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Topics - Jess Willard


[Counselor's Office]

Jess had arrived at her office earlier than usual for once. She'd had so much on her plate between consults with other counselors and her new patients she'd neglected time to do the basic admin part of her job. Finally, she was taking time to get caught up. Almost half an hour later she'd made serious headway on getting caught up with the paperwork of her job. Unfortunately for her, she'd gotten lost in her work and when the chime sounded at the door it made her jump slightly. She glanced at the time, then her schedule, then the door. A first-time patient first thing in the morning. She stood and called out for Vila to enter the room as she made her way over to the chair on the far side of the room.


[Counselor's Office]

Jess had once been told that the life of a counselor on a Starfleet ship could be frustrating because crew members would regularly resist getting counseling. She now realized that the person who said that was a dirty filthy liar if the Discovery's crew was indicative of anything. She at least managed to schedule a lunch this time...for once. She was on the final appointment of the day so she made her way over to the chair on the far side of the room as the door chime chirped. "Come in." She called out as she took her seat.


[Counselor's Office]

Jess sat at her desk, finally a moment. She took a deep breath in now that she had a moment free to eat. One thing she'd never gotten a handle on was scheduling. She'd managed to schedule out her entire day and never even gave a gap for herself to get lunch. But she was following her passion for helping people so to her it was worth it. She stood, her stomach grumbled, and almost as if in harmony the door chirped. She froze for a moment not really grasping why. That's when her calendar caught her attention. A new appointment had been added without her knowledge. She supposed food would have to wait for now. She really needed to talk to someone about scheduling things for her so she stopped scheduling days to where she had no open time.


[Counselor's Office]

Jess checked through her calendar notes to see what was on her schedule today. Barring some act of god or borg her schedule was packed for the day, but her first appointment of the day fascinated her. It was rare that a command officer had the motivation for counseling, and even more rare that they had the time for it. It made her perk up a little, she was glad the first officer was making time to take care of their own mental health. That's when she noticed when her first appointment of the day was to start. It was only 15 minutes away. Quietly she began clearing her desk in preparation for the appointment. More than likely they wouldn't be around the desk at all but instead, they'd probably meet using the furniture in the middle of the room; but she still didn't want any clutter on her desk for when the first officer entered the room.

LOA Archives / ELOA - Jess Willard
June 15, 2023, 10:52:23 PM

Character(s) affected: Jess Willard
Assigned ship(s): Disco
Period of time absent: 3 days
Date returning: June 18th

Any relevant comments: Just dealing with a couple urgent things IRL that have made it hard to find the time to post. Back in a few days when things slow down

LOA Archives / Jess Willard - PRACTICE LOA
May 23, 2023, 02:45:03 PM

Character(s) affected: Jess Willard
Assigned ship(s): Shadow Fleet Academy
Period of time absent: 7 days
Date of last period of activity: May 23rd, 2023
Date returning: May 30th, 2023

Any relevant comments:

I have a test to take!

🡱 🡳

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