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Topics - Dausru Talil

Old Topics / Personal Log - Dausru Talil
January 05, 2017, 03:17:33 AM

"I never know what to write. Personal log. What does one write in their Personal log?"

Leaning back, Dausru laced her fingers behind her head.

"Indeed, what do I write?"


Character Details

Character Name: Dausru Talil
Character Image:

Character Species:
Half Trill, Half Human
Character Family:
Jervom Talil (Trill)
Amanda Bastielle  (Human)
Character Bio:
Born near the city of B'tar on the planet of Trillus Prime, Dausru from a young age  would traverse miles to spend many a day sat deep in thought on the shore of the Lormah Sea. Unlike other Trills, she would grow to be the one who would be silently observing everything and everyone around her.

At times there were some who mistook her silence as indecisiveness. Which was as far from the truth as one could get. She merely was waiting for the right time to voice her opinion, to voice her thoughts. Also from a young age, Dausru had an interest in all sciences and somewhat of an interest in medicine. An interest which followed her into her adult years.
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Previous Role-Playing Experience:
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Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian:

Sample post:
Dausru followed quietly along behind the rest of the Away Team. Holding her tricorder arms length in front of her, the young Trill-Human furrowed her brow. Things were not adding up.

Everything the Away Team had found up to this point was indicative of there being life on the Class M planet. But no life had yet to be found.

Taking a few steps more forward, Dausru came to a sudden stop. Her heart now raced. The beating of her  heart echoed loudly in her ears. "Commander!" Came almost as a strangled cry from her lips. Now stood beside her was a young man, who had appeared as if from nowhere, with a phaser rifle jammed into her side.

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