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Topics - Kimiko Sugiyama

LOA Archives / Reserve Request: Kimiko Sugiyama
July 27, 2021, 10:15:06 AM

Character(s) affected: Kimiko Sugiyama
Assigned ship(s): Discovery
Period of time absent: Indefinite
Date of last period of activity: 1 August
Date returning: unsure

Any relevant comments: Hi! I got a surprise sprung on me - I'm going back home to Japan for a long summer (we got flights!). It's all a bit last minute and very exciting to see family again but I do not know if I can keep up with games on here (though I will be taking laptop I need a power lead converter). So best if I put on Reserve for now and review things when I get back. Thanks to everyone for your encouragement I am much more confident now!

LOA Archives / LOA - Kimiko Sugiyama- real!
May 22, 2021, 01:32:00 AM

Character(s) affected: Kimiko Sugiyama
Assigned ship(s): USS Discovery
Period of time absent: indefinite
Date of last period of activity: 22/5/21
Date returning: Unknown

Any relevant comments: No Internet!

LOA Archives / LOA - Kimiko Sugiyama (FOR ATC)
May 18, 2021, 09:52:16 AM

Character(s) affected: Kimiko Sugiyama
Assigned ship(s): USS Discovery
Period of time absent: 1 week
Date of last period of activity: 19/5/21
Date returning: 26/5/21

Any relevant comments: This is a training exercise set in the Academy Training Course. Thank you for your patience.

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