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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi

LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request-- Dean Ophanburry
September 04, 2018, 10:37:40 PM


Season Three Missions / Re: S3:M2 There is Always Soma
September 04, 2018, 09:16:22 AM
Quote from: Chris Taylor on September 01, 2018, 06:22:56 PM

"Aye sir" Chris called out to the Captain, truth be known he had already put weapons on high availability without arming them and Red Alert was a button press away.

He glanced sideways at the Admiral and then returned to his work as the words of his father echoed in his mind "be ready before the Captain asks for something".

After the Ops officer responded with the scan results, Chris hovered over the Red Alert. "Red Alert sir"? He queried as he also ran scans from Tactical looking for any anomalies in the results.

"Sir, the Orions do like to ambush ships and a wounded duck with one guard makes a tempting target". He awaited the Captain's response hoping the Captain didn't think he was being a smart ass.


From the auxillary security station, Adeyemi could almost sense the young officer's nerves. To put him at ease, he began to run a preliminary, identifying scan on the Orion vessel.

"Looks like a standard ship of theirs, ensign," The admiral said in a quiet tone. "Can you get any more specific readings on them?"

News Archive 2018 / Re: New Character - Solen Cenn
September 04, 2018, 09:07:07 AM

Welcome to the Fleet, Solen!

General Archive / Re: Pizza Poll!
September 01, 2018, 12:31:41 PM
Quote from: Judy Eastman on September 01, 2018, 12:28:11 PM

Still repulsive and uncultured.

Desperation is a stinky cologne, you tasteless philistine!
Season Two Missions / Re: Season 2 Episode 11 - Endgame
September 01, 2018, 11:14:54 AM
Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on August 31, 2018, 09:40:53 PM

[Habitat Ring]

Lyric's patience with these thuggish shenanigans was wearing thin. It was bad enough Malcolm was sick, now he was being threatened once again. And for what? Some trinkets and a few other material possessions? It was madness. The petite engineer flailed wildly at the much taller Klingon, even though the top of her head was practically at his elbow. Her hyperspanner caught him squarely in the gut, with whirring buzzing and flash of lights.

"Don't touch my Admiral!" She wound up her arm to strike at him again. Despite the severity of the situation, the Klingon was bemused by the comical absurdity.

"He's obviously sick!" She punctuated the statement with a blow to his thigh. "You're probably already contaminated as well!" That caught his attention. He grabbed the arm wielding the tool and held it above her head.

The Klingon looked closer at Adeyemi and took in his weak, pathetic and snot-ridden disposition. He dropped his hold on the Admiral and backed away, rubbing his hand on his uniform in an effort to wipe away whatever infection clung to it.

"There is no honor in wasting away to a disease." He sneered, his disgust evident.

"Pretty sure there's not much honor in looting and attacking people in an emergency either." Lyric added dryly.

[Habitat Ring]

The Klingon took the blows, hard. Upon closer inspection, he was malnourished and sick himself. He clearly wasn't in good enough shape to fight off a flailing, protective changling. He crumpled beneath her hysterical assault.

Phaser fire and shouts were ringing from the bulkheads, lights flickering. Adeyemi tried to lean into Lyric and only succeeded in depositing himself entirely in her arms.

"Analyn," He gasped. "We have to get to her. Please, Lyric."

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on August 31, 2018, 09:51:39 PM

I've seen it with spaghetti in some Ohio restaurants. I think maybe Cincinnati? I confirmed with Kris, it is Cincinnati, and they call it Skyline Chili.

Skyline is the restaurant where Macedonian immigrants originated the dish.

The dish itself is properly called "Cincinnati Chili."


Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on August 31, 2018, 09:15:29 PM

Was it a pulled pork recipe? I've seen Dr Pepper used like that before. Beer is best used for bread or brats, and coffee makes a great addition to chocolate cake or brownies, imo.

Nope, a beef roast. But pulled pork sounds good too.
LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - Angel Romero
August 31, 2018, 07:25:19 PM


Quote from: Kirok on August 31, 2018, 06:47:58 PM

I'm from the Midwest too.  Corn is a new twist I had never heard of.

But it makes sense.

You use spaghetti or elbow noodles in it?

really?  beer and coffee?

I have never heard of that?  It taste good?

Yes! You can use beer and coffee in a lot of recipes.

I've even used Dr. Pepper in a crockpot!


Congrats Lyric!


Three cheers for Naira!

LOA Archives / Re: Kinley/Ardy LOA 8/31-9/9
August 31, 2018, 01:53:46 PM



I had to text my aunt for this one, and after cleaning up her spelling and grammar (how someone who is 60 years old can text like she's sixteen is beyond me) I got it:

Chop up 3-4 white onions, one red bell pepper, and one orange bell pepper. Brown with three pounds ground beef and two tablespoons of garlic. Drain half the fat away and dump the remaining fat, beef, and onions in crockpot which has been previously heating on low. Now toss in a tablespoon of paprika, two teaspoons cumin, a tablespoon each of dark chili powder and cayenne, and stir in until coated. Add in a handful of dried oregano, two bay leaves, and a handful of crushed red chili flakes or 3-5 dried habaneros (or a bhut jolokia or something if you live dangerously). Stir. Now add in two cans of tomato paste, a can of Italian style stewed chopped tomatoes, a can of Ro-Tel, a half cup of beer, and a cup of coffee. Add two teaspoons salt (for now, you can always add more) and a heap of fresh ground pepper. Stir. Put lid on crockpot and turn to high. Let sit for 4-6 hours. Serve with sour cream, shredded cheddar, and chopped green onion. Beer choices should be Red ale or an IPA.

LOA Archives / Re: Reserve Request - Ashley Weir
August 31, 2018, 11:26:23 AM


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