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Messages - Jael Sherem

Season Five Missions / Re: S:5 E:6 - Signals
January 15, 2022, 04:41:38 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Sherem Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Schooled and psychoanalyzed by a Breen. It wasn't that she wasn't conducting a counseling session with a Breen, but rather, they pretty much switched places: The Breen was the shink and she was the patient. And it was the icing on the cake on the remaining time in the Nori-Arali system. As much as they talked, inside, she was embarrassed. Humiliated, even. She was disappointed in Captain Galloway as a whole. She used to think Starfleet was her home, but she realized it was Earth instead.

In any case, the moment she returned from counseling with the Breen....or rather, the Breen counseling her...she returned to her quarters and replicated two more bottles of kanar and drained them both in one swig each, the humiliated rage building up. The next thing she remembered was waking with her uniform in tatters, virtually everything in their quarters a mess, and Gid, having come back from duty, nursing a black eye while eating on a hasparat.

"Wha...? What...happp...?" Jael said, her speech slurred.

"What happened?" asked Gid. "You happened. I come back from duty and I find you destroying everything inside. I try to help and you knock me out. Honestly, were things so bad with the Nori for you to guzzle down half a dozen bottles of kanar?"

"Half a...?" Jael blinked and saw the exact number. Funny, she could only remember the two.

"Jeez, I didn't think such a one on one struggle with a Cardassian was that much of a doozy since duels during the Occupation," Gid said. "What was wrong with you?"

"What is wrong with me?!?" snapped Jael. "It's the NORI that's wrong, that's wha...!" Jael jabbed a finger out the porthole and double-taked to find they were in orbit, not of a planet, but a starbase.

"We've been gone from Nori-Arali for thirty hours now," said Gid. "You've missed a lot, and thank the Prophets for that. We're just stopping for a resupply."

"GOOD," snarled Jael. "Then we have brief leisure time to drown my sorrows."

"The hell you will," snapped Gid back. "Getting drunk on kanar? And you're a counselor, for the love of the Prophets."


She slammed her fists on the wall strongly enough that she felt hurt from it.


She slammed her fists so hard she was sure she has broken them. But she didn't care at the least.

Gid endured her rant as patiently as he could. Granted, he was just as patient as his adoptive mother was, which was one good thing of being raised by Cardassians. This temper of Jael's, plus her unique skills? They came from her father.

"You're quite offended by the Nori, and I understand," said Gid. "But honestly, I don't think it did of you to show up on the bridge a mess, even if you were in a ru..."


And getting thrown out of their quarters, Gid had worked different shifts since. Jael, meantime, had spent the rest of the time wallowing in her misery. She decided to avoid the bridge, deciding it was no longer her place to be. She spent half the time crying and throwing tantrums, and the other half getting drunk on replicated kanar.

Gid, of course, always took night shifts to avoid Jael, or rather, as many shifts to avoid confronting Jael. She never saw him, but often times, she was in such a deep sleep that she couldn't notice. He could easily tell she never left their quarters, never wanted to see anybody. In passing, whenever on duty, he often heard her wails and cries, and he could tell she was trying to flood their quarters with her tears.

He knew that her pride was wounded. That and sharing the same ship with a Breen, a race who the Cardassians hated more than Bajorans at the height of the Occupation. Hated enough to dissent from the Dominion.

Her typical Cardassian pride. He wanted very much to help her. But unfortunately, she only pushed him away. He could see her resignation papers, still not filled out, buried under a now accumulating pile of kanar bottles. It pained him to see her this way. He couldn't even determine what to do. Who could he turn to? There were few Cardassians in Starfleet. And even if he could get in touch with their mother, she was too busy being an ambassador.

He was so busy worrying and thinking about Jael that he bumped into the new First Officer at the turbolift.

"Oh! Commander!" he said. "I'm so sorry. And you'll have to forgive me if I smell...Jael isn't doing okay, she's locked herself in her quarters."

Then he realized of course there was someone he could talk to. Commander Addams looked logical enough of a person to talk to, he definitely had the fatherly look about him.

"Something's wrong with my sister, Commander," he said with worry. "She's...I don't know how to put it, but she's been in a bad state since dealing with the Nori. I mentioned she's locked herself in her quarters, and it's worse. She hasn't come out since."

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
January 13, 2022, 07:00:44 PM
Quote from: Vyrl on January 13, 2022, 06:50:50 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Vyrl could see the disappointment, rage, and discontent in the counselors eyes. If he knew anything about the race it was that she was hurting. He would bet ten strips of latinum that after the turbolift doors closed she burst into tears, covered in that cardassian facade, she might fool the humans, but not him.

"A great technique, T'kel. May I go to my quarters and document this more accurately?" He asked.
"You may leave the bridge." She answered in the stark way Vulcan's have mastered.

He got onto the turbolift and requested to go to officer quarters. When appearing before the councilors door he second guessed himself. Why should he care about this crew, let alone a cardassian? Though, something inside of him urged his hand forward. A request to enter the room was sent. What have I gotten myself into? He thought before the door opened.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael was still sniffling as she awaited her resignation papers, but she was surprised by the door chime. She wondered momentarily it it was somebody wanting to see her. Well, she had no appointments scheduled; then again, if she had no scheduling or appointments, it meant anybody could see her at any time.

She approached the door and opened it. "Yes, can I hellllll....." She would've finished with "help you," but she dropped her voice the moment she saw the Breen at her doorway.

She realized that the Breen had been down at the surface, and she put off seeing him for counseling trauma - not that Breen would show feelings for something like that - but she felt that it was inevitable. She'd have to counsel for the Breen sooner or later, one from a member of a species Cardassians wantonly despised. What an interesting session it was going to be. On the one hand, the ship was in potential danger, and on the other, she, a Cardassian, counselling a Breen. Jael didn't know which way to look for the explosion.

"Can we take this to my office?" said Jael with forced cordiality. "And give me a moment to freshen I should have before hurrying to the bridge."

Not that she'd go to the bridge now; in fact, the bridge would be the last place to go now. She's bound to stay away from it. Potentially forever, deciding she'd fill out her resignation papers when she was finished with her session with the Breen.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
January 13, 2022, 06:31:56 PM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 12, 2022, 10:26:34 AM

"If'n I've ever done anything good enough in my life ta have enough Karma for this, please let it be now."

Ian then finally had time to address something he was not happy about.

"Mister Sherem. I have no earthly idea what bee has crawled up your bonnet, but you show up on the bridge in a disheveled mess and spewin' nonsense again. Our hull is in desperate need of a good toothbrush scrub and you will be the one ta do it. I hope I've made myself clear. You are dismissed."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael just twitched her lips like she was chewing back words. She wanted to mention she wasn't a "mister," that was her brother Gid. But a toothbrush scrub? She was working hard to help people psychoanalytically and trying to be a bridge adviser and it all comes down to this?!? She reflected that if it wasn't for the pricks below, she wouldn't behave the way she is, and she wanted to explain that she was in a rush, but her fury broke inside her. This was the last straw.

She stormed into the turbolift, shut the doors in private and broke into tears. By the time she was finished, she ordered the lift to her quarters, and she made up her mind.

Once inside, she called up the computer. "Computer, prepare resignation papers."

She wanted to be useful, but the dealings with the Nori have retarded it. She wanted to be an advisor on the bridge, and in her hurry was punished. She has had enough. Her usefulness as a counselor has been retarded. Well, no more. I'm going to have better damn luck on my mother's cruiser, Jael thought in a fury.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
January 09, 2022, 12:32:50 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

For the next six hours, Jael took the time to get off the bridge and get to her counseling work, finding better use than pouting apathetically on the bridge. Fortunately, she had plenty to do. She had a hand in Sickbay to help sooth feelings of trauma from the unfortunate security officers involved in the riots below.

Naturally, as she heard the poor officers out, the more she despised the Nori and the Arali and the more and the more she thought the whole system should be a no-go zone. Jael was so disgusted, having remembered the behavior of the pompous windbags that made up their government.

Definitely the "Let-Them-Eat-Cake" types, the [spoiler]bastards[/spoiler], she thought to herself.

She then made her way to her quarters, where the view of the planet below greeted her. She seethed her teeth at the sight. She and Gid picked their quarters because it was a view that had the most likely chance of having a view of the planet below. Normally, she liked a view of a planet in orbit, but by this point, she hated this planet in particular. She made a note to replicate some curtains, and then she replicated a whole bottle of kanar before she chugged the whole thing down in one gulp, astonished as she was at how thirsty she was. She would've gladly replicated another and got herself drunk, but fatigue of the day and fatigue at the behavior of the Nori and the Arali overcame her, along with the prospect of paperwork. She barely made it to the bed before she collapsed and slept.

She didn't know how long she slept, but she was roused by a rumble that indicated that something hit the ship. That alone was enough to rouse her. She looked out the window and saw a NÁ´rÁ® destroyer hovering nearby. Of course it was a NÁ´rÁ® destroyer. Jael knew well enough to put two and two together, but her fatigued brain and her instant rage didn't just put two and two together, but resulted in five.

"Those sonsa [spoiler]bitches[/spoiler]!" snarled Jael as she ran to the bridge, uniform loose and her hair a mess.

She was in such a fervor that she ran to the turbolift and by the time she got onto the bridge, she was wired enough that she could probably have ran another lightyear.

"Captain! Commander!" she said, not meaning to sound like she's snarling, but shocked and enraged as she was, she pretty much made a shocked snarl, "Are we being attacked?!?"

Old Topics / Re: Roll call for January 2022
January 04, 2022, 12:17:38 AM


Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 31, 2021, 02:16:59 PM
Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 30, 2021, 09:43:26 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Don had liked how Capt - Commodore spoke first. A good tactic to throw the Minister off balance.

As Agant accused Starfleet firing a phaser Don squeezed the arm of his chair and leaned forward as he wanted to launch himself at Agant himself. That was a lie. They would never fire on Nori's Citizens. What would they gain by such a move? It was the mob who made the choice to attack.

Don had wished he could reach in the screen of the monitor to pull the Minister onto the bridge of the Challenger. Yes. Even Earth had brought itself to near extinction. Not a nation. But the whole planet was near to extinction a few times.

Then the colorful vocabulary Counsel had spat out about how she felt and her suggestion.

"œThis is indeed a difficult situation, but we all can see each of us come from a world or civilization where like the government, race, hate almost torn worlds apart. It takes an outsider to bring new hope for a new horizon. I would like to agree that we should abandon them and leave them to their own vices"¦.But I recall the good people who are the ones who suffer the most. They always do since the beginning and their voice is never to be heard.

"œI wish we can give them a feeling of how their world would be like if we allowed them to continue the direction they are heading. However that would be dark and sinister," Don stopped for a moment and rubbed his chin with his left hand. How he wished Torra was here. She might have some awesome solution for this situation.

Then Don spoke once more. "œI wonder if we can ask them how they see themselves in twenty years, to hundred years and four hundred years where their kids will have family and continue their legacy. How do they "˜see' their world in the future. And will they allow it. Are they capable of looking ahead? They seem to be stuck in their own heart and their own interest in the present and can't let go of the past."  Then he sighed.

"œCan you give us a report update on the away team please?" Don said trying not to not forget them.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 31, 2021, 10:50:20 AM

[Bridge -
[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian had to admit he was taken aback by the young counselor's passionate dislike of the NÁ´rÁ®. He'd let the first outburst slide, this time he could not.

"Ensign, I agree the NÁ´rÁ® are gits, but our orders are to help them. It's time ta keep those thoughts private until we ken if'n they will let us save them, if not, then, and only then will we leave them ta their fate."

At that moment, T'Kel spoke up.

"Sir, I've just detected an explosion at Recovery Center Three. Their forcefield is down."

"Mo Chreach! Can you get anyone on comms?"

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael nodded appreciatively at Commander Addams for his words, but Captain Galloway saying that they were under orders took her aback. She wanted very much to say she'd rather be court-martialed than obey orders to help an unhelpable people, but instead, she just shrugged with a curled lip and just sat silently back in her chair, arms folded, a determined air of apathy on her, and just watched as events unfolded.

Even as news of an explosion took place, Jael just sat rooted in her chair in apathy like an unsmiling Buddha statue. Just virtually imagined what would happen if this was a Cardassian ship instead.

Most likely they'd see how dangerous the Nori are and just declare the system a no-go zone, if they have sense not to try to conquer them; the Nori would be bound to resist. They'd throw the conquerers out within fifty days, never mind the fifty years like the Bajoran Occupation.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 30, 2021, 07:42:32 PM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 29, 2021, 02:24:18 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Before Ian could respond to Don, T'Kel spoke up.

"Captain, the situation at Recovery Center Three is secure. Chief Blackfeather is asking what to do with the people they have detained."

Ian grimaced as he knew, no matter the circumstance of how or why they'd detained NÁ´rÁ® citizens, Agant was never going to accept any justification they had for detaining them.


Ian had no sooner said that, when Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n at Ops said.

"Sir, I have Minister Agant wanting to speak to you."


Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 29, 2021, 05:15:51 PM

"œBollocks," Don tossed in. A one liner it was. The timing screamed for it. "œThree is a charm."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 30, 2021, 02:27:39 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian knew whatever Agant had to say, it probably wasn't going to be good,  so he took two deep breathes before saying.

"On screen Fernando."

The screen shifted to that of Minister Agant in an overly opulent office, that wasn't a surprise given the NÁ´rÁ® predisposition towards extravagance.

"Minister, have you come ta a decision regardin' our proposal ta save your planet."

Ian spoke first in the hopes of putting Agant on the back foot. Agant's expression didn't change in the slightest, so Ian figured his gambit had failed, when the minister spoke, it was abundantly clear that it had.

"Commodore. I've received word that some of your crew have fired on innocent NÁ´rÁ® citizens and have taken hostages. This is unacceptable. I want the individuals responsible for this atrocity turned over immediately!"

"Minister. I am aware of the incident, but it seems you've not received the correct details. Those citizens stormed into Recovery Center Three and had to be subdued to save lives. Several of my crew were injured in the fightin', so your people are not as innocent as you think."

"You fired on them to save lives? Does the Federation always take such liberties in the interpretation of words?"

"No Sir. As you are aware, there are areas where desperation has set in and in this incident, some citizens panicked that they might not receive assistance and rushed the entrance ta the center. And as for your classification of those detained as hostages, that is an unfortunate choice of I am more than ready ta beam them to any place on the planet you would like me ta send them. The Federation does not take hostages, Minister."

"Yet more flowery Federation words to disguise your aggression against the NÁ´rÁ®. However, if you are speaking the truth about beaming them to where I choose. I want them sent to the front gates of the Grand hall... immediately."

Ian nodded to Fernando at Ops who began coordinating the transport.

"Your people are on their way Minister. It is unfortunate that there is so much need here. Every ship in the task force is operatin' at maximum capacity ta meet those needs, but we can only replicate items, beam them down, and distribute them so quickly. We are makin' progress, but it is a slow process."

"Which is why I wanted to have centralized distribution of resources."

"Please Minister, let's not focus on the past. I would like ta concentrate on your future. Accordin' ta my science officer, Lieutenant Randell, whom you've met, the tectonic pressure is continuin' ta build. If'n you wait too long, the pressure will reach a level of no return and we won't be able ta stop what may be an extinction level event for your world."

Based on Agant's reaction, Ian had finally touched a nerve and the NÁ´rÁ® minister's tone shifted to one that was slightly less overbearing.

"Extinction? You believe the threat is that serious Commodore?"

"I do."

"I will convene the Inner Council again and I'll have an answer for you within the hour."

"The Challenger is at your disposal."

The viewscreen shifted back to that of planet below.

"Here's hopin' they choose wisely."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael whirled in shock to find out a riot broke out. And now Agant had pulled up on screen to twist words about, so much that Jael wanted to rise from her seat and break both hands punching the viewscreen showing Agant's face. Instead, she just kept her place but her clenched fists were once again an indication. All she did was mutter a quiet "Bollicks," a word the Captain and First Officer both used (the former twice) as soon as he made his twisted words.

But she certainly turned her attention at Captain Galloway's mentioning how tectonic activity was getting worse, and that was enough to make Agant start. Once he was gone off the screen to consult his council, Jael snorted.

"Must've missed all the tectonic activity," she said, "but I swear to the Prophets, that man's begging to be an enemy. That whole government's begging to be an enemy. Not only does he accuse Federation members defending themselves, but they're willing to maintain pompous glory as their planet gets destroyed. And they way Agant's twisting his words...that pompous [spoiler]bastard[/spoiler]'s not going to last one second on Cardassia. Even a Cardassian vagrant with an IQ with an integer next to a quintuple number does a better job at twisting words than that [spoiler]bastard[/spoiler].

"And they're going to choose wisely?" continued Jael. "Not a chance even if they were dancing naked in the fires of the Pah-Wraiths. I don't see those pompous [spoiler]bastards [/spoiler]taking the tectonic activity seriously. Odds are, they'll come back asking to extradite all Federation officers involved or declaring war on the Federation. If they don't choose wisely, I say leave them for the earthquakes to render them extinct. I cannot stand their behavior."

She breathed to relax after she made her rant and then said, "I apologize, Captain, but this is just my opinion on the matter. The more I see of them, the worse they look to me. I'm sorry to hope for their extinction, but these aren't people who strike me as deserving to live, what with the way they are. How the Federation is even dealing with them is beyond me. The way they are, were it not for their technology, I'd say it's a violation of the Prime Directive just talking to them."

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 26, 2021, 12:12:03 PM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 26, 2021, 11:14:50 AM

[Grand Hall - NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

Less than ten kilometers away from the unfolding drama at the Recovery Center. Ian laid out the threat and the solution to the pending cataclysm facing the planet. To say his presentation was well received was a study in the counterfactual. The NÁ´rÁ® Ministers shouted in anger or fear and challenged everything Ian said. Through it all, Ian held his ground and had Randell, as a science officer, explain the details when the ministers stopped yelling long enough for the two humans to speak.

Agant remained silent as the other ministers argued against the proposal and leveled a baleful gaze at Ian. As if the Starfleet officer was a direct challenge to his new found authority. He then stood and this caused silence to fall in the ridiculously over decorated chamber.

"So, your Federation 'science' wishes to place the blame for what has happened on the NÁ´rÁ®?"

Frustrated by the obstinacy NÁ´rÁ®, Ian's Standard slipped.

"It's nae about bloody blame! It's about facts Minister. You can bleedin' well choose ta ignore what we are tellin' you about what will happen. Because it's nae 'Federation' science, it's science, which doesn't have an agenda. We are tryin' ta save your people, whether you want ta save them is up ta you now as we cannot proceed without your permission."

Agant's hateful gaze never shifted or softened as he considered his options before he finally replied.

"Under advisement. You are dismissed."

Ian had done all he could. The Prime Directive was emphatically clear at this point, either the NÁ´rÁ® would make a good decision and let them help or they wouldn't and would die. Regardless of which one they chose, it was their decision to make. Ian nodded once. Tapped his combadge and said.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Five ta beam up." =/\=

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Grand Hall >- Transporter Room | NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV >- USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]]

Oh. My. [spoiler]Shit.[/spoiler] Ing. Proph. Ets. Jael thought. Even the Detapa Council has more sense than these [spoiler]bastards[/spoiler].

Jael never had a chance to give advisement to Captain Galloway. At least not on the surface. The only good thing in her opinion was that the away mission was short. If she remained any longer before these [spoiler]bastards[/spoiler], she would've gone into a berserker mode typical of a bloodthirsty Bajoran resistance fighter and would've blown the [spoiler]bastards[/spoiler]' heads clean off.

As the ministers made their objects, Agant last of all, Jael's frown deepened and deepened. By the time Captain Galloway called for their beam-up, she was absolutely disgusted. Her fists were so clenched hard and shaking, her fingernails actually pierced the skin and a bit of inky black drops of blood dripped from it. Her lips were so pursed, her jaw so clenched together, she could actually feel the pain from the gums.

Once back aboard, rather than let herself explode, she took an inhale of calm, though it was so strong she felt as if she did orbital skydiving without the spacesuit and holding her breath. Then she gave her opinions to Captain Galloway.

"They're never going to agree to your terms, Captain," she said, her bitterness equated to a Jem'Hadar going cold turkey on Ketracel White. "Even with the choice laid before them, it's obvious what their choice may be. I stand corrected on my earlier analogy. It's more than that they make the Tzenkethi look like Puff the Magic Dragon. This whole thing makes Turkana IV look like a fairy tale paradise. My best advice? Get any and all Federation anybody the [spoiler]shit [/spoiler]out of this planet and recommend to the Federation that this be a no-go zone, make it as off limits as Talos IV, though without the death sentence. And leave the [spoiler]bastards [/spoiler]to their own devices. If they wish to exterminate themselves, by all [spoiler]shitting [/spoiler]means, let them."

She took another inhale as before and said, "I'm sorry, Captain, for my views and my temper, but if this was anywhere else, I'd probably do a better job."

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 22, 2021, 05:28:27 PM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 22, 2021, 03:09:46 PM

[NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV - Recovery Center Three]

Everyone of the Starfleet personnel was exhausted, not physically, they had only been on the ground for two hours, but mentally, they were running on fumes. Compartmentalize became the word of the moment as the medical staff treated an endless stream of casualties.

Things were just as difficult for those in Ops as they requested supplies, those supplies arrived, and then had to be manually distributed to those who needed them. The immediate demands on the Engineers, except for those keeping the power and the force field operational, was not quite as great as it was for the other departments, thus, thus four of the six engineers ended up as litter bearers.

It was Security that bore the hardest task. Keeping the crowd at bay as they screened the NÁ´rÁ® as they were allowed inside the force field. But by far, the worst task was escorting the locals that had been treated or given food back outside the safety of the force field. The NÁ´rÁ® were an exceeding proud people to the point of being insufferable under normal conditions, but for the refugees, they were reduced to heart wrenching wails of despair when it became obvious that they would have to go back to the chaos of the ruined city.

Thus, if there had been someone looking down from above that could provide the clarity provided by such a detached point of view, it might have been obvious that trouble would come from these terrified and distinctly desperate people. As the conditions were so bad outside the force field, that it was common for those escorted out to be set upon for the meager food or clothing they got from the rescuers, the thought of going outside became one of not having anything to lose if they died in the attempt to stay.

It would be difficult to point to the precise moment when things got out of hand, but as with most triggering events, everything was fine, until it wasn't. Lahr was in the middle of accounting for a supply of newly replicated medicines, when he heard a commotion start, angry shouts at first, then the sound he dreaded, phasers firing...

[Grand Hall - NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

As Ian, Jael, Evan, and the two security officers Grint and Naamet arrived in the Grand Hall, they could not know how completely the elaborately decorated and fully powered edifice stood in stark contrast to the squalor and chaos just ten kilometers northwest of the location of Recovery Center Three. Instead, they were greeted by
Ladrew, the Majordomo and escorted to the Chamber of Ministers.

Ian internally winced as the ministers dined on the finest of foods and drink in a fully climate controlled facility as their people suffered outside. He had to push those thoughts aside so that he could be 'nice' to the ministers in order to gain their support for the plan to save the planet.

"Commodore Ian Galloway."

Ladrew announced in a fine, clear voice and all the minister's eyes turned to face the Starfleet officer.

"Thank you for seeing me Ministers. I come bearing the gravest of news regarding the future of your planet and a plan to alleviate an even greater pending disaster."

Ian said in flawless Standard. What he had to say was too important to allow his Highland Burr to cause misunderstanding.

"You certainly have our attention Commodore, please continue."

Agant replied with an amused smirk, which set Ian on edge as he thought.

"This goin' ta be far worse than I even imagined..."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Grand Hall | NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

She was back in the Grand Hall. Her suspicions were confirmed when they were brought to the dining hall where the gluttonous [spoiler]asses [/spoiler]that were ministers were gobbling down...well, no wonder the whole damn planet's undergoing a food shortage. No wonder the Arali were feeling the way they were at the Nori. Maybe even commoner Nori.

Jael thought back to history lessons on Earth, before and during the Academy. The revolutions of Europe during Earth's ending of the 18th century and the beginning of the 19th century really got her attention. Cardassia had many such revolutions and worse deceptions. Only she was sure the Nori ministers were going to give Marie Antoinette and her ilk a run for their money.

Gluttonous [spoiler]bastards[/spoiler]. It's worse than last time I saw. It's like if the Tzenkethi emphasized lazy living and gluttony, making a better emphasis in the dumpy lizards they are. Something like this would NEVER happen on Cardassia, she thought. Aristocracy gorging on food while uprisings, riots and chaos ensue? A member of the Obsidian Order would make short work of that all by himself and more efficiently and faster in a month than the people of France did to their aristocracy in a YEAR.

Her Starfleet training made her much more cordial than last time, but her jaw was so clenched, she was sure she could break some teeth in it, just looking at the site. She was riveted by Captain Galloway's general Standard; she had gotten so used to his accent, the fact that he dropped it meant the situation is so extremely serious. But Minister Agant's response, coupled with his expression, made her eye twitch involuntarily.

Jael thought, Let's hear what the Captain has to say. If these gluttonous [spoiler]bastards [/spoiler]don't abide by Captain Galloway's terms and are more of the attitude of "Let them eat cake," then it would be a good idea to advise the Captain to get everything Starfleet out of the system as fast as possible and let them doom themselves to extinction.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 22, 2021, 12:42:18 AM
Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 21, 2021, 07:29:47 PM

Don was listening to the Counselor speak her side. This PUFF THE DRAGON sounded pretty powerful dragon and not sure how she knew about it. He heard about Dragons when he grew up as his grand father told him about the Aztec dragons and Asian dragons.
Don had about to suggest that the ensign would go with the Captain but was glad that she had volunteered. "œCounselor yes what you say is true. But we have to remember they been living with this bigotry view for a long time. There is no way we can't make them accept our point of view of equality. But noted. Then try to place your emotions aside when they try play superior," he told her. "œAnd be safe you two."
"œOkay. Who knows about this PUFF THE DRAGON?" He asked the bridge as he moved himself to the Captain's chair. Damn. He was not expecting to be sitting in the chair. Being a First Officer was something he was proud to take. Then he forgot that he had the opportunity to man the Captain's chair. He felt good and proud. Then he felt the weight of the responsibility on him. That was when he pushed those emotions aside. He was here on this seat because he had worked for it. He earned it. Captain Tekin had fought for him and he had to be the best. Even his own mother would be proud of Don. And his wife, Torra. By the stars he had missed her dearly. He was busy being in command but he would find his night time hard because she was not on his side.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 21, 2021, 05:20:09 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian kept his expression a study in neutrality as he knew Don was taking his new job seriously and he was correct about the risks and measures needed to mitigate that risk. He nodded sagely as he rose and said.

"I will. The bridge is yours, but you wound me Number One, I am nice."

[Bridge --> Transporter Room One - USS Challenger]

Before Ian could leave the bridge, Counsel Sherem spoke up and while he was not about to admit he had no idea what a 'Puff the Magic Dragon' was, it did however, make sense to have a counselor present during his... presentation, he supposed was the best thing to call the briefing he had to make to Agant,

"Very Well Ensign, you may join myself and Lieutenant Randell."

Ian rode the turbolift in silence, focusing on the best possible way to present the, admittedly, unpleasant options to the NÁ´rÁ® minister. On entering the transporter room, two security officers were waiting. The Tellerite Chief Petty Officer Gort Grint and Petty Officer Second Class Naamet Shurile, a Bajoran. Ian took the proffered phaser one and tucked the compact weapon under the back of his tunic and stepped onto the platform.


[NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV - Recovery Center Three]

It was difficult to describe the conditions at the recovery center. Chaos seemed too trite. Pandemonium was in the ballpark, but had Ian been there, he would have called the scene as Bedlam. However, Ian was not present, so what the 56 personnel manning called the conditions was going to depend on the individual making the assessment.

Because of the desperate nature on the planet, Security had beamed down a portable force field and activated it as soon as they arrived, even before half of them fanned out to all the compass points to provide security. The remaining ten were just outside the field hospital acting as a quick reaction force should something get out of hand.

Inside the field hospital, Doctor Jessica Fellows ground her way through the miserable task of triage, of literally deciding who lived and who died. She knew that what she was seeing would stay with her and that nightmares would follow sooner or later. Until she had the luxury of falling apart, for now, she assigned the standard green, yellow, red, and the hated black tags.

The Engineers at the center were responsible for setting up power, computer access, and maintaining the uplink to the ship so that resources could be beamed down as soon as they were replicated. The priority of resource distribution was handled by the Operations personnel on the ground as coordinated by Hyperion.

Despite the complexity of the task at hand, inside the force field, things were simply rushed and perhaps more than a little tense. It was outside where the chaos ran rampant. Some of the NÁ´rÁ® were willing to wait for services and some were not, in addition, for the less than scruplous, the limited law enforcement pressence made for a rich feeding ground for the predators of the society.

As a result, there were nearly constant fights as people tried to cut the line for food, water, or medical services. It was brutal for the Starfleet personnel to know that they had the means, resources, and skills to help, but only for those that were cleared through the entry point. For those outside the force field, the law of the jungle or perhaps the book Lord of the Flies captured the breakdown of civilization and civility. It hurt so much to see the abject misery outside the force field that Senior Chief Petty Officer Mulchano Kossura in charge of the Engineering detachment adjusted the force field so that it became opaque to spare the crew od the Challenger of having to witness the wretchedness occurring just out of their reach to influence. One thing was clear to every being assisting on the planet was that nightmares were likely to follow anyone that was a witness to the aftermath of the catastrophe that was NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Transporter Room >- Recovery Center Three | USS Challenger >- NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

As she left, Jael realized neither the Captain nor Commander Addams knew what Puff the Magic Dragon was. "I probably should explain about Puff a moment," she said as she went down with the Captain. "Puff is a friendly dragon from a children's song, one of my favorite Earth children's songs when I was living on Earth. Therefore, if I say the Nori make the Tzenkethi look like Puff the Magic Dragon, therefore, it should mean their cultural and, most likely, caste differences and how they regard Starfleet makes the Tzenkethi culture and opinions of the Federation look tame."

Back on the bridge, Jael's adoptive Bajoran brother, Gid, working nearby with the Operations Officer on duty, perked up when Commander Addams asked what Puff the Magic Dragon was.

"I can explain that, sir," he said, and he gave the same explanation as Jael did, and what she meant when she said that the "Nori made the Tzenkethi look like Puff the Magic Dragon." "Although I should think a more appropriate analogy ought to be that they would make the Tzenkethi look like Flotter, from those children's holo-programs. But I believe her on that regard."

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 21, 2021, 08:40:01 AM
Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 20, 2021, 08:10:33 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

Through the briefing mission Don listened about using this probe. He had not know to much about this probe and getting it a body. This just sounded way to weird for him. He figured that Ian was doing the right thing. Don had to look into this probe and he was not going to trust it. After all he was the first officer and he had to be sure the ship and crew are safe and hope the Captain won't go over board.

Don was glad that Ian had enough security guards to beam down with engineers and medical teams.

As he felt Captain Ian was planning to do what a First Officer would fear. He leaned to Ian. "œI hate to say this as a First Officer I deny you beaming down. Your safety comes first, sir," Don had told Ian.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 20, 2021, 08:22:35 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the combined recovery teams beamed down, Ian's internal alert level increased as now he had skin in the game, a lot of skin in the form of 224 members of the Challenger's crew. As he struggled with this fact, Don spoke up and, even though he hadn't meant to, his first officer had put a smile on his face.

"Thank you for remindin' me of regulations Don. Thing is, we don't have a choice. It's goin' ta be hard enough ta talk the NÁ´rÁ® into burnin' holes into their planet ta save it as it is. If'n it comes from anyone but me, Agant will send whoever I send packin' without even hearin' them out. No, this is one time, it has ta be me. I'll have an escort and I promise ta be a good little captain and come right home after school."

Ian waited to see if Don would accept why he had to go or if he'd have to be firmer, which he sincerely hoped, he didn't have to do.

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 20, 2021, 09:52:17 PM

[USS Challenger - Bridge]

There will be more challenges where Don will have to deny his Captain on certain events. Ian had felt he had the weight on his shoulder which he does. That where the weight of the matter was in his Captain's favor. It was not that Ian had no trust in his crew but this Nori situation was fragile like one layer tissue paper.

Don let a long sigh out. The First Officer was studying the Captain's eyes knowing that Ian felt this was the best option. Then if he messed up. It would be on his head. On the other hand if Don mess up he would cause a mess up. That was part of the job as a First Officer. Then Don had decided to pretend he was Ian and the situation he was in.

The Captain was not doing this to do harm but for humanity and good diplomacy.

"œI do not like it. But I can see what you are saying. . . "œ Don looked at the screen wish there was another way out of it. "œFine. You be the good boy," then he turned back to Ian. "œI want the best Security Body Guards on you. I want them be like glue on you. We will keep you lock on your life signature for emergency transport. If anything goes sour. Then I am taking my gloves off." Then Don muttered "œI keep your seat warm"¦" then he had one more thing. "œOne more thing Captain"¦try to be nice."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As the medical teams started beaming down, Jael remained where she was on the other side of the Captain's chair, the First Officer being on the other side. She honestly didn't want to go down with any one of the teams. Chiefly because, for one thing, they'd brings back too many thinkings back of the Occupation, the fact that she was born shortly after it ended, and the way Bajor was like after the Cardassians left it. For another thing, she didn't want to be within proximity of those pricks below; despite their treatment, she was certain they weren't going to be grateful or humble and will just only going back to killing each other again.

She then looked over and notice the Captain and First Officer debating protocols of the Captain's going down. She could understand Commander Addams' point of view; for the sake of the safety of the Captain, Addams was more likely to go down. But it was starting to look like it was the Captain going down.

"I don't think it matters who goes down," she said. "I've been thinking things over, and I'm going to guess right now, the Nori and the Arali, despite their treatments, they're probably only going to keep killing each other. I feel we need a more permanent solution to get them to stop killing each other. I mean, I've seen what they're like firsthand, and so have you, Commander Addams. The Nori make the Tzenkethi look like Puff the Magic Dragon. In fact, I think the Nori would get along excellently with the Tzenkethi, what with the Tzenkethi's preference toward the caste system; they don't like the Federation's all-peoples-are-equal policies, and neither do the Nori.

"I mean, have you heard, Commander Addams," she said, "how they mistook the whole away team for servants? Speaking as somebody whose home has been Earth, let alone in the Federation, since my mother defected, it's insulting. In fact, it's insulting to any member of the Federation. Which is why the Nori make the Tzenkethi look like Puff the Magic Dragon, in my view.

"Now, Captain," she continued, "if you plan on going down, I'd like to come along. Security can protect you, but you would need a counselor to advise you and to help you to keep from doing anything rash. As much as my feelings toward the Nori are, I can easily focus on ensuring your safety with words and advice while Security literally ensures your safety."

Jael may be asking a bit much, but this was the Captain, and any Captain would need a counselor to advise him. However, she was fine if she was ordered to remain on the ship. She didn't like the Nori, but her job with the Captain, and perhaps focusing on it better (she probably didn't focus more with Commander Addams earlier, given she probably didn't work around him long).

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 14, 2021, 06:48:05 PM

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Transporter Room >- Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Once she was beamed back aboard, Jael furiously muttered under her breath a series of human, Cardassian and Bajoran obscenities directed at the Nori before she exhaled to calm herself and approached Commander Addams.

"Commander, the Nori...They're despicable. No wonder the Nori and the Arali are at war with each other. I wouldn't be surprised if this was a caste war. It's just like dealing with Tzenkethi. I mean, calling humans the superior race of the Federation and the rest of us equal member races 'servants?!?' It's an insult to the Federation! I say that since Earth has been home to me, my brother and my mother since she defected..."

Taking an exhale to calm herself again, Jael added, "If it's all right, I'd rather remain aboard and on the bridge while things get under way. I feel I'm going to be more useful aboard the bridge as an advisor and counselor than down with these pricks."

Back on the bridge, Jael took her post and breathed sitting on the chair to calm herself and see what's happening as things unfolded.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 12, 2021, 06:58:05 PM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2021, 04:23:15 PM

[Grand Hall - NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

The expression on Agant's face was unreadable, but the long pause before he replied gave the distinct impression that he did not appreciate a lesser being speaking out of turn, but when he did reply, his tone was measured.

"I suppose that in your society, when all beings are considered equal, it is common for all of your members to speak in such a forthright manner. This will require some adjustment in order for the relief efforts to be successful. I further suppose that it was futile to attempt to maintain the illusion of our being anything but the minor partner in this endeavor as your scans have laid bare an uncomfortable truth, our power and transportation grids are in shambles. Even though our preference for centralized distribution makes sense to us, for people who espouse your radical ideas of equality, a decentralized process would be preferable. Based off of the critical needs of the people, I will acquiesce to your methods this time. However, going forward..."

He paused to fix Dashlish with a hard gaze.

"I am going to have all further communication regarding engineering matters go through you Commander Addams. In the interest of smoother interaction between our people."

It was obvious that the cultural clash was not settled, but, for now, the relief efforts could continue. As this was the goal of the away team, they could return to the Challenger, report, and get the convoy dispersed to begin treating the wounded and repairing the critical infrastructure of the planet. Given the need for specific interaction with the NÁ´ri Council was also past, the crew of the Challenger could start coordinating with the other ships of the convoy and the local government to begin the relief efforts immediately.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Grand Hall | NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

Jael pursed her lips even further now as Agant spoke further. She stood corrected. It wasn't like she was back on Cardassia Prime. Instead, she felt like she was dealing with Tzenkethi. She knew the Tzenkethi prided on a caste system in their culture, which was why they still had an intense hatred of the Federation, why they still raided wherever possible, they there was constant conflict.

The Tzenkethi would love to meet the Nori...before the conquered them. No wonder the Nori and the Arali are fighting each other. These were peoples with classes vying for domination over society.

She made her own thoughts clear in her own mind as she looked at Commander Addams for further orders.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 12, 2021, 09:12:33 AM
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 08, 2021, 01:15:32 PM

[Grand Hall - NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

On arriving at the NÁ´ri center of power, the first impression the away team couldn't help be see was the over the top ostentatious decor of the Grand Hall. The ornamentation was so elaborate that it actually made the Palace of Versailles on Earth seem restrained. Waiting for them were two NÁ´ri both wearing livery that matched the decor, all sashes, gold braid, and medals.

"I am Ladrew. The Internal Security Minister's Major-Domo. Welcome Lieutenant Commander Addams. Please follow me, Minister Agant is expecting you."

After a short walk, the away team entered an elegantly appointed and air conditioned briefing room. Several uniformed stewards were waiting with a selection of wines, teas, sweetmeats, and other refreshments. One thing was abundantly obvious that, even in the face of planetary catastrophe, the NÁ´rÁ® leadership apparently enjoy their comforts.

"It is pleasant to meet you in person Lieutenant Commander Addams. Please, partake of these refreshments as the Council assembles. As you are well aware of our situation regarding this unprecedented emergency, we will get right to business. Normally, you would be meeting with Prime Minister Sond, but emergency rules have temporarily superseded the normal rule of law.

"As Internal Security Minister, I normally defer to the planetary Prime Minister Sond, but the crisis has temporarily elevated me to preeminence for the duration of the emergency. I still answer to the thirteen members the Planetary Council who will be joining us shortly."

Agant paused as if he'd just noticed Addams wasn't alone and added.

"It would seem you have servants of many species present with you. I knew the Federation was large, but I didn't know you allowed such diversity of servitors to attend to your needs. Given both you and Commodore Galloway are Humans, that you are the master race of the Federation."

Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 08, 2021, 07:29:27 PM

[Nor - Arali V]

The interior was quite impressive to what Don expected. Then on the other hand he had never done a diplomatic humanity mission before. He had training at the Academy which he was above normal and that was way many years ago. Now he was going to see how that training will help. Serving and observing his mother when he was with her when be was young. There was also moments he to learn from Captain Tekin.

As Ladrew and his crew came to greet Don and his party the Lt Commander had his arms relax to the side of his body. Ladrew introduce himself Don had nodded his head. There was a slight feeling he felt he was not wanted or his party members.

"œThank you, Ladrew," Don nodded his head. He had allowed the security man to escort them to where the Minister was.

They had bountiful of food and drinks for the Starfleet party. He smiled warmly to the Minister. Then he had allowed him to speak. Don was unable to hide the fact he was a little offended when Ladrew call his team servants.

Don had sat down. "œThank you, Ladrew you have a beautiful layout," he said. Then his eyes fell on the drink with the servant waiting to see what he wanted. "œDo you have a suggestion," he asked the servant. She said the wine was a good start. Don had accepted it. When it was served he nodded his head, took the cup and took a small sip. It was a gesture of trust and not want to be a bad guest to decline a drink.

After taking test sniff, he sipped and swallowed it, placed the cup down. "œExcellent," he said.

"œAgant  at first impression we came off that way," Don paused allowed a beat to settle in. "œHowever, we are not and far from it. In Starfleet we have many free minded individual who joined to serve in Starfleet. We have over a few hundred species. Even we have a Grazerite as a President of Starfleet. I am married to one. We have great Admirals who are Andorians, Vulcans, Klingons, Ferengis, Gorns and many more. We believe in a equality and have peace among our fractions. You can see on of my Security officer is a Breen and his name is Ensign Vyrl and Petty Officer Blackfeather, our Counselor Ensign Sham is a Cardassian, as Lt Commander Dashlish is a Tellerite and our Doctor Belmont. You see we got a good mix of crew here. And they are not servants. They joined with their own free will."

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on December 08, 2021, 08:46:48 PM

[Sickbay --> Transporter Room 1 - USS Challenger]

Well, it wasn't a red alert. It was also the thing she wasn't great at, that being diplomacy. At least this time she'd be a little more competent if someone had a medical question for her. Heading to her quarters, he threw on a fresh uniform and walked to the transporter room.

[Grand Hall - Nor-Arali IV]

Lisa was...uncomfortable. Not because she was on this away mission with the new XO instead of Kyle, not because she was nervous, not because she knew next to nothing about these peoples' culture. The whole feel of this meeting was awkward to her, and she was glad Addams was handling it at present. She didn't want to be rude, but seeing as she was not the center of attention she took up Agant's offer and got herself a cup of tea. There was a flower tea, already assembled in the cup. She found some sugar cubes to add and poured hot water in. It was quite hot, so she waited to drink as she listened to the conversation to see if she was needed.

A short time later, Don was presented with some wine and the conversation started. Lisa barely noticed that she had been called a servant, since that could be totally normal in their culture. There was also such a variance in syntax that the UT didn't always pick up on, which could account for it. She was sure he didn't mean to offend though, so she continued to listen half-interestedly as they talked.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 10, 2021, 01:37:40 PM

[Grand Hall - NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

Agant listened to Don explain the Federation's egalitarian nature, first with amusement, then confusion once he realized that Don was not kidding. Agant shook his head in disbelief as he replied.

"I had no idea that an organization as powerful as the United Federation of Planets could hold such beliefs. We NÁ´ri are superior beings. Physically, mentally, morally, and culturally, but it galls me deeply that I cannot also say technologically to that list of ways in which we are a dominant species. Therefore it only stands to reason that among your members, one species would rise above to be the dominant representatives of your government.

"However, we are not hear to speak of culture, we are met to discuss relief operations. What I propose is this. Given our superior level of organization, I believe it is essential that all Federation manpower and materiel should be stockpiled at the NÁ´rÁ® capital and be further distributed from there by us.

"It is my understanding, that your Chief Medical Officer and Chief Engineer are present at this meeting. I would speak with them to begin the coordination of supply deliveries immediately."

As Agant asked this, he gaze shifted past Don to focus on Lisa and Blackfeather.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 11, 2021, 10:33:16 AM

[Grand Hall - NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

As Lisa gathered her thoughts, Dashlish could see that Agant was under the impression that Lisa and Blackfeather, as humans, must be the subject matter experts based on the NÁ´ri's assumption that humans were the dominant species in the Federation. Never one for patience or to mince words, the Tellerite spoke up.

"Minister Agant, I am Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn, the Challenger's Chief Engineer. When we arrived, we scanned your planet as we made orbit and your centralized distribution plan will not work. Our scans show your power grid and transportation network are in shambles planet wide. While we could easily beam our supplies directly to the capital, you lack the means to move those supplies to where they are needed most. I propose that we have each relief vessel establish a regional depot and triage center. That way, we could work directly with local medical and civil authorities to get the help to those in greatest need."

Tharn's words made several members of the Council gasp at what was, in NÁ´ri culture, a direct challenge to Agant.

Quote from: Vasilisa Belmont on December 11, 2021, 10:28:45 PM

[Grand Hall - Nor-Arali IV]

Lisa was rather enjoying her cup of tea. A pleasant sweetness with nutty overtones, the sugar cubes drawing the flavors together. Since she had given her attention over to enjoying the beverage, it took Lisa a moment to respond. Something about supplies? Luckily, Dashlish did a better job of voicing what their views were on how best to handle things. She watched as the Council members reacted before stating calmly, "I agree with Chief Tharn, it would mean less lives lost. Our ship does not have enough people to run all over the place retrieving causalities, we don't have the transporter capacity to beam all the critical conditions directly to us and the other relief vessels...I'd love to have a central base as well, but given the situation it would just cause unneeded stress," she finished with an awkward almost-shrug of her shoulders.

Lisa was good at being in charge, she was not good at asking to be in charge. If Agant was asking for help, shouldn't that mean he should be under the jurisdiction of the people helping him? She knew that not everyone used common sense and that these people were on their high horse and wouldn't let up easily, but did that mean she had to go against her better judgement? This doctor certainly wouldn't.

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Grand Hall | NÁ´r-AralÁ® IV]

Jael was quite surprised to find herself in a practical wonderland. And as she observed the exchanges between Landrew Agant (and she was instantly suspicious at the name; she remembered a name that sounded suspiciously similar to one Landru, a name she noticed from Federation history encountered by the cowboy James Kirk). She took in Doctor Belmont, who, judging from her body language, was missing someone in her life. She could understand that, she had seen similar behavior in various couples in practicing body language interpretation often when people watching. Her best observation came from her brother Gid, who, being a bit of a ladies' man himself, had come and gone through relationships faster than a Klingon chugging a keg of bloodwine and then enduring the hangover.

Once at the Great Hall, Jael observed the exchange between Addams, Belmont and the Nori. She pursed her lips, narrowed her eyes and practically clenched her fists when Agant referred to their away team as "servants." The only way she'd be insulted worse would be if she was referred to as a "spoonhead," a common racial slur she often heard from Bajorans who were related to Occupation Resistance fighters or from humans who were descended from veterans of the old Cardassian wars. Her Starfleet training, however, prevented her from retaliating, so she held her cool and kept on observing.

As the verbal exchanges continued, Jael found herself furrowing her brow more and more, not touching her refreshment. She was narrowing her eyes so much, her eyes were so closed, she looked as if she could've been squinting on the dayside of Mercury. Chief Dashlish' proposal wrought so many gasps, Jael was instantly suspicious. The Nori didn't like Dashlish's idea, that certainly spoke volumes.

Immediately, Jael was starting to think it was like she was back on Cardassia...if Cardassia was an immaculate and prideful civilization, rather than the prideful [spoiler]shithole [/spoiler] she and her mother came from. She was beginning to wonder if there was some kind of catch. She took a good long look at Agant to see his reaction, because if it was possible for her suspiciousness to increase tenfold, it did. She was suspecting something, a suspicious plot worthy of Elim Garak to sniff out like a bloodhound.

Season Five Missions / Re: S: 5 E: 5 - Borderline
December 07, 2021, 09:58:59 AM
Quote from: Don Damien Addams on December 06, 2021, 10:33:45 PM

[USS Challenger - deck one on Bridge]

Their Captain, Don's good friend was playing the bad cop. The first officer had placed his hands on the arm of his chair as Ian spurted out his non-diplomatic reasoning. The war on insults was evening on both sides.

When operations officer had reported that the battleship had not contact the planet. That was weird. Don was confused. Then it hit him. Captain Grippen had lied. The fellow did want to open fire and start a small battle.

Don had started to go over the ship's roster to see who will be a good ideal candidate to go on the away mission. He felt Galloway was going to order that to Don.

Dashlish and Lisa, Don had to look up the Chief of Medical officer and Chief Engineer to see their names and crew. Don had saw Vasilisa Belmont with no Lisa. Then Don saw the end of Vasilisa's name where he got the "˜Lisa' part. Then Don saw that the Chief of Enginneer had no nicknames. He sent them a message to report transporter room one.

In security that he saw Ensign Vyrl, the Breen was on recommendation for security. Lt T'Kel had herself unavailable for she was needed more on the Challenger. Second heads up in security was Petty Officer Blackfeather.

=/\= Lt. Commander Addams to Ensign Vyl and Petty Officer Blackfeather. Please report to transporter one.=/\=

Then Don stood up and turned to the female Cardassian, she was attractive looking but she comes off little ugly. Hear someone say something hateful about another crewmember makes you feel that way.

"œEnsign Shermem you will accompany us," he told her. Then he walked to the turnolift and gesture her to go first and he stepped in. "œComputer deck ten," he told the computer as the doors slid closed.

Then he turned to the Couselor. "œI am hoping you will put you feelings aside on this mission," then he waited to see she understood or she had speak her mind her mind. He was a fair officer. Allow one to speak up if they wish.

As the turblift got to deck ten the doors swoosh open and he walked down to the transporter room one. They he had waited for his team to assemble and when they are in the transported pads.

"œAll right, energize."

[Ensign Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Transporter Room | Deck One >- Deck Ten | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Jael nodded, glad she could be of help, and of more use. Her last away mission, she had nothing much to do. Hopefully she could use her skills better, especially in a diplomatic fashion. Then she remembered that Commander Addams had also asked for the Breen. She didn't like the idea of a Breen being a security escort, even if the away team needed one.

She hung onto Commander Addams' lone sentence and could see a sharp sternness. She also realized the whole irony of the situation, the irony so strong, it may as well have hit her at ramming speed. Here they were, going down to a planet divided between bitter enemies, and a part of an away team was a Cardassian and a Breen, known for having a deep animosity, if not rivalry, with each other. It seemed like trying to take a cat and a dog together in a diplomatic party to resolve a dispute between Capulets and Montagues (Jael knew Shakespeare excellently, mostly because the first play she was shown was Julius Caesar, a play which people expected a Cardassian like her to appreciate because of all the backstabbing and plotting, but like any Cardassian who has seen or actually read it, to Jael, it wasn't a gripping drama of deception and plotting; to a Cardassian, it's more of a farce).

Quote from: Vyrl on December 07, 2021, 07:29:24 AM

[USS Challenger- Transporter Room one]

He reported to the transporter room as requested. The others trickled in behind him. Petty Officer blackfeather was one of the only security personnel going on the mission. That would put Vyrl in charge of security while on the planet. As a humanitarian mission he didnt expect much resistance, but he still kept his guard up.

Jael saw the approaching team in no time at all, including the Breen. Jael nodded in appreciation, for the sake of Commander Addams, appreciation for...his?/her?/its?/whatever the hell gender a Breen was's...? protection, but her expression said otherwise. Her lips were curled and her eyes as cold as Breen Prime, so cold, if looks could kill, the Breen would've been reduced to a Breensicle.

She took her position, aware that the Breen was near, in the corner of her eye, and she awaited the beam-down.

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.