerite Upsol that specializes in team building and personal growth. The camp is based on the third planet in the Kohlan system, which borders the Ferengi Alliance. For the past one hundred years, the Aranyo Upsol has operated their namesake camp and helped scores of would be washouts save their Starfleet careers.

Mission Synopsis: A Ferengi businessman tricks the aging patriarch of the Aranyo Upsol to sell him exclusive rights to the rare mineral deposits on the planet. Unfortunately this means the end of Camp Aranyo"¦ unless the rag tag band of misfit cadets and their instructors can band together and save the day.

Possible Player Character Options: The cadets are intended to be the heroes of the story, but they're not the only ones at the camp. If you have another idea for a character, feel free to explore other options too.

If you choose to play a cadet, remember that these are not the cream of the crop. While they might be good in one or some areas, all of them are potential washout for one reason or another. Over the course of the mission they'll grow some, but starting off these characters have some pretty noticeable flaws to work on.

Mission Type: This is a light-hearted, comedy type mission with a chance to dive into some character development.

Mess Hall / New XO greetings and stuff...
January 07, 2024, 08:41:53 AM

Greetings fellow Challenges"¦ Challengites"¦ We'll work on that.

Since our former XO done ran off and now lives on a cushy space station, I have been given the task of taking up her former post. (And her quarters. Once they've been de-cootified)

Anyways, I feel like I probably ought to tell you guys how I operate, and all that jazz.

First off, I want you guys to feel like the Challenger is YOUR sim, just as much as it's Michael's and mine. What that means is, we are ALL the main characters. So whether you play a Crewman, Cadet, Ensign, or a Department head, you're an integral part of the story. So you should write accordingly. Feel free to be creative and help move the plot. Or if you aren't really involved in the main plotline, or it just doesn't get your muse going, then you can always create a B-Plot with another character, or use NPCs to help tell your character's story. And if you get stuck, I'm always here to brainstorm and get you moving. I get stuck sometimes too. Brainstorming with another player always helps. Don't be afraid to be creative and add your own piece of the story! The goal isn't to follow a script, but to roleplay your character and have fun with everyone else.

As to missions, your input is wanted. My goal is to have mission planning be more of a shared thing among all of us. One of the biggest complaints that I've had myself and heard from other people in the past is that they sometimes don't know what's going on in a mission or they feel like they are just replying to tags with no real freedom to do much. So what I want to do is make sure you all have a chance to get in on the planning and to make sure that we're all on the same page. With that being said, my personal philosophy on mission planning is this: Have a well established end goal and one or a few big rules to guide people. For example"¦ "œThe science team all get rescued." That's the end goal. The rule(s) would be like; "œDon't kill any of them." Or "œDon't damage the ship." Stuff like that"¦ other than that, use your imagination. Or we could just say "œThis is what we're supposed to be doing.", but maybe we go off on a tangent and we all like the tangent better.

Either way, the goal is the same: Write and have fun. If you have an idea that you want to explore for your character, DO IT! Take initiative and have fun with it.

Now lets talk about NPCs and their usage. We use NPCs in a lot of ways"¦ Sometimes they get used as fillers if we don't have a PC to fill a spot, like a department head. If you are in a department with an NPC department head, feel free to use that NPC to tell your character's story, especially if you're the only PC in the department. If that's the case, consider yourself the OOC department head. Use that NPC to help you write your character. Unless it's someone else's protected NPC, then you can use it however you want. Maybe the NPC department head doesn't like meetings so they send your character. Maybe your character and the NPC have conflict, or maybe they're friends. Whatever the case may be, my position is that you are free to use them to help you write your character, who is the main character in the department. Also, if you want to create your own NPCs for your department"¦ DO IT! Just let me know and I'll get them on the roster. If you want to create NPCs for another department, just coordinate with the players in that department to make sure you're on the same page.

Lastly, I want to talk about OOC stuff. If you have an issue that you can't resolve on your own, let me know. If your issue is with me, also let me know. I'm not perfect and sometimes I screw up. If I do, tell me. I can take criticism, especially if its constructive. Most of the people who have had bad experiences on this site and others, it was OOC drama. I want to avoid that sort of thing. And as far as I can tell, you're all reasonable people who want to write and have fun. So if you have an issue, I'm here to help. I check discord all the time, so just DM me. We'll get it figured out.

So that's my opening rant. But it's not meant to be a speech. Lets talk about you guys now and what you want to see with the sim. Got ideas? Changes that we might enact to make things better? Reply below and lets talk about them!


[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie, Max | Deck ]

NOTE:(This thread is set while Challegner is at Andgarr, a day or two before the battle with the Romulans and the beginning of A Doomsday Like Any Other)

Since being freed from the Orion and her crew, Kyan had been seen in sickbay every day. It seemed as though the blue-shirts and their need to poke and prod him, literally and via "œcounseling" knew no limit. Every time it was the same. If it was sickbay, then "œHow are your ribs Kyan? Oh that's great. Let me see." The nurse or doctor would say. So then off goes the shirt and here comes the prodding and poking. If it hurt, then the osteo regeneration spanner thing came out. Then more poking and prodding. Then, "œHow's your head? Any headaches? How's your vision?" Then there was poking and prodding around his eye. More osteo regeneration. Then another vision test. After all that he was allowed to leave.

The counseling was less pokey proddy, but a lot more tedious. "œHello Kyan, How do you feel today?"

"œShite." He'd answer honestly.

"œOh, why is that?" the counselor would ask. "œHave you had nightmares? Do you feel sad? Angry? Do you want to hurt anyone? Or yourself?"

"œNo. No. Kinda. Maybe. No." He'd answer all the questions. Of course that  was at the beginning before Kyan discovered that honesty was rewarded with more questions. But it was too late. If he reversed himself, then they didn't believe him. So for at least an hour a day he had to talk to one of the ship's counselors. And this was after the sickbay visit. Not right after of course, which meant less time exploring the planet with Max, and more time on the ship in his two least favorite places.

Today, Kyan had decided that he'd had quite enough poking and prodding. And he'd been counseled enough. His ribs no longer ached, and he didn't have any headaches or blurred vision, or dizziness. He also didn't have whatever the counselors were trying to cure him from either. So he didn't go to either appointment. Instead, he'd gone to the holodeck with Max and Jo-Jo. They had replicated the little Onaskat's natural habitat in the hope that he might fly. The shopkeeper who'd sold him to them mentioned that Onaskats typically didn't fly until they were at least a year old, and Jo-Jo wasn't much past six months old. Still the two Onlies had been hopeful.

But there hadn't been any flying. Jo-Jo was content to scamper about the undergrowth and search for insects. Of course when he tried to use his breath mist he was confused. Instead of being immobilized like an actual insect would have been, the holographic variety simply skittered away. Eventually Kyan and Max deleted insects from the program and gave the little reptile some of the Andgarri fruit that they'd replicated for him. After swimming and following Jo-Jo around the forest for a few hours, the boys decided to call it a day. To avoid him running around the ship, Kyan had put Jo-Jo in his packpack.

As they meandered down the empty corridor on their way back to their quarters the two chattered amongst themselves, oblivious to the fact that Jo-Jo had managed to stick his head out the top of Kyan's bag and was now free. The crimson haired Onlie only suspected something was amiss when the first fit of giggles took him. Max looked over to see his friend doubled over, wracked with laughter.

"œWhat's so"¦ OH!" he begin before he saw the little Onaskat hop down onto the deck. Max swooped in and grabbed him, lifting him up as Kyan lay on the deck laughing as he held his ribs.

When Max lifted the "œLaughing Dragon", which was the terran translation of Onaskat, he took got misted. He maintained his grip on a squirming Jo-Jo until he had to double over as Kyan had. Withing seconds both of them were on the deck laughing hysterically.

"œCatch"¦ him.." Kyan wheezed between belly laughs.

"œCan't"¦." Came Max's reply as he clutched at his own ribs.

Jo-Jo simple cocked his head to the side, looking at each of them in turn as though his new owners were a curiosity. He soon grew bored of watching the boy's rolling on the deck with their laughter ringing off the bulkheads. After a moment the little lizard turned and scampered down the corridor and out of site.

It would be at least five minutes, possibly as many as ten before either of them could stop laughing and follow him. Onaskat mist isn't harmful, but is used to incapacitate the small insects that make up the lion's share of their diet in the wild. For humanoids it simple incites a laughing fit, which is more severe for smaller people. An adult might get the giggles for a minute or two, but it they would still be able to move and function. For someone Kyan or Max's size, the laughing fit was more pronounced and lasted longer.

~ Meanwhile, in Sickbay[/i]

"œDammit! Where is he?" Chloe Davies called out in frustration. "œCommander Mackenzie was due an hour ago for his daily visit. Has anyone seen him?"

A series of shrugs and heads shaking answered the senior nurse. Lieutenant Mills, the Challenger's head counselor looked back over her shoulder from where she'd been talking with another patient. "œHe didn't show for me today either Chloe."

Davies heaved a sigh. "œI've got too much on my plate to worry about it right now. "œIf he thinks he's healed then"¦ Wait"¦ "œ The lightbulb could almost be seen above the human nurse's head. "œGemma, I think I have a solution for both of us."

Mills turned fully around now, quirking an eyebrow. "œOh?"

"œThat new doc"¦ Kartos. He's an expert on Onlies right?" Davies asked. She already knew the answer of course. She made it a point to read up on all the new medical officers, especially the doctors.

Mills nodded, seeing where Davies was going. "œI believe so."

"œGood" the nurse smiled, tapping her com badge. =/\= Davies to Doctor Kartos. I have a challenging assignment for you. =/\= After Kartos acknowledged her, she went on. =/\= Can you find Commander Mackenzie? He skipped out on his followup appointments with myself and Counselor Mills. I think you might be a better fit for him than either of us. =/\=

Applications Archive / Novi Reporting in 11/13/2023
November 13, 2023, 01:10:32 AM

Hey! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Please copy the application below and fill it out in a reply to this post to get things started.

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Holodeck / Channel Surfing (Open to All)
November 12, 2023, 05:51:39 AM

Read this first!

Setting and Rules ""

The setting is at an unspecified time after Frontier Day. Discovery and Challenger are both docked at Starbase 153 for unimportant reasons. This is a holodeck story which takes place in the station's new holodeck complex. Unfortunately"¦ there are some bugs that haven't been worked out.

The Rules!

One person will start. Every time a new player enters the story, the holodeck program changes. The new player chooses the program, and then places everyone already there into whatever situation they choose in the new program. If the player wants to keep the same program running, that's ok too. The new player can figure out that there are others there quickly or be oblivious to start. If the new player picks a new program, the people already there will suddenly find themselves in a completely different situation. Everything changes over to the new program. (Place, events, wardrobe"¦ everything.) The safeties are on, so injuries aren't really a concern. So be creative and have fun!

[Lt. Commander Kyan Mackenzie | Holodeck Complex, Starbase 153]

[Program: Monopoly: Ferenginar Edition.

Kyan laughed aloud as he looked across the life sized game board to where his friends stood. Max had just stepped onto the Risa square and was being pestered by a squat little Ferengi about paying the rent he owed. "œHave fun at me new pleasure resort!" Kyan called out.

The Ferengi looked cross. "œThat'll be one hundred strips of latinum!" he grinned devilishly. Max forked over the strips, which were transferred immediately into Kyan's account. A pair of huge holographic displays over the center of the board indicated the number of slips, strips, and bars that each of the boys had. After getting payment, the Ferengi disappeared. It was Kyan's turn. He stuck out his hand and two six sided dice materialized. He shook them up and tossed them toward the center of the board. When they left his hand, the dice grew in size until each was as large as a small boulder. When they stopped, several squares in front of him lit up. He began walking; past Destitution Avenue and Begger's Road, and past Golp's Transport service. He passed the Chance Square and finally stopped on Sluggo Cola Road.

When Kyan stopped, another Ferengi appeared. He wore a cheap suit. "œHave I got a deal for you!" he crooned. "œFor a mere two hundred and twenty strips of latinum, this property could be yours! If you purchase the neighboring properties, you can build businesses on then and earn even more profits!" He indicated Max with a thumb. "œHe already bought one of them. Get in now and you can undercut him!"

Kyan thought for a minute before finally producing the latinum. "œIt's a deal!" he smiled. "œHey Max"¦ wanna"¦"

"œNo way!" the other boy cut him off. "œI'm not trading you so you can get the Sluggo Cola factory!"

Kyan shrugged. "œOh well." He thought. Hopefully he could get double ones on his next roll and buy up Nilva Alley. Max rolled the dice and once again they grew as they travelled. After they landed, the squares in front of Max lit up all the way to the Chance square. As soon as he stepped on it a huge chance card flew off the stack in the middle of the board. A Ferengi in a lavish suit appeared. "œGo directly to debtor's jail. Do not pass the Tower of Commerce. Do not collect two hundred Strips of latinum!"

After he finished, a pair of big Nausiccans appeared on either side of Max and picked the boy up by his arms. Kyan broke out in a fit of laughter as his friend was hauled across the board kicking his legs and protesting as they carried him to the corner square just three squares in front of him. The Nausiccans tossed him into a jail cell that rose up from the game board and slammed the door. They disappeared and a smarmy Ferengi took their place.

"œGoba"¦ F"¦ C"¦A.." he offered haughtily as an introduction. "œYou'll be here until you can bribe your way out of here, or roll doubles on your turn."

Kyan howled. Max Scowled from behind the bars. "œShuddup!" the other boy grinned. "œI hope you end up in here too!"


Hey DarkForestFey! Welcome to the site. Please copy and fill out the following application in your reply to get the ball rolling.

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[Personal Log| Lt. Kyan Mackenzie | Stardate 79588.5]

Well computer, I'm still alive. Not for a lack of tryin by them what wanted me killed off sure, but thanks to the Powers and me own wits so. And more good news is, after takin like ten showers, I think I managed tae get all the glitter an Cardassian perfume off me. I got a few hurts on the station, nothing too bad. Definitely not the worst I fared, and them blue shirts fixed me foot up so they did.

Also I dinnae have a roommate any more, since Melly got transferred as soon as we got back. Hopefully she'll get better from her postomatic Stress or whatever.

Even with her gone the now, I think I'm gonna like bein on the Challenger. Ole Galloway seems like me might be fun, even though he is a grup. But he does play some bangers on the bridge while the ship's fightin, so I got hopes for "˜im.

The fleet's gonna be parked at Deep Space Nine for a few days while the ship gets fixed and the crew rotations happem. Everyone's got some leave tae go and have fun on the station while we're here. I heard there was gonna be a party at Quarks so I'm gonna go and hear about how it went for Discovery's team on the Breen station. Of course it's Quark's so who knows what could happen. But I promise not tae break nothin. And if something does end up broke, it wasn't me that broke it!

[Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Quarks | 1900 hours]

Kyan had slept the whole night after getting back from Melok Nor and most of the day after. He'd showered as soon as he was released from sickbay and then gone to bed. When he woke up, there was glitter on his pillow. Another shower. Then he replicated new bedding. When he woke up, same result. This cycle of shower-sleep-glitter removal had repeated itself several times. He'd decided that if it didn't work the last time, he'd go through the transporter. Luckily though, it hadn't come to that. So now that he'd rid himself of the sparkle-plague, Kyan dressed in his off duty clothes and made his way to Quarks for what he's been told was a party for the crews of the fleet.

Quarks was busy when he entered. There was a usual din of conversations, the crowd around the Dabo wheel, and other various noises that told of a lively atmosphere. Seeing no one he recognized yet, aside from Morn, Quark, and some of the bar's Ferengi waiters, Kyan hopped onto a barstool near the Dabo wheel. A few moments later, Quark was in front of him cleaning a glass.

"œI see you made it back in one piece." He said non-commitally.

Kyan nodded. "œAye. It was fun. You shoulda been there Quark."

Quark waved him off. "œFind any latinum?"

Kyan shook his head.

Quark put the glass down and picked up his Thumb padd. "œThen why would I want to go? Cardassians, jem'Hadar, Breen? I had my fill of them a long time ago. Besides"¦ there's profit here. Not so much there."

"œYou got the right of it I guess." Kyan agreed. "œBut it was fun."

Quark just shrugged. "œI'll take your word for it." He turned to leave and then came back. "œSay, you know about Hoo-mon drinks right?"

"œSure"¦" Kyan nodded. "œ"¦the soda ones. Like root beer."

Quark produced a small silver and blue container from under the bar and set it in front of him. On it were two bulls clashing in front of a yellow circle. Kyan looked at it and then back at the Ferengi. "œWhat is it?" he asked.

"œI got five cases of it from an antiquities trader. He says it used to be very popular on Earth."

"œIs it an alcohol drink?"

Quark shook his head. "œNo. It's an energy drink. The trader said it was like soda, but with a kick. Do you want to try it?"

Kyan didn't drink coffee or alcohol, not that he'd be allowed to anyway. And honestly, he wasn't that knowledgeable about human drinks. But he did like trying new things. "œOk." He offered simply.

Quark pulled the tab and opened the can. "œHere ya go. First one's on the house."

Holodeck / Midget Martial Arts Class (Open to all)
June 13, 2023, 06:00:43 PM

:: Holodeck | USS Challenger ::

NOTE: This thread takes place a few days/weeks AFTER the end of Dominion Rising.

Since joining Starfleet, and even decades prior to that, Kyan Mackenzie had taken every opportunity to learn how to better defend himself. Whether it was martial arts from Earth cultures or fighting styles from elsewhere around the galaxy, if he could use it, he took the time to learn about it. Since nearly ten times in ten he was outmuscled and outsized by his opponent, Kyan knew that he couldn't go blow for blow with anyone, nor could he employ grappling in the way that most martial arts did. But like most of his fellow Onlies, he made up for what he lacked in size and muscle with creativity. After all, there were certain advantages that he had when it came to physical combat with adult opponents who trained with the intent of fighting other adults. Eventually, he learned to use those advantages and developed his own unique style.

Of course, physics was physics. His size was less of an issue to overcome than his inherent fragility. His body was the same as any other ten-year-old boy, and in many cases smaller since he was a bit undersized. He couldn't afford to take a punch from an adult. Something would probably break. When he fought the Hunter on Katra Station he'd gotten a concussion and fractured his orbital socket. He'd also torn a ligament in his shoulder. Granted, he'd been hit with a crossbow but the Hunter could have caused the same damage with his fist. In that instance he'd have been more seriously injured, if not killed, but for someone nearby with a phaser rifle. But he had also managed to injure the Alpha seriously.

That was one of countless examples over the years of Kyan being able to hold his own or even overcome adult opponents in close quarters. Lt. Commander T'Kel likely had that fact in mind when she assigned him to teach a self-defense class for beginners or those of more diminutive stature. Aside from Onlies, there were several Federation species with people in Starfleet who fit the bill. Caitians were generally slightly built. Ithenites were Kyan's size on average, and there were even some Humans who were fairly small.

Usually, when he taught self-defense it was the standard Starfleet training but this was different. It was to teach the students how to defend themselves against larger, stronger opponents. So Kyan had decided against having them practice against one another, and instead against holo opponents who were actually bigger and stronger. Against the far wall, there were two lines of holo opponents standing motionless. Klingons, Nausiccans, Jem Hadar, and several other species were represented.

The class wasn't mandatory, so he wasn't sure how many people would show up. Regardless, he was looking forward to see how other people dealt with their size disadvantages in self defense. Since the instruction wasn't about a specific style or discipline, but more about tactics designed for smaller individuals to overcome larger ones, there were likely to be different levels of competency and even completely different styles.

Sitting on the mat, Kyan saw that he had a few minutes before things started so he started a stretching routine to get loose while waiting for everyone to show up.


Mission Title: In the Line of Duty

Synopsis: The Challenger has finished a first contact mission with the Jikaali. All has gone according to plan. Less than a day after returning to the ship, a handful of crewmembers begin getting sick. Their symptoms vary, but after 72 hours, they're all dead.

Starting Point: Challenger leaves the Jikaali system for their next assignment.
End Goal: Challenger crew discovers the truth about their crewmates and returns to Jikaali prime to recover them.

Story points that must be passed?:

1.       Opening Teaser
a.       Challenger is on its way to a new mission after a recent first contact. A handful of crewmembers have gotten sick with various things which do not arouse suspiscion.
b.       The first crew member dies of their illness, followed shortly thereafter by a second.

2.       Act 1: Dropping like Flies
a.       A total of 4-5 crewmembers of varying species have become ill and all die less than 48 hours after their symptoms started.
b.       Medical and Science attempt to come up with an answer, but find nothing that links the cases. (Humans die of human illnesses, Caitians of Caitian illnesses, etc.)
c.       Memorial services are held for the crewmembers and the Challenger is recalled to spacedock for an investigation. Is it the ship? Is it all a coincidence? Mystery virus?

3.       Act 1a: Meanwhile, back on Jikaal III"¦..
a.       The "œdead" crewmembers awaken to find themselves in various situations. (This is a simulation that the Jikaali are running. They might be examining events in the person's life, or running them through a simulated event. )
b.       The crewmembers start navigating these scenarios, initially believing them ro be real.

4.       Act 2: Uncertainty Abounds
a.       At spacedock, the crew is evacuated and quarantined. The ship is declared a bio hazard until the investigation is complete.
b.       The bodies are taken off the ship and put into the station's lab.
c.       A science and/or medical person has an idea but are refused access to the bodies.

5.       Act 2a: Missing Pieces
a.       The "œdead" crewmembers begin seeing holes in the simulation. (Something not where it should be, someone acting out of character, etc etc.
b.       A few might actually be pulled out of the simulation and learn where they are.
c.       Those who have been pulled out might try to effect an escape.

6.       Act 3: Grand Theft Challenger
a.       The Science and Medical people gain access to the "œdead" crewmembers' bodies. In examining them to test their theories, they discover that these are not their crewmates.
b.       Ian and Co. take this information to the station brass, who refuse to allow them to go back. (for bureaucrat reasons? They just don't believe them?)
c.       The crew decide to steal the Challenger and go back anyway.

7.       Act 3a: Behind the Curtain
a.       Back on Jikaal, the crew is discovering why they were taken, and exactly what the Jikaali are up to. (Genetic manipulation of their species? Cloning an army? Something less sinister?)
b.       They also learn about their "œdeaths" and are told that no rescue is forthcoming.
c.       Eventually they all find each other and are hunted by the Jikaali authorities.
d.       Do they get caught or do they manage to evade capture until Challenger arrives?

8.       Act 4: The Conclusion
a.       Challenger arrives at Jikaal III (Were they chased by another ship?)
b.       The Jikaali authorities deny everything
c.       One of the "œdead" crew gets a message to the ship.
d.       Challenger is able to beam them back to the ship.

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)

- Flight: Flying the ship, perhaps is one of the "œdead" crewmembers?

- Engineering: Might be one of the dead crewmembers, then can rig a communication device in Act 4. Otherwise"¦ doing engineer things.

- Operations: Allocating power usage"¦ being resource Nazis"¦ Living their Operations Life.

- Security and tactical: Ensuring the safety of the crew"¦ kinda :-P

- Medical: Trying (And failing) to keep sick people alive, then redeeming themselves by discovering the truth behind the dastardly plot.

- Science: Using their big brains to help Medical discover the truth.

Notes: Other than the main beats of the mission, everything is customizable. The crew can come up with the whys and hows or even a B plot if needed.

LOA Archives / Reserve Request - Kyan Mackenzie
October 12, 2022, 05:15:00 PM

Character(s) affected: Kyan Mackenzie
Assigned ship(s): Discovery
Period of time absent: Indefinitely
Date of last period of activity: last month
Date returning: No plans

Any relevant comments: Over the past month I havent been able to get anything done writing wise for various reasons and I'm not sure that that's going to change. So until we meet again. Adieu


Hey Dem! Welcome to Shadowfleet. Below you will find the application template for creating your character. Please create your application in this thread and we will get you started!

[b]Character Details[/b]

[u]Character Name[/u]:
[u]Character Age[/u]:
[u]Character DOB[/u]:
[u]Character Image[/u]:
[u]Character Species[/u]:
[u]Character Family[/u]:
[u]Character Bio[/u]:

[b]Your Details[/b]

[u]Previous Role-Playing Experience[/u]:
[u]Department Preference[/u]:
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[u]Additional information[/u]:

[u]How did you find Shadow Fleet?[/u]

(OOC= I started this a few years back on the old Discovery. It's open for anyone to come and join! It's set on the holodeck. You can be a Starfleeter on Kirk's crew (Any of them.. even Kirk!), or a pirate. )

:: 2267 | Somewhere in the Typhon Expanse ::

The dingy light shone down upon the cluttered, aged command deck of the old freighter bathing the motley crew in a reddish glow. At the helm a burly Klingon plied his trade in stoic silence, making course corrections and occasionally glancing up at the flickering viewer. At the Gunner's position, the helmsman's doppelganger growled at the readouts and kicked the workstation's base, which apparently produced the desired results. Working the sensors was a Human female, her own blond locks tucked into a quickly secured bun, and her face illuminated by the blue glow of her station's scanners. No one spoke, save for the ship itself, which creaked and groaned like an old wooden schooner riding the waves of a stormy sea. Occasionally the gunner growled, and the sensor station bleeped and whirred. Otherwise the Latinum Lady's crew rode their vessel through space in relative calm, each plying their trade; lost in their own duties. After a few moments though, the came was broken.

"Captain!" the Klingon gunner called out gruffly. "There is a vessel approaching!"

The command chair, which had been facing the compartment's aft section, swiftly spun in the direction of the Klingon gunner. It's small occupant's feet never coming in contact with the deck plates. The ship's captain, a wild looking crimson haired youth, eyed the view screen eagerly.

"In range?" he called out.

"Two thousand kellicams!" the gunner replied, shortly thereafter.

"Hurry it up!" Kyan ordered shortly, before the old grups goes off tae warp!"

Several seconds passed as the Latinum Lady approached her target. Finally the gunner spoke up again. "In range."

The little commander grinned ferally. "Let's see it then!"

The static filled viewer, with the crack running up the side of the old LED display blinked into another shot. The vessel in question took up most of the screen. Her curves were unmistakable. Smooth, rounded primary hull which gave way to a slim swan neck that connected it to the saucer section. Blinking lights, long powerful engines glowing green at the front. The ship hung in space, waiting. Kyan hopped from his chair, his boots clanking on the deck plates as he landed. This was the one that they'd been looking for.

"Registry NCC One seven...."

"I know who it is Korak!" Kyan called back, excitement permeating his speech. "Raise the shields! Get the weapons ready, and prepare a boarding party!"

"Aye Aye!" the gunner called out, a toothy grin playing at the corners of his mouth. "They will sing songs of this day!"

Kyan eyed the ship flickering on their viewscreen. The pride of Starfleet. USS Enterprise. HIS ship. He'd been looking for her since he'd taken over command of the Latinum Lady several months ago. And now here she was. Hopefully those prefix codes that he'd purhased from that Orion Trader would work. If they didn't, the only songs that would be sung would happen in the Summerlands, when the Gods asked him about his battles.

"Let's give the ole grup a chance to surrender. Hail them!" Kyan called out, laughing. "Let's see if he's in a talking mood the now!"

Tok's hands flew over his console as he complied. "Frequency open."

Kyan stood defiantly in the middle of his bridge, hands on his hips. "Kirk! You ole creature! Me name's Kyan. You have five minutes to surrender or we're taking the ship! If you try to resist, I promise you by the Lord and Lady that your crew will be sold to the Orions and your ship will be shot to bits! I'll collect 'em all up and put them in a jar by the end of the day! What say you grup!"

🡱 🡳

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