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Messages - Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 28, 2023, 05:59:48 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Cargo Bay] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:15hrs)

Not pausing in his task of carrying out the crate of smuggled cargo, Rayek walked past the 'called out' O'Brian and Lorut, as Kirayoshi responded back.  Being practical, there was no way that if they were discovered now that they could make it to the computer core.  So it was crucial that he not give himself away by getting involved if by chance O'Brian and Lorut had somehow been discovered.

The key to this mission was their disguises not their melee skills.

The crash and clatter of assorted electronic parts and stem bolts drew the Romulan's attention briefly.  But more importantly, it drew the attention of the true Breen who started 'yelling' at the disguised O'Brian.  The limits of the Universal Translator were discovered when half the man's words were nothing but electronic garbled noise.

".....! Save me from careless ......! Pick that up now, you ......!"

The Breen turned to towards Lorut. "You help xem."

Then the static volume lowered and bits and pieces could be heard as the Breen strode past the other away members exiting the ship as he entered Cloten's cargo bay.  ".. things done right... do it yourself... "

Relieved at the break they had been given, Rayek dropped his cargo off and immediately headed to the muster point - the stairwell - while the true Breen continued to unload Cloten's ship

Once everyone had gathered, Rayek signaled Jael to take point and looked to Lorut to direct their route.  The only way the Romulan was able to distinguish her from any other of the team was that on his visual display her surname was noted.

"You know the route best.  Keep in constant comms with Lieutenant Sherem and guide her to the core."

The route through the corridors and levels of the Breen base were not direct nor very intuitive.  In some cases, to go up to the next deck, the team had to travel down two, across from port to starboard, and then back up again because of sealed bulkheads and other blockages.   Thankfully these blockages had been listed on the schematic and should have been accounted for when Lorut picked out the routes they would take.   The Bajoran Ops ensign had done so well enough in practice in the Holodeck, that Rayek had confidence she would do likewise in the field.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2023, 01:31:05 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

The counselor's information was good enough for the Romulan.

"Thank you, Counselor." he acknowledged with a nod, which was awkward in the Breen suit.

He looked around at his team.  They were trusting him to make the best decision not only for the mission but for their safe return home.   He too had loved ones waiting for him.  This was not a suicide mission.

"Alright.  We don't have time to seek out a medbay, treatment will have to be after the fact.  Now, it's just a matter of if we can get past the door without alerting anyone."  Rayek looked to the engineers and Ops officer.

Rayek didn't assign the task to a specific person as he figured each individual knew better than him or anyone else their capabilities. "I want that hatch open.  Work together if it will help.. just get it done."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 02, 2023, 10:38:08 PM

[Breen ship]
Kirayoshi nodded and began to rummage through his tools., then perked as he thought of something.  "œWhat if we trigger the fire alert systems? That'll distract "˜em long enough for us to jaunt through some radioactivity, and we can get through in all the commotion.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem |Breen Cargo Bay |  Breen Station]

In her suit, Jael scowled. That hullabaloo about radiation? They didn't have the time.

"In all fairness," she said quietly, "we need to get to our objective as fast as possible..."

She got to work in helping pry the hatch open, though Lieutenant O'Brien made a suggestion that made her turn to face him.

"What fire alarm systems?" she snapped quietly. "Any alarm will mean trouble, and heightened security will make the job harder."

THIS is the man whose father is the famous Hero of Setlik III? Jael thought to herself in unbelief. If he was actually there, he wouldn't last one damn minute. And she concentrated back on getting the hatch open, looking back every so often for actual Breen incoming.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 25, 2023, 10:55:39 PM

[Cargo Bay]
While Challenger's team assembled in the transporter room, Rayek headed down to the Cargo bay to speak to his team directly.   During his absence on the Bridge, all sign of their impromptu living quarters had been removed from the Cargo Bay and only Cloten's smuggled cargo that remained.

"We'll be docking with the Breen station momentarily.  As planned, we will keep out of sight as the first of the cargo is off loaded then one by one slip out from hiding and assume the role of base personnel moving Cloten's cargo from here to their cargo area. We will meet up in the emergency stairwell behind the cargo area.  Try not to look conspicuous."

Rayek signaled for them to hide as the ship's alert system announced an imminent docking.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 27, 2023, 01:01:08 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
[breen ship]

At the sign, he went out and picked up a crate. Don't be suspicious. he thought, trying to maintain the act and and remain calm. , When it was safe, He motioned for Ensign Lorut to follow him. They had to get into the computer core, a place at the end of a labrynth of hallways and corridors.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 27, 2023, 04:02:49 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Cargo Bay >>> Breen Base - Cargo Bay] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:15hrs)

It didn't take long for Cloten's ship to dock with the Breen Base - 10 minutes tops.  Because this was a business transaction, the ship has docked directly onto the Breen's cargo hold.  So when the large bay doors opened it fronted to a Bay far more packed that Cloten's ship if that was possible.

Rayek crouched in wait for the opportune time to slip out of hiding and join the half dozen Breen already moving cargo.  He waited for the few to return to the Breen base before signalling the first individual to go.   He had intended that individual to be one of the more expendable Security personnel but that didn't happen.  Rather a miscommunication occurred.

Rayek would have facepalmed if it were possible do to so in his suit without it making a noise or looking suspicious.   He waited - ready to come out of hiding shooting if the breen in the area took exception to Kirayoshi's presence.  But there was no hostile reaction.   Rayek followed O'Brian's progress over his helmet's display.

It was possible for Rayek to identify Kirayoshi O'Brian from the real Breen because each of their suits had a been installed with the Universal translators which Rayek (and the others on the Away team) could track.

With the plan seeming to be working, Rayek motioned for the others to one by one move out of hiding and make their way to the emergency stairwell, where the plan was to have them meet up again to make their way up 8 levels the central computer core - according to their sneaked-out schematics.

However, no sooner had Rayek in disguise picked up a cargo crate than one of the 'true' Breen approached Commander O'Brien and Ensign Lorut.

There came a shrill metallic, synthesized noise that Rayek's universal translator translated into words.

"You two come with me!"  The Breen gestured the two back towards Cloten's ship.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Cargo Bay >- Breen Cargo Bay | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope >- Breen Station]

"I hear you," said Jael as Rayek gave his briefing. Now that they were close, she felt eager to get going. Messing with her father's Borg salvage operation was definitely more satisfying than getting direct revenge. She had spent three days getting used to her Breen suit, remembering how to behave like a Breen, from what was recalled when there were instances of disguising as Breen in the past.

Once they were ready, Jael got her helmet thoroughly in place and was prepare to follow Rayek out, but then the O'Brien boy squeezed past her, along with Lorut.

No concerns for their safety, are they? Jael thought to herself. As such, she came out after Lorut and took in Rayek - and she knew full well it was Rayek from their time together drilling in disguise - gesturing to head for the stairwell. She remembered the drill: Head up the emergency stairwell to the computer core. She resisted the urge to flinch when she heard a Breen - a real Breen - call out and saw O'Brien and Lorut pointed out by a real Breen.

Oh, that's not good

Back at Cloten's cargo bay, Rebecca Sisko waited her turn, planning on going last to take point, though intending to follow Mister Gohun out to cover him, as he and Lorut were essential in this operation.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 12, 2023, 05:21:40 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Cargo Bay One] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (twelve hours later)

Rayek had donned his suit without comment or complaint.  This by far not being even close to the worst attire he'd had to wear for a mission.

He could understand Commander Sisko's frustration at all the evidence of criminal activity they were being asked to ignore - but it was for a greater good.

At Commander Said's query, Rayek nodded.  "Yes, I have."  His PADD, he had tucked into a storage compartment in his suit.  Also in the compartment, was a Romulan designed device that would mask the power signature of the PADD and give off false bio readings for those within a 10 m radius of it.  Setting it to resemble a Breen lifesign had been tricky, but he'd had some help.

[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck] (4 hrs AFTER undocking)

A timer he had set on his PADD went off alerting him to the fact that the team deserved a break.

"Computer - pause program."

Over the course of the past 4 hours Rayek had run simulation after simulation with the Away Team and in each scenario their disguises were always questioned by the Breen station staff when the current Universal Translators failed to translate the Breen language completely.

During the last hour, Rayek had the holodeck computer bypass and ignore the communications flaw in their plan, just so the team could actually reach the base for once and practice beyond that part of the scenario.   The results were varied.

"Good work everyone.  Take a half hour break.".

Rayek, in the meantime, would check in with Lieutenant Garrison to see if she and her team had made any headway with upgrading the translators -  it was clear communications were a crucial element of this mission.

[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Bridge]
Rayek, in his role as Breen team leader, had been anticipated on the Bridge of Cloten's ship.  When Mackenzie dropped his act,  Rayek was tempted point it out to the Only that he should remain in character in case one of Cloten's subordinates thought to spy on his superior to learn his secrets, but the Romulan thought better of the idea.

Quote from: Dranik on June 16, 2023, 08:18:12 AM

[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Bridge]

Dranik was uncomfortable in the Breen suit, it wasn't a matter of physical discomfort but rather the feeling of being closed in the suit. It wasn't something he had been looking forward to truth be told but he had no choice but to tolerate it for the sake of the mission.

Do the Breen actually find this comfortable? He thought to himself as he stood still with the others.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Jael was surprised at feeling better at the drill she had. The focus and practice in the suit was good. Only the old translator screwed it up, but when the science people brought it in, the drills worked a lot better.

Then there was both the teams spending the night on a...very interesting ship. Stolen, graffitied antique on the outside - Jael could tell from the female siluoette that it was a ship stolen by a sleaze. She was very surprised by what was inside, and so were the rest of the away team. She had expecting decor on par with an Orion pirate ship. She was close, given the sparse Orion guards on every other door, but the comparison ended there.

In a nutshell, having read about Starfleet splinter groups since reading about the Maquis, she read about Turkana IV, and she felt like she had walked right into a Turkana warlord's bunker, and she meant bunker. It was dirty, from appearance to smell, and the various Selay bones added to the grisly decor. Jael could tell they were Selay given that she recalled the brieft that Cloten was one of the only remaining hardcore anti-Selay groups of Anticans in the Beta Renner system.

She was disgruntled that both teams were going to spend a few hours aboard. At least the drill preparations helped keep her mind of the smell and the Prophets-awful atmosphere.

Now, when they got their real suits, Jael wrinkled her nose. She had a feeling that whatever poor Breen was in that suit, the ugly fellow wasn't going to need it anymore. Keeping her own strong feelings about the Breen inside, she looked around. Dranik looked uncomfortable in the suit, and Jael was surprised. It was even the biggest Breen suit there was.

"Actually," she told him when he exclaimed about the suit, "the suit's designed to protect the individual inside. The Breen have an intolerance to anything above subzero temperatures; the suits are primarily designed to keep their bodies refrigerated."

She was a little surprised at how Dranik was taking this. She couldn't even tell whether or not he felt right at home in the psychotic furball's yacht. And, easily enough, her attention focused on whatever big lugs there were left. Mostly Nausicaans, and they were all staring at Dranik with interest. Specifically fascination. It made sense, Dranik was a Hirogen from the Delta Quadrant, and there were fewer people from the Delta Quadrant than from Gamma that anybody from Alpha and Beta Quadrants met.

Looking back at Commander (Rebecca) Sisko, she said, "Looks like our teams are almost ready, Commander."

"Good," said Rebecca. "I'll be up shortly with our 'hostage.'"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 09, 2023, 12:34:32 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

He remained silent as she started in with an explanation almost immediately.  Good, she realized she did wrong.  He leaned back as she finished her tale and then sighed.

"I sympathized, Jael. But you are not here as a friend to a wronged Cardassian.  As long as you wear that uniform, you are a Starfleet officer, and part of that means your actions do not just reflect on you, but on me and on Starfleet as a whole. Chewing out the diplomatic leader of a people for a personal matter, not even really related to their position, was wholly inappropriate.  And to be frank, it makes me question your duty in this mission." he stated, crossing his arms.

"Whether you like it or not, Garak is a leader to his people.  And you don't get the leeway of cultural understanding like the Klingons do with their Starfleet officers. If you can't separate your personal matters from the mission, then you will be relieved.  Is that understood?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Captain's Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Suddenly, Jael was wishing Tekin had yelled at her. The calm words hurt her a lot worse than his shout. The fact of risking removal from the mission was the worst blow of all.

"I understand, Captain," she said. "And, again, I apologize. This is a matter of bringing down my father. I have no intention of making this personal, not in this chance to bury the last of the Dominion's influence that's scarred the Cardassian union."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 10, 2023, 12:33:02 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek turned his head to look over towards Dr. Broadshire, then paused.  There was something 'off' about the junior Lieutenant but couldn't quite place his finger on what it was.   Being unable to identify the reason for his feeling bothered the Romulan and he frowned ever so slightly.

"I didn't take shore leave.  That is a luxury for the crew." He had spent his time studying what little was known about the Breen and prepping the Away Team for any situation they might face.

His attention then turned to the stations reports coming in.

"Thank you, Lieutenant.  For the moment pass off your station to a junior, I have a task for you."

With a few taps on his PADD a incomprehensible static sound was played.  "That... to our understanding is the Breen language.  It eludes Federation - and Romulan - attempts to decipher it.  I'd like for you to gather as many Science and Ops personnel as you can and see if you can do what the Universal Translators can't.  Which is figure out the basics of Breen communication.  For this mission we're being told to communicate using Federation Standard - as that is a common tongue among mercenaries... but that I feel will raise suspicion when we are on the Breen base.   I'd like to have even a rudimentary understanding of their language if at all possible.  Pull whatever personnel you need... other than the Away Team members."

=/\= "Engineering to Bridge. All systems green. Impulse and warp engines are at the ready." =/\=

Rayek was surprised to have junior Lieutenant T'Farr report in for Engineering rather than Lek.  He wondered if the Ferengi were upset at him for having selected a junior engineer to go on the Away Mission, rather than him.  That didn't sound at all something that Lek complain about though.  But if so, it wouldn't matter - Rayek had his reasons.

Lek was the best engineer they had and he needed the Ferengi to ensure the ship, which his wife and son were on, was kept in the best condition possible as the potential for this mission to end up in full blown battle was high.   He'd tried to convince Tess yesterday to accept a medical transfer to DS9 but she pointed out that with the Borg transwarp no place could be considered safe.   She wasn't wrong about that.  Still, he worried.

At Ensign Lorut's report and attempt at humor, Rayek looked over frowning that she was at her Ops station rather than in the holodeck going over more scenarios for the infiltration.   He called up on his PADD the day's roster, and discovered he had he neglected to update it for the planned mission.   No wonder she was here on the Bridge instead of training.

"Thank you, Ensign.  Speaking of Cardassians... can you confirm if our Cardassian guest, Legate Sherem, has arrived on board?  If so, invite the Legate, along with Lieutenant Commander Sisko and Lieutenant O'Brien, to the Bridge to witness our departure from Deep Space Nine."  It was a courtesy thing.

"Then message those on the Away Team to meet in Holodeck One in ten minutes to continue our Breen scenarios."

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Rebecca had just arrived on the bridge with Legate Sherem. She had to admit, Rahab Sherem was the most Bajoran-like Cardassian, in terms of religious fervor, she had ever seen. She was glad that she didn't begin fawning over her and worship her like some priestess - of which she was definitely not - like most devout Bajorans that crossed her path. Which not just brought about her scowling but also her aversion of avoiding the public.

At least Mama Kassidy had her quiet little settlement on Bajor where she had intended to least, specifically with her father. She was glad it was so out of the way that Bajorans didn't stop there like a tourist trap.

They had arrived just as Commander tr'Lhoell was asking for them and Kirayoshi.

"You called?" asked Rahab with amusement.

So maybe Rahab can crack jokes better than Garak can. Maybe, maybe not, what does Rebecca know?

Still, she felt right at home. This was a stern ship. She couldn't imagine Malik Belvedere on this ship, not with his bubbly attitude. She had seen Captain Tekin and she wouldn't be surprised if Malik melted into a puddle of humiliation if Captain Tekin stared him down too long. Of course, Ulysses Vaughn was just as stern, as was his father, Elias, from what Rebecca had seen of him when she was little.

"If you're wondering where Mister O'Brien is, chances are, he could be down in Engineering," Rebecca told Commander tr'Lhoell.

At that moment, a young Cardassian officer emerged from the ready room. She gave a nod and a slight smile and said, "Hello, mother."

"Well, don't mind me, Jael," said Rahab. "But promise you won't embarrass any more officials from or leading the Detapa Council. Wel...maybe Dukat would've been more deserving of it if he was still alive."

If it was possible for a Cardassian to blanch with a pale face, Jael would. Instead, she settled for looking sick and grimaced.

"Not in this uniform," she said uneasily. "Nor ever."

"Glad you recognized your mistake," said Rahab, tapping her shoulder in reassurement. "Oh, and Jael, look who's here with me. The Daughter of the Emissary."

Rebecca cringed for a nanosecond and curled her lip a tad. She never liked being reminded of that title. She wondered how much her father tired of that title.

"Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko, thank you very much," she said coldly.

"Well, good to meet you face to face, but we do have our respective duties," said Jael. "I got your message, Commander," she said to Commander tr'Lhoell. "I'll see you down at Holodeck One."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 05, 2023, 03:25:13 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Ward Room]

With his concerns... mostly eased, and the meeting completed, Nevir stood up with the rest, nodding to the elder Sherem as she announced she would be on his ship.  He looked back at Jael one more time, before turning and leaving the ward room, and in fact leaving the station.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir returned to the ship and just sat in his seat, going over the events and the plans for the future.  He was troubled for a multitude of reasons, many of which he couldn't exactly put his finger on why.  Turning in his chair, he looked at the wall to the side of him, where golden models of previous ships named 'Discovery' were displayed.  It was funny... unlike some of the other legacy ships, Discovery seemed to change registry numbers frequently.  A maritime curse that seemed to thankfully stop with his ship, at least for now.  Then again, this period of time Starfleet vessels had a knack for having a shorter than normal lifespan, for various reasons.  Most of which involved the ship being lost to some other force.  And even with the period of peace following the Dominion War, he was very much reminded of it here at Deep Space Nine.  And if another war broke out, more ships would find their lifespan cut incredibly short.

He sighed.  He waited long enough.  He needed to make sure his entire crew was at their best.  Which meant he needed to handle what occurred.

=/\= "Tekin to Sherem.  Report back to Discovery, and to my Ready Room." =/\=

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Replimat >- Captain's Ready Room | Promenade >- Deck One | Starbase Deep Space Nine >- USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael decided to make her way back to Discovery. She took in enough of Deep Space Nine and felt that she needed to get ready for further drills. She had just gotten to the airlock when she got the call from Captain Tekin.

"On my way," Jael said in reply, already having an idea of why she was being summoned. Remembering what she had told Nira, she was ready to give her story again.

She saw her mother on her way in and indicated to her that she'll be out shortly. Sitting across from Captain Tekin, Jael said, "Hello, Captain. I can guess what this is about. And I wish to apologize on my behavior on that regard.

"If you're wondering what I have against Castellan Garak," Jael explained, "I'll try to keep it short."

And, in her best shortened version, she explained about her neighbor and friend Kel Lokar, how Kel's mother was in a relationship with Garak, how that relationship got him banished, and when Jael passed on Kel's regards, he pretended it didn't happen, that Jael, disappointed after being so in awe of this great hero, was disappointed that he still wouldn't acknowledge the truth.

"I don't mean to tell out a story, Captain," said Jael when she finished. "I just feel the need to explain to you why I have such strong negative feelings against Garak. In a nutshell, he's a disappointment to me."

And so, she stopped talking and braced herself for what the Captain is going to deliver from his mouth, and she was definitely expecting to be shouted at.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 27, 2023, 09:36:50 PM

[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Everything seemed to go okay.. until the worst thing to happen did.  His own officer speaking out.  Not just a quiet quip, but finally actively being adversarial to a diplomat.  Regardless of who it was, it did not matter, and what was worse is that Jael did not seem to let up.  Discovery was being embarrassed by the second.  And the Captain finally had enough.

"Miss Sherem.. that's ENOUGH!" he suddenly shouted back, channeling his inner Emmissary as he tried not to clench his fist.  He didn't need to explain what or why, but the look he was giving his officer was quite enough; she was more than just out of line. He waited for the sound of his own voice to stop reverberating on the walls before he dared speak again.

"I will say this only once.  If you are too close to the mission to remain objective, then I will relieve you of duty now and let you sit this one out.  If you wish to remain on this assignment, you will remain seated and silent unless addressed directly.  Is that clear?"

Once that was done, he turned back to Kira and Garak as well as his group.  "My apologies, it will not happen again. Please continue."

He sat back, listening as they continued, while occasionally looking back at his officer just in case.  Very few people could remain objective in such a situation, but time and experience gave him the ability to restrain himself in such times... something that Jael seemed to lack.  He was not looking forward to the later meeting in his ready room.

"On top of that... do we have a backup plan?  This mission is already looking like its going to rely on acting skills and trust of less-than-savory types."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 30, 2023, 04:19:35 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Deep Space Nine - Wardroom]

Rayek remained close by Jael, a constant reminder to his Cardassian  junior officer that she was to keep silent unless spoken to directly.  His closed stance, with his arms folded across his chest, gave the impression he wasn't pleased nor very forgiving at the moment.

His eyes continually roved the room as he listened to the conversation continue.  Whereas most were watching the legends, the Romulan looked over his thankfully silent team.

Other than junior Lieutenant Sherem, there was Discovery's new doctor, Ensign Willard - more of a counselor really, but that might come in handy.  There was the recently promoted Hirogen, Petty Officer Dranik, and the not surprisingly quiet El-Aurian; also Petty Officer Gohun, and the senior Academy graduate, Ensign Lorut, who Rayek remembered as being far more youthful in alternate dimension.  Crowded as it was, it took a moment or two for the Romulan notice that he was missing Discovery's newest science officer. only moments before she entered breathing heavily as if she'd run a grueling marathon.

Rayek made point of making eye contact with the Lieutenant.  A silent reprimand for the returning officer, to shape up and be a better role model to her juniors.

There seemed to be a pause from the Admiral at Captain Tekin's query about a back-up plan and the Rayek expected more the same after Galloway tried to get details on their return.

It might be possible, if their mercenary personas were believed, that they could in the chaos of the abduction and database wipe, appropriate a shuttle and meet up with their ships at a predetermined location.  But most likely, each team member would be fitted with a tracker and transport enhancer to make rapid beam up possible. At least, that's what Rayek suspected.   So far the Admiral and DS9's guests hadn't answered.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael was shocked by Captain Tekin's reaction. She stared, wide-eyed in horror, as he shouted at her. She kept her silence until her mother asked her to join along with the briefing.

She was relieved to get on with it; she had prepared her information and now was able to provide. Other than her contributions to the briefing, she kept her silence.

She was certainly aware of Rayek sitting next to her, and she had a good idea why he was sitting next to her: She speaks out of turn again, she'll be escorted from the briefing.

Looking around at the team she was with, Jael recalled the training exercises she had with them. The new counselor, Willard...well, Jael liked her, and she certainly did a better job than Jael ever had been when she used to be a counselor. Dranik and Gohun she had known, albeit from a distance, never getting to know or see them much. Lorut, the Bajoran...well, she made a note to get to know her better.

Tekin's question about a backup plan prompted Jael to glance at Rahab and then at the other officers.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

Nira looked particularly at the two teams assembled at the ward room, each from the two ships, particularly at Jael and Kina. She could understand why Jael needed to be there, whereas Kina knows something about her own father, and he could have something on Old Man Sherem. In general, the teams have been briefed on the situation at hand, and the meeting with the Cardassian officials was to describe what they'll be dealing with at the stations.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Wardroom | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

So this was the factor to have some of Discovery's crew's shore leave being shortened. Even Jael's. It was understandable, she had enough time to introduce her Bajoran brother Gid to Kina Nural before she had to go through some training exercises.

Once they got there, and being in the presence of Admiral Kira Nerys, Jael could see where this was leading. Though she was certainly taken aback by what was going on around the Badlands, why her father was so active in raiding, and, even more disturbingly, the presence of Changelings and secret Dominion bases in Breen space.

Still, the news that the Kalnak had come to Deep Space Nine, it meant her mother had something. Admiral Kira left momentarily and then returned with her mother and Legate Nural...and Jael was in for a surprise.

"œLadies, gentlemen," Kira said. "œI present Legates Nural and Sherem - well, Mrs. Sherem - of Cardassian Central Command. And joining us is the Castellan"¦"

"œActually, that is not me at the moment, Admiral," a voice said from behind the Legates, and an older Cardassian seemed to materialize between them. In spite of his age and graying hair, he bore a wide, amused smile, like he loved to live a life of, what they called on Earth, a troll. Not a mythological troll, but a troll that likes to make a mockery.

Jael perked up at the sight of the Castellan and frowned. "œSo, it's you," she snipped quietly.

"œThat's right, my dear," Elim Garak replied, nodding at Jael. "œJust plain, simple Garak."

"œPlain and simple, my [spoiler]ass[/spoiler]," sneered Jael. "œWe all know what you're really like."

"œI highly doubt it, my dear," Garak replied with a nod. "œEven when I was owing your mother dresses and fresh baby clothes for you before the general withdrawal."

"œYeah, and I know full well why you were in exile in the first place, Garak," retorted Jael.

"œCome now, must I give that story again?" Garak said with a shrug and a grin he flashed around, as if to say, "œcan you believe it?" "œThat tax evasion forced me into exile?"

"œOh, come off it, Garak," snapped Jael, "œyou know full well it was over a woman."

The exchange was cut short after Rayek and Tekin each made their piece to shut her up, although Rahab's expression certainly helped hold her silence.

"œI believe the Castellan and his associates have something to share with us." said Mrs. Sherem, once the reprimand was finished. She had a slight smile on her face, but her eyes becoming hard, staring at Jael. It was The Look, and Jael knew it all to well. "œI understand you'll have assembled what you know about Melek Nor?"

"œYes, but we'll need to make comparisons," Jael said, ready to give her piece, but she kept her silence as Garak gave his piece, though Jael contributed wherever she could.

Quote from: Nira Said on May 27, 2023, 09:36:31 AM

Garak then whipped out a Cardassian data rod and inserted it into a console on the table. A holographic display then activated, showing a Nor-station schematic, very identical to Deep Space Nine, only Nira could see the differences instantly. There was enough green to know"¦

"œMelek Nor?" asked Nira.

"œCorrect, Commander," said Admiral Kira.

"œHow very detailed," said Nira. "œBut it has to be Allah and Prophets know how many years old it is."

"œActually, it's a fresh schematic," Garak said. "œLegate Nural has a man on the inside, infiltrating Nehor Sherem's ranks. This is just one of a few recent things he's transmitted in secret. It wasn't easy to get a hold of, I can tell you that."

"œPresumably in that he can't risk any more leaking to keep from being detected," Kira sad.

"œCorrect," Mrs. Sherem answered. "œHe's helped out a great deal, he even helped Captain Worf get in. We can't expect much more from him, but there's plenty we can provide to help our friends in Starfleet."

"œMother and daughter alike," said Nira, looking between Rahab and Jael.

"œOh, we know Melek Nor very well," said Jael. "œMother knows it better than I would, even if Father was the Obsidian Order go-betweener under Gul Dukat during the Occupation."

"œAnd plenty more since Nural's man gave us these schematics and other things," added Mrs. Sherem.

"œIncluding what Worf got from Melek Nor's computer," asked Kira.

"œWorf had plenty of help on the inside," Garak said. "œAfter all, Nural's man helped him in."

"œThe primary focus on Melek Nor will be on the transwarp coil," Jael explained. "œIt's situated above the deflector array."

"œAnd it's one of the most heavily guarded parts of the station," Rahab pointed out. "œAnd the chambers built around the transwarp coil are made of neutronium walls, that's how serious protection is. However, since Borg technology is strewn about, however armored and advanced it is, the fact remains that if you know where to look, Borg technology can be hacked."

"œData nodes and all that?" asked Jael.

"œDepends on how old they'll be, and how well it can react to tricorders," said Garak.

And then, Garak listed the Breen station that Melek Nor called its neighbor. Jael furrowed her brow as she watched, and when Nira asked the teams, "What do you think?" Jael only looked around. Since she and Rahab knew plenty about Melek Nor, if they can give information, they can answer whatever questions they can give. Of course, it was understandable to Jael if she wasn't going on Melek Nor, chances of being recognized raised as it is.

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 23, 2023, 03:34:53 AM

:: Quarks | Upper level ::

Listening to Said's interaction with Cloten, Kyan's interest piqued when she mentioned, and Cloten confirmed that he'd stolen a ship from the fleet museum. To him, it wasn't important. After all, Cloten was a thief. He was supposed to steal stuff. Fitting a museum ship with transwarp tech? Very interesting. There werent many places to get that.

The Nor class station that they'd recently come across came to mind and Kyan filed away that line of questioning for later. One thing that made little sense was Cloten's bringing the ship to a Federation station. It seemed like a poor choice ...which wasn't Cloten's usual MO. He was careful. He was also not reckless enough to make a move like that without a good reason. And that meant that there were other things going on here, which he would normally dig into, except he had his own agenda today.

After Commander Said and the other Commander, a Romulan who Kyan hadn't met, went off to their own table, Kyan leaned in so that he could speak softly but still be heard. "I dinnae care about yer stolen ship the now, or the transparent tech. I might later so I might but right now I need a favor from ye."

Before Cloten could answer, Quark appeared with a drink tray. Fishing for information no doubt. But as it happened, Kyan wanted to see him too.
"Ah..Quark. You've a few things I want tae buy."

The Ferengi's mouth widened in a toothy grin. "Go on." He almost cooed.

Kyan motioned him closer. "I dinnae want anyone knowing what it's a surprise so."

The Ferengi leaned in and Kyan whispered his request in Quark's ear. Confusion was his reply. But before he asked a question, the Onlie made his offer.

"I'll give ye 10 strips for the first one and double that for the second one." Kyan knew Quark wouldn't have asked that much, so he offered it to get things done. He likely had questions, which Kyan had no interest in answering, hence the sweet offer.

Quark produced a Ferengi padd and set to drawing up a quick bill of sale. When it was ready he put the padd on the table. Kyan thumbed it, finalizing the deal. "Thanks Quark!" He grinned then he turned to Cloten.

"Now fer yer own part in it." Kyan began. "There's a Nausiccan down there at the bar. I'd be after you getting me the transporter codes to his ship."

[Deej Cloten | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Cloten could feel the girl's gaze. He always had the impression of whenever he was being watched. It was obvious it was that girl Nira, given the way she spoke to him earlier. He was a little surprised at Baby-Face's proposal. He looked down and saw the Nausicaan in mind.

"Dgirr?" he asked in surprise, pronouncing the name like "Digger." "That old warthog? You...want his transporter codes?"

He was a little surprised that he wanted something sneaking to have to do with that grizzled snoutless warthog. Of course he knew that old fossil, he could hardly forget a face when he needed weapons or information.

Meanwhile, Jael was standing up and stretching. "Well, it was good to know you, Kina," she said. "I think I'm going to go back to Discovery and turn in. I might even introduce you to my adopted brother sometime."

As she was leaving, Galen Mal looked around and pursed his lips. There she was going, and here he was, stuck as bodyguard to this furry little lunatic rekindling a enefrendship with a familiar face. Instead, he just scowled as the deal continued.

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 18, 2023, 10:32:05 AM

Kina offered a soft smile and nod. "œI do miss her, but my father did everything he could to raise me, and make sure I was well taken care of. My grandparents helped raise me, but he has always been there for me." A few flashes of memory came to her. It only lasted a moment, but she focused back into the now.

Something suddenly struck her as she thought about it. "œI'm not really sure. It's possible, it it must be extremely important to Central Command. My father rarely ever leaves Cardassia. The few times he did, it was because Central Command wanted direct control of the situation. Do you think all this with your father would be connected?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"It's possible," said Jael with a shrug. "A Nor-class station transwarpping around, it's bound to get the attention of the Cardassian government sooner or later."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on May 20, 2023, 02:50:29 AM

"œAye." Kyan nodded. "œThe Admirals be getting useless after they get promoted so they do." Then he remembered Gillespie, who was alright"¦ and Picard, who he'd never met, but also never heard bad things about"¦ and Ross. Of course Kira was an Admiral now too"¦ and she was anything but useless. So there were a FEW exceptions to the rule. "œMost of em anyways." He amended.

At Dem's story, he shrugged. "œI like it." He offered casually, as though his was a typical view on combat. It was, for Klingons and a few others, but most races didn't care for fighting in general, let alone the life or death struggle of armed conflict. Kyan wasn't eager to see the Summerlands by any means, but he also didn't dread the prospect. And besides, the Powers had seem fit to let him live this long. He figured they weren't eager to see him yet either.

After Broadshire finished, he nodded. "œSure and yer still alive, and yer ship ain't blown to bits, so ye must've done god fer yerself so. Even if ye were afraid, which speaks good tae yer ability so it does.

Hearing Myne mention him, Kyan turned just in time to get kissed on the cheek"¦ which was very nearly a worse fate than getting blown up in a space battle. Even though he'd been kissed before, by grown up grups"¦ and relatives"¦ he was definitely not a fan of such displays of affection. And did she say come to peace? With being a slave?

"œI'll never be a slave." He said quickly. "œAn anyone after making me one will be takin a short trip tae the Summerlands. We dinnae survive all them years without grups lookin after us tae be slaves for em now, or tae be put in chains or sold off. I'd rather be dead than that!"

When Myne went back to her float, the boy surreptitiously wiped his cheek on the sleeve of his hoodie. After all, doctors weren't always right about things.

The Antican smuggler's raspy voice and his pet name cause the Onlie's head to snap around. What was HE doing on Deep Space Nine? Kyan wondered if he'd finally gotten himself kicked off Katra. The thought of his old posting brought an instant of "œhome sickness" but it passed quickly as another thought occurred to him. Cloten might have some information on a certain Nausiccan that he could use. Kyan jumped off the barstool and walked over to the bedazzled canine alien.

"œAye and it's Merry Met again to you too the now.. since we got things tae talk about!" he chirped. "œCome on over here and lets catch up!"

Then he turned back toward the bar. "œI'll be back in a minute." He told Myne. "œIf yer after another drink just tell Quark I'll pay for it.'

He grabbed Cloten's arm and started to steer him toward the stairs to the upper levels.

[Deej Cloten | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Naturally, Cloten had no choice but to follow along with Mackenzie. It wasn't hard for him, childlike as he looked, he was only a third of a meter taller or so. He took a brief look at Quark, whose smirk seemed to have widened until it mirrored Cloten's own. Cloten could tell: He was remembering Odo dragging him off for an arrest, and Mackenzie used to be Katra Station's chief of security...Cloten's Odo as it were.

The only comfort was that Galen Mal followed him along, though Cloten inwardly wished he had two pairs of Orion bodyguards with him to make him more secure. At the upper levels, Cloten grinned nervously at Mackenzie. Few people actually made Cloten nervous. He was pushing his luck as it is at the station, just in case Admiral Kira showed up, and he still often had nightmares of Commodore LaForge with his eyes...[spoiler]shit[/spoiler], those eyes gave Cloten the creeps. For all he knew, LaForge could've worked on them so he'd shoot phasers from those eyes. And then there was Mackenzie, who seemed to have the experience of an old man crammed in a baby-faced child's body. If he was a Trill, he'd understand, but the lack of spots...

"Ah, heh, look, baby-face, it was just a passing hello!" Cloten chuckled nervously. "Unless baby-face is feeling lonely," he added with a toothy leer.

Cloten had always referred Mackenzie as "baby-face" so that he would feel a little less intimidated; just by taking note of his features, Cloten could feel better and thus not take him seriously. Inside, however, he was nervous.

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 11, 2023, 12:47:21 AM

[Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine]

Kina smiled and followed Jael to a table. It was nice to meet someone so welcoming. She was always keen to meet new people and get to know about them. She sat down and gave a polite hello to the human seated. This was one of the few times outside of the Academy that she felt comfortable. Granted, she loved being on Challenger, and wouldn't give anything up to be somewhere else, but it was still hard to meet new people because she was Cardassian.

Her mind came back when Jael that her father was Sherem. She looked down a bit before offering a soft smile. "œI'm just happy that the injuries the ships sustained were not too bad. I still have a few patients in recovery, but they will pull through." She listened more about how Jael's after had hiding places, and that her mother defected from Cardassia during Dukat's reign.

When she was asked about her mother, Kina was a bit shocked. She hadn't thought about her mother in some time. She barely remembered her face, and all she really had were holo-images of her. "œN"¦ I was born about two years before the war ended. Both my parents stayed on Cardassia. My father served when Dukat was in power and then with Damar. He joined Damar when he attacked Rodnac III while he was in the Third Order. My mother"¦"¦"

Kina looked down. She didn't really remember anything of her mother. Only what her father told her about her. But the pain was there, she couldn't explain it. "œMy mother was in Lakarian City"¦..when the Dominion retaliated." She shook her head. She tried to keep the tears at bay. "œMy father fought with Damar till the end of the war. He's a Legate within Central Command right now. He told me he was coming here with someone important."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Oh," said Jael. "I'm sorry to hear about your mother. And I do recall Lakarian City; I was born shortly here when the station used to be called Terok Nor, and shortly before the station was abandoned at the end of the Occupation. I often recalled when my mother brought me to the amusement center there. Still, the massacre of an execution, at least it provided incentive for all of Cardassia to turn against the Dominion...and it almost resulted in their extermination.

"And...your father will be coming here?" she said. She looked around and lowered her voice a little. "So is my mother. I think something important is going it possible Central Command needs help with the Federation? I won't be surprised if they need help extraditing the old man."

Nearby, a Bajoran who just entered the bar noticed the two Cardassians and recognized Jael. Galen Mal narrowed his eyes suspiciously, but then felt a tap on his wrist.

"Don't even think about it, Galen," came a whispered growl.

"You're one to talk, furball," muttered Galen Mal.

"Compared to me, you're practically a Klingon," came the reply. "Besides, getting Cardassians is one thing, but when they're Starfleet officers, you're asking for trouble. And trouble is not good for business."

Galen scowled but admittedly shrugged. He knew the little furball can make himself hidden in the crowd when he wanted. Instead, he followed, currently playing escort, while Deej Cloten seemed to appear out of nowhere as he took a seat. Quark only scowled down at him.

"You again?"
he sneered.

"Relax, comrade," Cloten said with an equally toothy sneer that contorted to a reassuring grin. "It's not about the leather; if it was, I'd be going to different Ferengi, like Sneed."

"Even so, I wasn't expecting you for at least a week, the freighters haven't arrived yet,"
said Quark.

"Let's just say I had a close call back at Ferenginar. I had to get here as fast as I could."

"You could never resist keeping some of your best toys for yourself," retorted Quark with a quiet snort. "Especially a Borg transwarp coil. But why here, and so soon?"

"That was another reason for coming here," said Cloten. "Kira called for me."

"Well, she must have a good reason, especially with him backing you up." Quark nodded at Galen, standing behind Cloten, but continually making glances back at the two Cardassians.

"You'll see," said Cloten, but then he just noticed somebody familiar...

"Well, well, we meet again, baby-face!" he called at Kyan.

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 07, 2023, 08:59:57 AM

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine

It had been many years since Kina last set foot on this space station. In fact, she was only a small child when her father brought her here after the war to educate her on the occupation. Her father always preferred a more practical approach when teaching her of some of Cardassia's history. Rather than just bombard her with military propaganda and denial, he told her everything that happened. When the Cardassians began the occupation, to the building of Terok Nor, to the Bajoran people finally making them leave their home. After that, it was up to Kina on what she thought.

As she walked the station, she looked around at the many civilians and travelers that walked these decks. Everything still seemed so big to her, but she knew her father would be here soon, and that alone made Kina very happy. However, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, that eyes were glaring at her. Sure, she saw a few other Cardassians walking the station, but somehow, she felt singled out.

She overheard that some of the crew were going to Quark's for some relaxation and she figured that maybe this would be a good time for her to get to know many of the other officers from the ship. As she stepped into the bar, she was hit with a feeling of nostalgia of being here with her father. She walked over and found an open seat. She took a moment to look around at everyone there.

She suddenly found something she was very surprised to see, it was another Cardassian. But what really surprised her, was that this Cardassian was in a Starfleet uniform like her. Mustering up what courage she had, she walked over to the young woman and offered her a smile. "œExcuse me, would it be alright if I join you? My name is Kina."

Quote from: Alexander Graham on May 10, 2023, 11:25:37 PM

[Quarks-Deep Space 9]

Alexander walked into Quarks and got himself a drink. As he looked around he noticed that the discovery crew seemed to have gained new members. He was busy with his flight control duties that he hadn't had a chance to get to know the new members. He figured that since they were on shore leave it was the perfect opportunity to at least talk to them. For right now he was going sit by himself at a table. "œI might be missing someone special but eventually I do plan on getting to know the new crew members. Hopefully I don't let the opportunity slip away from me."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

"Why, I'd be glad for some company," said Jael with a smile. "I'm Jael. Shall we find a table?"

She shook Kina's hand and smiled. Then she led the way to a table and, by happenstance, they realized they were sharing the same table as Mister Graham.

"Why, Mister Graham," said Jael. "Mind if we join you?"

She took a seat and said to Kina, "It's been some day...ish, hasn't it? Saving the Tarkalia Triangle has been quite the doozy, especially in facing my father. Yes, unfortunately, that man we've been facing, the man in charge of that platform, he's my father. I just don't know why of all times he decided to come back. With his toys, he could appear anywhere."

And she shuddered with a chill. "Then again, he could be sheltering anywhere," she added. "For all we know, he could've gone to the Gamma Quadrant to make himself comfortable in Old Dominion space or to the Delta Quadrant for more salvaging. Let's hope we don't see him for a long time. Thank the Prophets that Mother defected and took me along until the Dominion were driven back."

Turning back to Kina, she said, "So, what's your story? Mother wasn't the only one to have defected when Dukat took control, did yours as well?"


[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael was still looking around when her eyes fell on the main entrance just as a lumpy Lurian entered, but she jumped when the crowd called out at him.


It dawned on Jael that everybody knew him enough that they didn't even need to see him enter.

Quark noticed her reaction and grinned. "You've never heard of Morn before, have you?"

"Should I?" asked Jael.

Quark only grinned and only said vaguely, "Don't be intimidated by his size, it's his mouth you should look out for."

"Please, the only thing with a more dangerous mouth than a Lurian's is a Terran hippopotamus," said Jael, waving it aside. Quark only sneered in amusement more and retorted, "Just watch and see. Seems like he's not in the mood for his favorite chair."

He gestured at a stool that was carved in multiple languages, but Jael got a good enough look at one word in Terran English: "Morn's."

She looked up to see a crewmember from Discovery she had seen in passing...Gohun, she realized. He joined a table where Morn was sitting and instantly, they began to talk. Well, apparently, Morn was talking, and it seemed like he didn't want to stop.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on May 07, 2023, 01:01:30 AM

Gohun sat in a chair on Deep Space Nine picking over the remains of his dinner. Looking at Morn Gohun said "and that's how you saved the station and the alpha quadrant." Morn clapped his hands with enthusiasm and walked away leaving Gohun alone. All around the bar Gohun saw fellow crewmembers and hope this night didn't end like some of his nights in Vegas ended.

And just like that, Morn assumed his stool, got what was apparently his usual drink...and sat silently. Jael stared at him in astonishment, wondering why he was so silent all of a sudden. Was he ponderous at that counter, or did he prefer to focus on his imbibing, or did he prefer to watch the universe go by...?

Jael shrugged; for a brief moment, she was a counselor again, but trying to psychoanalyze this Lurian is giving her a headache.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 07, 2023, 03:55:10 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Deep Space Nine - Promenade - Quark's]

Everybody's favorite Andorian waltzed in, dressed in his casual best.  He looked over the establishment with its bar, gaming tables and holosuites above on the second floor.   He noted the one glaring absence - decent dancing music.

Gesturing towards one of the passing drink servers, he asked the Bajoran  woman if she would point out to him the owner of the bar.  He took note of the Ferengi individual she indicated working behind the bar, and then after she moved on, Lahr took a seat at the bar as it was vacated by an old Nausicaan.  The stool was a seat or two down from red-headed lad.

Lahr, of course, took notice.  Ruth loved to taunt him that red-heads were his Achilles heel.  Who this Achilles was to have a phrase name for him, Lahr had no clue -  but he did understand the phrase meant - a specific weakness.   And yeah red-heads were his.  Ruth loved to tease him about that when she flaunted her ginger locks. Though she found it less funny when his attention was drawn by some other red-head.

It was odd however to see a kid at a bar.  And a moment later there was a second one!  A little girl this time.  A girl with the cutest face Lahr had ever seen!!  She was downright adorable. The Andorian couldn't help but think that this must be what Ruth had looked like as a child.  Except with axes in hand.

With his attention on the children, - was that Starfleet uniform the girl was wearing? - it was hard not to overhear her conversation. cute!  She even used the British formal title when addressing her older brother (they had to be siblings, of course).

So focused on the girl and boy, Lahr didn't notice the Nausicaan returning to his seat until the man grabbed his shoulder to turn him about to face him.   Lahr was not a big individual standing only 5'7", so the Nausicaan old though he may be. clearly stood a full head or more above him.   "You're in my seat."

Not wanting to cause a scene in his first 5 minutes off of the ship, Lahr nodded acquiescingly.  "My apologies, I'll be just a minute. I'm waiting to speak to the proprietor about a business opportunity."

Ferengi hearing must be as good as they say because a moment later Quark was standing before him. "What sort of business opportunity?"  The Nausicaan continued to glower at Lahr.

Lahr grinned, ignoring the Nausicaan for the moment and focused his attention on the Ferengi. "A profitable one, of course.  Before you sits the Fleet-renowned 'DJ Lahr'."

Quark did not look impressed. "Never heard of you." The Ferengi began to turn away.

Lahr tried to re-engage the man's interest. "Obviously, you're not Fleet. It was my music that bolstered fleet moral and led the charge against Leyton himself during the final battle in the Leyton War.  Challenger vs. Leyton's flag ship."  This seemed to give the Ferengi pause, so Lahr continued on attempting to hook the deal.    "I do remixes of all types and for all occasions.  And now, I'm offering you my services - for a nominal fee and a percentage of the bar sale profits - for the next two days while I'm on shore leave, to give you the opportunity to see how 'good music' can increase your profits.  What do you say?"

Jael watched Lahr with interest as he made his proposal. She was sure she remembered him on the Challenger. But that had been so long ago...

"You've got a merchant's tongue, Lahr," she said. "Jael Sherem, formerly from the Challenger," she added with a smile.

Quote from: Kina Nural on May 07, 2023, 08:59:57 AM

Quark's Bar, Grill, Gaming House & Holosuite Arcade / Promenade / Deep Space Nine

It had been many years since Kina last set foot on this space station. In fact, she was only a small child when her father brought her here after the war to educate her on the occupation. Her father always preferred a more practical approach when teaching her of some of Cardassia's history. Rather than just bombard her with military propaganda and denial, he told her everything that happened. When the Cardassians began the occupation, to the building of Terok Nor, to the Bajoran people finally making them leave their home. After that, it was up to Kina on what she thought.

As she walked the station, she looked around at the many civilians and travelers that walked these decks. Everything still seemed so big to her, but she knew her father would be here soon, and that alone made Kina very happy. However, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched, that eyes were glaring at her. Sure, she saw a few other Cardassians walking the station, but somehow, she felt singled out.

She overheard that some of the crew were going to Quark's for some relaxation and she figured that maybe this would be a good time for her to get to know many of the other officers from the ship. As she stepped into the bar, she was hit with a feeling of nostalgia of being here with her father. She walked over and found an open seat. She took a moment to look around at everyone there.

She suddenly found something she was very surprised to see, it was another Cardassian. But what really surprised her, was that this Cardassian was in a Starfleet uniform like her. Mustering up what courage she had, she walked over to the young woman and offered her a smile. "œExcuse me, would it be alright if I join you? My name is Kina."

Jael looked around and noticed another Cardassian in uniform, and she was also wearing blue...ironically enough, her old colors.

"I'd be delighted," Jael said with a smile. "I'm Jael. Good to meet you, Kina."

Quark heard the surname Sherem and grinned a little; the girl was definitely her mother's daughter, Rahab always maintained the Sherem surname but behaved in a way to make fun of her husband. And, yes, he remembered Nehor Sherem as well, always passing by in old Terok Nor, always keeping his eyes around for trouble, and he often criticized how Odo worked. At least he always came and gone, busy in Obsidian Order affairs. Though he always got a good laugh whenever he and Rahab were together; Rahab was always smiling, cracking jokes and doting on Bajorans like small animals followed her in her wake like a fairy tale princess, and old Nehor scowling in embarrassment. An inward laugh, of course. However, Quark didn't want to pry about old Nehor to his daughter, and his eyes moved off the two Starfleet Cardassians.


[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Quark's | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael and Gid were busy walking around the Promenade. She was taking in the absolute marvelous sight of the station, her mother's old home. They actually paused briefly at the Bajoran Shrine and briefly wondered whether or not to pay their respects. But the biggest draw of all they had anticipated the most.

The two adopted siblings stepped into Quark's only to see the eponymous bartender arguing with...Holy Prophets, how old was that boy? They approached just as the argument was softening and Jael stared in befuddlement. How was that boy allowed to drink, unless he was older than he looked? Then another younger-looking child arrived...Jael looked around in befuddlement before deciding to order a drink. Gid, naturally, took off for the Dabo table.

"Excuse me, but might I trouble you for a glass of Kanar, straight from Quark's?" Jael asked.

Quark certainly didn't look like he aged a day. Maybe he added a few new wrinkles, but aside from that, he looked exactly the same. Nonetheless, he stared long and hard at Jael.

"What's going on here? Is somebody reversing age or something? Rahab, you're looking younger by the day."

"Actually, I'm not Rahab," said Jael. "She's my mother."

Quark recoiled in surprise. "Blessed Exchequer, the resemblance is uncanny!" He said.

"Huh. I guess I never hear that from other people...or is that only from people who knew my mother?" asked Jael.

The old bartender shrugged. "I don't know, maybe if you were in the right uniform..." He shrugged again and brought out a bottle of kanar.

"Out of curiosity, how did you know my mother, Mister Quark?" asked Jael.

"Mister? Quark does just fine," Quark muttered. "I was here when Deep Space Nine was run differently and was run by Cardassian officers."

"Ah. So back when it was Terok Nor."

"Yes, well, Rahab was a rare instance of a nice Cardassian officer, especially one who was nice to Bajorans," Quark explained. " and my soft heart, hiring out Bajorans so they'd have better conditions than in the mines. Maybe that's why I liked it better when the station became Deep Space Nine."

"Whatever the reason," Jael said.

"Now that'll be five slips of latinum, plus two for the story," Quark said, extending his palm.

Jael shrugged and handed him the latinum. Then, as an afterthought, she added, "I'll throw in two more if you can tell me how well you know my mother, and not just because you were old friends during the Occupation."

"I'm just somebody with an ear to the ground who knows the right people, and an ear whom people turn to," Quark explained. "But we do keep in touch with any leery people messing with Cardassian affairs. Just not so much that we're comm friends."

Jael was about to ask more when she heard some excited calls of "Dabo!" and looked around to see Gid at the wheel. Of course he was focused on the Dabo Wheel; the Orion Dabo Girl in front of him certainly looked unattractive enough for Gid to avert his eyes.

"Trier also has good ears, but in terms of looks, she's definitely losing her touch," Quark said with a sigh and then got back to work. Jael shrugged and then wondered with who to mingle with...

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 01, 2023, 04:21:29 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

In the blink of an eye, Nevir went from being the diplomatic Captain to the commander of a warship.  Nothing that would risk harm to the station, but disable it... after all, he was still Starfleet.  But the Gul had quickly decided he didn't need to act under the rules of engagement due to some perceived notion about their people's shared past. What's worst, he was a threat to the sector.  So the Bajoran captain treated him like a threat.

"Coordinate our attacks with Gamma, we'll take high and they take low.  Signal Beta and Challenger to put themselves between the station and the Intrepid."

As they made their pass, though, the message seemed to finally click.  The Bajoran didn't react or banter, he just watched the station move with the fluidity of a starship.  Looking more like the skeleton of a Borg sphere retreating through a transwarp conduit than a Cardassian station. After the green faded, he allowed himself to take a breath.

"Stand down from red alert.  Send a message to the Admiral that the station has retreated for now, and we're going to be doing a systems check and returning to the rendevous point." he ordered, waiting for the view screen to split into three... Challenger, Beta, and Gamma.

"Rayek, Dem, begins a systems check but get your hulls ready for automated reintegration.  We don't have time for a manual connection.  Ian, what is your status?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Jael's and Gid's Quarters | Deck One >- Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

For the rest of her shift, everything just passed like a blur, but her father was still very much on her mind. By the time she was relieved, she made a beeline for her quarters. And it wasn't just the fact that she needed solitude to enjoy a meal, given facing her father. No, she needed a word.

The moment she arrived, she called up her mother. Prophets, it had been a long time. The call, of course, took a little longer than expected, giving Jael enough time to enjoy an uneasy mean of hasparat with yamok sauce. She had barely finished when her mother came through.

"Jael!" she called. "You've been a long time."

"Things have been busy, mother," said Jael wearily. "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to get in touch with you..."

"Well, you did miss a great deal," said Rahab Sherem. "Remember Helem Kimnor?"

"Your old first officer?" asked Jael. "How could I forget? I wouldn't have minded him being Gid's and my father, he's been that close..."

"Well, we've been getting closer," Rahab replied. "So close that I decided to marry him."

Jael perked up. "Really?"

"Yes. He proposed just after the diplomatic conference when you departed. And I was thinking, 'it's about damn time.'"

"I heartily agree," she said.

"And what's more...well, it's just first development now, but we're expecting," Rahab added with a smile.

"Really? I could have a new sibling?"

"Very much."

"Well, congratulations, mother," said Jael with a smile.

"Thank you, my daughter. And this on top of my being made a legate...Now, can you tell me what's wrong?" asked Rahab with concern.

She must've seen Jael's expression. Or maybe it was the eyes. Or it may be that Rahab still possessed the motherly concern that came with a child's worry.

"He's back, mother," Jael said. "Father. He's back."

That was enough to wipe the smile off Rahab's face. "When?"

"A few hours ago," Jael explained. "He had been attacking a critical trade fleet along the Tzenkethi border. For some months, he's been coordinating piracy, but now there's a first instance of his attacking with Melek Nor."

Rahab pursed her lips. "We've been hearing rumors of piracy along our borders. And he'd been away for so long...we haven't been able to catch up to him. I had even hoped he would've warped away to the Andromeda Galaxy by now with his toys."

"Well, we don't know many details, mother," Jael said. "We're heading for Deep Space Nine right now."

"Oh, you are?" said Rahab, perking up with interest. "What a coincidence, so are we. I'm escorting a very important man over to Deep Space Nine in the next couple of days. I'm going with Legate Nural to escort him."

"Somebody from the Detapa Council?" Jael asked.

Rahab put a finger to her lips in answer, and Jael didn't need to hear words to know that gesture. Then Rahab replied, "Whatever's happening, he'll potentially explain more. And we can coordinate how to deal with that monster once and for all."

Jael smiled all the wider. A fleet of Federation starships are coming to Deep Space Nine, and there's a Cardassian delegation that will be there as well? Some sort of potential alliance? Assistance in purging the last of the Dominion influence from the Union?"

"I'm looking forward to that, mother," she said. "We'll talk more when you get there. Jael out."

Quote from: Nira Said on May 04, 2023, 12:27:02 AM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78151.18. The return to the initial fleet was uneventful and repairs were made in time. The Samshir has towed the Intrepid to Tellar for decommissioning, and with the destruction of the Xerox, that's three ships down. Well, four, as the Davis has taken over escorting the Tarkalia Triangle fleet for further protection, and hopefully the sight of a huge ship like that will dissuade any further pirates. Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Gul Sherem and his Borg-rigged platform, and I dread the potential of having to face him again.

Hopefully we can coordinate with Lieutenant Jael Sherem from over on Discovery to determine what is known about her father we don't. Admiral Gillespie has informed us that there will be more answers at Deep Space Nine. Which implies something is happening around the station's neck of the woods, if not this side of the Federation.

We've dropped out of slipstream just a lightyear away per Admiral Gillespie's order, which is understandable, seeing as we don't want to scare the station with the arrival of a slipstream-towed fleet. It's totally fine, this means we'll be in for a sight when we arrive.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael wanted to be on the bridge for when they arrived. It was a sight for sore eyes to see the station approaching...

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

Jael smiled in nostalgia. She never forgot that she was born towards the end of the Occupation, and more than that, she was born on that very station when it was known as Terok Nor. She only smiled in nostalgia in recalling Rahab's stories about the station, and how it evolved into one of the most critical outposts in the Federation. Still, considering she had no memory of the station, she looked forward seeing it inside now that she was an adult.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 29, 2023, 10:18:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir stood firm, and before he could respond, Ops called out incoming warp signatures... Federation.  Now their two ships were five, and the attention of the Federation was on this particular issue.  He planned to stall long enough for the convoy to get away, but now... now he had the means to support his words.

"As you can see, Gul Sheren, that would be Starfleet.  I gave you an opportunity to solve this in the Federation-approved way.  Now... we'll get a little bit more nostalgic.  Discovery out." he stated, closing the channel.  He took his seat and crossed his legs.

"Target weapons and defenses.  Begin a strafing run on the station.  Let them know we aren't going to be pushed around.  Fire when ready." he stated, giving his order to attack.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

This was Jael's first time letting loose weapon fire from Tactical, but she recalled her practice runs on the holodeck. Plus, she knew where to target. Of course, Jael had time to look up to see her father was still on the viewscreen and reeling in surprise, which was why communications are still connected with him. The old man's reaction was priceless, and Jael's smirk was the widest her smile had ever been.

"Gul, sensors are down!" called an officer on their Ops. "We're taking fire from...everywhere!"

"Fire manually!" snarled the old man.

But Jael was already targeting. She did her best to aim toward the reactor, where she was certain the transwarp coil was assembled, while targeting the defenses and weapons. The weapons were especially easy to target, but not so easy to hit, not with the station firing off randomly - she had seen Challenger fire off the first volley and blow the torpedoes in the station's face. Whatever it was, the flashbang must've disabled their sensors.

All the same, the blind fire meant every ship got hit at least once. Jael felt plenty of jolts more than once, and she could see from the sensors how well the battle was going.

"Captain," she said, "the Challenger's taking hits. Its shields seem to be holding, but I don't know how long they'll hold. The Intrepid's dead in the water and taking fire and one of the Inquiries, the Xerox, has been destroyed. Our own shields...well, Alpha Hull's shields are down to thirty percent. Sir, I advise we target the reactor; if the old man thought that was in danger, I'm confident it'll scare him away..."

But then, she heard Nira asking loudly, "T'Kel, Zhuk, how soon can we get below the station and target the Borg signature on the station and thus the transwarp system?"

Well, Jael thought in admiration. She must've figured from the old man's yammering and the sensors...

Now that really got a reaction not just from the old man but also his lackeys. Even the Jem'Hadar; Jael can definitely see them flinching and widening their eyes.

"Sir, the transwarp!" called the Glinn. "Even if we finished off that merchant fleet...!"

"I realize that, glinn!" snarled Sherem. He turned back at the captains and snarled, "You won this round. Next time, expect the full brunt of the Dominion, Jem'Hadar and Breen alike, behind my back!"

He cut communications to all Starfleet frequencies. The station came on the viewscreen, and Jael had enough time to admire the fleet's handiwork before the reactor glowed an unusual green hue, and in a green flash, the whole station disappeared into a transwarp conduit.

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