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Topics - Tekin Nevir


Captain's Log, Stardate 79439.95

Discovery has been assigned to deep space exploration near the Gamma Quadrant.  We are currently mapping the Verallias Sector, including the binary star system Verallias 12. While a big change from the missions that Discovery was built for, the lack of available ships has reassigned many of us to non-recovery efforts, in a show of confidence that Starfleet is still here and still on our primary mission.  At least that is the official reasoning; I have the distinct impression they are either hoping we run into the Keeper Clones again, or just to get rid of the nosy crew that exposed too much from Starfleet Intelligence.

Since we currently haven't found anything really interesting, I have put us on a course for Verallias 12 to let Astrometrics do their job.  I also recently received word of a rechristening of the USS Titan, the ship that fought against the fleet alone. While I respect the ship, I'm not too keen on what they did to her, and that makes me nostalgic for my part in the history of a certain name...


[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck 2]

Nevir sat in silence, feeling the leather cushion beneath him and really wishing Discovery was built for a bit more comfort.  He could honestly fall asleep here.  Just the sounds of the bridge were around him; the hum of the engines, the beeping of the scanners, and the acoustics that followed them.  The lights were brighter than the bridge of Discovery, but he had to remind himself that when he first took command, the lightning on the ship was nearly blinding.  Still, he would take the warm light of this bridge over the sharp light of the Prometheus and her sister ships any day.

"Computer, what is the time?"

=/\= "It is currently 1359 hours." =/\= came the response, in the old familiar computer voice of the bridge he was standing on.

As much as he would love to stay here, especially with the chair calling for him to rest, he had to at least show up to the bridge to show he was still on duty. Nevir stood up, walking over to the ship's dedication plaque. True history was before him as he looked at the engraving.  'To boldly go where no one has gone before.' Built at Utopian Planetia on Mars.  NCC 1701-D.  USS Enterprise-D.  The relic that saved the Federation, and which he had the honor of being part of the crew that manned her following Frontier day and her final travels, and finally to the Fleet Museum.

"Computer... end program." he stated, turning around and heading towards a bulkhead as the ship around him faded and showed the bare bone emitters of the holodeck.  The doors opened, and he left.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir returned to the bridge and took his seat, taking the awaiting report from the science teams monitoring the space around them.  He automatically called for a report from the bridge stations while he was reading, and really seemed to be on auto-pilot.

"The best thing about space; it is so very big.  The worst thing about space; it is so very big. With a lot of space between objects." he stated, shaking his head.

Fleet News Service / Shadow Fleet Vision for 2024
January 20, 2024, 10:11:09 AM

Good day all, as last year's Distinguished Commander, it is my honor and pleasure to announce the vision for Shadowfleet in this coming year:

Shadow Fleet Vision for 2024

A new year brings new possibilities for our roleplay community. Throughout the second half of 2023 we expanded our recruitment efforts and brought in a host of talented and wonderful players, enabling us to bring a third SIMM online. We want to continue the expansion and drive Shadow Fleet forward to even bigger things.

As such, we aim to achieve the following goals by the end of 2024.

Our primary goal by the end of 2024, is to expand into a fourth SIMM and have all SIMMS fully populated and posting daily. It's a big ask, but one we will work hard towards achieving. We will require the help of all our players in achieving this goal. If you have experience in the areas of social media management, graphic design or web development/html and have time to spare, let us know!

We will publish and act on the feedback you have given us in the Annual Survey 2023, to ensure we make our community the best place it possibly can be. Further posts will be coming on how we are acting on your feedback
We will undertake an exercise to refresh all the forum's Help Files, stickied posts and other reference information up to 2402 standards. We will vet all information on the forum for accuracy and consistency.
We will continue to uphold the core Shadow Fleet values of collaboration, community and creativity. It's our tight-knit and welcoming players that sets us apart from other roleplays. We will foster cooperation and continue to provide a safe-space for lovers of Star Trek and Roleplaying.
Above all, Shadow Fleet will remain the internet's premier destination for Star Trek roleplaying through thrilling new missions, story arcs and exciting featured events. We aim for Shadow Fleet to be the best possible place to roleplay your characters' journey through the cosmos and grow, live, and experience their lives to the fullest.
Thank you to all our players, and let's make 2024 the best year yet!

Special thanks to Malik Grippen for formatting and wording this vision.

USS Discovery / Season 16: Episode 1: Perfect Replicas
January 02, 2024, 10:51:11 PM

Captain's Log, Stardate 79005.2

Eight months.  It had taken eight months for Discovery and her crew to recover, and to be honest, I don't think the crew is fully healed.  Unfortunately, there is a large hole in our healing caused by a sizeable loss of crew.  The most that I have personally ever lost under my command.  Any other Captain might have taken that as a hint to retire, were it not the fact that I am not the only one, or even the one with the most.

Nearly 35% of our youngest officers lost their lives, and more than 60% of the older officers.  Starfleet command brass wasn't spared from the massive loss of life, but luckily the highest ranking and influential officers who had been impersonated by the changelings were kept alive. And that is the personnel.  The fleet's readiness level was down to 20% or less according to Starfleet Intelligence; that remaining 20% coming from the few ships that were kept on patrol like the Challenger, or the Titan.  My temporary assignment with the Enterprise-D has recently ended while the ship travels with her original command crew to her final resting place at the fleet museum.

Whether by the Prophets or just good timing, the Discovery is one of the first ships of the line restored and ready for service.  The benefit of having an older Prometheus class meant the disintegration of the fleet mode systems was much easier than the newer classes that had the foundation built into their structure. The truth is, however, that Discovery, as resilient as she is, has been going through more repairs and refits than was expected, even as a warship, and as a result, her days in service are likely numbered. The priority is low, but I have been made acutely aware that there may come a time when my orders are to bring her to decomissioning. I just hope I get a few more years out of her at least before that happens.

Luckily, my recall to Discovery is a little more heartwarming, as we prepare for a shakedown cruise plus priority mission, one that currently has some of the highest levels of secrecy.  Which is why I did not expect to cross through Spacedock's ops so soon....


[Earth Spacedock - Operations to Temporary Starfleet Headquarters]

The lower half of Spacedock was still under repairs and reconstruction, but luckily there was no risk of debris re-entering the atmosphere.  Most of the docking rings were still either mission or under construction, which meant very few ships were able to be stationed inside.  Discovery was one of those ships, but it was because she was the first group of 5 ships ready for launch. Which is why Captain Tekin Nevir found himself crossing through the familiar Ops station towards the Admiral's office, which was currently the temporary headquarters for Starfleet's top brass.

The Bajoran had already contacted his XO and put into motion the recall of his crew.  Now it was just finding out his mission.  They couldn't afford to waste time on shakedowns, so their first outing would have to do.  That part he expected.  What he didn't expect was to be told that he had to physically see the Admirals to receive his mission.  He had only made it two steps in when he was stopped.

"Hold it, this will only take a second Captain." stated the now familiar voice.  Nevir looked up to see the older face of Starfleet's newest admiral. It didn't take long for Nevir to suddenly be bathed in bluish lights that traveled up and down his body.

"Dr Crusher, this is unexpected-" he began, but was then shushed.

"He's him.  Tekin Nevir, Captain of the Discovery."

"Thank you, Doctor." spoke another familiar voice, as the Admiral he saved stepped into view and took a seat.  "Sorry for the delay, we are testing a new sensor sweep for the changelings based on Dr. Crusher's transporter scanners.  Better than energizing every single person who walks through that door."

"Fair enough, thank you Doctor." Nevir added, taking a seat.  There were other top brass too, but many chose to stick to the shadows.  Maybe to avoid having their faces seen by a possible threat.

"Captain, we are about to send you on an important mission of a sensitive nature.  Everything here is for Security Level 10, is that understood?"

"Yes sir.. but 10... thats reserved for Omega isn't it?  Is that what we are dealing with?"

"Luckily no, the difference between that directive and this one is that you are allowed to share information on a need-to-know basis only... Senior staff only.  Starfleet Intelligence has a research station not on the charts.  It is apparently classified as a so-called 'black site'."  There was a throat clearing in the shadows, and Nevir's attention went to the person responsible before the admiral continued.

"Normally Starfleet Intelligence would be handling this, but they are as crippled as the general fleet. So we are sending you out there.  The purpose of the site is classified, but prepare for biological hazards.  What you are doing is doing a check on the site.  We've recently lost contact with them following reports of unrest.  Without the ability to send a ship, we are fearing the worst."

As if reading his mind, one of the SI officers spoke up and took a small step forward.  They were still in shadow, but he could see the uniform.  He couldn't be sure, but he could have sworn the comm badge was... black.

"The site was too far away to be affected by the Borg. Whatever happened there is of an unknown cause. Find out what you can, provide aid where available, and then leave the site.  Here is the information you are cleared for."

Nevir took the PADD in his hand and looked it over.  There was no access for the data to come onto or off of the PADD, it was basically as useful as a book.  There were several things that he wanted to ask, or state.  The most stupid of which is commenting that every time there is a secret site, its always something horrible and objectionable, but the Bajoran kept his mouth shut.

Here we go again...


[Holodeck 2]

It really wasn't often that Nevir would use his authority to make unorthodox orders to his crew.  But in the case of an Ensign like Lorut, he felt he needed an unorthodox angle.  He had a crewmate who was having issues.  A chip on her shoulder.  And as much as he would never admit it openly... a Bajoran. They were a traumatized species and quite stubborn people.  And some more so than others.

So, he gave the order.  Ensign Lorut report to holodeck 2 on the Captain's orders.  Currently there was no program running on the holodeck, but Nevir stood in the middle, fiddling with a Bajoran Phaser.


Captain's Log, Stardate 78288.5

April 16, 2401.  Two hundred and fifty years since the launch of Earth's first Warp 5 ship, and the first true starship to carry the name Enterprise. The first United Starship of the Federation. Every species holds the launch of their first starship in high regards, and for many of us, Bajor included, our firsts were centuries ahead of the Humans of Earth. The Enterprise wasn't even the first warp-capable ship; that honor went to a warp core with chairs tucked into a ballistic missile that coincidentally was named the Pheonix. But the NX-01 Enterprise did something that no other early warp vessel on any planet had done; it brought the species of the Federation together. That is why 250 years later a Bajoran captain is sitting on the bridge of a Prometheus-class Deep Space Tactical Cruiser waiting near Earth Spacedock for the celebrations of this anniversary.  One for the history books.

Discovery has been given an honor, however; we are to be an escort wing to the final flight of the USS Enterprise F.  And as luck would have it, as an escort we will be one of the first ships to display the Federation's newest soon to be revealed top-secret project. Oh which I am finally being given the actual information for... and to see exactly what is on my ship...

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

"Alright, there we go.. the multivector assault mode is disabled.  It doesn't really feel right to lose this ship's primary tactical advantage, Admiral.  Even if its only temporary." Nevir stated, handing over a PADD to the maroon and black-clad silver-haired woman currently standing in his Ready Room. The Captain of the USS Enterprise F, Admiral Elizabeth Shelby.

"You have no idea how much my engineering team has been trying to learn the ins and outs of this networking; Captain Galloway was swearing to burn it out of his ship if it was ever activated."

"Well, Galloway might not have much of a choice after today.  If it all goes well, it will be mandated on all vessels.  Those old ships like the Challenger are likely to be decommissioned if they can't be refit. Frankly, Captain, Discovery is no longer considered the cutting edge of ship design.  With these new designs like the Constitution III and the Inquiry, you'll be standing on a relic before you know it."

Tekin snorted.  "I'll take this museum piece over that copypaste fleet any day."

"I'll let the Admiralty board know that... see if we can't get you reassigned.  Anyway, that's all I need, Captain Tekin." Shelby stated, as the two of them turned and left the Ready Room.  The Bridge of Discovery was spotless for the ceremony, and every panel was given a restoration cleaning. At least the ship smelled nice now. Admiral Shelby made one more walk around the bridge before finally taking her leave and exiting through the turbolift, only for another person to step off the turbolift clad in science blue and with a shiny new pip on her collar.  Nevir looked up and smiled as his Trill daughter beamed back at him.

"Permission to come aboard da- Captain."

"Ensign Ruthie Falleq-Tekin.  Permission granted." he said with a smile, as he took a seat in his chair.  "Commander?  Would you show the Ensign to her station?" Nevir stated, calling out to his first officer.

"We have about an hour and a half left before showtime.  No room for errors here."


Captain's Log, Stardate 78253.8

The Discovery is on its way back from Katra Station.  More than likely a punishment for our diversion from the plan against the New Dominion, we were sent here to the far reaches of Federation space for repairs and to receive repaired upgrades to the ship's systems. After having the hull fixed, we are en route toward the wormhole to make the trip back to Earth.  It is nearly the day of celebration... a culmination of two hundred and fifty years marked by unprecedented deviations from standard Starfleet protocol. There has been a sense of discomfort from many other captains in recent decisions, but all of these have been coming from the brass, so of course we can't really find a reason not to follow them.  But its the little things here and there that just leave a sense of concern.  Aside from my first officer, I have done my best to keep this from the crew.

The upgrade team has stated that most of the network systems are online, and we are now 'communicating' with the rest of the fleet.  This is supposed to help us find each other as the ships will start talking to each other.  Theoretically, a message from one ship can travel through subspace on different ships and reach Earth.  Its the type of thing that I know Ian would hate, and I'm sure Lek isn't too comfortable with either.  Just another thing to add to the list of concerns, but surprisingly not at the top of the list now.

Starfleet has put an alert bulletin of an incident that occurred between two ships, leaving one of them damaged and the other on the run.  We have standing orders to keep aware and apprehend the wayward vessel.  I can only hope that the reports are inaccurate... Shaw isn't the type of Captain to go awol.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir looked down at his console to see the ship schematics. They were cruising at Warp 6 headed for the wormhole after going through a shakedown to test their new systems.  He looked up at the bridge... he could swear the lightning of the bridge and the ships in general were getting darker.  He remember the first time he was on Discovery... its bright white interior matching her sister ship was now a thing of the past.

Less than ten minutes ago their fleet techs confirmed Discovery was now able to reach out and communicate with other ships remotely, giving a current and clear deployment map of the fleet.  Not that it meant much in this distance; a good majority of the fleet was already at Earth.  Some ships like Challenger were spared the celebratory assignment.  Discovery was not so lucky.

"Sometimes it pays to have an old ship..." he stated quietly, looking up at the viewscreen.  It was still quiet and they had some time before they would reach the wormhole.


Captain's Log, Stardate 77435.4

The repaired and refurnished Discovery is on its way to the Shaddai system outside of the Romulan Free State Territory.  Once a part of the Star Empire, in the last twenty or so years this region has been left alone for the most part, and has such been able to create its own identity.  Historical data for this region has been lost, so we are back to square one on exploration.

In this case, that exploration is taking us to see the Shyreens; the residents of Shaddai IV.  A purported warp capable race, they have invited the Federation for assessments and talks about a possible join with the Federation.  This world would be an ideal stop for ships going to start mapping the Delta Quadrant, and its promise of paradise has certainly caught the attention of the Federation Council.

As missions go, this one is pretty standard and a light.  A change from our activities in the Romulan Free state.  The perfect mission to test this altered crew, as we have some new and old faces now joining us to fill our ranks....

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

On the viewscreen, the streaks of stars shrank back to points of light as the ship dropped out of warp. The large K-type subgiant star filled the view as they went to impulse on their way to the fourth planet.  The Captain was preoccupied with the system itself.  It was a binary system in the past, but a solar flare from the sister star started a chain reactions where the stellar mass was pulled from the sister star into the now main star.  At this point there was just a glowing rock ball orbiting Shaddai; all that was left of the second star.  But that wasn't the only interesting feature of this system.

"The Shyreens have called their world the perfect paradise for all.  Large tropics, large temperate, and a decently side polar region.  Managed biomes for all.  Perfect for anyone.  That kind of stuff... it seems they are pushing rather hard."


Attention all crew:

With the most recent post... all crew both Away Team and those on the Discovery can post a similar flash followed by immediate darkness as we move onto the next scene.


Captain's Log, Stardate 77201.0

The Discovery has been dispatched to the farthest edge of Romulan territory at the request of their government.  Her mission is to find one of their wayward merchant ships, holding a supply of a rare but crucial element found only in late stage nebulas.  The T'Karr Nebula is one of those types, with a rapid collapse to a center of gravity expected to complete within the next 20 years.  This small nebula is one of the more chaotic and dangerous wonders of the universe; the plasma forces make the badlands seem absolutely pleasant by comparison.

Such merchant vessels as we are looking for are specialized for this kind of mining, so the retrieval of one is essential for the survival of the new government.  Being that there are only five within government control, a loss of even one can destabilize the region, and create a repeat of the last 20 years....

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

An alarm going off on the bridge as the ship shuddered told the whole story.  They were going through an unavoidable path of turbulence inside the nebula; warp power was shut down for safety as a warp bubble was not able to be sustained in this region.  A conduit above the mission station ruptured, sending gas onto the bridge from the environmental controls.  It was rough go, with the bridge bathed in the red hue of the highest emergency state.

"Helm, keep her steady!  It won't be too much longer now." the Captain ordered, though right now he couldn't see exactly where they were in relation to the edge of the field.  Someone else would, but not him.

It was a tense 15 seconds, but soon the swirling mass on the viewscreen gave way to a clearing inside the nebula, now bathing the ship in a multitude of colors.  The Captain breathed a sigh of relief.

"See?  What did I tell you?  Piece of cake." he stated, shaking his head.  "Resume scan of the nebula.  And hope we don't find a signal behind us." he said half jokingly, and he looked down at the status of the ship itself.  Minor hull buckling, nacelle three was damaged, and a conduit in engineering ruptured.  All in all, actually pretty good.  It was busy work for Lek, without a worry that the ship was in danger.

"Recalibrate deflectors to account for the gravitational changes before we get hit with a dose of radiation." he ordered, as he looked through the mission files again.


Captain's Log, Stardate 76812.4

After the formal signing of relations between the Romulan Free State and the Federation, the Discovery has been dispatched to a region of space near both the Federation border and the galactic boundary between the Beta and Delta Quadrants.  This region is quite near to the Galactic Core, giving the planets in this region a rather bright nightime with an almost second sun in the sky.  Life is apparent even in these regions, proving just how hardy some life can be.

Discovery will be investigating a planet in the Liega system.  Liega II is a Bajor-sized Class M planet with a lot of plantlife, and we will be doing a survey of the planet for the Federation database.  While there has been some evidence of an indigeous population, so far we haven't been able to see the type of activity typically found on these types of planets....

[Deck 1 - Main Bridge - USS Discovery]

Discovery had just dropped out of warp in the system, and with full impulse the Captain had ordered to set course for the second planet.  Here their long range sensors should have been able to start scans of the planet, but there was a magnetic disruption that was coming in randomly, and effecting readings.  For some reason, the readings they were getting showed... no lifesigns at all.  After science reported those facts, the Captain sat in his chair and frowned.

"On screen" he ordered, and a small blue and green ball appeared on the viewscreen, slowly getting bigger.  It was clear from the amount of green on the planet that there was a lot of vegetation... but where was the population that should have developed by now?

"Helm, get us into geosynchronus orbit.  Let's see if science is able to get anything on the scanners." he stated, crossing one leg over the other as he watched.

News Archive 2021 / Breaking News: October 18, 2399
October 18, 2021, 12:35:48 PM

From the Federation News Network:

The Federation Council today voted in favor of repealing the Synthetics Ban that has been in place for almost 20 years.  The Synthetic Reclimation and Acceptance Act, or the Data Act, named after Starfleet's most decorated synthetic officer, was spearheaded by former Admiral Jean Luc Picard after information came to light that the Mars Attack was due to sabotage and not a programming or evolutionary error.

Starfleet announced that with the repeal of the ban, synthetic lifeforms, such as sentient androids and the Federation created Exocomp race, would have its former officers reinstated effective immediately, and the Academy would be open to synthetic life wishing to join Starfleet.

Not all are happy about the ban's removal, however, and one high ranking member, Commadore Oh of Starfleet Security, has reportedly resigned in protest.  However, for the majority of Starfleet officers, this is a more welcoming change.  Admiral Riker, formerly the Captain of the USS Titan, called the repeal long overdue and needed to start healing the wounds left by the attack on Mars, now believed to be the work of the former Romulan Star Empire as part of a splinter formed right before the supernova that destroyed them.

Already several reinstated officers are being assigned to duty, mostly on the Inquiry class defense fleet recently returned from a shakedown cruise led by Admiral Riker.

Contributions from the Vulcan Information Ministry, Andorian News Network, and Bajoran News Network included.

Old Topics / August POTM - Voting
September 14, 2021, 10:38:23 AM

Please vote on Discovery's post of the month.  The nominees are as follows:


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on August 17, 2021, 06:07:28 PM

[USS Discover ii - freezer bridge]

The climb up to the bridge was what Don had needed for to warm up his body. He was fit. He had been taking boxing for a new sport.

As they entered the bridge it was cold. The crew was present at their stations. The hairs on his neck, hands and all the hairs all stood up. He had an ill feeling this was something one had not wanted to see.

He saw Nira catch sight of a frozen body at tactical/security station, T'Lara had this long stare at the body next...that was when he leaned to see the earring the Captain wore. He felt sick. He slowly turned to look at the bodies at helm and operations. It was a real site one would never dare want to experience. This was like a total out of the body experience. Worse, this was NOT an out of the body experience.

He took baby steps to go over to look at the Operations to see it was indeed Torra's frozen body. He felt sick. He held his hand about to touch her, but he withdrew his hands. "œTorra," he said to her frozen body. Her face was looking at his own frozen face. They died together. Or froze together. Then he was about to believe it was the one he married. He then remembered she was safe. This was NOT his Torra but it was her still in a way.

He then moved over to his sloped over body which laid over the helm. The hologram image was off. It had been from the rough landing. The landing was good too. "œI must compensate power over to reverse impulse like a crazy brake job."

The hard part was his body was literally on the console he was unable to see the information on the console.

What could cause all this? He was puzzled and he actually jumped in his own boots when the "˜warm living Captain' called to T'Lara to get heads up what had occurred down here on the planet.

If this was temporary they might be able to fix the problem, save the ship and the crew. But how? And how can they stop it from happening to them"¦

"œIf this is a temporal event. . . we are here. Which means it won't happen unless we stay here," he shared. It was a good science theory there. Unless there was a pattern where it happens in layers. They can be wave two and then maybe there will be wave three and so on.

"œYou think the Captain's ready room will have an update on what occurred? Does he make small report notes for daily activity?" he asked.

He bent down to look under the console of the helm and operations. He saw the panel where a phaser would be hidden. It was still there. And he figured he could attempt to restart the hologram computer to see more.

Quote from: T'Lara on July 30, 2021, 10:59:21 PM

[Forward Lounge]

T'Lara gave a neat bow to Don in place of a smile as he grinned at her and went to retrieve her drink. To Lek, she gave a nod.

"I will say the same for you, Lieutenant Commander. It has been an agreeable time spent working with you this last year or so. May we continue to grow in friendship," she attempted some semblance of fondness in her tone, but was not sure if it came across as amiable.

Soon, Don was back with both their drinks and the two males dispersed to be with their significant others. Not having such a thing, T'Lara stayed in her preferred spot, watching those around her. She took a sip of the brandy, taking in the sharp citrus and smooth finish. She did not make a habit of drinking and therefore had no idea if what she had in front of her was "the good stuff." Amidst a moment of contemplation she noticed Tekin leave, and briefly considered joining him. But with Lek preoccupied she decided that at least one commander should remain for chatting with the group as a whole, if said group members desired. They were tiresome, these events. Not physically, but mentally. The Vulcan officer had to constantly think up scenarios and how to best respond to them. Her image did not used to matter, but since becoming an executive officer she worked to maintain a general "likeableness."

The two new crewmembers seemed to be having a conversation, one that she did not necessarily want to interrupt. She decided this by attempting to read their body language, but of course she could be wrong. It was a shame, because now would be the best opportunity to get to know them. Perhaps something like this would happen again. T'Lara continued to people watch for a time, until she got the comm.

[Forward Lounge --> Bridge - USS Discovery]

Just when she was about to join a group, the message came and almost immediately the senior officers started shuffling out. She would have headed straight for the Bridge, only Nira had a matter to discuss. T'Lara refrained from dismissing her with a phrase like "This is not really the best time," or "I would love to discuss this in private," and instead listened as she walked. She paused for just a moment to respond. "Tragnar is certainly worthy of discussion. Please submit the request in writing so I have record of it."

With that, they were on the Bridge and had gone to their respective stations. It was only then that they were made aware of a certain ensign's forwardness and a sort of dressing down ensued.

Listening to all of this, the XO made a note to alert HalverstrÁ¶m about Kesah's behavior; for though she was on leave, she still needed to be made aware. Whether she made a decision to return forthwith was up to her. She then contacted Cadbury with a request for clarification on the matter. Lastly she tucked away another task, this time in the off-duty category. To look more closely at Kesah's transfer records. Looking up from her PADD, she finally set her gaze on Tekin.

"Status, Captain?"

Good luck all.
Holodeck Archives / Poker Night (ask for invite)
September 02, 2021, 09:01:33 AM

[Deck 6 - Holodeck 1]

After nodding at a couple of crewmates, the Captain came to the door of Holodeck 1.  After making sure it was vacant, he input his own command codes, causing the door to open and letting him through.  He waited for the doors to close before he spoke.

"Computer. Run Program Tekin 5."

The sterile room shimmered as it was replaced, and soon the Bajoran Captain found himself in a familiar location.  Black sky, desert air, the smell of fires burning... and in front of him, a saloon.  Specifically, the one from Paradise, Arizona Territory.  As soon as the program was done loading, his own uniform shimmered, until he was dressed as a card shark from the 19th century.  Giving a sigh, he walked up to the wooden doors and pushed them open, revealing the interior of the saloon, and was almost immediately greeted.

"Hey!  If it isn't our local gambler.  How's the game, Nose?"

Nevir chuckled at the bartender  "Another night, another chip." he replied, turning and heading to the card table.  Semi-familiar faces were seated at the table, and cards, cash, and chips had already been strewn about.

"Gentlemen, I hope I'm not intruding."

"Nah, forget it, Nevir.  We always got time for another seat." stated one of the sharks, and Nevir took a seat.  He nodded at the others, already with a pile of chips in front of him.

"So... what's the game, Nose?"

The Bajoran thought for a moment.  "Let's do that new one... Hold'em."  He had since programmed other card games into the saloon, specifically the one that he was taught with at the Academy.  Watching the cards getting dealt, the Captain leaned back, oddly calmed as the game started.

Old Topics / August POTM - Nominations
September 01, 2021, 06:36:43 PM

Hey all, it's that time of the month where we recognize stellar roleplaying by our crew.  I will leave this thread open a week for nominations, and then post a poll to vote.

Remember, it has to be a post within the month of August.


Welcome to a new mission!  We are passed the halfway point for this season, and I hope you enjoy this one.


Synopsis: Finishing up their routine survey of the edges of the new Romulan Free State, the Discovery and her crew respond to an automated distress signal that is Federation in origin.

Tags to those I mentioned in the Forward Lounge.  The rest of you could either be perofmring your duties, or joining us for the ceremony.

I will also give a congrats to the following individuals:

Luby is now an Ensign.

Alex is now Petty Officer First Class

Torra is now a Lt. JG

Lek is now a Lt. Commander, and the second officer.

T'Lara is now a full Commander.

Please post if you have any questions or concerns, and enjoy!

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.