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Topics - Susan Venator

Applications Archive / Susan Venator - Reporting In
June 26, 2016, 09:18:09 PM

Character Details

Character Name: Susan Venator
Character Age: 21
Character DOB: 1st June 2373
Character Image: Stana Katic
Character Species: Betazoid
Gender: Female
Character Family: Unknown
Character Bio: Rescued from the wreck of a sub-orbital transport as a baby, Susan was taken care of at a rescue centre while a search was made for her Family. Strangely for Betazed, no-one did. She spent her formative years in the centre under the care of a Human nurse called Helen who had married a Betazoid Scientist. Susan, named for Helen's Mother, grew up as the smartest child in her age group and with an insatiable curiosity for how things worked. She was often in trouble for taking things apart as she wanted to find out how they worked until her carers started bringing her broken things to fix. She soon turned her talents to fixing things and even though she was only a child, she soon became the person who people came to to fix things. Despite graduating top of her class, Suzie went to work in an orbital repair station when she left school. She stayed there for a few years before an accident caused her to re-think her options. She then applied to the fleet and was accepted to the Academy.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: Other Characters on Shadow Fleet
Department Preference: Engineering
Secondary Department Preference: Ops
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

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Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? I already have other Characters. Lizzie Vaughan and Kachina Filitov

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