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Messages - Alexander Graham

Holodeck / Re: Face-to-Face with Alexander Graham
October 22, 2023, 10:35:57 PM

[USS Discovery-XO's office]

"œThat's quite interesting commander I went into flight control as my grandfather was a pilot in the past and I wanted to follow in his footsteps. I figured that learning another specialty would prove to be useful in future away missions. I haven't thought about transferring the departments as I was doing research on the protocols of department transfers." He admitted that he wasn't too familiar with department transfers. He just thought that the extra knowledge could come in handy when the crew goes on away missions. He hoped that the commander would appreciate his honesty. He was impressed with the progress that the commander has made during his time in the fleet.


[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex made sure that everything was ready to go and running smoothly. He wasn't sure if the flight control chief wanted to be in the pilot chair this time. If that was the case then he would just be at the station where he is needed. He wanted to be ready just in case he was needed in the helm.

Holodeck / Re: Palm Skies - Pool Party open to All
October 20, 2023, 11:08:59 PM

[holodeck 3]

Alex's family taught him how to swim at a young age which comes in handy since the crew was having a pool party. He had on his swim trunks and a fitted t-shirt paired with suitable footwear. He wanted to arrive promptly so that he wouldn't be late to the party. As he got there he saw the other officers that arrived before him and gave them a slight nod as he went to go get a drink at the bar. "œI'll have one pina colada please." He looked around and he was familiar with some of the other officers that were there. He wasn't familiar with one of the officers that was there at the bar. He thought that maybe it would be a good time for him to introduce himself.

Holodeck / Re: Face-to-Face with Alexander Graham
October 20, 2023, 10:38:51 PM

[USS Discovery-XO's office]

"œWell commander I do have a boyfriend named Phoenix Hudson. I do have an interest in science and I have done my own personal research on my own time when I'm not on duty. Some of my hobbies include photography and working on my personal invention projects. I understand why we have to have these meetings as things could possibly change within a few months. If you don't mind me asking but what department did you work in prior to being promoted as a command level officer?" Alex hoped that his question wasn't too offensive or too personal. He was curious about what he did before he was the xo of discovery.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 13, 2023, 03:31:53 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

The voice of the AI answered in a pleasant tone.  "Transport initiated from the USS Jupiter.".   Helga raised an eyebrow at that response.

The AI continued to answer the second part of her question.  "The ensign was transported to the Brig."  Helga blinked in surprise and dared to ask.  "Why?"

"The transport was ordered by the Lieutenant Commander in Engineering.". Helga sighed - knowing exactly who the AI was talking about despite the Away Team having to Lt Commanders.  This was Lek's doing.  Hmph... Helga didn't yet know what had prompted the animosity between the two but Lek it seemed had had enough of the woman.  She just wished he'd waited until the ship was out of the nebula.  If there were any navigation or powerflow problems, Helga was up on the Bridge alone now and with her limited enlisted training, she didn't know how to work any of them.

As if on cue, an alert chimed on the console recently vacated by Lorut.   "Just great."

She activated her helmet comms.  =/\= "Tragnar to Commander Lek.  I hope you've sent someone up to replace Lorut.  Her station has a warning going off."=/\=

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

While Rayek waited on a response from Jupiter, he noted the Risian pilot get to his feet.  'Oh? Was he improving?'  After a moment or two of watching Lieutenant Grippen stagger about Rayek decided that the man was likely hallucinating.  This was confirmed a moment later when the pilot began banging on the viewscreen.

If not for the quarantine forcefield surrounding the Bridge, Rayek would have had the pilot beamed to Sickbay.  The pounding echoed in his ears ramping up the headache that was already present.

The Romulan wondered if he could get away with stunning the pilot to get him to stop... and claim it was for the man's own safety.  Eh, probably not.  Normally disruptive individuals would be handled by the security team that was shift on the Bridge; but like most, they too had succumbed to the illness.  That left just Rayek.  The Romulan stood up on unsteady legs and walked towards the pilot.

"Mr. Grippen!  I need you to get a grip on yourself.  Return to your seat."  Rayek reached out to the man to help guide him back.

It was as he was dealing with the Risian pilo,t at that moment, that the starfield view on the front screen suddenly changed to show the colorful streams indicative of warp travel.  What the...?!

Rayek looked over to Tekin.  But the Captain didn't seem to be in a state capable of activating the warp drive.

"Mr. Graham, what's going on? Did you jump us to warp?"

Rayek wasn't all that upset, since he had been hoping to go faster to get out quicker. He just needed to remind the human Helmsman that it was important to follow the chain of comment when it came to that sort of thing.

When it came to light that the Helmsman hadn't done so and was locked out of the controls, Rayek released Lieutenant Grippen to check the nearest console.   Someone had initiated the remote control of the ship, without the Captain's authorization.  Did they believe the Bridge completely incapacitated?  Well, almost - but not quite.

He would need to check the user's ID to figure out who had done so.  There were only 5 people aboard the ship with the access to that feature: the Captain, Rayek himself, Commander Thane, Lt Commander Lek, and Lt Commander Garrison; even Dr. Broadshire as Second Officer in-training, didn't have the authorization code to remote control the entire ship.  But finding out who had done so was a task for another time.

Because as they say... when it rains; it pours.  The Bridge received a comm message from Lieutenant Addams.

Rayek audibly groaned to hear that the damn Vulcan doctors were taking their sweet time in actually using the treatment provided.

=/\= "You've got to be kidding?!" =/\= Rayek complained aloud, something he normally wouldn't do.

=/\= "The rest of the crew doesn't have time for the ethics of Vulcans!  Give Patient Zero the treatment. In lieu of next of kin, I'm authorizing it.  Also send up a few doses of the treatment to the bridge.  I'll be a volunteer, and I suspect I'm not the only one." =/\=

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay >>> Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra silently questioned the wisdom of rushing the treatment testing. But she understood why.  Each life was precious and when the known result of doing nothing was death, then it made it easier to take risks.

The Grazerite nodded her head in acknowledgement of her orders from the ship's First Officer.   The comm closed and Torra approached the knot of Vulcans who had stopped their discussion.  She wondered how much of the conversation they had heard.  Given the notoriety of Vulcan hearing probably all of it.   Still Torra repeated the Commander's orders.

"I'll take a half dozen doses up to the Bridge and monitor their condition from there."  There was silence for a moment while the Vulcans looked between one another before the eldest among them nodded.

It took a minute for Torra to gather the treatment doses, then another 5 minutes to temporarily take down the forcefield that Dr. Broadshire had set up to quarantine the Bridge.   Then she activated the site-to-site transport to arrive on the Bridge.  She was surprised to see they were at warp.

Torra headed towards Rayek, but looking around addressed the rest of the Bridge - or at least those that were conscious enough to hear her.  "I have a six doses of the treatment that needs to be tested.  Do I have any volunteers other than Commander tr'Lhoell?"

She met eyes with the haggard looking Romulan as she pulled out the hypospray.  He nodded and presented his arm to her.  With a hiss the medication was delivered.

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œCommander there is nothing concerning going on I made the jump to warp." He was sure that he was fine as he made sure to not worry the commander. He figured as long as he was able to pilot the ship then there shouldn't be a problem. He thought that as long as he closely monitored his symptoms as time progressed then he should be fine. He would have let someone know if things got worse.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 05, 2023, 09:16:25 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Mr Graham, you heard the captain. Plot a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get us the heck out of here..."

The Risan then turned with hazy vision to the doctor, tinnitus continuing to ring in his years. Something about the virus? None of what the doc said made sense in Malik's added brain, it was just a blur of words. As the ship's doctor lay on his terminal, so to did Malik's body finally give up and he slumped out of the chair onto the hard bridge floor with a soft thud.

"I'm just going to lay here for a bit..." Malik curled up into a ball and closed his eyes ready to accept death and blessed relief from this virus.

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

"œUnderstood Captain." Alex plotted a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get them out of there. He didn't want to waste any time as he had a feeling that things could get much worse for them. He was curious to know what kind of information that the away team found. He hoped that Lieutenant Grippen would be alright.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 16, 2023, 03:00:20 PM

[Bridge, USS Discovery]

Malik continued to monitor the star's activity and nebula currents with concern, he hoped Lek on the Jupiter would get the engines running soon otherwise they would all be turned into dust. The Risan coughed, trying to clear the tightness in his throat but it only made it worse. It definitely wasn't in his imagination, his throat was starting to feel like sandpaper. He cursed inwardly at the no cupholders protocol, a drink would be most welcome right now.

He turned to the rest of the bridge crew, "Do we actually know what this supposed virus is? Or how it got aboard so quickly after we arrived."

He felt vulnerable and powerless to do anything. Then his vision started to go blurry, the Risan wiped his eyes trying to focus them but that only caused tinnitus to start ringing in his ears. How was it that he felt this awful, this quickly? "Is anyone else seeing double or is that just me...ughh..."

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex looked concerned as seeing double wouldn't be good for a pilot especially the one at the helm. "œMr. Grippen I don't think you are the only one that is seeing double. Is this one of the symptoms from that virus?" He figured that any other questions that he asked could be asked to the medical officer. He had other concerns but he wasn't going to come to conclusions just yet.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 13, 2023, 07:09:57 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye captain. We'll keep her steady as we can."

Malik knew that the Ops officer on duty would take care of the shield increase, hopefully they would hold out before the star went supernova and sent them all to the great pleasure-garden in the sky. The captain seemed assured and the Risan took comfort in that. He watched and listened as the first officer was reported as having a raised temperature. That meant the quarantined bridge was now exposed to the mysterious illness. Malik pressed a palm to his throat trying to judge his temperature, was he running hot? The doc had just taken his temperature and it reported as normal, but if the first officer was infected then so were the rest of the bridge staff now.

Malik watched the viewscreen and saw the USS Jupiter's impulse engines come to life, the away teams were making progress at least. He turned his attention to helm, "Mr Graham, how do you feel? Any new symptoms?"

Malik swallowed, his throat feeling scratchy. Was that new? It was probably just his mind playing tricks.

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œThere's no new symptoms that I know of besides a scratchy throat. I'll make a note if anything new appears in terms of symptoms Mr. Grippen." He wondered if it was a normal symptom or if he was going crazy. He had no idea what symptoms he was supposed to be on the lookout for. He was just going to make note if anything changes from the normal symptoms.


[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex took a closer look at the scans and it was clear that it seemed to be a dire situation. He hoped that they were able to avoid things getting rather choppy. He didn't mind having to have his temperature checked. He felt that it was better to be safe than sorry. He chuckled as he heard the naked remark to Lieutenant Broadshire.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 04, 2023, 05:45:16 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter- Corridors] (earlier)

It took a lot of self-control for Helga not to snatch the phaser away from the trigger-happy Bajoran.  "Do us all a favor, ma'am.... Double check that you have that thing on stun.  I'll haunt you myself in revenge if you get me killed."

[USS Jupiter- Bridge] (present)

A phaser beam lanced out and pierced the white apparition as it faded away.  Helga ran toward Sydney to check on her and if nothing else block any further attacks...  "Are you okay?"

Helga gave Sydney and visual once over, but thankfully the woman didn't appear injured... maybe just a bit embarrassed.   At the quest of 'what was it?'  Helga could only shake her head.

"I'm not sure.  It seemed like just another of the replaying scenes at first... but then it seemed to directly target you."

Seeing that the officer was fine, Helga moved back to her position by the door to watch the hall once more, though she kept glancing back waiting for the loop of the Captain to reappear.  Weird that it hadn't done so immediately like all the rest.

Helga listened to the two officers banter back and forth, the hall way was quiet... same with the bridge.  There was no sign of the Captain apparition, which she supposed was a good thing. But it was weird, because every other crew sighting had looped..  So why didn't this one?

Lights suddenly flickered and came on overhead as well as on several consoles, as they began to power up.

Helga grinned to hear Lek's sexy voice over the comm.  Soon he'd have this bucket of a ship fully-powered and on its way out of this nebula.

But with the lights came other problems... the Captain in White was back and he wasn't alone!  With him appeared the what looked like the majority of his Senior Officers - also dressed in their formal dress uniforms - they are spread out across the bridge standing by their respective stations Helga assumed - perhaps haunting them?  Only they didn't look ghostly at all. They appeared solid as a living person.

Once more the Captain raised his saber "Repel the Intruders!" he called.  The order was sounded throughout the ship.

[USS Jupiter - Engineering] (present)
"Repel the Intruders!"  The voice sounded over the comm system.   Suddenly a team of security personnel appeared at the entrance to Main Engineering, each with a phaser that they held in hand.   Behind them stood a burly-looking Grazerite with huge bull-like horns in an Engineering yellow uniform.  "No one messes with my girl, Jupiter, and gets away with it!  Surrender now or face the consequences!"

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

=/\="Kommanderr Thane ees von uf zee patients afflicted, Sir. He just kollapsed.  " =/\=

Rayek heard the Captain's orders.   At Level 1, Security personnel would be patrolling to ensure non-essential personnel remained in their quarters.

Rayek rose from his seat to take a look at the console display of helm officer. "Excellent work, Mr. Grippen.  Continue to keep an eye on them, but if the ship is capable of it, Lek will have the Jupiter ready long before then." he assured the Risian pilot.

"Mr. Graham, downpitch your angle by point zero seven.  That'll give the extended shields been coverage over the Jupiter."
[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œUnderstood commander." Alex made the adjustment to the angle by downpitching it by zero seven. It was important that extended shields were there over the Jupiter. He had to admit that he was quite impressed with Lieutenant Grippen's work. He figured that he could learn more from the lieutenant so that he could improve his own work.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 03, 2023, 04:35:30 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye, commander." Malik made his way over to the project station and logged in. He initiated the standard, repeating sensor sweep of their local vicinity and the results were quickly displayed on his screen. Nebulas weren't typically known for volatile movements, but there were exceptions. The class J they were situated in held no special significance in the Starfleet database and the scan results thus far, were satisfactory.

Malik had already reviewed the personnel files of the Discovery's Flight Department and recognised the CPO. Younger than Malik, born on Earth in a place called 'Cauliflower', or something like that. Earth place names were confusing to him seemingly random letters strung together, not like Risa place names that made sense. Malik understood that Mr Graham had worked his way up through the ranks over the past five years to become an accomplished and well respected member of the crew.

"That's some smooth sailing, Mr Graham. I'm sending you the latest scan data on the nebula, there doesn't appear to be any cause for...", a warning tone on Malik's terminal cut him off. As the scan range steadily increased outwards from the ship, it detected an unusually disturbed pocket of nebula turbulence 200km to starboard. It was steadily making its way towards both vessels. The Discovery could no doubt handle it, but it could pose a risk to the Jupiter without inertial dampers or artificial gravity online to soften the turbulence.

"Mr Graham, check the latest scan data, we'll need to adjust course to avoid that."

He turned to the captain and first officer as the quarantine lighting and warning tone sounded out across the ship, "Sirs, sensors are detecting unusually strong Nebula eddies 200km, at bearing 95 mark 7. It may pose a risk to the Jupiter without essential systems online, eta to impact is estimated within next two hours."

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex smiled at the compliment of his flying skills. He nodded as he was ready to look at the scans of the nebula as soon as he got it. The tone of Malik's voice likely meant that there was something found that was a serious concern. "œUnderstood Mr. Grippen judging from the scans it looks like it could be slightly concerning." He looked at the scans and swiftly calculated the adjustment so that they could avoid running into it. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before something possibly concerning happened.


[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex looked at the chief flight officer as he said "œI know this must probably be weird given that you are a higher rank Lieutenant but I look forward to working with you." He thought that maybe the information that came from the project station could be useful if he had to make adjustments. When it came time he would communicate with Lieutenant Grippen to see what's going on with what he can't see. He figured that he could learn a lot from working with the chief flight officer.

Holodeck / Re: Face-to-Face with Alexander Graham
August 30, 2023, 10:39:34 PM

[USS Discovery-XO's office]

Alexander opened the door as he entered the room and closed the door behind him. He chose to sit in the seat where he could make eye contact with the commanding officer. "œMay I please have a cup of tea?" He politely asked Commander tr'Lhoell. When he was in the mess hall he would usually have a cup of tea before he had to report for his usual duties. So far he wasn't as nervous during this face to face discussion. He figured that if he was confident in his answers and in what they were talking about then he shouldn't have that much of a problem.

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