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Messages - Non-Playing Character 2


[Promenade - Finders Keepers]

Business had been brisk since the haughty Bajoran girls left. Word of mouth quickly got around the Starbase it seemed. With the added crowds due to the festival, the latinum had been steadily clinking, music to Cage's lobes. With security sniffing around, however, the profit was starting to be outweighed by the risk. The Ferengi got the door locked and shuttered, not a moment too soon. An angry crowd had started to gather, and shout for security.

An angry Bolian pounded on the door. "Open up you slimy thief! Thrissa told me she saw my wife's missing Tholian silk scarf in there! That was an anniversary present!" The man's shouts had emboldened others, making demands for their own lost items. Cage was hopping around like the toad he resembled, hastily stuffing merchandise into travel bins. The scarf in question poked out like a flag and waved in the breeze as he rushed to the door.

"Shop's closed now!" He shouted through the locked door. "Bring your wife around tomorrow. Maybe we'll have something she likes." He rushed back behind the counter, and pulled out a strange looking remote device. He adjusted the settings, and with a small delay, all the merchandise bins were transported. That was the true genius of this enterprise, at any given moment, he could up and move shop, avoiding pesky security guards. The items were transported across the base, to his small secured quarters in the Ferengi sector of the base. The device was really a marvel, all it took were a few borrowed parts from the holosuites and he could tap into their power source at any time. Cage figured it didn't nearly take as much energy as the hoo-mans had devoted to their entertainment, and the bit he drained in his tap would go unnoticed. The toady thief snuck out the back, and headed to a maintenance lift, straight to the Ferengi sector. The former site of Finders Keepers stood vacant and barren, yet below a toppled shelf remained a small overlooked data padd.


The sudden drain on the power supply, strained by overuse as it was, sent a hiccup echoing through the programs. In one suite a powerful bear flickered out to be replaced by a carrot chomping cartoon rabbit. In another, mustaches appeared on every holographic character. One program changed entirely, from a relaxing spa getaway to a park of ferocious rampaging dinosaurs. Shouts and screams echoed from the outraged and frightened participants.



The formerly shuttered shop front looked plain and unassuming. That suited the clever Ferengi just fine, his clientele was gathered by word of mouth, not glittering window dressing that attracted the eye. And the attention of security. Even though his paperwork was in order, security hanging around was never good for profits. He bustled around the shop, arranging various displays of odds and ends. In one corner sat an expensively lavish tongo table. He was almost loathe to part with it, it truly was exquisite. But the profit to be made was great. The door chimed, and two chattering Bajoran girls walked in. He slid into salesman mode.

"Welcome, you lovely creatures, to "Finders Keepers!" Hopefully I've found something you absolutely can't bear to live without." He bowed and catered to The girls, while taking in their high quality clothing and adornments. Expendable incomes, he could almost taste the latinum.

"We heard from Elor- uh a friend that this shop finds lost things." The girls stood close, but were clearly interested in the items in the shop.

"I do acquire a great deal of items and everything is for sale. For a price." He smiled but it was less than reassuring. "Can I interest you in some exotic earth dyes? Or a single beauty treatment, guaranteed to make you the envy of every other female? Procured straight from Orion, so you know it's the best."

"No, we were more interested in jewelery. Lissy saw a locket today when she was checking in from the transport and that's all she can talk about." The other girl nodded vigorously.

"Say no more ladies, Cage has got exactly what you need." He strode over to the front counter, passing a Bat'leth and lirpa in a rack. Reaching into the glass case, he moved aside a pair of outdated pulse pistols and pulled out a display of glittering jewelery. Surrounded by more ornate jewels and baubles sat a locket.

"That's it! That's the one I want!" Lissy's hand shot forth to grab it, but Cage was, pulling the display out of reach.

"Not so fast, poppet. First we discuss price." His grin grew. Coming to the Starbase Columbus has been a windfall for him, especially since he procured his merchandise for a steal.


[NPC Post - Sub Nagus Drega]

[Ferengi Vessel]

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Drega had lied.

He wasn't investigating the unpleasantness on the Promenade or discovering the unlawful seizure of his men. He was on a wholly different and in his own mind a much more important mission.

The bridge was empty, with only a token of men on the entire ship at all. But Drega still activated the security and communication protocol.

"=Dampen. Authorization Drega.="


"=Connect.=" The old Ferengi didn't intimate easily, but his voice was strained, almost a whisper.

A moment later an authoritative, unaccented and tenor pitched voice simply replied: "=Report.="

"=Commander, we have begun to infiltrate the station.=" the Ferengi said with groveling courtesy. "=But the hew-mons have given us some problems, they've--="

"=Humans and their problems do not concern me,=" the voice said threateningly. "=I want that chip. If you want your profits you will get it. Are we clear, sub-nagus?="

"=Yes...clear. Very.=" Drega said. "=We will deliver.="

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M6 - Discussion
April 11, 2017, 01:35:26 PM

Tags to the Promenade, Naira and Dan


[NPC Post - General]


"Hey!" A security officer said, whirling around to meet the new group of arrivals.

In response, the scarred Klingon shoved the Starfleet woman one-handedly over a table, causing drinks to spill and food to fly. A few other Klingons guffawed.

"The Ferengi Commerce Authority is releasing all wrongfully imprisoned and lifting this lock down of yours," A small round tick of a Ferengi said loud enough for the entire Promenade to hear. "Starfleet has no authority here!"


A trio of rough looking ruffians, all humans, accompanied a Ferengi with a PADD into the primary sickbay. The Ferengi was rattling off figures to himself.

"Space is approximately the same as a standard cargo hold," He was saying, lobes twitching with greed. "We can make this into yet another place for goods to sell and turn something else into sickbay. The solarium, perhaps, we don't need sunlight or gardens anymore."

"Yes sir," A human thug said.

"You, there!" The Ferengi jabbed a finger at Lieutenant Naira. "Is there a male here we can talk to? You're all being reassigned."


"Ah, the nerve center, the heart of the operation!" Yet another Ferengi said to his gargantuan Nausicaan bodyguard. "We'll get started right away."

"Engineering department, to orders!" shouted the Nausicaan.

"Nice touch," The Ferengi admitted, before raising his voice. "Here's what we're going to be doing. Start stripping everything of value that is not needed for station operation and make me an inventory. I need to know how much of everything we have and how much latinum I can expect. Who's the ranking officer here?!"

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M6 - Discussion
April 04, 2017, 12:56:23 AM

Tag to Vem.


[Docking Ring]

"Vem!" With a gnarled old hand Drega indicated for one of his underlings to collect the latinum. "The captain is a shrewd diplomat to have you meet us. This here is a Klingon that appreciates the finer things in life. Profits, respect, and females!"

His fellows cheered lustily.

"You will definitely be staying on now that this place is under new management," Drega mentioned. "So no worries. Now, I'm afraid that the Ferengi Commerce Authority has decided to call in its marker, Vem. The Starbase Columbus belongs to us now."

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M6 - Discussion
April 03, 2017, 04:14:24 PM

Tag to Vem.


[Docking Ring]

[NPC Post - Sub-Nagus Drega]

The smartly robed Ferengi delegation stepped off of their shuttle. Immediately, the sub-nagus, a wizened old Ferengi with the demeanor of a shark and the dead eyes to match, waved over a junior hospitality officer.

"You, whoever you are, your sub-nagus Drega demands to speak to the captain. Have him meet me at the Federation Gardens Suite on Deck 150. That is, of course, after you make my party's reservations there."

"I'm sorry, sir," The officer said, checking his PADD. "I have your party with standard diplomatic quarters."

"We'll have to replace this one," Drega said to a colleague, who nodded sagely and whispered back. "Unacceptable, young man, simply unacceptable. Upgrade my reservations to the Federation Gardens Suite. That is the only acceptable accommodations for my guests and I. And fetch the captain."

The officer felt his hackles rise at being so addressed, but he controlled his temper. "=/\=This is Ensign Sharpe to Chaplain Vem. Sir, can you please come to the docking ring? There is a...diplomatic situation here.=/\="

Season One Missions / Re: S1 - M2: Delta Gateway
March 21, 2017, 01:04:38 AM
Quote from: Ariste Stark on March 15, 2017, 03:31:53 PM


"Reporting for duty, sir. The Shuttles are ready to disembark on the word." She commented to whoever was sitting in the Captain's chair, before sidling over to the Engineering Station, surprisingly not having to replace anyone already there. But she supposed she had just escorted most of the Engineering officers and Crewmen off the ship, so it wasn't too surprising.


Eve replied with a silent nod.  Then she looked down again at the padd in her hand.  She was only keeping the seat warm until Kirok was finished with his medical appointment.

Quote from: LK Reede on March 15, 2017, 11:07:42 PM


As soon as LK stepped onto the bridge, she headed for the security station and begin scanning all of the ship's departments looking for anything that was amiss.


Eve could hear the person behind, so she turned to see who it was.  "Ah, Ms. Reede.  Could you please hale the Bridge crew.  We need everyone to report in so that we can depart soon" she said.


The Ensign had been focused on assisting with the autopsy of the first victim. However, his focus on the autopsy would be short lived, when he heard one of the stations Security Officer's voices come over his comm badge, "Lieutenant Davis to Ensign Michaels, we have another body, located on Shuttle Bay 12" Michaels was curious, the Shuttle Bays are usually a busy place, but it is pretty brazen of this to do. He looked towards to the Doctor handling the autopsy, he stated, "Sir, with your permission, I will look into this" The Doctor noddled slightly, "Please proceed Ensign" The Ensign replied with, "Thank you Sir" The man proceeded to exit the autopsy room, he would than de-glove and de-scrub, he tossed the gloves into evidence, same with his scrubs, as you never know when evidence may be found.

He would than tap his comm badge and replied with, "Sir, I am on my way" He proceeded to grab what one may call a "Dead Body kit", which consists of a body bag, gloves, as well as evidence collection equipment. The man would make his way towards the Shuttle Bay the Security Lieutenant mentioned. He would notice the badly burnt body in the middle of the shuttle bay. He would look towards the Security Lieutenant, "They have balls, don't they?" His tone was slightly humorous. The suspect had quite the pair for being able to burn someone in the middle of a fairly busy shuttle bay with not being caught. The Lieutenant chuckled quietly, "Agreed, we need to get all the evidence we can from this victim. Chief Tritter has put some faith in me that I can handle this while he interviews certain crew members, and I would prefer to not disappoint him"

The Ensign replied with, "I understand Sir, I won't disappoint" He knew that the Chief was the type that if he put his faith in you, he was the type you didn't want to disappoint him and even if he didn't voice it, you could see it in his eyes. The Ensign proceeded to methodically go over the body, he first placed a large piece of plastic underneath the body, to capture any evidence that may slough off as he goes through the body. He would proceed to bag the hands, as the best way to preserve any evidence there. He would than proceed to swab various areas of the body, as he knew the last victim had been doused in chemicals and he knew he would need to have swabs to test for what exactly was used to burn the victim. He would than proceed to bag up the victim once he was done and than slid the body onto the gurney he brought. The Ensign would than lift the gurney and wheel the body out of the shuttle bay back to the morgue.

The Lieutenant than tapped his comm badge, "Chief, the most recent victim has been sent back to the morgue and the area has been combed. We have only found the same items you did on the last victim, nothing new" The Chief would take a moment before he replied with, "Thank you Lieutenant, store it for evidence. I am heading off to interview crew, please keep me in the loop" The Lieutenant was truthfully worried, as he knew there was a lot of pressure on him now and he would make his way back towards Main Security to get the evidence secured. He got back to the evidence locker, he studied the various items that they had gotten from the victims and crime scenes... He wondered to himself what this was telling him, the Chief always told him, that sometimes the biggest thing is not what is there, but what is not there and soon enough, they would learn why that was soo important and completely on point.

Quote from: Vem, son of Motag on March 07, 2017, 06:27:12 PM


Be it genuine confusion or that the words of the Risan sutra he'd spoken were really a divine incantation- he saw his opportunity (he chose to believe the second).
Vem's forehead ridges were pressed against the disruptor and with one swift move he headbutted the gun to the side, rose to his knees, disarmed the agent and leveled it at the other.

"A broken hand can still be used to make signs of peace. A broken man can be used for nothing." He explained, his passive smile never broken. He genuinly cared if these two made it out alive. They were just on the spiritual path they had set themselves on and he was not one to judge them.

"The only choice you have left is if you plan to make a sign of peace of a futile gesture of violence. I recommend you now go over the wall I spoke of- to leave, to make absent your spirit from this place, and to go without further incident."


The quick turnaround and the explosion of movement from a man they had considered a loon took its toll visibly on the Romulans. With Mevan weaponless and Kex's advantage taken away, his disruptor wavered uncertainly.

"You people." Mevan said. She saw there was no use at any more subterfuge. "You will never use the data to defeat the Empire."

"Centurion?" Kex asked, locking eyes with her.

Mevan only nodded, felt a slab of pride slide over the lump her throat, and closed her eyes.

The disruptor blast completely incinerated her, a fiery outline eating its way from out of the middle of her chest and reducing her to a puff of smoke and ashes. If it had been aimed at the bulkhead half of the deck would have been gone.

Before anyone could react, Kex tapped the heavy bracelet he had been wearing on his wrist. He glanced up at them and nodded, a gesture of respect to an enemy, before turning the disruptor on himself.

All that remained of Uhlan Kex and Centurion Mevan was one disruptor and a pile of ashes.

Quote from: Vem, son of Motag on March 07, 2017, 06:05:45 PM


"Freedom is a state we all seek but cannot find until we 'ave the information necessary to achieve it." He replied as if Kex had just spoke some very profound wisdom he agreed with.

"However, I am not in control of my 'aptain, nor are you. Tus' me- he is his own man in the same way you are. If you need the ship and the information, the best way to go through a wall is not to use force to try to break it. If you do that, you'll break yer' hand. Go over the wall." He suggested sincerely. He knit his fingers behind his head to make it harder for him to do anything, a show of good faith.

"I will pass on your need to break you hand if you request it of me. However... I would be more happy to help you go over this wall."


The two Romulans glanced at one another out of the corner of their eyes. This time it was good old fashioned confusion. The black haired male, Kex, muttered madman under his breath. Mevan was the first one to show her frustration. And her teeth.

"You stupid, crazy fool!" She spit out. "Stop stalling for time. Move out of the way and contact your captain, or more people will die. We want the data chip. Now."

Quote from: Alexander Wu on March 07, 2017, 06:11:32 PM


Shocked by the swift murder and change of events, Alex struggled to find his mental grounding again. Through narrowed eyes, he sized up their adversaries; Romulan disruptors, obviously well trained. That doesn't mean anything, you can buy those easily enough on the black market. Who are they? Why didn't the transporters detect and neutralize their weapons? Unlike the others in Sickbay, Alex knew at least two of them were armed; Hust and himself. But even with their superior numbers, people were going to die if they acted now. Plus, Hust was a lawyer, used to pointing a pen moreso than a phaser.

They know about the mission? There's no way we can let them get that data. We have to warn Luke. Suppressing his rage at the pointless death and keeping his disruptor holstered and hidden, Alex took a halfstep to the side, standing infront of Rosiuh. Unlike the others, he kept his hands by his side. "The Captain isn't onboard. If he was, we'd already be breaking orbit." He postulated reasonably. "I know where he went. I can either take you there on the surface, or to his ready room to wait, but seeing as how there's eight of us within spitting distance of the two of you, and a Klingon within arm's reach, I'd think real careful if I were you." Vem, shut up and look like a damn Klingon for once.


Wu had struck a nerve with them, sensed their uncertainty and pounced on it. Mevan studied him with her surgically altered blue eyes.

"You're not talking your way out of this one, human." She said, for the first time dropping the phony Midwestern accent. The universal translator still rendered her words for all to hear, but her diction was more military, more staccato. "You had all better hope the captain is in his room with the data chip. You'll escort us and the hostages there. Get your hands above your head and move when I say."

"And you, crazy man," Kex said to Vem. "Get out of the way."

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on March 07, 2017, 03:29:19 PM


Katheryn stood up when she heard the commotion outside of the office but before she could do or say anything she was told to come out so they could go see the Captain. She knew she wouldn't be able to stay where she was or ignore their demands without it causing problems for those around them and she wasn't going to be the one to be responsible for any more casualties. No it was better if she went along with whatever they wanted and if an opportunity arose where she could stop them then she would.

As she reached the door she heard the Captain's reply but knew she wouldn't be able to go back and respond so quietly carried on until she was in the main area. Looking around she saw what they had done and that she wasn't the only hostage. She then raised her arms above her head and stood still.

Quote from: Vem, son of Motag on March 07, 2017, 05:34:51 PM


Vem was, internally, appalled at the cruel action but externally betrayed nothing. He would do her soul justice later. For now, there was work to be done.

The holy man stepped forward and placed his hands on his head.

"We are complying. No one here will do ya' 'arm mon. You jus' go on yer' way and we've gonna' tend to this poor soul's spiritual needs. You've won yer' freedom. No need to cause more 'arm. Everyone here is going to take a knee and let you go." He rasped in his calm, spiritual, voice. It seemed casual, patient, and placate- they were in charge and needed to feel that way.

He was moving slowly towards the agent until the gun was against his chest, placing himself between Almar and the gun before he knelt. This put the disruptor in line with his head He'd be a hostage if needed. No one else need die. He wouldn't allow it.


Mevan and Kex watched as the strange Klingon placed himself in the line of fire. They exchanged a tense, expressionless, but undeniably uneasy glance. Their training had not prepared them for a smelly chaplain putting a flower in the barrel of their weapons.

"Move out of the way," Kex said roughly. "We don't want freedom. We want the data you found on the planet. Make the captain give it to us, vacate our ship, and no one is going to get hurt."



Mevan sat up on the biobed, steadying herself with two arms. She slid her boots to the ground and then swayed, as if dizzy, and steadied herself against the biobed.

"You should be resting--" a young female human nurse said, moving in closer to help her.

Quote from: Almar Dah el on March 07, 2017, 01:46:19 AM

Moments later he arrived at the cramp sickbay and moved in, zeroing in on one of the ship's 'guests'.  He dodged around other members of the crew and made his way to his target. They were engaged in conversation with a medical officer, but Almar was sure both weren't needed.

"Excuse me," he said boldly, interrupting the flow of their chat. "I've noticed a strange signal coming from your ship." He produced a PADD with its features. "Identify it, please?"

Mevan silently thanked the newcomer for the distraction. She seized the nurse around the throat with a vicious strength that belied her small size. When the woman struggled, Mevan tightened her grip. The prominence of cartilage in the neck cracked with the crisp sound of vegetables breaking. Mevan shoved the corpse away from her in disgust.

Kex already had his weapon drawn, a slick looking disruptor that he had produced from a pocket. It was a slim, compact weapon, clearly Romulan in origin. "No one move!"

Mevan smiled and shook her long blonde hair. Her own disruptor was produced from a pocket, and she aimed it square at Almar at an angle that could send the better part of his torso splattering against the bulkhead.

"Drop the PADD. Raise your hands above your head or I will destroy you like your friend here."

She indifferently poked at the still twitching corpse of the medical crewman she'd slain.

Quote from: Katheryn Carter on March 06, 2017, 05:26:21 PM

CMO's Office

Katheryn returned his smile and watched him leave before going over to the desk, she sat down and immediately started to type a message to the Bridge not wanting to delay any further especially where it concerned their guests.

Bridge, This is Carter waiting to speak to the Freighter crew, however needed to alert you as they are exhibiting signs of extreme deception, please advise.

Katheryn knew it was only short but at least she had sent the message without any interruptions and all she could do now was wait for a reply and for the medics to finish treating the pair from the Tripoli.


"And you, in the office!" Kex said, making sure his voice carried. The disruptor was strong and sure in his hands, and neither his voice or its aim wavered for an instant. "Come with us. We're going to see the captain."

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