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Topics - Aarwendil Cheizex

Mission Submission Board / Unexpected Visits
June 26, 2023, 08:48:48 PM

Mission Title: Unexpected Visits
Synopsis: A group of delegates from different planets need transportation from a Starbase to a conference that will be realized in Peliar Zel II. For the surprise of the crew members, one of the representatives decides to turn this brief ride into something more tiresome than necessary. Meanwhile, the crew needs to deal with a band of marauders that want one to kill one of the ambassadors due to a mysterious relationship.

Starting Point: Starbase
End Goal: Peliar Zel II
Story points that must be passed?:
-Arrival to the Starbase
-Meeting with the delegates
-A delegate cause problems around the starship
-Notice that one of the delegates seems to be acting suspiciously
-The marauders attack the ship
-The crew needs to discover what is the relationship between the delegate and the criminals
-Said delegate tries to hide from the crew
-Arrive in Peliar Zel II in time for the conference

Departments: (To make sure everyone has something to do.)
- Flight: Piloting the ship to evade the attack of the marauders
- Engineering: Repair the damage of the attack
- Operations: Scanning the ship after the delegate if they try to hide
- Security and tactical: Fight possible marauders that teleport inside the ship
- Medical: Take care of anyone that possible gets hurt during the confrontation, or by the rogue delegate if they become aggressive
- Science: Forensics


Character(s) affected: Cadet Aarwendil Cheizex
Assigned ship(s): Shadow Fleet Academy
Period of time absent: June 25-July 01
Date of last period of activity: June 24
Date returning: July 02

Any relevant comments: LOA practice for my ATC.

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