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Messages - James Booth

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 04:26:40 PM

"Any time Commander and thank you for your help, I hope we can work together again someday Cayden "Thinking back to his frist day on the Churchill when Cayden had been the first person to speak to him "we've been to hell and back together or Alpha 343".

He shook Cayden's hand and smiled "Until next time my friend"

"Lead the way the Mr Booth let's get this over with shall we?"  Grix walked along side Booth all the way to Irvine's office, Stopping just outside he turned to Booth "We may not always have seen eye to eye Chief, but one thing you have always been is honest with me and for that i thank you" he waited a few seconds and then added "Do you need to anounce my arrival ?" he smiled as he spoke and held his hand over the access panel.

Booth never acknowledged McConnell verbally, he did afford the Command a nod, but he couldn't allow himself to be distracted. The journey to Irvines office was short. Pressing his hand on the access panel, Booth lead the way into the office and announced to the back of a chair.

"Admiral, Master Chief Booth reporting with Commander Grix as ordered."

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 02:12:26 PM

Booth's reaction was just what Grix had hoped for "Thank you Booth, I had hoped you wouldn't be swayed by the fact the accused is Admiral Irvine's son, Commander McConnell and one of my Security team are waiting for the transfer. While he waited for Booth to finish issuing details.

Once he gestured towards the door Grix nodded "Lead the way Master Chief"

McConnell had Jimmy heard Grix correctly, even if he did it didn't matter. Booth's only concern at that moment, was to see Grix taken to Irvines office. "I know all about your Prisoner Commander, as far as I'm concerned, he can be thrown into a room with a bunch of his own kind. I'm sure the other Prisoners will love to pay with the Admirals pretty boy."
Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 12:30:24 PM

"What do you mean worse I have Irvine in the brig ready for you and wait did you just say reassignment?" Grix stood still for a second before tapping his comm badge.

=/\=Grix to Churchill all access and exit for the Churchill is to be through Docking Bay 47, Lieutenant Ezra disable all transporter systems and then all crew prepare to disembark for reassignment =/\=

He then nodded to Booth and "Lead the way Master Chief, but if this is a cover up then I can't promise I will go so quietly". He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach that Brown wouldnt do this to the Churchill but in the back of his mind SPECTRE's warning not to trust him kept playing through his head.

Docking Port 47

Booth tilted his head to one side and arched an eyebrow. "I resent the implication Commander." One thing about Booth was or wasn't as the case may be was a liar. He had at times kept things to himself, mainly for security reason or an assignment counted on it. Did that make him a liar or someone who would cover things up, Jimmy didn't think so. In his eyes, the words cover up went hand in glove with the word lies.

Looking to two of his Security Detachment, he spoke. "Renko, Abbot, get down to the Brig and collect that bilge water locked up there. Take his sorry ass to Dock Security."

Turning back to face Grix, Booth gestured towards the Spacedock corridor. "Shall we Mr Grix?"

Quote from: Christian Grix on June 09, 2014, 11:03:27 AM

That's all i need today, this better not be another cover up Turning to Safi, well Commander you appear to have the bridge" Grix stood up and walked from the bridge to the turbolift =/\=On my way Admiral =/\=

Docking Bay 47

As he had walked down to the docking umbilical the auto docking systems has seamlessly took over and guided the ship to it's berth.

Grix waited for the doors to open and the first face he saw was one he know "Master Chief Booth, good to see you again I believe your guest i waiting for you" he stepped forward towards Booth holding his hand out for him to shake.

"My Guest?" Booth asked with confusion. He looked down at the hand offered by Grix, but instead of taking it he placed a PADD in Grix's hand. On it were special orders, directly from Admiral Brown. "Sorry about this Commander, I must ask that you accompany me to Admiral Irvines office. But first you are to order your crew to use this access port only and you are also to disable your transporter systems. Nobody is to beam on or off the Churchill, your crew is to disembark and await reassignment." Jimmy's eyes flicked up to meet Christians. "Please do not make this any worse Commander."
Quote from: Jiseth on June 09, 2014, 08:43:36 AM

I'm usually only pleased when I see Zero, but for different reasons  ;D

Oh come on, I know you missed me :P




Just a little bit?


And not to be vague.

"I'M BAAAACK" I can see you're all pleased to see me :)


Earth - Spacedock

Docking Bay 47

Master Chief Booth stood in the observation lounge for Docking Bay 47, that bay was assigned to the Churchill once she was in. He'd only been away from the ship for a few weeks, but he surely missed her and some of the people on it.

=/\=Spacedock Control to Chief Booth, the Churchill is on final approach to dock.=/\= Said a voice over Booths comm badge.

With a tap of his badge. =/\=Acknowledged, Booth out=/\=

Jimmy turned to face the detachment of ten Security personnel, who were with him. Booth's reunion with the Churchill was not going to be pleasant, in fact it couldn't further from pleasant. Securing his phaser, Jimmy nodded to his team. On que they all left the lounge and headed to the docking port.


Congratulations Buddy.

Quote from: Deon Essai on May 09, 2014, 01:44:38 AM

"Actually, this is the best I've felt in a while.",  he couldn't stop the smiling even if he wanted to right now.

"Let's head over.  I'll tell Booth.", Deon said then tip his Comm badge.

=/\="Essai to Booth, I'm here with Henriks, at the transporter. We're ready to depart unless you want us to wait for you sir."=/\=

COB's Quarters

Jimmy strode into his quarters, a double grip phaser rifle was under his right arm. He smiled as the call from Essai came in, the young man was certainly shaping up to be a damn fine security officer. Propping the inactive weapon against the bulkhead, by the door, the Chief walked across to his closet and pulled his burgen from it. As always it was packed for rapid deployment, again another habit from his Alpha Six days.

Tapping his comm badge, he replied to Deon.

=/\=I'll be right there Mr Essai, I have something I need to take care of real quick, then we'll go over together.=/\=

Turning towards the bed, he observed the bedside cabinet. Sat on top of it were two photo's, one was of his oldest Son Damon, the other was of Maria who seemed to be smiling back at him.

Slapping his comm badge once again.

=/\=Booth to Ensign Dyson, would you please report to my quarters, I need to talk to you quite urgently=/\=

Quote from: Christian Grix on May 08, 2014, 02:21:33 PM

The request may have surprised Grix a few weeks ago, but now he was not shocked "I would be honoured and i'll make sure she's ok, would you return the favour and watch out for Amy she is bound to miss Scott" With a smile on his face he added "they're not exactly discreet are they?"

Booth frowned at the mention of discreet. "Of course I will look out for her." He wasn't sure whether to ask or not, but Booth being who he was. "I'm afraid you've lost me about being discreet, are Scott and Amy in a relationship?"

It looked as though the insecure clone of Mike Anderson was getting lucky and with the XO's Sister no less. He wasn't jealous, but he was slightly put out by the fact, that someone had managed to get Amy before he did. But now that they were both in a relationship, it meant that the rest of the fine ladies of the ship were up for grabs.

Quote from: Christian Grix on May 08, 2014, 12:44:48 PM

Grix took hold of Booth's hand and shook it "Good luck to you Master Chief and by the way i don't mean any of that replicated stuff, I have some real scotch that i got from Admiral Brown's house" Grix had seen the change in Booth over the recent weeks since he found out Dyson was his daughter. "Is there anything else you need Chief?"

"In fact there is Sir." The Chief started, firming his grip on the Commanders hand he continued. "Will you keep an eye on Maria for me." It was something he felt strongly about. "It seems that everyone in the Girls life leave her in one way or another and now it looks as though I'm on my way now, I do however intend to come back."
Quote from: Christian Grix on May 07, 2014, 03:23:35 PM

"Abols and Essai, anyone else?" Grix paused as he looked at Booth "Well Senior Chief Petty Officer James Booth will no longer be leading the team I'm affraid" He watched Booth's face closely for a reaction and then continued "The team will now be lead by Master Chief James Booth, I expect you all back on board after the mission and make sure my sister comes with you" Christian then held his hand towards him, this time he held the new Rank badge "Master Chief please carry on and don't worry about tactical i have that covered I have asked an old friend to come back to us and he has agreed".

"Good luck and when you get back I owe you a drink".

Quote from: Deon Essai on May 07, 2014, 09:36:51 PM

At first Deon thought he miss heard Booth.  Then he didn't believe it.

"It's a joke.", he assured himself.  But as the saying going 'may calmer heads prevail.'  Deon realized Booth never jokes about work.   Booth worked hard and played harder.  That's the man Deon knew.

"Aye aye sir.  I'll be ready in five."he said then turned towards Grix.

"Permission to leave the ship sir."  He said, not hold back the big smile.

Jimmy walked around to stand in front Grix and Essai, with an uncharacteristic gesture, he held his hand out to the XO. "Good Luck Sir." Booth hadn't always seen eye to eye with Christian, but of late he was slowly beginning to respect the man. To the point where he'd actually called the man Sir. The Chief had three tiers of respect towards superiors, if he was mad at a person, they got a snarl and contempt. If he had to show protocol or kind of liked a person, they were called by their full rank. But when it came to someone, mainly a senior officer, he'd call them Sir."

Looking to Essai, he wrapped his free arm around the Petty Officer's shoulders and pulled him to his side. "You didn't think I'd leave my Little Brother behind did you?" He asked with all sincerity.

Quote from: Henriks Á,,â,¬bols on May 07, 2014, 12:18:39 PM

Chief Booth strolled into sickbay, and Henrik's initial reaction was still the desire to split out of there. But there was no place for him to run to, especially since he was already in sickbay and Oswald was no longer on the ship. Win a star prize? How? Henriks wondered, hoping there was no shooting involved. He hadn't had time to improve his scores, but in defense, there hadn't been any time to do so. Whatever it was, it didn't sound pleasant. "Medical emergency, Mr. Booth?" Henriks managed to force out, the muscles in his back beginning to stiffen.

Sick Bay

With a wide grin, Booth replied. "Not yet Petty Officer, but the day is young." Placing his hands behind his back and raising his eyebrows. "Grab your gear Henriks, you're with me. Time to make a name for yourself." He had a feeling Henriks wouldn't particularly jump at the chance, his shooting skills weren't the best, but his immediate response to a medical emergency skills were second to none. "I'll see you in the transporter room in twenty minutes." On that the Chief turned about an left.


Booth walked back onto the bridge and saw Grix talking to Deon Essai. "Mr Essai are you ready to go yet?" Looking to the XO, he said. "I've asked Petty Officer Á,,â,¬bols to join me Sir."


Drum Roll

Tag to those in Sick Bay :)


Corridor to Sick Bay

Jimmy had been reaquainted with an old feeling, one that he hadn't felt for many years. Back in his Alpha Six days, he'd always felt a rush of adrenaline. Something about the thought of going into a tense situation, something that the Chief had thrived on in his younger life. Some people thought it was an oddity in the man, one of the many things people thought about with Booth. Something about that rush, was the reason Jimmy always came back alive, or at least that was what he believed.

Sick Bay

Booth walked into the medical area, something of an atmosphere was present. Taking a breath he looked towards the person he'd come to find and announced himself. "Ladies and Gentlemen, one of you is about to win a star prize."

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