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Character Details

Character Name: Estal
Character Age: 24
Character DOB: 19/06/1990
Character Image: Here.
Character Species: Unjoined Trill
Gender: Female
Character Family: Aefave, mother, Federation ambassador. Jobyl, father, frycook. Somehow, they manage to get along.
Character Bio: Estal was born to a normal-ass Trill family, except that her mother was a high-profile ambassador and spy for the Trill and the Federation alike and everyone knew it. Officially, she was employed, but nobody knew what as. Nonetheless, she was a present and loving mother, even as she was part of teams stopping wars and encroachments into Federation space in the endless shadow wars waged every day with empires like the warlike Klingons and Romulans. Estal grew up normal and appreciated, went to school and graduated, and her mother and father both wanted nothing bu the best for her - a high-paying civilian job. But there was trouble in paradise, as there ever is in stories such as these.

A long time ago, a great man said that no man is an island. That man was absolutely, categorically wrong, in all cases except for Estal. For as her mother and father read the news and saw the death tolls of the countless galactic wars that were raged every day, Estal looked at the papers, the PADDs and the television screens and saw a mother, a father, a son, a daughter, a family pet lost, and an entire consciousness dead forever. In a society as life-worshipping as the Trill, she wondered at how blase her mother, her father, her teachers and friends could be about death. While she was training to become a civil engineer, she scrapped those plans, much to the consternation of her parents, and at age 23 entered Starfleet. She's been through training, and now she's just waiting for the chance to make a difference to the ongoing, tenuous Federation efforts to maintain some semblance of peace in this broken world. She's an idealist without limits, and she's hoping she'll find them soon, for as long as she doesn't meet them she can't rest easy.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: God only knows, enough for this position.
Department Preference: Engineering
Secondary Department Preference: Medical
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned, ideally.

Sample post: Estal neatly opened the panel and checked wiring as if it was actually at all relevant to what was going on with the ship at large. Everyone knew she was capable of better, but still they set her on menial jobs. She was pretty sure the CEO was testing her. Nonetheless, she changed oil and fixed plasma conduits like a good ensign and that was her lot. Blowing her life on basic tests and tasks. What she didn't know, of course, was that this would be the day it all changed. The next second, she did know - the entire deck went red, and the klaxon nearly blew out her ears as her face split open in a wide grin. Now was her time.

Additional information: I was Lance Krol in a previous life.

How did you find Shadow Fleet?: I've always been here. I was here when Kawolsky was a thing. My presence here is older than the hills the servers sustaining this site are housed on. I am alpha and omega, the beginning and the end.

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