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Messages - T'Lara

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on December 04, 2020, 05:54:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

[As NPC - Tekin Nerys][/b]

Nerys beamed and said "May I?" indicating sitting on the step beside the command chair.

"I learned some Vulcan words today, that's great! As for what I'm interested in... well xenolinguistics indirectly because Mammy and Ruthie have taught me a lot, but Stellar Cartography and Anthropology I think.  Auntie Zex ah... she's a Deltan from Katra, part of the Diplomatic Corps..." the girl said by way of explaination.

"...she even managed to get us, that's me and Tids, Tidu my twin, a tour of a Tholian ship, she's friends with a Tholian Ambassador.  I guess me and Tids growing up on Bajor and visiting DS9 a lot with our Mammy and grandparents and all the different species that visit there, and the fact that I'm Trill cross Bajoran cross Human cross Minardan... the Bajoran bit is Daddy obviously, the rest Mammy but even she didn't know where she got the telepathic abilities from until we met Grandpa Kurt... I mean she suspected but she's a scientist... we want proof!"

She giggled, more like the six year old she was, and smiled.  "So yeah... that's kinda why I think probably Anthropology, and the languages are part of that, I think it's rather useful if you can speak to people in their own tongue.  Much as I love Auntie Ujo, she's the school's headmistress as well as being Mammy's best friend on Katra, I'm hoping like Ruthie to get into the Academy early, Auntie Zex submitted a report we did on all the residing species on Katra, ones that have embassies or live there too.  How's the tea?!"

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 03, 2020, 08:50:38 PM

[USS Discovery -  ready room]

Don was adjusting the table where the Captain's birthday cake was as he saw on Nery's leave the room. His face turned white. The little one was going to ruin the surprise. He combed his hair with hands.

Think fast he was thinking. Then a idea popped in his head. "BINGO!" Don exclaimed out loud. There was an idea for this. Neyr was the one who inspired Don.

"Excuse me," he went to his sister twin. "Tidu, please come with me." He took the other sibling with him. "Lamar stay in here. Watch the cake for me. And I be back," he told Lamar.

He walked out of the bridge with Tidu and walked to the center where T'Lara. "Sir, can I suggest that you keep everything on the bridge," that was hint saying nobody talk about and not send messages to your friends. "As a secret. My other suggestion is use senors to know where the Captain is..." he saw people looking at him as what-the-hell? "And I will suggest to order these two start running around as the Captain enter the bridge and these two run in screaming..." he hoped that the rest was explainable. The kids will bait the Captain to charge after his kids.

"And you two can't say nothing about the party. All that work you did. We don't want it to be ruin."

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

"I have no objection," T'Lara held out an arm to demonstrate her openness. She listened just enough to get the general gist of what the small girl was saying, a rather long-winded explanation for why she was interested in Stellar Cartography and Anthropology along with linguistics. The Vulcan had some proficiency in these areas, but only knowing about four languages fluently. She was more interested in the language of numbers and data, talking to people came second. But she wasn't about to reveal any of that personal information. She had taken a few sips of the tea which was at the correct temperature and, although it was not anything close to authentic, it had a nice flavour.

"The tea is acceptable, thank you, Tekin Nerys. You have a high range of understanding for someone your age. You parents should be proud."

At that moment Don entered the Bridge with Tidu. It seemed his surprise plan was soon to take place.

"Understood, Lieutenant," she said drily, casually wondering if she would be entering with the captain since she had to oversee things on the Bridge up until Nevir got here with Hrafn. It could be awkward, but only mildly. She didn't necessarily love attention, but she responded to it with Vulcan indifference. And anyway, all the attention would likely be on the captain and his wife.

She kept tabs on the guests of honour and when she saw that they were preparing to beam to the Bridge she in turn prepared the children to "bring on the trouble."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 03, 2020, 12:21:46 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said/"Muthima" | Romulan Refugee Bar | Policyon II]

Nira nodded in understanding at Don and Cadet Wentlock. She figured neither of the humans would appreciate talking with thoughts, but Don's comment made her realize she should've realized the Remans would easily sense her thoughts as well. T'Lara's further comments to make the implications that they were all on the run sounded logical to Nira; she should've given the impression that she was someone who didn't want to be found. T'lara's assigning Nira with her made Nira smile and nod; two telepaths together and all...then the rumbling happened.

Nira looked up at the rumbling. That was definitely noticeable. And it was coming from below. Nira wondered if some kind of mining was going wrong, but then a Romulan came in and announced a radiation gas pocket. That and the gathering between the new arrival, the bartender and the eventual joining of a Reman was enough to get Nira's attention, as well as the conversation. She could tell from the lip movements, and the emotional body language told her plenty. This was more than just a mining accident. It was an attack, and it seemed some Romulans are fighting against Galactic United, for all Nira knew. Best case scenario: A resistance movement of refugees confronting Galactic United. Worst case scenario: The Tal Shiar have infiltrated Policyon II and are taking aggressive measures.

Like T'Lara, Nira noted the hand direction. She grasped her hand, in a simulation of close relations sticking together, though it's a means to make sure they didn't lose sight of each other, and said, "I'm right behind you." She followed T'Lara onward to the direction indicated.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 03, 2020, 09:14:17 PM

[Policyon II - seedy bar and outside]

Don's drink had a ripple and he saw another appear. That was weird. Then he figured it out. The ground was starting to vibrate. That was due for being on a ship and then he it shook more. Then it stop. Then there was that dead silent. The silent like animals would stop doing what they are doing. It was like being in between two worlds. The world of that-did-not-happen and the other world said...crap that did happen.

"Earth qua---" he was cut off by locals running in from the back door.

Don leaped to his feet. Who would attack them! he was thinking air attack. That had to be the training from holodeck of the Tiger's in the air. He should known better. There was no high powered oiled/gas engines to be heard and keeping a steel object in the air with a diving whistle of a bomb falling. He would curse IAN for that. Captain Ian.

Then it poured with excitement and freight.

When they got away and stay together as group.

"You know..." he said to the team before they went on their merry ways. "An opportunity for SF to show they are not bad and help get rid of TS"

"But how?" he crossed his arms to look at the ground. Then he bit his lower lip. GA was not welcome much as the TS. Federation was not really liked.

They need proof to take back with then. They can tell the Captain and he can take action. Then Starfleet Command could possible get a message from New Romulan wondering why was Starfleet involved which the TS contacted cause they knew that would put conflict of New Romulan and Starfleet and break that relationship.

Don shook his head. That sounded like Diplomacy which he was not. He was a pilot. But he had been thinking different a chief with his department and being near Commander T'Lara.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on December 04, 2020, 05:36:24 PM

[Seedy Bar > Outside - Policyon II]

Luby was about to agree to go with Don, glad that T'Lara reminded her of the names, the cover story of the freighter costing more money than it was making was plausible, when the whole place shook.

"What the..." she started.

Before much longer she was outside and trying to find her way with the others to regroup and figure out this new development.

"You mean, get it back to the..." she stopped and said "...big boss..." rather than 'The Captain' so as not to blow cover and make it appear like he was some kind of regional director or something.  "...and ask him if we can turn this around and work something useful?"

Her medical side kicked in and she looked apprehensive.  "Do you think if there's been an explosion or earthquake or something if we should see if there are casualties, people do tend to talk pretty openly if they're in pain too, as well as us being helpful."

[Seedy Bar - Outside some ways away - Policyon II]

As the 'earthquake' rumbled and they were made aware of the nature of the situation, her colleagues gave a series of varied responses, most of them still in character. When Nira took her hand she flinched at the touch but forced herself to focus on the task at hand. Finding a place safe from harm where they could talk freely but still remain cautious, T'Lara listened to the others and once again used their thoughts to formulate her own. She was rather enjoying this amount of collaboration.

"First and foremost, I do not know how much of the conversation any of you heard, but there was a Reman who walked over to the bar to talk to the bartender which included mention of our organization, our ship, and a meeting place. I do not know if the TS are involved but the possibility is there. I believe," and she spoke even quieter, "that finding this meeting place is in our best interest. Lules," she looked to Luby, "You have not forgotten our original goal, which I appreciate. Your suggestion is logical. We will continue with the groups we recently formed before being forced out and if Trebek agrees to go with you to seek out casualties you may do so. Muthima," she turned to the Betazoid turned Romulan, "I believe you and I shall seek out this place of meeting."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 03, 2020, 12:24:16 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said/"Muthima" | Romulan Refugee Bar | Policyon II]

Nira nodded at Cadet Wentlock's referring to the Tal Shiar by their initials. It might sound superstitious or even paranoid to not invoke their full name in public among Romulans, especially when they're particularly active, but it did make sense. For all they knew, there could be someone from the Tal Shiar among them. As much as Nira was prepared to deal with criminals, perhaps even sleazy ones in the event she needed her seductive outfit under all the dirty attire, in case seduction was in order, the Tal Shiar were on a higher level. These were secret agents. Besides, Nira knew perfectly well about how capable they were; she helped to save Subcommander Ralik from an undercover agent in her first few weeks on Discovery, and she was definitely sure there were still Tal Shiar agents out there somewhere in light of Captain Tekin's trial.

At mention of T'Lara's idea of covering more ground, Nira said, "That is an excellent idea. However..." she dropped her voice down even quieter as she added, "I request permission for telepathic communication, especially with whomever I go with. It'll be vital in the event we can't converse without being overheard. And if the T.S. is involved in this somehow, it'll be more vital."

Nira wondered who she would go with. Granted, this was real life sleuthing, similar to the "Angels" program on the holodeck that both she and T'Lara, and Torra, were involved in. Her and T'Lara could logically be more likely, two telepaths together. The second likeliest person to go with is Don; he knows how to act the part of a freelance shipper (re: smuggler), enough to fool anybody.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 03, 2020, 01:22:25 AM

[Policyon II - A seedy bar]

Don was hearing everyone. He felt they needed something concrete which they can bring back to the Captain. The T.S. was more a Romulan issue. Not Starfleet as he was thinking. The people on this planet can are on their own.

The local seemed be healthy from the looks. They got food and drinks. This mission was baffling with not much clues to get a hold of.

He turned to look at Nira. "I am not a fan of someone in my brain," he shared. That was the truth. "However, would Remans feel it?" he whispered.

Then Don's eyes widen as an idea had popped in his head. "We can ask questions on what it is like to liver here and start a family. We can possible learn the life style," his whisper was little louder." Like how how we get a job?  I would like to take a rest," he said little louder then a whisper. "Plus my freighter is getting little expensive to run. This run might allow 'us' come to settle here," he told T'Lara. He had pretended that she was like Torra, but there nothing between T'Lara and him. Hoping they fool the patrons. "And what I feel GA is not offering to much." He added.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on December 03, 2020, 08:19:19 AM

[Seedy Bar - Policyon II]

"Not a fan either... the brain thing, but if necessary I will allow it!" Luby said simply.

"So... who's going with whom, and yeah who would be a likely candidate to ask about jobs?" she said looking around the bar.

[Seedy bar - Policyon II]

T'Lara once again commented on each person's contribution. Don's made a lot of sense, so she nodded. "I believe those questions are what we should be aiming for. We may pretend we are new to the area seeking a place to live." She then responded to the questions he spoke aloud so as not to leave him hanging. "That is true, that freighter of yours is getting to the point where it costs more money to fix than what it's worth. I would certainly like to stop going around from place to place. We can make do here." She tried not to insinuate that they were running from something, or at least the wrong something. If they were refugees or smugglers they were certainly running from something but it didn't have to be suspicious.

Next she responded with her assignments. It was sort of a tough choice to decide who should go with whom for them to split up. She had already established a cover relationship with Don so that could be useful, but he may also do well with Luby. She gave a nod once she had her answer.

"I will go with Muthima, Lules and Trebek will go together. Any objections?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 03, 2020, 08:55:58 AM

[Seedy Bar - Policyon II]

They didn't have to wait too long to decide.  A rumble felt below them, and this DID seem to catch the attention of the patrons and bartender.  The rumble only went through for a couple of minutes, but once it was over everyone looked intense, as if waiting for something.  The silence was deafening, until a back door opened and another Romulan walked in and right to the bar.

"We've been hit.  Another radiation gas pocket.  Its about 10 meters from here."

The bartender looked defeated and then picked up a glass and tapped it on the bar a few times to get everyone's attention.  "That close enough... it'll be here in minutes.  Alright, everyone listen up!  GU gave us another gas explosion.  We'll be back within a week.. if they bother to act quickly." he stated, and everyone started getting up, grumbling about GU.  Even the Remans stood up to follow out, though one of the group went over to the bar, where the newcomer and the bartender were looking at each other.

"This one can't be coincidence."

"You know as well as I... this is for that graffiti outside."

"Just a teen?"

"No... no, I think they are on to us.  We need to act soon."

"What about the Federation?"

"What the Discovery?  GU played a song and dance for them.  Maybe they bought it, maybe they had no choice, but we can't rely on the Federation.  We need to expose them ourselves."

"Alright, tell everyone.  We need to act soon.  Meet in an hour at the broken wing." the bartender said, gesturing his head in a direction. The other two left, and the bartender made sure everyone left before closing the bar and disappearing inside.

Before the away team knew it, they were outside as people started to spread out.  In the distance, there was a plume of growing smoke, which everyone seemed to be walking away from.

She had barely gotten the question out when the rumbles shook the place and a Romulan came through the back door just to the right of their table and told them about an apparent gas explosion. T'Lara raised an eyebrow, but this was certainly not a drill as everyone was making their way out. She halted her team as her ears picked up the conversation from the bar. Interesting. Very interesting. She made to look for them but the crowd of people got bigger and she couldn't follow. But she caught the general direction of the hand gesture and made a mental note about this "broken wing."

The leaving crowd eventually pushed them outside and T'Lara gestured to follow them away from the danger so they could figure out what to do next. It seemed they had finally found a lead.

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on December 03, 2020, 08:26:10 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

[As NPC Tekin Nerys]

"I'm sorry, I don't know Vulcan yet.  I know enough to recognise words as Vulcan, just not necessarily what they mean.  I've been trying to learn Romulan tho, are there any similarities?" Nerys asked with a smile.

"I don't normally eat too many cookies either.  Us Scientists know what sugar does to bodies, but being a kid and having two brothers I still run around enough to burn the calories off. I just thought they'd go well with the spiced tea! May I ask... what is your speciality Commander?? I know you are First Officer but both Daddy and Mammy say you were... are, cuz I don't think you really stop being one thing just cuz you're another, a Scientist!"

The young girl paused for a moment then said "Unless I'm disturbing you... if I am I can go back to Uncle Don and Auntie Torra and I'll see you when we surprise Daddy?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

T'Lara raised an eyebrow at this peculiar child. She had said she hadn't learned Vulcan yet, which meant she planned to learn it in time. The Vulcan had not expected an answer like that from someone so young.

"Yes, they are quite similar. My apologies, Tekin Nerys, I was simply stating the Vulcan words for what you have given me. 'Tei' is the word for tea, and bar-kas is used for any non-specific spice. I gathered that this is a spiced tea from the smell." She may be six, but the Vulcan was surprised to find that she could carry on a conversation with the girl quite easily and she nodded at the rather educated statement about how the body burns calories.

"Your question does not disturb me, Tekin Nerys, I am simply monitoring at the moment which requires minimum concentration. My official specialty is biochemistry, and I am also proficient in computer science. Is there a subject that interests you?"

Quote from: Hrafn Falleg on December 02, 2020, 06:15:29 PM

[Ready Room > Bridge]

[Posting as NPC Tekin Nerys, daughter of Hrafn and Nevir]

A small head popped itself around the door of the ready room and stole a look into the Bridge.  Following the conversation with her Daddy when they had arrived and she tried to imagine herself working on that Bridge.  She knew big sister Ruthie had sat on that Bridge.

Nerys saw Lt. Commander T'Lara sitting there looking to her six year old mind, rather sad.  She snuck back into the Ready Room went to the replicator and got a mug of hot Vulcan spiced tea and a small paper bag.  On the way back she took two of Luby's cookies thanking her and slipped them into the bag so that she could 'spin' the corners into ears and have something to fit into the crook of her little finger so she could still put both hands around the mug to carry it oh so carefully onto the Bridge.

Getting almost to the command chair she stopped and said.  "Um Commander T'Lara?? I saw you from the Ready Room and you looked a bit sad.  I brought you some spiced tea and some of Luby's cookies to cheer you up.  You're too pretty to be sad!"

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Things were still pretty uneventful as T'Lara sat at the conn, which she supposed was a good thing since the real excitement was supposed to be saved for the unveiling of the surprise party. Frankly, she didn't want to be around for said excitement but she really didn't have a choice. Don, Torra, and Hrafn were very persuasive. It was actually eerily quiet on the Bridge, which was why the Vulcan's ears perked up at the sound of the door to the ready room hissing open. Figuring it was intentionally done, she let her gaze travel back to the viewscreen, but the hiss was uttered once more as a small child entered the Bridge and came to a stop just to the side of her seat. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of Hrafn's offspring, who she knew had an interest in the Sciences though she was only six.

"Bar-kas tei?" she responded, completely disregarding any comments on both her physical and emotional states and skipping to what she had been offered. She held a hand out to Nerys, taking the mug before the child dropped it and setting it on the arm of her chair.

"Thank you..." she waited for the girl to supply her name. "I believe I will forgo the cookies for now. I appreciate your hospitality, however I am not in the habit of partaking in such indulgences-" She knew her larger vocabulary would intimidate the child and could predict the crestfallen look that would likely appear on her face unless she'd been thoroughly briefed on Vulcan behavior, so she held out a hand to let her know she wasn't done speaking yet, "Perhaps that habit may be changed for just this once. I am on duty now, but save me a cookie for the party." She did her best to brighten her eyes in an approximation of a smile since her concentration from previous meditation actually quite prevented her from forming her mouth into a smile. She was really trying to get this flexibility thing down, and apparently that now extended to children. Something she had very little experience in.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on December 02, 2020, 07:19:18 PM

Knowing that this would be a very long shift Gohun made sure to secure the area. As He secured the area Gohun also spoke with Bradley.
Gohun "œThings have been going well. I have been doing a lot of training because the captain wants people to have a diverse skill set. I also am eventually going to be transferring to the engineering when a spot opens. How are you enjoying the assignment?"

[Posting as PO2 Bradley Strider]

Strider watched as Gohun went through the drill of securing the corridors they were in, at first judging him because he himself had already done it, but then he decided that technically there was nothing better for his partner to do, and securing the area was like 70% of what he did as a security officer anyway. No point in blaming others for doing their job. He'd followed the man and kept up with the conversation.

"Yeah, I've been meaning to get around to doing other things. This is only my second assignment and I realize that the way to move up the ranks is by becoming good at all the things, a kind of 'jack of all trades' type deal, but I just haven't gotten around to it. It's cool that you're interested in engineering; I was never really good at that myself. Barely passed it at the Academy. But about the's pretty good, I guess. Being on the Discovery is certainly more exciting than a science vessel, which was where I spent the last three years." Strider paused for a moment. "Ya know, I change my mind. Discovery is a lot better. We get to see lots of stuff here. Well maybe not see, but if there's some big baddie we have to restrain I'm totally here for it," he chuckled. "More of a chance of that here than elsewhere."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 02, 2020, 01:29:14 AM

[Policyon II - At a bar]

Don caught the glare from T'Lara and he gave her a little glare back. He had not done it purpose, but a mirror reflection. "Yes. Come lets sit down," he saw a open table.

As they sat down Don had lifted his glass to his lips to do a gulp. There no real gulp. Just the motion of it. He had a sip, but he had not wanted really drink on duty.

"Having an additional member to the Martha would be good," he said. That was a good cover up.

Then he whispered. "They are on their own it seems," he sighed. Then he rubbed his hands on his glass. He just wanted to see what anyone else has. He was a man. He had one brain. Women can think different things. Multi tasking thinking he was not.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 02, 2020, 12:12:34 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said ("Muthima") | Romulan Refugee Bar | Policyon II]

As Nira took her drink, she noticed the scuffles outside. A teenage Romulan was being restrained by GU private security while another was washing the graffiti off. Nira could only scowl at both; it's pointless to wash off graffiti in a place as likely lawless as the camp. Washing it off only guarantees a blank slate for more graffiti to be plastered on it later. As to the GU peoples' behavior, they struck Nira as behaving less like actual private security and more like thuggish enforcers, corrupt deputies, as it were.

At the bartender's words, Nira turned with interest. Tal Shiar propaganda? If they were fueling the hatred of the Federation, that would explain a lot. And it was the youth that were being targeted: the foolish youth who didn't know as well as adults, lacking in wisdom, hot with passion. Was it entirely possible the Tal Shiar wanted to influence the current generation to continue hatred of the Federation? Nira wanted to ask for details of what the Tal Shiar are saying, perhaps speaking as someone whose close relation was executed by the Tal Shiar - after all, even other Romulans had disdain against the Tal Shiar - but she held her tongue. T'Lara and Don were doing the talking.

And when the bartender snapped about the Remans, Nira blinked in surprise. She should've realized that Romulans shared another trait with Vulcans: keen hearing. She wished she could communicate with telepathy to the rest of the away team, but she couldn't do it without permission, and it meant asking vocally, in which case she'd give herself away. Unless she wrote something to the rest of the away team, she was stuck without it.

When T'Lara proposed moving to a table, Nira said, "Let's," and arose and walked about to find a table. Naturally, Don found one, and Nira moved to join him, but not before going the long way around, getting past the Remans, but she was as careful as possible not to pass too close to them, like she was approaching them to talk to them. She hoped it would be well enough within earshot to hear them, and at least far enough to at least get their emotions.

As Nira passed by, she got as much as she could through her hearing, and her Universal Translator managed to get what they were saying. Her empathy managed to get their feelings enough to get what's up. They were muttering about their being hired out to mine for Galactic United, they were promised to live in one of the domes, and there was still only one. The way things were, they might as well have been back at the mines of Remus, only Remus didn't exist anymore.

Nira didn't get much more, moving right to Don's table, given she didn't want to look like she was overhearing them, but she got enough from what she heard and felt. The Remans were given promises that didn't go through. At least they weren't as disgruntled as the Romulans were.

As Nira joined them, she leaned in to whisper to Don and T'Lara. "The Remans were hired by GU for mining," she whispered, hopefully low enough that not even Romulans will overhear them. "They were promised better circumstances, even in the domes. Though even a toddler can see that promise isn't going through. Don't worry, I was careful not to get their attention.

"In addition, did anybody take note of the mention of 'Tal Shiar propaganda,' anybody?" she asked as well, so quietly.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on December 02, 2020, 05:51:19 PM

[Seedy Bar - Policyon II]

"Good plan!"
she said hoping that the glares between T'Lara and Don wouldn't result in her having to be treating burns when they spontaneously combusted.

Even though she was used to the likes of Ouzo and her father's (that is James rather than Antonin... but the Ouzo was representative of the times she'd spent with her bio-father!) the Kali-fal still stung at her eyes and nose and burned on the way down.

"Rather potent this one isn't it?!" she said as she sat across from T'Lara.  To anyone that was a local and used to it, it might be meant to mean that particular bottle, vintage or whatever.  To T'Lara it was meant to mean the beverage in general.

"... T...S...??" Luby queried not saying the actual words like they'd suddenly appear like saying Beetlejuice.  She'd only heard of them and none of it was good.  "I'm afraid I didn't or well I might have but didn't register as such... I'm keeping my eye out but as yet I haven't been ...well..."

She looked around and then said quietly looking at her feet.  "This is my first away mission, I'm trying to take everything in, but up to now I've only ever been at home, training..." she gave a significant look to indicate she was deliberately not saying 'at the Academy' so that would give them away as having the Federation 'stamp' on them.

"...and on the ship... so not a lot of experience as yet I don't really know what's important or not.  Except this."

She patted the bag she'd brought with her, it wasn't standard Federation issue medkit but some of her personal bits and pieces - things she'd brought from Earth, oddments she'd picked up at various stations on her travels but knowing that the mission was to avoid being thought of as Starfleet, she'd grabbed it thinking it would be more use to them than anything with Starfleet logos on it.  She did have a standard issue tricorder in it but it was about 10 years old so could have been traded or bartered, and a couple of generic hypos but they could be got anywhere, everything she had in there were either generic that anyone could pick up or at least 10 years old, or 'old school' basic bandages.

"I know how to fix you guys up when you get hurt!" she said with a smile, "...but try not to start a bar fight!" she said looking pointedly at Don, but hoping that he got the hint that if things got messy they could start one but then slip out when the riot was at it's height, if they really needed to cause a diversion.

[Seedy bar - Policyon II]

They found a table far enough away that no one would really be able to hear them if they talked quiet enough. T'Lara thought they could take this time to come up with a plan and do the majority of their "out of character" talking before they really got into investigating.

"Yes, this bottle was better than I had expected," she said to Luby. She then responded to Don's mention of the Martha with a bit of small talk before she got to business. The XO nodded at the bit of information Nira had, which she'd overheard as well. She'd leave the Tal Shiar until the end. For now she turned back to Luby.

"You are here, Lules, because you have the skill and training to handle it. For now you simply need to take in any information you are given no matter if you understand it or not. Your skill at your profession will also be appreciated if needed, but certainly avoided." She meant for the statement to satisfy any unease the woman may have, then she addressed the party as a whole.

"The TS," she began, utilizing Luby's rather basic code, "is something we will certainly make note of and take back to the ship as Muthima mentioned. It seems we could be dealing with multiple groups here and if so it may be a valid enough reason to contact our superiors," she indirectly brought up Starfleet, given as the organization was part of the reason why they were here.

"However, we need more information. Shall we break into groups to cover more ground?" she asked while flashing a glance at Nira, since they'd both participated in a similar sleuthing mission. Though what the two of them had done was a holodeck and what they were doing now had much higher stakes.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 29, 2020, 11:32:03 PM

[Policyon II - A Romulan bar who hates Starfleet]

Don placed laitnum down on the bar to pay for the orders. He leaned on the bar with his head toward the Reman. "What are those doing here? Are they part of the mining?" he said. That was a very brave thing to say. Bold too.  "Hoping our contract with 'Willy the Wild' will come through." He knew saying that would draw attention to them. That was a way to do it.

They don't look like Romans. Hoping if they ever board the Martha they won't figure Starfleet fixed the Martha. They could admit and say they ran into problems. They were nice enough to assist them. They had not liked it. But there are things you need to move about.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on December 01, 2020, 04:05:09 PM

[Seedy bar - Policyon II]

The bartender started going through the orders, but snorted at Luby.  "What do you think this is, the Imperial Senate?  You want the fancy drinks, go to New Romulus.  I only have the basics." he said, getting the other drinks requested.  There was a bit of shouting outside, which didn't seem to phase the bartender or indeed any of the guest.  The tender just shook his head.

"I told them..." he said, shaking his head.  Outside the private security was restraining a younger teen, while another member of GU was cleaning the wall.

"Kids... they think its appropriate to continue the Tal Shiar's propaganda.  GU certainly doesn't help things." he said, glancing out as the situation was over and done with within minutes.

Then was the question of the Remans, which actually got a sneer from the bartender.  "You one of those traditionalists, aren't you?  Did you forget about Remus?  We lost the luxury of tiered classes a decade ago.  Besides, we're on our own out there.  All of us.  Including the Remans.  What they do for work is none of your concern unless you have a proposition for them." he said, shaking his head and walking away to fill out another Romulan's drink.

The Remans didn't seem to notice the apparent disrespect, they were talking about Galactic United, and the stuff they were put through.  Seemed they were lucky enough to get hired by the company to help with mining operations, with the promise of a better world, or at the very least being able to live in one of the domes.  Of which there was still only one.

[seedy bar - Policyon II]

T'Lara positively glared at Don, which she supposed was not entirely uncalled for if she was supposed to be playing his mate. She had not wanted to engage with this bartender character, at least as directly as Don had done, and would have rather questioned the Remans privately. But the damage had already been done and the bartender actually provided a useful, if not entirely detailed answer. About the brief tussle they could hear coming from outside the bartender gave a few words as well. What he had to say went along with what they had gathered so far, and added that it was probably mainly the youth harboring most of the unrest. The mention of the Tal Shiar did not go unnoticed by the Vulcan either.

The bartender was already taking care of another patron and he didn't seem like the type to hold a conversation with people he did not know well so T'Lara accepted her drink and took the first sip. She normally did not consume alcohol of any kind, so she gave an initial grimace as the liquid slid down her throat. That done, she looked to her group.

"Shall we find somewhere to sit?" she suggested.


[Bridge - USS Discovery]

T'Lara was sat at the conn, almost in a meditative state considering the amount of activity going on which was close to nothing beyond routine. A welcome respite after the mission they had just returned from. The XO had been informed through various forms of communication from both Torra and Don about this party for Captain Tekin. Having been to only a handful of these occasions in her lifetime, she willingly accepted the invitation and agreed to the task assigned to her. She knew this event meant something to many people in Tekin's life and if she was to be included in that group she would not oppose. Her lack of enthusiasm about the matter had nothing to do with the amount of respect she had for her fellow commanding officer.

If she had anything to be pleased about, it would be that she wasn't expected to take part in the party preparations. The less amount of time she was expected to dedicate to the "fun" aspect of the festivities the better. More people were transporting into the ready room and she kept tabs on the room as she sat. The medical officers had not raised any alarms as far as the captain was concerned, so no worries there. Once everything was situated she would likely leave her post in order to be present in the party room before Tekin arrived, but she'd wait further instruction from the planners before doing anything. So she kept up a low-key appearance, (which wasn't any different from how she normally looked) and monitored.   

Quote from: Luby Wentock on November 25, 2020, 08:21:41 AM

[Policyon II]

"I'm up for anything Ma'am.  I suppose the novelty of away teams and coming planetside and new things will wear off eventually but for me it's still new and exciting and living up to my idea that Starfleet is 'Join the Fleet, see the Universe!' " Luby (or Lules) said with a sheepish grin.

"Lead on, your medic is with you!" she chuckled.

[Policyon II]

T'Lara simply nodded and they headed in the direction of what they assumed was an eating establishment judging by the amount of people.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 28, 2020, 04:34:55 PM

[Policyon II - Romulan refugee bar]

There was a sign near the door that said in full Romulan "Piss off Federation"... a bit of humor to the Romulans since they doubted GU could read anything not in standard Romulan.  And the fact that this bar still stood, and had no non-Romulans there, did suggest that they were in fact not able to read Romulan handscript.

The away team got a quick scan as they entered, which luckily proved the chips were working, as there was no reaction from them of this group of 'Romulans' walking in.  Some commented on the human ship they had aquired, but there were jokes that suggested some of them were unlucky enough to have pakled or ferengi ships too.  It was just a shame the human ship wasn't a Starfleet vessel.  That would have been something.

Inside the atmosphere was certainly of annoyance and frustration.  There was a mix of refugees, from common citizens to Imperial officers, even some Remens in the back.  When the Remens were more welcomed than Federation species... that was a certain low point.

The bartender stared at the incoming group, but the fact that his guards outside didn't blink an eye set him at ease that they were at the very least legit.

"What do you want, and what do you have to pay for?" he called out, crossing his arms.  The fainter ridges and the slight accent told them what type of Romulan this was.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 28, 2020, 06:43:19 PM

Don wished he had a permanent marker to make a sad face. Just to add to the hate of Federation. This was not good. If they are found to be Federation they be in so much trouble that their careers would be destroyed. That would not be good.

Then how in the cosmos he was in Starfleet again. Being disguise as a Romulan where they hate Starfleet. Its how Don feels about Romulans and here he was on their side in their point of view and shoes. He was getting better but this was not helping.
"Aha!" Don said as he was caught looking at the sign. Play the part. It was easy. Sterotyping the folks who killed who destroyed his mother's ship.

"It helps get us places we need," he told those who was insulting the Martha. He had wanted to go face to face, but he was in a situation when even 'Willy Wilder' had been insulted many ways one can count. Though 'Willy' the wild frontier smuggling circle showed he had fooled the best of the best. It would not be surprise he was alive and known, even when he was dead. Legs might use that to her advantage which make her the owner of the smuggling enterprise which could be bad and good for future encounter with Legs. Sigh.

Don had noted there was Remans here too. Interesting. He recalled they were slaves to the Dilitium mines. That could mean that they have mines under ground where that Remans worked?

Don placed his hands in his pocket which had his smuggling. He never cleared up his jacket. He knew he had some latinum and some gold dust which was worth something. "It depends. You want latinum or what diamond dust. I'll pay for my comrades," he shared. He pulled out his hand showing the latinum but not the pouch. "I take a Reverse Wormhole," he ordered.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on November 28, 2020, 07:19:59 PM

[Policyon II - Romulan refugee bar]

"Charming..." Luby muttered under her breath only loud enough for those very close to her to hear, accurately translating the sign.

When the bartender asked what they wanted and how they intended to pay she was glad that Don was the first to speak... well anyone bar herself, she was, as her younger brother would say 'Bricking it'.

"Don't suppose you have any Kali-fal?" she asked hopefully thinking that the aromatic drink would give her the jolt like a shot of ouzo or something similar in the spirits line would give her the Dutch courage she needed.  "Otherwise a small ale will suffice. As for payment, my friend here has offered, otherwise we could offer our stories, some interesting, some not."

Luby hoped that everyone remembered their cover names and were good enough story tellers to make and take up a bit of a story for themselves imagining what their made up name might have got up to prior to arriving on Policyon II, and going along with whatever the first person said, embroidering on it, should the bartender ask for stories.

She knew Remans were bred for work and war... so she was alert for anything turning... ugly.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 29, 2020, 08:57:16 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Romulan Refugee Bar | Policyon II]

As Nira took a better look at her surroundings, she can definitely see anti-Federation graffiti in some places. Formation of the Free State notwithstanding (perhaps the refugees aren't even aware of the Free State at all), it had become more and more apparent that the refugees absolutely hate the Federation. The graffiti saying "Piss off Federation" in Romulan was the softest of the obscenities against the Federation she saw. She was very sure she saw the emblem of the Federation drawn crudely on a nearby wall as she walked into the tavern, and in connect-the-dots form, using the stars of the Federation, drew the Romulan equivalent of a human "birdie" on it. She could only hope that when they got back to the Martha, there wouldn't be obscene graffiti plastered all over it like tattoos on an arm.

"I'll have just an ale," said Nira, as everybody took their orders. She technically didn't want to order Romulan Ale, knowing it was favored by officers in particular and was thus a dead giveaway, but it was the only Romulan beverage she could think of.

As she looked around, her keen eyes spotted pale figures in the back. Remans. She could understand why they were back there; even if they were refugees as much as the Romulans were, odds were, they probably weren't welcome any more than anybody from the Federation are. And it gave Nira another suspicion: If there were Remans on Policyon, and with the mining operations going on, perhaps Galactic United were contracting - maybe indenturing, even at the worst case scenario, enslaving - Remans to work the mines.

She wondered if she could get information about mining from them. After all, Remans are telepaths. But their vampiric looks aside, Nira would only give herself away; Romulans don't place a big an emphasis on telepathy as their Vulcan cousins do. Nonetheless, the idea was tempting, and the Remans surely had places to lie low among the Romulan refugees laying low themselves on Policyon II.

She turned to Don and T'Lara and said quietly, "Did you notice the Remans? What do you think they're doing here?"

[Romulan Refugee Bar - Policyon II]

It was indeed an eating/drinking establishment, and the XO conducted a quick scan on herself underneath the robe she was wearing to make sure the biochip was still working. Seeing the almost exclusive Romulan population, she was made aware of just how much of a risk they were taking. But they could handle it, she was almost certain of it.

She took in the comments about their ship from the Romulans around her, but said nothing. There was no need to start a dialogue yet if she wasn't prompted. Once they reached the bar and were questioned by the bartender, T'Lara folded her arms as well and would have given a response in a matching tone, perhaps slightly less arrogant, however Don once again took the lead which was probably for the best. Even if T'Lara had a handful of the correct currency in her pocket, which she did. Going undercover meant they had to think of everything, including money and papers. But Don had his own plan. When everyone else had stated their orders she gave her own.

"Kali-fal will suffice, or an equivalent."

She gave a quick glance to Luby upon hearing her comment, figuring that she'd probably read the rather obvious sign featuring a rather vulgar line. It was the kind of evidence they were looking for, and she was sure it wouldn't end there. Since Luby offered up stories as payment, T'Lara thought to herself about the amount of risk involved. It would pose a problem if they mixed up their cover stories, but it was a good way to insert themselves.

The presence of the Remans could not go unnoticed given their distinct features and just like the others, the Vulcan had begun to form speculative ideas about why they were here, but she didn't wish to discuss them right this moment. After all, as long as they were still talking to the bartender they'd have multiple eyes and ears on them. If her hearing was better than most humans then there was an enhanced probability the patrons around them could be privy to any sensitive conversations they wanted to have. She also did not want to give the Remans any reason to give in to their violent tendencies, and anything could potentially set them off. They could regroup after getting more information.

"We will talk about it later, Muthima." She waited for her drink, eyes setting on the bartender with a focused but non-threatening glare.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on November 21, 2020, 11:42:52 PM

Hearing the chime of his com badge Gohun responds. Looking at the schedule Gohun was not on the roster but had nothing better to do being on a ship in the middle of nowhere. With that Gohun rushed over to keep his companion that was going crazy company.
Five minutes later Gohun arrives. "anything interesting going on?"

[Posting as PO2 Bradley Strider]

Bradley caught sight of Gohun as he came down the corridor. His face brightened as he gave him a light slap on the shoulder.

"Hey man, good to see ya. Honestly? Nothing really. A little action when the away team was heading out, but now they're gone. And I'm still here." He sighed. "Good to have you here though. How've you been?" he asked conversationally. He didn't know Zavrol well, but maybe after a few more shifts they could get past the awkward small talk phase. He hadn't made too many friends here but spending a few routine security shifts talking tended to speed up the friendship process.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 23, 2020, 10:24:50 PM

[Martha to Policyon II]

The flight was a nice good few hours. That had allowed the "˜girls' in the back to know each other. Nothing odd came up in sensors too.

As they neared Policyon II they enter they were greeted by the Galactic United. "œYes. Galactic United Martha will land on platform M36. Thank you very much," Don replied to the communication on the Capitol city. Then Don disconnect the call.

Then he hit the microphone to talk to the passenger. "œHello, Captain Trebek here. We are entering the Policyon II's atmosphere. We hope you enjoy the flight on Martha," he said with a pleasant voice. He was messing around with the girls.

The entering the atmosphere was a little shaky cause Martha size and age. However Don had compensated power from energy to help her with the boost. Lek had done a good job. The pilot knew that Martha was old but he had to much confident in her.

Then with awesome ease Martha had landed down on the platform without a bump. Don got switched buttons to lock the console from any unwanted visitors.

Then he marched back with the group. "œWe all ready to go?" He asked.

The ramp went down then Don had let the ladies go first. Then a Romulan had approached them. "œWelcome to Policyon II. Ahem..." he was holding back to say what an old ship.

"œI am Captain Trebek. Yes. Martha might be a old freight," he glared at the greeter. "œWe had always completed contracts on time. We do not need refuel or repairs. Now. Allow us to do our business," Don said in a snobbish Romulan tone. Then he walked by the man like he was an ant. This stereotype Romulan he had picked was a snob with a stick up his butt.

Then he gave a side look to his companions. Then see what T'Lara would recommend, but he shared. "œPerhaps a drink or two can help gain info."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on November 24, 2020, 03:57:47 PM

[Policyon II]

With the exception of the annoyed worker and the rest of the port staff, GU's presence was surprisingly absent.  Outside of the bubble, it was another refugee camp and settlement.  In fact, it really did seem like they were in a separate place.  With no Starfleet guests, the activity between the bubble and the settlement was gone.  It was clear that it was an act.

Out here, people worked, drank, and marketed goods.  And yet... it seemed their biggest customer was GU itself.  Selling salvage to the company for goods and services.  It was clear there was something else going on.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 24, 2020, 07:20:16 PM

[Pelicyon II]

"You think we landed on the wrong planet," Don said. The ex-smuggler stepped close behind one of the ladies. He was using their back for cover. The close was clear as he yanked his sleeve of his jacket. There was a bracelet with a scanner. "hmm. Trying to see what I can get here," he whispered. "We need to get closer...not getting anything yet," he said quickly pulling the cuff back over his bracelet.

"You think having a drink allow us to get more info?" he had to suggest see what others can say. Everyone was important to a mission. Different minds think different which allows great planning to be made.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 24, 2020, 09:34:24 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Refugee Settlement | Policyon II]

The trip back down to Policyon II was uneventful in any case. Plus, they were heading for one of the camps, not the domes set up by Galactic United. Which brought Nira a sense of relief, in case they ran into Mister Travid.

As Nira watched "Captain Trebek" negotiate with the port authorities before moving on. Nira was impressed with how, regardless of looking like a typical trader captain, how he would pass as a snob of a Romulan. Of course, the officer "Trebek" spoke with was the first Romulan on Policyon that struck Nira as a typical snob. Perhaps a noble of Romulus, off-planet when Hobus wiped it and Remus away, and still had enough riches to afford his behavior? He certainly didn't look rich. Maybe he was connected to Galactic United, like a spokesperson in the camp. Maybe he was just plain rude.

Nira nodded at the idea of having a drink and said, "That's an excellent idea, Lieutenant. Taverns and bars and the like are excellent places to get information, especially from making observations."

It was true; she practiced this whenever she went to a bar and had no intention of mingling. Because she didn't have time to mingle. Mostly it could be passed off as "people-watching," but really, it was a means of Nira practicing her observational skills, keeping her interpreting of body language tuned. For example, she could tell how well of a relationship a couple had just from their body language, whether their love was deteriorating or accelerating.

As Nira and the women followed Don, Nira took a look around the settlement. She had to agree with Don; if one didn't know better, one would've assumed they flew to an entirely different planet. In addition, if Nira didn't know better, it was as if Galactic United in the planet had waited for the guests to be gone to allow the refugees around. Looking around, Nira again began suspecting something is wrong. It seemed to Nira that the purpose of work and livelihood all relied on Galactic United. Salvage was selling to them, which surprised Nira; did not Galactic United have replicators for their building purposes? What did they need salvage for.

Nira wondered if there was a sense of disgruntlement among some of the refugees. She couldn't blame them; Starfleet not allowing help to be given, and not just after the loss of the Utopia Planitia Shipyards. The Federation withheld help to the Romulans, and it was understandable; after two hundred years of aggressive relationships, as opposed to the hundred or so with the Klingons, naturally, feelings towards the Romulans were plenty negative. Clearly, the feelings were similar when it came to the Romulans.

[Martha to Policyon II]

T'Lara didn't try to talk to anyone for the few hours they traveled. She actually meditated for a while, shutting her eyes for a few moments at a time. This helped pass the time and all too soon Don was announcing they had arrived. He landed the craft without any complications, then they stepped out and were met by a Romulan. The XO stepped beside Don to display a bit of familiarity as she listened to him speak to the Romulan. She had nothing to add and thanks to Don's good acting they were left alone. Before she responded to Don, she looked around. Noticing that there weren't really any other GU workers present besides their greeter, she narrowed her eyes as they scanned and saw that this was a very different world than inside the dome. They would have to talk to people to find out more but it was obvious already that they had been lied to. The GU had some sort of power over these people and they needed to figure out exactly what the situation was.

She could feel Don moving behind her but she didn't turn as she spoke softly.

"You are correct, Lieutenant, this is a very different place than what we saw before and what you likely read in the report. If you would like to take a scan we will wait until we have the chance to get to a place where we will not be noticed." She waited for one of the others to say they agreed to finding a public place. She agreed it was a good idea, but she didn't want to appear like she was the one who had to make all the final decisions. She may be the one in charge and would veto any inherently bad ideas, but she thought it was best to approach each idea with inclusivity in mind so that's what she would do. Nira ended up agreeing, but she looked to Luby and Roxo.

"Would the two of you like to come? Or perhaps you would like to gather some scans?" she hoped her questions did not sound like an order. They could choose whatever they wanted to do.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 22, 2020, 06:52:14 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Shuttlebay | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Very well...Lehol," said Nira, taking in T'Lara's cover name. "The name I've chosen is Muthima."

She picked the name, knowing full well cover names were to be required, and besides, it sounded Arabic, like Fatima. However, it was a full fledged Romulan name as well, given sometimes she knew Romulan names sounded like ancient Romans.

Nira nodded at Lek in thanks and boarded. She was quite surprised at the inside; she realized she erred; it would be a tight the cockpit. She didn't account for the rest. It was like a mixture of Zefram Cochrane's prototype warp ship the Phoenix and a runabout.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on November 23, 2020, 08:04:54 AM

[Shuttle Bay--> Martha - USS Discovery]

"How about Lules... I knew a Romulan girl in the Academy called Lules and it's close enough to Luby... starts with the same syllable anyhow!" Luby said with a smile.

She'd have to stop doing that... smiling.  For some reason smiling unless one was used to a smiling Romulan (Lules had smiled fairly frequently and it had been unnerving the first few times!) it was unsettling on the features since one expected them, like their genetic cousins the Vulcans, to be staid and emotionless.

"I'll try to remember all the names, I suppose Sir or Ma'am works too if I forget?"

(OOC - I imagine the name to be said as LOO-LESS or LOO-LES rather than LOOLS)

[Shuttle Bay - USS Discovery --> Martha, en route to Policyon II]

As they boarded the Martha, Nira declared her cover name and T'Lara gave a single nod before she went in to find her seat, close in proximity to Roxo. Shortly after, Luby entered and gave her name as well. Not extremely common names, however they would suffice.

"I believe the initial part of the plan is complete, then. As you have all probably gathered, our primary goal is observation. You may gather images if you wish, though remember that Starfleet can use any evidence against you if this mission is discovered. You know our purpose, let us get this done."

The XO was also aware that they would likely come into contact with the residents and as such, unlike previously when it was not the best thing to be talking to the refugees, now in their disguises it was perfectly acceptable. As long as they didn't blow their cover.

Since Don was the only one in the cockpit and needed no assistance, T'Lara simply waited for them to arrive planetside. She was almost never in the mood for small talk.

Quote from: Luby Wentock on November 21, 2020, 12:33:33 PM

[Sickbay - Earlier]

"Not to worry Ma'am I'll find out in due course.  Oh I owe you an apology, it's here on my PADD, I'm sure my commbadge is working I just didn't hear it.  Obviously I'll get done as quickly as I possibly can and join you in the Shuttlebay!" Luby said at the same time as her hands sent a quick message to Ashley along the lines of 'on away mission, see you when I get back!'

She allowed Roger to do the honours and soon a rather strange Romulan stared back at her.  She grabbed a medkit and set off at a run to the shuttle.

[Shuttlebay - USS Discovery]

Hurling herself onto the Martha she smiled.  "Well my Romulan self is here!  Sorry if I've held you up at all, you can all get not killed and I'm here to patch you up!" she joked.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 20, 2020, 10:37:18 PM

[USS Discovery - Shuttle Bay]

H'Fran and the kid gang was here. That was something he wanted to be around for. That was going to be something he will miss. Thought Torra would take over and she be there for the set up. He had hope the Captain would be surprise.

Then that was nothing until the surprise party they going to throw for the Captain. The fun part was keeping it a secret. Nira has no idea. That was his little fave part for fun.

And he had noticed Nira acted like she was hit by Cupid's arrow. Which was little surprising. Maybe that would distract enough when the ball starts rolling for the Captain's surprise party.

As the entered to the shuttle bay Ensign Sivak came to greet them. "œCommander the Martha is prepared," he stated. "œI had assisted Operations to make a history for the crew." He said looking at each individual as a Romulan. They all indeed looked great as Romulan. He had not mentioned Lek mumbling insults on the old ship.

"œHere is the data pad for your reviewing, sir," Sivak said handing the data pad to Don. He took it. Reviewed it. Then nodded his head. "œExcellent." Sivak was hoping he will gang lieutenant grade rank soon.

Don had spotted Lek. "œSee. She looks wonderful. Thank you Chief," he smiled. He was forgetting his appearance when he saw the ancient ship. He had history with her. "œWish you can come along," he told Lek. That was him being a wise guy.

Then Don had a boyish look as he over look the old craft. To him it felt like ages since he flew her.

As he was walking up the ramp to the Martha. "œAs I was saying. Simple cover story. One of you could be my mate and the other two are friends. The one who is my mate found my charm unbearable. And the friends had money. I had a ship. The two friends could had connections. You saw me as a easy target to be a business partner. Which I will tell you who they are. Keep it there. Simple. We don't want to get to fancy cause lying can be hard to keep track of. I been in that situation long time ago."

Then he gave a quick tour. "œThe back is the engines, this small area is storage which we can remove our living space for more room. Up ahead is the cockpit. There is no way to get lost on this ship," he told them.

Then he got to the cockpit. "œHey, old girl, its me," he told Martha. "œReady for a adventure!" There was a little flicker of lights flashing on and off on the whole ship. Look it was a drain, but to Don that was Martha was saying hi to her missed friend.

Quote from: Nira Said on November 21, 2020, 01:29:54 PM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Shuttlebay | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

The away team assembled, Nira awaited the flight down to the planet. Of course, upon the away team assembled, she took one look at the Martha and thought to herself, it's going to be a tight squeeze, and most of us are women. Hope Don doesn't mind, married man as he is..

Ever since she had heard about the Martha, she had dropped by the shuttle bay, at least off-duty, to get a look at it. She thought Lek had a point, it was small. But just because it was old doesn't necessarily mean it's junk. Plenty of old ships were still in use in Starfleet, or in the Federation in general for other purposes. The most common were Mirandas, Oberths and Excelsiors. In terms of the age range of the Martha, the oldest ships she knew about were Striders, and those included the upgrades with the blue nacelles since the 2270s.

Of course, she could see the Martha was still a sore point with Lek. Nira couldn't blame him, but at the same time, she intended to keep her opinions to herself.

When Don made his idea, Nira commented, "It might be a good idea if Commander T'Lara pretends to be your 'mate,' Lieutenant. The rest of us can be the friends. After all, as the ranking officers, the two of you are in charge."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 21, 2020, 03:00:10 PM

[USS Discovery - Shuttle Bay - Martha]

Don turned to look at 'T'Lara to see if she agreed to this mate agreement. There was no hokey pokey. Just a plain cover story. Romulans was not touchy type folk.

Then he was prepping the old ship. Then he shook his head. "We need names. Simple names. How is Trebek for me? No. Tabek?" Bless Alex Trebek let us remember him for being a great Host which Don never knew.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 22, 2020, 01:40:40 AM

[Martha to Policyon II]

=/\= Discovery thank you for the clearance.  =/\= Don told Communications on the USS Discovery. With care and ease Don had the Martha out of the shuttle bay.

"Get comfortable be there soon," he told them. Martha was slower then in Discovery. The ship was fine for the mission. He had set controls to Policyon II where they going to play smugglers.

As they went he added. "We could see if we can track the probe too." He had no problem being up at the cock pit and the females can be in the back do whatever they want to please.

The man was checking the data they down loaded to see everything looked fine. Any thing was out of place he would be sure they correct it.

[Shuttle Bay--> Martha - USS Discovery]

They only had to wait a few minutes for Luby to arrive before they all climbed into the old shuttle. She knew Lek wasn't happy about them going on the Martha, but it was the best idea they had right now and she didn't really care about his emotions anyhow. Don was skilled enough to deal with any antiquities it may have and the tight fit would not bother her in the slightest. She nodded appreciatively at Don's quick tour, then gave a few moments of thought as the team assigned roles for their cover stories. Not having any objections, she looked to Don.

"I agree. The cover story is sound," she simply answered both Addams and Nira. "My name will be Lehok. I suggest that any name you choose should be a common one, in case someone tries to recognize you," she stated as she settled in and waited for them to take off. 

Quote from: Luby Wentock on November 20, 2020, 09:35:20 AM

[Counsellor's Office]

"Kalamaki..." Luby said cocking her head at the increased noise levels in Sickbay with more people arriving.  "It's a town on the coast of the Greek island of Crete." she answered.  "If you like teal blue seas, white sands and lots of sun... it's gorgeous!"

"Sorry I'm distracted, I'm supposed to be on duty and there's about 20 times the number of people in Sickbay that I normally see in there, shall we investigate?  I've got to go anyhow, but you can join me if not I'll come back soon as I've found out what the fun is!" she dived out into the noise.

It wasn't that people were being noisier than they should, but they were ... all talking at once.

She found several of the crew now... Romulan-ised, and also the back of Lt.Savar.

She raised an eyebrow then spoke to Lt. Cmdr T'Lara.

"Something I need to be aware of, Commander?  I see Kestra has it well in hand but I was helping Ms Weir to settle in so if there was an alert for a medic for an away trip it was either not myself who was chosen to represent my department, my commbadge isn't working or they figured if I was needed they'd tell me when they got here!  Also... are you aware of any ah..." she indicated that the XO should turn slightly and dropped her voice.

"VIP guests?  I've been assigned to them by Dr. Thane but I have no information at all!  He said he'd forward the medical files relevant once the guest was on board."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on November 19, 2020, 10:16:57 PM

[USS Discovery - Sickbay]

Don wanted to protest to have that inside him. This was a mission. He kept his mouth shut.

"œHello Crewman. Welcome aboard the USS Discovery. I am Lieutenant Addams," he told her. The man saw his reflection as he spoke to her. Damn. He was not liking this.

"œI must be one good looking Romulan," he said as he was trailing T'Lara. "œYou think the cover story is that one your are my wife. And the others are really good friends to her." He shared as they walked. "œOr you all kidnap me for my ship," he gave a small chuckle.

As they walked down the corridor there was some good long stares from the crew who was walking by. They were astonish there was Romulans not in uniform.

"œExcuse me," A security guard. "œSorry, but, I need to report yo""-"œ he stared at Nira. "œEnsign Nira? Is that you!" Then he looked at T'Lara. Then his eyes widen open. "œ that really you? Or you from a mirror universe?"

Quote from: Nira Said on November 20, 2020, 12:41:53 AM

[Lieutenant JG Nira Said | Sickbay | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Thank you, Lieutenant," said Nira as cordially as possible. Once Don was finished, Nira sat down in his place to have her work done and took note of the new crewman waiting her turn. She didn't have to be an empath to know the girl was shy. She didn't even have to hear it in the tone of her voice. Her body language told her entirely.

Once the cosmetics were finished, she took in the final result with satisfaction. She was undoubtedly looking like the most beautiful Romulan refugee this side of...where Romulus and Remus used to be. She had to admit, though, the eyebrows looked a little too long.

What was even more amusing was that a crewman from Security walked in and was about to arrest them when he recognized her. And she recognized him, too, she worked with him on the Athena.

"Yes, it's me, Mister Jefferson," she said. "It has been a probably haven't noticed my promotion. And need I remind you about first name bases on duty, Mister?"

She didn't mean to pull rank, but she was still puzzled why people she knew often referred to her as "ensign." Then again, it was understandable, she wasn't showing her pips.

Once T'Lara gave her briefing, Nira took it in with rapt attention. When it was mentioned that the samples taken from the planet below contained dilitium, Nira raised both eyebrows with interest, high enough that she'd definitely pass as a Tal Shiar agent zeroing with a positive lead.

"That explains the mining sites the probe picked up," Nira said, "and why they practically put off terraforming. And the suspicious behavior of Travid and his sycophants. They've stumbled across and opportunity. I wouldn't be surprised with they've got smuggling arrangements somehow, with various criminal organizations or Romulan factions not joined to the Free State. Or both. I can easily imagine they've got a lucrative deal going: transport dilithium, and they can keep a small amount as payment. I'm just guessing, but I'm not surprised if that's the case. Hopefully the mining site will be proof enough that they are mining dilithium."

Nira nodded at having to be injected with chips to pass as Romulans even through sensors. "Brilliant," she said. Upon noticing Don was making gestures of discomfort at having to be injected, she added, "It's all right, Lieutenant. It'll just be a simple hypospray. We're probably not going to feel it."

Just then, she felt someone brace against her, like someone had tripped in a rush and braced against her to stop himself, for it definitely felt like a man. She looked up at him and...oh, she was taken with him, even if he was a Vulcan. And Vulcan men usually were, but this one seemed...different. He was...beautiful. As beautiful as she was.

[Lieutenant JG Savar | Sickbay | Deck Nine | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Savar was in such a hurry to get to Sickbay, he collided with what seemed like a beautiful Romulan woman...but upon closer inspection, he realized this was neither a Vulcan nor a Romulan. Just someone who looked like either.

As he and Prisaar was working at deflector control, as cordial as possible, he suddenly began feeling sweaty. As he worked, he found himself continually thinking of females, their figure, and he realized something was wrong. He had studied the stages of pon farr so he would be better prepared, to know what to expect. He didn't expect that this would happen to him so soon. He was realizing, given how much he studied to prepare for it, he had just entered the fringes of the early stages of pon farr.

"Excuse me, Prisaar," he said, "I think I'm experiencing some kind of reaction. I need to get to Sickbay quickly."

With that, he made his way as fast as possible to Sickbay, going so fast, restless as he was...further indication that the stages were progressing...he didn't look where he was going.

"Oh, excuse me," he said when he bumped into her, and they gazed at each other...for the briefest of moments, it felt like an eternity to gaze at each others' beauty...and then he broke the gaze and sought a medic, and found one: Ensign Stoerm, also Vulcan.

"Excuse me, Ensign," he said, "do you have something? Early stages of Pon Farr, no mate, but I don't want it to inconvenience me in my duty right now."

"Don't we always, Lieutenant?" said Stoerm, in his usual Vulcan mannerisms. "I might recommend the therapy program..."

Nira looked at the Vulcan with interest. She felt a variety of emotions from him. And they weren't just the emotions that were incoming as part of pon farr. Nervousness and panic, especially prevalent. And what was especially interesting was that she had no problem reading him; usually it was tricky to sense thoughts, let alone emotions, from Vulcans. She took in his face and bore in mind to seek him out later. For now, she turned back to the briefing.

[Sickbay-->Deck 9 - USS Discovery]

T'Lara blinked once in response to Luby's questions. She had assumed the cadet had received her communication about the away team, but perhaps she was mistaken. As for the "VIPs," there had been mention of Sub-Commander Ralik's entrance and a few minor details about who he was bringing with him, however since she hadn't been tasked to take care of it and had instead been loosely instructed to head the away team, this bit of information was in the far end of her thoughts. She also started her speech in a softened tone.

"My apologies, Cadet, I am not aware of the specifics of the guests, only that they are being escorted by Sub-Commander Ralik. To my knowledge the situation is being handled, whatever it may be. However, I did communicate with you about your assignment to accompany the away team. I apologize once more if you somehow did not receive that correspondence." She paused for just a moment as she felt herself hoping that this would be her last apology, being as the team really needed to be on their way out soon.

"Not to discredit Dr. Thane's authority, but this order from me overrides the order from him, and I will be communicating to him about the reason for your absence. In the meantime, please ask the medical team to provide you with cosmetic alterations and attire and we will continue on to the next part of the plan."

Essentially she was asking the young woman to make haste, as the XO figured they probably needed to do this in a timely manner.

When Luby was finished being outfitted and Romulanized, they headed out into the corridor. Don began a good-natured discussion about their cover story but before she could reply to him a security guard appeared to block their way. She raised an eyebrow at the question, then realized that he was trying to tease her and Nira.

"It is indeed I, Petty Officer. If we were on a mirror universe you would also be in that same universe, and therefore neither of us would be questioning the other. However if you are suggesting that I am actually from a differing universe than the one you inhabit and did not have the sense or foresight to disguise myself, my answer is that it is technically not impossible," she said without so much as a quirk of her lips.

[Shuttle Bay - USS Discovery]

They took a short turbolift trip to the Shuttle Bay and made their way to the Martha. Once they'd all settled in, T'Lara looked over at Don.

"You may proceed, Lieutenant." She didn't know if Addams would wait for her or just assume he could start the process of preliminary system checks so she brought it up just in case. He had the authority now for this part of the away mission.

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