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Messages - Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Naira on November 11, 2018, 05:44:38 AM


Naira held back, allowing the others to depart before the ship before her. She didn't stride forward, head held high, shoulders square, with a look of confidence on her face. No. Naira waited for her security officers to exit the ship while she followed two steps behind. Her shoulders slumped forward and her eyes fixated on the space just in front of her feet. Every few steps, she'd dare to sneak a glance up at the grand entrance to the resort, but before she could make eye contact with any of the staff waiting on hand, Naira would divert her eyes age.

Just as they were entering the building, Naira felt the cold stares of the attendants waiting beside the door. She could feel them sizing her up. She looked up but for a moment and just as she made eye contact with the Orion woman, the woman turned up her nose and looked away. They knew. She knew she should have done more to change her appearance. She could had changed the angle of her jawline. She could had softened her high cheekbones. There were any number of things she could have done to further alter her appearance to look more Orion and yet she hadn't. She had decided to minimally change the structure of her face and as such they were able to tell that she was not fully Orion and as such, she was beneath them.

She hastened her steps to walk beside the Chief of Security and intertwined her arms around one of his own. She clung to him, closing the space between them, as they entered the resort. She continued to look ahead, tried to focus on the mission and tried not to think about just how awkward and uncomfortable she was in her current position.


This kind of thing was really not Adeyemi's style.

Scantily clad, attractive people were sauntering all around him, dressed for the weather or the pool. Couples hand in hand, yelling children, all of it back dropped against a bright, festive atmosphere that was totally ad odds with his personality. He was not a vacation kind of guy.

Even so, he had to look his part. It was tradecraft. He hadn't shaved his face or his head in the last week: a smattering of salt and pepper seedlings of hair dusted his skull, cheeks, upper lip, and chin. He wished it would grow faster, but it made him look sufficiently older. He was also dressed in a very loud, colorful green one piece romper and matching slippers. After he had stepped off the Red Phoenix, a gorgeous, golden skinned woman had placed a garland of flowers around his neck, and kissed his stubbled cheek.

As if that wasn't bad enough, now the captain herself was clinging to him as if he was her master. It was unnerving, but he had a job to do. They all did.

"Laying it on a little thick, don't you think?" Adeyemi said to her in a low voice, not using her rank.


[Mess Hall - P-Way - Cabin]

After that cock up, Adeyemi slipped quietly out of the mess hall. Usually, he would have bused his own tray and so forth, but he needed to be gone, now. For as powerful a man as he looked and sounded, when it came to Lyric McDaniels, he was quite weak. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

He passed by a handful of other Starfleet personnel, all of whom had seen the incident. Adeyemi lowered his head and charged past them. Finally, as small as the Phoenix was, he was among new people now who hadn't observed him. He rested a little, walked slower.

When he got to his quarters, Adeyemi's shoe bumped against the door. There was a dull thumping coming from within, repetitive and strident. Sourly, he leaned on the chime, giving it his full weight when it didn't open immediately. The door's interface groaned in protest. Nothing happened.

" =/\= Computer, open door AA-1133. =/\= "

Adeyemi was engulfed in sound and light and pressure. His roommate was playing godawful dance music at full volume, and had programmed a light show in the interior of their room. All of these things would have resulted in disciplinary action on a Starfleet vessel. Here, it was installed for the convenience of the passenger and wholly allowed while they were on this mission.

It took a moment of demented yelling for the computer to quiet everything the heck down, but finally he was in blissful silence and darkness.

"Lights," He barked out, by then very annoyed.

An absolute unit of a Tellarite lounged on the bed. He wore only a pair of Starfleet issue underwear and was a lot hairier than Adeyemi thought was necessary. He was also asleep.

"Jurn. Jurn. JURN!" Adeyemi viciously lashed out with a squat shod foot and hit the Tellarite with a sound one right above the knee.

"Eehhhhh...dammit, man!" Like a great roiling ocean of hairy flesh ,the Tellarite sat up. "You turned off my music!"

"I asked you not to play it so loud that you can't hear the door."

"I couldn't hear nothing, I was asleep!" Jurn paused, yawned, and scratched his stomach.

Not enough discipline off the bat, and being on a civilian ship was simply making it worse. Adeyemi glowered before speaking.

"If I were you, I'd--" The chief began.

"if you were me you'd be a lot better looking!" Jurn said in a booming basso voice. "And you'd've gotten over your silly shyness with that Changeling."

Adeyemi was on his feet before he quite realized it. In an instant, Jurn's shocked face filled his, a limb was grabbed, and the chief's hands made a sharp gesture inward.

Jurn yelped like a wounded dog, albeit one with a hugely deep voice. He retreated to the other end of the cabin.

"You attacked me!" He cried out, shocked.

"Don't talk about Lyric that way, you sack of wine!" Adeyemi said, jabbing a finger the size of a type 2 phaser at his bunk-mate.

"Got it, got it, jeez...I think you broke it." Nothing was broken, however. Jurn sat and did so moodily. "Are we there yet or what?"

"Not soon enough," He said.

The brief fight had left Adeyemi feeling charged up, his heart pumping. It had made him feel powerful. Now that it was over, he realized there was no sport in beating a slimmed down planetoid like Jurn. The man was right, even. He had to get over this thing with way or another.


Post up! No overt tags but feel free to respond

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 06, 2018, 01:10:47 PM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Lyric looked down at her hands again. Malcolm had started to make her feel a little better, then he did that same pulling away he always did. She wasn't entirely sure what she expected of him, or why she tried to pursue anything with him. Lord knows, he rarely encouraged her, beyond the occasional kind word or two.

"Thank you, Malcolm." Her voice was quiet, with a small waver as she still wasn't quite convinced. However she would do... whatever she was supposed to do. The briefing hadn't quite outlined what role she was to play in all this. Perhaps once she received more defined orders, she would feel at least a little better about this operation. In a steadier voice, she continued. "I'm sure you want to finish your meal and get cleaned up. From the sounds of things, we'll be arriving shortly. I... I'm uhm, sorry for bothering you." The Changeling stood up quickly, and ducked her head. As she scurried out of the room, she wasn't sure where she'd go, but away sounded good.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

"It wasn't a bother--" Food forgotten, he got up, nearly lifting the table off of the deck. Cutlery and cups rattled. Before he could give chase, the captain spoke.

Quote from: Naira on November 07, 2018, 03:32:28 AM

[Mess Hall]

After twisting around in her chair to listen as Captain Winchester made his announcement, she nodded to the man on his way out of the room, before returning to address the Romulan sitting across the table from her, "I believe that's our cue. Thank you for letting me sit and speak with you for a moment."

Naira stood up and looked around the room once more. A number of individuals had already started to disperse, going about their predetermined assigned tasks, but still a number remained talking amongst themselves, picking at the last few bites of their food or idly passing the moments with whatever nervous tick they had.

"I want everyone in position and ready to depart when we land. Remember to stick to your rehearsed backstories and stay with your group. We are guests at this resort, not Starfleet officers, if you think your cover is blown, back off and try to get out. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

She bit down on her dry lips, took a deep breath and her eyes fell on the Chief of Security. While the plan made perfect sense on paper when she worked out feasibility of their backstory, going forward with it she knew it was going to be something they'd hate.

"For the duration of our time on the planet, I will not be serving a direct command role. Lieutenant Commander Adeyemi will serve as the voice of our group when meeting with the dealer and if you find yourself needing to speak with me, you will need to do so through him. While on the planet, I will be playing the part of...his slave."

Her throat felt dry as the words slipped out of her mouth. Never had she thought she would say such a thing, but more than anything, she was glad her mother and daughters were there to hear it.

[Mess Hall]

Suddenly the center of attention, Adeyemi was cognizant of how ridiciulous he looked, half standing, having upset his table. He hurriedly sat, further causing his tray and so forth to clatter.

He felt no more words were needed. He was not one to be usually intimidated by the attention of a room full of crew, but given who he was just speaking with and his feelings towards her, he felt vulnerable.

"Thank you, captain," Was all Adeyemi said, and hoped that would be the end of it.


Tag to Lyric!

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 04, 2018, 11:55:00 PM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Lyric slid into the chair fluidly, some of the tension in her body leaving with an audible, but small sigh. She wasn't sure exactly how to explain her misgivings about her assignment to this mission. It was probable that he would shrug off her concerns as complaints and give her a line about how she was supposed to do her duty. However once she started talking, the words just seemed to tumble out.

"Thank you, Malcolm. I do not think this is meant to be a trip for enjoyment. However the engine room on this ship is nice, and the chief engineer is also very nice." The Changeling hid her hands inside her long sleeves, but looked down on them, lightly placed on the table top. "I think my being here is a mistake. I am not good at lying and being... sneaky."

There, she said it. On the one hand, it felt a little better to have it off of her chest, but on the other, Lyric felt almost certain he'd judge her for it. A part of her desperately wanted his approval, but other than a few rare occurrences, Adeyemi usually seemed to keep her at arms-length, looking down his nose at her. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"Also... I think I may be dressed wrong." She raised her head then, and it was easy to follow her green eyed gaze to several various female crew members. "Nearly everyone else seems to be dressed fancier... with... less clothing? I don't think I can do that." She made a small squeak like a whimper, clearly distressed at the concept.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

When it became clear that Lyric had serious concerns, Adeyemi put his fork and knife down and focused on her only. A little trick his sisters had taught him: when a woman talks to you, give her your undivided attention. The security chief wasn't the best with the fairer sex. Far from it, actually. But this one simple thing, giving someone the courtesy and attention they deserved, had worked wonders in the past.

He blotted his lips with a cloth napkin and sipped some water, noting that it had lemon juice squeezed in it. Adeyemi was glad that the Phoenix had a top of the line chow hall: his breath probably stank just as richly as his body after exercising. He swished around some tart lemon water in his mouth as Lyric finished up.

"There is a very good reason you are here," He told his friend in his accented voice: mostly the King's English but with a foundation in working class London, and underneath it all, flavored with the richness of West Africa. "You are a member of the crew, and we depend on you with our lives. And same goes on us for you. If you weren't at the top of your game, Lyric, you wouldn't wear the uniform, let alone be assigned for this mission."

When she spoke about her clothes, he had to smile. "Don't worry. I am a plain dresser, as we both know from our time in church together. You won't be the only one."

It was quiet a speech for him. He was suddenly aware of how much he had spoken, who he had spoken to, and how freely, without reservation. Adeyemi felt his face flame. Lyric always did that to him, made him step outside of himself, and say and do things he normally wouldn't. Embarrassed, he turned away from her slightly under the pretext of pushing around some food on his plate.


Welcome aboard, Four!

Tag Lyric.

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 02, 2018, 07:54:04 PM

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Lyric had to step quickly past the freighter's door as it slid closed behind her. She had been following along, a half step or three behind a large, bulky alien. With luck she'd avoid having to talk to even more people she didn't know. She had managed to get into the mess hall and no one had noticed.

The Changeling went to put her hands into her sleeves, stopped herself, and realized she wasn't in uniform and could do so. Still, it felt strange. This entire mission did. Why was she selected for this? She didn't even know what sort of clothing was appropriate, her idea of civilian clothing was a creamy oversized bulky wool tunic sweater with leggings and boots. Lyric was no undercover operative. When the chief engineer had told her to report to the Red Phoenix in civilian clothes, she had held up the spanner she had currently been holding, as if to say, No, I am only the engineer! It hadn't worked.

She was surrounded by the unfamiliar, not a feeling she had ever liked. Had she been able to cry, Lyric McDaniels would have.  It was one of the purely human things she just couldn't manage. She limited herself with a very human-like swipe of under her nose with her sleeve, a habit she had picked up from other anxiety ridden people on the Columbus. She wished she was back there.

She spotted Malcolm in his workout outfit, seated at a table, wolfing down hunks of meat and vegetable dripping with butter. He seemed to be enjoying it, although it was simpler fare than some of the fancy meals he usually ate. Eating was another thing she couldn't do, something that set her apart from the solids. But still, she needed him... someone familiar amidst all of this unsettling newness.

"Hello, Malcolm," Lyric said in a tiny voice that barely carried over the commotion of trays and conversation. "I see that you're, uhm...may I sit? I mean, if it's not too much trouble..." She bit lightly at her full bottom lip, worried that she had overstepped herself again with him. They hadn't talked much lately and sometimes he tended to be a bit standoffish.

Great, good job, she told herself. Had she the capability, she'd have blushed. Lyric hugged herself about the waist and waited for his answer.

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Adeyemi looked up, a piece of tuna speared on the end of a knife. He immediately rose, ever the consummate, old fashioned gentleman.

"Please, sit...Lyric." He said. He had been about to call her Miss McDaniels, but he recalled how his being formal made her uncomfortable. And right now she didn't look like she needed any more of that.

She did look like she needed a hug, though. Lyric was short but had a sublime body, large eyes, long hair, and full lips. She was very pale. As he always did, Adeyemi arrested the more primitive urges he experienced when he laid eyes on Crewman McDaniels. A lustful thought was just as much as a sin as a lustful act.

"How are you liking the journey thus far, Lyric?" Adeyemi asked. Pieter was all about burning clean, and had included a large portion of tuna fish with curry mayonnaise on his tray. The security chief dug into the cold server fish and covertly studied the Changeling's astonishing dark eyes as he did so.


Tag to Corliss!


[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Adeyemi usually partook in the more upscale places on the Promenade when he was on the Columbus, but sometimes a good whack of standard issue rations. Especially after a workout.

The Starfleet physical training uniform, an unfortunately cut, gray, one piece jumpsuit of sorts. Thank God, he didn't have to wear that on the Phoenix. Instead, he had on a simple sleeveless shirt, shorts that ended below his knee, and specially designed squat shoes. Adeyemi had just finished moving hundreds of pounds of weight wherever he damn well pleased. He was pumped up, his skin stretched out over bulging muscles, perfumed with a heady, masculine scent. At over six feet tall and two hundred pounds in weight, the 50 year old officer still cut an imposing figure, one that struggled to find its way through the crowded mess hall in the small freighter. He had been ducking under low bulkheads and turning sideways on the Red Phoenix since they had departed. It wasn't that Adeyemi was an especially big man, but the freighter was a lot less room than the Starbase Columbus he was accustomed to.

He was queuing up in an orderly way like any proper Brit, tray at the ready. Ahead of him, passengers were getting pasta ladled onto their plates, along with choice hunks of meatloaf, and a green salad. Evidently that was today's special, and it was popular. He opted instead for leaner, cleaner protein: a quiet word with the cook did it, Pieier, a workout buddy whose 6'4", 220 lbs body also needed no glopping up with unhealthy food. Soon, Adeyemi was seated, and Pieter himself brought over a tray filled with cuts of fish, chicken, and steamed veggies. The perfect post workout meal. He tucked in eagerly.

Quote from: Aryn Corliss link=topic=10481.msg196999#msg196999

[Personal Quarters ---> Mess Hall

Aryn made her way back to the small room she was sharing with her husband-stranger.

All right, sweetie, she said cheekily as she entered. You get to come along to the briefing. The captain wants to talk to you about some concerns, but I assured her that you could do whatever was necessary.

Thank you for that endorsement, Alec answered. Is that good or bad, what you said?

Aryn tilted her head at him, surprised by Alec's sudden uncertainty. It's a good thing. I'm glad you're here and I want to get to know you again. But I, and the captain, need to know that your feelings for me won't interfere with the mission.

I see. And I understand, he said slowly. The look on his face said he wanted to say more, but wasn't sure if he should.

Aryn raised her eyebrows in question.

Alec shook his head. I don't think I'm ready to hear the answer to that question yet.

Your choice, I suppose. I don't know if Flick would find that a particularly healthy attitude, she teased mildly. Anyway, we're due in the Mess Hall for a mission briefing. You're invited.

Should I change now?

No, you should have time after.

With a nod, Alec trailed Aryn out the door and to the Mess Hall where several people, both familiar and not, were already gathered.

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

Adeyemi was wading into his lunch two fistedly like a starving man when he saw Lieutenant Corliss enter. He had met the woman, briefly, with her husband, back on the Starbase Columbus. He caught her eye, nodded briefly. It was either an invitation to join him or just a passing courtesy, she could take her pick.

Applications Archive / First Azesen'lar
November 01, 2018, 05:55:10 AM

First Azesen'lar,

Please put your application here.



Hey Jack,

Please post your application here.



Character(s) affected: Malcolm Adeyemi and Jeric Th'Zan
Assigned ship(s): SBC and SBK
Period of time absent: 11 days
Date commencing: Immediately
Date returning: November 1st

Any relevant comments:

LOA Archives / Re: LOA - Rayek / Lahr Oct 18-Oct 21
October 19, 2018, 03:12:02 PM




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