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Messages - Jiseth


Permission to take other science person Van Gelder along too?

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on June 02, 2016, 04:33:02 AM

=^=Briggs to Jiseth. Meet Lieutenant Tekin in the Shuttle Bay in ten minutes. If you're gonna go do sciencey stuff, might as well take a Scientist with you. Briggs out.=^=

"Yes! And best of all the chap from Science isn't Van Gelder!"

The Romulan's words were practically a hiss, but no less triumphant as she hopped to her feet and bolted across the room, as best she could without losing balance, removing her uniform as quickly as possible before throwing the components onto bed... respectfully. Her closet door was already open and she reached for her light grey flight suit. This was easier to get on now that she had a bit more experience balancing with her legs, but the boots still required her to be seated while she locked the pressure seal on each.

With half of her time limit gone to suiting up, Jiseth took hold of her helmet and cradled it as she jogged out of her quarters and into the corridor. She had made only a few appearances outside her quarters and though she had plenty of opportunity for socializing, there was also the possibility her every move would be under the microscope. As such, she would probably keep the aerobatics to a minimum on this trip. Mostly...

[Deck 10 - Shuttle Bay]

Jiseth walked around the Argo-class shuttle that she had selected for the mission if that is what it could be called. Looking over the outer hull, she saw no dents or leaks. The recessed bussard collectors had no cracks nor did the view ports. The folded wings were flush with the hull and the landing gear appeared to be carrying their load just fine. Even the name badge on the side of the hull looked immaculate. Theseus.

With her pre-flight checks complete, she moved towards the rear of the craft to the lowered loading ramp. Waitng. Her attention shifted between the aft shuttle bay doors and the fore ones. It was a flight officer's wet dream to have a whole section of ship pretty much with a runway through the length of the vessel. If something went wrong they could simply fly out the other end without causing any damage to the ship. Buzzing the tower here, however, was sure to earn her a court martial.


"Incoming message."

Jiseth shot up to her feet suddenly as the bodily computer voice spoke.

"Who is it from? Play it!"

"Lieutenant Junior Grade Doctor Zero Alpha, USS Discovery."

A black screen materialized a few meters in front of view before and shortly there after Zero's face appeared.

Quote from: Zero Alpha on May 31, 2016, 09:44:35 PM

"Jiseth... I am relieved to hear that you are not floating in open space without a breath of life.  I was informed of your passing and... reacted poorly.  I did not believe that you could have perished in such an incident, I continued to hope that you were somehow alive and would contact me soon...

"I have been assigned a new handler, a joined Trill by the name of Kaz.  Her previous host was an... acquaintance of Corinth's.  She is attempting to assist my transition into a individual capable of surviving without Starfleet Medical.  Ghost is doing well, as is... as is Callion."  She paused to take a deep breath.  "The Discovery is due to dock at the Starbase Columbus in the near future.  If you are ameanable, I would... I would like to see you again, and for Callion to know her mother."

The Romulan was completely rigid with her eyes unable to get any wider. Her arms and hands twitched nervously as she seemed to stand there shivering. The recording had ensnared her like a jellyfish sting and like the inevitable pull towards the maw that awaited, there was no stopping the approach of the starship that carried her former partner. Perhaps they still were partners, she had no idea. Handling herself in the cockpit she had training to fall back on, but this was... different. Now she had a name to attach to something that previously she was not sure if it was part of a dream or really happened. Bits of memories were there. A blurry conversation she had with Zero about her using a hair sample of Jiseth's to acquire the DNA necessary to impregnate herself. Now for certain she was real.

"C-Callion... Callion. Callion! Raynor, I have a child named Callion! HOOAAAAAHHH!"


[Jiseth's Quarters]

There was a sense of magnificent desolation in a place that was supposed to be a warm and inviting living space. She had no time to return home to reclaim her personal items, what little remained anyway. Her family on Earth was told the likelihood that she would return nearly nonexistent. Such is to be expected when shuttles explode, then hit the ground and explode again.

The Romulan did, however, find a registry for her own grave site and watched a recording of a funeral which allowed her loved ones to cope with her disappearance. After seeing her own distraught mother and sister finally having a sense of closure as well as her brother giving a surprisingly stirring eulogy, for now she thought it best to remain dead to them. At least for this first mission. It was a gamble in the hopes no one was peaking at her record and seeing her assigned to a new ship. A new identity would have been nice though people in Hell surely want ice water and no one can have everything.

Her left foot was propped up on her desk while her right was bent back onto the cushion of her chair while she fiddled around with the internal mechanics of her leg. Jiseth had gotten used to the sight now of what appeared to be flesh covering metal and circuitry. She could barely hear the sound of the tiny socket wrench clicking as she tightened a carbon fiber tendon to its servo arm. The room was full of jazz music to help shut out all other noise. The screeching saxophone solo made sure of that and she would not be surprised if when she was called to the bridge that her ears would have a slight ring in them.

Until such a time as she was needed, she remained on reserve and fine tuning her mechanical limbs. Her left hand was preoccupied as well which held the smoldering cigar that had been burning away for quite some time. There was a vacuum of sorts on her desk sucking in the smoke she exhaled to keep from setting off the fire alert system. Not exactly regulation, but certainly easier to get away with than drinking before a duty period.

Finishing her chore, she tossed the tool from her right hand onto the desk before closing up her lower leg and pulling her pant leg back down to her ankle. Her right foot went around and came up onto the desk to sit atop the left as Jiseth leaned back in her chair and let out another jet of dragon's breath smoke into the vacuum nozzle. Her focus was now on the far side of the desk top where right corner was a picture of Zero with Callion.

"Computer, pause..."

The big band was suddenly silenced as only the whirl of a small fan sucking in grey wisps was audible. That and a slight ringing in her pointed ears. The isolation from adrenaline was going to drive her mad at this rate. Then an idea. A devious idea. A wonderfully Romulan, devious idea. Quickly she twacked her comm badge.

=/\= Jiseth to Bridge. Requesting permission to take an Argo and away team for atmospheric observation. =/\=

News Archive 2016 / Re: New Ship Rosters
May 31, 2016, 04:26:58 PM

I do like disco...



Jiseth's eyes kept shifting between focusing on Raynor's left and his right.

"...You know you're the only person on any ship of served on who's physically seen my family. Some things change, perhaps, but there are always constants. I'm glad you're one of them."

Reaching up, she took hold of his wrist. Not forcing it away, she simply held on and tried to enjoy the moment for a little longer before the elephant in the room became a little too obvious.

"...Do you think that Nausicaan program finds our commiserations more painful be witness to than taking a blade to the gut?"


"You're damn right you will."

The Romulan had a subtle growl with her words. Though she demanded a lot of her pilots, she expected even more from her friends. Seldom did it have to do with in her mind the narcissistic desire for others to earn her respect. Quite simply, her vision was often devoid of heroes, people to admire. If she could surround herself with the greatness of an elite few, perhaps some of that she could learn from. Some traits had rubbed off on her over the years since she started at the Academy and Raynor's tenacity was one of them.

"Besides, I think she should be making that call, not you. Zero used to tell me... The only reason she trusted me was that I was the only person who seemed to treat her civilly even with her less than warm bedside manner, well, until Gavin showed up, but yeah. I wasn't out to hurt her, even if circumstances lead to such a thing anyway. She forced me to grow in a way no one else really could. I was too busy saying sorry when I should have been saying thank you. For a time I was completely comfortable facing my fears and that's not something I think people can do on their own. Do you understand?"


"Think so?"

There was a sweet smile across her lips. She loosened her arms as slid one up to the side of his face. Caressing his cheek gently, she leaned in near his lips which is about when her other hand struck his opposite cheek.

"Are you kidding me?! You're certainly more gentlemanly than any Human save for Henriks, because he's an angel. That aside...Do you know what you're made of? Hardened carbon fibers chiseled with a CO2 laser. Boyfriend material! Any woman, any soul who's hard enough to survive with radiation damage I think can handle a rowdy man with funny eyebrows. Don't let that crap that surrounds us get in your head. If you had me contact Zero, I will have you talk to that girl or I will rip your nipples off!"


"Oh at least!"

Sitting up a bit further, she scooted over to his side. Slowly her slender arms, by comparison to his, wrapped around his torso and Jiseth let her chin rest on the ample amount of space on his shoulder.

"I can see the appeal though, at least for physical traits. Only met a handful up close and usually they were shooting at me. Had a mission where they were messing about with DS9 a few years back. Had been made temporary XO of the Churchill for that mission. They're certainly less stoic than my kind, but no less devious. Sometimes more so. But! Mine side won the war, so ha."

She sat quiet for a moment and tilted her head, pondering just what time of woman would he love more than lust after. Or more accurately, what manner of woman would love this mountain of carnal Klingon who possessed the sweetest tenderness.

"...What's she like?"


"...Relearn everything."

Her head went back and lay on the grass with her arms spread out. For a brief moment, she smiled and enjoyed the moment as a gentle breeze blew by. Jiseth's eyes opened slowly as her head tilted toward him.

"Guess it's not so bad. Won't have keep looking over my shoulder for two people. Zero's spent enough time out on her own..."

The Romulan sat up a bit, propping herself with her elbows.

"...I may never hear from her, but at least I'm able to live with that and I have you to thank for it. Curious though... Your face says yes, even sober, but your words... I may have been down for a while, but I still remember what it's like to be someone's Plan B. So... What's her name?"


Jiseth tried nodding we head between coughs. It had become an involuntary reflex, worse than but not dissimilar to hiccups. Each attempt at an inhale was quickly shot out by another wave of coughs until there was little left aside from a heaving wheeze.

This went for what seemed like almost an hour in her mind though it was truly about ten minutes before she slumped over and rolled to the side onto her back. Her throat was quite raw. Lungs felt as if they were on fire. Her knees as well. Luckily there was no blood coming from her mouth or nose.

"...Well that sucked."


Aside from the stark lake of trees compared to the atrium, the two were very similar. Setting her book down, along with her glasses and hat, Jiseth set about removing her sandals. She summoned a pair of training clothing to wear and swiftly disrobed from her dress and everything else. Nudity was simply a common occurrence on a starship and both she and Raynor were well above the age to giggle at such things.

She calmly and quietly slipped on the dark red leotard before building up a slow jog in place to warm up. There was a great deal of focus simply to maintain balance, but she found that if she could build a little momentum it was significantly easier. Going after a skilled opponent like Raynor after so long was a foolish proposition with a cold start so she decided to face a hologram first.

"Computer, combat training simulation. Difficulty level 8."

A Nausicaan appeared a short distance from her and he was armed with a bat'leth, though like a real one not much in the way of pleasantries. Upon looking her over, he bellowed loudly.

"Look at tiny girl, think she can fight! HA HA HA HA!"

"Arhem haerhe... Such a trivial detail to get worked up over... Kre'ey sienov!"
[I swear]                                                                               [Twin sword]

A hilt materialized in her open right hand which from opposite ends extended a blade that was two-thirds of a meter long each. After a quick spin around of the weapon she crouched slightly then sprung forward. Her legs propelling her faster than she was used to even before the crash, but it seemed only in a straight line. Her swing was ill-timed and the Nausicaan hopped out of the way with ease.

Not willing to risk a sharp turn that would put her back in the infirmary, Jiseth slowed from a sprint to a trot. Having now overshot her mark by nearly twenty meters, she made a greatly reduced pace of an approach, but more importantly an accurate one. Her second attack was a jab at his torso, which he blocked upward with. With a snap of her shoulders the other blade came around and sliced across the Nausicaan's right thigh.

There was a sudden roar-like yell from the hologram as he slammed his own blade down towards her. Blocking with the hilt, she became unable to move her weapon, let alone herself, under the massive figure's weight. She was tall for a woman, but he was larger than even Raynor. Taking a step back, Jiseth kept her back and arms locked, using her legs to fight against the bat'leth trying to split her in two.

There was a great deal of warmth she could feel around her knees as the motors began to overheat. So much so that a vent on each side of her leg above the ankle opened and let out small jets of steam. With that came dual high-pitched whines as slowly but surely she pushed up against the Nausicaan. Her teeth were clenched and sweat was beginning to accumulate all over her chest, back, and face.

Too focused however, was she on his face that she forgot to see what his legs were doing and it was not until the impact did she know that his left one kicked her stomach, forcing her back. It left her without breath as the Nausicaan rammed his shoulder into her chest and knocked her off balance and onto her back. He was in the middle of a swing down on her when she shouted.

"Computer, freeze simulation!"

Her opponent stopped and she tossed her weapon to the side before rolling onto her stomach coughing. It was far less than what she was hoping for, but not surprising at the same time.


Taking his hand, Jiseth gingerly extended her feet over the edge of the mattress. She did her quick checks for proper articulation, the servos sounding off properly as they went to full deflection for all degrees of motion. Taking in a deep breath, Jiseth then slid off the biobed.

"...Remember that time on the holodeck when we fought each other? I want to do that again."

Her emerald eyes shifted to his. Though they shared many similar experiences in Starfleet, at their core element they could be dire opposites. He was a mountain that could withstand any gale and spew fire when necessary. She was the raging sea that could be as cold as the Antarctic waters. It was little wonder why most would rather stay the hell out of their way.

"I believe I owe you a rematch with the bat'leth."

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