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Messages - Levinia Black


Everyone is doing an awesome job, I am loving this story and I know Kyle's been wanting to do this one for months!  I'm glad I'm here to enjoy it with you and Kali is so incredibly cool I am enjoying her posts..XD

Tag Kyle

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 08, 2016, 01:36:54 AM

[Sickbay....Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle smiled at Vinnie. It seemed as if he had known her forever. And he could never get used to seeing her in a Security role. Her tiny stature made it something to see. Everyone always took her for granted due to her size but he had seen her take down some gorilla's in the time they had served together.

"I don't think you'll need assistance. Hell, you'd probably take both of them out on their best day. They'd be fools to try anything with you." Kyle said. "Let me get your signature here." he told her as he extended a PADD to her. This would show the transfer from Sickbay to Security for paperwork reasons. "So. How's little Alan doing?" he asked as she signed the PADD.

[ Lt (JG) Security Officer]

Levinia chuckled at Kyle's overwhelming belief in her abilities.  Yeah, she could hold her own and all that martial arts training helped.  Plus a few moves Tanibak had shown her, not to mention what her cousin Á¢â,¬ËœSmudge' had taught her.   "Yeah well, if I were on duty last night they would have given second thoughts, right?"  She took the offered PADD and reviewed it, knowing everything was alright but still she had that need to read everything.  Her eyes and brain worked quickly as she took in the injuries without question.  Everything seemed to be in order and the injuries were consistent with a brawl.

"Oh, he's still adjusting."  Levinia sighed and lost her smile at the thought of her child.  She handed the PADD back to Kyle once she signed it and continued,  "You know, the death of a parent is hard for him but I'm getting him counseling.  He's stubborn like his old man though, and as tight lipped.  I could swear he was Tal Shiar as well."  Instead of asking to see the two brig bound officers, however, she gave herself some time to touch base with her old friend.  The last thing she wanted was to be consumed by her own grief and her late husband's memory was always tearing at her.

"Remember that time with Will...and we were WWI pilots?"  She chuckled, "You looked good in leather and a silk scarf...."  Levinia teased, " you still have that outfit?" 

Old Topics / Re: Personal Log - Dr. Levinia Black - Qellar
September 07, 2016, 03:56:22 PM

My youngest brother Douglas and me on a beach on Earth, being Lunar born children we got terribly sunburned that day.

Old Topics / Re: Personal Log - Dr. Levinia Black - Qellar
September 07, 2016, 03:45:20 PM

Top picture Ambrose Junior and me, and Ambrose Senior my father

Old Topics / Re: Personal Log - Dr. Levinia Black - Qellar
September 07, 2016, 03:44:42 PM

Stardate: 71683.29

Time to put up some family pictures:  From top - clockwise;  Father, mother and baby Ambrose, My oldest brother Junior and me, my sister Tabitha and me


tag to Sukai and Kyle, and Levinia is a Lt (JG) not an ensign are you demoting me again :P

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 07, 2016, 03:24:40 AM


Kyle turned as Doctor Sukal entered and spoke. "Morning, Doc. Not really anything to do with the brawlers. I just finished reading the report. They were so drunk, they barely even landed any punches on each other. One bumped his head as he tripped over his own feet and the other scrapped his knuckles on the bulk head when he missed a punch. They're all treated, bandaged and locked up." Kyle replied as he extended a PADD to the Doctor. "And here are today's physicals."

[ Security Lt (JG)]

Levinia walked into Sickbay and took a quick look around to access the room.  Her eyes took in the medical staff and some of the patients but then quickly landed on Kyle Briggs.  A smile pulled on her lips as she walked over to him and the CMO.  Decorum stated that she greet the higher ranking officer first so she nodded to the Vulcan, "Lt. Sukai..."  Vinnie then grinned at Kyle, "Mr. Briggs...."  She allowed the salutation to hang in the air for a few seconds before stating her reason for being there.  "I've come to pick up the two miscreants, if they're ready to spend a couple of days in the brig that is."  The small security officer stood as straight as she could but still could not match the height of the two men.  There was no denying that she was attentive to her job and would perform it as well as ever.

She placed a small hand on her phaser and nodded, "Will I need backup?"  Levinia grinned, "The report said they didn't really inflict that much damage but still.  I'm going to have to investigate where they got intoxicating alcohol since the Discovery should only be carrying synthol.  Hmmmm interesting isn't it?"  She fought the urge to rub her chin in thought but the idea of an investigation, even a small one such as the search for contraband was intriguing.  Perhaps her day wouldn't be completely boring after all.


[Personal Quarters....Lt (JG) Security Officer]

Levinia studied herself in the mirror as she prepared for her shift.  Her blue eyes inspected every line on her gold uniform and smoothed anything she didn't like with her fingers.  Out of the corner of her eye she caught Alanoth, who was rather tall for his age and almost came up to her waist.  This wasn't difficult since she was rather short for a Terran.

"Thank you, my love."  She responded as he handed her her holster belt.  Levinia smoothly took it in one hand then used her free hand to run her fingers through her son's dark hair.  He wore his father's Romulan ridges although they were smoothed by her human blood they were unmistakingly Romulan.  His ears had the tapered points as well but it was the set of his face that made him almost entirely his father's son.  He had always been a serious and pensive child unlike his human counterparts which were silly and energetic most of the time.

"You WILL behave with your babysitter today, won't you, Alan?"  Levinia ordered as she wrapped the belt around her slim waist.  She then picked up her phaser, inspected it closely and set it in its place.  Her eyes never left her son who nodded with a frown.  He had been more and more restless lately but she knew that he was missing his father.  She was as well and with a sigh she allowed herself to think of Tanibak.

"Well good, if I hear another bad report from you, young man, there will be no dessert for a week!"  She threatened and a normal child would have gasped and whined but Alanoth took it with a firm nod and a deeper frown.   His mother knew that he was not happy but he would not allow his displeasure to be so easily displayed.  That was something his father often did, until they got very, very angry then whoa to the world.

How long had Tanibak been dead?

Levinia shook her head and shuffled the pain back in her mind.  She had to move on and live for her and her son so going back to Starfleet had been a very smart idea.  "I need to get to work now."  She crouched down and took her boy by the shoulders.  Levinia smiled warmly at her son seeing her late husband in his face, "You be good and we'll have a special treat tonight."  She pinched his chin just as the door chimed announcing the arrival of the babysitter.  "I love you."  Mother kissed her child goodbye and set off to her duty.

[Security Level....]

Lieutenant Junior Grade Black walked into the security office ready for business.  The steady frown on her serious face was all the proof needed that she was basically ready for anything.  The phaser at her hip, which wasn't necessary, but she wore it all the time seemed as steady on her person as her little frown.   "Anything out of the ordinary, Bob?"  She walked up to a tall Vulcan man with dark skin and a darker frown.

"Why do you insist in calling me Bob?"  He asked then changed his mind, he'd never understand human humor and decided to ignore it for now.  "There was an incident in corridor five twenty...."

"Lemme guess, two drunks walk out of a bar?"  She huffed and logged herself into her shift and quickly checked her messages as Á¢â,¬ËœBob' continued.

"I am not aware of that reference..."  The Vulcan blinked and again, decided to ignore the human joke.  "...they were inebriated, indeed, and got into a physical altercation in which security was advised.  They are currently in the brig and their records have been properly updated."

Levinia sighed and knuckled her forehead, a habit of hers, she looked up at the tall Vulcan and nodded, "Thank you, Ensign, I shall take it from here."  He gave her a quiet nod, accepting the shift change, logged out and made his way out of Security.  The petite human female placed her hands on her hips and looked around.  The members of her shift were beginning to file in and soon she would be set onto her current assignment.  "No rest for the weary."  She muttered to herself and got on with it....

Old Topics / Re: Roll Call
September 03, 2016, 12:48:39 PM

I'm here and happy to be on board.  ^.^


tag Lizzie (I took the weekend off..needed some time off >.<)  Sorry for my late response. 

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on August 26, 2016, 07:36:53 PM


Lizzie listened to Paige's question and thought for a minute before responding.

"We would be better trying to close the wound if at all possible. If this were a normal patient I would look to a dermal re-generator. However, there is no method to regenerate silicone that I'm aware of. The next best solution would be to cauterise the wound. That will prevent any infection entering or further fluid escaping. A low power phaser beam would probably do the trick. Lieutenant Black, do you have any thoughts on this?" She asked, trying to be as diplomatic as possible and hoping that their disagreement had not been taken personally.


Levinia nodded, "Yes that would do it."  She responded a bit shortly.  Disagreements between professionals was not unknown to Levinia who grew up disagreeing with her brothers and parents about theories.  What she didn't like was having her opinion laughed at and she was certain Lt. Carter did not liked to be laughed at either.

"I've also ordered large amounts of Calcium Gluconate created for our crew and for the creature as well."  She turned to the captain, "It will render the acid harmless if need be.  Also the phasers are ready and have been modified according to Dr. Vaughan's latest specifications."  Again she turned to Dr. Vaughan, "Whenever you're ready, ma'am." 


Alanoth frowned as he thought about the crewman's question.  The frown came natural and from his father's side of the family.  While his mother was a person that tended to smile more than frown, his father always wore a pensive and stern expression.  It seemed that his son was the same way.  "Plants."  He looked up at the Breen, "There are plants right outside our door."

His little shoulders drooped but there was no getting around it.  Whatever adventure he had in mind he had to go see mommy first.  He nodded as his little face contorted into a sad frown.  "We're going to see mommy first....I understand."

Without much thought he reached out and offered his hand to the grown up.  It was habit to be taken by the hand and led and he didn't think this would be different with this adult.   "I'm weady."

USS Athena-A / Re: USS Athena Welcome and Recognition
August 26, 2016, 06:20:31 PM

Welcome Rose ^.^' 

Quote from: Constance Lafayette on August 26, 2016, 12:16:09 AM


The conversation was fast and rapid, hardly allowing a word to be said edgewise so, she did what she did best- listen. Constance took it all in, she had some expertise is the fields mentioned but only as a student- nothing practical. She grasped all the concepts.

"In a silicone based life form like this, the acid will be fine, provided the yield isn't too high. If there is associated pain- that's part of the process. It will be temporary." She slowly, once everyone had finished.

"However... introducing that level of toxicity into the creature so close to the heart could be problematic. I'd recommend we neutralize the PH afterward with a subsequent dose of a more base additive. Prepare the warhead, ready tractor-beam to eliminate any debris."


Levinia shrugged at the captain's decision but it in the end it was her decision.  "Aye, ma'am."  She nodded and readied the neutralization factors. 

News Archive 2016 / Re: New Player - Rose Grantwood
August 26, 2016, 01:17:36 AM

welcome ^.^

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