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Messages - Susan Venator

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on March 04, 2019, 08:34:27 PM

"Aye, Aye Captain," Don replied. He pressed the sequence for the journey to prepare the Starship to go on its merry way. He started to preplan "What ifs'" if things go sour on them. They said things can go bad. He was not sure how? Anything was possible. Powerful aliens like Q. Never met one. They seem to never encounter them. Maybe they will be bless not ever encounter one.

Don turned his head to Susan who brought the problem. He bit his lower lip to re-play what they did. "It could be possible that we left the key in," he joked. "I am kidding. It could be the computer is manual. Let me try," he told her. He had punched in his code in to see if he could get access. The connection was slow. "Interference from the area. Here, I have an idea. I am going to need your help. I will send you the sequence I am going to press. Like the game of Simon. However you need to press them when I press to override. If we fail. Then we can attempt to beam her up. Then we need to be closer. Let's hope the first option will work."


Suzie gave a nod.

"That could work." She replied. "But if it is a case of signal strength, we should be able to use the probe we sent down earlier as a relay. As long as it has power, it will be able to boost the signal for us. Before we try that, let's give your way a go first." She replied.

She then prepared her terminal to input the codes the conn officer was about to give her.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 04, 2019, 11:08:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir smiled, nodding to the woman on Ops.  "Excellent work, Ms. Venator.  Inform Sickbay, and see if we have the leadership of the colony.  Send a message to Starfleet that we have begun evacuations and will be escorting the colonists to Earth.  It's on the way, and they'll have better facilities.  Then I want you and Mr. Addams to coordinate retrieval of our shuttle, as well as the data from the colony computer cores.  I have a big report to send to Starfleet to hopefully dissuade any adversarial actions against me or my crew.  Mr. Kimball, take over monitoring of the away team and prepare some buoys for planetary quarantine."

He sat there in the big chair, a bit in thought after delivering his orders, and tapped the computer.  "Computer, update on mission time?"

=/\= Currently still ahead of schedule.  Will reduce to on schedule in 6 hours.  =/\=

"Thank you computer.  Mr. Addams, set course for Earth.  We'll be leaving once we have the entire colony, as well as the full away team.  Living and dead."


Suzie gave a nod.

"Aye Captain." She replied before tapping her com-badge.

=/\= Venator to Dr Thane. Have any of your medical personnel spoken to or dealt with any of the Colony's leadership? =/\=

=/\= Yes Lieutenant. I have just finished treating the Colony's Chief Administrator, their senior official. She is in Sickbay at the moment, suffering from exhaustion and mild dehydration. =/\=

=/\= Thank you Doctor. We'll send someone down to speak to her. Venator out. =/\=

Closing the channel, she sent the requested message to Starfleet. They would not receive a response for a few hours, so she got on with her next task, retrieval of the Shuttle.

First she attempted to remote access the flight controls. While she could access the main systems, flight was not responding.

"Mr Addams. I am having a problem interfacing with the shuttle's flight systems to get it to return here without sending a flight team down to the planet, but there appears to be a problem at the shuttle's end. Do you have any idea what it could be?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 03, 2019, 05:33:06 PM

[Transporter Room One]

Ian tapped the commbadge now affixed to the outside of his ceramic body armor and replied to Lieutenant Venator.

=/\= "Well done Lieutenant, we'll get them issued ta all five squads. As soon as you have every colonist you can snatch off that planet, you let us know, and then we'll go in hot." =/\=


Suzie smiled, then her console beeped informing her that the cargo bays were ready to receive the colonists. Time to get to work.

=/\= Will do Commander. I've just received confirmation that we are ready to receive the colonists. I am beginning transport now. =/\=

As she spoke, her fingers moved over the controls as she had the transporter sensors scan for targets. She used the normal transporters for individuals and the emergency transporters for larger groups. While it took time, eventually all the colonists she could detect had been recovered.

=/\= Transport complete Commander. We have 467 colonists in our cargo bays. If the colony records are accurate, there should only be 35 or so left on the planet. Good luck. =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 03, 2019, 11:43:37 AM

[Conference Room Deck One]

Ian paused on his way out the door to acknowledge Susan's suggestion.

"Give Mister Felder five minutes and then begin scoopin' up everyone you can find. I like the tag gun. Have the replicators make a dozen. We'll add them ta our kit. Good thinkin' Lieutenant."

Ian then headed for the turbolift and the ship's armory. There he was helped into the battle armor by one of the techs. Once he was suited up, he drew a compression rifle and a phaser two, along with a gas mask, and two canisters of anesthezine.

When he felt he was ready, he headed to transporter room one. With a grand total of only twelve pads, it was going to take awhile for Ops to beam the colonists from the planet. This was in a way a good thing as it gave the squad leaders time to make their final pre-combat checks.

When PO1 Ciavil Laslo, the senior enlisted security officer reached him. Ian braced at the position of attention and waited as the Bolian woman inspected his weapons and armor. He felt like a cadet at the Academy as she did and when she faced him Ian was actually nervous. He knew he wasn't a soldier of this sort and the last thing he wanted to do was look foolish with something out of place.

"Sir, I'd suggest putting those canisters on your left hip, other than that, your gear is good."

Ian managed a small smile as he replied.

"Aye Aye Mister Laslo!"

Ian moved the canisters as suggested and nodded to Lieutenant Gustov, who, along with PO2 Thiloth jav Zull, Crewmen Garrett Grantham, Rebecca Braun, and Orlando Moresson would part of the same "stick". Prepared as they could be, Ian, along with everyone else waited for the word to go.

Conference Room

Suzie gave a nod in response to the orders before excusing herself. She headed back to the Bridge were she took over at Ops.


Suzie's first task was the tag guns. Per the XO's request, she ordered a dozen replicated, in addition to 1200 tags and transported to the Armoury. As soon as they were confirmed complete, she tapped her com-badge.

=/\= Venator to Galloway. I have replicated a dozen of the tag guns as requested along with 100 tags per gun and they have been delivered to the Armoury. If you require any further tags, please let me know. =/\=

She then accessed all the Discovery's transporters, bar those in Transporter Room One, and prepared to lock onto and beam up any of the colonists she could find. The sensors were detecting over 400, none of whom were in the vicinity of the mine. It would take maybe half an hour, but there should be no trouble.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 02, 2019, 10:32:11 PM

[Conference Room Deck One]

Ian straightened as the captain spoke and nodded when he was finished.

"Aye Sir. Ops, let's start beamin' up the colonists outside the mine directly ta cargo bay three. Commander Felder, Doctor Thane we are goin' ta need support from your personnel ta ensure those we beam up are not harmed. I suggest ten security and a couple of medical on standby in case there are problems. It is my sincere hope that once away from the planet, the colonists break free of the mind control. If'n not, we use the anesthezine ta subdue them. Once they are under control, I'm goin' ta need those security for the assault. The rest of us will prep for beamin' down."

Ian caught Addams' eye and continued.

"We will nae be leavin' the shuttle behind, we can beam her directly into the shuttle bay. Don't worry Lad, that's one part of this operation that isn't goin' ta be a problem."

Satisfied with his the briefing went, Ian felt confident as he headed for the transporter room to gear up for what was about to be the most dangerous mission he'd even been part of, and given some of the missions he'd already seen, that was saying something.

Conference Room

Suzie gave a nod at the XO'x orders.

"Let me know once the cargo bay is ready to receive them, then I'll begin transport of any colonists I can lock onto." She replied. Then another thought occurred to her. "I can retrofit a hand weapon to tag the colonists with the tags I mentioned earlier. That will enable them to be transported out the way and you can deal with the insects." She added.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on March 01, 2019, 01:19:29 PM

[Conference Room - Deck 1]

Nevir sat and listened to his officers, a small bit of relief forming that they weren't just going to be yesmen.  He gave ample amount of time, but then stood up.  There was a point made that should be addressed.

"I think it is important not to look at this world as a Federation colony, but as its own planet." he said, pushing buttons in the table and activating the holographic display in the middle, showing the planet in a clear hologram.  There were many benefits to be on the ship outfitted to be one giant holodeck.

"Mr. Kimball suggested using the cold.  I think that is the key to understanding our situation." he said, tapping some controls.  Slowly, the ice sheets crept closer to the planet's equator.  Not a lot of change, but enough to show a pattern.

"We've studied this planet for centuries.  And in that time, there was never any sign of advanced life on the surface.  But that doesn't mean there hasn't been any.  This planet has been coming out of an ice age.  With a covered surface paired with the deposits in those caverns, the native species of this planet may have been underground for hundreds... maybe thousands of years.  I do not disagree with rescuing the colonists, but I question the right we have to determine whether a species is allowed to live on their home planet."

Nevir was silent for another minute, and then sighed.  "What about tags?  Transporter tags?"

Conference Room

Suzie had sat there and listened to the discussion. She had been about to raise the possibility of a Hive Mind, but the former Borg beat her to it. Then when Tekin raised the issue of tags, it gave her an idea.

"There may be a possibility of getting the colonists out without sending any more of our people in there." She paused. "We could deploy remote drones equipped with isolinear tags. We could then tag each colonist and transport them up out of harms way. We will be able to lock onto the tags even deep underground." She added.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 27, 2019, 11:27:30 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

"No, that's fine.  Its probably still being compiled.  Its a symptom of stress - things feel like they take too long despite no change in the time."

Nevir sighed, looking down at the chronometer.  He didn't want to push his ship more than he should, but what was supposed to be a quick stop before his surprise to the crew ended up becoming a serious issue.  One that just cost the lives of two of his crewmen.

"Susan, I need you to make some magic happen.  Configure the sensors to try to penetrate the distortion caused by the mines, and get as much of a scan of the caverns as you can.  I fear that Ian is right; only a strike will work.  And if that is the case, I want a battle plan.  We'll meet in 3 hours with the senior staff to work out a plan of attack.  Addams, you'll be representing Flight at the senior meeting, and Kimball will be tactical.  In the meantime... I'll be in my ready room." he said.  Standing and walking to the private side room he frequented when he was feeling overwhelmed.

As soon as he stepped through and had the doors close, he walked over and sat in the chair.  "Computer, give me course and time to Katra Station.  And prepare a secured, private communique to Katra Station; for Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell."


Suzie gave a nod.

"Aye Captain." She replied.

Her fingers immediately went to work on reconfiguring the sensors. She had no luck until she remembered the probe. With a little luck, they should be able to get it inside one of the mine's ventilation shafts. The probe would be damaged, but hopefully it's sensor package would still be intact.

She was just doing the maths involved when a communication popped up on her screen. She immediately tapped her com-badge.

=/\= Captain, I have a personal call for you from the Academy. There is no priority status, do you want to respond now or should I inform them that you will call back later? =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 25, 2019, 08:06:18 PM


Ian looked exhausted as he stood at the position of attention as he felt it was the only proper thing to do when feeling like he'd failed so badly.

"Honestly Sir, the colonists were their usual docile selves until we got too close ta their hive, then, at a thought, they flipped from cattle ta murder hobos. Only thing that saved us was their lack of coordination. On the positive side, the stun settin' on our phasers worked normally, on the colonists and the insectoids. If'n we go in hard and heavy, I think we can clear them out fairly quickly.

"I admit they surprised us and that's what cost us Kelly and Bivaal, they won't have surprise next time. We can replicate security armor and as long as we have phasers set on wide-angle stun, I'm positive we can take them and not harm the colonists in the process.

"I will work on options right away, but for now, I have ta get ta sickbay or Doctor Thane will have my hide. Things are worse than we thought here Sir, but it's not impossible by a long shot."


Suzie stood at Ops, thinking of what to do next. When Ian suggested a lager force, she shook her head.

"We need to do something without getting too close Captain." She said, adding her own thoughts. "I am aware of several chemicals that act as neural-inhibitors, would it be possible to spread that over the colony? It would at least help the colonists and it could prevent these insects from asserting their control too." She added.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on February 23, 2019, 03:16:21 PM

[Kaipo IV Mine]

=/\= "Galloway ta Discovery, we have reached a set of pattern enhancers, we have wounded and our phasers are just about drained. If'n you can lock onto anyone, beam them out immediately." =/\=


Suzie, who had been monitoring the transporter sensors closely, noted as soon as the away team reached the pattern enhancers as, suddenly all the away teams signatures became clear. She immediately initiated the transport sequence. By the time the XO's com came through, she was ready to energise. Without a further word she activated the transporters. Seconds later, she turned to the Captain.

"I have them Captain. All members of the away team are in transporter room one. I have signalled medical to stand by."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 22, 2019, 11:27:35 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

It was the worst case scenario... the away team was under fire.  And did he say by the colonists?  The Captain jumped out of the chair, a determined look on his face.

"Yellow alert.  Prime weapon systems, and increase power to the transporter buffers."

"Take your station quickly Lieutenant.  Break orbit and descend towards the colony.  The closer we get the better angle we have to rescue the away team."

=/\= "Discovery to Away Team, we're coming to get you."  =/\=


As the Captain called out. the alert sounded and a yellow light flashed.

Suzie immediately responded.

"Aye Captain." She replied and boosted power to the transporter systems as well as the sensors and inertial dampeners. It would still be bumpy, but the ship would hold.

"I've increased the transporter power as much as I can Captain." She reported. "We'll need to get closer to cut through the interference." She added, watching the transporter sensors like a hawk. She would energise as soon as they got a solid lock.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 21, 2019, 11:52:30 AM

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

After nodding at her initial report, Nevir took advantage of the next part she spoke, and gave her as stern a look as possible.  "You dare question the wisdom of your Captain...?" he said, staring her down, until the corners of his mouth turned up and he couldn't keep the look on his face for long.

Instead, Nevir took his seat in the center.  "There is some sort of telepathic signal emanating from the mines.  We believe that is the source of the colony's disruptions, and have outfitted the away team with neural inhibitors.  We can't leave those colonist down there." he said, shaking his head.


Suzie almost bristled as the Captain pretended to be offended. But she could tell he understood her concerns. Though the next be worried her. 'Telepathic signal!' She thought to herself.

"That might explain the slight but persistent headache I have had almost since we entered the system Captain." She said. "I was going to get it looked at if it was still there when my shift was over. It would have to be a very strong signal to get past my mental defences though." She added.

The was about to elaborate when an alarm on the Ops panel went off. Heading over there, she called up the details.

"The readouts on the away team ore off the chart's Captain." She reported. "I don't know what is going on down there, but the inhibitors are working overtime. Recommend we transport them back for safety." She added


Tag Das Kapitan

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on February 20, 2019, 06:33:08 PM

[Sickbay - USS Discovery]

The Captain nodded.  "Thats true... but like you said, only most were removed.  If I recall correctly, the neural synapses that the Borg alter make it dangerous and near impossible to remove safely.  Its not a external node that would bring attention to you...  perhaps your Borg remnants helped stop any kind of mental signal."

He turned as he heard Addams teasing the EMH, and he sighed.  "We don't have the stable technology for portable holograms.  This ship is still an experimental design with our fitted ship-wide holo-emitters, but that stops just out of the airlock."

"Okay, Kimball, I want you to remain here for scans, lets see if the Doctor can find something.  Addams, you remain here for observation and clearance, and then meet me back on the Bridge."

"Let me know if anything comes up.  good work." he said, nodding and turning on his heels to head back to where he belonged.

[Bridge - USS Discovery]

Nevir stepped through on the bridge, and was relieved to see that all seemed to be well.  "I hope you enjoyed that taste of power, Ms. Venator." he said with a smirk, walking around to the chair.



Suzie stood up as the Captain entered the Bridge. When he asked her if she had enjoyed the taste of power, she chuckled slightly.

"I did, thank you Captain." She replied. "We launched the probe into the atmosphere, but it has picked up nothing outside of normal readings on a M Class world. We received calls for help from both away teams and they were beamed directly to Sickbay. Nothing our sensors have been able to detect have given us any indication of what is going on."

She paused while she debated saying the next bit. In the end, she felt she had to bring her concerns to light.

"Are you sure it was wise to send another away team to the surface Captain?" She asked in a lower tone. "Will still don't know what caused the other teams problems. Unless, a medical solution has been found?" She added, almost as an afterthought.

Quote from: Evandav Bervarn on February 19, 2019, 04:41:08 PM

Evandav turned round, and seeing the officer he stood to attention, giving a salute.
"Crewman Evandav Bervarn reporting for duty for the Tactical Station sir!" He said. He knew he was probably being a little too serious, but... oh well. His face displayed a serious expression, contrary to the officer. He was so going to get stick for this later...


Suzie raised an eyebrow at the salute, but made no comment.

"Carry on Crewman." She replied, giving him a nod.

She had seen this type of behaviour before. Usually it was with crewmen straight out of training and particularly the security and tactical types. Sitting back down in the centre chair, she continued to keep an eye on the probe readouts. she had no sooner sat down when a com came in.

Quote from: EQ Kimball on February 19, 2019, 09:15:58 PM

[planet side]

-A-EQ to Discovery.  Mr. Addams is exhibing some odd behavior.  He is talking to something that does not appear to be there.  I think he needs to be brought back to the ship-A-

Suzie responded at once.

=/\= Since I can't leave you there alone, I will be transporting the pair of you back. Stand by for transport. Discovery out. =/\=

Turning to the Ensign at Ops, she continued.

"Transport them both directly to Sickbay. We need to know if this is the same as the others or something different."

She then opened an internal channel.

=/\= Bridge to Sickbay. Mr Addams and Mr Kimball are being transported to you. Mr Kimball reports that Mr Addams is suffering similar symptoms to the members of the other team. Please can you confirm. =/\=

She then turned back to the Ensign.

"Energise when ready." She ordered.

"Yes Ma'am." The Ensign replied and manipulated the controls. "Transport complete." He replied a short while later.

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