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Topics - Levinia Black


The Romulan hybrid child made his way down the corridor with no fear.  His little face was scrunched into serious contemplation which seemed odd and intense on his very young face.  He wasn't about to be detoured from his mission, however, and that was to find his mother.  Alanoth was not amused by his present babysitter who was, in his head, boring.  Besides, he missed his mother who was the only parent he had at the moment.  He missed his father the most and his tall looming figure was missing from his life and left him feeling too vulnerable for his liking.

No! He had angrily refused to return to the game that his babysitter had proposed.  He had used the lock codes he had watched his mother use and used them to lock his babysitter in.  Now he looked for signs of his mother and although he had somewhat memorized the corridors of the big ship seeing it for real was way different.

Refusing to admit he was lost he made his way down the long passageways ignoring the stares from the adults and pretending to know exactly where he was going.  It wouldn't be long before his babysitter went searching for him or worse sent security after him.  He grinned at that.  His father was security and tactical, it would be neat if he worked with them.  Alanoth wanted to be like his father, but that meant being brave.  So he held his little head high and continued on his trek with a positive stride and no fear whatsoever.

Old Topics / Personal Log - Dr. Levinia Black - Qellar
August 18, 2016, 05:35:18 PM

Stardate: 70628.69

"Well, back to Starfleet and back to work.  I've got Alanoth with me, so I don't feel too lonely but I still miss Tani."  Levinia chewed on her bottom lip which was a habit of hers and one she didn't realize she was doing until it was pointed out.  Not that Tanibak cared, he probably found it endearing.  Her eyes fell upon their child, three years old and already broody and dubious about the universe.  That was the Romulan part of him.  Without duty it seemed like the child was afloat, so being back to Starfleet gave him a sense of duty.  It made her happy to know this and see him wearing his child combadge with pride.

Levinia reached out and gently caressed the softened ridges on his forehead which made the boy look older than he was.  He was already tall for his age, but that was to be expected and she was glad he wasn't short like her.  She turned back to the recording device and continued her log entry, "The lead we had on Douglas was too good to pass up but it was too dangerous for me to go in with Alanoth.  I hate the separation but I understand the need for it.  If I hadn't figured out that my brother was still alive who knows what would have happened to him.  As it is, we fear telling my family in case Tanibak gets too him too late.  Of course I'm saying all this because the truth is, it has nothing to do with espionage or the Federation just some bad deals and my brother's stupid decisions."

She shook her head, "Once father hears about this, Douglas is going to be in REAL trouble.  I just want him home safe and I know if anyone can get him out it'll be Tanibak.  So, I'm glad to be back, I feel safe with Alanoth and I think we're all going to be just fine."   Levinia smiled and turned off the recorder.


Character Details

Character Name: Levinia Black-Qeller
Character Age: 30
Character DOB: 2361, May 23
Character Image: Emilia Clarke (dark hair) *Archangel said this was okay with her.
Character Species: human
Gender: female
Character Family:

Mother: Georgia Serna - Black
Father: Ambrose Black
Brother(s): Ambrose Black Jr, Douglas Morgan Black
Sister(s): Tabitha Clara Black
Spouse: Tanibak Qellar
Child: Alanoth Douglas Qellar-Black (3 years old)

Character Bio:

Early life

Levinia was born as the third child to Ambrose and Georgia Serna.  Her father was a doctor for Starfleet when he met the civilian scientist.  When his second child was born, Ambrose decided to cleave Starfleet and go into private practice.  He started with a small office on the moon settlement called New Berlin.

By the time Levinia was born, her father had a successful practice and her mother worked for a local laboratory.  Her brother Douglas was born only 11 months after Levinia was and they grew up more as twins than as regular siblings.  Levinia and her brother Doug, grew up very close.  They were inseparable sharing all their time reading and, once their father purchased a holodeck, they would spend every moment they could on adventures they brought to life from their favorite books.

As they all got older, each sibling decided to follow in their parent's footsteps.  Ambrose Jr., Levinia and Douglas all took the path of their father and became doctors.  While Tabitha became a researcher like their mother.

Levinia went to medical school on Earth, choosing the prestigious and very old Cambridge, her father's Alma Mater.  School was never difficult for Levinia and it was made much easier when she was joined by her brother douglas.  In the middle of her schooling, she attended a Starfleet recruitment meeting and Levinia decided to join.

Starfleet career

Her mother was not happy, having a dislike for Starfleet, but her father, a former Starfleet officer was fine with it.  So now Levinia had the difficult job of finishing medical school and Starfleet Academy.

Again, the school work was not difficult but she had a hard time with the physical aspects of the training.  Still, she managed with the help of her fellow cadets.  She in turn, helped them with their studies.  She did well in command scenarios, but not so well with operations or flight.  Cadet Black, however, did well enough to graduate not only from the academy but from medical school.  Her medical clinicals were handled by Starfleet as Levinia started her career as a medical cadet.

Her career blossomed and grew with every mission.  She quickly made her way to Chief Medical Officer of the USS Arizona, achieving the rank of Lieutenant before being reported MIA during her last mission with what Starfleet has dubbed the "Sphere Makers".

Levinia, with the help of Lt. Tanibak, returned to Federation space where she began to serve on the USS Archer as CMO, achieving the rank of Lt. Commander until she needed to quit her commission due to medical problems.  She has returned to Starfleet, with a new family member in toe.

Your Details: My primary is Jamie Shen

Previous Role-Playing Experience: 15+ years
Department Preference: Medical
Secondary Department Preference:
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: If I can get at least a Lt (jr) rank then please commission me, if not then Civilian doctor will be fine.  I'm open to any assignment ^.^'

Sample post:

Quote from: Jamie Shen on July 14, 2016, 05:25:14 PM

On the Shuttle

Jamie turned to him, the adrenaline of the mission must have washed away her sense of humor because she actually believed him for a moment.  When he revealed his joke she rolled her eyes and called out unprofessionally, "You ass!"  Then went back to her patients, sighing with relief as the Athena confirmed their return and prepared.

Jamie's fingers sought out the Caitan's soft fur and comforted him, "I know, K'lizh, but if I give you the wrong thing it will harm you.  Stimulants are funny that way.  We'll be back on the Athena in no time.  Don't worry."  She smiled at him realizing what a handsome being he was and refitted the mask over his breathing orifices.

She left him and went to stand next to Ezac as the Breen watched their stowaways who were now their guests.  "You know."  Jamie began, directing her words at Ezac.  "I've been thinking about what you told me and I suppose you're right.  I mean..."  She held on to him when the shuttle hit a pocket of turbulence, but once they cleared the stratosphere it would be smooth sailing.  "...whoa there...."  She continued, "As I was saying, you haven't needed medical help so far..."  She shrugged her lips, " either your luck lasts and you never do, or..."  Jamie looked up at him and frowned sadly, "'re lucky run is almost over?  Either way, big guy, it's up to you, and if you wish, I will not share the information with anyone."

Additional information:  I'll be NPCing her 3 year old son, Alanoth Douglas.

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