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Messages - Neva Cordon


[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Mayflower Function Room->USS Challenger]

Neva gave a mock salute to Alex with her usual grin. "Got it! Consider her set!"

The Engineer set a hand on Ardy's shoulder and gave a gentle squeeze. "C'mon m'dear! Let's get you Home and checked over so your man can relax over you."

[USS Challenger|Sickbay]

Despite having to pull rank, Neva got Ardy where she needed. Neva wasn't happy to do that, but it was a privilege now. After making sure the medics had her friend well in hand, the Chief Engineer made a beeline for her Sanctum.

[Sickbay->Main Engineering]

Neva stopped short when she found Lahr finishing status updates when she entered Main Engineering. A slow smile spread across her face as she heard her people settle into business as usual. Nodding in satisfaction, she walked up to the Andorian and waited for him to finish.

"Gee Lahr, if I didnt know better, I'd worry about my job." She joked with a smirk. "Anything I should be aware of right now?" She checked a few things via the Pool Table then looked up again to scan the room.

"Ok, all my new Worker Bees, listen up! I'm not saying this twice!" Neva then gave what would become her "welcome/expectation" speech.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on April 25, 2024, 04:11:07 AM

[Function room]

Ardy sat down, glad for the opportunity to try and settle her stomach, as confusing as it was, when she saw Neva come up to her, waves of ticked off terminating from her.  Ardy was more than willing to agree with that. "Someone spiked the punch? That would explain a lot of things, but why Cardassian Truth Ser-?" The station jolted her, instantly  sending her already- delicate stomach into knots. People were already starting to panic. What just happened? Was Maddy okay?

Ardy could feel the mental impressions of someone nearby, almost conspiratorally. Clearly the jolt had interrupted their plans.

"Hey Neva, Tora, Now might be the best time to figure out what the heck's gone on with whoever drugged the punch and the station quake." she said, motioning to the camera systems up ahead. "I caught a glimpse of someone's thoughts. It was definitely spiked, why, I'm not sure."


[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Mayflower Function Room]

Neva was extending her arms to put the punch bowl in the replicator when the 'Base rocked. She fell back, the punch bowl flying up and behind her head. Neva managed to roll such as to not get showered by the glass & tainted punch. Scrambling up, she scanned the room for visible threats. Seeing nothing of serious note, she made her way to Ardy and Alex.

Neva nodded in answer to Ardy's request and looked to Tora with a conspiratorial smirk. "Ready to go rabbit hunting?" Neva chuckled slightly despite the growing fear bubbling from her gut.

The young engineer closed her eyes then, making her breathing slow. She didn't quite understand why she did it, but she laid a light hand on Ardy's shoulder. A flash burst in her mind's eye to clarify into the impressions Ardy felt. Oh-hohhh! Neva thought as her eyes popped open and a broad grin spread out.

Neva patted Ardy's shoulder twice before dropping it at her side. "That works!" She said by way of explanation and turned away.

Walking over to a terminal, Neva started tapping over the display. An image of the room popped up and she waved the others over while still watching the screen.

"Computer, play recording."

The computer began playing video, Neva's eyes squinting a little and a hand coming up to stroke her chin. Suddenly, she straightened and pointed at the monitor.

"Look! There in the corner by the stage! There's someone looking...unhappy...?" Neva turned her head left & right to see if the others had seen it. "Computer, continue playback, half speed." The stilted image regained motion, though the movement was slightly slower.

Neva looked at Tora. "What do you see?"


[As Maddy]

The lurch sent Maddy tumbling off her chair, rather dramatically, given that she was so small.  "Mo, Kyan, what was that?"  she asked, really trying to not look like she was scared.  She tried getting a better mental glimpse at the man, but he was walking further away. "That man, He's thinking getting rid of the cap'n. I heard it."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on April 21, 2024, 02:52:47 AM


Ardyn shook her head as she wiped off her mouth after the sudden scene that just happened, face somewhat flushed from embarrassment, given that all eyes were now on her.  "No. I just had the two shots. Was actually trying to avoid a hangover today so I could pick up Mads later," she said, really confused as to why she lost her lunch. If she wanted to, normally she could hold her liquor pretty well. Several years on the circuits would do that.  She wasn't even really drunk right now, at least, she didn't feel that way." Everything seemed just fine before she had that glass of punch.

"That punch had a weird aftertaste, did you guys notice it? she asked the others standing around their table.

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Mayflower Function Room]

Neva sipped her scotch, eyes dancing over the room. She'd felt something wasn't "right." People were "popping drunk" quicker than any should. She could feel their shock and surprise at an admission of something they didn't usually say. What would cause that?

Neva grabbed her glass & took the final sip. Grimacing slightly from the burn, she put the glass down and headed for the refreshment table. As she gathered the food, Neva kept scanning the room in her Betazoid fashion. No one seemed to be feeling "proud" or "happy" from what they'd done, but she wasn't surprised. How many people actually watched their handiwork so overtly? She gave a little snort of laughter and shook her head to dismiss the thought.

She took a small amount of punch, then returned to her table. Setting everything in front of her, she hit her comm badge and murmured, "Computer, scan this plate and cup for any..." She stopped a moment, considering how to phrase her request. Her lips thinning into a line and pulling in a deep breath through her nose, the young engineer continued."Computer, scan this food and drink for any contaminants that could affect those in this room."

"Scan results show the punch has an 80% concentration of Cardassian Truth  Serum. All other edibles are not contaminated."

Neva's eyes widened in surprise. She almost jumped out of her chair & looked for someone who either was or had been Medical trained. Not seeing someone off the bat, she made her way to Alex's side. Tapping his right shoulder from behind, she leaned in and whispered loud enough for only him to hear.

"Alex, someone spiked the punch. Get everyone to stop drinking it. I'm not sure of what someone's after, but a scan I did showed it had been contaminated with Cardassian Truth Serum." Before he could answer, Neva tore away and knocked a crewman's hand away from the punch bowl's ladle. "Don't drink that! Get something from the bar or the replicator. Trust me!" She hissed. She got an annoyed look and a muttered curse as the crewman left the table. Neva rolled her eyes and surreptitiously grabbed the punch bowl and headed to a replicator to dispose of it.

'Nobody messes with my crew!' She thought angrily 'They may not be on my Iron Lady, but they're with my Iron Lady!'


[ACEO Lt. JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Function Room Mayflower]

Neva had enjoyed getting to know Alex and Ardyn. She hoped they'd allow her to get to enjoy being "Crazy Auntie Neva" to their little girl. Time would tell.

Despite this, Neva tried to find a quiet corner to sit in the Function Room. She just wanted to people watch, considering the imbibing she'd done had dulled her mental "walls." So she clapped and raised a cheer for Zhuk at his promotion, but kept quiet otherwise.

After the events from the Land Mission, Neva decided it was time to hone her abilities. She admitted that having another telepath would help, but she wasn't sure who to go to this time. Considering this, Neva closed her eyes and "listened."

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on March 27, 2024, 11:56:53 AM


Ardy nudged Alex in jest as he teased her, before gladly taking his hand and meandering their way through the Promenade, nodding as she heard how his interviews went. So they were both left hanging. Typical. Either way, they'd be still waiting. "œI was going to be meeting with Neva, She's in engineering. She offered to hang out over lunch while there was nothing better to do in between interrogations", she mentioned, as she  chatted with Alex. While it would be nice to be back home on Earth, they had also just gotten onboard a ship too.  Getting kicked out after just coming back was almost insult to injury. She noted Neva in the Pub already. "œHey there." she nodded to Neva.

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Promenade Pub]

Neva did a little wave and lopsided grin when Ardyn over. "Hey Ardyn! Good to see you! Sit, sit, sit!" She made a shooing sort of motion towards the seats across from her. She raised an eyebrow at the other woman and nodded her head towards Alex.

"Ardyn, when were you going to tell me about this man who adores you?" Neva winked at her friend and pointed at herself. "Half Betazoid here. Granted, it's obvious if you pay any attention."

The Engineer then looked past them and held up her now empty glass. "Need a refill and some food over here, m'dear barkeep!" She called out, then turned back to the couple before her with a jovial smirk."So...any idea on how long we'll be here? I'm beginning to wonder with how much grilling I've heard people are getting."


[As Maddy]


Maddy had been making "œcookies"  in the  play kitchen somewhat distractedly when she heard her classmate, Mo  try to get her attention. Mo was a nice Ferengi boy and he had some really big ears, but he was fun to play spaceships with when they weren't doing school stuff.

"œI guess I do have lots of things to think about, Mo. "œ said Maddy, as she stirred the "œfood" in the play kitchen. I think my mommy and daddy are worried about something.  They won't tell me why though. I think it's cause they might lose their jobs or somethin', and then we won't be on a spaceship anymore."  she said,  pushing the button on the toy EZ Baker oven.

Quote from: Ardyn Jaeger on March 22, 2024, 01:51:40 AM

[Starbase 185 -  Offices â†'  restaurant.]

It seemed like the Captain was getting called out again. She didn't blame him for skedaddling. He probably had the most interviews and paperwork to do out of the lot of them, and it seemed to be showing. "œGood luck."œ  she said as he almost seemed to be bolting off to his next appointment.

With that, Ardy was left again to her own devices. Though, she did remember one of her crewmates - Neva, if she remembered - wanted to hang out at some point. She could do with some company while she was waiting for something interesting to happen while everyone was on leave or getting asked a billion useless questions. Way better than being grilled for the umpteenth time or sitting on her hands doing nothing.

=/\= "œI'm down. Want to meet sometime for lunch? I've heard the pub down on the promenade has some good food. =/\= she asked.

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185|Promenade Pub]

Neva grinned thoughtfully as she sat at a table in the Pub, taking a sip of the Aldebaran Whiskey. She'd meant to try it before, but never had a chance. She was duly impressed.

Despite the fact she was meeting Ardyn here, Neva turned her gaze to the PADD on the table before her. She'd been reading technical journals about possible refits her Iron Lady was getting, making notes and writing down questions to get answered the next time she was allowed access to her Lady. She shook her head and sighed. This Landser thing was dragging everything out way too long.


[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Starbase 185 Official Offices]

Neva sighed and rubbed the back of her neck, eyes closing and head falling to her chest in the movement. Looking back up, she gave the Starfleet Brass a tired and peeved stare.

"Ok, I've told you everything about the mission and given you my staff's records of all that was done in Engineering during my time on the Landser planet. Since you think I'm lying, why don't you tell me what you think I should tell you?"

The Admiral gave her an annoyed glare as his adjunct tried to hide a smile as she took notes of the meeting.

"What do you think I'm wanting then, Lieutenant?" He blustered back. "Since you know what I'm thinking of course." Denton Garabaldi crossed his arms over his chest and sat back, smugness rolling off him.

'Ooohh...tet a tet huh? Oh this is rich!' she thought as Neva glared back at him, smiling herself.

"Admiral, I don't know what you think I'm lying about, but even a Non-Betazoid could tell you think I'm holding something back." Neva mirrored his stance, down to the smugness. Two can play this game...

"Now, Lieutenant...Neva-" Garabaldi tried to coo, but the young Engineer's hand sliced the air between them.

"No, don't 'Neva' me, Admiral. You don't have that right or my permission to do so." She shot back, bursting up to lean forward and bang her forearms on the table one in front of the other. "You should know, Admiral Garabaldi-" she sneered the title and continued. "that Betazoids NEVER lie. It's just not in our nature. Let's stop deluding ourselves that this is anything akin to just a briefing." She sat back once more, arms crossed over her chest.

"Well then Lieutenant, tell me what you did once you were on the planet?" He leaned one forearm on the table fingers drumming.

"Ok, I woke up on a cliff, my isolation suit in tatters. I got up and took it off, digging a hole in the ground near rocks to hide it, hoping to tell someone where to find it later....

[Several Hours Later|Starbase 185|Restaurant]

After the interrogation, Neva had gleefully gone to her assigned quarters and took a shower as hot as she could stand. She felt unclean from what she'd been through, and hoped she could balm its effects if she could. All it did accomplish was heighten the tiredness the ordeal had caused. Before she fell asleep, she remembered talking to Ardyn on the way back to the Starbase.

Hitting her comm badge, she smiled. =^=Lt. Neva Cordon to Ensign Ardyn Jaeger. Hey, wanna take me up on that drink & dinner I promised? Let me know where and when you want to meet. Remember, it's all on me, kay?"=^=

Stretching, she settled her knitted green chenille blanket over her head and laid her head on the pillow. "Computer! Wake me in 2 standard hours." She called out, not wanting to move from under her cocoon. An answering chirp made her sigh gratefully and fall asleep.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 12, 2024, 12:01:24 PM

[Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

As the Landser scientists spoke with Jettis and Evan, the discussion quickly exceeded Ian's understanding of the physics involved. Even though he was fascinated by temporal mechanics, once they got past 'time stream' and 'inherent flow of time', he was lost. The idea of 'transverse temporal paradox loops' and 'chronical mass displacement gradients' was too much for him to follow.

"Captain Galloway."

Ian turned toward the voice and found an elaborately dressed Landser man addressing him.

"I am President Gotepi of Temarco and would speak with you."

"You have my attention Mister President."

"I am not a scientist, so much of what you and your people say about the Great Work escapes me. However, I am a good judge of people and I believe you speak truth. You actually seem concerned that our fold space will cause us harm."

"Yes I am. Imagine you have a rough stone and you rub it across a rug on your floor. You do it a few times and it doesn't matter. But if you keep doin' over and over again, eventually, the stone will make a hole in the rug. That is what your fold space drive will do to the space around your world. What happens when that hole is made, I do not know, but it will nae be good for Land-Ta."

"These words I can understand." Gotepi said with much sadness. "So much work, so much money, so much effort, so much time and we will have nothing to show for it."

"I don't have the words ta make that hurt less Mister President. I cannae imagine your frustration."

"Frustration? That is a true statement, but that is not what bothers me the most. What frightens me is what will the people do when they discover the work of their lives and that of their parents will be in vain? I can't bring myself to think of the rage we will see."

Ian kept his expression neutral, but now knew just how bad things were about to get on Land and he thought.

"And it's all our bloody fault."

"Perhaps your great leaders can soften the blow Mister President?"



[Cargo Bay One - USS Challenger]

Among the actual delegates, not every nation had kept their representatives limited to diplomats or scientists. A few had sent agents to gather information on the massive ship that had appeared over Land. Unfortunately, while the agent's very carefully hidden data gathering equipment didn't seem to be working, there was nothing wrong with his eyes. All he needed to do was figure out a way to slip out of the briefing and he could memorize as much of the ship as he could see. Fortunately, these Federation people had biological functions similar to those of a Landser, so using that pretense, the agent made his move to begin his data gathering...

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|USS Challenger|Cargo Bay 1]

Neva had moved to lean against the wall she'd first hugged in an effort to see what was going on. Now that things had broken up some, she'd shuffled herself in a position to be available but out of the way.

Something twinged "wrong" to her as one Landser went up to a nearby Security crewman, asking for a bio-break. Neva pushed away from the wall and over to the duo. That "wrongness" got stronger as she stepped up. She set a hand on the crewman in an effort to get his attention.

Putting on a winning smile, Neva inclined her head in greeting to the man in "need."

"Hello Sir, I'm Lt.JG Neva Cordon, Chief of Engineering here on the Challenger. I would be happy to guide you where you need to go." She tried to look "official" but also feminine as she squirreled one arm around his bicep, putting her other hand on top of it. Smiling brighter, she walked him out of the Cargo Bay and to the nearest exit. "Right this way. My ship can be a maze if you don't know where you're going. It would be very easy to find yourself somewhere you don't want."

Neva let go of his arm when they got to the necessary room.  Gesturing with one hand, she smiled and said cheerily. "I'll be standing out here to guide you back to the meeting." She leaned her back against the walll, taking a position of nonchalance. After what she saw of Kyan and felt during this day, she put nothing past any of the Landsers. Once inside, she tapped her badge and spoke softly. "Computer, monitor for lifesigns in this restroom and report to my badge only. Monitor also for any change in the energy output in the room." The "wrongness" she felt from him just didn't make sense. So she'd just use what she knew & go from there.

He glared at her and went inside, then began looking around the small room. He took out an instrument and turned around slowly. These Federation aliens were idiots and cabra-sha. He was sure his superiors would find favor with him and elevate his positon for what he would get. He sat down at the recepticle that was similar to what he knew and took a small coin from his pocket and slipped it  down and against the wall under the recepticle. Tapping it twice, it blinked blue once and was dark. He put away the instrument in his cloak, grinning evilly. Washing his hands, he emerged from the room to find Neva still there leaning against the wall, this time she was not smiling.

"Hello, my friend. I trust our facilities met with your approval?" Watching his eyes widen, she grinned again. Neva hit her comm badge and called out. "Computer. Send an EMP spike through the room this gentleman just came out of." There was a double chirp in answer, followed by a buzz, then an electric "pop".

Neva raised an eyebrow and looked him dead in the eyes. Neva spoke quickly and in a tone only he could hear. "You must not have remembered what I said at our meeting. I'm the Chief Engineer of this ship and She is a Lady. You do NOT harm MY Lady!"

Neva and the Landser walked back into Cargo Bay 1 as they left, her arm through his and a smile on her face. The smile was different though because it didn't reach her eyes. "Where is your superior, my dear friend?" She asked as if they were such and he pointed them out. She waded through the crowd to them and tapping one on the shoulder, she smiled brighter as they turned to her.

"Hello, I'm Chief Engineer, Lt. JG Neva Cordon. I'm sorry I have disturbed your esteemed selves, but I found this gentleman in need of biological relief. I really didn't want him to get lost in a strange environment, I helped him find it. He tells me you fine individuals are the ones he works with, so I wanted to make sure he got to you." Neva poured on the charm. "I'd just hate to find out someone of your esteemed people got sucked out an airlock." The last words were through gritted teeth. The smile popped back on. "I'm sure you'd like to keep together now, wouldn't you?"

Neva didn't wait for an answer. She set the man closer to one of the delegates-maybe a little closer than one would like-and let him go with a cold smile and a harder parting squeeze of the man's arm. The Chief Engineer bobbed her head deferentially to them was suddenly lost in the crowd.

All eyes turned to the one who was the object of the woman's "tender" mercy with both angry and shocked expressions. All he could think to do was shrug his shoulders and look penetent.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 11, 2024, 10:42:33 AM

[Cargo Bay One - Deck 6 - USS Challenger]

As Wey'nir arriving with two scientists had set the standard, three members for each nation that wanted to participate in negotiations became the standard for the number of delegates each nation-state could send. And all twenty-four nation-states along with the Land Moot Council wanted to attend. It took all ten of Challenger's shuttles two lifts to get all the delegates aboard. As seventy-seven people, counting the two Landser astronauts, were far too large a number for any briefing room on the ship, the conference had to be in Cargo Bay One. Ops was busy replicating chairs and security was at capacity ensuring there were escorts on the shuttles and for scanning the attendees for weapons and electronics. The few weapons that were discovered were confiscated, but electronics were nullified by a dampening field that rendered them useless.

Each nation-state had sent either their head of state or a senior ambassador to represent that country. Some nations sent two scientists, some sent one scientist and one 'assistant' who was invariably an intelligence officer. Zhuk had the bridge as acting First Officer, thus all the security arrangements for the conference fell to Lieutenant Davenport. By the time the entire group was gathered, Ian had had time to take a quick sonic shower and change into a fresh uniform. Ian stepped to the podium set up in the conference room, took a deep breath and began to speak.

"People of Land-Ta. I am Captain Ian Galloway of the Federation starship Challenger. I welcome you. Our meetin' today was not scheduled. Because of the devastatin' consequences of contactin' a species before they are capable of interstellar flight, our most sacred law involves the non-interference in a people's natural development. There is a very specific benchmark we look for before we make contact and for all of your tremendous accomplishments, you have not attained that threshold. Normally, would nae have even entered your system.

"However, your remarkable Fold Space technology, your 'Great Work' created a detectable effect that drew us ta your system and ta discover what was causin' what we had noticed. Our technology is no longer limited ta radio frequencies and that is what made us aware that your Fold Space was causin' ripples in time as a core principle of its function. Simply put, you cannae fold space without also foldin' time.

"The problem that we have detected is that this foldin' is affectin' the very fabric of space around your world. As best as my science department can describe it, this affect is blocked by your planet's atmosphere, thus you have nae noticed it. The critical issue is, continued use of your technology will eventually weaken the structure of the space/time of your system. What happens then is unknown. You could end up in another time, past or future, or you could enter into a completely separate pocket of space/time. All I know for certain is all of Land-Ta will cease ta be part of this space/time continuum."

At this point the crowd began to murmur its discontent.

"I fully understand the 'Great Work' is the effort of three generations and here is a stranger tellin' you just as you are on the cusp of bein' able ta use it, that you cannae. As I mentioned earlier, our most sacred law, the Prime Directive tells me I cannae order you ta stop usin' your technology. All I can do is warn you. If'n you choose nae ta listen, I will set up warnin' buoys twenty light years around your world and leave you ta whatever happens next.

"I have my science chief and his deputy here, please, have your scientists talk ta mine and have them discuss our findin's. It is my fervent hope that our two people can come ta an understandin' based on facts and that this threat ta Land-Ta can be avoided. Thank you."

Ian nodded to Jettis and Randall as he stepped away from the podium. He hoped that the facts of the science would be enough to sway the passions that were running high at the moment to some sort of understanding.


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

For Zhuk, the bulk of what he had to do was acknowledge reports from the ship's departments regarding ship's status. The vast majority of systems were now fully functional with only a few tertiary systems still not quite at 100%. As Wu monitored ship's systems, Lieutenant Booker at Ops was broadcasting a live feed of the conference down to Land and monitoring how the Landsers were reacting to, what was heartbreaking news regarding their 'Great Work'.

Neva had made it to Engineering and found that the warp core was back online and all critical systems were nominal. Lieutenant jg Rebecca Fisk had really stepped up in her absence and had Challenger humming.

In Sickbay, Dr. Kartos continued to monitor Kyan closely as the Onlie rested from his psychic ordeal.

Whether the conference would smooth things out or if things were already beyond smoothing, remained to be seen and which would happen, would happen fairly soon.

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|USS Challenger|Main Engineering->Cargo Bay 1]

Neva stood sandwiched between her beloved Warp Core and the Pool Table, arms holding her up as she read the information before her. Lahr and the others had done exceptionally well taking care of her Iron Lady in her absence, considering the wallop She took from the Landser's "Great Work."

Despite all that, Neva still wished she could've joined Lahr in exploring that ship in the Shuttle Bay. The simple desire to be an Engineer for a moment was delicious, but out of the question now. She was "Chief Neva" and her Iron Lady had to come first.

Pushing herself up, she rolled her shoulders and head to ease some of the strain she'd put her body through. With a smirk and a nasal sigh, she rubbed her hands together and surveyed her Sanctum. Her little "bees" were buzzing around and she was pleased.

Neva gave Lt. Fisk some instructions with a light squeeze on the woman's shoulder, giving thanks and encouragement. She then headed to the Turbolift to take her where the Landsers had congregated to offer her expertise if the Captain called for it.

In the Turbolift, she hit her comm badge. "Neva to Lahr. What're your impressions on that ship?" She continued as she walked down the corridor to the Cargo Bay. "To be honest my friend, I'm seriously jealous of you getting to tinker with that thing!" She sobered as she realized she was at the doors to the 'Bay. Softly she added in a loud whisper. "Send it to my PADD, ok? I've gotta get into that Landser meeting." That said, she cut the communication. She futzed with her uniform a moment to get it into a semblance of order. Squaring her shoulders after calling her ministrations good, she stepped through the doors.

She slipped slowly and carefully along the wall towards the front edge of the crowd of dignitaries, watching and listening to all that was being discussed.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on March 07, 2024, 10:55:00 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | NCC-81673 Mjolnir | Land | L7-425977 System]

Zhukdra'shar nodded, glad that she had considered his advice. As the Mjolnir veered in the direction of the narrow mountain pass, the Caitian felt a deep sense of uneasiness. At least, it was good to learn that he was simply not made for such aerial maneuvers, much to his chagrin. His positive attitude on the fact did not last long, and he forced himself to close his eyes, trying to keep himself from getting even dizzier. It was not working.

He believed that he could still hang on for a little longer, but landing could not get fast enough. His ear swished towards the back, trying to determine how the people at the back were doing. Zhuk could only hope that the Bolian, Hessou, and Neva had strong stomachs.

Things got much calmer as the Mjolnir took to open skies, much to Zhuk's relief. He proceeded to take a look over at the screen, sighing as he saw the scanners detecting the pursuing Landser air vehicles no longer in hot pursuit behind them. The uncomfortable feeling in his stomach still did not vanish completely, though he at least knew he was in no immediate danger of making a fool of himself, or grossing out his companions,

"A-Ah... good flying... uh..." Zhuk took a moment to properly take a look over at her pips on the uniform, "Lieutenant. Optimal performance overall..."

Zhukdra'shar looked at the scanners as the shuttle prepared to descend. Trying to scan for the crew of the Moot was difficult, for certain, as the readings were unclear. At hearing the voice of Galloway, Zhuk promptly spoke up, pushing on his comm badge, =/\= "Captain, the Mjolnir has arrived at the Land Moot. Currently scanning for thy position." =/\=

He nodded at Lieutenant Ardyn, before he returned to the console. His eyes went wide and his ears lowered in frustration. With a deep frown, he once more turned towards her, "It would seem as if we have new contacts. Considering our duties here, I am not certain we can avoid them this time. Ergh... let it be known that they are forcing me to do something I truly do not wish to carry out..."

He stated, loading phasers. Zhuk was only planning on damaging the ships, hopefully dissuading them from attacking them further. He was unsure that would be the case, so he quickly turned towards the scanners once more, doing his best to locate the crew for transport,

"I think I have located them, Lieutenant! Bring us closer to these coordinates..." He sent them over, and soon on her screen appeared the location of a Storage Facility, "Shalt we try and beam them out? Or should we descend?"

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Mjolnir]

Neva sat quietly as she let the doctor give her a hypospray, relieved as the "fog" lifted in her mind. Her mental "shout" was going to need some unpacking back at the ship. She wasn't sure if that was favorable or not.

Shaking it off, she grabbed the staps at the gymnastics the shuttle went through. She was thankful for the lack of food she'd encountered today. After all they'd been through, her patience was as shot to Hell as the mission. Hearing Zhuk ready phasers, Neva smirked wickedly. It was all she could do to keep grabbing the straps and not rub her hands together in excitement. As it was, she scanned the bulkheads for the location of the weapons locker. Finding it, she nodded and turned to watch the screen.

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 28, 2024, 08:35:43 AM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 27, 2024, 02:49:47 PM

[Outside Magana Capital Hall]

Ardy landed the Mjolnir in the open area right in front of the steps that led into the capital. Lieutenant Zorr and Petty Officer Heesou exited the shuttle with full medical bags. They looked around for a moment, then locked onto Zhuk and Neva at which point, Zorr asked.

"I understand there is a medical emergency."


[Inside Magana Capital Hall]

President K'ren looked at Kyan without expression. If his words had any impact, he simply couldn't tell until she spoke.

"A tragic tale to be sure Commander. However, your appearance on our would is most suspicious. You arrive just as we prove our Great Work is functional. Your 'help' seems like an attempt to trick us into giving our hard work to you. Thus you can stick to your claim that your Federation doesn't take what it wants.

"The most suspicious part of your claim is that our technology is causing problems with time, but you base this on your 'sensors' detecting something ours cannot. The Great Work is the culmination of our entire planet's effort. Even if I believed you, and I am not saying that I do, I cannot stop the progress of the tests. Only the Land Moot can decide such a major change. I will communicate with the Moot Master your concerns. Until then, I think it best that you remain here in Kormaga as our honored guests."

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Outside Kayala City Council Building]

When the sunlight hit Neva's eyes as she and Zhuk walked out, she squeezed her eyes shut and groaned. Migraine...

Neva stepped aside from the door and lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the glare. Hearing the call, the engineer was relieved. She waved her other arm in reply and managed to call out to them.

"Yeah Doctor, I do! I think the effects of my earlier escapade are still with me."

Neva crept carefully down the steps, holding out a searching hand. "I'm afraid to open my eyes much." She admitted, smiling with embarrassment.

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 27, 2024, 01:14:42 PM
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 27, 2024, 08:46:24 AM

This. This right here was why he liked being a tactical officer or security chief. Because this didn't happen. It was simple. No people skills required. Get mission, do mission. Point and shoot. Some people decried the chaos that was always associated with conflict, but to Kyan, the chaos was home. It gave him focus. It left no time for second guessing and indecision. Diplomacy was tediously slow and there was too much talking, too many emotions, and way too much lying. Combat was honest. Intent was unambiguous from the beginning.

"Fighting is better than talking" If he ever got a ship of his own, that was going on the plaque. That or, Swords Rule and Pens Drool." Yeah"¦ that one was good too.

He glanced back at Zhuk and Neva before turning back to the Landser woman. "It's sorry I am for that, the which won't happen again."

The news about a shuttle arriving was fortunate though. "œZhuk," he turned to the Caitian. "œYou and Neva go check out the shuttle. I'll stay and handle this." When he turned back to the President he continued. "œBut, she's nae wrong in what she said. Yer space folding drive works as ye said it does. But theres also side effects from it that ye cannae ken because yer sensors cannae detect it. Ours can. That's why we come here, tae warn ye of it. We dinnae want yer technology. We're after warning you so ye dinnae makea mistake and hurt yerselves and others with it."

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building->Outside]

It was all Neva could do to keep her eyes from rolling at the "underling" comment, though a smirk slipped out. When Kyan gave her leave, she nodded and turned on her heel, not waiting for Zhuk to join her. She wasn't sorry for what she said one bit, nor was she embarrassed. "Betazoid Blunt" had its uses and many times, other beings couldn't swallow that bitter pill.


"Yes." K'ren replied cooly. "The... space time ruptures or... whatever they're called that our sensors can't detect. It seems as though if our engine were causing such disruptions, they would be evident, even to our"¦.primitive equipment."

Kyan heaved an exasperated sigh. He was ready to just let them find out the hard way. They could beam back up to the ship"¦ or catch a ride with the shuttle and just drop a quarantine buoy on their way out of the system. But if the Landsers continued on their course, a buoy wouldn't save people from the damage that their engine was going to cause. Unlike the scientific misadventures of his own people, the damage wrought by Landser scientists mucking around with things they didn't fully understand would have damaging effects wherever they went.

An idea hit him just then. "œMadam President, on my own planet, we were nearly wiped out because our scientists couldn't understand the damage that their own "œGreat Work" was causing."

President K'ren arched an eyebrow, which Kyan took as an invitation to continue. "œWhen Mister Zhuk said that I just look like a "œjuvenile", he was wrong. I am. And I have been fer more den four hundred years. On my world, the scientists made a virus what was supposed to make aging slower. And it worked for all of us who are still alive so it did. But it only worked for kids. I've nae aged but a few months since then. The virus killed all the grups, what ye'd be after calling adults. And whenever one of us would start puberty, dey'd get the blue spots and die too. We was by ourselves for three hundred years until the Federation came. They cured the blue spots an now we're part of the Federation. An we're not the only ones. The Bajorans are in the Federation now too since we helped them after the Cardassian occupation. And there's others too." Kyan paused for a moment. "œSo ye see, the Federation is nae after stealin yer technology. We're only here tae help."

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 26, 2024, 10:16:43 AM
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on February 24, 2024, 11:32:35 AM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Landser Vehicle --> The Capitol | Land | L7-425977 System]

"I see. I suppose that does explain it."

Zhukdra'shar nodded at Neva's and Kyan's response. He supposed that was an understandable reason as to why they were not using the suits. They would weigh them down after all. Still, why had Neva and Jettis not kept to the fringes of the town, or the hills themselves? Waltzing into town was a nonsensical course of action, in his book. Sure, Kyan could not be helped, as he was found unconscious, and by the look of things, being located by the kids had ended being better for them. Still, he probably should have not contact them in any way, perhaps escaping as soon as he regained his wits?

He sighed, and stopped himself before he got too worked up about it.

Time passed, though he could tell of their arrival at a large city right away, which he supposed was the Capitol. He marvelled at the strange, peculiar architecture that was in display, unable to admire it for what it was. Something new, exotic. He smiled softly as he mentally prepared himself for first contact. He knew it wouldn't be easier, and he dearly hoped Kyan, as their de-facto leader, could do a good job with the diplomacy. If not, he would have to step in.

Mikel stopped by a huge building, and as soon as the rest of the team, Landsers and Federation, was out, he too jumped from the vehicle. Helmet in hand, he made his way past a crowd of fearful, wary folk who looked at them with suspicion. An empath was not truly necessary to determine that, after all, as he could see it on their faces, and how their gaze never left them.

Zhuk also appraised the taller General Way'nir with an ounce of suspicion himself, his hand trailing close to his phaser. Just in case things got ugly, the Caitian would make sure that he could disable him before any harm came to them or the kids. Still, he remained with a casual pose, not wanting to give the planet any reason to suspect they did not come in peace. Especially as he gazed over at the soldiers with their guns.

Zhuk wanted one of those rifles for his collection...

Suddenly, though, Neva raised her arms and spouted some strange, peculiar words about how they were not there to harm them, asking them to disperse. As he raised an eyebrow and turned back to ask her what was up, she suddenly collapsed, petitioning the Challenger Medbay to assist her, before falling unconscious completely.

As the Security detail, Zhukdra'shar quickly made her way to her to inspect her condition,

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Cordon?! Cordon?! What-!?"

Angry people attempted to storm over Neva, but fortunately, the soldiers kept them from getting too close. It allowed Zhuk to move his hand from his absconded phaser, and make his way to Neva, as he had been ordered to by Neva, "Understood, Commander. On it."

Was his response, as he carefully scooped Neva from the ground, carrying her bridal style back towards Kyan and the Brass. His fur raised and his ears were pushed back as a Landser woman suddenly made their way towards them, asking to be taken with them. Zhuk raised a curious eyebrow as he relaxed, though his attention was swiftly placed on her as she tried to lift her shirt. Unfortunately, whatever she was trying to show was covered up by the soldiers.

With little reason to remain at the entrance of the Capitol, Zhuk dutifully followed after Kyan, doing his best not to show his struggle with carrying Neva.

Zhuk's arms trembled slightly under the effort he was undertaking, but his face remained stoic and composed. He would not show weakness. Not here. Zhuk would have enjoyed to get a moment to rest, but the General certainly seemed more than intent on getting them to the President. When they finally reached her, however, he felt a wave of peace washing over him, giving him the will he required to keep holding Neva.

Perhaps it was the robes or the way that she seemed so calm and composed, but at least, he was happy there would be no trouble. And that the General had not duped them.

Zhukdra'shar offered a soft bow towards her, though of course did not speak up. Instead, he allowed Kyan to express himself as he wished.

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City Council Building]

Neva still felt woozy and somewhat disoriented from what she had said on the steps, her mind still wide open as a result. She opened her eyes and gently tapped Zhuk's shoulder in a silent request for release. Feeling his intense relief, she wriggled away to stand. Her legs felt jellyish, but she forced them to ground in strength.

Dark eyes fixed on the woman he spoke to and frowned, fighting the urge to roll her eyes.  Neva found the tension and skepticism so thick in the air as to be something she could almost taste.'Time to get them to cut the crap and be Betazoid,' she thought ruefully, giving Zhuk and Kyan an apologetic look.

Stepping forward and crossing her arms over her chest, Neva gazed pointedly at the woman. "Madam President, your space fold theory doesn't work in practice. The fact is, it's screwing with things beyond your ken and you need our help to fix it." Neva shook her head in annoyance as she stepped back to Zhuk's side, only to add. "Quit fishing for hidden agendas, you're not gonna find any K'ren."

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 20, 2024, 06:31:44 AM
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on February 17, 2024, 09:56:29 PM

[Lieutenant Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Unknown Small Town Street --> Landser Vehicle | Land | L7-425977 System]

Zhukdra'shar gazed at the crowd with hopeful eyes, earnest in his attempt to fix the mistakes of the landing party and initiate a peaceful first contact. Unfortunately, someone shouted, and the Starfleet officers became subject to a hail of bullets. Zhuk quickly donned the helmet back on as a response, retrieving his phaser from his belt up next. The Caitian internally cursed at them in expletives of Orion and Romulan origin, moving with grace and fleetness until he could take cover behind what he guessed was a mailbox, found next to a metal trashcan.

Deciding to offer Jettis some cover fire, he retrieved his phaser and fired at the one who had stirred the crowd up for his efforts. Of course, the Type-2 phaser was set to stun. Still, it was quite hard to peek out of cover and shoot, with how many Landsers there were. Yet, Lieutenant Jyur proved to be once more brave, as he indicated the two to run away, while he risked life and limb to draw attention towards him.

Gritting his teeth, Zhuk obeyed, activating his stealth function to make it easier to slip past their senses, following closely behind Neva to protect her. Things got worse and worse by the second.

He let out a hiss, his ears flat on his head, as suddenly a vehicle moved over to intercept them. Zhuk raised what would seem to them like a remote control, before stopping as he noticed Kyan on the back. Sighing, he approached the truck and jumped on, once Neva had climbed on board. After the suit flickered like a shimmering sea, his form was visible once more.

He set the helmet aside and leaned back on the cargo bed, showcasing unwittingly his feline features to the Landser children. He offered Kyan a half-hearted wave, frowning deeply. He was roused from his current foul mood by Kyan's explanation of who he was to the Landser child,

"Ah yes, you do not need to worry. I do not consume sentient life," Suddenly, he offered a playful grin, opening and closing his paw in Neva's direction, "Besides, in times of distress, it is more likely for me to turn to Lieutenant Junior Grade Cordon for sustenance."

He laughed, deciding that his joke was morbid enough. Indeed, he found it wise to omit the fact that ancient Caitians did once hunted down and ate Betazoids. Besides, albeit Synthetic Betazoid meat was a delicacy for his species, it never had appealed to him. Perhaps because it just felt wrong to eat a co-worker. Or a superior officer, like Commander Said was.

In any case, he cleared his throat, as he realized that the translators were working now,

"Hehe... yes, I am Zhuk. Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas. Lieutenant. Head of Security. To reiterate, my previous statement was just a joke. I did not truly expect that you were aware of mine words."

Yeah. That should clear any miscommunication. He proceeded to rest for a few moments until Mikel offered Kyan a strange, boxy device. The Landser adolescent thought about perhaps making a video to showcase their goodwill. Zhuk did not seem too convinced at first, but decided to go along with it.

Zhukdra'shar adopted his most regal stance as the video started, offering a soft nod of his face towards the camera screen when he was presented. He tried to channel his more dignified diplomat that lay within his furry casing. Feline eyes were kept on both Neva and Kyan as Zhuk was ready to interrupt them if anything improper or callous was said, unwilling to allow the relations with these new aliens to worsen even further.

Fortunately, and as he was reminded by his fellow officers, he was working with professionals, which had high standards. He took a deep breath after the video was sent, and he tried his best to relax, even though his quickly swishing tail told everyone that he was quite anxious. Finally, after a moment of silence, Zhuk spoke up,

"While I considered the reasoning behind the communications we have just sent to be reasonable, I can't help but consider that it was a tactical mistake. Our mission has been eschewed in favor of attempting to not damage the relationship we have with the Landsers even further, and repercussions shalt come in our way," He sighed, rubbing his eyes with his fingers, "I also consider that we may face resistance when attempting to reach the Capitol. We must exercise caution, especially when we bring innocent souls on board. Speaking of..."

He turned towards Ee'lyot, "While I certainly appreciate the rescue of me and my compatriot, as well as the good treatment you have provided Commander Mckenzie, you exposed yourself too much. Do be more mindful of strangers next time."

His penetrating gaze then moved over towards Kyan and Neva, "Cordon. Commander. With all do respect, I wish to know what exactly transpired with thy suits, forth they would have prevented this entire situation...."

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Land-Ta|Kayala City]

Neva gave a wavering smile to Zhuk. "Well, my friend, that got shot to h-e double hockey sticks to say the least. When some of us popped in from the transporter, our suits were wrecked enough to be useless. So plans went from stealth to out in the open. Especially with the Captain's message."

The vehicle stopped suddenly, Mikel telling them they were at the capitol building. Neva bustled out, moving quickly to Kyan's side when he emerged. She looked around, taking in the crowd gathered there. She looked down and shook her head slowly, finally laying a hand firmly on the left side of her head.


These feelings battered Neva like a wave, causing her to grimace and groan slightly. Looking up again, she saw the others had continued to the entrance without her. Swallowing hard, the young woman made her way to a ledge by the stairway and sat down against it. She put her head between her knees and fought to calm herself.

The feelings from the crowd grew as her crewman showed. Now was not the time for those gathered to understand and speak for these people. As the mass surged forward Neva found her resolve.

Neva's head came up, her dark eyes somehow darker and more luminous. She burst up from her place and planted herself between the delegates and the growing mob. 'They MUST to stop coming! They NEED to understand!' She thought desperately.

Neva's heart was in her throat, her eyes wide with fear and determination. She poured every ounce of authority into her words and lifted her arms as if she could push back the coming storm.


Neva watched while breathing hard, as those gathered dispersed. Their progress was slow at first, the sidewalks and road emptying and their attempt to rush forward was arrested. Only when there were stragglers did Neva drop to the steps, the icy smoothness a balm on her back and cheek.

There was no way Neva could speak with the diplomacy the others were capable of. She lifted a leaden arm and hit her communicator. "Cordon to Challenger...I need beamed up to Sickbay...need help...please!" Neva's last words were ragged as blessed darkness enveloped her.

USS Challenger-A / Re: S6: E1 - The Prime Recommendation
February 15, 2024, 11:00:37 AM
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on February 14, 2024, 03:40:34 PM

Looking back at the mob of Landsers surrounding Jettis, Kyan was inclined to tell Mikel to stop so that he could go back and retrieve him. But that would put everyone, including the Landsers, at risk.  He knew he couldn't, but that didn't make him feel any better about leaving him to the mob though. Finally he turned to look at the two members of his team that they had been able to retrieve.

"Sure an it's good tae see the both of ye, and good too that yer not off in some other time like or sommat the now." he greeted them. "Anyways... we're on our way tae see the President of this country because the Captain sent a message tae everyone but the translators turned it into jibberish so they did, and no one can understand it."

Then, at Neva's question he shook his head. "We cannae risk stopping off an getting pinched before we get there and talk to their leaders so we cannae, which...." he turned to Eely'ot who was eyeing Zhuk as though the Caitian was going to eat him at any moment. "Dinnae worry, He's no gonna eat ye. His name's Zhuk, from a planet called Cait, and this is Neva Cordon from Betazed an Earth. They're both in Starfleet like me."

The Lansder boy nodded, mostly convinced.

"Can ye understand them?" Kyan asked, eliciting nods from G'erti and Eely'ot. "Good. That means our Universal translators are synched up now so it does."

From the driver's seat, Mikel spoke up. "You could make a video of your own, since they'd be able to understand you."

Kyan looked at Neva and Zhuk. Then up at Mikel. "How? Our communicators aren't working an we dinnae have nothin tae use for it."

The Lansder teen produced a black rectangular device from his pocket. "Use this. You can make it on Lumi-tak. It's a program that lets us make videos and stories about ourselves for others to see."

Kyan glanced at the others. "Well, I guess it couldnae hurt nothin. Ok...let's do it."

[ACEO Lt.JG Neva Cordon|Landser Planet|Landser Vehicle]

Neva's eyes lit up when she heard what they could do. "Ohboyohboyohboy..." She murmured, a lopsided grin on her face. "gimmegimmegimme!"

Rubbing her hands together, she took the communication device-phone-from the Commander and after a few seconds, located what looked like the application they needed. She zoomed through a few vids and then tapped on controls to get a feel for how it worked, then started a vid recording. She zoomed in to show Kyan's face on the screen.

"Hailing Frequencies Open, Commander." Neva called and pointed towards him out of camera shot.

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