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Topics - Avigail Soreka

Archive / Diamond In The Rough
August 12, 2018, 12:20:38 PM

Mission Title:Diamond In The Rough
Synopsis: The Ship is Tasked with exploring the Veil Nebula. Local superstition in the sector, along with some archaeological fact points to a terrible super weapon in the nebula to combat a great doom or contain one...The ship finds out in every legend there is a spine of truth.

Starting Point: Star Base 46 where the command team is briefed on the situation, the nebula has become unstable, their orders are to go in and investigate what is going on, and to see if there is any truth to this so-called super weapon's existence.
End Goal: The nebula is a cage for what legend calls an "Ether Drake"  keeping the creature alive but still contained so that the Carnians could mine it scales for ship armour. That containment system is failing for the last million years, and is why the entire galaxy mistakes it energy signature for a nebula
Story points that must be passed?:

  • Ship arrives to starbase 46, and given the mission to explore and investigate the irregularities of the nebula.
  • Asper the data banks and interacting with the locals on the edge of the nebula they get a bigger picture regarding the legends of the nerbula.
  • Ship has a rough time getting through the outer expanse of the nebula, significant damage leaves the ship stranded unable to survive a hasty return trip without repair
  • Ship finds a tomb world inside the nebula, that was once home to the Carnians
  • Ancient security protocol is activated, anyone on planet  is attacked by drone turrets protecting a central building in the main city
  • Central building is the archives, detail the creation of the 'Holding pen', and gives minor details of the creature. The Carnians were using the drake to grow scales for their fleets armour 
  • The holding pen is failing, and the ether drake is growing more powerful, its escape may  create an even bigger problem, but it is a semi sentient lifeform(moral dilemma)
  • Crew must decide to either fix the "cage" or set the ether drake free
Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Flying into the nebula is very difficult, also any teams visiting the holding pen will have to out fly the drake if they get to close
- Engineering: The ship will be heavily damaged  as it enters the nebula, it will need to be repaired. If the decision is made to re-trap the drake, they will need to figure out how the entire containment field works and why it is malfunctioning
- Operations: The security grid on the tomb world needs to be cracked before the crew can move forward, this will take some time
- Security and tactical: protect the crew from the security grid and figure out how to subdue the drake
- Medical: There will be plenty of injuries and emergencies to keep the Docs busy.
- Science: The Drake and pen need to be researched and studied, depending on if the crew decide to trap the drake or free it will dictate if science needs to work with engineering to fix the cage, or SecTac to safely destroy and release the creature
Archive / The Fall Of Braxia
August 09, 2018, 07:41:43 PM

Mission Title:The Fall Of Braxia
Synopsis: While shunned by the federation for their conduct during peaceful negations on the USS Gibson three years ago.The Braxians have finally be brought to heel by nature itself. After a volcanic eruption, the biosphere of Braxia has begun to rapidly deteriorate. emplored through the hive mind eggs long forgotten on the USS Gibson have hatched, their goal is to convince the federation for one more chance. Not all Braxians are in agreement, the shift in the biosphere as caused some individuals to break off into their own hive, and they have on intention to treat with the federation. The USS(PH) must save the ravenous Braxians from themselves before an entire race is erased form the galaxy.

Starting Point: N/A Ship or station must rush to handle the infestion of the Gibson, baby braxians are like raptors lethal at birth
End Goal: Complete evacuation of the Planet Braxia OR The simm works together and figures out a way to preserve the biosphere (go where your crew takes you don't force it, trust me it's much better that way)
Story points that must be passed?:

  • Hatching and infestation of USS Gibson
  • Infestation spreads to nearest starbase
  • Infestation hitchhikes on all embarking ships(Hive mind looking for new home)
  • Infestation leads SIMM to Braxia
  • Contact and peacemaking with original hivemind
  • Evacuation of Braxia
  • Rouge hivemind attacks, federation and original hivemind defends
  • Simm uncovers several large deposits of minerals for warp travel, admiralty force the issue to save the planet, regardless of lives lost, crew pissed.
  • Biosphere saved or planet evacuated Braxians join federation either way

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Flight ops must be run to help with the evacuation efforts, The rouge hive will not make this easy and they have fighter craft
- Engineering: The Transporter are going to be working overtime they will need to be tended to, the damage inflicted by the rouge hive will also be a factor and keep them busy.
- Operations: Transporter operations will be non stop, they must also address the movements of the refugees and talks must be made to coordinate with other ships.
- Security and tactical: Rouge hive will attack non stop as the hive is considered the planet and the ship(s) are too close, there will also be problems keeping refugees in designated areas on the ship.
- Medical: Braxian infants need perfect conditions or they will die, Braxian youth dying causes pain for the entire hive. They must make do with what they have and fast!
- Science: Researching into how and why Braxia is dying is priority, they must figure out a way to stop the collapse of the biosphere or find them a suitable planet the former will give your crew the most challenge in terms of writing and creativity.


Character Details

Character Name:Avigail Tiana Soreka
Character Age:18
Character DOB: April 9,2376
Character Image:
Character Species:El-Aurian
Character Family:
Mother: Talia Soreka nee Amiri Age: 228 Current residence: USS Ticonderoga
Father: Zuriel Soreka Age: 177 Current residence: USS Ticonderoga Chief
Sister: Adonia Soreka Age: 18 Current Residence: El-Auria Prime
Aunt: Sahiba Conley Age: 146 Current Residence: El-Auria Prime
Uncle: Ser Conley Age: 24 Current Residence: USS Kirk, Chief CIC Officer

Paternal Grandfather: Tavian Soreka Age:348 Current residence: Earth
Paternal Granmother: Adonia Soreka (Assimilated into Borg collective)
Character Bio: Avigail comes from a long line of space explorers  it is and will always be in her blood. Avigail Tiana Soreka and her sister were born on DS5 while her father was a new officer stationed there for research. Avigail was raised in the middle of the hustle and bustle of the federation and grew to love it and it mission of peace. Playing with her toys she always showed an affinity with helping others and taking care of them. It was a common occurrence for her to play nurse when anyone in her family was sick or hurt.
The life of a living on a ship can be tough on a person, and Avigail felt the strain, she absolutely hated how she had to move around, and that she could not be with her father on some of his more dangerous ship assignments, but in the end it came down to the fact that she wanted to have her own adventures in Starfleet, and one day make her father proud.

If Avigail planned on making her dreams come true she would have to take her school studies very seriously, Starfleet officers were the elite, and you did not become one by half measures. While not the best student she was extremely bright and developed the drive to earn her place in history.

By the time she was eighteen Avigail was ready to apply for commission form Starfleet, and take her first steps in to the academy, for the first time in a long time she felt alone, her sister and parents all living their own lives, she had no one to look after but herself.
Avigail found the academy to be quite overwhelming, not only were the academics extremely testing the social aspects took a toll as well. Against the nature of her people she became introvert, avoiding social interaction in an effort to concentrate on her work. Things went along much the same way for the first few months of her courses, but after a while she realized that part of being a member of Starfleet was to seek out new being and learn from them, and they learned from you, she knew she would not do well if she left that part of herself shut away.

Doing her best to push past her anxiety Avigail made the medical field a priority as she worked hard at the academy. The wars that had come and past had left a bad taste in the mouth a Starfleet, so was so much death , so many kinds of weapons of harm, To Avigail this was not how it should be, all life was important, and because of that she studied all the anatomies that she could have access too, she wanted to be ready for anything and anyone that she might have to treat, friend or foe, it was not her place to judge.
Taking her oath to do no harm Avigail with high hopes made her way into the rest of her life, hopeful and happy to see what Starfleet would take her.

Your Details Zuriel the WildN'Crazy guy who loves trek

Previous Role-Playing Experience: about 17 years now
Department Preference:Medical
Secondary Department Preference:Engineering
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:
"Don't move." Avigail said as she concentrated on her work, her patient jerked out of her hands again as they both knelt behind a rock. "Don't move! That Bat'Leth missed your jugular by a few millimeters, I have to heal it properly or you will be light headed for the rest of your life." The wounded crewmen in her care was not in the mood to listen, but eh the fact that a lot of his blood was on the ground right now he didn't have much choice.

"Where is the Captain?" Avigail asked as she finished her work, and placed her instruments back in her bag.
"He ran up the hill to reset the uplink, he was wounded by phaser fire, we sent our medic to go up and get him, but they are using him as bait. Avigail had warned the captain that something like this could happen, that his presence on the planet put everyone in his command in danger.

"We have to get out of here but not without the captain, can you cover me while I get up there?" Avigail asked as she looked with fear up the hill

"Avi he is gone, there is no way to get up there, and it's a shooting gallery." The crewmen croaked as he got up on his own power, ducking slightly as an explosion went off."

"The Captain has the security codes for the entire quadrant, we can't afford to leave him here, besides he got us this far, we can't just leave him, just cover me alright, I have to at least get his body, he deserves that much.

The sprint seemed to go so fast, with the heat of phaser and disrupter fire warming her face as she ran by, the cover her crewmen gave her was good, she reached the middle of the hill before she had to stop, but the crest would be the real challenge, there was no way to get up there without being killed. What Avigail could see was the Captain still moving, he had taken a shot to the chest, she could see the exit wound. It was likely a collapsed lung that kept him from responding to hails. But whatever the Captain had done he had reconnected the uplink, they could call for help. Avigail caught sight of her fellow medical officer and covered her body with her own, they had to get out of here.
Ensign Soreka to USS Kirk, Medical emergency three to beam directly to sick bay.

Additional information: Alt Account for Zuriel

How did you find Shadow Fleet? Long time ago I googled the words Star trek and rp together but my phone's smart type to Star for Shadow, the rest is history lol.

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