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Topics - Ardyn Jaeger

Holodeck / Returning Again - Ardyn/Alex [Closed]
January 22, 2024, 10:32:14 AM

Note: This was written ahead of time

[Jaeger-Wu Home, Quebec, Canada]


"œ Hey Mom! Look! I drew a dinosaur!"

Ardyn stepped back from her current project on the Delta Flyer and scooted herself out from underneath the shuttle chassis to take a look at what Maddy had to show her. It was definitely scribbly, made in crayon, and hard to make out as any kindergartener's drawing was, but if you squinted, it did somewhat look like a dinosaur.

"œNice job, Mads! You do this all by yourself?" She wiped off a smudge of engine oil onto her already-stained pants.  She wasn't really in any rush to finish the Flyer, it was just one of the many side projects she had running at any given time.

"œYeah! It's a raptor! Like Steve!" she said, beaming excitedly. "œCan we put it on the replicator for Daddy to see it?"

"œI don't see why not, "œ  Ardyn said with a smile, stretching as she started heading toward the house. "œHe'd love it. "

LOA Archives / Reserve request: Ardyn Jaeger
January 20, 2020, 02:16:43 AM

Character(s) affected:Ardyn Jaeger
Assigned ship(s):Shran
Period of time absent:unknown

Date returning: Perhaps when the semester lets up. Uncertain

Any relevant comments: I'm really sad to do this, but thanks to the new semester keeping me busy, real-life commitments, and a lack of motivation, I can't keep up with you guys, and It's not fair to the rest of you all. Hopefully, it won't be long, and I can come back when things get better. I still will be lurking on discord, so I won't be totally gone from your lives.


Character(s) affected: Ardyn Jaeger
Assigned ship(s): Shran
Period of time absent: Until end of christmas break.
Date of last period of activity:12/15/19
Date returning:After 1/1/20

Any relevant comments: I really don't want to do this, especially after just taking a LOA for thanksgiving, but finals, end of semester cleaning and what will be an absolutely chaotic Christmas break just isn't giving me the time or energy to really focus on writing. Hopefully things will come back to normal soon.

LOA Archives / Ardyn Jaeger potential LOA
September 14, 2019, 08:28:03 AM

Character(s) affected:Ardyn Jaeger
Assigned ship(s):Shran
Period of time absent:1 week?
Date of last period of activity:9/16
Date returning:9/23?

Any relevant comments: New semester is starting up. Yayyyyy. I might be able to post, I might not, so I'm just putting up a LOA just to be safe.


Hey, I've been an ethereal ghost for the past few months this semester, and I currently have a lot of time on my hands and would like to get back into the game with Ardy.


Character(s) affected:Ardyn Jaeger
Assigned ship(s):Disco, (guesting on Tempest)
Period of time absent:3 weeks-maybe longer. unsure
Date commencing:11/29
Date returning:uncertain

Any relevant comments: There are a lot of stressing things in my life right now, with finals coming up, as well as behind the scenes CLO stuff, and I've stretched myself too thin. so, I'm going to consolidate myself for the time being to focus on my studies and just one character.

Holodeck Archives / Past Tense [Alex/Ardy]
July 01, 2018, 02:50:15 AM

NOTE: This takes several weeks after the current mission. We pre-wrote this ahead of time and just are copying and pasting the story. FYI.

[A couple months after the race]


Ardy tried to make herself comfortable for the fifth time this shift, albeit, there wasn't much she could do about that. It was getting fairly obvious why now, with her increasingly distended abdomen starting to interfere with things. Noting the end of her shift, she nodded to Ensign Shawhan and went down to her quarters to finish packing the last of her belongings, quite the task in itself.

LOA Archives / Ardyn Jaeger LOA, 6/21-6/25
June 21, 2018, 12:19:43 AM

Character(s) affected:Ardyn Jaeger
Assigned ship(s): Disco
Period of time absent: 5 days
Date commencing:6/21
Date returning:6/25

Any relevant comments: I just have a very big essay that I need to do coming up really soon, and I need to focus on my schoolwork right now. Tekin knows about it, and I'll still keep Kinley going for this week, so don't worry about that.



Ardy ignored the chiming of the alarm telling her that she was overdue for a physical again. She was kinda busy at the moment, taking shots of...whatever drink this was. Probably some Romulan Ale, by the looks of it. She fumbled around for her commbadge, finally hitting it after the third try. =/\= "Sorry Doc. I'm Á¢â,¬"HIC!Á¢â,¬" kinda busy right now. Can we...reschedule for next month? =/\=


[Ardyn Jaeger]

Ardyn's hands dexterously manipulated the parts of the device she was working on, a mobile holoemitter. While it was definitely no shuttle part, a part of her rather liked building things. And it was her off Á¢â,¬"œ shift, so she enjoyed the entertainment. Definitely way better than sitting around all bored while Lieutenant Cahill was out taking the security crew on some practice drills on the shuttles.

Screwing in the last of the tiny screws on the back of the device, Ardyn turned to the crew she was working with. "Alright, I finished it up. Let's turn it on and see what happens!"


[T'Ra Jones]

Evan still didn't understand what he was being dragged along to, but it made him smile to see T'Ra excited about something, or as excited as a Vulcan/human hybrid could be. "Schatz," Evan chuckled, "What are we doing?"

"Miss Jaeger is developing a new program, and she indicated that I might enjoy being present when it is finally brought to life," T'Ra replied smoothly, not breaking her stride. She was indeed looking forward to seeing the young flight lieutenant's creation in action, a creative little project that she hoped would help improve the ship's morale.

The pair soon approached the area where Ardyn had been tinkering. "Is that supposed to look like an --- egg?" Evan asked, tilting his head to get a better look.


Ardy smiled her usual wry smirk as T'Ra and the doctor walked in. "Yup. That's what it's supposed to be, Doc. It's an egg for a therapy Velociraptor . The Xenobiologists are calling it a Simulated Terrestrial Evolutionary Velociraptor Environment, but I'm calling him Steve." Ardyn snickered. "I figure, if Ensign Murphy has that Mallard of his, I can have a Velociraptor.




T'Ra arched a brow in amusement, intrigued by the lieutenant's response. She had been surprised when the captain had granted Ensign Murphy's request to bring a duck on board, but a velociraptor was something else entirely. Evan, on the other hand, turned white as a sheet, though he managed to make a quick recovery, retorting, "You mean to say this thing's supposed to be therapeutic? I saw one of those creatures eat another crew member alive, swallowing him whole as if he were nothin' more than a puny little fly!"


[Caelene Tam]

After finishing her shift in Engineering, Caelene had made her way to the Holodeck. Apparently some of the crew were gathering to witness an exciting new program...or at least that's how Ardyn had described it. It was a bit lacking in details, but presumably it would all be explained once she arrived.

Toolkit in hand, Caelene stepped in front of the holodeck doors and waited for them to whoosh open before entering.

So far it seemed that T'Ra, Evan, Ardyn, and a few others who appeared to be helping Ardyn were the only ones there. The Trill nodded to each before setting her toolkit down on the floor and moving closer. She had only come in at the end of the others' conversation and missed everything but the last few words from Evan.

Caelene looked closer at what was before her. An egg of some sort - a white, elongated oval. It wasn't really her area of expertise, so she wasn't sure what it was. The 'puny little fly" she'd heard from Evan didn't exactly clarify either.

"Sorry if I'm late; I was finishing up some things in Engineering," Caelene said by way of apology. "...What's in the egg?"



"Hey Caelene . Glad to see you. You're just about in time to see us hatch my little friend Steve here. He's a Velociraptor."

Ardyn nodded as she indicated the doctor. "Indeed, I remember those. Nasty things. However, since he's a hologram, we have much more leeway with him than with those things the Miwoks showed us." She said as she checked the oblong egg once more. "we designed Steve to have a much more non-threatening appearance and demeanor, so he'll basically be more like a puppy. Perfectly harmless, I tell you.


"Beg pardon if I withhold judgement," Evan grumbled, folding his arms. "Like a puppy," he scoffed, "a puppy that has scales and claws and looks like he want to eat ya." As he continued to ramble, mostly to himself, his words slowly shifted into German.

T'Ra simply arched a brow before turning back to Ardyn. "Don't mind him," she said. "He'll come 'round. He's been under a lot of stress lately. With any luck, he might benefit himself from having Steve around."



"Indeed . It'll certainly be an interesting adjustment, but I definitely hope Steve'll be helpful. After what we've all been through, we might need him."
Ardy noticed the tense silence as she made a few last checks. She seriously hoped this would work out. After all the hard work she had done, she really wanted this little guy to be just right.

Out of the corner of her eye, Ardyn saw the egg shake a little. Then some more. And more. After a few moments, the egg cracked, revealing a little Velociraptor nose poking out through the shell.

Holodeck Archives / Light and Smoke (Closed-James)
March 07, 2017, 01:07:35 PM


It had been a really long day at the helm for Ardyn. It was inspection week, and she had to be on her best behavior for a visiting admiral. She could have dealt with the inspection fine on her own, but Admiral Kralten had other plans. For five whole hours, she had been badgered incessantly by the admiral, who had apparently had been a pilot once himself. It was bad enough having a backseat driver criticizing her every move, but the addition of her involuntary mental reading of this guy who had a bit too much in the way of an ego nearly drove her very close to slapping some sense in the persnickety old admiral.  Her better judgement restrained her, but not by much.

Ardyn sat down at the counter and ordered herself a glass of Synthehol. Today, she was't even caring what it was. If she could manage to forget this long day, she would.


Character Details

Character Name: Ardyn Jaeger (Pronounced Yay-Ger)
Character Age:  27
Character DOB: October 16, 2368 (Earth time)
Character Image
Character Species: Betazoid/Human hybrid. (She's only Á,¼ Betazoid)
Character Family:
Father: Peter Jaeger (Passed away in an accident.)
Mother: Amariah (Revani)Jaeger

Siblings: Keevan, Lillian, Michael, Annabel. (She's the third oldest)

Character Bio: Born on a Federation Colony somewhere in the Vega system, Ardyn always knew she had some empathetic abilities, such as telling what people were feeling most of the time and being able to somewhat connect with other telepathic beings, but she never really felt like she fit in anywhere, being such a low-level empath.
She was very close to her father and was understandably distraught when she heard of the accident that took her father's life.  She decided to Join Starfleet on a whim and found out she rather enjoyed being in a crew who actually noticed her strengths and abilities.

Your Details

Previous Role-Playing Experience: I currently have another character on here.
Department Preference:Flight
Secondary Department Preference: Engineering
Commissioned, Enlisted or Civilian: Commissioned

Sample post:
[Helm, The Constellation]
Ardyn looked around at the console, checking everything over again. Being around all these controls was rather soothing, for her, cracking her knuckles, she looked over at her co-pilot, "You ready, Mr. Gibson? The gruff old man nodded in agreement, but didn't say anything. He never did, but she had been around him long enough to get what he was saying. "Yeah, I know. You'll have a hard time replacing me, but hey, whenever I'm able to, I'll come by and visit.
She patted the man who had been almost like a grandfather to her on the back. He was a good and practical guy, probably one of  the few men in the galaxy who could be both simultaneously grumpy and caring without saying a single word. "Well, we'd better get out of the dock before they think we're smuggling something.  Mr. Gibson grinned viciously at that thought. she smiled as she disengaged the parking breaks and prepped the ship to take off.

Additional information:

How did you find Shadow Fleet? This will be Kinley Garrison's Alt

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