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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi




I wish








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I would like to request a minor, low priority change to my ID card:

If it's okay with my captain I will not be DH as I am returning to the site and I don't want to displace the player already in SBC sec. Can you remove that part of my ID card?



Okay, but I'd ask that I don't take the DH spot. I don't want to usurp anyone's position.


Wherever the Fleet needs me but I'd prefer SBC.

News Archive 2019 / Re: Long Life and Peace
April 20, 2019, 08:03:30 AM

Take care. Thanks for all you've done.

General Archive / Happy Passover!
April 20, 2019, 07:26:12 AM

I wanted to wish our Shadow Fleet members a happy Passover on this very special holiday!

The Arcade Board / Re: Highlight of your day
April 19, 2019, 06:38:55 PM
Quote from: Judith Eastman on April 19, 2019, 06:25:31 PM

Malcolm came back to the site!

Aw, you.

Hey, you all know me, hopefully, haha. Hasn't been that long. I'm back and happy to go wherever!

LOA Archives / Reserves - Jeric
November 19, 2018, 11:19:58 AM

Not really feeling Jeric at the moment. Thanks.

Quote from: Naira on November 15, 2018, 04:35:27 AM


"That's all part of the plan," she responded in a similarly hushed voice. "But don't think for a second that I'm enjoying this any more than you are." She looked up and smiled at a guest walking in the opposite direction clearly eyeing her up and down.

There were a million other places she would rather be. She wished she could smack the look off the face of a Orion man standing in the corner, smacking his lips and making unwanted suggestions with his eyebrows. However, doing so would blow their mission. She had to grin and bear it, at least for now. Which meant she also couldn't get involved when she one of the civilians accompanying them on this mission assault their young cadet. Under normal circumstances, she would have marched over, gotten between them, assessed the situation, and either tended to any injuries while the other was held for questioning or she would have closely observed those tending to them. In this situation, all she could do was to frown.

The two security officers at her side couldn't intervene either. If they stepped in, issued orders, and followed Starfleet protocol like they were trained to do, they would give themselves away.

No, Naira had to watch as her First Officer had to scold the man attempt to lead the two away before the resort staff got involved. That was not part of the plan.

While things once again settled down in the lobby, Naira watched a young Orion girl sneak out from behind a back room behind the main desk and make her way over to clean the spot on the floor. The girl couldn't have been older than nine or ten years of age, the same age her middle daughter was when she had taken them in. From the look of it, the girl was a slave. She continued to watch the girl as she released Adeyemi's arm so that he could see to their room.

The girl seemed timid in her actions, which at first seemed a bit odd considering their surroundings and what most of the other slaves were kept for, but the more she watched her, Naira guessed that the girl was kept primarily as a form of housekeeping. She wore a rather plain garment that contrasted with all the extravagance of the resort. She wouldn't make eye contact and when Naira tried to take a step closer to her, the girl took a step back.

"Interested in something younger?" A man's voice spoke out in a sing-songy tone over her shoulder. Naira had to stop and turn around to see the Bolian approaching from behind. He chewed on his lip as he stared at Naira before turned to take in Adeyemi and the Caitian.

"A fine looking pair of companions you have," he said to Adeyemi. "If you're looking to buy more or possibly trade in for a younger model, I'm sure we can work something out."

It took every ouch of restraint for Naira not to smack the heavyset, blue skinned man in the ugliest purple suit she had ever seen. How he could even suggest such a thing and with a smile plastered across his face, it sickened her.

Brarr Boref was even more repulsive in person than all the horrible things she had read about him in the file she had been given by Starfleet Command. He'd sell anything or anyone to the highest bidder, regardless what sort of conflicts it might cause or loss of life, his only concern was lining his own pockets. The Syndicate seemed to be the only group he was in anyway considered on good terms with and even that seemed more dependent on his ability keep money and needed resources flowing in their direction.

"You wouldn't happen to be joining the tournament would you?" He asked with a grin across his face.


It took all the years of Adeyemi's Starfleet training and discipline not to let the loathing he felt in his heart show. He didn't speak, he didn't contort his face. He could only shake his head, and rely on his captain to do the talking.

But he realized that that would not be expected. He was allegedly her master, and would speak for her. He owned Naira, as inconceivable as that was to think, body and soul.

"I'm fine, thanks." Was all Adeyemi could muster out. He realized he did not sound at all lecherous like the other man, but couldn't even fake it. He sounded like he was refusing another lump of sugar for his tea.

"We'll be attending the tournament." The chief said briefly, not wanting to converse with this person anymore, hoping he would just go away.

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