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Topics - Serena King

LOA Archives / Reserve Request, Serena King
September 30, 2021, 01:35:02 AM

Character(s) affected: Serena King
Assigned ship(s): Katra Station
Period of time absent: Indefinite
Date of last period of activity: Immediate
Date returning: N/A

Any relevant comments: The character has completed its arc and storylines overall, with no further room for expansion or creative outlets.

A massive thank you to my Katra family for your kindness, patience and plenty of good times and experiences.

Note: T'Vas (of Challenger) and Madison Kennedy (of Discovery) are unaffected by this announcement and will continue on.


[Katra Station | Gymnasium, Deck 19]

"Nope, haven't got a fever."

Serena strolled to a corner of the gymnasium and put the back of her hand to her forehead. A few days ago, she had met one of Katra's new security personnel, Susan Markington. Though the two had reacted a bit formal at first, they had warmed up over time. When Susan had allowed she knew Karate, Serena had smiled back: A friendly sparring match.

Serena was still outfitted in her standard gold utilities, which technically wasn't standard duty approved, but no one had pulled her up on it. She had a gym bag over her shoulder containing her own uniform, plus a change of clothes. Hand to hand combat, even in a friendly setting wasn't something that she normally reveled in, but she was rusty. Oh, she kept up her training and certifications where possible, but this was fun... Right?

LOA Archives / LOA - Serena July 22 - August 1
July 22, 2021, 01:00:45 AM

Hello, taking a leave of absence at the moment for Serena character of Katra only while some issues are being sorted.

T'Vas is unaffected; plus out of character functions (ID cards) will also be fulfilled via T'Vas


OOC: By agreement, this holo thread is canon towards the characters' backstories. It also takes place between Katra Season 3, Missions 6 (The Big Snake Arrives in the Night Sky) and 7 (Settling In Again)

[Scoutship Squall | Outbound from Katra Station]

"Un bel di, vedremo."

Serena sat in the copilot's seat of the Scoutship Squall, watching the starscape slowly pass by. Absently, the fingers of her left hand was tapping on a small book the size of her hand, her right was twirling an ancient ballpoint pen. The soft strains of Puccini's masterpiece, the volume kept low. Oh, she respected Maria Calas, but Felicia Weathers did a better version.

Dressed in an undershirt and shorts, she stared outside the primary window. She remembered only a few days ago, she'd snapped at Captain Kirok, an act which brought the heat to her cheeks and shamed her immensely. How could I have lost control of that situation so badly? Tilting her head, she smiled. Gideon was in the sleeping compartment, snoring even though the door was closed.

Serena shifted position slightly, pulling her bare feet off the deck and sitting cross legged in the copilot's chair, glancing briefly down to make sure the autopilot was keeping them on track as she scribbled in the book a bit more.



Please place into reserve status Serena King (Katra) and Hanir Seph (Challenger).

Pour Prendre Conge (Paid Parting Call)

Old Topics / Re: Images of Modified OCC
June 04, 2021, 06:04:05 AM
Quote from: Kirok on June 03, 2021, 07:24:32 PM

The Katra Station

The Modified Bridge

Note:  The CO/XO chair have been moved back to where the table was.
And there is a circular Holographic Situation Display where the CO/XO used to be.

Will this do? (Edited to move the CO/XO chairs and the table a bit further back to make it more balanced)


OOC: By prior agreement, the interactions in this thread is to be considered canon and backstory to the respective characters, but timeframe and place in the timeline is unspecified at present.

[Katra Station | Medbay]


Serena King entered into the main Medbay, shaking her head a few times to clear it. Putting a hand to her face, she massaged her temples as well. At least I didn't throw up this time, but I was a bit too busy to. The jaunt in the Runabout had left her queasy. Idly, she wondered how this Doctor was going to handle her situation. The last one she saw said it was impossible, or not without great risk.


Character(s) affected: Serena King
Assigned ship(s): Katra Station
Period of time absent:10th Nov - 11th Nov
Date of last period of activity: 9th Nov
Date returning: 12th Nov

Any relevant comments: For ATC only

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