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Messages - Xasik

News Archive 2022 / Re: Head count
May 09, 2022, 06:47:57 AM

Xasik is present.

Old Topics / Re: S3-M12: OOC Discussion
May 05, 2022, 06:56:31 AM

Fresh tags for Sirol, Eydis, Kyan, Hrafn, Pev, Reisen, Peylix

Sorry it took me so long to get this post out everyone.

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
May 05, 2022, 06:51:10 AM

Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice

[Intergalactic Space]

One moment he had been in the area and the next he felt his body begin to tingle before the feeling of weightlessness took him as everything around him vanished. For a few terrifying moments he wondered if he had died and this was a kind of torture loop in the afterlife, but the thought vanished just as quickly as everything around him came into focus and his eyes adjusted again.

Confusion coursed through his mind as he studied the strange new environment. He and the rest of the group were in some kind of strange vehicle that was swaying as it moved. It was a confined space and he could feel his claustrophobia beginning to spike.
"œWhat the?" He muttered to himself as he looked around with his typical Reman grimace expression in an attempt to hide his discomfort.

"œDoes anyone have any idea what in the name of Vorta Vor is happening?"
His question was seemingly answered by a holographic Klingon that explained what they were expected to do. So they were expected to battle others for "˜glory'.
Wonderful. He had thought he had escaped this kind of thing when he had escaped Romulus but life had a wonderful way of reminding him otherwise.
Listening to the holographic Klingon's words, Xasik tried to focus on the information and come up with a survival plan in his mind.

Focusing on those who he now recognized as his group was the only thing Xasik could do to keep himself calm. He focused on their words as they tried to formulate a plan while he looked around at the other people. His stomach dropped when he realized that there were people jumping out of their vehicles.
Were they supposed to jump too?! He closed his eyes and swallowed hard. Kyan, Pev and Sirol were indeed discussing places to jump.
Are you crazy? He wanted to cut into the conversation, but instead held his tongue. They must have been to even consider jumping into the unknown. He had been trained for such situations in his youth and it was never a fun experience.

"You want us to jump out of a moving vehicle from this altitude? Into an unknown situation? You don't need to be an expert in physics or battle tactics to know that that's a terrible idea!"
He signed deeply as he felt someone tapping him on the shoulder. He looked to the point of contact and noticed the strap curving over the shoulder of his outfit. It was then that the weight of the object registered to him. A backpack? Probably a parachute judging by all the people jumping. He could also feel the weight of the weapons he had picked up earlier strapped to his body


Well, if they were going to die, at least they would do so with style.

He watched with a tight chest as Kyan was the first to jump, followed by Sirol and Eydis. He decided to waste no more time, even if he knew this was crazy. He gave one last look around the battle bus at those who had yet to jump before he ran for the exit and jumped.
"œKATRA CREW!" He bellowed as he leapt. These were his people and he would fight with everything he had to keep them safe.

As the wind whipped at his face and tore at his costume, the Reman allowed his combat training to take over. He angled his body to descend as fast as possible, right towards the forested area. The longer you were in the air, the more vulnerable you became so it was important to get to the ground as quickly and safely as possible. He waited for the last possible moment before deploying his parachute.

His landing was rough and it took a moment for Xasik to shake off the jarring pain in his legs and back. He wondered if the others had landed alright and began to make his way in the direction that he believed they had landed, making sure to stay quiet, hidden and to collect as many resources as possible. If his calculations were correct, he would soon catch up with his group. He hoped that everyone was okay and had landed safely. He smiled as he heard familiar voices and headed straight for them, making sure to loot every container along the way. He would share his supplies with the others when he caught up to them.


[Katra Station]

When they had stopped running, it was a small relief that washed over them as Humming Mother (Peylix) scooped them up. They could feel their presence and that alone made them feel a little better. They could feel the warmth from Humming Mother washing over them like a wave of calm and safe energy. They reached out their hands towards them, wanting to be as close as possible. They felt safe with Humming Mother, even though the coldness left by the other mothers absence was still strong.

It confused Emerald when they went to Humming Mother's den. They had been here before but right now they wanted to go back to Sharp Mother's (Xasik) den. Perhaps he would be back! Perhaps First Mother (Sirol) and Dear Mother (Eydis) would be back too! They should go and check!

More confusion clouded their mind as Humming Mother shed their shiny skin and released them from their bubble. It was comforting to the child to see Humming Mother without their usual shell but that also meant that they would be staying here and not leaving to find the other mothers. Emerald looked at Humming Mother and scuttled over to them. They squeaked happily as they were picked up. The comfort of contact with another being was more than they knew how to feel so they snuggled closer to Humming Mother. In their own way, they understood what Humming Mother was saying to them. They could feel their emotions and that conveyed all they needed to know. Humming Mother would not leave them.

Emerald gripped Humming Mother's arm with both of their hands just to make sure they didn't lose them too.
"œPeep squeak, chirp peep peep peep click." They squeaked softly to Humming Mother as they closed their eyes and just enjoyed the warmth.

Old Topics / Re: S3-M12: OOC Discussion
March 29, 2022, 08:06:51 AM

Sorry for taking so long to post. I've been sitting on this post for a couple of weeks now. Anyway, here it is with soft tags to all.

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
March 29, 2022, 07:49:18 AM

Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice

[Katra Station]

Quote from: Sirol on February 10, 2022, 08:27:52 PM

Peylix instantly jumped up and raced after the tiny ball of energy that made their way out into the corridor.
Peylix knew that as soon as the child would reach a more crowded area of the deck, if would become exceedingly difficult to track, and while internal sensors could identify their Tholain lifesign with ease, the more of an advantage Emerald would have, the more likely the chance that they would find themself a tiny Jefferies tube, box or pipe to which Peylix would not be able to fit in and follow"¦
"˜Please return momentarily"¦'
Peylix relayed via the Lattice, hoping that the child would pay attention and listen to their words.
Granted, they were a child, so there was limited chance for success upon requests, but it was worth a try after all.

Bumping into a few Starfleet officers on their way, Peylix gave them an (admittedly half-hearted) gesture of apology while following the noises - which were the strongest indicator of a glowing baby bubble passing through"¦

Squeaking desperately for First Mother (Sirol), Sharp Mother (Xasik) and Dear Mother (Eydis), Emerald ignored the humming from Humming Mother (Peylix) as they raced from Humming Mother's den and out into the open and twisting pathways of the big hive where they all lived. They had to find the other mothers! Something was not right!
"œWHERE ARE YOU?!" They squeaked their emotions out in distress before they felt the very faint flicker of Dear Mother reaching them. It was warm and soothing but all too quickly it was gone again.
"œI'M HERE!" They responded once again with their emotions hoping desperately to hear and feel First Mother, Dear Mother and Sharp Mother once again.
They knew that Humming Mother was chasing them but they couldn't go back to the den yet so they kept rolling and searching.

It was then that the coldness hit them, not physically but within them. What little warmth they had still been able to feel of the other mothers was suddenly gone. It brought the juvenile Tholian to a halt as they struggled to process what they were feeling. It hurt, it was scary, it was not safe! With a terrified squeak they turned and rolled back to Humming Mother, reaching out their arms and wanting to be picked up and comforted. They felt so cold inside and didn't know how to warm up again. In their confusing and hurt state they could only squeak softly and hope that Humming Mother understood.

[USS Lirpa | Bridge ]
-Specialist Xasik Freeman-

Xasik's mind seemed to be in a haze that he simply couldn't find his way out of. It had been so subtle that he hadn't noticed it. He had been distracted by the data pouring into the science consoles when the ship had appeared on the sensors that all else had seemed to blur into fuzzy background noise. It wasn't until he had become light headed that he started to question whether he was alright or not.
He barely noticed Lt. Commander Falleg-Tekin entering the bridge or the conversations going on around him. The distress call on the speakers barely registered to him. He could feel the tingle of Eydis and Sirol in his mind as they communicated over the lattice and it seemed to give him strength but it was hard to focus. Something wasn't right but he simply couldn't figure out what it was. Suddenly a high pitched humming filled his head and everything went black.

[Holding Area - Intergalactic Space]

Groaning as he sat up, Xasik reached up to rub his temples to try and relieve some of the pain shooting through his head. One moment he had been standing on the bridge and the next thing he knew he was on his back on the ground with the wind knocked from his lungs.
"œQezh" He coughed in Romulan as he tried to sit up, an odd creaking noise accompanying his actions. Odd, his clothing felt different than before, tighter. Instinct warned him to keep his eyes shut but he ignored it and opened them anyway to examine his clothing, regretting it immediately.
"œFaelirh ch'susse-thrai!" He swore as he scrambled to his feet and furiously examined his attire.

He was wearing a tight bodysuit that was the same colour as his lab coat, an iridescent dark oily colour that reflected greens and purples in the light. It had over exaggerated shoulder pads that stuck out over the arms and darker, ridged textured pads on both arms above and below the elbows, on either side of his waist and over his thighs. The pair of matching knee length boots were surprisingly comfortable he had to admit as he examined them, sticking a foot out to admire the way the boot shone. The whole look was completed with a floor length cape made of the same material as the bodysuit.

"œFaelirh ih'wort nnea mogain!" Shinzon. He was dressed like Shinzon, one of the worst things to ever happen to the Reman people and he was dressed like the dha'rudh. He spat on the ground at the mere thought of the man who had ultimately made things so much worse for his people. His rebellion had brought the fist of the Romulans down hard on the Remans when it had failed and their suffering had increased exponentially.

Xasik took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He needed to calm down. Getting worked up into a rage over the past was not going to help him at present. He almost cracked a smile. It had been a long time since he had cussed in Romulan, something he only did when he was extremely stressed. He needed to find the others and figure out a way to get back home and back to Emerald.
Opening his eyes again, the Reman squinted as he looked around. It was too bright for his comfort level and his contacts seemed to be missing. Thankfully he realized there was a hood on top of the cape as he groped around behind him to grab the material and fashion something to shield his eyes from the glare. He pulled the hood over his head and relaxed slightly as his eyes stopped burning and he was able to look around properly. On the ground scattered around were various weapons.

He stooped down to pick up what appeared to be an oddly shaped hunting knife with pieces cut out from the main blade which itself was separated into two pieces and a curved handle. Carefully stowing it away in his belt he then proceeded to pick up a couple of other weapons including a sword which he strapped to his back before he started looking around at the other people in the area. He thought he recognized a few of them but not the clothing they were in.
"œSirol! Eydis! Kyan! Hrafn!" He called out in the hopes that it was them he saw. With his Galaxy Rose gone he could not sense either of his Lattice using companions which made him extremely anxious. He had gotten so used to feeling them buzzing around his mind that it was distressing to be without them. He had to find them and find a way to escape this weirdness.
With renewed determination he strode forward and called out again hoping it was someone he knew, all the while keeping a cautious eye on everyone else. His eye twitched as his suit groaned and creaked as he walked. He was about to swear again when he thought he heard a familiar voice over the hum of everyone else.
"SIROL!" Xasik yelled and made his way directly towards where her voice had come from.

Old Topics / Re: February Roll Call
February 23, 2022, 08:07:25 PM

Sorry for my lack of posting lately. I haven't been feeling very well.

Katra Station / Re: Katra Crew Choice Award 2021
February 07, 2022, 12:13:25 AM

Good luck everyone!

Old Topics / Re: S3-M12: OOC Discussion
January 27, 2022, 01:31:59 AM

I have some fresh tags for Sirol, Eydis, Reisen, Kyan and Peylix
and a soft tag for Hrafn (welcome back!)

Holodeck / Re: S3-M12: The Battle Royale
January 27, 2022, 01:29:41 AM

Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice


[USS Lirpa | Bridge]
-Specialist Xasik Freeman-

Staring at his console Xasik Freeman absentmindedly sifted through the data displayed before him. Normally it would have been fascinating to him, but today he could hardly focus. Today would be the longest time he had spent away from his child Emerald and it wasn't sitting well with the first time father. He wasn't ready for this! Emerald was still so young! They didn't even have their first EV suit yet! How was he supposed to work with his mind in such turmoil?
It took all of his willpower to refrain from contacting Peylix, who had been tasked with babysitting while Xasik was away, to check on Emerald. It wasn't that he didn't trust Peylix, in fact it was quite the opposite, but rather the first time father missed his child more than he could have imagined.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on January 13, 2022, 11:22:05 PM

:: Bridge | USS Lirpa ::

As he looked around the bridge, Kyan spied Xasik and Sirol at the science stations monitoring... whatever science types monitored. He was happy that the Reman scientist had agreed to come along. Since getting promoted,, he hadn't been able to see as much of him as before, which was more irritating than he thought it would be.

Looking up from his station, Xasik caught Kyan looking at him. He offered the Miran a sincere smile. It was good to see his "˜son' again, and to see him doing so well. Kyan had spent a month living as Xasik and Sirol's "˜son' for immersion therapy. The whole experience had been a very positive one for the Reman and he now saw Kyan as his son, and he couldn't have been prouder of him. They hadn't had much time to hang out lately but hopefully that would change soon. Emerald also missed Kyan which was all the more reason to find the time and organize a "˜family' get together. He was certain that Sirol would agree. It would be good for all of them to sit and relax together.
Quote from: Eydis on January 17, 2022, 01:49:48 AM

Turning hir bluish hues over those on the bridge shi indeed spotted hir friends xasik and Sirol, and the new Vulcan Reisen. Then hir gaze fell on kyan as he got up and began to head out. Greetings command caste Kyan of the USS Lirpa Hir squealing and clicking whining native tongue proceeded the translating it. Hir thoughts reached over the lattice with emerald and xasik and Sirol.  Shi had left the child with healer on Xasiks quarters. There were three tholians in a sea of humaniod and non humaniod carbon and non carbon life.

Reisen The Vulcan scientist would watch Kyan have a brief encounter with Eydis. Who if he was still honest sort of unnerved him. With hir spider like movements and squealing clicking language. Her would smile at Xasik for a second.  Looking to Sirol and then back at Xasik That's one heck of baby sitter you got for your little emerald it seems. Less worries my reman friend on your plate now. He would turn back to look at the console a slightly bored and bemused gleam playing across his Asian like romulan facial features.

He seemed to find commander Eydis entering the bridge both amusing because of the reactions it would cause. But also winced from the strange and alien Tholian. He gauged the others on the bridge to see how they took the arrival of the tholian commander and ambassador on the bridge without a evo suit as well.

Feeling Eydis' presence as shi entered the Bridge, Xasik looked up from his station and offered hir a friendly nod of his head. He could feel hir over the Lattice as well thanks to the Galaxy Rose he kept securely in a pocket on the inside of his lab coat. It had been a gift from Eydis that had allowed him to form a stronger bond with his child. He treasured it and never left his quarters without it.
The rose also allowed him to connect with the other Tholians and Sirol, via the Lattice. It was a unique gift and one he was eternally thankful for. Communicating over the lattice was a very humbling experience.

Xasik couldn't help but smirk at Reisen's comment.
"œYou are correct," the Reman smiled. "œEmerald is lucky to be surrounded by so many caring souls willing to watch over them and be a part of their life. OH! I almost forgot. They drew pictures for you, Sirol and Eydis."

Rummaging through the pockets of his lab coat, Xasik pulled out three sheets of paper and handed the appropriate ones to the right people.

To Sirol he handed a sheet of paper with a silver circle scribbled on it with a small green circle and a larger green circle beside them. It had taken him a moment, but Xasik had realized that Emerald had drawn the ball Sirol had given them for their hatching day, themself and Sirol. He had to assume that they had scribbled a green circle of Sirol because of her green eyes.

The sheet of paper given to Reisen had five smaller shapes scribbled into the paper in browns and greys. They were the artifacts on Reisen's workstation that Emerald always looked over at. That one hadn't taken Xasik nearly as long to figure out.

The third sheet of paper Xasik handed to Eydis before shi left the Bridge. On it was a big blue scribbled circle the same colour as Eydis with a smaller green circle beside it. That one was obvious to Xasik. Emerald had drawn themself with Eydis.

"They've started drawing, or at least attempting to. They seem to really enjoy it though. My quarters are filled with scribbled on bits of paper." He had a piece of paper still in his pocket for Kyan, but he would give that to him later.

Quote from: Sirol on January 22, 2022, 07:44:01 PM

< USS Lirpa / Bridge >

Sirol's eyes widened; her ears figuratively sharpening as she heard the call and Ensign Pev's words.
Behind her calm, cool facade, her great excitement was a rich, colourful taste radiating through the room, and Eydis and Xasik would be able to even sense it via the Lattice - Sirol did not even try to tone down her surprise.
Slowly but surely, piece by piece, the Katra Family was re-assembling, and all that was near and dear to the scientist was about to gather aboard this ship.
(Minus Emerald of course, but a patrol ship was no place for a child, and Xasik, Eydis and herself had all agreed on that, entrusting healer Peylix with watching over the little one until their three "˜mothers' would be back from this trip.
Now there was another mother to enter - The motheriest one of all.

With much delight she listened to the docking permission being relayed, then turned around to the science family [including Eydis] and focused on Reisen in particular.
"œLt. Commander Falleg-Tekin was my predecessor in the science department and superior officer. She is the founder of our "˜Doughnut Friday' tradition. She was part of the best time aboard Katra."
She explained and loosely folded her hands on her lap.
"œBack then she was still Lieutenant, but I am glad to see she received a long-deserved promotion. Specialist McCutcheon was also part of our staff for a while - although on the more civilian side. He was specialised in"¦"
She hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure whether he would have been comfortable with her relaying too much information about his person and his work to others.
"œ...A variety of fields, and I hope that we can re-integrate him into our staff again - if he chooses so."

With that she once more did a warm, almost even cheerful bow towards Xasik, Eydis and Reisen, before she turned around in her chair again, and resumed her calibrations.

Xasik once more looked from his station as he felt Sirol's excitement wash over him via the Lattice. He wasn't surprised at her excitement. He knew how much Sirol cared for Hrafn and had missed her and her family.
He smiled as she explained to Reisen who Hrafn was and chuckled when she mentioned Doughnut Friday. He himself did not partake in Doughnut Friday because he didn't much enjoy sweet things. He did enjoy having tea or coffee with the others though and would partake in this part of the ritual.
Xasik himself looked forward to seeing Hrafn again. He hadn't really had the chance to get to know her before, but from what he did know of her, she was friendly and welcoming. He was eager to meet her family properly as well.
The Reman's thoughts were interrupted by the rumbling of his stomach. He looked around to make sure no one had heard his complaining stomach before he pulled a packet of beef jerky from his pocket and quickly stuffed a strip into his mouth. It was times like these he cursed his fast metabolism. The last thing he needed right now was to get hangry on patrol. People were already intimidated by his height, his piercing eyes and his sharp teeth.
Sheepishly he offered some jerky to Sirol and Reisen. They had probably heard his stomach grumbling.


It wasn't right!
It was all wrong!
They could feel it!
...Or rather they couldn't feel it"¦..
First Mother (Sirol), Dear Mother (Eydis) and Sharp Mother (Xasik) were missing! Emerald could not feel their humming anymore no matter how hard they tried! Humming Mother (Peylix) and Scuttling Friend (Aeryn the Uropygi)  did not seem at all bothered by the absence of the others and that really disturbed the juvenile Tholian. They had all said goodbye as they usually did when they left the den without Emerald, but Emerald had always been able to feel their humming when they left. This time was different. They could not sense any of the mothers except for Humming Mother and that scared them.

It took only a second for them to decide that they needed to find the other mothers and make sure that they were safe. Without a second thought they raced past Humming Mother in their bubble and rolled down the corridor, weaving their way through the legs of those walking by and squeaking out for any of the mother's to hear them. They also hummed as they rolled, hoping that they would once again feel the returning hums of First Mother, Dear Mother and Sharp Mother.
Behind them they could hear Humming Mother calling to them and Scuttling Friend's feet tapping the ground as they chased after them. They rolled faster. They needed to find the other mothers!

"œSQUEAK!" They called out desperately. "œPEEP SQUEAK! CHIRP!"
"œWhere are you?" They hummed  as loudly as they could hoping for a response.

Old Topics / Re: January Role Call!
January 04, 2022, 09:55:23 AM

I'm a Geologist Jim, not a Biologist.....

Old Topics / Re: January Role Call!
January 02, 2022, 12:21:35 AM

Xasik here, ready to rock and roll


tags to Sirol, Eydis, Reisen and Kyan

(Sorry it took me so long. I was really stuck on what to write)


Xasik Speech
Xasik Lattice
Emerald Speech
Emerald Lattice


Quote from: Sirol on November 24, 2021, 03:54:54 PM

< Katra Station / Simulation Lab >

There was just enough time to greet everyone in the simulation lab, give a well deserved snuggle to patient little Emerald, whom she had not been able to give their daily dose of snuggles before, as well as the more mature part of her lab family: Xasik, Eydis and Reisen, whom she all bad an overdue, warm greeting and thanks in person, followed by her quickly glossing over the daily schedule for the department.
"œI am looking forward to see what you two will manage to learn about the artefacts. What is their planet of origin?" She asked towards Xasik and Reisen, taking a sip of her own coffee while watching Emerald playfully bumping into Eydis' leg and the Captain gently picking them up.
A musing smile was to be seen on the scientist's face.
Was she not the luckiest one in the galaxy to be amidst those endearing individuals she had chosen as her new family?

[Katra Station | Simulation Lab]


They were delighted when First Mother (Sirol) appeared in the family den. Squeaking excitedly, Emerald rolled over to her to demand attention from her. They had been denied their usual snuggles today and would not allow the delay to continue. They voiced their feelings with a series of sharp squeaks and clicks before humming their joy at her being here. Snuggles in the bubble weren't the same as the snuggles outside of the bubble but they were just as warm and loving, and with the humming they shared it was even better.

Inside their bubble, Emerald held the smaller bubble that First Mother had given them. It was always with them and it always would be. Giving the bubble a gentle squeeze, they squeaked excitedly as it squeaked at them. It was one of their favourite games to play. They squeezed it a few more times and giggled about it while they enjoyed the humming of those around them.

Emerald was disappointed when  First Mother placed them back onto the ground but they quickly found amusement by booping into the legs of Dear Mother (Eydis) until shi picked them up. They clicked and chirped with delight, still humming their joy and happiness to everyone around them.


Xasik was glad to see his colleague and gave her a traditional, polite nod of his head in greeting as well as his typical Reman smile as he watched her scooping an excited little Emerald up into her arms. Emerald had been looking for her and now perhaps that they had seen her they would be able to calm down and relax a little bit.

He nodded in agreement as Sirol as she went over the schedule for the day. It didn't sound too chaotic and he was grateful for that. He was eager to examine the artifacts and was glad that he would have the time to do so.

"œMy hope is that these artifacts can shine some light on the civilization that existed there before their sun baked them. The planet is called Salamis but not much else is known about the people that lived there, so I'm hoping to help shed a little light on the mystery."

Quote from: Sirol on November 24, 2021, 03:54:54 PM

The call pulled her out of her thoughts for a second, before she then quickly tapped her comm badge to respond.
=/\="œOf course, Commander." =/\=
She calmly spoke, then glanced over to Xasik and Reisen.
"œI have to excuse myself once more it seems, my apologies for that.
In my absence please stay in contact with the OPS and Engineering in case one of them needs assistance with Roluman language and/or customs.
But I have to ask you to refrain from personally contacting our refugees until we know more about the situation. Having us three combined might be perceived as threatening..."

Xasik politely looked to Reisen and then back to his artifacts as Sirol took her call. He didn't want to eavesdrop on a conversation that was not his business. He picked up a particularly interesting, stone artifact that had him stumped and handed it to Reisen. "This one had me a bit confused. Perhaps you'll have more luck with it. It's made of beautifully formed marble but other than that I really have no clue what it could have been used for."

He directed his attention back to Sirol when she spoke to him again.
"œNo need to apologize," Xasik reassured her with his typical Reman grin. "œYou're busy and needed elsewhere. I'm sure we can manage to maintain the lab in your absence. I promise we won't burn it down or accidentally explode it." There was a playful tone in his voice as he spoke. He was becoming more and more comfortable around his colleagues and it was starting to show in his interactions. He smirked at Reisen to convey his amusement to him.
He then looked to Eydis to see if shi was as amused as he was.

"œWe'll be sure to stay in contact with OPS and Engineering in case we're needed."

He had to refrain from rolling his eyes at her next request. There was no way in Vorta Vor he would willingly approach or contact any Romulan he was unfamiliar with. His PTSD was getting better the more he worked on overcoming his past, but there was still some things he simply couldn't do.

"œNo worries there,"
he said with an even tone. "œI had no plans to contact them. I admit that I feel uncomfortable with so many unfamiliar Romulans aboard so I am content to refrain from making myself known to them at present. I would hate to trigger a diplomatic incident."

Quote from: Jettis Jyur on November 15, 2021, 04:07:22 PM

[ Katra Station - Labs ]

The small pocket of particles was rapidly fading, but there was enough of a footprint to make some assumptions. The well was just large enough to disrupt the shields of a small ship, though neither the Runabout, nor the Freighter had reported such a disturbance. The fact that it was discovered, meant that it was created relatively recently, and should be further investigated. Where to begin the investigation however, was up to Xasik.

Xasik looked at the information on his terminal and frowned at it. This really wasn't his area of expertise but he would try his best. From what he could tell, there was a small pocket of particles that had been created recently but it was fading fast. What could that mean? A hidden object? A cloaked ship perhaps? They had just taken on a group of Romulan refugees after all. He hated to think it possible but perhaps it was a trick or a trap?

Perhaps he should call for help? Someone more knowledgeable in this area might be able to make something useful from the information.

Xasik hesitated and looked over the information one last time before tapping his comm badge and contacting Sirol and Kyan

=/\="œFreeman to Lieutenant Sirol and Lieutenant Commander Mackenzie. Sorry to bother you both but I've been sent some scans and I'm just not sure how to decipher them. I'm out of my depth on this. I'm sending you both the scans to see if you can make any more sense from them than I can."

Xasik sent the scans through to Sirol, and Kyan.

"œFrom what I can tell there is a small pocket of particles just large enough to disrupt the shields of a small ship, but they're fading fast. From the data I have, I believe this anomaly was created recently. I'm not sure what it could mean though. Perhaps a hidden ship? Maybe a security threat? I'm running more scans now but I'm having trouble deciphering the data. I'm a rocks and minerals guy, this is way above my pay-grade. I wasn't sure who to contact about this." =/\=

Holodeck / Re: Divided We Fall
November 25, 2021, 06:57:19 AM

[USS Courser | Brig â†' Bridge]

Lieutenant Commander Willow Fletcher

Willow's time in the brig had not gone as smoothly as she had hoped. Restricted by Starfleet's "˜ethics', she had been limited to simply talking to them once they had regained consciousness. Of course they hadn't taken her seriously and had given her nothing at all to work with. She had even threatened to crack their visors if they didn't cooperate. She had been bluffing of course, but she had hoped that they wouldn't figure that out. Apparently they did though as even to that threat they said nothing.

It had occurred to her that perhaps they may not have understood Federation Standard so she conducted the interrogation in both Federation Standard and in Romulan. It was logical to assume that they may understand Romulan as it was one of the languages that was broadcast over the distress call, but since they hadn't spoken a word it was impossible to determine what language they spoke. The Universal Translator was useless in this situation, still, she had it translate her words into several languages, just in case they understood at least one of them.

"œOne way or another, I will get the answers I seek," she spoke in a calm, even voice. Her tone was sharp and dangerous, leaving no room for misunderstandings.
"œHveolhaonn htaodt'ia'rhoinnie tae etreimnai tae ehdhihss concealed truth lyrr-t'ddreen."

With one last pointed glare over her left shoulder, the Romulan walked left the room. She looked at the officers who had been stationed in the brig to keep their guests secure.
"œIf they start talking I want to be notified immediately. We need to figure out what language they speak so we can communicate. We need answers."

"œYes Lieutenant Commander!" Both officers stood at attention as she walked away. "œI'll be on the bridge." She spoke to them before departing and making her way back to the turbolift and to the bridge.

Stepping back onto the bridge, Willow scanned the room. "œAny progress?" She asked as she took her usual position.
"œI had no luck with our prisoners. Not a word from them." As much as she tried to hide it, Willow's frustration could be heard in her words.

"œHave we made any progress here?" Willow walked over to an empty station and started working at the terminal. She couldn't bear to be idle in such a situation and decided to make herself useful without stepping on anyone's toes.
"œWe need this ship up and moving," she commented. "œWe can't lose track of our attackers if we want to get our people back."

The Romulan began a scan to see if she could detect the warp signatures of their attackers. Much to her satisfaction she was able to pick up on them, but they would fade fast and would be lost if they didn't get The Courser moving soon.
"œI've got their warp signatures but not for long."

Quote from: Kimiko Sugiyama on November 22, 2021, 05:51:38 PM

But Kimi had already turned to Captain Addams.

"Sir, Ops has identified the impact sites of potential gravity torpedoes. They are projecting a kind of gravity field around us. You will need joint security-engineering teams to destroy each one. I suggest you set them to coordinate an exactly timed sequence, or we might start spinning out of control..."

Overhearing Sugiyama addressing the Captain, Willow nodded. "œCaptain, with your permission I'll organize the effort to free the ship."

Without Golshani in Engineering, it was more difficult to get the rescue effort organized than Willow had hoped. The ship was still in a state of chaos and disorder but eventually four teams consisting of engineers and security were dispatched.
Targeted scans of the objects holding them in place revealed the exact locations and frequencies of them. Four probes were altered to emit an EMP wave at the precise frequency of the objects holding the ship to disable them without affecting The Courser. The operation would have to be coordinated carefully, with all four probes sent out and activated in sync. This would give The Courser a window of opportunity to get clear of the area of effect and pursue the other ships to get their people back.

When all teams were in position, Willow looked to the Captain before taking a deep breath.
"œOn my mark," she spoke clearly through her comm badge.

=/\="œEngage." =/\=

There was a moment of heavy silence as the probes launched towards their destinations before activating and disabling the gravity net. It was a huge relief when The Courser was able to break free and clear the danger area with a slingshot style maneuver using the failing gravity net's energy to propel it forward.
The Romulan resisted the urge to whoop and cheer but she did allow herself to show a genuinely happy smile.

=/\="œExcellent work," =/\= she spoke to everyone on the Bridge and over her comm badge. "œBut our work isn't finished yet. We can still detect their warp signatures, and now we can pursue them. Captain, with your permission I believe we should give chase. It's the best chance we have of getting our people back."

LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - Kyle Briggs
November 25, 2021, 12:08:16 AM

I'm so sorry to read that. I hope things in your life settle down and you'll be able to return again. I'll miss you!

🡱 🡳

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