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Topics - Dranik


Helping family out with a number of things in early July. Should be back around July 5th or 6th.


I'd like to request that Dranik be reactivated and be assigned to the USS Discovery.

LOA Archives / LOA: Dranik
March 03, 2021, 10:04:40 AM

Character affected: Dranik, Possibly Ciavil Laslo
Assigned ship: USS Discovery
Period of time absent: To be determined
Date of last period of activity: Feb 9th 2021
Date returning: Unknown

Reason: Severe mental health issues are affecting my life at the moment. I'll return once I've gotten everything sorted out.

Archive / Brave the Flames
September 12, 2020, 01:34:20 PM

Mission Title: Discovery: Brave the Flames
Synopsis: The Discovery is sent to investigate a civilian vessel's distress signal due to the odd fact that Dranik's name is being heard in the static filled transmission. What the Discovery finds is that his dangerous past is coming back to catch up with him and they are being caught in the crossfire.

Starting Point: The Discovery is sent to investigate a Distress signal coming from a nearby sector after it's heard that one of their cremates name's is heard in the signal.
End Goal: Survive the Hirogen ambush and deal with Hirogen attackers. Rescue crew members from the surface of an untamed planet.
Story points that must be passed?:
Arrive at Distress signal
Survive the initial Hirogen attack
Repel Hirogen boarding party
Account for missing crew members((Who have been kidnapped))
Track Hirogen vessel's impulse trail and locate their base of operations on a small planet in a nearby Nebula.
Rescue missing Crew members
Deal with Hirogen aggressors and deal with their leader.
Attempt to capture Hirogen Vessel if at all possible.

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Arrive at distress signal. Use evasive maneuvers during attacks.
- Engineering: Keep the ship in one piece and find a way to deal with portable Hirogen power dampeners. Possibly find way to reverse engineer Hirogen power dampeners.
- Operations: Track down Hirogen vessel and locate where it has gone.
- Security and tactical: Repel Hirogen boarders, defend Discovery from attacking Hirogen vessel and eventually help free captured crew members.
- Medical: Treat injured crew members. Keep patients alive.
- Science: Attempt to find weaknesses in Hirogen technology along with Engineering department.

LOA Archives / Emergency LOA: Dranik
April 24, 2020, 08:01:47 PM

Going to have to take an emergency LOA for Dranik for at least a few days. Something urgent has come up and needs to be addressed. I will try to post from my phone but it will be doubtful I'll have internet.

Character: Dranik
Ships affected: USS Discovery


Now that the current mission on Discovery is over, I'd like to return Dranik to active service. So, requesting reactivation.

LOA Archives / LOA Dranik
December 05, 2019, 07:54:05 PM

I am requesting a Leave of Absence starting December 6th  through December 9th. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. If anyone wishes to take control of Dranik for the duration of my leave so they can use him at tactical they are more than welcome to.

Crew Quarters / Personal Log - Dranik
October 22, 2019, 07:14:46 PM

Dranik paced around his quarters on the Discovery, torn by indecision. Since the Toren attack on the Discovery, he had been tormented by thoughts of what he could have done differently and how many lives he could have possibly saved if he had destroyed more of the Toren vessels.

"Computer. Begin recording Personal Log." He instructed in an unsure voice. "Stardate...Uh...I'll fill in the Stardate later."

"I never thought I would record one of these to be honest. But I don't know who to talk to about what happened to the Discovery. Even trying to talk about it with Ciavil is creating knots in my stomach. I feel...shamed for lack of a better term. As a member of this crew, I feel as though it is my duty to support my captain, but I feel he made the wrong decision. I feel he should have gone directly to combat alert when those ships approached. But he did not."

Dranik paused for a moment and sighed.

"I feel as though I failed as well. I acted to the best of my ability to destroy or disable as many of the enemy vessels when they attacked. If I had destroyed more of them...perhaps my guilt would not be bothering me so. When we arrived at Starbase 153...I saw what happened because of our failure to stop the enemy vessels. Fifteen freighters destroyed...One hundred and eight men and women and possibly children are dead. I didn't know anyone aboard those freighters but I still feel responsible for what happened to them. And the thought of what could have happened to Ciavil is tormenting me as well. She was near one of the areas hit by the torpedoes. She's lucky she only sustained a few bruises."

Dranik could feel his anger towards the Toren growing, like a flame burning hotter and hotter until a moment later he slammed his fist against the wall and let out a snarl. "The Toren crew is lucky they are under guard at the moment. Right now I feel the urge to beat each of them to a pulp! They destroyed numerous families! One hundred and eight people have been killed! Eighty Nine people have been injured! Because of our failure..."

He looked down at his fist and saw that he had apparently broken his fist and he sighed. "Computer. End log. He said loudly and clearly as he headed down to sickbay.


I had quite a few issues going on but things are finally better.

Requesting Dranik be reactivated. The lovable Hirogen would love to come back to any ship/station that requires a security officer.

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