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Messages - myne


Dersch finshied his drink and looked over to see the other Ensign, and She looked new, So mabye he was not the only one. He stood up and walked over to the Ensign once there he said "Hello, Ensign Dersch Sec/Tec U.S.S Discovery and you are?" and as he said this the thought Hope I no being a A** about this

[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

The small girl offered a hand and smile, "I'm Ensign Myne, Science Department, Xenozoology specialty. I'm on the USS Challenger. it's so nice to meet you. Please join me, Big Brother Kyne, My Fwuffy Tail here, and everyone else. More then welcome for more nice people." She looked eight but seemed not too out of place in her uniform, her twin red pigtails bouncing as she chatted. Behind her was a rootbeer float she was attacking with great ferocity.


[ Lieutenant Kyan Mackenzie | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

Typically, Kyan wasn't what you might call a "œhugger" Nor did he come off as such, especially to grups. This was intentional. Of course it never stopped them. It was always the girl grups, olders ones especially, that went in for the unsolicited hugs. It wasn't that he didn't like affection. But extended hugs from people his own "œage" and older was"¦ weird? Especially from the older ones because they were tall and sometimes went for the "œscoop you up" style hugs, and that was just awkward on all fronts. And, since he generally carried a phaser in a shoulder holster, if they got you arms and all, it kinda hurt.

Then there were the cooties to consider. He'd had assurances from several doctors and transporter chiefs that the bio-filters took care of those but he remained skeptical. After all, there was a steady stream of reports about folks beaming back up to the ship, only to infect everyone aboard with some virus that the filters missed. So who could trust that with a hundred percent certainty?


Kyan was about to launch into his own backstory when she mentioned the "caretakers." That was wrong though. They were slavers. The lowest form of scum in the galaxy, in Kyan's own estimation. The boy stared daggers at the Nausiccan as his imagination began coming up with ways to give the ugly old slaver what he had coming to him. A few moments later, he was shook from the bloody reverie by Myne's voice.


"He'll nae touch you again." Kyan said finally. Then, loudly enough to be overheard. "Nausiccans is cowards so. They like tae bully folks weaker or smaller." Then he shifted his eyes to hers and continued with a bit less volume. "But we're not weak little sister. An if ye stand up to a bully, and they know yer not weak, then they scurry off an hide. Or they don't, so then ye gotta send em packing tae the Summerlands to make their excuses to the Powers so." He left out the next part, which was that he'd gained that knowledge firsthand.

"As fer meself, I got adopted by a witch and her husband a few years after Kirk showed up and lived with them til they shuffled off. It's their name I took, since I cannae remember me original last name. Then I went and worked on a Freighter with a Ferengi and some Klingons. That was the most fun! Korvath and his sons taught me how tae fight and we had loads of adventures. But then they got old and retired, so I joined Starfleet. An been doing that for the past fifty years. The Federation grups is boring mostly, but they're nice enough." Kyan stopped when Stol brought over Myne's root beer float.

"Ah! Here it is the now!" he grinned. "You'll love it so ye will. If yer after drinkin it, you can use the straw, or the spoon if ye prefer tae be eating the ice cream first."

"Thank You Big Brother... my kind always fear one of the slavers of the past will come swoop us up. Take us back.. but you won't let that happen so thank you.", she smiled brightly up to him her pigtails bouncing as she did.

A sip of the straw instantly brightened Myne's face. She turned with a smile and then tried a spoonful with a equal glee. "Such heaven Big Brother. Luxuries more befitting the finest of Ladys then the lowlies such as myself. But as you have ordered it.. it would be rude to let it go to waste. She smiled. One of those Only smiles that another Only would know instantly.


[ Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

He then turned towards the Myne and Kyan, nodding towards them, "I am quite surprised to see you within this establishment, but then again, I assume that you are not children, as I would have once presumed, is that correct?" He asked, openly and with clear curiosity, though once more turned towards the two Cardassians, offering them a small bow of the head.

Myne stopped talking and turned to see the nice cat from the bridge. "No Sir, we are both very old. I was about to regail Big Brother with my history. I would not mind you joining us.". She was about to begin the history when....

[ Dem | Quarks | Deep Space Nine]

After taking in the station, Dem finally went to the destination most of the officers went. Quarks. The legendary first Quarks, before it became a large enterprise. He stepped in and looked around for a few moments. Nothing looks different to the holo images. The sweeping stain glass window still shimmered in the middle of the establishment, providing a backdrop to the Dabo wheel where weary travelers lose all their money. Ferengi still swept through all the tables tending to the customer's needs while maliciously short-changing them behind their backs. And then the ever unchanging, slightly lumpy figure entered.

"œMorn!" Dem shouted in chorus with a few other patrons. A grin formed on Dem's face. He will talk to him later. As he started to walk through the masses, he couldn't believe who he saw. Someone who from a distance looks like a kid, but up close you find he's wiser than most.

"œMr Mackensie! It's been a while. How'd you escape from that Orion pirate business?" Dem stated with a mix of surprise and confusion. The moment Dem saw him, a wave of relief washed over him. He had thought that he would have been killed, or worse at the hands of the Orion's, and he felt partially responsible for what went down.

He glanced over to find another being of short stature, clinging to Kyan. Deciding to introduce himself, he started with a casual, "Hey, I'm Dem" and outstretched his hand for a handshake.

Myne timidly shook the man's hand before deciding to finish her story.. hell start her story. If she didn't a fourth would come...

"I'm two hundred and seventy. I was.. little when Kirk showed up. The virus hadn't synced to me yet, I was the children of two Only who grew old enough to get those grup feelings before the virus killed them. I was then raised by the girls in our cluster. They were all nice and everything but those teachers they left on the planet to help us were bad people.. after Jann and Miri died the Federation put Flint in charge. He understood us better but I got sent to a colony on Tarian IV. The Branchers or 'Crystaline Entities' came and wiped most out. They were so pretty but it was so scarey. Those of us left tried to find things to eat but there was nothing. Luckily the Choraii swooped in. Big jelly-like starship sized aliens. They kept us like pets inside them, we breathed the air like water inside and they sung to us. I was a slave but I learned to play music and to sing! I was in there for ten years. They traded us as there custom to the Federation for minerals they couldn't get that they needed to survive."

She sipped the drink, "So I was sent on a orphan train to Valakis where that man over there caught me and a couple others in a slaver raid. He put the first brand on my hip to show I was a slave to anyone seeing me. He then sold me to the Orions.. brand two.. but I learned to dance and smile as I did, it made me feel free. I miss dancing in silk, bells, and gold.. Twenty years. The Federation rescued us and another orphan train, this time to Mimit. Kzinti doing there Ravager ceremony this time. But I was used as a sheperdhess and learned all about animals. It made me want to be a Zoologist. I also learned during the twenty years there how to groom and work out muscle cramps on feline humanoids. That was my third slave brand. She counted down with her fingers on her right hip. Rescued by the Federation again.

Another sip, "Orphan Trained to Hydra. Go figure no one checked it was the homeworld of the Hydran's. Learned in the twenty years how to hold my breathe great and more feline skills. She counted with her fingers down the fourth brand tapping her thigh. Federation got me again. Starting a trend almost. So sent to Galen IV and the Talarians got me. Fifth and final brand.. I learned to cook, make a good Raktajino, and to be a maid. The Federation got me back after another twenty... So that year I met my first and only true love in a tavern. I adored him and he seemed to love me. Turns out he was only into me for my salt.. he was a salt succubus. Orphan Train to Auren and got assimilated.. only a year. "

She raised the right side of her uniform to show a bit of borg tech around her liver area. "But I learned some killer organizational skills and how to do Borg engineering. It helped during that fight with the meanie Cardassian. Federation got me out. I flittered around and somehow got a Bluegil down my throat, it isn't there no more but I don't remember where or what for. Decided I needed somewhere safe and the Aldean's where still wanting kids. I stayed there twenty eight years but the guy wouldn't let me leave. At all. But I learned to play more musical instruments before the Federation saved me. Again."

Another sip to help her parched throat, "So I enrolled in Starfleet Academy so I wouldn't get enslaved again. Thats why I said I don't want another brand, a Cardassian one.. But while this may have broke some people.. I like to look on the bright side of things!" She then took another sip of her float and began eating the ice cream with gusto.

"My real name is Melly.. but I go by Myne. I refuse to answer to Melly. Myne is my name because all my owners would say 'mine' when talking about me so I made it my own. I'm Myne.", she smiled proudly.


Another hand was placed on his shoulder and Lahr turned again expecting to see Litt or McNair, but it was the Nausicaan again.    "Quark is not interested in your deal and you are still in my seat.  Move!!"  The threatening tone was hard to miss.

[Ensign Myne | Quarks | Promenade | Deep Space 9]

The sound of him saying 'move' in the way he did brought back some unpleasent memories as she reached down to touch the side of her left thigh. Myne looked to Kyan and wondered how he was so brave and she was not. Her eyes lowered and she whimpered, "Please say something... I am becoming scared he may come get me... please tell me of you. Ask questions. Please something Big Brother." Her legs clung to the bar stool as she tried to put away the thoughts. If he grabbed her... there would be a hundred Starfleet members beating the man to the ground. She was safe.. but she felt safer around Kyan. Even saying the words 'big brother' brought safety to her soul.


[Ensign Myne | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]


Kyan turned toward the sound of his name just in time to see Myne employ the age old "œbetween the legs" tactic most likely perfected by the first cave children. The Nausiccan reached for her as she "œlimboed" out of his grasp, which was provocation enough to have Kyan's karambit halfway out of its sheath when the girl made it to him and grabbed his other hand. Her words were confusing for an instant until they made eye contact. A myriad of thoughts occurred at that moment.

First, Nausiccans weren't known for accosting Humans on a Starfleet station without pretext. So he knew her. And there were very few good ways for someone like her to know a Nausiccan. Secondly, she'd called him "œmaster", which wasn't true and she knew it. She'd said it loudly enough for the Nausiccan to hear, which meant it was for HIS ears. So she wanted him to know that she was owned by someone else. At this point Kyan decided that the Nausiccan had lived long enough.

What stopped him from acting was Myne's clutching his hand and that look she had. She was scared. Him going over and killing the big alien, an outcome of which he was confident but by no means certain, wouldn't fix that. And if he was the one killed, who would protect her then? Grups? Pfft. Fat chance of that. A lot of talking would commence, at which the Nausiccan would laugh and leave to go find someone else to hurt. No, he'd see to him. But not now. And not in public. The knife that had stopped half drawn went back in it's sheath and Kyan glanced over at the Nausiccan, who'd already chosen an Andorian to bother.

His attention returned to Myne. "œAye an it's a big station so, with lots of places tae be getting lost little sister." He forced a smile, which was hard given that the Nausiccan was just about fifteen feet away. But patience was the order of the day. Besides, a one on one encounter would be more fun"¦ and more productive. And he didn't want to pay for another one of quark's tables just now. He motioned for one of the Ferengi waiters who'd gone behind the bar. "œAye, we'll have another root beer. An make it a float for me sister here."

"œQuark's got good root beer. Not the replicated kind, but real, from Earth!" he told her.

Myne clung to Kyan hugging him. "Thank You Big Brother, thank You. Be a slave to enough people and you got to run into one now and then.. but thats why I avoid bars." She hugged him again and smiled happily up at him, "My Hero..." Her heart was aflutter and she so so so hoped the Lieutenant did not turn out to be another salt succubus. "A bit of a Fooly always works with those grups. It kept the Old Cardassian from knowing what I was doing with locating his transwarp. But thank You Big Brother." She gave him several more affectionate hugs.

Slowly she peeled herself from the hug and sat beside him. "I have not had root beer before? I do hope it's non alcoholic Big Brother? I've only been givin Alcohol once by an owner and it made me... overly huggy, plus the headache after was so so bad." She looked over seeing the Nausicaan occupied and visibly scooched a half a inch toward Kyan but turned to him with a smile. "I.. doubt the others would ever stroll in, most are non Federation agressors.. save the Orion he sold me to. But my other former 'Caretakers' won't."

She had changed from Owner to Caretaker as that word kept keeping a side eye from the Ferengi present.

"I look forward to this.. root beer float Big Brother. But let us speak of you. Another Only! I never would have dreamed it and on the same ship! For once good luck, I always said if you just stay positive good will come!. Always look on the bright side of life!", She smiled so big that her pigtails bounced on there own.


:: Deep Space 9 | Quarks ::

Myne was quickly out the door as she stepped onboard Deep Space Nine. The stories she had heard were endless, but she would need to worry as with more and more crew coming for shore leave the less spaces there would be. So she remembered what she was told, "Quarks Bar." She was warey of bars do to her slave past but she would be safe as Kyan has told her she would be. She wore her blue uniform as she was not yet fully unpacked but she would need to replicate some clothes that would be appropriate clothes for outings. Plus she prefered to hide her legs and side.

Slowly entering the bar she was spotted by Stol who almost came to stop her but didn't when a old Nausicaan walked up to Myne. "Human girl. You look familiar. Did I enslave your grandmother a hundred years ago?", he said looking at her.

Myne looked obediently to the ground, "That was me, I was freed after you sold me to the Orions. ..and the Kzinti.. and the Hydrans.. and the Talarians.. and the Borg.. and the Bluegills... and the Choraii.." The man squinted. "Walk with care that someone doesn't snatch you girl. I bet you would be worth more latinum now then back then."

Myne whimpered and tried to get around the man who kept stepping to match her but she spotted Kyan and improvised. "Master Kyan!", she said with a smile and darted between the Nausicaan's legs and hurried to hold to Kyan's hand. "I am sorry I am late Master Kyan! I got lost.", she said loud enough for the Nausicaan to hear but her face looked to Kyan with a look of 'play along please'.


[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. If'n you are nae occupied with critical duties, I want everyone available ta muster in cargo bay one in 20 minutes. That is all." =/\=

At the appointed time, Ian entered the cargo bay, with Nira one pace behind and one step to the left of him as prescribed in the Starfleet Drill and Ceremonies manual. Given there were over 500 crew on the Challenger, there wasn't a single space on the ship large enough for the entire crew, but thanks to the tireless work of the chief petty officers of the various departments, 150 crewmen were waiting when Ian and Nira entered.

Ian took a position at the center of the formation as Lieutenant Commander T'Kel called out.

"Attention to orders!"

All present snapped to the position of attention and Ian called out.

"Lieutenant Commander Nira Said. Front and center!"

As soon as she was in place, T'Kel began to read from a PADD.

"To all who shall read these presents, greetings. It is with great honor that Starfleet Command hereby, based on her tireless and superior service, announce the promotion of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said to Commander with all the rights and privileges associated with her new position. Signed, Hamish Gillespie. Admiral. Starfleet Command."

Ian then removed the hollow pip on Nira's collar and replaced it with a third solid pip of her new rank and beamed.

"Congratulations Commander. Well and truly deserved. The floor is yours."

Ian then stepped back and added.

"How about a big round of applause!"

And the compartment thundered in response.


Once Kina heard the announcement to muster in the cargo bay, she finished what reports were needed and proceeded straight away. Perhaps this was a briefing on what transpired before their arrival to DS9, and hopefully she would be able to inform the Captain of the information she received. Once she arrived, she made her way to her section of the formation and stood by.

When the Captain called Nira up to the front, she was surprised, and wondered what was happening. She smiled when she heard the orders for her to be promoted to Commander. Afterwards, she applauded with the rest of the crew, happy for the achievements of the newly promoted first officer. Once they were allowed, she walked up to Nira and happily shook her hand. "œCongratulations Commander. Very well deserved."

[Cargo Bay One / USS Challenger]

Melly wiggled her way, as a 'child' would threw the crowd and was able to stand in the front line between two officers without interuption. She was not trying to stick out or be disrespectful but she simply would not be able to see otherwise. Once the announcement was made she clapped enthusiasticly as everyone else did. Then when it was allowed to approach she forgoed the shaking of hands as it would be awkward and instead did the traditional way her species congratulates. She hugged around the nice ladies legs the small girl smiled up, "Congratulations Ma'am I am so very happy for you!"


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian nodded once to the ensign to indicate that the matter was closed, but brightened when she reported survivors.

"Excellent Ensign. Have the survivors beamed aboard immediately. Ops tractor the escape pods ta cargo bay three. Stand down ta yellow alert, maintain full scans. We'll nae be havin' that pillock Sherem sneakin' up on us."

"Yes Captain!", Myne said as she hit a few buttons and contacted transporter room 3. "Bridge to transporter room 3. Sending coordinates for escape pod survivor retrieval. Stop snickering I'm an Ensign! Captain wants them beamed up."

Closing the channel she began scanning, "Scanning as ordered Captain, Setting up a secondary scan to scan for Quantum Signatures aligned with the transwarp core. It should give a few moments warning if he plans to reappear Sir!."


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


"We can get some food later an talk more on it." Kyan said, looking over at the other Onlie. Then we went over to her station. It had been a long time since he'd seen another of his own kind, and he knew people took things differently. He was usually happy to have a proper fight and didn't give alot of thought to the ones who didn't make it. After all, they were in the Summerlands now and not worried over mortal concerns life living and dying. But he also knew that most people didn't see it that way, especially if it were a friend or family member that was gone.

Seeing Myne crying over the battle hit him in a way that he wasn't used to. For a moment, he just looked at her, unsure of what he was meant to be doing. Then, before he knew what he was doing, he reached over and drew her into a hug. "It's ok." he spoke quietly. "Sure and it's a good job ye done. An ye cannae worry on them that's gone the now. They're off in the Summerlands drinking and having fun so. And lots more than that are still here. So it's ok. Ye dinnae hafta cry little sister because ye done good." Patting her on the back he went on in a whisper so only she could hear. "An it's safe the now, an no one's gonna hurt you again. It's me they'll be seein if they try. I promise."


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the battle ended faster than expected, Ian's adrenaline battle rush faded just as fast. He saw the new science ensign's tears and was conflicted. Though she appeared to be no more than a child, she was over 200 years old. This made for a puzzling dichotomy. Part of him wanted to comfort her as he would any hurt little girl, but the logical part of him told him she was an Ensign in Starfleet and that tears had no place on the bridge. Regardless of what was appropriate for a Starfleet officer, Ian could not bring himself to be harsh, thus when he spoke, it was in a soft tone.

"The first time you see a ship lost with all hands is hard. Should it ever stop bein' hard, then it is time ta leave the service. A very famous general from Earth said long before even you were born, 'Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.' If'n you need a moment Lass, you are welcome ta leave the bridge."

The comforting words and hug of the other Only and the comfort of the Captain was enough to snap her out. She was a grown woman by Human stardards. She had seen so much, she was a brilliant scientist, she had endured much at the hands of so many. But by her own species standards? She was eight. So she still would have her moments of cheerfulness and sadness. But the combined efforts of the other Only and the Captain was everything she needed. She would definitely need to learn about these 'Summerlands' from the other Only but she would be strong and he seemed ready to help her when she was not. "I.. am okay Captain. Sorry just first combat. I'll go back and keep scanning. Maybe I missed something?"

She smiled to everyone then back up on her knees as she scanned again and again. After a few minutes.

"Captain!", Myne yelled with glee. "The photons fired to scramble the station shields was effecting ours! Three escape pods! Sadly thats not many but it's not a entire loss!" She bounced up and down on her knees in the chair so happy.


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne felt a small ping of failure as the station warped away. But she took the Captains order to heart. "Scanning for escape pods from the Xerox." She announced loudly and seriously as she leaned up on her knees to reach the various scan buttons. Scanning... Scanning... "None... no pods..", the Only said before plopping down in her chair. Covering her face and crying as she kicked her legs in frustration and being unable to help those people. Should she have been scanning for pods during the fight? What could she have done different for next time... more grissle and no time to whistle..


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


"Negative. I am not Kzinti. As far as I am aware, Kzinti are... our more aggressive cousins. I am a Caitian. You need not comb my hair..." He whispered back, as he hummed for a moment, considering the offer once more, "But... such a technique would be... welcomed to learn, I suppose. I am sorry that you had to experience slavery, though. So did I." And with that, he returned to his duties upon the console.

Ensign Myne smiled weakly and said, "After the first half dozen enslavements... you get used to it."


At the orders of Captain Galloway, Zhuk proceeded to fire the photon torpedoes towards the sensors of the station, all that he could fire at once, hoping to overwhelm its defenses to eliminate all or most of them. Soon, he too got the phasers of the Challenger to work, firing them against the bottom pilons, hoping to eliminate them in order for the energy to fall. He kept his breath as he waited to see the results of his marksmanship...

With the foul beast of a chair stationary, Myne held to the top and peered at the viewscreen. What if her calculations were wrong she thought. Three pylons would stop the use of the transwarp do to power drain but would it effect life support? Was there civilians who might be hurt? Would the Cardassian grup shudder life support to reinforce power?

She held the chair now with one hand, the other moving up to paw at the side of her face with her knuckles as a nervous tick. If innocents were hurt she would never forgive herself, but then there were innocents on the convoy. So the pawing became faster and more agressive as she held her breath watching. "Got to stay positive, no second guessing.", she whimpered quietly as she looked on worriedly.


While Zhukdra'shar remained with his attention focused upon the console, his left ear flicked as he heard the voice of a child apparently claiming to be an Ensign. He turned around to confirm this, surprise visible on his face as he didn't expect an actual tyke to come within the Bridge. Immediately, he turned towards her, seriously: "Apologies, little girl, but I must petition for you to abandon the premises at once. We are caught within a very delicate situation"

Myne smiled and waved to the officer but continued on to where she was assigned, it was a common issue to be mistaken for a child. Something that at times could be a benefit.

He was quite surprised though, to overhear the technicalities being spoken about the technology being used within the station, by no one else but the literal child that had walked into the Bridge. It vexed him how she could be so knowledgeable. Was she a genius of some kind? He surely didn't knew of anyone like that back in the Academy. Didn't matter, he supposed.

As the Captain asked to make time by stalling Gul Sherem, Zhuk wondered if he should attempt to trick him with a theatre play, using the knowledge about Cardassia that he had. He decided against it, though, worrying that his act might be too convincing, or unexpected, rather. That could cause chaos within the cabin, and make things worse. Instead, he limited himself to overhearing more technical jargon accompanied by 'cute' conduct carried out by the new Science Ensign.

He found it more than obnoxious, but again, spoke not of it.

Once her chair had been vanquished by the other Only, Myne leaned over to whisper to the Cat alien with a question, "Are you a Kzinti Sir? I was owned by the Kzinti for nearly twenty Terran years? I know some techniques to help should you have any fur knots. I am happy to be of service."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

There was alot to unpack here. He had questions. Had she been home recently? How was the planet? If not, where had she been? Had she had aventures? A family? Of course if she had they were likely dead... unless she got a new one. So maybe save that line of questions for another time. But wait... enslaved? by several species? His green eyes darkened at that, remembering his own recent captivity. He'd crossed off one name on the list but there were more. Did she have a list too? Maybe he could help her cross some names off, and she him. But she didn't look like a fighter. Of course, to most grups neither did he.

His thoughts were interrupted by the Cardassian blue shirt giving the Gul on the screen a proper talking to. He grinned hearing her go off. If Galloway was anything like a typical captain, she'd catch hell for it. He always did. But good on her anyways!

But then he came back to Myne, who was still having trouble with the chair.

"Umm..." he croaked, his voice not working... which was weird. He finally decided that action was preferable to speaking. He turned his own chair to the side and hopped off it. Crossing the short distance to her chair, he went to a knee and found the rotation control lever. He aimed the chair at her console and locked it. Then he raised the chair to it's full height before standing. "They dinnae really make these for us." he said finally.

The Only boy helped her, settled her, and locked the chair. "My hero...", she said with a smile as he vanquished the evil chair. She was saved! 'An Only on board with her..', she thought as her heart went aflutter with the thoughts of no longer fearing everyone she speaks to dying. She would definitely want to have a snack with him or ask him a few questions... but this had to wait. We are officers and have our jobs to do! But all the questions she had for him were forming into nice lists for when there was time... all the time in the universe.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

Myne hunkered down at the console holding to the chair with her fingers digging in. She went and messed it right up it seems. Day one on the bridge and she would be lucky if she would be allowed back on the bridge after this. If the Cardassian had seen her and she announced the findings he would have prepared. She was trying to do right and be useful. But she was now second guessing herself. A bit of the universes grissle... but she would look on the bright side of life and remember not to whistle on the bridge. This brought her a smile and she continued her scans. But hearing the Captains order and noting the muted channel, "Three will sufice to make the power drain be too much for the station, if you do more then three it might hamper life support."

:: USS Challenger | Bridge ::

When Kyan stepped out of the lift, the first thing he noticed was the Cardassian grup on screen, blathering on about what was likely some master plan or other nonesense. That Galloway had it muted and was issuing orders struck the Onlie as both ironic and funny. He wished there was a way he could make use of that tactic when the grup was in front of him.

Having no desire to interrupt the Captain, Kyan went to the tactical station and put the equipment down for the Caitian. "Here ye are mate. Dat Vulcan was after me givin ye this. I'll be back here on the other Tactical station if ye need me."

Kyan then turned back toward the auxilliary console and noticed that there was a girl sitting in the chair next to it... at science. She looked to be a bit younger than himself. "An Onlie?" he wondered, taking the seat at tactical. He pushed the button on the side of the chair, raising it to it's full height, which took his feet off the deck by a few inches, drawing them up into the chair, Kyan assumed a cross legged posture and keyed in his access code. He stole a glance over at the girl. who was busy scanning or whatever science types did. She looked like an Onlie. Moved like one too.

"Hey." He called over. Then when she looked. "Merry Met. I'm Kyan."

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Hello Sir!", Myne saluted. "My name is Myne of Miri. I take it your an Only like me Sir?", Mynes smile went from ear to ear. She was still balancing on her knees in the chair to reach up higher as she suddenly eeeeeped when the chair spun 360 degrees before she was completely back around and she could grab ahold of the side panel.

Myne giggled once the initial shock of the spin got resolved before she continued to scan for further data. She hoped that her data could help Lieutenant Randell. Looking back to the Only, "Faith and confidence Big Brother! I've been enslaved by enough species and I am not going to add Cardassian to it! We will do wonderful, we have a great Captain and a good crew!" She knew none of this, but she would be the shining beacon of morale whenever possible and had faith in the command. Her smile was big and her soft grey eyes twinkling, she would not give up! Nothing would defeat her! The chair started turning again.. except maybe this chair!


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Ensign was bracing on her knees in the chair as she worked on the science panel doing the scans. Hearing the request she then hit a few buttons she raised up on her feet in the chair balancing to hit the buttons on the top of the panel. Lowering back to a safe spot the Only smiled. Rather than saying aloud with the Cardasian in earshot the girl skipped along as if being casual should the Cardasian see her and raised on tiptoes to whisper to Lieutenant Randell. If she did attract the man's attention it would possibly be thought of as a child playing and telling secrets to a parent the Only hoped. Some of the games the older kids had played on Kirk called 'Foolies'.

"Sir. Bottom segment on the underside of the station has a large saucer-like object at coordinates Above this is a cylinder holding it to the bottom of the station surrounded by six energy transfer pylons. The Transwarp core is there, surrounded by the pylons. If three pylons can be destroyed or the main generator in the saucer nodule disabled the drain from the transwarp core would need more emergency power the station has to function with the normal reactor hampered. Doing this should leave the life support but seriously hamper the station. A resonance pulse set to alternate every six milliseconds should pierce any Borg shielding."

She then giggled cutely as she lowered back down to finish the ruse before skipping back to her station to get back in the chair raised up on her knees.


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Yes Ma'am!", Myne smiled cheerfully and knew not to question and was quickly hurrying to the science station weaving about with small 'excuses me's' as she passed the different bridge crew deciding to use the fastest most direct route with her small frame. Then the science station, her first impression to make and she hoped she would not make a bad one.

She was a bit short so she turned the chair backwards and got on her knees in the chair and began her scans. She did a scan of the trading fleet then as she heard the Cardassian speak she made a bit of a face. Not a bad one but a cross between a pout and a fuss.

"I spent a year in the collective. Scanning Melek Nor now to identify possible Borg elements.", Myne spoke up loud enough to be heard but her loud voice sounded like a child wanting the adults attention. Base scans would cover the station, Cardassian make typical of most Nor stations. But she was focused on the Borg elements. The power frequencies were similar to the one's she saw as a engineering drone before being rescued.

"Sir, it appears to be Melek Nor has a Borg Transwarp Core supplimenting as a energy reactor. Center Mass is the only area big enough for proper use. I would assume Borg weaponry would be suplimenting the standard loadout so be ready Sir. Shall I pinpoint the exact location or is there other scans I may do?", Myne smiled feeling useful as she balanced on her knees on the chair.

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